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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The last mail advices from Australia contain the announcement of the death at Melbourne , of Bro . James Marshall , solicitor , a colonist of sixteen years ' standing . He was one of the oldest members in the colony of the Masonic fraternity , having been "W . M .
of the " Ancient Lodge of Mary ' s Cbapel , Edinburgh " as early as 1 S 30 . He was subsequentlyPoetLaureate of the Canongate ELilwinning Lodge , Chairman of the Law Committee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , aud a Knigbt Templar . Previously to hie arrival in the
colony he had practised for thirty years in the Supreme Court of Scotland , chiefly in the ciiminal department of the law , during which time he also compiled several works on Scotch law , and contributed some dramatic sketches to the Edinburgh stage .
Among the incidents of the war which should be put on record , and which illustrate the vein for foolery and bombast of the French , is a citation of Fr . Guillaume I , Roi de Prusse , " and " Fr . Frederic GuilJaume Prince Royal to appear on the 29 th October , at No .
35 , Rue J ean Jacques Rousseau , at Paris , to answer an accusation of perjury , " in the name of humanity , outraged , of liberty of conscience violated , and of right and justice disregarded . In case of their non-appearance , which probably Avas the fact , an official
advocate was " to be appointed , and the case was to be tried according to Masonic usages . " It is in consequence of denaturalising and disturbing Masonry from its old bases that such notions gain currency . "Who are the parties at No . 35 does not
appear . It is to be hoped not the two legitimate bodies the Grand Orient and the Supreme Council , the domiciles of which are elsewhere than in the Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau . If the King of Prussia and his son hear of this
tomfoolery , they are too good Masons to regard it as anything else but what it is , and it is to be hoped it will not impair the genuine good offices of Masonry , rendered to each other by brethren on both sides , in this unhappy war . The following is a translation of the citation above referred
to;" Citation . —In the name of outraged humanity ! In the name of violated liberty of conscience ! In the name of despised right anil justice ! The Freemasons William I , King of Prussia , and Frederick "William Nicholas Charles of Prussia , Royal Hereditary Prince
, are summoned to appear personally or by represent , atives having some iVJasonic qualification , ou Saturday , the 29 th day of October , 1870 , in the Maeonic Hall , Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau , No . 35 , at seven
o ' clock in the evening , to answer the charge of perjury brought against them by the Parisian Freemasonry . Should they fall in coming forward , or in sending representatives in accordance with the present citation an es-offieio defender shall be appointed in their
behalf , and proceedings shall be taken according to Ma . sonic usages . Orient of Paris , Oct . 21 , 1870 . " Then follow signatures of venerables and delegates of Grand Lodge .
GEAND LODGE OP CAHFOENIA . The M . W . Grand Lodge of California commenced its twenty-first Annual Communication , at the Masonic Temple , San Praneiseo , Tuesday , October 10 , and was opened in ample form . Present , M . W .
Leonidas E . Pratt , G . M . ; E . W . Isaac S . Titus . D . G . M . ; John Shirrel Ward , S . G . Warden ; Richard Dale , J . G . Warden ; V . W . James Laidley , G . Treas . ; Alexander G . Abell , G . Sec ; the other Grand Officers , several P . G . Officers , Past Masters , and
the representatives of about one hundred subordinate warranted Lodges . Prayer was offered by Bro . Eev , ' A . E . Hill , G . Chaplain , pro tern ., the odes behjg sung by the choir . The Grand Secretary presented the credentials of
Bros . Baymonde Rosas Moralles , P . G . Secretary of the Grand Orient of Peru ; and M . W . William H . Davis , P . G . M . of Novia Scotia . The Committee on Jurisprudence submitted a report approving the official acts of the Grand Master
so far as referred to them ; also , recommending the repeal of the regulation whichprovides that no Suicide shall be buried Avith Masonic honours . The Committee on Pinances approved the report of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer . It was Besolved , —That so much of the address of the
Grand Lodge as refers to the barbarities eommittedon Freemasons in the Island of Cuba , and the report of the Special Committee . thereon , be not printed in the published proceedings , but shall be filed among its archives for future reference .
"And the committee was continued until the next annual communication , with instructions to ascertain the truth relative to the statements made , and report thereon . " Bros . M . W . Leondias E . Pratt was re-elected G-.
Master ; B . W . Isaac S . Titus , was elected D . G . Master . On the recommendation of the Grand Mas ter it was resolved to recognise the " Grand Lodge of Quebec , " The two Grand Lodges in Brazil are about to become amalgamated under one jurisdi c tion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The last mail advices from Australia contain the announcement of the death at Melbourne , of Bro . James Marshall , solicitor , a colonist of sixteen years ' standing . He was one of the oldest members in the colony of the Masonic fraternity , having been "W . M .
of the " Ancient Lodge of Mary ' s Cbapel , Edinburgh " as early as 1 S 30 . He was subsequentlyPoetLaureate of the Canongate ELilwinning Lodge , Chairman of the Law Committee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , aud a Knigbt Templar . Previously to hie arrival in the
colony he had practised for thirty years in the Supreme Court of Scotland , chiefly in the ciiminal department of the law , during which time he also compiled several works on Scotch law , and contributed some dramatic sketches to the Edinburgh stage .
Among the incidents of the war which should be put on record , and which illustrate the vein for foolery and bombast of the French , is a citation of Fr . Guillaume I , Roi de Prusse , " and " Fr . Frederic GuilJaume Prince Royal to appear on the 29 th October , at No .
35 , Rue J ean Jacques Rousseau , at Paris , to answer an accusation of perjury , " in the name of humanity , outraged , of liberty of conscience violated , and of right and justice disregarded . In case of their non-appearance , which probably Avas the fact , an official
advocate was " to be appointed , and the case was to be tried according to Masonic usages . " It is in consequence of denaturalising and disturbing Masonry from its old bases that such notions gain currency . "Who are the parties at No . 35 does not
appear . It is to be hoped not the two legitimate bodies the Grand Orient and the Supreme Council , the domiciles of which are elsewhere than in the Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau . If the King of Prussia and his son hear of this
tomfoolery , they are too good Masons to regard it as anything else but what it is , and it is to be hoped it will not impair the genuine good offices of Masonry , rendered to each other by brethren on both sides , in this unhappy war . The following is a translation of the citation above referred
to;" Citation . —In the name of outraged humanity ! In the name of violated liberty of conscience ! In the name of despised right anil justice ! The Freemasons William I , King of Prussia , and Frederick "William Nicholas Charles of Prussia , Royal Hereditary Prince
, are summoned to appear personally or by represent , atives having some iVJasonic qualification , ou Saturday , the 29 th day of October , 1870 , in the Maeonic Hall , Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau , No . 35 , at seven
o ' clock in the evening , to answer the charge of perjury brought against them by the Parisian Freemasonry . Should they fall in coming forward , or in sending representatives in accordance with the present citation an es-offieio defender shall be appointed in their
behalf , and proceedings shall be taken according to Ma . sonic usages . Orient of Paris , Oct . 21 , 1870 . " Then follow signatures of venerables and delegates of Grand Lodge .
GEAND LODGE OP CAHFOENIA . The M . W . Grand Lodge of California commenced its twenty-first Annual Communication , at the Masonic Temple , San Praneiseo , Tuesday , October 10 , and was opened in ample form . Present , M . W .
Leonidas E . Pratt , G . M . ; E . W . Isaac S . Titus . D . G . M . ; John Shirrel Ward , S . G . Warden ; Richard Dale , J . G . Warden ; V . W . James Laidley , G . Treas . ; Alexander G . Abell , G . Sec ; the other Grand Officers , several P . G . Officers , Past Masters , and
the representatives of about one hundred subordinate warranted Lodges . Prayer was offered by Bro . Eev , ' A . E . Hill , G . Chaplain , pro tern ., the odes behjg sung by the choir . The Grand Secretary presented the credentials of
Bros . Baymonde Rosas Moralles , P . G . Secretary of the Grand Orient of Peru ; and M . W . William H . Davis , P . G . M . of Novia Scotia . The Committee on Jurisprudence submitted a report approving the official acts of the Grand Master
so far as referred to them ; also , recommending the repeal of the regulation whichprovides that no Suicide shall be buried Avith Masonic honours . The Committee on Pinances approved the report of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer . It was Besolved , —That so much of the address of the
Grand Lodge as refers to the barbarities eommittedon Freemasons in the Island of Cuba , and the report of the Special Committee . thereon , be not printed in the published proceedings , but shall be filed among its archives for future reference .
"And the committee was continued until the next annual communication , with instructions to ascertain the truth relative to the statements made , and report thereon . " Bros . M . W . Leondias E . Pratt was re-elected G-.
Master ; B . W . Isaac S . Titus , was elected D . G . Master . On the recommendation of the Grand Mas ter it was resolved to recognise the " Grand Lodge of Quebec , " The two Grand Lodges in Brazil are about to become amalgamated under one jurisdi c tion .