Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Birchall , W . M . 86 ; TV . Bowden , W . M . 1213 ; J . If . Smith , P . M . 1094 ; and W . M . 249 ; E . Slee , W . M . 155 ; W . H . Grimmer , P . M . 155 and 226 ; E . Harbord , W . M . 477 ; TV . Crane , W . M . 1299 ; J . Pemberton , W . M . 1264 ; J . Kirshaw , W . M . 613 ; A . H . Whitehead , W . M . 113 ; R . Heap , W . M . 613 ; W . Vinas , P . M . 220 ; J . W . Baker , P . M . and Treas . 220 ; R . Jones , S . W . 220 ; R . H . D . Johnston , P . M . 1094 ; J . G . BntterfieldSec 220 JWood 249 and Treas . 1094 ; J . CookP . M .
, . ; . . , 220 and S . W . 1299 ; J . Jackson , P . M . 823 ; J . H . Johuston , 477 ; J Boxendale , P . M . 580 ; J . Porter , W . M . 343 ; J . Pritt , P . M .. 343 ; J . Banning . S . W . 343 ; TV . Heaps , J . W . 343 ; Rev . J Taylor , Sec . and Chaplain , 343 ; J . Cockshott , S . D . 343 ; M . Quayle , P . M . 343 ; Wilson , Dawson and many others . Shortly after eleven o ' clock , the Craft Lodge was opened in the several degrees by the W . M . of lodge 113 ( Preston ) , assis-220 Cobbam
ted , among others by Bros . J . Sellar , W . M ., ; as S . W and Hitch as J . W . After a " wait , " which proved more lengthened then pleasant , the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge were received in ^ due form , and the lodge having been properly opened , business was proceeded with . The Provincial G . Secretary read the roll of lodges within the province , and the result showed that the 49 lodges were represented with the exception of four . — Bro . T . Wylie moved that the rule with regard to fines for non-representation should
be put in force with regard to these four lodges . The matter was left over . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodges , held at Liverpool and Rutford during the previous year , were read , and unanimously confirmed . The R . W . Prov . M . G . Master said that . as the brethren would all receive copies of the balance sheet , he would merely intimate that the sum in hand at present was was £ 134 12 s . 9 d ., and the
amount in the bank £ 900 , making a total of £ 1034 12 s . 9 d . The accounts were passed unanimously . Bro . R . Wylie moved , and Bro . A . C . Mott seconded , that Bro . Hamer should be re-elected Grand Treasurer , the duties of which he had so efficiently fulfilled for many years . Bro . Hamer said he had last year intimated his intention of resigning his office , and he would now only accept it on two conditions —firstthat lie shonld be allowed to carry that intention
, into effect at tlie next annual meeting ; and second that the names of Prov . G . Reg ., and Prov , G , Sec . for the time being should be put in connexion with him as security at the bank . — Tho recraest was agreed to , and Bro . Hamer was accordingly re-appointed the Grand Treasuser . The following brethren were then chosen Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , the new Officers being invested by tlie R . W . Prov . G . M . : —
Bro . Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale - D . Prov . G . M . „ Hon . F . Stanley , M . P . - - Prov . S . G . W . „ TV . H . Schneider - - „ J . G . W . „ H . G . Vernon - G Chaplain . „ Bro . T . Wylie - - - „ G . Reg . „ H . S . Alpass - - - - „ G . Sec . „ Long . . - - „ G . S . D . White G . J . D .
„ „ „ Laidlaw . - - - „ G . Supt . of TV . „ R . Wylie - - - - „ G . D . of C . „ Marsh „ A . P . G . D . of C . „ Ibbs „ G . S . B . „ J . Skeaf - . - - - „ G . O . „ Pickering - - - - „ G . Purst . Broadbrid - - - - G . Steward .
„ ge „ „ Bawson „ G . Steward „ Fowler - - - - „ G . Steward „ M . Johnston - - - - „ G- Steward „ Sharrock - - - . „ G . Steward „ Baxendale - - - - „ G . Steward „ P . Ball „ Senior G . T . „ W . Bali „ Assist . G . T .
It was unanimously resolved , on the notion of Bro . R . Wylie that the sum of £ 21 be voted for the purpose of purchasing consecration vessels for the Prov . G . " Lodge . — Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , however , intimated his intention of furnishing the cup at his own cost — au act of generosity which was received with true masonic cordiality . After several grants had been made from the benevolent fund to distressed applicants . Brother T . Wylie gave notice that at the next Provincial
Grand Lodge he would move that the laws of the Benevolent Fund be so altered that the Prov . G . Lodge might vote sums not exceeding- £ 15 to applicants , and also that the bye-laws , when altered , should be printed and circulated amongst the lodges in the province at the cost of production . He made the latter suggestion because ho thought that many brethren were not aware of the existence of the fund of benevolence . The Prov . G . Secretary reported that during the past year two
new warrants had been granted , viz .: —one for the Pembroke Lodge , to meet at West Derby , and one for the Fermor Lodge , to meet at Southport . The lodges in the province were generally in a satisfactory state . Through the active exertions of Bro . Robert Wylie , Prov . G . Dir . Cer ., and with the assistance of the West Lancashire and Cheshire Lodges , Bro . TV . Robinson had been elected an annuitant on the Institution for Aged Freemasons . At the same election the Cheshire brethren secured the election of their candidate . This pleasing result , it was hoped , would , on future occasions , induce all the lodges in the province
to co-operate in voting for the candidate whom the majority of tho brethren at the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge should decide to support . The Provincial Grand Lodge then resolved itself into a Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution for the Education and Advancement iu Life of the Children of Distressed ond Deceased Freemasons . The minutes of the meetings held during the year were read bBro . Mott
y , Honorary Secretary , and confirmed . He also submitted the following report : — "Your committee have again the honour and pleasure of presenting you witli a report of their proceedings , together with a statement of the finances of the institution for the year 1869 , and in doing so they feel confident that the results of the past year's labours are such as will ive satisfaction to the supporters of the
g institution , whilst they venture to hope their efforts will merit and obtain your approval . "When your committee presented their last report to you , there were twenty-five children upon the foundation , whilst at the present time thirty-four children are . receiving the benefits ofthe Institution for the Education and Advancement iu Life , of whom the sum of £ 238 6 s . 8 d . has been paid during the year ,
"The financial statement will bear a favourable comparison with those of former years , showing a steady and highly satisfactory increase in the funds of the institution , and proving that the interest of the brethren of the province , in the welfare of the charity , has in no way diminished . "If we except the proceeds of the Masonic Balls , held at the Town Hall , Liverpool , in the years 1863 and 1869 respectively , the exceptional and splendid results of the former being such as
it can seldom be hoped to realise—the income of the institution from the ordinary sources shows considerable improvement ; whilst taking the total financial results of the year , there now stands to the credit of the institution the sum of £ 7 , 400 invested , and £ 890 in the bank , against £ 6 , 600 invested , and £ 504 in the bank at the end of last year , thus showing a clear addition to the funds of £ 686 .
" Your committee have noticed with much satisfaction the adoption by the various lodges and chapters , of a suggestion made in the report of 1867 , and the subscriptions of the brethren have , in a number of instances , been paid in the name of their respective lodge or chapter , to constitute some brother a vice-president or life governor . Such a plan , if more extensively adopted , cannot fail , your committee believe , topreve a benefit to the institution , ancl a source of satisfaction to all . It tends to establish
the vice-presidoncy and life governorship of the institution as recognised honours in tho province ; it brings the claims of the charity more prominently before the brethren generally ; it creates a spirit of healthy emulation among the lodges and chapteis , and in many instances proves the means of directing to our funds donations which would not otherwise reach them . "To the officers and members of lodges and chapters , & c ., your committee beg to tender their heartfelt thanks for their cordial
sympathy aud liberal support during the past anel previous years ; and for this assistance and co-operation they confidently hope in the future , feeliug assured that the hearts of the brethren generally are in the cause not less than those of your committee . "Finally , your committee commence the labours of another year with renewed encouragement and hope , feeling assured that the object of this noble institution is one which commends itself to every Mason ; and whilst doing their utmost tor the accomplishment of the good purposes of tlie charity , they earnestly pray ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Birchall , W . M . 86 ; TV . Bowden , W . M . 1213 ; J . If . Smith , P . M . 1094 ; and W . M . 249 ; E . Slee , W . M . 155 ; W . H . Grimmer , P . M . 155 and 226 ; E . Harbord , W . M . 477 ; TV . Crane , W . M . 1299 ; J . Pemberton , W . M . 1264 ; J . Kirshaw , W . M . 613 ; A . H . Whitehead , W . M . 113 ; R . Heap , W . M . 613 ; W . Vinas , P . M . 220 ; J . W . Baker , P . M . and Treas . 220 ; R . Jones , S . W . 220 ; R . H . D . Johnston , P . M . 1094 ; J . G . BntterfieldSec 220 JWood 249 and Treas . 1094 ; J . CookP . M .
, . ; . . , 220 and S . W . 1299 ; J . Jackson , P . M . 823 ; J . H . Johuston , 477 ; J Boxendale , P . M . 580 ; J . Porter , W . M . 343 ; J . Pritt , P . M .. 343 ; J . Banning . S . W . 343 ; TV . Heaps , J . W . 343 ; Rev . J Taylor , Sec . and Chaplain , 343 ; J . Cockshott , S . D . 343 ; M . Quayle , P . M . 343 ; Wilson , Dawson and many others . Shortly after eleven o ' clock , the Craft Lodge was opened in the several degrees by the W . M . of lodge 113 ( Preston ) , assis-220 Cobbam
ted , among others by Bros . J . Sellar , W . M ., ; as S . W and Hitch as J . W . After a " wait , " which proved more lengthened then pleasant , the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge were received in ^ due form , and the lodge having been properly opened , business was proceeded with . The Provincial G . Secretary read the roll of lodges within the province , and the result showed that the 49 lodges were represented with the exception of four . — Bro . T . Wylie moved that the rule with regard to fines for non-representation should
be put in force with regard to these four lodges . The matter was left over . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodges , held at Liverpool and Rutford during the previous year , were read , and unanimously confirmed . The R . W . Prov . M . G . Master said that . as the brethren would all receive copies of the balance sheet , he would merely intimate that the sum in hand at present was was £ 134 12 s . 9 d ., and the
amount in the bank £ 900 , making a total of £ 1034 12 s . 9 d . The accounts were passed unanimously . Bro . R . Wylie moved , and Bro . A . C . Mott seconded , that Bro . Hamer should be re-elected Grand Treasurer , the duties of which he had so efficiently fulfilled for many years . Bro . Hamer said he had last year intimated his intention of resigning his office , and he would now only accept it on two conditions —firstthat lie shonld be allowed to carry that intention
, into effect at tlie next annual meeting ; and second that the names of Prov . G . Reg ., and Prov , G , Sec . for the time being should be put in connexion with him as security at the bank . — Tho recraest was agreed to , and Bro . Hamer was accordingly re-appointed the Grand Treasuser . The following brethren were then chosen Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , the new Officers being invested by tlie R . W . Prov . G . M . : —
Bro . Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale - D . Prov . G . M . „ Hon . F . Stanley , M . P . - - Prov . S . G . W . „ TV . H . Schneider - - „ J . G . W . „ H . G . Vernon - G Chaplain . „ Bro . T . Wylie - - - „ G . Reg . „ H . S . Alpass - - - - „ G . Sec . „ Long . . - - „ G . S . D . White G . J . D .
„ „ „ Laidlaw . - - - „ G . Supt . of TV . „ R . Wylie - - - - „ G . D . of C . „ Marsh „ A . P . G . D . of C . „ Ibbs „ G . S . B . „ J . Skeaf - . - - - „ G . O . „ Pickering - - - - „ G . Purst . Broadbrid - - - - G . Steward .
„ ge „ „ Bawson „ G . Steward „ Fowler - - - - „ G . Steward „ M . Johnston - - - - „ G- Steward „ Sharrock - - - . „ G . Steward „ Baxendale - - - - „ G . Steward „ P . Ball „ Senior G . T . „ W . Bali „ Assist . G . T .
It was unanimously resolved , on the notion of Bro . R . Wylie that the sum of £ 21 be voted for the purpose of purchasing consecration vessels for the Prov . G . " Lodge . — Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , however , intimated his intention of furnishing the cup at his own cost — au act of generosity which was received with true masonic cordiality . After several grants had been made from the benevolent fund to distressed applicants . Brother T . Wylie gave notice that at the next Provincial
Grand Lodge he would move that the laws of the Benevolent Fund be so altered that the Prov . G . Lodge might vote sums not exceeding- £ 15 to applicants , and also that the bye-laws , when altered , should be printed and circulated amongst the lodges in the province at the cost of production . He made the latter suggestion because ho thought that many brethren were not aware of the existence of the fund of benevolence . The Prov . G . Secretary reported that during the past year two
new warrants had been granted , viz .: —one for the Pembroke Lodge , to meet at West Derby , and one for the Fermor Lodge , to meet at Southport . The lodges in the province were generally in a satisfactory state . Through the active exertions of Bro . Robert Wylie , Prov . G . Dir . Cer ., and with the assistance of the West Lancashire and Cheshire Lodges , Bro . TV . Robinson had been elected an annuitant on the Institution for Aged Freemasons . At the same election the Cheshire brethren secured the election of their candidate . This pleasing result , it was hoped , would , on future occasions , induce all the lodges in the province
to co-operate in voting for the candidate whom the majority of tho brethren at the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge should decide to support . The Provincial Grand Lodge then resolved itself into a Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution for the Education and Advancement iu Life of the Children of Distressed ond Deceased Freemasons . The minutes of the meetings held during the year were read bBro . Mott
y , Honorary Secretary , and confirmed . He also submitted the following report : — "Your committee have again the honour and pleasure of presenting you witli a report of their proceedings , together with a statement of the finances of the institution for the year 1869 , and in doing so they feel confident that the results of the past year's labours are such as will ive satisfaction to the supporters of the
g institution , whilst they venture to hope their efforts will merit and obtain your approval . "When your committee presented their last report to you , there were twenty-five children upon the foundation , whilst at the present time thirty-four children are . receiving the benefits ofthe Institution for the Education and Advancement iu Life , of whom the sum of £ 238 6 s . 8 d . has been paid during the year ,
"The financial statement will bear a favourable comparison with those of former years , showing a steady and highly satisfactory increase in the funds of the institution , and proving that the interest of the brethren of the province , in the welfare of the charity , has in no way diminished . "If we except the proceeds of the Masonic Balls , held at the Town Hall , Liverpool , in the years 1863 and 1869 respectively , the exceptional and splendid results of the former being such as
it can seldom be hoped to realise—the income of the institution from the ordinary sources shows considerable improvement ; whilst taking the total financial results of the year , there now stands to the credit of the institution the sum of £ 7 , 400 invested , and £ 890 in the bank , against £ 6 , 600 invested , and £ 504 in the bank at the end of last year , thus showing a clear addition to the funds of £ 686 .
" Your committee have noticed with much satisfaction the adoption by the various lodges and chapters , of a suggestion made in the report of 1867 , and the subscriptions of the brethren have , in a number of instances , been paid in the name of their respective lodge or chapter , to constitute some brother a vice-president or life governor . Such a plan , if more extensively adopted , cannot fail , your committee believe , topreve a benefit to the institution , ancl a source of satisfaction to all . It tends to establish
the vice-presidoncy and life governorship of the institution as recognised honours in tho province ; it brings the claims of the charity more prominently before the brethren generally ; it creates a spirit of healthy emulation among the lodges and chapteis , and in many instances proves the means of directing to our funds donations which would not otherwise reach them . "To the officers and members of lodges and chapters , & c ., your committee beg to tender their heartfelt thanks for their cordial
sympathy aud liberal support during the past anel previous years ; and for this assistance and co-operation they confidently hope in the future , feeliug assured that the hearts of the brethren generally are in the cause not less than those of your committee . "Finally , your committee commence the labours of another year with renewed encouragement and hope , feeling assured that the object of this noble institution is one which commends itself to every Mason ; and whilst doing their utmost tor the accomplishment of the good purposes of tlie charity , they earnestly pray ,