Article FREEMASONRY AMONG THE JEWS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry Among The Jews.
they employed ; but scarcely one of them escaped the avenging dagger . It found the treacherous heart in the inner chamber of the king ' s palace , as well as at the foot of the altar in the cathedral ; his life was forfeited ; there was no spot on this globe where he could flee to , and no cave where he could hide himself ; the invisible arm of " vengeance " reached him everywhere .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE SINE WORTHIES . What did a brother mean by sa 3 * ing , " If the old Athol honour of the Nine Worthies could be revived he ( mentioning a certain brother ) deserves it ? " —Ex . Ex . LODGE CONSECEATION . What lodge was that , as I have heard say , where they seasoned it with salt , after the corn , wine , and oil?—A CoUNTBY BEOTILEE .
DOCUMENTS OE GUSTAVUS III . Gusfcavus III , King of Sweden , left some chests full of MSS . to the University of TJpsala ; these were to be opened after fifty years had elapsed , AA'hich expired in 1842 , and amongst which were four packets relati \ 'e to Freemasonry . The King of SAveden sent them to the lodge in Stockholm . Can any one inform the Querist what lodge this was , and if
any list or catalogue of the contents of these parcels have been made public ?—VICTOIEE . BEO . SIE WILLIAM WOODS , KNT . What offices did the late Bro . Sir William Woods , formerly Garter King at Arms , hold in the Craft ?—CEOSS PATEE . — [ G . S . D ., and G . Dir . of Cers . ] THE LATE KES OE IIANOVEE .
Was the late King of Hanover , the Duke of Cumberland , a Mason ?—TITO . —[ Yes ; initiated 11 th May at Lord Moira ' s private residence ; attended the grand feast on the same day , was presented AA'ith the jewel of , and took rank as , a Past Master . ]
IEISH HIGH GKADES . Will some High Grade Mason of Ireland favour me by giving the order under which the degrees are ranged , from tbe third to the thirty-third , both inclusive ? I ana tempted to ask this , being told that the Knight Templar degree is the twelfth of that series , and that tbe Avhole of the degrees differ from those of the Ancient and Accepted , or Scotch rite—Ex . Ex .
BE 0 FESSOE W . E . AYT 0 UN . Is Professor Aytoun a Mason , or is it some one of the same name who bears Masonic repute in Scotland?—ELTON . —[ It is the Professor Avho is a brother . ] STANDARD OE THE KNIGHTS Of MALTA . It has been repeatedly stated that the Gi-and Standard of the Knights of Malta is deposited in the ToAver of London ,
as well as two field-pieces which belonged to the Order . Wbo bas seen them , and in what room are they?—GEN . MASONIC LIPE ASSURANCE AND SAVINGS' BANK . When Avas the Masonic Life Assurance and Savings' Bank Avound up , and Avho Avere its principal agents ?—H . F . BEO . BOSENBEEG ' S CHABT . Where can I meet Avith a of BroBosenberg ' s Chart
copy . of Free-Masonry ?—L . A . C . GRAND MASTEES OE THE TEMPLAES . At Avhat date does the list of Grand Masters of the Order of the Temple commence , and whore may it be seen ?—? £ < FRA . —[ A . D . 1118 . Consult Statuta CommiMtonwii Urdinis Tcmpli . There are many editions of this Avork . ]
EAELY FEENCH LODGES . It is possible to obtain any account of the early French Lodges . ?—VICTOIEE . —[ Yes ; consult Tableau Alpliabetiqiie des Loges constituees on reconstitutees pay le G . 0 . de France , depuis sa fondation jusqy ' cn 1776 , 22 pages , 4 to . Paris , 1776 . ] EAITH AND FIDELITY ENCAMPMENT . When was the Faith and Fidelity Encampment organised ? It is frequentlmentioned as one of the firstbut I do not
y ; trace the name very far back . —A YOUNG KNT . —[ The Faith and Fidelity was called the Early Grand Encampment . It changed its * name about 1838 . ] WHITNEY AND BOXNOE . Who were Bros . Whitney and Bonnor , and what were their offences , that they had to stand Masonic trials?—LEGIS .
BEO . OLE BULL . Is there any biography published of Bro . Ole Bull , ivho , some few years ago visited this country as a distinguished violinist?—F . D . MASONIC SONG WANTED . Some years ago I heard a brother sing a song , in which a young lady expressed her anxiety to be wedded to a Mason . Does any one know it ?—J . B . N . —[ We presume our correspondent means the following , written by a young lady .
Of your hearts to take care , now , ladies , prepare ; Be silent ! I'll tell you the reason ; Sly Cupid , they say , as the most certain way To conquer the fair , is made Mason . The music you hear , will ravish your ear ; Your eye ivill be pleased past expression ; But think on the smart that follows the dart
, When thrown by the band of a Mason . The nymph may pretend her heart to defend ; But let her from me take a lesson : She ' s surely undone , though her heart were of stone , It will melt at one glance from a Mason . By the apron and glove Cupid reigns God ol love ;
His empire to deny is now treason ; Then I humbly agree , soon married to be , And answer each call of my Mason . Heaven prosper the youth for honour ancl truth And secresy fam'd by all nations ; I'll ne ' er be asham'd nor fear to be blam'd , While I write in the praise of Free Masons .
The above is taken from the Bury Book of Songs , entitled The Freemasons' Melody . " ] ' OEIGIN OF THE EED-HOT POKEE . Does any one know the origin of the red-hot poker , or as some term it , gridiron , being applied by the outer world to the making of Masons ? There must be a story , or legend , connected with ifc , for there is hardly any popular tale , however absurd , but ivhat has some grain of truth as a basis?—Ex . Ex .
SYMBOLISM SYMBOLISED . [ The author you quote from was an amiable enthusiast ; but not a safe guide in such momentous matters . We could not print your query Avithout exposing ourselves to the chance of a fierce paper war , having no result for good iu it . To you personally Ave advise a course of healthy reading , and not to suffer yourself to be led aivay by the dreams of kind-heartedlearned AvriterAvho has mounted a
any , , peculiar hobby of his oivn . To shoiv you how logic can twist a certain event into a myth , or vice versa , read Archbishop Whateley's Historic Doubts , in Avhich he proA'es that no such men as Napoleon , or the Duke of Wellington , ever existed . ]
DISSENTING MINISTERS . Can any brother inform me if any of our Dissenting Ministers are Masons?—W . M . FEENCH LODGES . Is there any lodge in London ivorked in the French language?—W . M . —[ Yes , Lodge La Tolerance , No . 781 . ] ANCIENT M . S . " Whereupon the King ( Athelstan ) caused a roll or book
to be made , Avhich declared how this science Avas first invented , afterwards preserved and augmented , with the utility and true intent thereof , which roll or book he commanded to be read and plainly recited Avhen a man was to be made a Freemason . " " MS . 1600 . [ In reference to the above , Dr . Bawlinson , upwards of 120 years ago , adds , " One of these rolls I have seen in the possession of Mr .
Baker , a carpenter in Moorfields . ] QUEEY . Is anything knoivn of the early history of the MS . preparing for the press by Bro . Cook ? It iA-ould appear to be the identical one alluded to by Dr . E ., Mrs . Caroline Baker , from whom the British Museum purchased the MS ., beingdoubtless a descendant of this Mr . Baker . —A
NEWSTEAD LODGE , NO . 53 . This lodce ( ivhich Avas establishedin 1753 ) , must have some reason forlts name , and it may be presumed that some of the Bvron family have beeu Masons . Can this be so?—ALEX . " E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry Among The Jews.
they employed ; but scarcely one of them escaped the avenging dagger . It found the treacherous heart in the inner chamber of the king ' s palace , as well as at the foot of the altar in the cathedral ; his life was forfeited ; there was no spot on this globe where he could flee to , and no cave where he could hide himself ; the invisible arm of " vengeance " reached him everywhere .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE SINE WORTHIES . What did a brother mean by sa 3 * ing , " If the old Athol honour of the Nine Worthies could be revived he ( mentioning a certain brother ) deserves it ? " —Ex . Ex . LODGE CONSECEATION . What lodge was that , as I have heard say , where they seasoned it with salt , after the corn , wine , and oil?—A CoUNTBY BEOTILEE .
DOCUMENTS OE GUSTAVUS III . Gusfcavus III , King of Sweden , left some chests full of MSS . to the University of TJpsala ; these were to be opened after fifty years had elapsed , AA'hich expired in 1842 , and amongst which were four packets relati \ 'e to Freemasonry . The King of SAveden sent them to the lodge in Stockholm . Can any one inform the Querist what lodge this was , and if
any list or catalogue of the contents of these parcels have been made public ?—VICTOIEE . BEO . SIE WILLIAM WOODS , KNT . What offices did the late Bro . Sir William Woods , formerly Garter King at Arms , hold in the Craft ?—CEOSS PATEE . — [ G . S . D ., and G . Dir . of Cers . ] THE LATE KES OE IIANOVEE .
Was the late King of Hanover , the Duke of Cumberland , a Mason ?—TITO . —[ Yes ; initiated 11 th May at Lord Moira ' s private residence ; attended the grand feast on the same day , was presented AA'ith the jewel of , and took rank as , a Past Master . ]
IEISH HIGH GKADES . Will some High Grade Mason of Ireland favour me by giving the order under which the degrees are ranged , from tbe third to the thirty-third , both inclusive ? I ana tempted to ask this , being told that the Knight Templar degree is the twelfth of that series , and that tbe Avhole of the degrees differ from those of the Ancient and Accepted , or Scotch rite—Ex . Ex .
BE 0 FESSOE W . E . AYT 0 UN . Is Professor Aytoun a Mason , or is it some one of the same name who bears Masonic repute in Scotland?—ELTON . —[ It is the Professor Avho is a brother . ] STANDARD OE THE KNIGHTS Of MALTA . It has been repeatedly stated that the Gi-and Standard of the Knights of Malta is deposited in the ToAver of London ,
as well as two field-pieces which belonged to the Order . Wbo bas seen them , and in what room are they?—GEN . MASONIC LIPE ASSURANCE AND SAVINGS' BANK . When Avas the Masonic Life Assurance and Savings' Bank Avound up , and Avho Avere its principal agents ?—H . F . BEO . BOSENBEEG ' S CHABT . Where can I meet Avith a of BroBosenberg ' s Chart
copy . of Free-Masonry ?—L . A . C . GRAND MASTEES OE THE TEMPLAES . At Avhat date does the list of Grand Masters of the Order of the Temple commence , and whore may it be seen ?—? £ < FRA . —[ A . D . 1118 . Consult Statuta CommiMtonwii Urdinis Tcmpli . There are many editions of this Avork . ]
EAELY FEENCH LODGES . It is possible to obtain any account of the early French Lodges . ?—VICTOIEE . —[ Yes ; consult Tableau Alpliabetiqiie des Loges constituees on reconstitutees pay le G . 0 . de France , depuis sa fondation jusqy ' cn 1776 , 22 pages , 4 to . Paris , 1776 . ] EAITH AND FIDELITY ENCAMPMENT . When was the Faith and Fidelity Encampment organised ? It is frequentlmentioned as one of the firstbut I do not
y ; trace the name very far back . —A YOUNG KNT . —[ The Faith and Fidelity was called the Early Grand Encampment . It changed its * name about 1838 . ] WHITNEY AND BOXNOE . Who were Bros . Whitney and Bonnor , and what were their offences , that they had to stand Masonic trials?—LEGIS .
BEO . OLE BULL . Is there any biography published of Bro . Ole Bull , ivho , some few years ago visited this country as a distinguished violinist?—F . D . MASONIC SONG WANTED . Some years ago I heard a brother sing a song , in which a young lady expressed her anxiety to be wedded to a Mason . Does any one know it ?—J . B . N . —[ We presume our correspondent means the following , written by a young lady .
Of your hearts to take care , now , ladies , prepare ; Be silent ! I'll tell you the reason ; Sly Cupid , they say , as the most certain way To conquer the fair , is made Mason . The music you hear , will ravish your ear ; Your eye ivill be pleased past expression ; But think on the smart that follows the dart
, When thrown by the band of a Mason . The nymph may pretend her heart to defend ; But let her from me take a lesson : She ' s surely undone , though her heart were of stone , It will melt at one glance from a Mason . By the apron and glove Cupid reigns God ol love ;
His empire to deny is now treason ; Then I humbly agree , soon married to be , And answer each call of my Mason . Heaven prosper the youth for honour ancl truth And secresy fam'd by all nations ; I'll ne ' er be asham'd nor fear to be blam'd , While I write in the praise of Free Masons .
The above is taken from the Bury Book of Songs , entitled The Freemasons' Melody . " ] ' OEIGIN OF THE EED-HOT POKEE . Does any one know the origin of the red-hot poker , or as some term it , gridiron , being applied by the outer world to the making of Masons ? There must be a story , or legend , connected with ifc , for there is hardly any popular tale , however absurd , but ivhat has some grain of truth as a basis?—Ex . Ex .
SYMBOLISM SYMBOLISED . [ The author you quote from was an amiable enthusiast ; but not a safe guide in such momentous matters . We could not print your query Avithout exposing ourselves to the chance of a fierce paper war , having no result for good iu it . To you personally Ave advise a course of healthy reading , and not to suffer yourself to be led aivay by the dreams of kind-heartedlearned AvriterAvho has mounted a
any , , peculiar hobby of his oivn . To shoiv you how logic can twist a certain event into a myth , or vice versa , read Archbishop Whateley's Historic Doubts , in Avhich he proA'es that no such men as Napoleon , or the Duke of Wellington , ever existed . ]
DISSENTING MINISTERS . Can any brother inform me if any of our Dissenting Ministers are Masons?—W . M . FEENCH LODGES . Is there any lodge in London ivorked in the French language?—W . M . —[ Yes , Lodge La Tolerance , No . 781 . ] ANCIENT M . S . " Whereupon the King ( Athelstan ) caused a roll or book
to be made , Avhich declared how this science Avas first invented , afterwards preserved and augmented , with the utility and true intent thereof , which roll or book he commanded to be read and plainly recited Avhen a man was to be made a Freemason . " " MS . 1600 . [ In reference to the above , Dr . Bawlinson , upwards of 120 years ago , adds , " One of these rolls I have seen in the possession of Mr .
Baker , a carpenter in Moorfields . ] QUEEY . Is anything knoivn of the early history of the MS . preparing for the press by Bro . Cook ? It iA-ould appear to be the identical one alluded to by Dr . E ., Mrs . Caroline Baker , from whom the British Museum purchased the MS ., beingdoubtless a descendant of this Mr . Baker . —A
NEWSTEAD LODGE , NO . 53 . This lodce ( ivhich Avas establishedin 1753 ) , must have some reason forlts name , and it may be presumed that some of the Bvron family have beeu Masons . Can this be so?—ALEX . " E .