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Grand Lodge Of Scotland. Installation Of Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales As Grand Patron Of Scottish Freemasonry.
honour you have done us . It is tho highest honour we have it in our power to offer to a brother , and , as your Royal Highness is aware , it has been already held by your Royal Highness's illustrious predecessors , their Majesties George IV . and William IV . As it has now , Royal Sir , descendedupon you , it isnotonly rny earnest wish , but it is the prayer of every good Mason here , and
throughout the bounds of Scotland , thatyou may be long spared to rill the office in which you have now been installed , and when in the course of events you shall come to occupy the same high station in this country which your predecessors in this office have occupied before you , wo may hail in the Grand Lodge of Scotland another Sovereign of the country as the Patron of our Graft .
Permit me , most Royal Patron , to tender , on behalf of tho Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Masons of Scotland , the right hand of fellowship . The N . W . Grand Master cordiall y shook hands with his Royal Highness , and congratulated him on his appointment amid loud and prolonged cheering . Bro . His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales , in acknowledgment , said—Most Worshipful Grand Master , Deputy Grand
Master , Senior and Junior Grand Wardens and Brethren—I cannot tell you how deeply the ceremony of to-day has touched me , and bow thankful I am to you all for the great honour you have conferred upon me in making mo patron of the Craft in Scotland . I have also to express to you how deeply touched I have been by the exceedingly kind manner in which , Most
Worshipful Grand Master , you have addressed me . Brethren , I have not been long a member of the Craft ; still I hope that I may be considered a worthy member of it . You may be all convinced that I shall always , and on every occasion , aud at every time endeavour to do my utmost to fulfil snob duties as may be imposed upon me as a brother mason . Allow me once more to
thank you for the honour you have conferred upon me—an honour I shall never forget . I can assure you that I felt it was a high honour when I was made last year a Past Grand Master of the Freemasons of England . Now , an additional and further honour , I consider , has been conferred upon me—an honour which was only wanted to make mo feel happy as a member of your Craft , and that is the honour of being made the Patron of this illustrious Craft in Scotland .
The Most Worshipful Grand Master presented to His Royal Highness a copy of the laws and constitution of tho Grand Lodge of Scotland , and also an elegantly , bound copy of "The History of Freemasonry and of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , " edited by Bro . W . Laurie , the Grand Secretary , which his lordship remarked might , in his opinion , he profitably studied by his
Royal Highness as the head of the Craft of Scotland . At the request of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the lodge saluted the Grand Patron of Freemasonry jn Scotland , the Prince of Wales bowing repeatedly in acknowledgement of the compliment . The Grand Lodge was then closed with the usual formalities , and His Royal Highness and the chief officers of
the Grand Lodge , as thoy retired in procession from the hall were loudly cheered . His Royal Highness was recruested to accept affiliation to Lodge , ( No , 1 . ) Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , The Right Worshipful Master , addressing his Royal Highness , said— "Most Illustrious Patron—In compliance with your Royal Highness ' s
commands , I am here with this deputation from the lodge to administer the rite of affiliation . The lodge I represent is one of great antiquity , probably the oldest Masonic body in Scotand , and it certainly possesses the oldest Masonic records of any
Grand Lodge Of Scotland. Installation Of Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales As Grand Patron Of Scottish Freemasonry.
Masonic body in the world . " The ceremony of affiliation having been celebrated in the usual manner , The Prince of Wales expressed the gratification which he experienced at being affiliated with such an ancient and honourable lodge . This concluded the proceedings , and his Royal Highness was
enthusiastically cheered by the members of the Craft who had assembled on the occasion . We learn that the Grand Lodge has had a suitable jewel prepared for presentation to His Royal Highness . The jewel which has been designed and executed by Bro . Alex . Hay , goldsmith and jeweller to the Grand Lodge , consists of a
gold star surmounted by a Prince of Wales ' s feather iu silver , studded with small gems , and having the square , compass , and segment attached underneath . In the centre of the star is the figure of St . Andrew , on a dark-blue enamelled ground , surrounded with a wreath of thistles . Tho jewel bears the following inscription : — "The jewel of His
Reryal Highness Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , K . T ., Duke of Rothesay , Grand Steward of Scotland , and Patron , of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland , 1870 . " Extensive preparations were made for the public ceremonial in which His Royal Highness took the loading part . Round the intended site ofthe fouiidation-sfcone covered platforms of
substantial construction were erected by Messrs William Beattie & Sons ,. under the superintendance of Mr . Bryce , architect for tho Infirmary buildings . These platforms were duly inspected by competent parties appointed under judicial authority , so as to make sure of their sufficiency . The High Constables , acting in the capacity of Honorary Stewards , rendered assistance in preserving order ,
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The election of eleven girls from a list of 21 candidates for admisssion to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls took place on Thursday , ISth inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , The following we understand were unsuccesful : —A . Chapman , A , It . Selley , A . S . Dawson , L . R . Coombs , A . Dunn , E . Hollis . H . M . Greene , C . J . Andrew , M . E . Gull , C . Alhird , No official
communication has reached vis up to the time of going to press , but no doubt the Secretary will furnish us with full particulars for our next ,
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following Circular has been issued : — "Office , No . 4 , Freemason ' s Hall , London , W . C , "October , 1870 . " W . Sir & Brother , —Permit me most earnestly to solicit the favour of your influence in obtaining the services of a Member of , your Lodge to represent it as a Steward for the Anniversary
Festival appointed by The Right Hon . The Earl De Grey aud Ripon , K . G ., Most Worshipful Grand Master , to ho held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 25 th January , 1871 , under the Presidency of the R . W . Brother Colonel Francis Burdett , Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex . " This Institution , lias great claims for aid ou account of tho
number of Candidates seeking to receive its benefits . Since its formation there have been elected on its funds 316 Brethren and 128 Widows : and after tho last Election there were 100 Brethren
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Scotland. Installation Of Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales As Grand Patron Of Scottish Freemasonry.
honour you have done us . It is tho highest honour we have it in our power to offer to a brother , and , as your Royal Highness is aware , it has been already held by your Royal Highness's illustrious predecessors , their Majesties George IV . and William IV . As it has now , Royal Sir , descendedupon you , it isnotonly rny earnest wish , but it is the prayer of every good Mason here , and
throughout the bounds of Scotland , thatyou may be long spared to rill the office in which you have now been installed , and when in the course of events you shall come to occupy the same high station in this country which your predecessors in this office have occupied before you , wo may hail in the Grand Lodge of Scotland another Sovereign of the country as the Patron of our Graft .
Permit me , most Royal Patron , to tender , on behalf of tho Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Masons of Scotland , the right hand of fellowship . The N . W . Grand Master cordiall y shook hands with his Royal Highness , and congratulated him on his appointment amid loud and prolonged cheering . Bro . His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales , in acknowledgment , said—Most Worshipful Grand Master , Deputy Grand
Master , Senior and Junior Grand Wardens and Brethren—I cannot tell you how deeply the ceremony of to-day has touched me , and bow thankful I am to you all for the great honour you have conferred upon me in making mo patron of the Craft in Scotland . I have also to express to you how deeply touched I have been by the exceedingly kind manner in which , Most
Worshipful Grand Master , you have addressed me . Brethren , I have not been long a member of the Craft ; still I hope that I may be considered a worthy member of it . You may be all convinced that I shall always , and on every occasion , aud at every time endeavour to do my utmost to fulfil snob duties as may be imposed upon me as a brother mason . Allow me once more to
thank you for the honour you have conferred upon me—an honour I shall never forget . I can assure you that I felt it was a high honour when I was made last year a Past Grand Master of the Freemasons of England . Now , an additional and further honour , I consider , has been conferred upon me—an honour which was only wanted to make mo feel happy as a member of your Craft , and that is the honour of being made the Patron of this illustrious Craft in Scotland .
The Most Worshipful Grand Master presented to His Royal Highness a copy of the laws and constitution of tho Grand Lodge of Scotland , and also an elegantly , bound copy of "The History of Freemasonry and of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , " edited by Bro . W . Laurie , the Grand Secretary , which his lordship remarked might , in his opinion , he profitably studied by his
Royal Highness as the head of the Craft of Scotland . At the request of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , the lodge saluted the Grand Patron of Freemasonry jn Scotland , the Prince of Wales bowing repeatedly in acknowledgement of the compliment . The Grand Lodge was then closed with the usual formalities , and His Royal Highness and the chief officers of
the Grand Lodge , as thoy retired in procession from the hall were loudly cheered . His Royal Highness was recruested to accept affiliation to Lodge , ( No , 1 . ) Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , The Right Worshipful Master , addressing his Royal Highness , said— "Most Illustrious Patron—In compliance with your Royal Highness ' s
commands , I am here with this deputation from the lodge to administer the rite of affiliation . The lodge I represent is one of great antiquity , probably the oldest Masonic body in Scotand , and it certainly possesses the oldest Masonic records of any
Grand Lodge Of Scotland. Installation Of Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales As Grand Patron Of Scottish Freemasonry.
Masonic body in the world . " The ceremony of affiliation having been celebrated in the usual manner , The Prince of Wales expressed the gratification which he experienced at being affiliated with such an ancient and honourable lodge . This concluded the proceedings , and his Royal Highness was
enthusiastically cheered by the members of the Craft who had assembled on the occasion . We learn that the Grand Lodge has had a suitable jewel prepared for presentation to His Royal Highness . The jewel which has been designed and executed by Bro . Alex . Hay , goldsmith and jeweller to the Grand Lodge , consists of a
gold star surmounted by a Prince of Wales ' s feather iu silver , studded with small gems , and having the square , compass , and segment attached underneath . In the centre of the star is the figure of St . Andrew , on a dark-blue enamelled ground , surrounded with a wreath of thistles . Tho jewel bears the following inscription : — "The jewel of His
Reryal Highness Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , K . T ., Duke of Rothesay , Grand Steward of Scotland , and Patron , of the Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland , 1870 . " Extensive preparations were made for the public ceremonial in which His Royal Highness took the loading part . Round the intended site ofthe fouiidation-sfcone covered platforms of
substantial construction were erected by Messrs William Beattie & Sons ,. under the superintendance of Mr . Bryce , architect for tho Infirmary buildings . These platforms were duly inspected by competent parties appointed under judicial authority , so as to make sure of their sufficiency . The High Constables , acting in the capacity of Honorary Stewards , rendered assistance in preserving order ,
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The election of eleven girls from a list of 21 candidates for admisssion to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls took place on Thursday , ISth inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , The following we understand were unsuccesful : —A . Chapman , A , It . Selley , A . S . Dawson , L . R . Coombs , A . Dunn , E . Hollis . H . M . Greene , C . J . Andrew , M . E . Gull , C . Alhird , No official
communication has reached vis up to the time of going to press , but no doubt the Secretary will furnish us with full particulars for our next ,
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following Circular has been issued : — "Office , No . 4 , Freemason ' s Hall , London , W . C , "October , 1870 . " W . Sir & Brother , —Permit me most earnestly to solicit the favour of your influence in obtaining the services of a Member of , your Lodge to represent it as a Steward for the Anniversary
Festival appointed by The Right Hon . The Earl De Grey aud Ripon , K . G ., Most Worshipful Grand Master , to ho held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 25 th January , 1871 , under the Presidency of the R . W . Brother Colonel Francis Burdett , Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex . " This Institution , lias great claims for aid ou account of tho
number of Candidates seeking to receive its benefits . Since its formation there have been elected on its funds 316 Brethren and 128 Widows : and after tho last Election there were 100 Brethren