Article NEW BRUNSWICK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NEW BRUNSWICK. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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New Brunswick.
W . Bro . Tbos . Irving G . J . D . W . Bro . Eobert Marshall G . Dir . of Cers . W . Bro . Edward Willis G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . W . Bro . J . Mullin G . Std . B . W . Bro . S . W . Golding G . Swd . B . protem . W . Bro . James McNicuol G . Purst . Bro . AV . F . Dibbleo G . Steward .
Bro . Jno . Harris ... ... ... G . Steward . Bro . S . Crane Charters ... ... G . Steward . Bro . I . W . Doherty G . Steward . Bro . M . N . Powees G . Steward .
On Wednesday the Grand Lodge was opened in ample form and with prayer . AV . Bros . J . C . Hiitheway , D . E . Munro , aud David Brown were appointed , in the terms of the Constitution , by the Board of General Purposes , a Committee on Credentials . On motion it was resolved that the reading of the minutes of the last annual communication be dispensed with , the same having been priuted and in the bands of tho brethren .
The M . W . Grand Master delivered his annual address , which was lengthy and interesting . Ho said that there was great cause for congratulation that so much harmony and prosperity existed throughout the jurisdiction , also that the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick was , with one exception , now in fraternal relations with all parts of the masonic world . It gave him great pleasure to be able to state that since the last
annual communication the parent Grand Lodges of England and Ireland had formally acknowledged the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , thus approving of the course adopted by the Fraternity in this province in its erection . He next took up the petition of the Grand Lodge of Quebec for recognition . He spoke at length on this matter , quoting the Masonic law aud precedents for the guidance of the Grand Lodge in its examination of the correspondence on the subject ,
which would be submitted . He made a short reference to his visit to New York last summer , where he was present , by invitation , at the laying of the corner stone of the new Masonic Temple in that city . He very iouchingly referred to the death of the late lamented brother , Alexander Balloon , who , ( luring the year , had been called from labour to the rest of the Celestial Lodge above . He paid an eloquent tribute to the excellent character and masonic zeal of the departed brother , who for so many years stood at the head of Masonry in the province . The M . AV . Grand Master announced that at eight o'clock ,
p . m ., he would consecrate the new Masonic Hall at Carleton , and wished the brethren to be present . On motion of R . W . Deputy Grand Master Wedderbm-n , it was rosolved that so much of the address of M . W . Grand Master as referred to the death of our late Bro . Bulloch be referred to a committee to report . The E . W . Deputy Grand Master , R . W . Senior Grand AVardon , and W . Grand Director of Ceremonieswere appointed as
com-, mittee . On motion of AV . Bro . John A . Ellis , it was resolved that so much of the Grand Master ' s address as related to the Grand Lodge of Quebec be referred to a coamultee , to report at the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge . Past Grand Master R . W . Bro . R-. T . Clinch presented his credentials as a representative of tiie Grand Lodge of England , and
was received in the usual official manner , and the biethren testified their personal gratification at his appointment by long and hearty applause . The roport of the Board of General Purposes was read , and on motion ordered to be received and placed on the Secretary's table . On motion of W . Bro . John Richardsit was resolved that the
, election of officers be deferred until Thursday evening , at eight o ' clock . On motion it was resolved that the report of the Board on the amended Constitution , and also notices for proposed amendments , he taken up to-day at 2-30 p . m . The M . AV . Grand Master appointed Past Grand Master R . W . Bro . Clinch ; EW . Deputy Grand Master AVedbui-n ; AV Grand
Secretary AV . F . Bunting ; W . Grand Wardens B . E . Steveuson and John Eichards ; W . Bros . E . "Willie , and himself a Committee to report on the Grand Lodge of Quebec The Committee on Credentials presented their report . On motion it was ordered that the report of the Grand Secre-
New Brunswick.
tary be received and entered in the minutes . W . Bros . James Eobertsou , Joh n V . Ellis , and AV . Grand Secretary , AV . Bunting , presented their credentials as representatives from the Grand Lodges of Nebraska , Canada , and Missouri , and were received in the usual manner . The amendments to the Constitution , proposed by the Board , aud the other notices of proposed amendments were taken up
for discussion , and were disposed . On Thursday the Grand Lodge resumed labour at 10 o'clock a . m ., E . AV . Deputy Grand Master W . Wedderbm-n in the East . A variety of routine business was transacted , after which a grant of 100 dols . was made to the Carleton Masons in aid of their hall fund , aud a grunt of a like amount to the Masons of Newcastle for a similar service .
A committee was authorized to report on the matter of appointing- an instructor , before closing Grand Lodge . A variety of routine business having been transacted , the Grand Lodge proceeded to the exemplification of the work . The lodge was opened , and tho Grand Secretary exemplified the work on the First Degree . The M . AV . Grand Master appointed P . M's . Botsford , Diddle , and StockfordScrutineers . Tho Ibllowingbrethren were elected
, , appointed , invested , and installed as Grand Officers : — M . AV . William Wedderburn ... G . M . R . W . John V . Ellis D . G . M . „ Bliss Botsford S . G . W . „ William F . Diddle J . G . W . V . W . Eev . William Donald , D . D . G . Chap . AViiliam H . A . Keims ... G . Treas .
„ „ AVilliam V . Bunting ... G . Soc . AV . Adclphus G . Beckwith ... S . G . D . „ Eobeit Marshall ... ,.. J . G . D . „ John D . Slioit G . Dir . of Cers . „ Richard N . Knight Ass . G . Dir . of Cers .
„ Duncan S . Harper G . Swd . Bearer „ John Johnston ... ... G . Stand . Bearer „ Hcmy Card ... ... ... G . Organist „ David R . Munro G . Put-suvianfc „ Harris Allan ... ... ... G . Steward „ John A . Bc . illey ... ... „ „ Hugh Me Monngle „
„ Thomas H . Keolian „ „ Samuel Poster ... ... „ „ Heiiry Hillett „ Bro . Dingee Seribner G . Tyler . On Friday tiie Grand Lodge resumed labour at 11 o'clock , M . AV . Grand Master Wm . Wedderburn in the East . The Committee on Credentials made their report . On motion of R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , John V . Ellis , it
was ordered that Grand Lodge confirms the appointment of representatives of this Grand Lodge to Grand Lodges of Canada , Nebraska , and Minnesota , made by the Grand . Master . On motion of P . G . M . B . L . Peters , it was ordered that the rnnk of P . S . G . W . be conferred on B . AV . Bro . Bernard , representative of this Grand Lodtrc neat- the Grand Lodge of Canada . On motion , the exemplification ot the work was again resumed . On Friday a !' tn-uoou , the Grand Lodge resumed labour at 2 . 30 . p . m ., M . W . Grand Master in the East .
M . W . Grand Master appointed Bro . Charles Kerr an additional Grand Steward . The W . liro . was duly installed . On the motion of W . Grand Secret-try , it was ordered that the M . AV . Grand Master appoint , should ho deem it advisable , a committee for the purpose of organizing a Grand Masonic Festival for the next Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge . Tiie exemplification of work was again resumed , and tho
second and third degrees were worked . All business before the Grand Lodge having been disposed of , it was closed iu ample form , Eev . Bro . Howard Spragueinvoking the Divine blessing .
Royal Arch.
METEOPOLITAN . Jop . i ' 1 CHAPTER ( NO . 188 ) . —The installation meeting of this Chapter was held ou Monday , the 31 st ult ., the M . E . Z ., Comp . AV . Littauer iu the chair , supported by Comps . Rev . M . B . Levy , J . ; J . Abrahams , H . ; Pollitzer , S . N . ; Stanton Jones , P . S . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Brunswick.
W . Bro . Tbos . Irving G . J . D . W . Bro . Eobert Marshall G . Dir . of Cers . W . Bro . Edward Willis G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . W . Bro . J . Mullin G . Std . B . W . Bro . S . W . Golding G . Swd . B . protem . W . Bro . James McNicuol G . Purst . Bro . AV . F . Dibbleo G . Steward .
Bro . Jno . Harris ... ... ... G . Steward . Bro . S . Crane Charters ... ... G . Steward . Bro . I . W . Doherty G . Steward . Bro . M . N . Powees G . Steward .
On Wednesday the Grand Lodge was opened in ample form and with prayer . AV . Bros . J . C . Hiitheway , D . E . Munro , aud David Brown were appointed , in the terms of the Constitution , by the Board of General Purposes , a Committee on Credentials . On motion it was resolved that the reading of the minutes of the last annual communication be dispensed with , the same having been priuted and in the bands of tho brethren .
The M . W . Grand Master delivered his annual address , which was lengthy and interesting . Ho said that there was great cause for congratulation that so much harmony and prosperity existed throughout the jurisdiction , also that the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick was , with one exception , now in fraternal relations with all parts of the masonic world . It gave him great pleasure to be able to state that since the last
annual communication the parent Grand Lodges of England and Ireland had formally acknowledged the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , thus approving of the course adopted by the Fraternity in this province in its erection . He next took up the petition of the Grand Lodge of Quebec for recognition . He spoke at length on this matter , quoting the Masonic law aud precedents for the guidance of the Grand Lodge in its examination of the correspondence on the subject ,
which would be submitted . He made a short reference to his visit to New York last summer , where he was present , by invitation , at the laying of the corner stone of the new Masonic Temple in that city . He very iouchingly referred to the death of the late lamented brother , Alexander Balloon , who , ( luring the year , had been called from labour to the rest of the Celestial Lodge above . He paid an eloquent tribute to the excellent character and masonic zeal of the departed brother , who for so many years stood at the head of Masonry in the province . The M . AV . Grand Master announced that at eight o'clock ,
p . m ., he would consecrate the new Masonic Hall at Carleton , and wished the brethren to be present . On motion of R . W . Deputy Grand Master Wedderbm-n , it was rosolved that so much of the address of M . W . Grand Master as referred to the death of our late Bro . Bulloch be referred to a committee to report . The E . W . Deputy Grand Master , R . W . Senior Grand AVardon , and W . Grand Director of Ceremonieswere appointed as
com-, mittee . On motion of AV . Bro . John A . Ellis , it was resolved that so much of the Grand Master ' s address as related to the Grand Lodge of Quebec be referred to a coamultee , to report at the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge . Past Grand Master R . W . Bro . R-. T . Clinch presented his credentials as a representative of tiie Grand Lodge of England , and
was received in the usual official manner , and the biethren testified their personal gratification at his appointment by long and hearty applause . The roport of the Board of General Purposes was read , and on motion ordered to be received and placed on the Secretary's table . On motion of W . Bro . John Richardsit was resolved that the
, election of officers be deferred until Thursday evening , at eight o ' clock . On motion it was resolved that the report of the Board on the amended Constitution , and also notices for proposed amendments , he taken up to-day at 2-30 p . m . The M . AV . Grand Master appointed Past Grand Master R . W . Bro . Clinch ; EW . Deputy Grand Master AVedbui-n ; AV Grand
Secretary AV . F . Bunting ; W . Grand Wardens B . E . Steveuson and John Eichards ; W . Bros . E . "Willie , and himself a Committee to report on the Grand Lodge of Quebec The Committee on Credentials presented their report . On motion it was ordered that the report of the Grand Secre-
New Brunswick.
tary be received and entered in the minutes . W . Bros . James Eobertsou , Joh n V . Ellis , and AV . Grand Secretary , AV . Bunting , presented their credentials as representatives from the Grand Lodges of Nebraska , Canada , and Missouri , and were received in the usual manner . The amendments to the Constitution , proposed by the Board , aud the other notices of proposed amendments were taken up
for discussion , and were disposed . On Thursday the Grand Lodge resumed labour at 10 o'clock a . m ., E . AV . Deputy Grand Master W . Wedderbm-n in the East . A variety of routine business was transacted , after which a grant of 100 dols . was made to the Carleton Masons in aid of their hall fund , aud a grunt of a like amount to the Masons of Newcastle for a similar service .
A committee was authorized to report on the matter of appointing- an instructor , before closing Grand Lodge . A variety of routine business having been transacted , the Grand Lodge proceeded to the exemplification of the work . The lodge was opened , and tho Grand Secretary exemplified the work on the First Degree . The M . AV . Grand Master appointed P . M's . Botsford , Diddle , and StockfordScrutineers . Tho Ibllowingbrethren were elected
, , appointed , invested , and installed as Grand Officers : — M . AV . William Wedderburn ... G . M . R . W . John V . Ellis D . G . M . „ Bliss Botsford S . G . W . „ William F . Diddle J . G . W . V . W . Eev . William Donald , D . D . G . Chap . AViiliam H . A . Keims ... G . Treas .
„ „ AVilliam V . Bunting ... G . Soc . AV . Adclphus G . Beckwith ... S . G . D . „ Eobeit Marshall ... ,.. J . G . D . „ John D . Slioit G . Dir . of Cers . „ Richard N . Knight Ass . G . Dir . of Cers .
„ Duncan S . Harper G . Swd . Bearer „ John Johnston ... ... G . Stand . Bearer „ Hcmy Card ... ... ... G . Organist „ David R . Munro G . Put-suvianfc „ Harris Allan ... ... ... G . Steward „ John A . Bc . illey ... ... „ „ Hugh Me Monngle „
„ Thomas H . Keolian „ „ Samuel Poster ... ... „ „ Heiiry Hillett „ Bro . Dingee Seribner G . Tyler . On Friday tiie Grand Lodge resumed labour at 11 o'clock , M . AV . Grand Master Wm . Wedderburn in the East . The Committee on Credentials made their report . On motion of R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , John V . Ellis , it
was ordered that Grand Lodge confirms the appointment of representatives of this Grand Lodge to Grand Lodges of Canada , Nebraska , and Minnesota , made by the Grand . Master . On motion of P . G . M . B . L . Peters , it was ordered that the rnnk of P . S . G . W . be conferred on B . AV . Bro . Bernard , representative of this Grand Lodtrc neat- the Grand Lodge of Canada . On motion , the exemplification ot the work was again resumed . On Friday a !' tn-uoou , the Grand Lodge resumed labour at 2 . 30 . p . m ., M . W . Grand Master in the East .
M . W . Grand Master appointed Bro . Charles Kerr an additional Grand Steward . The W . liro . was duly installed . On the motion of W . Grand Secret-try , it was ordered that the M . AV . Grand Master appoint , should ho deem it advisable , a committee for the purpose of organizing a Grand Masonic Festival for the next Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge . Tiie exemplification of work was again resumed , and tho
second and third degrees were worked . All business before the Grand Lodge having been disposed of , it was closed iu ample form , Eev . Bro . Howard Spragueinvoking the Divine blessing .
Royal Arch.
METEOPOLITAN . Jop . i ' 1 CHAPTER ( NO . 188 ) . —The installation meeting of this Chapter was held ou Monday , the 31 st ult ., the M . E . Z ., Comp . AV . Littauer iu the chair , supported by Comps . Rev . M . B . Levy , J . ; J . Abrahams , H . ; Pollitzer , S . N . ; Stanton Jones , P . S . ;