Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bro . Hoeger , who had been re-elected the Treas ., ivus also invested . All busniess ended , the lodge AVUS closed , and the brethren , numbering twenty , adjourned to the Salisbury Arms , where a pleasant evening concluded the day's proceedings . WATEOED LODGE ( NO 580 ) . —At a regular meeting held on Friday , November 30 th , in Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , there was a full attendance of members , ancl several visitors . Bro . H . C . Finch , the AV . M ., presided , ancl initiated Mr . Frederick Powell , ancl
passed Bro . J . N . York . The most interesting event of the day was the presentation of a gold snuff-box , contributed by ihe members of the lodge to the Prov . G . M . In 1843 , the AVatford Lodge presented Bro . Stuart a very handsome gold box , Bro . Geo . Francis heing then the W . M . That box Bro . Stuart had the misfortune to lose through an accident occasioned by the fall of one of his carriage-horses . The brethren felt as much annoyed as Bro . Stuart , and resolved to replace it by anotherand this was done at the
, meeting . Ifc was the wish of the meeting that Bro . Ward , the father of the lodge , should present the box , but , though present , he did not feel himself well enough to give good effect in conveying the feelings of the brethren ; andjhe therefore deputed Bro . Francis to act for him , which he did with his accustomed ease and talent . He feelingly referred to the admirable maimer in which Bro . Stuart
ruled the province , enlarged on his Masonic attainments , his attention to the duties of Masonry in general , and of the AA atford Lodge in particular ; on his affable conduct and liberality as a gentleman , and in discharge of all the kind courtesies of life , thus endearing himself as a man ancl a Mason to all who had the happiness to know him . —Bro . STUAET , who previously knew- nothing of the intended offering , in a most feeling manner thanked the brethren for this very unexpected testimonial of tbeir appreciation of the slight services
he had rendered the lodge . He could never forget that he was initiated in that lodge by the esteemed Bro . AA ard , and he assured tbe brethren that he had spent some of the happiest hours of his life among them ; and he was was compelled to say that their favours ancl benefits to him were so much above his merit , that they were even above his gratitude , if that were to be judged by words that must expiress it ; he would , therefore , only briefly say , " From my heart I thank you . " Other toastsas usualwere iven and
, , g none more warmly received than " Better Health to the Father of the Lodge , Bro . Ward ; " and a more social ancl pleasant evening was never spent . Beside those named ; the following P . M . s ivere present—Burchell Heme , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; Roarers , G . Treas . ; Humbert , Tootell , Miles , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., and Wm . Rogers . Visitors : Hanmierton , Lumley , Smith , and Watson .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) HETWOOD . —Napthali Lodge ( No . 333 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday evening , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Brunswick Hotel . The lodge being duly opened in the first degree , Mr . Simeon Lord , of Blue Pitts , was initiated into ancient Freemasonry , and Bro . Greenhalgb was elected W . M . for the year 1861 . Ihe visiting brethren were Bros . William Binns , P . M ., and Matthew AVardhaugh , both of the Lodge of Relief ( No . 50 ) . The
minutes of the preceding lodge-night having been read and confirmed , the lodge was closed , ancl the meeting declared adjourned until that clay month . Previous to parting , the brethren took refreshment together , when the usual Masonic toasts were given . — Bro . Binns proposed " The Health of Bro . H . G . AVarren , and Success to the FHEEAIASONS MAGAZINE , " which toast was received with ^ musical honours . — Bro . AVardhaugh eulogised the FEEEaiASONS MAGAZINE very warmly , and ( like Bro . Binns ); hoped the
Craft would support Bro . AVarren in his exertions to uphold an independent organ of Freemasonry , unbiased by any spirit of sectarianism or party fealings , ivhich ought never to enter into Freemasonry . —AVe are glad to learn that this lodge , since its removal from Heap Bridge , has gradually been increasing in numbers and in influence . Certainly a densely-populated place like Heywood aud its immediate vicinage ought to support a lodge ivith a hundred members , without interfering with either Rochdale or Bury , from each of which ulaces it is three miles distant .
MIDDLESEX . UXBP . IDGE . —Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —This lodge held its usual meeting for the dispatch of Masonic business on AVednesdav week . Tho members present ivere Bros . Pratt . W . 3 I .,- Newall , S . AV . ; AV . Smith , C . F ., J . AV . ; AVecdon , P . M . ; AVaimsley , Coombes , and Gurney . The visitors on the occasion were Bros . W . AVatson , G . Steward . ; Noel Henriques 32 ' St . DomingoMatt . CookeGS
, , ; , . . Carter , and Ford . The business transacted was of a formal character . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that the name of Bro . Joshua Nnnu , of the Lily Lodge , should be ' erased from the list of members of the Royal Union Lodge . The lodge being closed , tbe members and visitors ' partook of a banquet , at " which nothing but good-fellowship , mirth , and good-humour , prevailed . —Bro ,
W . Smith , C . F ., proposed the health of the visitors , ivhich was responded to by Bros . AV . AA atson and Henriques ; ancl Bro . Smith thanked the musical brethren present , Bros . Carter , Ford , Cooke , ancl Newall , for the great treat they had afforded them in suiging so many glees , part-songs , and solos . —The brethren chiefty left for London at half-past ten , highly gratified with tbe evening spent in the Royal Lbiion Lodge . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . )
BAILDON , NEAE LEEDS . — Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 . )—At a regular meeting of the above lodge , on Wednesday , November 28 fch , Bro . J . Denby , AV . M ., presiding ; F . Taylor , S . AV . ; John Walker , P . M ., as J . AV . ; AA . AV . Holmes , P . M . ; ' AVainmau Holmes , Sec ; Harry Smith , P . M ., as I . G ., & c . The minutes were read and confirmed . There being little business , tbe lodge was opened in the several degrees , and instruction given . Bro . AV . W . Holmes
proposed , on behalf of Bro . Sutcliiie , who could not be present , a gentleman from Bradford , as a fit and proper person to be made a Mason . As there are two lodges there , the Secretary was requested to ivrite to them and inquire if this person bad applied to them , or if they knew any objection to him . Unless this was perfectly clear and satisfactory , the brethren determined to act strictly according to their bye-law respecting straugers from another district where lodges are held . The next business was the election of
AV . M . for the ensuing year ; when the ballot was taken , Bro . F . Taylor , S . AV ., was duly elected . On it being announced to him by the W . M ., he replied to the compliment in suitable terms , expressive of his desire to do his duty faithfully , feeling sure-he could rely on the assistance of the P . M . in case of need in the various ceremonies of the several degrees . Bro . John AA ' alker , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Joseph AValker , P . M ., Tyler . The annual meeting was ordered to be called for AVednesdayDecember
, 19 th , at six o ' clock , when the W . M . elect will be installed . The Secretary was requested to issue invitations to both the Bradford lodges ancl the Deputy Prov . G . M . Dr . Fearnley . The lodge was closed at nine o'clock in harmony , when the brethren retired to refreshment , and the enjoyments of the evening was increased by several old Masonic soiws ancl sentiments .
Channel Islands.
JERSEV . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . SSO ) . —The reports of the proceedings of this lodge have been suspended during the last fewmouths , the business not having been marked by anything of importance , beyond the administration of the usual ' ceremonies of the second and third degrees to several candidates , which , though interesting to the individuals concerned ancl to the members , presents nothing worthy of especial record iuthe MAGAZINE . The ordinary monthly meeting for November was held on the 29 that
, the Masonic-rooms , when upwards of fifty of the brethren attended , the large number and the punctuality being no doubt attributable to the unusual importance of the subjects to be discussed . The presidential chair ivas taken by the W . M . Bro . Baudains , supported by Bro . Le Cras , P . M . ; those of Senior ancl Junior AVarden being filled by Bro . Durell , acting for Bro . Marett , and Bro . Perrot . The minutes of the last meeting ivere read and confirmed . The ballot
was taken for Mr . Philip Le Boutillier , proposed at seven days ' notice , after tbe expression of several of the brethren of their opinion of his worthiness , and was declared unanimous in his favour . He was subsequently introduced , and received the solemn rite of initiation , which AVUS admirably performed in the French language by the AV . M ., Bro . Du jardin officiating at the organ . Owing to au extraordinary of
busipressure ness , the explanation of the tracing-board was deferred , a very unusual case in this lodge , unci two brethren , who were to have been raised to the third degree , consented to waive their claim for the same reason . On the proposition of Bro . Binet , the AA ' . M . called upon Bro . Schmitt to read a report of the committee ivhich had beeu appointed to arrange the funeral proceedings of two deceased members of the loclsre , in reference to a
monument to their memory , which he gave as follows : —At a meetingof tbe committee for the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of the late Bros . Dr . Cuquemelle and John Asplet , held on Monday , 2 > lov . 19 th , Bro . Binet stated his ideas on the subject , and exemplified them by means of a model in wood , kindly prepared by Bro . Le Sueur , which was unanimously approved , and recommended for adoption . These two brethren were commissioned to confer with Sir . Pixleystatuaryand to ascertain from him the cost of
, , carrying out the proposed design . The committee met again on Monday , Nov . 26 th , to receive a communication on the subject , ivhen it was stated that the statuary had given in his estimate at about £ 22 , with ah assurance that , if on the completion of the work it should be found that a profit remained to him of only five shillings ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Hoeger , who had been re-elected the Treas ., ivus also invested . All busniess ended , the lodge AVUS closed , and the brethren , numbering twenty , adjourned to the Salisbury Arms , where a pleasant evening concluded the day's proceedings . WATEOED LODGE ( NO 580 ) . —At a regular meeting held on Friday , November 30 th , in Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , there was a full attendance of members , ancl several visitors . Bro . H . C . Finch , the AV . M ., presided , ancl initiated Mr . Frederick Powell , ancl
passed Bro . J . N . York . The most interesting event of the day was the presentation of a gold snuff-box , contributed by ihe members of the lodge to the Prov . G . M . In 1843 , the AVatford Lodge presented Bro . Stuart a very handsome gold box , Bro . Geo . Francis heing then the W . M . That box Bro . Stuart had the misfortune to lose through an accident occasioned by the fall of one of his carriage-horses . The brethren felt as much annoyed as Bro . Stuart , and resolved to replace it by anotherand this was done at the
, meeting . Ifc was the wish of the meeting that Bro . Ward , the father of the lodge , should present the box , but , though present , he did not feel himself well enough to give good effect in conveying the feelings of the brethren ; andjhe therefore deputed Bro . Francis to act for him , which he did with his accustomed ease and talent . He feelingly referred to the admirable maimer in which Bro . Stuart
ruled the province , enlarged on his Masonic attainments , his attention to the duties of Masonry in general , and of the AA atford Lodge in particular ; on his affable conduct and liberality as a gentleman , and in discharge of all the kind courtesies of life , thus endearing himself as a man ancl a Mason to all who had the happiness to know him . —Bro . STUAET , who previously knew- nothing of the intended offering , in a most feeling manner thanked the brethren for this very unexpected testimonial of tbeir appreciation of the slight services
he had rendered the lodge . He could never forget that he was initiated in that lodge by the esteemed Bro . AA ard , and he assured tbe brethren that he had spent some of the happiest hours of his life among them ; and he was was compelled to say that their favours ancl benefits to him were so much above his merit , that they were even above his gratitude , if that were to be judged by words that must expiress it ; he would , therefore , only briefly say , " From my heart I thank you . " Other toastsas usualwere iven and
, , g none more warmly received than " Better Health to the Father of the Lodge , Bro . Ward ; " and a more social ancl pleasant evening was never spent . Beside those named ; the following P . M . s ivere present—Burchell Heme , P . Prov . S . G . AA . ; Roarers , G . Treas . ; Humbert , Tootell , Miles , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., and Wm . Rogers . Visitors : Hanmierton , Lumley , Smith , and Watson .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) HETWOOD . —Napthali Lodge ( No . 333 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday evening , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Brunswick Hotel . The lodge being duly opened in the first degree , Mr . Simeon Lord , of Blue Pitts , was initiated into ancient Freemasonry , and Bro . Greenhalgb was elected W . M . for the year 1861 . Ihe visiting brethren were Bros . William Binns , P . M ., and Matthew AVardhaugh , both of the Lodge of Relief ( No . 50 ) . The
minutes of the preceding lodge-night having been read and confirmed , the lodge was closed , ancl the meeting declared adjourned until that clay month . Previous to parting , the brethren took refreshment together , when the usual Masonic toasts were given . — Bro . Binns proposed " The Health of Bro . H . G . AVarren , and Success to the FHEEAIASONS MAGAZINE , " which toast was received with ^ musical honours . — Bro . AVardhaugh eulogised the FEEEaiASONS MAGAZINE very warmly , and ( like Bro . Binns ); hoped the
Craft would support Bro . AVarren in his exertions to uphold an independent organ of Freemasonry , unbiased by any spirit of sectarianism or party fealings , ivhich ought never to enter into Freemasonry . —AVe are glad to learn that this lodge , since its removal from Heap Bridge , has gradually been increasing in numbers and in influence . Certainly a densely-populated place like Heywood aud its immediate vicinage ought to support a lodge ivith a hundred members , without interfering with either Rochdale or Bury , from each of which ulaces it is three miles distant .
MIDDLESEX . UXBP . IDGE . —Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —This lodge held its usual meeting for the dispatch of Masonic business on AVednesdav week . Tho members present ivere Bros . Pratt . W . 3 I .,- Newall , S . AV . ; AV . Smith , C . F ., J . AV . ; AVecdon , P . M . ; AVaimsley , Coombes , and Gurney . The visitors on the occasion were Bros . W . AVatson , G . Steward . ; Noel Henriques 32 ' St . DomingoMatt . CookeGS
, , ; , . . Carter , and Ford . The business transacted was of a formal character . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that the name of Bro . Joshua Nnnu , of the Lily Lodge , should be ' erased from the list of members of the Royal Union Lodge . The lodge being closed , tbe members and visitors ' partook of a banquet , at " which nothing but good-fellowship , mirth , and good-humour , prevailed . —Bro ,
W . Smith , C . F ., proposed the health of the visitors , ivhich was responded to by Bros . AV . AA atson and Henriques ; ancl Bro . Smith thanked the musical brethren present , Bros . Carter , Ford , Cooke , ancl Newall , for the great treat they had afforded them in suiging so many glees , part-songs , and solos . —The brethren chiefty left for London at half-past ten , highly gratified with tbe evening spent in the Royal Lbiion Lodge . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . )
BAILDON , NEAE LEEDS . — Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 . )—At a regular meeting of the above lodge , on Wednesday , November 28 fch , Bro . J . Denby , AV . M ., presiding ; F . Taylor , S . AV . ; John Walker , P . M ., as J . AV . ; AA . AV . Holmes , P . M . ; ' AVainmau Holmes , Sec ; Harry Smith , P . M ., as I . G ., & c . The minutes were read and confirmed . There being little business , tbe lodge was opened in the several degrees , and instruction given . Bro . AV . W . Holmes
proposed , on behalf of Bro . Sutcliiie , who could not be present , a gentleman from Bradford , as a fit and proper person to be made a Mason . As there are two lodges there , the Secretary was requested to ivrite to them and inquire if this person bad applied to them , or if they knew any objection to him . Unless this was perfectly clear and satisfactory , the brethren determined to act strictly according to their bye-law respecting straugers from another district where lodges are held . The next business was the election of
AV . M . for the ensuing year ; when the ballot was taken , Bro . F . Taylor , S . AV ., was duly elected . On it being announced to him by the W . M ., he replied to the compliment in suitable terms , expressive of his desire to do his duty faithfully , feeling sure-he could rely on the assistance of the P . M . in case of need in the various ceremonies of the several degrees . Bro . John AA ' alker , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Joseph AValker , P . M ., Tyler . The annual meeting was ordered to be called for AVednesdayDecember
, 19 th , at six o ' clock , when the W . M . elect will be installed . The Secretary was requested to issue invitations to both the Bradford lodges ancl the Deputy Prov . G . M . Dr . Fearnley . The lodge was closed at nine o'clock in harmony , when the brethren retired to refreshment , and the enjoyments of the evening was increased by several old Masonic soiws ancl sentiments .
Channel Islands.
JERSEV . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . SSO ) . —The reports of the proceedings of this lodge have been suspended during the last fewmouths , the business not having been marked by anything of importance , beyond the administration of the usual ' ceremonies of the second and third degrees to several candidates , which , though interesting to the individuals concerned ancl to the members , presents nothing worthy of especial record iuthe MAGAZINE . The ordinary monthly meeting for November was held on the 29 that
, the Masonic-rooms , when upwards of fifty of the brethren attended , the large number and the punctuality being no doubt attributable to the unusual importance of the subjects to be discussed . The presidential chair ivas taken by the W . M . Bro . Baudains , supported by Bro . Le Cras , P . M . ; those of Senior ancl Junior AVarden being filled by Bro . Durell , acting for Bro . Marett , and Bro . Perrot . The minutes of the last meeting ivere read and confirmed . The ballot
was taken for Mr . Philip Le Boutillier , proposed at seven days ' notice , after tbe expression of several of the brethren of their opinion of his worthiness , and was declared unanimous in his favour . He was subsequently introduced , and received the solemn rite of initiation , which AVUS admirably performed in the French language by the AV . M ., Bro . Du jardin officiating at the organ . Owing to au extraordinary of
busipressure ness , the explanation of the tracing-board was deferred , a very unusual case in this lodge , unci two brethren , who were to have been raised to the third degree , consented to waive their claim for the same reason . On the proposition of Bro . Binet , the AA ' . M . called upon Bro . Schmitt to read a report of the committee ivhich had beeu appointed to arrange the funeral proceedings of two deceased members of the loclsre , in reference to a
monument to their memory , which he gave as follows : —At a meetingof tbe committee for the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of the late Bros . Dr . Cuquemelle and John Asplet , held on Monday , 2 > lov . 19 th , Bro . Binet stated his ideas on the subject , and exemplified them by means of a model in wood , kindly prepared by Bro . Le Sueur , which was unanimously approved , and recommended for adoption . These two brethren were commissioned to confer with Sir . Pixleystatuaryand to ascertain from him the cost of
, , carrying out the proposed design . The committee met again on Monday , Nov . 26 th , to receive a communication on the subject , ivhen it was stated that the statuary had given in his estimate at about £ 22 , with ah assurance that , if on the completion of the work it should be found that a profit remained to him of only five shillings ,