Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Virtues" being one ofthe Lodges which he had consecrated , he took an especial interest in its welfare , and would only be too happy to have the pleasure of installing the present S W . into the chair of K . S . when occasion required . Bro . Ratliffe next proposed in an able speech the Masonic Charities , in the cause of which he urged upon the brethren the necessity of supporting these , drawing particular attention to the Boys' School , and was hihlleasecl to hear the notice of motion given by Bro . P . M .
gy p Whale . He was proud to be iu a position to say that the " Four Cardinal Virtues " was oue ofthe three Lodges in this province , which could boast of its W . M . being a Vice-President , and that although it was not the first to attain to that honour , it even possesses more votes than any other Lodge in the province . He again volunteered his services as a Steward at the next March Festivaland hoped the Brethren would exert themselves as
, they had done on previous occasions . The Prov . G . M . ably responded . The health of the Visitors , the Initiate , and tho Officers of the Lodge were proposed and duly honoured and responded to , finishing up with the Tyler's toast . The Brethren dispersed about half-past ten , after a most successful meeting .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodg e ( No . 710 . )—The annual meeting for the installation of W . M . and investment of Officers of this lodge was held at the Masouic Room , on Thursday the Gth inst . at 2 p . m . After the close of the chapter business , Bro . Capt . Bridges , P . M ; , P . G . S . B . of England ; and D . G . M . for Somerset , presided as Installing Master , aud amongst the brethren present were the following : J . Pridham , W . M . ; W . Cummings , W . M .
elect ; Rev . J . Pomering , P . M . ; Dr . Owen , P . M . ; R . Watson , P . M . ; J . Heath , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; Marks , P . M ; G . Heath , P . M . ; Kellock , P . M . ; J . Haines , the Worshipful the Mayor of Totnes ; Capt . Keddell ; P . M . ; Rev . R . Bowelen , P . M ., 328 , P . P-G . C ; G . Glanfield , W . M . 328 , P . P . G . S . D . ; Bros . Fowler Chuelley , Presswell , B . irtlett , } lowse , Miner , TV . H . Sebniclfc J . Chudleigh , Middleton , Taylor , Adams , Stafford , etc . The , lodge was opened hy Bro . Pridham up to the second degree ,
when Bro . Bridges took the chair , and installed the W . M . elect according to ancient form , who after receiving homage from the bretliren , proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follows : —J . Pridham , I . P . M . ; A . B . Niner , S . W . ; Stafford , J . W . ; W . H . de Schmidt , S . D . ; G . M . Fowle , J . D . ; Colven , I . G . ; Taylor , Org . ; Crocker , Tyler . The audit committee presented their report , by which it appears the finances of tlie lodge are in a satisfactory position , there being between £ 70 End £ 80 iu hand after all obligations has been discharged . At the close of the lodge business , the brethren adjourned to the Seven Stars Hotel , where a most excellent dinner was provided
by Bro . J . Heath . The W . M . presided , the S . W . occupyingthe Vice-President ' s chair ; there were eleven P . M ' s present , besides brethren from other , lodges , who are always greeted most cordially by the members of the Pleiades Lodge . After the removal of the cloth , tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in appropriate speeches . Bro . Bridges was most warmly thanked for having come all the way from Bridgwater to instal the W . M ., and that worthy Brother
responded in an excellent address , in which he recalled circumstances that had happened thirteen years since , when he opened the Lodge Pleiades , of which he was the originator . Speeches were also made by many of the brethren , and the party broke up early after a most agreeble day . Bro . Taylor efficiently presided at the harmonium , both in lodge and banqueting ball . DEVON . —Sincerity Lodge ( No . 189 ) . —A regular meeting of the lodge was held in St . George's Hall , East Stonehouse , on
Monday , 10 th inst . There , were present : —Bros . Balkwill , I . P . M ., as W . M ., pro . tern . ; Bayly , P . M . ; Rodd , P . M . ; Rae , P . M ., Secretary ; Trickett , P . M . ; B . Roberts , S . W . ; Coffin , J . W . ; Coates , S . D ., pro . tem . ; Bissett , J . D . ; Hatchings , I . G . ; and W . B . Dampncy , W . M . of No . 1071 . Three visitors were present . Mr . George Man , M . D ., and Mr . Allreet Latimer , were initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The Secretary was directed to write letters of sympathy ancl condolence to the widow of a deceased brother , and to tlie mother of a deceased brother lost in the Captain . A candidate was proposed for initiation . The business ended , the lodge was closed
KENT . CANTERBURY . —United Industrious Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —The first meeting of the Brethren of this Lodge after the summer vacation was held at the Lodge Room , in High Street , on Thursday last .
The Lodge was attended by a large number of its members , and among the visitors were some of tho officers of the 19 th Hussars at present stationed in our barracks , and some of the brethren of the Ashforcl Lodge . After the minutes ofthe previous Lodge had been read and confirmed , Bro . John R . Hall was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year in a very impressive manner , according to ancient custom bBroJohn HemeryPMin the
y . , .., presence of a Board of Installed Masters , numbering thirteen members , among whom were several past and present ~ Provincial Grand Officers , including the P . G . Treas ., Bro . Thorpe . After the ceremony the Lodge was resumed in the first degree , when Bros . Austen , Gardner , W . Davej ' , J . G . Hall , R . Strand , H . M . Bigglestoue , and W . F . Pringuer , were appointed S . W ., J . W . ' , S . D ., J . D ., LG , and Tyler respectively . Some other business transacted
was , and the Lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer . The customary annual banquet , which was well served up , took place in the evening at Bro . Coppin's Rose Hotel , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the Chair , and duly honoured by the Brethren present . The toasts ofthe Prov . G . M . and his officers was responded to b y BroJ Thorpe , who expressed himself much pleased at the manner in which the of the Lod
working ge was conducted , and the cordial reception they had met with . That ofthe W . M . was given by Bro . Callaway in a truly fraternal manner , and in responding the W . M . said that he was a very young mason , four ancl a-half years only having elapsed since his initiation ; yet , with the aid of those old members of the Lodge , Bros . Del ' mar , and Pout , who were always readto ive their kind assistance and advice
y g , he trusted be should be able to direct and rule the Lodge in such a manner , that when his year of office should have expired , the brethren would have no reason to regret the high honour they had paid him in electing him to the chair of such a well-known Lodge as that of the " United and Industrious ( No . 31 ) . Some other toasts having been given , and responded to , the W . M . vacated tlie chair , and the party broke up .
FOREST HILL . — West Kent Lodge . — The members of the newly-established lodge met at Forest Hill Hotel , on Saturday , Sth inst ., being an emergency meeting called for the purpose of parsing Bros . John Allen and William Genseric-Kent , who , being present , were duly admitted to the degree of Fellow Craft . The ballot was taken for one brother as a joining member , and one gentleman was proposed for initiation .
LANCASHIRE , ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . By command of Bro . Sir Thomas George Ferraor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . of the Western Division of Lancashire , the annual provincial Grand Lodge meeting of this Province was held yesterday in the Town Hall , Southport . The gathering of bretliren from different parts of the province
was unusually large—nearly 300 being present—showing that the interest in the Craft , instead of diminishing , continues to increase in every part of the Province . A large number of brethren _ from the lodges in Liverpool started from Exchange station , and a considerable increase was made to the first etachment by the arrival of an additional number at a later hour . As a whole , the meeting in point of numbers was considered bveterans
, even y , one of the most successful gatherings in connection with this province , and one likely to add largely to the prestige of the Craft in this and other parts of tho country . Besides the R . W . Prov . G . M ., and other officers of Prov . Grand Lodge and others present were—Bros , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmorsdale , D . Prov . G . M . ; H . TV . Schneider , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . H . G . VernonProvGCJames HomerProvGTThomas
, . .. ; , . .. ; Wyllie , Prov . G . R . ; C . Sherlock , P . Prov . G . R . ; U . S . Alpass , Prov . G ., Sec . ; A . C . Mott , Prov . S . G . D . ; H . B . White , Proe . J G . D . ; J . D . Moore , Prov . G . S . of Works ; R . TVylie , Prov . G . D . of C . ; T . Marsh , A . Prov . G . D . of C . ; Samuel Ibbs , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Skeaf , Prov . G . O . ; TV . Laidlaw , Prov . G . Pur .: Capt . I . T . Bourne , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; H . Holbrook , D . D . G . M ., British Columbia ; Col . Birchall , P . Prov . G . J . TV . ; T . Armstrong , P . Prov . G . J . D .: J .
Molineux , P . Prov . G . O . ; J . B , Lambert , P . Prov . G . S ., East Lancashire ; F . Binckes , P . G . Steward of Eng . ; Bros . Broadbridge , Pickering , Rowson , and Fowler . Amongst the more prominent bretliren present from the different lodges in the province were Bros . T . Jones , W . M . 590 ; J . Cobbam , W . M . 24 . 1 ; J . Atherton , W . M . 1032 ; J . Sellar , W . M . 220 ; W . Smith , W . M . 314 ; J . Hatch , W . M . 281 ; J . Worsley , W , M . 333 ; S-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Virtues" being one ofthe Lodges which he had consecrated , he took an especial interest in its welfare , and would only be too happy to have the pleasure of installing the present S W . into the chair of K . S . when occasion required . Bro . Ratliffe next proposed in an able speech the Masonic Charities , in the cause of which he urged upon the brethren the necessity of supporting these , drawing particular attention to the Boys' School , and was hihlleasecl to hear the notice of motion given by Bro . P . M .
gy p Whale . He was proud to be iu a position to say that the " Four Cardinal Virtues " was oue ofthe three Lodges in this province , which could boast of its W . M . being a Vice-President , and that although it was not the first to attain to that honour , it even possesses more votes than any other Lodge in the province . He again volunteered his services as a Steward at the next March Festivaland hoped the Brethren would exert themselves as
, they had done on previous occasions . The Prov . G . M . ably responded . The health of the Visitors , the Initiate , and tho Officers of the Lodge were proposed and duly honoured and responded to , finishing up with the Tyler's toast . The Brethren dispersed about half-past ten , after a most successful meeting .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodg e ( No . 710 . )—The annual meeting for the installation of W . M . and investment of Officers of this lodge was held at the Masouic Room , on Thursday the Gth inst . at 2 p . m . After the close of the chapter business , Bro . Capt . Bridges , P . M ; , P . G . S . B . of England ; and D . G . M . for Somerset , presided as Installing Master , aud amongst the brethren present were the following : J . Pridham , W . M . ; W . Cummings , W . M .
elect ; Rev . J . Pomering , P . M . ; Dr . Owen , P . M . ; R . Watson , P . M . ; J . Heath , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D . ; Marks , P . M ; G . Heath , P . M . ; Kellock , P . M . ; J . Haines , the Worshipful the Mayor of Totnes ; Capt . Keddell ; P . M . ; Rev . R . Bowelen , P . M ., 328 , P . P-G . C ; G . Glanfield , W . M . 328 , P . P . G . S . D . ; Bros . Fowler Chuelley , Presswell , B . irtlett , } lowse , Miner , TV . H . Sebniclfc J . Chudleigh , Middleton , Taylor , Adams , Stafford , etc . The , lodge was opened hy Bro . Pridham up to the second degree ,
when Bro . Bridges took the chair , and installed the W . M . elect according to ancient form , who after receiving homage from the bretliren , proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follows : —J . Pridham , I . P . M . ; A . B . Niner , S . W . ; Stafford , J . W . ; W . H . de Schmidt , S . D . ; G . M . Fowle , J . D . ; Colven , I . G . ; Taylor , Org . ; Crocker , Tyler . The audit committee presented their report , by which it appears the finances of tlie lodge are in a satisfactory position , there being between £ 70 End £ 80 iu hand after all obligations has been discharged . At the close of the lodge business , the brethren adjourned to the Seven Stars Hotel , where a most excellent dinner was provided
by Bro . J . Heath . The W . M . presided , the S . W . occupyingthe Vice-President ' s chair ; there were eleven P . M ' s present , besides brethren from other , lodges , who are always greeted most cordially by the members of the Pleiades Lodge . After the removal of the cloth , tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in appropriate speeches . Bro . Bridges was most warmly thanked for having come all the way from Bridgwater to instal the W . M ., and that worthy Brother
responded in an excellent address , in which he recalled circumstances that had happened thirteen years since , when he opened the Lodge Pleiades , of which he was the originator . Speeches were also made by many of the brethren , and the party broke up early after a most agreeble day . Bro . Taylor efficiently presided at the harmonium , both in lodge and banqueting ball . DEVON . —Sincerity Lodge ( No . 189 ) . —A regular meeting of the lodge was held in St . George's Hall , East Stonehouse , on
Monday , 10 th inst . There , were present : —Bros . Balkwill , I . P . M ., as W . M ., pro . tern . ; Bayly , P . M . ; Rodd , P . M . ; Rae , P . M ., Secretary ; Trickett , P . M . ; B . Roberts , S . W . ; Coffin , J . W . ; Coates , S . D ., pro . tem . ; Bissett , J . D . ; Hatchings , I . G . ; and W . B . Dampncy , W . M . of No . 1071 . Three visitors were present . Mr . George Man , M . D ., and Mr . Allreet Latimer , were initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The Secretary was directed to write letters of sympathy ancl condolence to the widow of a deceased brother , and to tlie mother of a deceased brother lost in the Captain . A candidate was proposed for initiation . The business ended , the lodge was closed
KENT . CANTERBURY . —United Industrious Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —The first meeting of the Brethren of this Lodge after the summer vacation was held at the Lodge Room , in High Street , on Thursday last .
The Lodge was attended by a large number of its members , and among the visitors were some of tho officers of the 19 th Hussars at present stationed in our barracks , and some of the brethren of the Ashforcl Lodge . After the minutes ofthe previous Lodge had been read and confirmed , Bro . John R . Hall was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year in a very impressive manner , according to ancient custom bBroJohn HemeryPMin the
y . , .., presence of a Board of Installed Masters , numbering thirteen members , among whom were several past and present ~ Provincial Grand Officers , including the P . G . Treas ., Bro . Thorpe . After the ceremony the Lodge was resumed in the first degree , when Bros . Austen , Gardner , W . Davej ' , J . G . Hall , R . Strand , H . M . Bigglestoue , and W . F . Pringuer , were appointed S . W ., J . W . ' , S . D ., J . D ., LG , and Tyler respectively . Some other business transacted
was , and the Lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer . The customary annual banquet , which was well served up , took place in the evening at Bro . Coppin's Rose Hotel , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the Chair , and duly honoured by the Brethren present . The toasts ofthe Prov . G . M . and his officers was responded to b y BroJ Thorpe , who expressed himself much pleased at the manner in which the of the Lod
working ge was conducted , and the cordial reception they had met with . That ofthe W . M . was given by Bro . Callaway in a truly fraternal manner , and in responding the W . M . said that he was a very young mason , four ancl a-half years only having elapsed since his initiation ; yet , with the aid of those old members of the Lodge , Bros . Del ' mar , and Pout , who were always readto ive their kind assistance and advice
y g , he trusted be should be able to direct and rule the Lodge in such a manner , that when his year of office should have expired , the brethren would have no reason to regret the high honour they had paid him in electing him to the chair of such a well-known Lodge as that of the " United and Industrious ( No . 31 ) . Some other toasts having been given , and responded to , the W . M . vacated tlie chair , and the party broke up .
FOREST HILL . — West Kent Lodge . — The members of the newly-established lodge met at Forest Hill Hotel , on Saturday , Sth inst ., being an emergency meeting called for the purpose of parsing Bros . John Allen and William Genseric-Kent , who , being present , were duly admitted to the degree of Fellow Craft . The ballot was taken for one brother as a joining member , and one gentleman was proposed for initiation .
LANCASHIRE , ( WEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . By command of Bro . Sir Thomas George Ferraor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . of the Western Division of Lancashire , the annual provincial Grand Lodge meeting of this Province was held yesterday in the Town Hall , Southport . The gathering of bretliren from different parts of the province
was unusually large—nearly 300 being present—showing that the interest in the Craft , instead of diminishing , continues to increase in every part of the Province . A large number of brethren _ from the lodges in Liverpool started from Exchange station , and a considerable increase was made to the first etachment by the arrival of an additional number at a later hour . As a whole , the meeting in point of numbers was considered bveterans
, even y , one of the most successful gatherings in connection with this province , and one likely to add largely to the prestige of the Craft in this and other parts of tho country . Besides the R . W . Prov . G . M ., and other officers of Prov . Grand Lodge and others present were—Bros , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmorsdale , D . Prov . G . M . ; H . TV . Schneider , Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . H . G . VernonProvGCJames HomerProvGTThomas
, . .. ; , . .. ; Wyllie , Prov . G . R . ; C . Sherlock , P . Prov . G . R . ; U . S . Alpass , Prov . G ., Sec . ; A . C . Mott , Prov . S . G . D . ; H . B . White , Proe . J G . D . ; J . D . Moore , Prov . G . S . of Works ; R . TVylie , Prov . G . D . of C . ; T . Marsh , A . Prov . G . D . of C . ; Samuel Ibbs , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Skeaf , Prov . G . O . ; TV . Laidlaw , Prov . G . Pur .: Capt . I . T . Bourne , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; H . Holbrook , D . D . G . M ., British Columbia ; Col . Birchall , P . Prov . G . J . TV . ; T . Armstrong , P . Prov . G . J . D .: J .
Molineux , P . Prov . G . O . ; J . B , Lambert , P . Prov . G . S ., East Lancashire ; F . Binckes , P . G . Steward of Eng . ; Bros . Broadbridge , Pickering , Rowson , and Fowler . Amongst the more prominent bretliren present from the different lodges in the province were Bros . T . Jones , W . M . 590 ; J . Cobbam , W . M . 24 . 1 ; J . Atherton , W . M . 1032 ; J . Sellar , W . M . 220 ; W . Smith , W . M . 314 ; J . Hatch , W . M . 281 ; J . Worsley , W , M . 333 ; S-