Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the amount of defalcation is about £ 1000 . The prisoner was remanded . Rawlins is a director of the Athenceum ancl Secretary to the School of Arts in the town , and is besides well connected . The business of the Home Circuit | winter assizes bas commenced at Maidstone before Mr . Justice Byles . A shamefully large proportion of the charges for felony on the calendar stand against military men . It behoves those in authority to see to this , that its cause may be ascertained , ancl a remedy , if possible , provided . Two men
named Peter Collins ancl William Luckow were convicted of burglary , and sentenced to ten years' penal servitude , each . Thomas Bradbury , a soldier , was sentenced to be kept in penal servitude forthe term of his natural life for having set fire to several farm buildings ancl haystacks , destroying property to the i-alue of £ 2000 . Joseph Holloway and Daniel Hastings , soldiers , were convicted of robbery from the person , and sentenced to three years' penal servitude . At the Middlesex Sessions a womanwho ivas
young , convicted two sessions ago for robbery , has been brought up for judgment . It had been represented that she ivas the daughter of a Dissenting minister , and her case having been submitted to Miss Burdett Coutts , that benevolent lady undertook to make some provision for her . The judge now passed sentence of one week ' s imprisonment , at the expiry of ivhich she ivill be removed to an institution . Mr . Maude , the magistrate at Greenwich Police-court , has inflicted the full penalty of forty shillings and costs on a
person charged before him by the London and Brighton Raihvay Company with smoking in one of their carriages , and persisting so to do after having been desired to discontinue it . The British ship Clyde , 1343 tons , from Calcutta to London , with a creAV of thirty-tAvo hands , and a valuable cargo , AA'as abandoned on the 9 th of October . She hacl encountered sei'ere gales , lost her masts , aud sprung a dangerous leak , when fortunately an American vessel hove in sightancl took the crew on board . They set fire to the Clyde
, before leaving her . A large ship , called the British Merchant , ivas also totally destroyed by fire in the port of Sydney , on the 10 th of September , while loading for London . The aggregate number of patients relieved at the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Devonshiresquare , City , during the week ending December lsfc , was medical , 1104 ; surgical , 510 ; total , 1614 , of which 486 were new cases .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Tran quality , which was interrupted by some reactionary movements , has noiv been restored both at Naples and in the provinces , and Goi'ernment is proceeding in a more orderly and regular course . The Consulta , of ivhich Poerio has been appointed vice-president , met , and the explanations given by the Government bed produced a good impression on the country . The siege of Gaeta is being pushed more vigorously . On the 4 th tbe Sardinian batteries opened fire on the fortress ,
which was briskly replied to by the besieged . The Count of Syracuse died at Pisa , on the 4 th , from a sudden stroke of apoplexy . The deceased Avas uncle to Francis II ., ancl both privately and publicly tried to persuade his nephew against that cruel and tyrannous course ivhich drove his people to rebellion , and has lost him his crown , and left him only a few rods of his dominions . It appears that the circumstance of the English fieet having saluted King Alctor Emmanuel on his departure for Sicily caused great
sensation in Naples , ancl we should imagine not less at Gaeta . In a proclamation to the Sicilians , A ictor Emmanuel alludes to the fact of some of his ancestors having reigned over the island , ancl promises to establish institutions for promoting public morality , ancl to respect the privileges of the Sicilian Church . According to all accounts , both Russia and Prussia are disposed to acknowledge the
Italian kingdom . Russia , it is thought , will shortly reneiv diplomatic rotations ivith A ictor Emmanuel , and it is said she has joined England and France in urging Francis II . to give up a useless resistance . The Legislative Chamber of Luxemburg !! has adopted , almost unanimously , a bill on electoral reform . The principal feature in the measure is a modification in the property qualification , by ivhich a large increase is made in the number of electors The French have re- ied Acquapendente
. occup , Bagnara , and other tOAvns in the province of A iterbo . The Vienna official journal contradicts on authority the rumours concerning negociations for tbe cession of A enetia , and adds that , as a matter of course , there can be no question of selling a Crown land . Notwithstanding this contradiction , letters from Paris say it is reported there that the French Government is making strenuous attempts to induce Austria to treat for the cession of the said Crown land . The
Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian has assumed the command of an Austrian squadron of evolution , AVe are happy to see that a copyright treaty has been agreed on between England and Sardinia . The Roman treasury is in a bankrupt condition . Alessrs . Rothschild has made a communication to the Paris papers that the Papal Government has not yet remitted the amount of the coupon on the Roman loan due on the 1 st inst . INDIA . —The nei ' . s from India , received by the overland mail , comes down to tbe 10 th November from Bombay , and to the 2 nd
The Week.
from Calcutta . The aspect of affairs is somewhat gloomy . The proposed system for the collection of the income-tax was so obnoxious to the bazaar dealers , that they had entered into a combination to suspend all purchases of goods until the authorities should attend to their complaints . The consequence of this resolution was the complete suspension of all business in the import trade , which added to the dulness attendant on the Deivallee holidays . The cold season hacl set in with much intensitin
y Bombay , and the Baroda Railway works had been summarily suspended , the cause being kept secret by the Government , though several rumours were afloat . In the districts around Neemuch a famine ivas imminent , and at Neemuch there were but fourteen days' food left , and the people were in danger of being starved . The durbars of the district had , in consequence , prohibited the transit of provisions across the frontiers .
AMERICA . —The news from America is to the 21 st ult . The Republicans had commenced operations by holding a grancl jubilee at Mr . Lincoln's residence , on which occasion the neiv President made a very conciliatory speech . In the cabinet great differences prevailed on the secession question , and a rupture was considered probable . The latest dispatches from the South indicate that if South Caroline secedes she will be alone in the movement . The " Sew York money market was a little more cheerfulattributable to
, a conference of the various bank directors having appointed a committee to purchase two millions and a half dollars of sterling bills for the purpose of relieving the foreign exchanges . The telegraph announces the arrival of the Prince Albert at Galway , with dates from New York to the 22 nd ult . The commercial disorder arising out of the agitation for disunion by the Southern states still continuedand the PhiladelphiaAVashingtonBaltimoreand Norfolk
, , , , banks hacl suspended specie payments , and the Charleston banks hacl also partially suspended . THE COLONIES . —The intelligence brought by the mail from the Cape of Good Hope is to the 22 nd ult . The inhabitants were resuming their usual avocations , interrupted by the excitement consequent on Prince Alfred ' s visit . Trade was reviving , but the labour market was worse , and immigrants are iu want of
employment . The wine-growers have sent home a petition to the Queen complaining of the injury they are sustaining by the new commercial tariff . In addition , the vine disease hacl reappeared , and fears were entertained for the vintage . The Eastern province is agitating for separation . The news brought by the mails from the AA ' est Indies is satisfactory as respects the Aveather ancl the state of the growing crops , the latter generally presenting a promising appearance . The yellow fever prevailed iu a malignant form at
Jamaica , in which island the revival movement had commenced , and was rapidly extending . There has been a serious amount of mortality on board the British war steamer Icarus , from yellow fever . The pestilence first made its appearance Ai-hile the vessel ivas at Truxillo ; subsequently she sailed for Jamaica , where the number of deaths reported was 33 , with a still continued heavy sick-list .
To Correspondents.
PHILO . —In a week or two . MOEALIIX . —It is not our business to inquire into the moral character of every man we may accidentally meet . Musicus . —The direction of Bro . Matthew Cooke is 78 , Georgestreet , Hampstead-road . He will give you every information with regard to the music necessary to be used afc a consecration . He
does also deliver lectures upon musical and other subjects . P . S . —Not having been present upon the occasion , we cannot give an opinion . K . T . —Rumours of all kinds are afloat . AVe need scarcely say no one as yet knows . A / HO ' S AA ' . —Bro . -Stephen Barton AAllson is an architect .
M . M . —Enquire of the Grand Secretary . Office hours from ten to five . BELISAEIUS . —AVe are not going to enter into abstra ct dogmas , ivhich are sure to lend to discord . B . B . —Does our Correspondent knoiv ivhat he is ivritiug about ? If he will oblige us with the number of his lodge , we will forward
his letter to the AV . M . " THE A ' OICE OF MASONET . "—Not having seen a mi mber of this Kentucky publication for nearly three months , we shall feel obliged to any brother who can lend it to us . AVe like to [ keep " posted" in the doings of our [ cousins across the water .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the amount of defalcation is about £ 1000 . The prisoner was remanded . Rawlins is a director of the Athenceum ancl Secretary to the School of Arts in the town , and is besides well connected . The business of the Home Circuit | winter assizes bas commenced at Maidstone before Mr . Justice Byles . A shamefully large proportion of the charges for felony on the calendar stand against military men . It behoves those in authority to see to this , that its cause may be ascertained , ancl a remedy , if possible , provided . Two men
named Peter Collins ancl William Luckow were convicted of burglary , and sentenced to ten years' penal servitude , each . Thomas Bradbury , a soldier , was sentenced to be kept in penal servitude forthe term of his natural life for having set fire to several farm buildings ancl haystacks , destroying property to the i-alue of £ 2000 . Joseph Holloway and Daniel Hastings , soldiers , were convicted of robbery from the person , and sentenced to three years' penal servitude . At the Middlesex Sessions a womanwho ivas
young , convicted two sessions ago for robbery , has been brought up for judgment . It had been represented that she ivas the daughter of a Dissenting minister , and her case having been submitted to Miss Burdett Coutts , that benevolent lady undertook to make some provision for her . The judge now passed sentence of one week ' s imprisonment , at the expiry of ivhich she ivill be removed to an institution . Mr . Maude , the magistrate at Greenwich Police-court , has inflicted the full penalty of forty shillings and costs on a
person charged before him by the London and Brighton Raihvay Company with smoking in one of their carriages , and persisting so to do after having been desired to discontinue it . The British ship Clyde , 1343 tons , from Calcutta to London , with a creAV of thirty-tAvo hands , and a valuable cargo , AA'as abandoned on the 9 th of October . She hacl encountered sei'ere gales , lost her masts , aud sprung a dangerous leak , when fortunately an American vessel hove in sightancl took the crew on board . They set fire to the Clyde
, before leaving her . A large ship , called the British Merchant , ivas also totally destroyed by fire in the port of Sydney , on the 10 th of September , while loading for London . The aggregate number of patients relieved at the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Devonshiresquare , City , during the week ending December lsfc , was medical , 1104 ; surgical , 510 ; total , 1614 , of which 486 were new cases .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Tran quality , which was interrupted by some reactionary movements , has noiv been restored both at Naples and in the provinces , and Goi'ernment is proceeding in a more orderly and regular course . The Consulta , of ivhich Poerio has been appointed vice-president , met , and the explanations given by the Government bed produced a good impression on the country . The siege of Gaeta is being pushed more vigorously . On the 4 th tbe Sardinian batteries opened fire on the fortress ,
which was briskly replied to by the besieged . The Count of Syracuse died at Pisa , on the 4 th , from a sudden stroke of apoplexy . The deceased Avas uncle to Francis II ., ancl both privately and publicly tried to persuade his nephew against that cruel and tyrannous course ivhich drove his people to rebellion , and has lost him his crown , and left him only a few rods of his dominions . It appears that the circumstance of the English fieet having saluted King Alctor Emmanuel on his departure for Sicily caused great
sensation in Naples , ancl we should imagine not less at Gaeta . In a proclamation to the Sicilians , A ictor Emmanuel alludes to the fact of some of his ancestors having reigned over the island , ancl promises to establish institutions for promoting public morality , ancl to respect the privileges of the Sicilian Church . According to all accounts , both Russia and Prussia are disposed to acknowledge the
Italian kingdom . Russia , it is thought , will shortly reneiv diplomatic rotations ivith A ictor Emmanuel , and it is said she has joined England and France in urging Francis II . to give up a useless resistance . The Legislative Chamber of Luxemburg !! has adopted , almost unanimously , a bill on electoral reform . The principal feature in the measure is a modification in the property qualification , by ivhich a large increase is made in the number of electors The French have re- ied Acquapendente
. occup , Bagnara , and other tOAvns in the province of A iterbo . The Vienna official journal contradicts on authority the rumours concerning negociations for tbe cession of A enetia , and adds that , as a matter of course , there can be no question of selling a Crown land . Notwithstanding this contradiction , letters from Paris say it is reported there that the French Government is making strenuous attempts to induce Austria to treat for the cession of the said Crown land . The
Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian has assumed the command of an Austrian squadron of evolution , AVe are happy to see that a copyright treaty has been agreed on between England and Sardinia . The Roman treasury is in a bankrupt condition . Alessrs . Rothschild has made a communication to the Paris papers that the Papal Government has not yet remitted the amount of the coupon on the Roman loan due on the 1 st inst . INDIA . —The nei ' . s from India , received by the overland mail , comes down to tbe 10 th November from Bombay , and to the 2 nd
The Week.
from Calcutta . The aspect of affairs is somewhat gloomy . The proposed system for the collection of the income-tax was so obnoxious to the bazaar dealers , that they had entered into a combination to suspend all purchases of goods until the authorities should attend to their complaints . The consequence of this resolution was the complete suspension of all business in the import trade , which added to the dulness attendant on the Deivallee holidays . The cold season hacl set in with much intensitin
y Bombay , and the Baroda Railway works had been summarily suspended , the cause being kept secret by the Government , though several rumours were afloat . In the districts around Neemuch a famine ivas imminent , and at Neemuch there were but fourteen days' food left , and the people were in danger of being starved . The durbars of the district had , in consequence , prohibited the transit of provisions across the frontiers .
AMERICA . —The news from America is to the 21 st ult . The Republicans had commenced operations by holding a grancl jubilee at Mr . Lincoln's residence , on which occasion the neiv President made a very conciliatory speech . In the cabinet great differences prevailed on the secession question , and a rupture was considered probable . The latest dispatches from the South indicate that if South Caroline secedes she will be alone in the movement . The " Sew York money market was a little more cheerfulattributable to
, a conference of the various bank directors having appointed a committee to purchase two millions and a half dollars of sterling bills for the purpose of relieving the foreign exchanges . The telegraph announces the arrival of the Prince Albert at Galway , with dates from New York to the 22 nd ult . The commercial disorder arising out of the agitation for disunion by the Southern states still continuedand the PhiladelphiaAVashingtonBaltimoreand Norfolk
, , , , banks hacl suspended specie payments , and the Charleston banks hacl also partially suspended . THE COLONIES . —The intelligence brought by the mail from the Cape of Good Hope is to the 22 nd ult . The inhabitants were resuming their usual avocations , interrupted by the excitement consequent on Prince Alfred ' s visit . Trade was reviving , but the labour market was worse , and immigrants are iu want of
employment . The wine-growers have sent home a petition to the Queen complaining of the injury they are sustaining by the new commercial tariff . In addition , the vine disease hacl reappeared , and fears were entertained for the vintage . The Eastern province is agitating for separation . The news brought by the mails from the AA ' est Indies is satisfactory as respects the Aveather ancl the state of the growing crops , the latter generally presenting a promising appearance . The yellow fever prevailed iu a malignant form at
Jamaica , in which island the revival movement had commenced , and was rapidly extending . There has been a serious amount of mortality on board the British war steamer Icarus , from yellow fever . The pestilence first made its appearance Ai-hile the vessel ivas at Truxillo ; subsequently she sailed for Jamaica , where the number of deaths reported was 33 , with a still continued heavy sick-list .
To Correspondents.
PHILO . —In a week or two . MOEALIIX . —It is not our business to inquire into the moral character of every man we may accidentally meet . Musicus . —The direction of Bro . Matthew Cooke is 78 , Georgestreet , Hampstead-road . He will give you every information with regard to the music necessary to be used afc a consecration . He
does also deliver lectures upon musical and other subjects . P . S . —Not having been present upon the occasion , we cannot give an opinion . K . T . —Rumours of all kinds are afloat . AVe need scarcely say no one as yet knows . A / HO ' S AA ' . —Bro . -Stephen Barton AAllson is an architect .
M . M . —Enquire of the Grand Secretary . Office hours from ten to five . BELISAEIUS . —AVe are not going to enter into abstra ct dogmas , ivhich are sure to lend to discord . B . B . —Does our Correspondent knoiv ivhat he is ivritiug about ? If he will oblige us with the number of his lodge , we will forward
his letter to the AV . M . " THE A ' OICE OF MASONET . "—Not having seen a mi mber of this Kentucky publication for nearly three months , we shall feel obliged to any brother who can lend it to us . AVe like to [ keep " posted" in the doings of our [ cousins across the water .