Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Channel Islands.
he should most cheerfully resign the sum , whatever it might be , in favour of the lodge . The committee , duly appreciating so kind ancl conscientious a proposition , are of opinion that the offer should be accepted , and that it is desirable to make an appeal to the members in open lodge , claiming indii-idual subscriptions , with a view to complete the amount required , of which there is a considerable portion in hand , and thus avoid the necessity for drawing farther ou the funds of the lodge . The following are the items of the . cost aud of the means at present available : —
Disbursements : — Mr . Pixley ' s ivork £ 22 Purchase of two additional graves 2 £ 24 The sums in hand in liquidation of the above : — From Bro . De Cuquemelle ' s executors £ 12 Two donations 2 14
Leaviua : a deficit to be raised by private subscription of £ 10 . The model in wood of the proposed monument having been presented for inspection , Bro . Biuet , with whom the idea originated , thus carried out by Bro . Le Sueur , entered into an explanation of it , which appeared to give great satisfaction . The adoption of the report was subsequently proposed by Bro . Durell , seconded by Bro .
Manuel , and passed unanimously . At the same time ifc ii'as determined that the committee should be instructed to carry out the execution of the design now laid before the lodge . Bro . Le Cras proposed , ancl Bro . Schmitt seconded , a resolution , which met with general approi-al , that the December meeting be held on the 2 Sth instead of the 27 th , inasmuch as on the last named day Bro . Binet is to be installed as AA . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge , this adjournment beiug a marked indication of the esteem in which he
is held , as well on account of his private as of his Masonic character . Bro . Binet , much touched by this proof of fraternal regard , expressed his sense of the respect thus paid to him , and gave a warm imitation to the members of Lodge La Cesaree , to which he also belongs , to attend on the occasion , aud join the Royal Sussex Lodge at tbe annual celebration ancl banquet . The Secretary was then called upon to read a report from the building committee , which be did as follows : —The brethren appointed as a committee to take into consideration the question of the purchase of property
for the erection of a Masonic Temple met on November the 23 rd , on ivhich occasion Bro . Manuel reported that an offer bad been made of a property situated at the corner between Grove-street and Duhamel-place , belonging to the Religious Society of the Independents , ancl at present used by them as a chapel . The amount asked for it is ten quarters of wheat rentes as a fixed mortgage on the property payable on assignment , and £ 200 sterling . The committeehaving taken into consideration the information given
, by Bro . Manuel , unanimously decided , on the proposition of Bro . Du Jardin , seconded by Bro . Durell , iu virtue of the powers conferred upon them , immediately to take all the measures necessary for the purchase of the said ] property , on the terms ancl conditions stated . A lively and interesting discussion ensued after the reading of this document , in which , however , each of the speakers , animated by the importance of the subject , and the desire to avoid
everything irrelevant that might possibly interfere with perfect harmony and unanimity , spoke with brevity , and to the immediate purpose . Bro . Du Jardin moved the adoption of tbe report , with an instruction to the committee to take all steps necessary for the immediate purchase of the property , as recommended , and the appointment of Bro . Baudains , AV . M ., Bro . Le Cras , P . M ., and Bro . Le * Neveu , Sec , as trustees . Bro . Durell seconded the proposition , which was passed unanimousl . After a few remarks on the importance of
y the measure with a view- to the welfare of tbe Craft in jersey , Bro . Vickery suggested , from bis legal experience , as an advocate , that it was highly important in this island , where so many antiquated customs aud forms of law prevail , to use every precaution against future claims which might arise therefrom . He particularly alluded to the vexed question of seignorial rights , and moved that the committee be especially charged to inquire into the matter , and to enter into arrangements for their commutation , should any be
iounu to exist- ; urging that , though in his opinion they might fairly be disputed on just ancl equitable grounds , it would " be unseemly avid little in harmony with the principles of the Masonic body to be engaged in auy legal suit in the courts ; moreover , au exemption might be obtained in the first instance when effecting the purchase of tiie property , at a trifling cost , whereas , if postponed to a future time , considerable expenses ancl liabilities of an unpleasant nature would probably bo incurred . This proposition , bavins been duly seconded b
y Bro . Du Jardin , was carried . Meanwhile , plans [ for tiie internal alteration of the building , so as to render it suitable for tho purposes of the lodge , were handed round for the inspection of tbo brethren . These had been kindly prepared bv Bio . Le ' Sueur
Channel Islands.
ancl appeared to meet ivith general approbation—provision bavin been made for every necessary requirement without incurring extravagant expense , though it is probable that farther consideration may [ suggest a few changes . Some other business of minor importance was disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , highly delighted with the satisfactory proceedings of the evening ancl the new prospects which lay before them . It need hardly be said , that among the toasts it was ns * , forgotten to devote one to "The Prosperity of the proposed Masonic Temple . " H . H .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ST . JAIIES ' S UNION CHAPTER ( NO . 211 . )—The usual convocation of the Companions of this Chapter took place , on the 27 th ultimo , at the Freemasons' Tavern . The members present ivere , Comps . John Gurton , M . E . Z . ; Stacey , H . ; AA ooclstock , J . ; Matt . Cooke , Sc . E . ( pro . tern . ) ; Sedgivick , Se . N . ; Simpson , Treas . ; Cockcrrft , P . Soj . ; Newall , Ford , Donald , Jackson , Donald AA . King , Robinson , Haskins , Claisen , ancl AA . AVatson , P . Z . The visitors
were Comps . T . Allen , P . Z . 25 , ancl Collard , J . 25 , and of 49 . The business before the meeting was to elect a new Scribe E . in the room of Comp . AValkley , ivho had been obliged to relinquish those duties from failing health ; and the unanimous vote of the Chapter was in favour of Comp . Matthew Cooke , AA'IIO ivas thereupon invested , and commenced the duties of the office . —A ballot was taken for Bro . AA alter Lake Scott , which was unanimous in his favour , and who was then exalted into the Order of the HolRoyal Arch . Some
y routine business , relative to the audit of accounts , framing bye-law-, & c , having been disposed of , the Chapter was closed in ancient and solemn form , and the companions proceeded to tbe banquet . After full justice had been done to a very excellent provision by Bro . Elkington , and the cloth had been removed , the M . E . Z . gave the usual toasts incidental to Arch Masonry . These were followed by that of " The Queen and Royal Arch , " ivhich was duly responded to by all present . The M . E . Z . said , his next duty was to propose
the health of a nobleman , who ivas equally the ruler of the Craft and of Arch Masons , aud , in both capacities , distinguished for his zeal and moderation . He therefore had much pleasure in proposing "The Health of the Earl of Zetland , the Graud Z . of the Order . " After ivhich the M . E . Z . said , equally acceptable with the last toast was the one which was about to follow' , and it required no eulogiunl from him to propose the health of Lord Panmure , and Comp . Hall , respectively the Grand H . aud J . of the Order . —The M . E . Z . had a very pleasing toast to propose , that of their new- companion ; for whoever was associated with him , either in or out of the lodge , kneiv his worth , and he believed they would find him as ivorthy a
companion as he had proved himself a brother ; ancl he called upon the companions of the St . James ' s Union Chapter to drink " The Health of the newly exalted Comp . AValter Lake Scott . "Comp . SCOTT said his exaltation that night had given him a vast deal of pleasure . He keenly felt the beauty and solemnity of the reception , besides a something he ivas unable to express . It should be bis utmost endeavour to carry out the principles taught him that day for tbe first time , aud hoped to be
a companion AA-IIO woulcl bring no discredit on their favourable reception . —The M . E . Z . said the next toast was one which it was always a pleasurable duty to propose . They had two visitors that evening , both distinguished in the Craft ancl Arch Masonry . To Comp . Allen be personally owed much for the able tuition he had received from him in order to fill the chair he then occupied . Comp . Collard ivas AA-ell known , and it afforded him great pleasure to propose "The Health of their A isitorsComp . AllenP . Z . aud
, , , Comp . Collard , present J . of the Robert Burns Chapter . "—Comp . ALLEN returned bis sincere thanks for the way in ivhich the visitors' healths hacl been proposed and responded to . Of their M . E . Z . ' s proficiency the companions were the best judges ; and if they thought well of it , be hoped tbey woulcl study to imitate him . For his own part he must say that Comp . Gurton owed him little or no thanks , for he found their M . E . Z . a ready , able , and somewhat forward scholar when he undertook to give him a short
drilling . He was happy to see that their M . E . Z . presided to the entire " satisfaction of the companions —( hear , hear)—ancl his praise was heard from all quarters . For their welcome and kind wishes towards them the Chapter had their visitors' sincere thanks . —Comp . AA . AVATSON rose aud said : Companions , I have to call upon you to drink " The Health of our M . E . Z . " He is no stranger to us , nor ive to him . His distinguished energy and perseverance are not
only of the present moment , but for more than five years he has been noted as an active Mason , full of good ivorks towards Masons and Masonry ; ancl in all he has undertaken he has gone through his duties with something more than bare credit In this desres more particularly he has brought ah his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
he should most cheerfully resign the sum , whatever it might be , in favour of the lodge . The committee , duly appreciating so kind ancl conscientious a proposition , are of opinion that the offer should be accepted , and that it is desirable to make an appeal to the members in open lodge , claiming indii-idual subscriptions , with a view to complete the amount required , of which there is a considerable portion in hand , and thus avoid the necessity for drawing farther ou the funds of the lodge . The following are the items of the . cost aud of the means at present available : —
Disbursements : — Mr . Pixley ' s ivork £ 22 Purchase of two additional graves 2 £ 24 The sums in hand in liquidation of the above : — From Bro . De Cuquemelle ' s executors £ 12 Two donations 2 14
Leaviua : a deficit to be raised by private subscription of £ 10 . The model in wood of the proposed monument having been presented for inspection , Bro . Biuet , with whom the idea originated , thus carried out by Bro . Le Sueur , entered into an explanation of it , which appeared to give great satisfaction . The adoption of the report was subsequently proposed by Bro . Durell , seconded by Bro .
Manuel , and passed unanimously . At the same time ifc ii'as determined that the committee should be instructed to carry out the execution of the design now laid before the lodge . Bro . Le Cras proposed , ancl Bro . Schmitt seconded , a resolution , which met with general approi-al , that the December meeting be held on the 2 Sth instead of the 27 th , inasmuch as on the last named day Bro . Binet is to be installed as AA . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge , this adjournment beiug a marked indication of the esteem in which he
is held , as well on account of his private as of his Masonic character . Bro . Binet , much touched by this proof of fraternal regard , expressed his sense of the respect thus paid to him , and gave a warm imitation to the members of Lodge La Cesaree , to which he also belongs , to attend on the occasion , aud join the Royal Sussex Lodge at tbe annual celebration ancl banquet . The Secretary was then called upon to read a report from the building committee , which be did as follows : —The brethren appointed as a committee to take into consideration the question of the purchase of property
for the erection of a Masonic Temple met on November the 23 rd , on ivhich occasion Bro . Manuel reported that an offer bad been made of a property situated at the corner between Grove-street and Duhamel-place , belonging to the Religious Society of the Independents , ancl at present used by them as a chapel . The amount asked for it is ten quarters of wheat rentes as a fixed mortgage on the property payable on assignment , and £ 200 sterling . The committeehaving taken into consideration the information given
, by Bro . Manuel , unanimously decided , on the proposition of Bro . Du Jardin , seconded by Bro . Durell , iu virtue of the powers conferred upon them , immediately to take all the measures necessary for the purchase of the said ] property , on the terms ancl conditions stated . A lively and interesting discussion ensued after the reading of this document , in which , however , each of the speakers , animated by the importance of the subject , and the desire to avoid
everything irrelevant that might possibly interfere with perfect harmony and unanimity , spoke with brevity , and to the immediate purpose . Bro . Du Jardin moved the adoption of tbe report , with an instruction to the committee to take all steps necessary for the immediate purchase of the property , as recommended , and the appointment of Bro . Baudains , AV . M ., Bro . Le Cras , P . M ., and Bro . Le * Neveu , Sec , as trustees . Bro . Durell seconded the proposition , which was passed unanimousl . After a few remarks on the importance of
y the measure with a view- to the welfare of tbe Craft in jersey , Bro . Vickery suggested , from bis legal experience , as an advocate , that it was highly important in this island , where so many antiquated customs aud forms of law prevail , to use every precaution against future claims which might arise therefrom . He particularly alluded to the vexed question of seignorial rights , and moved that the committee be especially charged to inquire into the matter , and to enter into arrangements for their commutation , should any be
iounu to exist- ; urging that , though in his opinion they might fairly be disputed on just ancl equitable grounds , it would " be unseemly avid little in harmony with the principles of the Masonic body to be engaged in auy legal suit in the courts ; moreover , au exemption might be obtained in the first instance when effecting the purchase of tiie property , at a trifling cost , whereas , if postponed to a future time , considerable expenses ancl liabilities of an unpleasant nature would probably bo incurred . This proposition , bavins been duly seconded b
y Bro . Du Jardin , was carried . Meanwhile , plans [ for tiie internal alteration of the building , so as to render it suitable for tho purposes of the lodge , were handed round for the inspection of tbo brethren . These had been kindly prepared bv Bio . Le ' Sueur
Channel Islands.
ancl appeared to meet ivith general approbation—provision bavin been made for every necessary requirement without incurring extravagant expense , though it is probable that farther consideration may [ suggest a few changes . Some other business of minor importance was disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , highly delighted with the satisfactory proceedings of the evening ancl the new prospects which lay before them . It need hardly be said , that among the toasts it was ns * , forgotten to devote one to "The Prosperity of the proposed Masonic Temple . " H . H .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ST . JAIIES ' S UNION CHAPTER ( NO . 211 . )—The usual convocation of the Companions of this Chapter took place , on the 27 th ultimo , at the Freemasons' Tavern . The members present ivere , Comps . John Gurton , M . E . Z . ; Stacey , H . ; AA ooclstock , J . ; Matt . Cooke , Sc . E . ( pro . tern . ) ; Sedgivick , Se . N . ; Simpson , Treas . ; Cockcrrft , P . Soj . ; Newall , Ford , Donald , Jackson , Donald AA . King , Robinson , Haskins , Claisen , ancl AA . AVatson , P . Z . The visitors
were Comps . T . Allen , P . Z . 25 , ancl Collard , J . 25 , and of 49 . The business before the meeting was to elect a new Scribe E . in the room of Comp . AValkley , ivho had been obliged to relinquish those duties from failing health ; and the unanimous vote of the Chapter was in favour of Comp . Matthew Cooke , AA'IIO ivas thereupon invested , and commenced the duties of the office . —A ballot was taken for Bro . AA alter Lake Scott , which was unanimous in his favour , and who was then exalted into the Order of the HolRoyal Arch . Some
y routine business , relative to the audit of accounts , framing bye-law-, & c , having been disposed of , the Chapter was closed in ancient and solemn form , and the companions proceeded to tbe banquet . After full justice had been done to a very excellent provision by Bro . Elkington , and the cloth had been removed , the M . E . Z . gave the usual toasts incidental to Arch Masonry . These were followed by that of " The Queen and Royal Arch , " ivhich was duly responded to by all present . The M . E . Z . said , his next duty was to propose
the health of a nobleman , who ivas equally the ruler of the Craft and of Arch Masons , aud , in both capacities , distinguished for his zeal and moderation . He therefore had much pleasure in proposing "The Health of the Earl of Zetland , the Graud Z . of the Order . " After ivhich the M . E . Z . said , equally acceptable with the last toast was the one which was about to follow' , and it required no eulogiunl from him to propose the health of Lord Panmure , and Comp . Hall , respectively the Grand H . aud J . of the Order . —The M . E . Z . had a very pleasing toast to propose , that of their new- companion ; for whoever was associated with him , either in or out of the lodge , kneiv his worth , and he believed they would find him as ivorthy a
companion as he had proved himself a brother ; ancl he called upon the companions of the St . James ' s Union Chapter to drink " The Health of the newly exalted Comp . AValter Lake Scott . "Comp . SCOTT said his exaltation that night had given him a vast deal of pleasure . He keenly felt the beauty and solemnity of the reception , besides a something he ivas unable to express . It should be bis utmost endeavour to carry out the principles taught him that day for tbe first time , aud hoped to be
a companion AA-IIO woulcl bring no discredit on their favourable reception . —The M . E . Z . said the next toast was one which it was always a pleasurable duty to propose . They had two visitors that evening , both distinguished in the Craft ancl Arch Masonry . To Comp . Allen be personally owed much for the able tuition he had received from him in order to fill the chair he then occupied . Comp . Collard ivas AA-ell known , and it afforded him great pleasure to propose "The Health of their A isitorsComp . AllenP . Z . aud
, , , Comp . Collard , present J . of the Robert Burns Chapter . "—Comp . ALLEN returned bis sincere thanks for the way in ivhich the visitors' healths hacl been proposed and responded to . Of their M . E . Z . ' s proficiency the companions were the best judges ; and if they thought well of it , be hoped tbey woulcl study to imitate him . For his own part he must say that Comp . Gurton owed him little or no thanks , for he found their M . E . Z . a ready , able , and somewhat forward scholar when he undertook to give him a short
drilling . He was happy to see that their M . E . Z . presided to the entire " satisfaction of the companions —( hear , hear)—ancl his praise was heard from all quarters . For their welcome and kind wishes towards them the Chapter had their visitors' sincere thanks . —Comp . AA . AVATSON rose aud said : Companions , I have to call upon you to drink " The Health of our M . E . Z . " He is no stranger to us , nor ive to him . His distinguished energy and perseverance are not
only of the present moment , but for more than five years he has been noted as an active Mason , full of good ivorks towards Masons and Masonry ; ancl in all he has undertaken he has gone through his duties with something more than bare credit In this desres more particularly he has brought ah his