Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
and G 9 Widows , receiving the full allowance of £ 26 and £ 25 respectively , besides seven Widows receiving half their late Husband ' s Annuity . " In tho hope of receiving a favourable reply , with particulars on the annexed form , " I am , W . Sir and Brother , '
" Yours faithfully aud fraternally , "WILLIAM FARNEIELD , ( P . A . G . Sec ) , " Secretary .
"CHARITY JEWEL . "Any Brother serring the Office of Steward to this Institution ¦ and giving a donation of not less than Ten Pounds is entitled to wear the Charity Jewel provided he has served the Office of Steward to either of the two Masonic Schools , and duly qualified ¦ as a Life Governor .
'' FESTIVAL STEWARDSHIP"Every Brother accepting the Office of Steward is called upon to pay a Fee , usually £ 3 3 s . ( according to circumstances ) to " The Stewards' Fund , " separate from the funds of this Institution , and for which sum the Steward receives his Dinner Ticket , value 21 s ., and Two Tickets for the admission of Ladies to the
¦ Gallery , and a Collation , value 17 s ., the Balance being applied to the expenses of the Festival , such as Music , Stewards' Rosettes , Printing , Postages , etc . " Tlie Rule with respect to the additional Votes allowed to ¦ Stewards is as tollows : — "Every Donor of £ 5 shall bo a Life Governor with the
privilege of Two Votes at each Election of Annuitants according to the Fund to which such Donor subscribes . " " Every Donor who serves the Office of Steward at the Anniversary Festival , and subscribes £ 5 to each Fund , shall bo entitled to Three Votes at each Election of Annuitants ( Male and Female ) , or should a Donor subscribe £ 10 to one Fund , he shall he entitled to Six Votes at each Election for that particular Fund . "
"Every Life Governor who has served the Office of Steward at the Anniversary Festival ancl subscribed £ 10 or upwards , shall on every occasion of subsequent service of such office , i £ accompanied with a similar Donation , be entitled to Four extra Votes—if accompanied with a Donation of £ 5 to Two extra Vot ? s—if unaccompanied with a personal Donation , but by
means of bis services not less than . £ 20 shall be paid to the Funds , ise shall be entitled to One additional Vote for every subsequent Stewardship . " " Every Donor who has qualified as a Life Governor , and afterwards serves tho office of Steward at tho Anniversary Festival , and qualifies again as a Life Governor , shall he entitled
to the same number of Votes as if he had paid both at the time of serving the Stewardship . " [ We earnestly call tlie attention of the brethren to these liberal arrangements , which have been sanctioned by the Committee . ]
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
KETEOPOLITAN . LODCVE or Jor-PA ( No . 185 ) . —Tlie brethren of tlie above lodge met on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , City , the W . M ., Bro . B . W . Aaron , in the chair ; L . Lyons P . M ., S . \ V . M . Alexander , J . AV . ; E . P . Albert , P . M . Sec . '
J . Abrahams , P . M .. Treas . ; 0 . Roberts , I . G . ; A . Swanborough-D . C . ; and P . M ' s Bros . L . Alexander , H . M . Levy , & c ; and Bros . H . J . Isaacs , Mellish , Stranoky . C . Dispeeker , Dodson , Platts , Lyons , Spiegel , J . R . Cook , Hudson , Faulkner , Wagstaff , & c . The lodge was opened by the W . AI , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., by the courtesy of the W . M ., passed Bro . Rosenheim to the seconcl degree , and a ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . J . Goldsmiel , who was
duly initiated into the order ( by fiat ) . The ceremonies were excellently and impressively . worked by Bro . Alexander , P . M . A candidate was proposed fox initiation on the next regular meeting . A distressed Bro . was relieved from the funds ofthe lodge . Bro . Israel Abrahams , P . M ., volunteered his services as Steward at the next festival , on Jan . 25 th next , for the Royal Masonic Institution for the Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down
to a slight repast . The W . M ., Bro . B . W . Aaron , although labouring under severe indisposition , very ably presided . The usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given , including that of the Earl of Zetland and H . R . H ., as Past Grand Masters ofthe order . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge , and ho also informed the brethren that the newly-initiated brother had been so impressed with the ceremonythat he bad at that earlpariod following his
initia-, y ation , subscribed to that fund . Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., very eloquently returned thanks . The toast of "The Initiate " was responded to by Bro . J . Goldsmid , in a very excellent and appropriate nninner . Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., then proposed the toast of the W . M ., whom he stated was labouring under severe indisposition , but he paid him a veryjust tribute of respect for the manner he had on occasion presided over the brethren
every ; he hoped that be might , on future occasions , be present in good health . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . very briefly and appropriately returned thanks , and he said he had to propose a toast that the lodge was always pleased to hear , and that was , the visitors who had honoured the lodge by their presence this evening ; they had
not come on this occasion to a banquet , but the right hand of friendship was held out to them ; they were glad to see them ; they were brethren who were well known in the Craft , and ho , as well as every brother present , were pleased to see them . The toast was drank with enthusiasm . They were Bros . Lacey , P . M . 174 ; H . Themaus , 144 ; Charles Davis , 222 ; E . B . Reekes , 27 ; J . H . Dodson , 55 ; Lieut . J H . Evans , 1017 ; E . Parker , Middlesex LodgeU . S . ; A . Anderson 190 ScotlandE . H . Limberti
, , , ; , 382 . Bro . C . Lacey , P . M ., 174 , responded to the toast in a very able manner , and paid a very excellent compliment to the P . M . who had occupied the chair , and he was pleased to see the lodge bad a Benevolent Fund that had so large an amount at its disposal in the great cause of charity , that could afford so large an amount as £ 100 to a distressed brother ; that in itself was a credit to any lodge , ancl although he had visited many lodges ,
there were none that could boast of giving so large amount of charity . Bros . Themans , Reekes , Evans , and Parker followed The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the Past Masters , which was responded to by H . M . Levy , P . M . The toast of the junior officers was rcspointed to by Roberts , I . G . Some very excellent singing was rendered by Bros . L . Alexander , P . M ., Limberti , J . Abrahams , Aaranson , & e ., and a very agreeable evening was passed .
STABILITY LODGE ( NO . 217 ) . —The brethren ofthis lodge held a regular meeting- at Mr . Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., Bro . Thomas James , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Gladding , Star of India , 1 , 062 , and Hillard , Acacia , 1 , 309 , were unanimously elected joining members , and Mr . Gurney was approved as a candidate for initiation . Bro . Brodey , P . M ., moved that two guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; seconded bBro . TaylorP . M . and carried
unany , , imously . Bro . E . Hughes , I . P . M ., again brought forward "The Stability Charities' Fund , " and the Secretary ( Bro . Taylor , P . M . ) , having announced a sufficient amount in hand to allow three ballots , the brethren subscribing proceeded to elect that number of life subscribers , and the lots fell to Bros . Henry Wilson , No . 1 ; Henry Wilson , No . 2 ; and E . Hughes , I . P . M .
LODGE OE ST . JAITES' ( NO . 7 G 5 )—The brethren of this lodge held the first meeting of the season on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., at Bro . Kennedy's , the Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey . The only business was the initiation of a candidate . There were present : —Bro . G . Hyde , W . M . ; also Bros . R . P . Hooton , S . W . ; 'f . Neville , J . W .: W . Jones , Treasurer and S . D . ; F . Child ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
and G 9 Widows , receiving the full allowance of £ 26 and £ 25 respectively , besides seven Widows receiving half their late Husband ' s Annuity . " In tho hope of receiving a favourable reply , with particulars on the annexed form , " I am , W . Sir and Brother , '
" Yours faithfully aud fraternally , "WILLIAM FARNEIELD , ( P . A . G . Sec ) , " Secretary .
"CHARITY JEWEL . "Any Brother serring the Office of Steward to this Institution ¦ and giving a donation of not less than Ten Pounds is entitled to wear the Charity Jewel provided he has served the Office of Steward to either of the two Masonic Schools , and duly qualified ¦ as a Life Governor .
'' FESTIVAL STEWARDSHIP"Every Brother accepting the Office of Steward is called upon to pay a Fee , usually £ 3 3 s . ( according to circumstances ) to " The Stewards' Fund , " separate from the funds of this Institution , and for which sum the Steward receives his Dinner Ticket , value 21 s ., and Two Tickets for the admission of Ladies to the
¦ Gallery , and a Collation , value 17 s ., the Balance being applied to the expenses of the Festival , such as Music , Stewards' Rosettes , Printing , Postages , etc . " Tlie Rule with respect to the additional Votes allowed to ¦ Stewards is as tollows : — "Every Donor of £ 5 shall bo a Life Governor with the
privilege of Two Votes at each Election of Annuitants according to the Fund to which such Donor subscribes . " " Every Donor who serves the Office of Steward at the Anniversary Festival , and subscribes £ 5 to each Fund , shall bo entitled to Three Votes at each Election of Annuitants ( Male and Female ) , or should a Donor subscribe £ 10 to one Fund , he shall he entitled to Six Votes at each Election for that particular Fund . "
"Every Life Governor who has served the Office of Steward at the Anniversary Festival ancl subscribed £ 10 or upwards , shall on every occasion of subsequent service of such office , i £ accompanied with a similar Donation , be entitled to Four extra Votes—if accompanied with a Donation of £ 5 to Two extra Vot ? s—if unaccompanied with a personal Donation , but by
means of bis services not less than . £ 20 shall be paid to the Funds , ise shall be entitled to One additional Vote for every subsequent Stewardship . " " Every Donor who has qualified as a Life Governor , and afterwards serves tho office of Steward at tho Anniversary Festival , and qualifies again as a Life Governor , shall he entitled
to the same number of Votes as if he had paid both at the time of serving the Stewardship . " [ We earnestly call tlie attention of the brethren to these liberal arrangements , which have been sanctioned by the Committee . ]
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
KETEOPOLITAN . LODCVE or Jor-PA ( No . 185 ) . —Tlie brethren of tlie above lodge met on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , City , the W . M ., Bro . B . W . Aaron , in the chair ; L . Lyons P . M ., S . \ V . M . Alexander , J . AV . ; E . P . Albert , P . M . Sec . '
J . Abrahams , P . M .. Treas . ; 0 . Roberts , I . G . ; A . Swanborough-D . C . ; and P . M ' s Bros . L . Alexander , H . M . Levy , & c ; and Bros . H . J . Isaacs , Mellish , Stranoky . C . Dispeeker , Dodson , Platts , Lyons , Spiegel , J . R . Cook , Hudson , Faulkner , Wagstaff , & c . The lodge was opened by the W . AI , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., by the courtesy of the W . M ., passed Bro . Rosenheim to the seconcl degree , and a ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . J . Goldsmiel , who was
duly initiated into the order ( by fiat ) . The ceremonies were excellently and impressively . worked by Bro . Alexander , P . M . A candidate was proposed fox initiation on the next regular meeting . A distressed Bro . was relieved from the funds ofthe lodge . Bro . Israel Abrahams , P . M ., volunteered his services as Steward at the next festival , on Jan . 25 th next , for the Royal Masonic Institution for the Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down
to a slight repast . The W . M ., Bro . B . W . Aaron , although labouring under severe indisposition , very ably presided . The usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given , including that of the Earl of Zetland and H . R . H ., as Past Grand Masters ofthe order . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge , and ho also informed the brethren that the newly-initiated brother had been so impressed with the ceremonythat he bad at that earlpariod following his
initia-, y ation , subscribed to that fund . Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., very eloquently returned thanks . The toast of "The Initiate " was responded to by Bro . J . Goldsmid , in a very excellent and appropriate nninner . Bro . L . Alexander , P . M ., then proposed the toast of the W . M ., whom he stated was labouring under severe indisposition , but he paid him a veryjust tribute of respect for the manner he had on occasion presided over the brethren
every ; he hoped that be might , on future occasions , be present in good health . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . very briefly and appropriately returned thanks , and he said he had to propose a toast that the lodge was always pleased to hear , and that was , the visitors who had honoured the lodge by their presence this evening ; they had
not come on this occasion to a banquet , but the right hand of friendship was held out to them ; they were glad to see them ; they were brethren who were well known in the Craft , and ho , as well as every brother present , were pleased to see them . The toast was drank with enthusiasm . They were Bros . Lacey , P . M . 174 ; H . Themaus , 144 ; Charles Davis , 222 ; E . B . Reekes , 27 ; J . H . Dodson , 55 ; Lieut . J H . Evans , 1017 ; E . Parker , Middlesex LodgeU . S . ; A . Anderson 190 ScotlandE . H . Limberti
, , , ; , 382 . Bro . C . Lacey , P . M ., 174 , responded to the toast in a very able manner , and paid a very excellent compliment to the P . M . who had occupied the chair , and he was pleased to see the lodge bad a Benevolent Fund that had so large an amount at its disposal in the great cause of charity , that could afford so large an amount as £ 100 to a distressed brother ; that in itself was a credit to any lodge , ancl although he had visited many lodges ,
there were none that could boast of giving so large amount of charity . Bros . Themans , Reekes , Evans , and Parker followed The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the Past Masters , which was responded to by H . M . Levy , P . M . The toast of the junior officers was rcspointed to by Roberts , I . G . Some very excellent singing was rendered by Bros . L . Alexander , P . M ., Limberti , J . Abrahams , Aaranson , & e ., and a very agreeable evening was passed .
STABILITY LODGE ( NO . 217 ) . —The brethren ofthis lodge held a regular meeting- at Mr . Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., Bro . Thomas James , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Gladding , Star of India , 1 , 062 , and Hillard , Acacia , 1 , 309 , were unanimously elected joining members , and Mr . Gurney was approved as a candidate for initiation . Bro . Brodey , P . M ., moved that two guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; seconded bBro . TaylorP . M . and carried
unany , , imously . Bro . E . Hughes , I . P . M ., again brought forward "The Stability Charities' Fund , " and the Secretary ( Bro . Taylor , P . M . ) , having announced a sufficient amount in hand to allow three ballots , the brethren subscribing proceeded to elect that number of life subscribers , and the lots fell to Bros . Henry Wilson , No . 1 ; Henry Wilson , No . 2 ; and E . Hughes , I . P . M .
LODGE OE ST . JAITES' ( NO . 7 G 5 )—The brethren of this lodge held the first meeting of the season on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., at Bro . Kennedy's , the Leather Market Tavern , Bermondsey . The only business was the initiation of a candidate . There were present : —Bro . G . Hyde , W . M . ; also Bros . R . P . Hooton , S . W . ; 'f . Neville , J . W .: W . Jones , Treasurer and S . D . ; F . Child ,