Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice nor sound Amid their radiant orbs be found . In Eeason ' s ear they all rejoice , And utter forth a glorious voice , For ever singing as they shine , The hand that made us is Divine .
The Patriarchal Benediction concluded the coremony of Consecration . W . Bro . W . B . Heath , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., Herts , then proceeded with the installation of the W . M . The W . M . having been saluted in Masonic form , proceeded with the investment of his officers as follows : —Bros . W . BreareyS . W . ; Thomas LaxtonJ . W . ; James HarveyS . D . ;
, , , William Abbott , J . D . ; M . L . Hay ward , I . G . ; W . Heath , P . M . 198 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . for Herts , Hon . Sec , pro tern ; J . Wood , stock , Tyler . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded in 'the lodge minutes to Bros . Hervy , Little , and Fenn , for the efficient manner in which those brethren performed in the consecration of the lodge . Bros . Hervey , and Little were afterwards elected as
Honorary Members of the lodge . A vote of thanks was also proposed to Bro . Chas . Herring , for having kindly presided at the harmonium , and conducting the musical portion of the ceremony . Several propositions were made for initiation and joining , and the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a recherche ' and banquetprovided bthe worthy hostBro . J .
, , y , Simmons . The banquet was served in most unexceptionable manner , and elicited unqualified praise from officers , members and visitors . After the cloth had been cleared . The W . M . proposed in appropriate terms , tho toasts of " The Queen and the Craft . " " The M . W . G . M ., the Et . Hon . Earl de Grey and Eipon" " The Past Grand MastersBros . H . E . H .
, , the Prince of Wales , " and " and the Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland . " The next toast proposed by the W . M . was "The Et . Hon . Earl Carnarvon aud the rest of the Grand Officers , past and and present , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro John Hervey , Grand Secretary . Bro . Hervey thanked the brethren , on behalf of the Grand
Officers and himself for the enthusiastic manner with which the toast bad been received . Himself and Bro . Fonu were pleased at having been invited to assist at the consecration of the Emblematic Lodge . He thanked the brethren for having elected him a honorary member of the lodge , which , he considered , had started under the most favourable auspices , and which , he felt assured , would , in the future , take no mean rank in the list of lodges on the registry of ' the Grand Lodge of England .
The W . M . hero rose to explain that it had been his intention to have proposed Bro . Fenn as a honorary member , but through an oversight the proposition had been omitted . The omission , however , would be remedied at the next regular meeting of the lodge . The W . M . next proposed the health of Bro . E . W . Little . The manner in which he had performed tho ceremony of
consecration could not be excelled and scarce equalled . Bro . Little appropriately returned thanks for the honour tho brethren had shown him in electing him a honorary member of the lodge , and also for the kind manner in which they had drunk his health . He at all times felt a pleasure in rendering any service to the cause of Freemasonry that lay in his powor , and he could assure the brethren that he should ever remember with satisfaction his visit to the Emblematic Lod
ge . Bro . Hervey . Grand Secretary , said he was placed in a peculiar position as one who was not a subscribing member of the lodge . He had been entrusted with the gavel for the purpose of proposing the health of Bro . G . F . Swim , the first Worshipful Master of the Emblematic Lodge ( No . 1 , 321 ) . He felt sure that they would all heartily join with him in drinking to the health of the Worshipful Master and prosperity to the Emblematic Lod .
ge He would advise the members to look more to the quality than to the numbers of the persons they introduced into the Craft . Bro . Swan , W . M . returned thanks for the kind manner with which the toast of his health had been received . He was determined to do his . duty to the best of his ability . He hoped to
Craft Masonry.
have the assistance of his officers , " without which he knew all his efforts would be in vain . Theypad no desire to make a large lodge ; they intended to look more to quality and to bring none into the Craft but would reflect credit upon it . The W . M . then proposed the toast of " the Visitors . " They were few in number themselves , hut they were honoured by the presence of a goodly number of visitors . Tho Emblematic would always be pleased to receive visitors , for , without them ,
he considered their meetings could not be successfully nor pleasantly carried on . ' Bro . Buss returned thanks for the visitors . He must , on behalf of himself and the other visitors , express his gratitude for the handsome reception they had met with at the hands of the brethren of tho Emblematic . The W . M . next proposed " the Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Breary , S . W ., responded . He hoped the W . M . and
brethren would find that they had an efficient staff of officers who were determined to do their duty , and he hoped their efforts would be appreciated . Bro . Laxton , J . W ., also returned thanks . The W . M . then proposed the health of Bro . Heath , Hon . Sec , he alluded to the admirable manner in which that brother had performed the duties of Iustalling Master . Bro . Heath scarcelknew how to thank the brethren for the
y compliment paid him . Ho saw , in the Emblematic , the germ of a prosperous lodge . The neighbourhood had hitherto been without lodge . He concurred iu the spirit of those who had preceded him , and would rather see a few good men introduced , than he would see a large number , some of whom might afterwards reflect credit upon the Craft . The Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a close . Several
excellent songs were we'l sung by brethren and visitors , and added materially to , the success of the evening ' s entertam .. ment , the whole tenour of which promised many future happy meetings in Emblematic , No . 1321 .
DEVONSHIEE . EAST STONEHOTTSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( So . 189 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at St . George ' s Hall , East Stonebouse , on Monday , 14 th November , 1 S 70 . Present , Bros . Baikwill , P . M .. as W . M . ; Eodd , P . M . ; Boberts , S . W . ; Coffin , J . W . ; Coates , as S . D . ; Bisset , J . D . ; Hutchings , I . G , ; E . H . Kae , Sec . ; Dowse , Treas . Four visitors from neighbouring lodges
were also present . Bro . G . Mair , M . D ., was passed to tiie second degree , the charge be ng given by the Secretary , and the working tools explaiued by the S . W . Messrs . Johu Chapman and J . Jocelyn McC'ullen were initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , the woi-khig tools being given by the J . W ., aud the charge by Bro . Eodd . P . M . A unanimous vote of sympathy and condolence w-as recorded to Bro . Latimer , S . D . of this lodge , ou his recent great affliction in the sudden death of his sou . Two guineas were voted to the fund for the relief the victims of tho present lamentable war on the continent
LANCASHIBE ( EAST . ) PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE AND INSTALLATION OE PBOTINCIAL GEAND MASTEH . A mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accented Masons of the Eastern Division of Lancashire wast held yosterd-. 'in the Free Trade HallManchesterfor the
iny , , stallation of Lieut-Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , as Provincial Grand Master , in place of the late Bro . Stephen Blair . Tho attendance numbered upwards of 500 . A Craft Lodge was opened in the largo hall at eleven o ' clock by Bro . Gibbs Smith , E . W . M ., of the Friendship Lodge , No . 44 , Mauehestw , with tho usual ceremonies , and was afterwards raised to the third degree . In the meantime the Provincial Grand Lodge met iu the
Assembly Boom , and marched in procession to the hall , where its members were received w ' . lh Masouic honours . Amongst those present were Bros ( be B-ight Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M . ; John Hen-ey , G . S . ; C . J . Banuistcr , Prov . G . S . B . ; and Edward Busber , P . G . S . B ., of the Grand Lodge of England ; A . I-I . Eoyds , Prov . G . M . of Worcestershire ; John Hick , M . P and the following members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark terrestrial ball ; What though no real voice nor sound Amid their radiant orbs be found . In Eeason ' s ear they all rejoice , And utter forth a glorious voice , For ever singing as they shine , The hand that made us is Divine .
The Patriarchal Benediction concluded the coremony of Consecration . W . Bro . W . B . Heath , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., Herts , then proceeded with the installation of the W . M . The W . M . having been saluted in Masonic form , proceeded with the investment of his officers as follows : —Bros . W . BreareyS . W . ; Thomas LaxtonJ . W . ; James HarveyS . D . ;
, , , William Abbott , J . D . ; M . L . Hay ward , I . G . ; W . Heath , P . M . 198 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . for Herts , Hon . Sec , pro tern ; J . Wood , stock , Tyler . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded in 'the lodge minutes to Bros . Hervy , Little , and Fenn , for the efficient manner in which those brethren performed in the consecration of the lodge . Bros . Hervey , and Little were afterwards elected as
Honorary Members of the lodge . A vote of thanks was also proposed to Bro . Chas . Herring , for having kindly presided at the harmonium , and conducting the musical portion of the ceremony . Several propositions were made for initiation and joining , and the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a recherche ' and banquetprovided bthe worthy hostBro . J .
, , y , Simmons . The banquet was served in most unexceptionable manner , and elicited unqualified praise from officers , members and visitors . After the cloth had been cleared . The W . M . proposed in appropriate terms , tho toasts of " The Queen and the Craft . " " The M . W . G . M ., the Et . Hon . Earl de Grey and Eipon" " The Past Grand MastersBros . H . E . H .
, , the Prince of Wales , " and " and the Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland . " The next toast proposed by the W . M . was "The Et . Hon . Earl Carnarvon aud the rest of the Grand Officers , past and and present , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro John Hervey , Grand Secretary . Bro . Hervey thanked the brethren , on behalf of the Grand
Officers and himself for the enthusiastic manner with which the toast bad been received . Himself and Bro . Fonu were pleased at having been invited to assist at the consecration of the Emblematic Lodge . He thanked the brethren for having elected him a honorary member of the lodge , which , he considered , had started under the most favourable auspices , and which , he felt assured , would , in the future , take no mean rank in the list of lodges on the registry of ' the Grand Lodge of England .
The W . M . hero rose to explain that it had been his intention to have proposed Bro . Fenn as a honorary member , but through an oversight the proposition had been omitted . The omission , however , would be remedied at the next regular meeting of the lodge . The W . M . next proposed the health of Bro . E . W . Little . The manner in which he had performed tho ceremony of
consecration could not be excelled and scarce equalled . Bro . Little appropriately returned thanks for the honour tho brethren had shown him in electing him a honorary member of the lodge , and also for the kind manner in which they had drunk his health . He at all times felt a pleasure in rendering any service to the cause of Freemasonry that lay in his powor , and he could assure the brethren that he should ever remember with satisfaction his visit to the Emblematic Lod
ge . Bro . Hervey . Grand Secretary , said he was placed in a peculiar position as one who was not a subscribing member of the lodge . He had been entrusted with the gavel for the purpose of proposing the health of Bro . G . F . Swim , the first Worshipful Master of the Emblematic Lodge ( No . 1 , 321 ) . He felt sure that they would all heartily join with him in drinking to the health of the Worshipful Master and prosperity to the Emblematic Lod .
ge He would advise the members to look more to the quality than to the numbers of the persons they introduced into the Craft . Bro . Swan , W . M . returned thanks for the kind manner with which the toast of his health had been received . He was determined to do his . duty to the best of his ability . He hoped to
Craft Masonry.
have the assistance of his officers , " without which he knew all his efforts would be in vain . Theypad no desire to make a large lodge ; they intended to look more to quality and to bring none into the Craft but would reflect credit upon it . The W . M . then proposed the toast of " the Visitors . " They were few in number themselves , hut they were honoured by the presence of a goodly number of visitors . Tho Emblematic would always be pleased to receive visitors , for , without them ,
he considered their meetings could not be successfully nor pleasantly carried on . ' Bro . Buss returned thanks for the visitors . He must , on behalf of himself and the other visitors , express his gratitude for the handsome reception they had met with at the hands of the brethren of tho Emblematic . The W . M . next proposed " the Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Breary , S . W ., responded . He hoped the W . M . and
brethren would find that they had an efficient staff of officers who were determined to do their duty , and he hoped their efforts would be appreciated . Bro . Laxton , J . W ., also returned thanks . The W . M . then proposed the health of Bro . Heath , Hon . Sec , he alluded to the admirable manner in which that brother had performed the duties of Iustalling Master . Bro . Heath scarcelknew how to thank the brethren for the
y compliment paid him . Ho saw , in the Emblematic , the germ of a prosperous lodge . The neighbourhood had hitherto been without lodge . He concurred iu the spirit of those who had preceded him , and would rather see a few good men introduced , than he would see a large number , some of whom might afterwards reflect credit upon the Craft . The Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a close . Several
excellent songs were we'l sung by brethren and visitors , and added materially to , the success of the evening ' s entertam .. ment , the whole tenour of which promised many future happy meetings in Emblematic , No . 1321 .
DEVONSHIEE . EAST STONEHOTTSE . —Lodge of Sincerity ( So . 189 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at St . George ' s Hall , East Stonebouse , on Monday , 14 th November , 1 S 70 . Present , Bros . Baikwill , P . M .. as W . M . ; Eodd , P . M . ; Boberts , S . W . ; Coffin , J . W . ; Coates , as S . D . ; Bisset , J . D . ; Hutchings , I . G , ; E . H . Kae , Sec . ; Dowse , Treas . Four visitors from neighbouring lodges
were also present . Bro . G . Mair , M . D ., was passed to tiie second degree , the charge be ng given by the Secretary , and the working tools explaiued by the S . W . Messrs . Johu Chapman and J . Jocelyn McC'ullen were initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry , the woi-khig tools being given by the J . W ., aud the charge by Bro . Eodd . P . M . A unanimous vote of sympathy and condolence w-as recorded to Bro . Latimer , S . D . of this lodge , ou his recent great affliction in the sudden death of his sou . Two guineas were voted to the fund for the relief the victims of tho present lamentable war on the continent
LANCASHIBE ( EAST . ) PROVINCIAL GEAND LODGE AND INSTALLATION OE PBOTINCIAL GEAND MASTEH . A mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accented Masons of the Eastern Division of Lancashire wast held yosterd-. 'in the Free Trade HallManchesterfor the
iny , , stallation of Lieut-Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , as Provincial Grand Master , in place of the late Bro . Stephen Blair . Tho attendance numbered upwards of 500 . A Craft Lodge was opened in the largo hall at eleven o ' clock by Bro . Gibbs Smith , E . W . M ., of the Friendship Lodge , No . 44 , Mauehestw , with tho usual ceremonies , and was afterwards raised to the third degree . In the meantime the Provincial Grand Lodge met iu the
Assembly Boom , and marched in procession to the hall , where its members were received w ' . lh Masouic honours . Amongst those present were Bros ( be B-ight Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M . ; John Hen-ey , G . S . ; C . J . Banuistcr , Prov . G . S . B . ; and Edward Busber , P . G . S . B ., of the Grand Lodge of England ; A . I-I . Eoyds , Prov . G . M . of Worcestershire ; John Hick , M . P and the following members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of