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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressee ! to the EDITOR , at So . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW POSTAL A RRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of October the new postal arrangement came into operation , hy which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-half , of | which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the MAGAZINE will thus be
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following be the terms of subscription : —Oue year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . Od . ; single numbers by post , 3 £ d . "We hope that by thus giving the aelvautage to our subscribers thoy will , iu return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become subscribers . Anticipating a large increase iu our circulation , arrangements are in progress for special new features in the MAGAZINE .
ROVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOR BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION " , 1870 . —The votes and interest of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Harry Tappolet , aged nine years , son of Bro . Richard Tappolet , who died of pneumonia in March , 1 SG 1 , leaving a widow and eight children , two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient income for
their support . Bro . Richard Tappolet was initiated in the lodge of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , in 186-1 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 102 ) ; was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member of the Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all the Masonic Charities until his death . Tlie case is strongly recommended by many eminent brethren . Proxies will be thankfully received hy the widow , IS , Culford-road , lvingslaud .
ROVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POK BOYS , OCTOEEE . ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Robert Gurton , born Sth April , 1863 . His father , the late Bro . John Gurton , was a wholesale wine merchant in NortbuiubcTland-sireet , Strand , and died October 23 rd , 1 SG 7 , after a short and severe illness , at tho age of 44 , caused by distress of mind through failure in business ,
leaving a widow and four children totally unprovided for . The widow died very suddenly in the following January . The eldest son is in a situation , the second and third sons are in the Licensed Victuallers' . School , and the Candidate is being supported by a Brother Mason , who is entirely unconnected with the family . The ease is well known aud strongly recommended by
the R . W " . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , and a large number of brethren whose names will be found in our advertising columns . VOTES ofthe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys are requested on behalf Alfred Nutt , of Leicester , which should be forwarded to Bro , George Toller , jun ., Provincial Grand Secretary of Leicestershire , Freemasons' Hall , Leicester .
ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —The support of tho subscribers is earnestl y solicited on behalf of George James Fitzwator , aged nine years , whoso father , Bro . Charles Filzwator , was initiated into Masonry in tho Ranela"h Lodge ( No . 834 ) , iu 1 SG 1 , and was a builder and contractor , Having suffered many heavy losses , becanio bankrupt in 1 SGG his wife died in March , 1 SG 9 , leaving eight children ; ho has since broken up his homo , and is unable to give them an oeluca-
Masonic Mems.
tion . Tho easo is strongly recommended by tho W . M ., officers ancl brethren of tho Ranolagb . Lodge ( No . 834 ) . Proxies will bo thankfully received by tho father , Chas . Fitzwator , 7 , Addison-stroot , Notting-hill . THE ROBERT BURNS LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( NO . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , anel now meets every Friday
evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , at halfpast seven o'clock . Attention is called to the report of the first meeting of the Prudent Brethren Chapter of Improvement , held at Freemasons ' Hall , which bids far to assume the same rank in the Royal Arch , degree as the Emulation Lodge of Improvement has shown in
the Craft . A Loelge of Instruction under the sanction of the warrant of the St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 , will be held at Bro . Hayward's , the Gem Tavern and Hotel , High Street , Wapping , every Monday evening , and that at tho first meeting on Monday , tho 24 th inst ., at seven o ' clock , the ceremony of Consecration
ancl Installation will be performed by the TV . Bro . James Brett , G . P ., when all brethren aro invitee ! to attend . Bro . Thomas S . Mortloel :, P . M . 186 , has kindly consented to act as Preceptor far a time . Several lodge and chapter reports stand over till next week .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland. Installation Of Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales As Grand Patron Of Scottish Freemasonry.
On Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was installed as Grand Patron of tho Freemasons of Scotland . The Freemasons' Hall , in Edinburgh , was speciallyfitted up for the occasion , and a large number of members of the Grand Lodge were assembled . The Grand Master Mason of Scotland , the Right Hon . Earl Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B .,
having announced the purpose for which the Lodge had been constituted , the Prince of Wales was introduced , aud was received with great enthusiasm . Tlie Most Worshipful Grand Master then said : —Brethren;—It is my duty to announce to you , and I do it with the highest satisfaction , that our Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ,
Duke of Rothesay , and Great Steward of Scotland , has condescended to accept the offer which we laid before him , and to become the Patron of the Scottish Craft . Our Royal Brother has done us the honour to attend here to-dav , iu order to be
installed into that dignified position , and I beg now , Sir , that you will permit me to conduct you to the altar , where I can administer to you the obligation . His Royal Highness the Princo of Wales was now conducted from the platform to to the centre of the Hall by the Most Worshipful Grand Master , Rt . Hon . Earl Dalhousie ;
the R . W-D . G . Master , Rt . Hon . Earl Rosfyn ; the R . W . Bro . J . Whyte Melville , P . G . M . ; and the R . W . Bro . Henry Inglis , Substitute Grand Master ; where he was formally installed and invested with the insignia of office . The Most Worshipful Grand Master here addressed His Royal Highness in the following terms : —Most Illustrious Sir and
Brother ,- —The Grand Lodge of Scotland , through the unworthy hands of me , the Grand Master , have now installed you as the Patron of Masonry , not . only in Scotland , but of Scottish Masonry throughout the world . In the name of that ancient and distinguished body , I have to thank your Royal Highness for the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressee ! to the EDITOR , at So . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW POSTAL A RRANGEMENT . —On the 1 st of October the new postal arrangement came into operation , hy which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-half , of | which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers who pay one year in advance will receive the MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the MAGAZINE will thus be
reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following be the terms of subscription : —Oue year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . Od . ; single numbers by post , 3 £ d . "We hope that by thus giving the aelvautage to our subscribers thoy will , iu return , use their best endeavours to increase our circulation , by inducing their friends to become subscribers . Anticipating a large increase iu our circulation , arrangements are in progress for special new features in the MAGAZINE .
ROVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOR BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION " , 1870 . —The votes and interest of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Harry Tappolet , aged nine years , son of Bro . Richard Tappolet , who died of pneumonia in March , 1 SG 1 , leaving a widow and eight children , two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient income for
their support . Bro . Richard Tappolet was initiated in the lodge of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , in 186-1 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge ( No . 102 ) ; was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member of the Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all the Masonic Charities until his death . Tlie case is strongly recommended by many eminent brethren . Proxies will be thankfully received hy the widow , IS , Culford-road , lvingslaud .
ROVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POK BOYS , OCTOEEE . ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Robert Gurton , born Sth April , 1863 . His father , the late Bro . John Gurton , was a wholesale wine merchant in NortbuiubcTland-sireet , Strand , and died October 23 rd , 1 SG 7 , after a short and severe illness , at tho age of 44 , caused by distress of mind through failure in business ,
leaving a widow and four children totally unprovided for . The widow died very suddenly in the following January . The eldest son is in a situation , the second and third sons are in the Licensed Victuallers' . School , and the Candidate is being supported by a Brother Mason , who is entirely unconnected with the family . The ease is well known aud strongly recommended by
the R . W " . Bro . Col . Francis Burdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , and a large number of brethren whose names will be found in our advertising columns . VOTES ofthe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys are requested on behalf Alfred Nutt , of Leicester , which should be forwarded to Bro , George Toller , jun ., Provincial Grand Secretary of Leicestershire , Freemasons' Hall , Leicester .
ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR BOYS . —OCTOBER ELECTION . —The support of tho subscribers is earnestl y solicited on behalf of George James Fitzwator , aged nine years , whoso father , Bro . Charles Filzwator , was initiated into Masonry in tho Ranela"h Lodge ( No . 834 ) , iu 1 SG 1 , and was a builder and contractor , Having suffered many heavy losses , becanio bankrupt in 1 SGG his wife died in March , 1 SG 9 , leaving eight children ; ho has since broken up his homo , and is unable to give them an oeluca-
Masonic Mems.
tion . Tho easo is strongly recommended by tho W . M ., officers ancl brethren of tho Ranolagb . Lodge ( No . 834 ) . Proxies will bo thankfully received by tho father , Chas . Fitzwator , 7 , Addison-stroot , Notting-hill . THE ROBERT BURNS LODGE OE INSTRUCTION ( NO . 25 ) , has commenced its winter session , anel now meets every Friday
evening at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , at halfpast seven o'clock . Attention is called to the report of the first meeting of the Prudent Brethren Chapter of Improvement , held at Freemasons ' Hall , which bids far to assume the same rank in the Royal Arch , degree as the Emulation Lodge of Improvement has shown in
the Craft . A Loelge of Instruction under the sanction of the warrant of the St . John of Wapping Lodge , No . 1306 , will be held at Bro . Hayward's , the Gem Tavern and Hotel , High Street , Wapping , every Monday evening , and that at tho first meeting on Monday , tho 24 th inst ., at seven o ' clock , the ceremony of Consecration
ancl Installation will be performed by the TV . Bro . James Brett , G . P ., when all brethren aro invitee ! to attend . Bro . Thomas S . Mortloel :, P . M . 186 , has kindly consented to act as Preceptor far a time . Several lodge and chapter reports stand over till next week .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland. Installation Of Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales As Grand Patron Of Scottish Freemasonry.
On Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was installed as Grand Patron of tho Freemasons of Scotland . The Freemasons' Hall , in Edinburgh , was speciallyfitted up for the occasion , and a large number of members of the Grand Lodge were assembled . The Grand Master Mason of Scotland , the Right Hon . Earl Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B .,
having announced the purpose for which the Lodge had been constituted , the Prince of Wales was introduced , aud was received with great enthusiasm . Tlie Most Worshipful Grand Master then said : —Brethren;—It is my duty to announce to you , and I do it with the highest satisfaction , that our Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ,
Duke of Rothesay , and Great Steward of Scotland , has condescended to accept the offer which we laid before him , and to become the Patron of the Scottish Craft . Our Royal Brother has done us the honour to attend here to-dav , iu order to be
installed into that dignified position , and I beg now , Sir , that you will permit me to conduct you to the altar , where I can administer to you the obligation . His Royal Highness the Princo of Wales was now conducted from the platform to to the centre of the Hall by the Most Worshipful Grand Master , Rt . Hon . Earl Dalhousie ;
the R . W-D . G . Master , Rt . Hon . Earl Rosfyn ; the R . W . Bro . J . Whyte Melville , P . G . M . ; and the R . W . Bro . Henry Inglis , Substitute Grand Master ; where he was formally installed and invested with the insignia of office . The Most Worshipful Grand Master here addressed His Royal Highness in the following terms : —Most Illustrious Sir and
Brother ,- —The Grand Lodge of Scotland , through the unworthy hands of me , the Grand Master , have now installed you as the Patron of Masonry , not . only in Scotland , but of Scottish Masonry throughout the world . In the name of that ancient and distinguished body , I have to thank your Royal Highness for the