Article FREEMASONRY AND CHRISTIANITY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SHAKESPEARE A FREEMASON. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Freemasonry And Christianity.
and afford no valid argument to prove Freemasonry to be a Jewish or even a latitwlinarian institution , as some of our opponents have " boldly and mistakenly declared . " I would recommend Bro . Haye to ]) eruse the whole of the preface from which the foregoing extract
is taken , and then perhaps he will hesitate to tax me with " want of liberality and common sense , " merely because I prefer adhering to tlie opinions of Dr . Oliver rather than to his own . But , perhaps , he sets up his two or three years of Masonic research as more worthy of reliance than the 67 years of Dr .
Oliver ! What does our veteran Bro . Purton Cooper say ? " " The relig ion of English Masonry is Christianity with a tolerance in the lodge of all faiths which recognize the Great Architect of the Universe . "
If this be so , that ifc is the religion of English Masonry only that is Christian , there must be as many kinds of Masonry as there are different faiths amongst its professors . If the religion of English Masonry is not Christianity , then English Masonry is a gigantic humbug , and its rulers , Avhen they place
the Holy Bible on the pedestal ancl recommend it to candidates as the " unerring standard of truth , " are guilty of most blasphemous hypocrisy . I conclude this discussion by declaring that it is my unalterable conviction that true Masonry is founded on Christianity , and thafc no man has fathomed ifcs
depths until he has arrvied at the same conviction , at the same time I am free to admit my belief that the German philosophical school of Masonry to which Bro . Haye appears to belong has nothing in common either Avith Christianity or revealed religion of any kind .
Before concluding , I beg to inform Bro . Haye that I shall take no notice of any further communications of his unless they are more Masonic and gentlemanly in their tone than that of Saturday last . Yours fraternally , H . B . WHITE .
Shakespeare A Freemason.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIESOB . Dear Sir and Brother , —I am in possession of au old seal , ou one side of which there is a number of Masonic emblems , and on the other side the bust of Shakespeare . I should he grateful if you AVOUIC ! let me knoAV in your next number whether Shakespeare
was a Freemason , or the relationship , if any , which existed between Shakespeare and Freemasonry ? Yours fraternally , A MASONIC ANTIQUARY . Aldershot , December 12 , 1 S 6 S . [ It has been a disputed point among Masons
whether Shakespeare ever belonged to the Craft , and it is a question which UOAV cannot be definitely settled . Tbe New Atlantis of Bacaa has always heen considered as dealing with Masonry ; and , if Bacon Avas a Mason , there Avould be nothing to wonder at if Shakespeare and his friends of the Mermaid Avere Masons also . You do not , however , say if there is any date to the medal , or describe the Masonic emblems . —ED . F . M . ]
Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIRROR. * * All communications to be addressee ! to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
TnE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND Pocor BOOK EOR 1869 . —We are informed that tliis useful and eotnprebens ' iA'e publication Avill be issued next Aveek . It can be obtained at tbe office of the EREE - AIASONS' MAGAZIJVE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to tbe regular agents .
AVE find that the Percy Lodge of Instruction , so long in abeyance , is IIOAV held at Bro . Jones' , tbe Thatched House , Red Lion-street , Holborn , at eight o ' clock , on Saturday evenings . The Whittington Lodge of Instruction is held at the same hostelry on Thursday CA'Ciiings , at the same hour . THE Provincial meeting for the West Riding- of Yorkshire
Avill be held ut the Masonic Hall , Sheffield , on tbe 20 tb pros . The Right Hon . the Earl cle Grey and Ripon , M . W . P . G . M ., and D . G . M . of England , Avill preside , and lias intimated bis intention of aftei-Avards attending tho Grand Ball to be given on an unusual scale of magnificence at the Cutlers' Hall . The Earl will be the guest of Bro . Sic John BVOAVB , D . L ., and the
occasion is looked fonvard to with great interest . BRETHREN - are reminded that the Lodge Music published a fe-v Aveeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , lias been , republished iu a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
WE have to direct tbe attention of our readers to our advertising columns , in ivhich is announced the publication of the General Statutes of tbe Red Cross Order , ivhich can HOAV be obtained of Bros . Kenning , Spencer , and other Masonic publishers . The work is neatly arranged , and is embellished AA'ith engravings of tbe insignia of the Order .
COLONEL MOORE , 33 ° , representative in the dominion of Canada of tlie Supreme Grand Council Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales , and tbe dependencies of the British Crow-n , has resigned that position ; and Bro . Thomas Douglas Harington , S . G ., I . G ., has been appointed in his stead to that high office . The Ancient and Accepted Itite is rapidly increasing in poAver , influence , and members , both in this country and in tbe HBAV dominion .
A MASONIC CALENDAR for the province of Durham is about to bejmblishcd , to be edited by Bro . > J < W . Brignall , 30 ° . THE installation of Bro . tbe Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . of Somerset , has been definitely fixed for Tuesday , 12 th January , 1869 . The ceremony ivill take place at the Jlasonic Hall and the banquet at the Assembly Rooms . It has been decided not to Aviud up the festive proceedings with a Masonic ball .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —Tbe members of the old Globe Lodge , Scarborough , have subscribed £ 10 3 s . Gd . towards this fund . The Perseverance Loclge , Norwich , have also forwarded £ 2 2 ? . for the same object . Bno . VISCOUNT HOMIESDALE , P . G . M . for Kent , and Bro . Hart Dyke , have been elected members for Mid Kent iu the New House of Commons .
AT a recent meeting of tbe Carnarvon Loclge , No . SO-t , Havant , the folloAving sums were voted : — £ 2 2 s . to the Masonic Life Boat ; £ 1 Is . to the Palestine Exploration Fund ; and £ 2 2 s . to the Zetland CoinniOmoration Fund .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And Christianity.
and afford no valid argument to prove Freemasonry to be a Jewish or even a latitwlinarian institution , as some of our opponents have " boldly and mistakenly declared . " I would recommend Bro . Haye to ]) eruse the whole of the preface from which the foregoing extract
is taken , and then perhaps he will hesitate to tax me with " want of liberality and common sense , " merely because I prefer adhering to tlie opinions of Dr . Oliver rather than to his own . But , perhaps , he sets up his two or three years of Masonic research as more worthy of reliance than the 67 years of Dr .
Oliver ! What does our veteran Bro . Purton Cooper say ? " " The relig ion of English Masonry is Christianity with a tolerance in the lodge of all faiths which recognize the Great Architect of the Universe . "
If this be so , that ifc is the religion of English Masonry only that is Christian , there must be as many kinds of Masonry as there are different faiths amongst its professors . If the religion of English Masonry is not Christianity , then English Masonry is a gigantic humbug , and its rulers , Avhen they place
the Holy Bible on the pedestal ancl recommend it to candidates as the " unerring standard of truth , " are guilty of most blasphemous hypocrisy . I conclude this discussion by declaring that it is my unalterable conviction that true Masonry is founded on Christianity , and thafc no man has fathomed ifcs
depths until he has arrvied at the same conviction , at the same time I am free to admit my belief that the German philosophical school of Masonry to which Bro . Haye appears to belong has nothing in common either Avith Christianity or revealed religion of any kind .
Before concluding , I beg to inform Bro . Haye that I shall take no notice of any further communications of his unless they are more Masonic and gentlemanly in their tone than that of Saturday last . Yours fraternally , H . B . WHITE .
Shakespeare A Freemason.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIESOB . Dear Sir and Brother , —I am in possession of au old seal , ou one side of which there is a number of Masonic emblems , and on the other side the bust of Shakespeare . I should he grateful if you AVOUIC ! let me knoAV in your next number whether Shakespeare
was a Freemason , or the relationship , if any , which existed between Shakespeare and Freemasonry ? Yours fraternally , A MASONIC ANTIQUARY . Aldershot , December 12 , 1 S 6 S . [ It has been a disputed point among Masons
whether Shakespeare ever belonged to the Craft , and it is a question which UOAV cannot be definitely settled . Tbe New Atlantis of Bacaa has always heen considered as dealing with Masonry ; and , if Bacon Avas a Mason , there Avould be nothing to wonder at if Shakespeare and his friends of the Mermaid Avere Masons also . You do not , however , say if there is any date to the medal , or describe the Masonic emblems . —ED . F . M . ]
Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIRROR. * * All communications to be addressee ! to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
TnE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND Pocor BOOK EOR 1869 . —We are informed that tliis useful and eotnprebens ' iA'e publication Avill be issued next Aveek . It can be obtained at tbe office of the EREE - AIASONS' MAGAZIJVE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to tbe regular agents .
AVE find that the Percy Lodge of Instruction , so long in abeyance , is IIOAV held at Bro . Jones' , tbe Thatched House , Red Lion-street , Holborn , at eight o ' clock , on Saturday evenings . The Whittington Lodge of Instruction is held at the same hostelry on Thursday CA'Ciiings , at the same hour . THE Provincial meeting for the West Riding- of Yorkshire
Avill be held ut the Masonic Hall , Sheffield , on tbe 20 tb pros . The Right Hon . the Earl cle Grey and Ripon , M . W . P . G . M ., and D . G . M . of England , Avill preside , and lias intimated bis intention of aftei-Avards attending tho Grand Ball to be given on an unusual scale of magnificence at the Cutlers' Hall . The Earl will be the guest of Bro . Sic John BVOAVB , D . L ., and the
occasion is looked fonvard to with great interest . BRETHREN - are reminded that the Lodge Music published a fe-v Aveeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , lias been , republished iu a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
WE have to direct tbe attention of our readers to our advertising columns , in ivhich is announced the publication of the General Statutes of tbe Red Cross Order , ivhich can HOAV be obtained of Bros . Kenning , Spencer , and other Masonic publishers . The work is neatly arranged , and is embellished AA'ith engravings of tbe insignia of the Order .
COLONEL MOORE , 33 ° , representative in the dominion of Canada of tlie Supreme Grand Council Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales , and tbe dependencies of the British Crow-n , has resigned that position ; and Bro . Thomas Douglas Harington , S . G ., I . G ., has been appointed in his stead to that high office . The Ancient and Accepted Itite is rapidly increasing in poAver , influence , and members , both in this country and in tbe HBAV dominion .
A MASONIC CALENDAR for the province of Durham is about to bejmblishcd , to be edited by Bro . > J < W . Brignall , 30 ° . THE installation of Bro . tbe Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . of Somerset , has been definitely fixed for Tuesday , 12 th January , 1869 . The ceremony ivill take place at the Jlasonic Hall and the banquet at the Assembly Rooms . It has been decided not to Aviud up the festive proceedings with a Masonic ball .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —Tbe members of the old Globe Lodge , Scarborough , have subscribed £ 10 3 s . Gd . towards this fund . The Perseverance Loclge , Norwich , have also forwarded £ 2 2 ? . for the same object . Bno . VISCOUNT HOMIESDALE , P . G . M . for Kent , and Bro . Hart Dyke , have been elected members for Mid Kent iu the New House of Commons .
AT a recent meeting of tbe Carnarvon Loclge , No . SO-t , Havant , the folloAving sums were voted : — £ 2 2 s . to the Masonic Life Boat ; £ 1 Is . to the Palestine Exploration Fund ; and £ 2 2 s . to the Zetland CoinniOmoration Fund .