Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS KNIGHTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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matter of agreeable surprise to find that energetic statesman , in the face of his heavy official duties , still devoting so much time towards the promotion of the welfare of Freemasonry . In proposing " The Health of the Right AA ' orshipful Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Bowyer , " Bro . Alderman Spiers referred to the great services rendered to the cause of
Freemasonry by tho Prov . G . M ., and stated that during the time ( we believe ten years ) tho province had been under his charge , Freemasonry had made most rapid advances within his jurisdiction . Bro . Spiers dwelt upon the interest taken by the Prov . G . M . in the various lodges in the province , as evidenced by his periodically personally visiting them , and he believed that to
this circumstance Avas to be attributed , to a great extent , the prosperous state of the province . The value of the labours of the Prov . G . M . was enhanced , owing to the many calls upon his time and services in his capacity of master of the hounds , his connection with the volunteers , & c . The toast of "The Visitors" AA-as responded to by several
important brethren from the lodges of various other provinces . In proposing tlie toast of the " Provincial Grand Ofiicers , past and present , " the R . W . Prov . G . passed a well merited eulogium upon Bro . Alderman Spiers , the Dep . Prov . G . M ., and stated that too much praise could not be bestowed upon him for the Avay in which everything in the province was conducted , and
that the brethren were indebted to Bro . Spiers for his having , by his zealous and indefatigable labours , done so much to render the provincial festivals of this year a great success . The toast of "The Churchill Lodge" Avas responded to by
Bros . Spencer-Stanhope , Martin , and others . The toast of " The Entered Apprentices" was replied to in most feeling , appropriate , and highly creditable terms by the Brother Initiates . The toast of "The Masonic Charities" Avas responded to by Bro . Binckes , ivith more than his usual powerful eloquence . The enjoyment of the banquet was greatly enhanced by a
bountiful supply of champagne , contributed by the Prov . G . M . Avith his usual generosity . The dessert , wines , & c , Avere in every respect worthy of the banquet , and great credit is due to the Clarendon Hotel Company , and to their obliging manageress , Miss Smith , for the perfect and most successful manner in which fche entire arrangements , even to the minutest detail ,
Avere studied and carried oufc . Ifc is scarcely necessary to add that with such professional talent as Avas brought to bear by Bros . Dyson , Marriott , and AVhitehouse , and by the distinguished amateur Bro . Gumbleton , of Ch . Ch ., the musical portion of the proceedings Avas of a very high character , and thoroughly enjoyed . In addition to
the above pieces , at the unanimous Avish of the company , Bro . Dyson gave , in his most charming and effective style , Longfellow ' s beautiful song , "Excelsior , " and Bro . Marriott sung the old and popular ballad , " Sally in our alley , " with chaste but telling effect . The Prov . G . M . presided Avith his usual ability and unaffected eloquence , and under his chairmanship a most agreeable evening Avas spent , and one Avhich Avill long be remembered by all who had the good fortune to be present .
Royal Arch.
ROSE OE DENMARK ( No . 975 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Barnes , Surrey , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . Among tho Companions present were , Comps . R . W . Little , M . E . Z . ; Hubbard , 11 . ; Terry , J . ; Brett , P . Z . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; Pendlebury , P . S . ; Powell , 1 st . Assist . ; and Page , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; Tumor , Dir . of Cers . ; E . Goodale , H .
Royal Arch.
Goodale , AA'hite , Squire , Peters , AA ' illcox , Long , and Green . Visitors : Comps . J . S . States , P . Z . 534 and 742 ; C . P . Payne , J . 177 ; and Crabb . The chapter having been duly opened , and the minutes confirmed , Bro . AVilshiu of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 331 , was introduced , and exalted to this supreme degree , the ceremony being rendered by tho various ofiicers in a most correct and impressive manner . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to a capital banquet provided by
Host AA'illcox , whose name is so favourably known iu connection with aquatic sports . After tho removal of the cloth , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the M . E . Z . proposed " The newly-exalted Comp . T . Wilshin , " and then " The A'isitors , " expatiating on the great interest evinced by Comp . States , in everything appertaining to the Order , and the esteem in which Comp . Payne , of the Domatic Chapter , was deservedly held by all who know him . A cordial reception having been accorded
to this toast , Comp . States , in an able speech , returned thanks and expressed the great pleasure he had experienced in witnessing the work in the chapter , as although he had visited many chapters , he had never seen it surpassed . Comp . Brett , P . Z . then nroposed " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " and eAilogised the
manner in which Comp . Little had performed his several duties . The M . E . Z . having responded , proposed " The Second and Third Principals , " and said lie Avas highly gratified to find that he was so well supported by those important officers who wero both so efficient thafc he hardly knew which deserved the greatest credit . Comp . Hubbard , H ., briefly responded , and "The Healths of Comps . Brett and Buss , P . Z . 's , " followed . Tho M . E . Z . alluded particularly to tho services rendered by Comp . Brett in the
formation of the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , of which he was tho president , and the M . E . Z . further advised the companions present to pay the new chapter a visit at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , Avhere the meetings were held every Tuesday evening , afc seven o ' clock . Comp . Brett replied in an effective speech , and urged the companions generally to support the attempt now being made to diffuse the genuine working of
the R . A . degree ; he thanked the M . E . Z . for his assistance in forwarding the good work , and there were several other companions present AVIIO had rendered valuable aid . Comps . Pendlebury , P . 3 ., and Turner , Dir . of Cers ., responded ably for the officers ; and the Janitor ' s toast concluded the proceedings of the evening , to the enjoyment of Avhich Comps . Wilshin , Peters , and Green , materially contributed by several excellent songs .
Red Cross Knights.
ORIGINAL , OE PREMIER , CONCLAVE OP ENGLAND . The anniversary assembly of this ancient and distinguished conclave Avas held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Wednesday , the 30 th ult . The conclave was duly opened by Sir Knt . J . G . Marsh , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . G . Powell , A ' . E . ; AA ' . II . Hubbard , G . Treas . ; It . AA' . Little , G . R . ; II . G . Buss , G . Almoner ; G . II . Oliver , AV . Turner , C . B . Payne , J . TerryA'iceroys ; AV . DoddR . GurneyII . J . AA ' . Thompson
, , , , and others ; and the minutes having been duly confirmed , ballots were severally and favourably taken for the following candidates , viz ., Bro . F . M . AA'illiams , M . P . ; S . E . Clarke , M . E . C . S . ; J . S . Charlton , C . Burmoister , T . Wescombe , B . P . Todd , G . S . States , and G . II . Green , also for Sir Knts . Sucker , Margerison , and Graham as joining members . The following brethren being in attendance Avere then regularly admitted ,
received and installed as Knights of tbe Order , viz ., The Rev . J . M . A aughan , Dr . S . E . Clarke , J . S . Charlton , T . Wescombe , and B . P . Todd . The beautiful ceremony Avas rendered in a most efficient manner by the M . P . S . and his officers , more especially by Sir Knt . Terry , Avho kindly acted as H . P ., and delivered most impressively the historical oration ofthe Order . The following are the officers for the ensuing year : —Sir Knt . T . Cubitt , S . G . ; R . Gurney , J . G . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , II .
Prelate ; AA' . H . Hubbard , Treas . ; R . W . Little , Recorder ; F . C . Sacker , Prefect ; Dr . S . E . Clarke , Standard Bearer ; J . S . Charlton , Herald ; and J . Gilbert , Sentinel . It ivas then unanimously resolved " That the members of this conclave desire to express their deep sense of the loss which the Order has sustained by the lamented decease of theM . I . G . S ., the venerable Sir Knt . AA ' m . Henry White , who for a period of nearly 60 years was a valued and esteemed member of the original conclave in which he was enthroned as Sovereign on the 13 th March , 1809 : " a . id this resolution was ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
matter of agreeable surprise to find that energetic statesman , in the face of his heavy official duties , still devoting so much time towards the promotion of the welfare of Freemasonry . In proposing " The Health of the Right AA ' orshipful Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Bowyer , " Bro . Alderman Spiers referred to the great services rendered to the cause of
Freemasonry by tho Prov . G . M ., and stated that during the time ( we believe ten years ) tho province had been under his charge , Freemasonry had made most rapid advances within his jurisdiction . Bro . Spiers dwelt upon the interest taken by the Prov . G . M . in the various lodges in the province , as evidenced by his periodically personally visiting them , and he believed that to
this circumstance Avas to be attributed , to a great extent , the prosperous state of the province . The value of the labours of the Prov . G . M . was enhanced , owing to the many calls upon his time and services in his capacity of master of the hounds , his connection with the volunteers , & c . The toast of "The Visitors" AA-as responded to by several
important brethren from the lodges of various other provinces . In proposing tlie toast of the " Provincial Grand Ofiicers , past and present , " the R . W . Prov . G . passed a well merited eulogium upon Bro . Alderman Spiers , the Dep . Prov . G . M ., and stated that too much praise could not be bestowed upon him for the Avay in which everything in the province was conducted , and
that the brethren were indebted to Bro . Spiers for his having , by his zealous and indefatigable labours , done so much to render the provincial festivals of this year a great success . The toast of "The Churchill Lodge" Avas responded to by
Bros . Spencer-Stanhope , Martin , and others . The toast of " The Entered Apprentices" was replied to in most feeling , appropriate , and highly creditable terms by the Brother Initiates . The toast of "The Masonic Charities" Avas responded to by Bro . Binckes , ivith more than his usual powerful eloquence . The enjoyment of the banquet was greatly enhanced by a
bountiful supply of champagne , contributed by the Prov . G . M . Avith his usual generosity . The dessert , wines , & c , Avere in every respect worthy of the banquet , and great credit is due to the Clarendon Hotel Company , and to their obliging manageress , Miss Smith , for the perfect and most successful manner in which fche entire arrangements , even to the minutest detail ,
Avere studied and carried oufc . Ifc is scarcely necessary to add that with such professional talent as Avas brought to bear by Bros . Dyson , Marriott , and AVhitehouse , and by the distinguished amateur Bro . Gumbleton , of Ch . Ch ., the musical portion of the proceedings Avas of a very high character , and thoroughly enjoyed . In addition to
the above pieces , at the unanimous Avish of the company , Bro . Dyson gave , in his most charming and effective style , Longfellow ' s beautiful song , "Excelsior , " and Bro . Marriott sung the old and popular ballad , " Sally in our alley , " with chaste but telling effect . The Prov . G . M . presided Avith his usual ability and unaffected eloquence , and under his chairmanship a most agreeable evening Avas spent , and one Avhich Avill long be remembered by all who had the good fortune to be present .
Royal Arch.
ROSE OE DENMARK ( No . 975 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the AVhite Hart Tavern , Barnes , Surrey , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . Among tho Companions present were , Comps . R . W . Little , M . E . Z . ; Hubbard , 11 . ; Terry , J . ; Brett , P . Z . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; Pendlebury , P . S . ; Powell , 1 st . Assist . ; and Page , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; Tumor , Dir . of Cers . ; E . Goodale , H .
Royal Arch.
Goodale , AA'hite , Squire , Peters , AA ' illcox , Long , and Green . Visitors : Comps . J . S . States , P . Z . 534 and 742 ; C . P . Payne , J . 177 ; and Crabb . The chapter having been duly opened , and the minutes confirmed , Bro . AVilshiu of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 331 , was introduced , and exalted to this supreme degree , the ceremony being rendered by tho various ofiicers in a most correct and impressive manner . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to a capital banquet provided by
Host AA'illcox , whose name is so favourably known iu connection with aquatic sports . After tho removal of the cloth , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the M . E . Z . proposed " The newly-exalted Comp . T . Wilshin , " and then " The A'isitors , " expatiating on the great interest evinced by Comp . States , in everything appertaining to the Order , and the esteem in which Comp . Payne , of the Domatic Chapter , was deservedly held by all who know him . A cordial reception having been accorded
to this toast , Comp . States , in an able speech , returned thanks and expressed the great pleasure he had experienced in witnessing the work in the chapter , as although he had visited many chapters , he had never seen it surpassed . Comp . Brett , P . Z . then nroposed " The Health of the M . E . Z ., " and eAilogised the
manner in which Comp . Little had performed his several duties . The M . E . Z . having responded , proposed " The Second and Third Principals , " and said lie Avas highly gratified to find that he was so well supported by those important officers who wero both so efficient thafc he hardly knew which deserved the greatest credit . Comp . Hubbard , H ., briefly responded , and "The Healths of Comps . Brett and Buss , P . Z . 's , " followed . Tho M . E . Z . alluded particularly to tho services rendered by Comp . Brett in the
formation of the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , of which he was tho president , and the M . E . Z . further advised the companions present to pay the new chapter a visit at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , Avhere the meetings were held every Tuesday evening , afc seven o ' clock . Comp . Brett replied in an effective speech , and urged the companions generally to support the attempt now being made to diffuse the genuine working of
the R . A . degree ; he thanked the M . E . Z . for his assistance in forwarding the good work , and there were several other companions present AVIIO had rendered valuable aid . Comps . Pendlebury , P . 3 ., and Turner , Dir . of Cers ., responded ably for the officers ; and the Janitor ' s toast concluded the proceedings of the evening , to the enjoyment of Avhich Comps . Wilshin , Peters , and Green , materially contributed by several excellent songs .
Red Cross Knights.
ORIGINAL , OE PREMIER , CONCLAVE OP ENGLAND . The anniversary assembly of this ancient and distinguished conclave Avas held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Wednesday , the 30 th ult . The conclave was duly opened by Sir Knt . J . G . Marsh , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . G . Powell , A ' . E . ; AA ' . II . Hubbard , G . Treas . ; It . AA' . Little , G . R . ; II . G . Buss , G . Almoner ; G . II . Oliver , AV . Turner , C . B . Payne , J . TerryA'iceroys ; AV . DoddR . GurneyII . J . AA ' . Thompson
, , , , and others ; and the minutes having been duly confirmed , ballots were severally and favourably taken for the following candidates , viz ., Bro . F . M . AA'illiams , M . P . ; S . E . Clarke , M . E . C . S . ; J . S . Charlton , C . Burmoister , T . Wescombe , B . P . Todd , G . S . States , and G . II . Green , also for Sir Knts . Sucker , Margerison , and Graham as joining members . The following brethren being in attendance Avere then regularly admitted ,
received and installed as Knights of tbe Order , viz ., The Rev . J . M . A aughan , Dr . S . E . Clarke , J . S . Charlton , T . Wescombe , and B . P . Todd . The beautiful ceremony Avas rendered in a most efficient manner by the M . P . S . and his officers , more especially by Sir Knt . Terry , Avho kindly acted as H . P ., and delivered most impressively the historical oration ofthe Order . The following are the officers for the ensuing year : —Sir Knt . T . Cubitt , S . G . ; R . Gurney , J . G . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , II .
Prelate ; AA' . H . Hubbard , Treas . ; R . W . Little , Recorder ; F . C . Sacker , Prefect ; Dr . S . E . Clarke , Standard Bearer ; J . S . Charlton , Herald ; and J . Gilbert , Sentinel . It ivas then unanimously resolved " That the members of this conclave desire to express their deep sense of the loss which the Order has sustained by the lamented decease of theM . I . G . S ., the venerable Sir Knt . AA ' m . Henry White , who for a period of nearly 60 years was a valued and esteemed member of the original conclave in which he was enthroned as Sovereign on the 13 th March , 1809 : " a . id this resolution was ordered to be entered on the minutes .