Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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J . Emanuel , A . S . j and P . Z's . A . Cohen , Treasurer ; S . V . Abrahams ; J . Lazarus ; and Companions Cremer ; Faulkner ; Mellish ; H . F . Isaac ; Potts ; J . Emanuel ; G . Brett ; Braham ; Collinridge ; M . Littauer , and several others . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The revised byelaws were read and discussed , and finally adopted . The installation of the Principals then took placeand Companion Israel
, Abrahams was installed as M . E . Z . ; Rev . M . B . Levy , H . ; and S . Pollitzer , J . The ceremony was beautifully rendered by the retiring M . E . Z . The newly-installed Z , then invested his officers as follows : —Comps . H . M . Levy , S . E . ; Eosenthal , S . N . ; M . Emanuel , P . S . ; 1 st Assistant , J . Emanuel ; 2 nd Assistant , M . Nathan ; A . Cohen , P . Z ., Treasurer ; and Smith , Janitor . Comp . Cohenin a very excellent speechpresented Comp . AV .
, , Littauer , I . P . Z ., with a very elegant solid gold P . Z . jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Companions of the Joppa Chapter , No . 188 , to Companion W . A . Littauer , I . P . Z ., in recognition of the efficient manner he discharged the duties of First Principal during the year 1870 . " Com p . Littauer suitably returned thanks for the valuable gift . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent
banquet . The usual loyal and K . A . toasts were given , 'fhe toast of the M . E . Z . was proposed by Comp . W . Littauer , I . P . Z ., and very ably responded to . The toasts of the H . and J . were respectively eloquently given by Comps . Eev . M . B . Levy and S . Pollitzer , and H . M . Levy , as S . E . ; M . Emanuel responded for the officers . The Janitor ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND ETJl'LANO , LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was held at the Freemasons' Ball , on AVednesday , the 9 th inst . In the absence from tho county of the first and second Principals , those chairs were filled by Comps . Kelly , G , Supt ., and the Eev . John Spittal , P . Z ., Comp . Toller being in his place as J . ; Comps . Stretton , E . ; Buzzard , as N . ;
Partridge , P . S ., and others . A telegram was received from Comp . the Eev . C . J . E . Smith ( Rugby School ) , N ., expressing rogret at being unable to be in his place . A ballot was taken for Bro . Alfred Lay ton , of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , London ; Eobert Waite , and Francis Kemp , of St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 1330 , Market Harborough ; and Henry Tilleman Bobart , of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , Ashby-de-la-Zouch , who
were duly elected , and Bro . AA aite being the only candidate present was duly exalted , but haviug to leave by an early train , the historical lecture was omitted , Comp . Toller giving the Symbolical , and Comp . Kelly the mystical lectures .
MARKET HAEEOROTTGII . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 1330 ) . —A monthly meeting of this flourishing young lodge was held at the Assembly Room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 11 th inst ., when amongst the brethren present were William Kelly , Prov . G . M ., AV . M . ; Sir Henrv St . John Halford , Bart ., P . G . S . D ., S . W . ; Eev . J . F . HalfonC P . G . Chap ., J . AV . ; Eev . A . A . O'Neill , P . Prov . G . Chap ., East Lancashire , Chaplain ; Bobert AVaite , P . M . Treas . ; W . II . MitrrisP . M . and P . Prov . G . S . D . Sec ;
, , , , aud F . Kemp , S . D . Visitors : —Bros . S . Inns , D . P . G . M ., Northants and Hunts ; Eev . Dr . Hayeroi't , P . G . Chap ., and S . D ., No . 523 ; and Geo . Toller , Jun ., P . M ., 523 , and P . G . Sec . The work consisted of thirteen passings and two initiations . Twelve put of the thirteen E . A's were present , and after the preliminary business had been transacted , went through their examination most efficiently , and , having retired , the lodge was opened
in the second degree , when they were passed in the -following order , viz : —Bros . J . H . Douglass ; Thos . Macaulay , M . R . C . S . ; AV . Nicholas Heygate , M . R . O . S . ; Henry Freestone : William Martin ; Frederick Grant , M . D . ; Edward Fuller ; Eichard Lawrence ; James Edward Dixon ; John AVhitehead ; James Shovelbottom , and Edward Clark , ( Tyler ); Bros , the Eev . Dr . Haycroft and Toller rendered valuable assistance during the evening , the former as Deacon , and the latter as Inner
Guard . Time did not permit of the lecture on the tracing board being given . The F . C ' s lodge having been closed , Mr . Percy AVilliam Keane , of Cranoe , and of Bench Park , Ennis Co . Clare , Ireland , and Mr . John James Platford , of Harborough ( who had been ballotted for at the opening of the lodge ) were severally initiated into the first degree . The Eev . Francis Morton Beaumont , M . A . Vicar of Farndon , was proposed for initiation . The AV . M . brought forward au application which he
Royal Arch.
had received for aid to the " Captain Belief Fund . " and proposed a contribution of one guinea , which , as a young lodge , was all he thought-they could give . Bro . Sir Henry Halford , S . JV . whilst whilst not objecting to the grant , said he must express his decided conviction that the case was one which ought to be provided for by the State , and not by private benevolence . W . Bro . Inns said that he had brought forward a similar application
in two of the lodges of his Province , in both of which a similar objection was raised , but the two brethren ended by seconding his proposition . Bro . Eev . John Halford , J . W ., seconded the g .-aut , as whist agreeing in principle with the S . W ., ( as the AA ' . M . also did ) , he thought , at least , temporary aid should be afforded until the case could bo brought before Parliament . The grant was then unanimously ag' -ecd to . The
AV . M . presented to the lodge an alms dish of an antique design in while metal , and 25 copies of a Masonic national authem , which he had had printed for the use of the lodges in the Province , and for which , a vote of thanks was passed . The lodge was then closed , aud tho brethren adjourned to refreshment The superb suito of furniture formerly presented to the Lodge of Antiquity , in London , by H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , which had inst been purchased , was brought into use for the first time , and greatly admired .
Mark Masonry.
INDIA . INAUGURATION OE THE PROVINCIAI , GRAND LODGE OE MAKE . MASTER MASONS EOR WEST INDIA . On the 29 fh September , the Eight Worshipful the Houourabl J . Gibbs , 33 ° , Provincial Grand Master of Bombay , haviug been received by the AA . M ., officers and brethren of Lodge "Holmesdale in the East" of M . M . No . 72 with the customary honors
, , , amongst M . M . Masons , inaugurated in its midst the Provincial Grand Lodge in due form . E . W . Bro . Percy Leith , 33 ° , the Provincial Grand Master nominate , being in attendance , wa then called in aud conducted to the dais , whereupon the patent of his appointment was read , and after having expressed his unqualified assent to the ancient charges , was duly installed by R W . Bro . Gibbs in a masterly manner , as the Prov . G . M . of M . M .
Masons of Western India . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . then installed E . W . Bro . tho Hon . J . 'Gibbs as P . Prov . G . M . of M . M . Masons of Western India . The ballot was taken for Bro . Alfred Swift as Prov . G . Treas and Bro . J . AA . Senger as Prov . G . Tyler , which proved unanimous in each ease . The Prov . G . M . then appointed and installed the
undermentioned brethren as his officers : — Wor . Bro . J . Dixon D . Prov . G . M . „ Bro . C . Hyne Prov . G . S . W . „ Bro . H . H . Avron ... P . Prov . G . S . AV . „ Bro . Colonel L . W . Penn Prov . G . J . W . „ Bro . Capt . B . H . Mathow Prov . G . M . 0 . Bro . A . C . Gumpert Prov . G . S . O .
„ A . C . Lang-ley Prov . G . J . O . „ M . Balfour ... ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Aifrod Swift Prov . G-. Treas . AVor . Bro . B . Tyrr-jll Leith ... Prov . G . Reg . „ Bro . H . H . Avron ... Prov . G Sec Bro . T . Crawford Prov . G . S . D .
„ G . W . E . Malins ... Prov . G . J . D . ,, A . F . Shepherd ... y . Prov . G . Insp . of Wks . „ E . Gleave Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ AV . M . Tennont Prov . G . As :, t . Dir . of Ce „ AV . Stephens Prov . G . Swd . B . „ H . Ainsworth Prov . G . Std . B . „ J . Thomas Prov . G . Org . „ J . 0 . Weekes Prov . G . I . G .
„ M . B . Cohen Prov . G . Steward . „ J . C . Melville Prov . G . Steward . „ J . W . Seager Prov . G . Tyler . The E . W . Prov . G . M ., referring to the zealous manner in which W . Bro . H . H . Avron had performed his various duties , and to the assistance afforded by him to tho Craft in general and towards the carrying out of the beautiful Degree of Mark Master in particular , in Bombay , and to manifest his approbation thereof , intimated that he had appointed W . Bro . Avron , P . Prov . G . S . W . This announcement was received with marked approval .
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Royal Arch.
J . Emanuel , A . S . j and P . Z's . A . Cohen , Treasurer ; S . V . Abrahams ; J . Lazarus ; and Companions Cremer ; Faulkner ; Mellish ; H . F . Isaac ; Potts ; J . Emanuel ; G . Brett ; Braham ; Collinridge ; M . Littauer , and several others . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . The revised byelaws were read and discussed , and finally adopted . The installation of the Principals then took placeand Companion Israel
, Abrahams was installed as M . E . Z . ; Rev . M . B . Levy , H . ; and S . Pollitzer , J . The ceremony was beautifully rendered by the retiring M . E . Z . The newly-installed Z , then invested his officers as follows : —Comps . H . M . Levy , S . E . ; Eosenthal , S . N . ; M . Emanuel , P . S . ; 1 st Assistant , J . Emanuel ; 2 nd Assistant , M . Nathan ; A . Cohen , P . Z ., Treasurer ; and Smith , Janitor . Comp . Cohenin a very excellent speechpresented Comp . AV .
, , Littauer , I . P . Z ., with a very elegant solid gold P . Z . jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Companions of the Joppa Chapter , No . 188 , to Companion W . A . Littauer , I . P . Z ., in recognition of the efficient manner he discharged the duties of First Principal during the year 1870 . " Com p . Littauer suitably returned thanks for the valuable gift . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent
banquet . The usual loyal and K . A . toasts were given , 'fhe toast of the M . E . Z . was proposed by Comp . W . Littauer , I . P . Z ., and very ably responded to . The toasts of the H . and J . were respectively eloquently given by Comps . Eev . M . B . Levy and S . Pollitzer , and H . M . Levy , as S . E . ; M . Emanuel responded for the officers . The Janitor ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND ETJl'LANO , LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter was held at the Freemasons' Ball , on AVednesday , the 9 th inst . In the absence from tho county of the first and second Principals , those chairs were filled by Comps . Kelly , G , Supt ., and the Eev . John Spittal , P . Z ., Comp . Toller being in his place as J . ; Comps . Stretton , E . ; Buzzard , as N . ;
Partridge , P . S ., and others . A telegram was received from Comp . the Eev . C . J . E . Smith ( Rugby School ) , N ., expressing rogret at being unable to be in his place . A ballot was taken for Bro . Alfred Lay ton , of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , London ; Eobert Waite , and Francis Kemp , of St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 1330 , Market Harborough ; and Henry Tilleman Bobart , of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , Ashby-de-la-Zouch , who
were duly elected , and Bro . AA aite being the only candidate present was duly exalted , but haviug to leave by an early train , the historical lecture was omitted , Comp . Toller giving the Symbolical , and Comp . Kelly the mystical lectures .
MARKET HAEEOROTTGII . —St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 1330 ) . —A monthly meeting of this flourishing young lodge was held at the Assembly Room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 11 th inst ., when amongst the brethren present were William Kelly , Prov . G . M ., AV . M . ; Sir Henrv St . John Halford , Bart ., P . G . S . D ., S . W . ; Eev . J . F . HalfonC P . G . Chap ., J . AV . ; Eev . A . A . O'Neill , P . Prov . G . Chap ., East Lancashire , Chaplain ; Bobert AVaite , P . M . Treas . ; W . II . MitrrisP . M . and P . Prov . G . S . D . Sec ;
, , , , aud F . Kemp , S . D . Visitors : —Bros . S . Inns , D . P . G . M ., Northants and Hunts ; Eev . Dr . Hayeroi't , P . G . Chap ., and S . D ., No . 523 ; and Geo . Toller , Jun ., P . M ., 523 , and P . G . Sec . The work consisted of thirteen passings and two initiations . Twelve put of the thirteen E . A's were present , and after the preliminary business had been transacted , went through their examination most efficiently , and , having retired , the lodge was opened
in the second degree , when they were passed in the -following order , viz : —Bros . J . H . Douglass ; Thos . Macaulay , M . R . C . S . ; AV . Nicholas Heygate , M . R . O . S . ; Henry Freestone : William Martin ; Frederick Grant , M . D . ; Edward Fuller ; Eichard Lawrence ; James Edward Dixon ; John AVhitehead ; James Shovelbottom , and Edward Clark , ( Tyler ); Bros , the Eev . Dr . Haycroft and Toller rendered valuable assistance during the evening , the former as Deacon , and the latter as Inner
Guard . Time did not permit of the lecture on the tracing board being given . The F . C ' s lodge having been closed , Mr . Percy AVilliam Keane , of Cranoe , and of Bench Park , Ennis Co . Clare , Ireland , and Mr . John James Platford , of Harborough ( who had been ballotted for at the opening of the lodge ) were severally initiated into the first degree . The Eev . Francis Morton Beaumont , M . A . Vicar of Farndon , was proposed for initiation . The AV . M . brought forward au application which he
Royal Arch.
had received for aid to the " Captain Belief Fund . " and proposed a contribution of one guinea , which , as a young lodge , was all he thought-they could give . Bro . Sir Henry Halford , S . JV . whilst whilst not objecting to the grant , said he must express his decided conviction that the case was one which ought to be provided for by the State , and not by private benevolence . W . Bro . Inns said that he had brought forward a similar application
in two of the lodges of his Province , in both of which a similar objection was raised , but the two brethren ended by seconding his proposition . Bro . Eev . John Halford , J . W ., seconded the g .-aut , as whist agreeing in principle with the S . W ., ( as the AA ' . M . also did ) , he thought , at least , temporary aid should be afforded until the case could bo brought before Parliament . The grant was then unanimously ag' -ecd to . The
AV . M . presented to the lodge an alms dish of an antique design in while metal , and 25 copies of a Masonic national authem , which he had had printed for the use of the lodges in the Province , and for which , a vote of thanks was passed . The lodge was then closed , aud tho brethren adjourned to refreshment The superb suito of furniture formerly presented to the Lodge of Antiquity , in London , by H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , which had inst been purchased , was brought into use for the first time , and greatly admired .
Mark Masonry.
INDIA . INAUGURATION OE THE PROVINCIAI , GRAND LODGE OE MAKE . MASTER MASONS EOR WEST INDIA . On the 29 fh September , the Eight Worshipful the Houourabl J . Gibbs , 33 ° , Provincial Grand Master of Bombay , haviug been received by the AA . M ., officers and brethren of Lodge "Holmesdale in the East" of M . M . No . 72 with the customary honors
, , , amongst M . M . Masons , inaugurated in its midst the Provincial Grand Lodge in due form . E . W . Bro . Percy Leith , 33 ° , the Provincial Grand Master nominate , being in attendance , wa then called in aud conducted to the dais , whereupon the patent of his appointment was read , and after having expressed his unqualified assent to the ancient charges , was duly installed by R W . Bro . Gibbs in a masterly manner , as the Prov . G . M . of M . M .
Masons of Western India . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . then installed E . W . Bro . tho Hon . J . 'Gibbs as P . Prov . G . M . of M . M . Masons of Western India . The ballot was taken for Bro . Alfred Swift as Prov . G . Treas and Bro . J . AA . Senger as Prov . G . Tyler , which proved unanimous in each ease . The Prov . G . M . then appointed and installed the
undermentioned brethren as his officers : — Wor . Bro . J . Dixon D . Prov . G . M . „ Bro . C . Hyne Prov . G . S . W . „ Bro . H . H . Avron ... P . Prov . G . S . AV . „ Bro . Colonel L . W . Penn Prov . G . J . W . „ Bro . Capt . B . H . Mathow Prov . G . M . 0 . Bro . A . C . Gumpert Prov . G . S . O .
„ A . C . Lang-ley Prov . G . J . O . „ M . Balfour ... ... Prov . G . Chap . „ Aifrod Swift Prov . G-. Treas . AVor . Bro . B . Tyrr-jll Leith ... Prov . G . Reg . „ Bro . H . H . Avron ... Prov . G Sec Bro . T . Crawford Prov . G . S . D .
„ G . W . E . Malins ... Prov . G . J . D . ,, A . F . Shepherd ... y . Prov . G . Insp . of Wks . „ E . Gleave Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ AV . M . Tennont Prov . G . As :, t . Dir . of Ce „ AV . Stephens Prov . G . Swd . B . „ H . Ainsworth Prov . G . Std . B . „ J . Thomas Prov . G . Org . „ J . 0 . Weekes Prov . G . I . G .
„ M . B . Cohen Prov . G . Steward . „ J . C . Melville Prov . G . Steward . „ J . W . Seager Prov . G . Tyler . The E . W . Prov . G . M ., referring to the zealous manner in which W . Bro . H . H . Avron had performed his various duties , and to the assistance afforded by him to tho Craft in general and towards the carrying out of the beautiful Degree of Mark Master in particular , in Bombay , and to manifest his approbation thereof , intimated that he had appointed W . Bro . Avron , P . Prov . G . S . W . This announcement was received with marked approval .