Article P.M.'S AND THE WORKING BRETHREN OF LODGES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 →
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P.M.'S And The Working Brethren Of Lodges.
ville ' s advent , nearly three years ago , since then he lias been increasing in his efforts to induce the Grand Lodge , or some more or less influential brethren to give him a hearing . But , no ; he offered them bread , they gave him a stone . Tou , dear Sir and brother , as well as your [ readersknow the sequel of those
, efforts . The discoveries have , indeed , not been made without great labour , mental and physical , nor without wonderful patience and incomparable pluck , unsurpassed in any narrative in " Self Help , " and deserving the foremost place in the next edition of that
encouraging work . Bro . Godfrey ' s letter reflects honour upon himself , and let me beg him to accept the most ardent wishes for the complete success of his suggestions , of Tours fraternally , W . N . CRAWFORD .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . TO THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Allow me to join my 'brother , X . T . Z' Australia , and request you will be good enough also to inform me how to proceed in order that I may obtain my certificate as a Mark
Master , which degree I received in this colony ( not 12 months ago ) , but since 1865 . The certificate was duly paid for on the night of my advancement . I am well assured that the certificates have been applied for , but , I believe , no communication has been received by the lodge in which I was advanced ( St . Louis Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 71 ) , since it was founded .
A friend of mine called my attention to a letter which appeared in your Magazine last year , signed by the Grand Secretary , respecting non-replies to communications addressed to Grand Lodge , and requesting Masters and Secretaries of lodges to notice the change in the address . I subsequently directed the R . W . M . ' s attention to this ' communicationand I
, received a reply from that brother to the effect that he had instructed the Secretary to write again to Grand Lodge by the out-going French packet of the 18 th Sept ., 1868 , and , in order that there should be no mistake , to register the letter at the post-office . I believe this was donebut no replhas been received
, y , although nearly six months have elapsed . Doubtless , it has met the same fate as all previous communications from the St . Louis Lodge , No . 71 , Mauritius . As certificates from the Old Country seem to be very difficult to be obtained , I trust , Mr . " Editor , you will pardon me for trespassing upon your valuable
fime , and beg you will be kind enough to give this letter a space in the columns of your Magazine . Tours fraternally , A MEMBER OE THE ST . LOTJIS MARK MASTERS' LODQE , NO . 71 , MAURITIUS . Port Louis , Mauritius . Sth March , 1869 .
MASONIC ARCI-L / EOLOGT . — BRITISH MUSEUM . TO THE EDITOR OF TBE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —Before any discovery of Bro . Melville can be talked of , and the officers of the British Museum called to account , Bro . Melville has first to prove
that the object in question is an astrolabe , which no one ever thought of before , or can comprehend now , for there appears not the least reason to believe it is anything of the kind . Yours fraternally , A STUDENT .
The Masonic Mirror.
* . f * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
MASONIC MEMS . THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK FOE 1869 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular
agents . MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —AVe are requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary will be glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve upon it . AVhen the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be
published . BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODG-E OF BERKS AND BUCKS . —The next meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will , it is
understood , be held at Windsor , on Friday , the 21 st of May next when the R . AV . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , ' Bart ., M . P ., will be invested and installed as tlie new Prov . G . Master . We need scarcely add that there is now hope for this province , so long in the Slough of Despond . PORTRAITS of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T .,
& . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now he obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . A tew copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper , can be had , price 10 s . 6 d . MASONIC QUIDNUNCS . —The next meeting of this society will take place on Monday , May 3 rd , when a proposition for altering the day of meeting , and other important matters , will be considered .
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . —The meeting of the Supreme Grand Council will not take place in April , as hitherto , but a meeting of the 30 ° will be held on Tuesday , May 12 th . UNIVERSAL CALENDAR FOR 1870 . —Brethren , both at home and abroad , are fraternally requested to forward to our care any change of places of meeting of lodges , chapters , & c , and also
to notify to us of any new ones that may be consecrated . Bno . SAQUI , P . M . 205 , who has for so many years , given his valuable services to the Craft , not only as a musician , but as Lecture Master to several lodges , is about taking a benefit concert on Wednesday , 28 th May , at the Bpaumont Institution , Mile-end . Tho following distinguished artistes have given their
valuable services gratuitously , viz ., Miss Rebecca Isaacs , Madme Thaddeus AVells , Bros . Stouvly Bet / . mann , J . Bartleman , Carter , and G . Btickland ; instrumentalists , Bros . G . Tyler , Phasey , Stanton Jones , G . Perry , Frewen , T . Wells , H . Chipp , and T . Edgar . Bro . Charles Coote P . M . 205 , and Bro . Chamberlain , W . M ., will accompany on the pianoforte .
IT will be seen by our report of the election of seventeengirls to our Masonic Institution , and also by an advertisement from the mother , tint Alice Ritson Molineaux , the child whose case we advocated some weeks since , has been returned as eighth on the list of successful candidates , and as there are seven other children in the family , we trust the like support will be given to one of tho others , whose case will at once be submitted to the general committee of governors of the Boys' Institution .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
P.M.'S And The Working Brethren Of Lodges.
ville ' s advent , nearly three years ago , since then he lias been increasing in his efforts to induce the Grand Lodge , or some more or less influential brethren to give him a hearing . But , no ; he offered them bread , they gave him a stone . Tou , dear Sir and brother , as well as your [ readersknow the sequel of those
, efforts . The discoveries have , indeed , not been made without great labour , mental and physical , nor without wonderful patience and incomparable pluck , unsurpassed in any narrative in " Self Help , " and deserving the foremost place in the next edition of that
encouraging work . Bro . Godfrey ' s letter reflects honour upon himself , and let me beg him to accept the most ardent wishes for the complete success of his suggestions , of Tours fraternally , W . N . CRAWFORD .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS . TO THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Allow me to join my 'brother , X . T . Z' Australia , and request you will be good enough also to inform me how to proceed in order that I may obtain my certificate as a Mark
Master , which degree I received in this colony ( not 12 months ago ) , but since 1865 . The certificate was duly paid for on the night of my advancement . I am well assured that the certificates have been applied for , but , I believe , no communication has been received by the lodge in which I was advanced ( St . Louis Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 71 ) , since it was founded .
A friend of mine called my attention to a letter which appeared in your Magazine last year , signed by the Grand Secretary , respecting non-replies to communications addressed to Grand Lodge , and requesting Masters and Secretaries of lodges to notice the change in the address . I subsequently directed the R . W . M . ' s attention to this ' communicationand I
, received a reply from that brother to the effect that he had instructed the Secretary to write again to Grand Lodge by the out-going French packet of the 18 th Sept ., 1868 , and , in order that there should be no mistake , to register the letter at the post-office . I believe this was donebut no replhas been received
, y , although nearly six months have elapsed . Doubtless , it has met the same fate as all previous communications from the St . Louis Lodge , No . 71 , Mauritius . As certificates from the Old Country seem to be very difficult to be obtained , I trust , Mr . " Editor , you will pardon me for trespassing upon your valuable
fime , and beg you will be kind enough to give this letter a space in the columns of your Magazine . Tours fraternally , A MEMBER OE THE ST . LOTJIS MARK MASTERS' LODQE , NO . 71 , MAURITIUS . Port Louis , Mauritius . Sth March , 1869 .
MASONIC ARCI-L / EOLOGT . — BRITISH MUSEUM . TO THE EDITOR OF TBE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —Before any discovery of Bro . Melville can be talked of , and the officers of the British Museum called to account , Bro . Melville has first to prove
that the object in question is an astrolabe , which no one ever thought of before , or can comprehend now , for there appears not the least reason to believe it is anything of the kind . Yours fraternally , A STUDENT .
The Masonic Mirror.
* . f * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
MASONIC MEMS . THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK FOE 1869 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular
agents . MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —AVe are requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary will be glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve upon it . AVhen the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be
published . BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODG-E OF BERKS AND BUCKS . —The next meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will , it is
understood , be held at Windsor , on Friday , the 21 st of May next when the R . AV . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , ' Bart ., M . P ., will be invested and installed as tlie new Prov . G . Master . We need scarcely add that there is now hope for this province , so long in the Slough of Despond . PORTRAITS of the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T .,
& . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now he obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . A tew copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper , can be had , price 10 s . 6 d . MASONIC QUIDNUNCS . —The next meeting of this society will take place on Monday , May 3 rd , when a proposition for altering the day of meeting , and other important matters , will be considered .
SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . —The meeting of the Supreme Grand Council will not take place in April , as hitherto , but a meeting of the 30 ° will be held on Tuesday , May 12 th . UNIVERSAL CALENDAR FOR 1870 . —Brethren , both at home and abroad , are fraternally requested to forward to our care any change of places of meeting of lodges , chapters , & c , and also
to notify to us of any new ones that may be consecrated . Bno . SAQUI , P . M . 205 , who has for so many years , given his valuable services to the Craft , not only as a musician , but as Lecture Master to several lodges , is about taking a benefit concert on Wednesday , 28 th May , at the Bpaumont Institution , Mile-end . Tho following distinguished artistes have given their
valuable services gratuitously , viz ., Miss Rebecca Isaacs , Madme Thaddeus AVells , Bros . Stouvly Bet / . mann , J . Bartleman , Carter , and G . Btickland ; instrumentalists , Bros . G . Tyler , Phasey , Stanton Jones , G . Perry , Frewen , T . Wells , H . Chipp , and T . Edgar . Bro . Charles Coote P . M . 205 , and Bro . Chamberlain , W . M ., will accompany on the pianoforte .
IT will be seen by our report of the election of seventeengirls to our Masonic Institution , and also by an advertisement from the mother , tint Alice Ritson Molineaux , the child whose case we advocated some weeks since , has been returned as eighth on the list of successful candidates , and as there are seven other children in the family , we trust the like support will be given to one of tho others , whose case will at once be submitted to the general committee of governors of the Boys' Institution .