Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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Masonic Mems.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MONJIO - UTHSHIRE . —A Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Masonic Hall , Great Bock-street , NeAvport , on Wednesday , 30 th inst ., at two p . m ., under the presidency of the R . W . the Prov- G . M ., Bro . John Etherington Welsh Rolls . The banquet takes place at the Westgate Hotel , at five o ' clock the same evening .
OUR Metropolitan readers are reminded that the ceremony of consecration ivill be worked by Bro . R . WcntAvorth Little , P . M . and P . Z . 975 , at half-past six o'clock , p . m ., on Tuesday next , tbe 22 nd inst ., at the Domatic Lodge of Instruction ( No . 177 ) , held at the Palmerston Arms , Palmeiston-street , WalAvorth-road Station—after which the ceremony of installation will be conducted by Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M . 177 and 1 , 158 .
ROYAL YORK LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE , ( No . 7 ) . —The brethren of thin ilist ' mguished Jod-jc met at the Freemasons' Hal } , OIA Wednesday , tiicSth inst ., under tbe gavel of tbe V . W . Bro . J . Hervey , G . See . and AV . M ., AVIIO Avas supported by members and visitors to the number of about twenty . TAA-O brethren Avere passed to the . second degree , after which the election of officers for the . ensiling year was held with tbe following result .
Bro . H . V . Crassweller , W . M ., E . Adlard , P . M . Treas ., and C . Speight , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat doAvn to a sumptuous repast served a la Jiusse under the persona ! supervision of Bro . C . Gosden the manager of the tavern . The W . M . ' s health Avas as usual received ivith enthusiasm , this being the third time Bro . Hervey has presided oA'er the lodge , and all tbe toasts were cordially received . Among the visitors , were Bros . H . Hollingivortb , P . M . 63 , R . W . Little , P . M . 975 , Wood , & c .
TEAIPLE LODGE , ( NO . 101 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., at tbe Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenbull-street , under the presidency of Bro . S . May , W . M . assisted by Bros . Tanner and Cox the Wardens . There Avas a goodly number of brethren present , and it being election ni ght , Bro . Tanner , S . W . AVUS unanimously elected W . M . Bro . Bond , P . M .. AA-as re-ehosen as Treasurer , and T . Vesper as Tyler . A
P . M . ' s jewel ivas awarded to our esteemed Bro . S . . May , for his efficient services in the chair . Alter the conclusion of the lodgo business tlie brethren adjourned to the banquet , AVIICII some happy speeches were made , and the toasts wore received- with much cordiality . Bro . Ii . W . Little , P . M . 975 , Ac , responded for the visitors and expressed his gratification at having Avitnessed the excellent Avorking of the Temple Lodge .
noirATic LODGE , ( NO . 177 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge ivas held on the 13 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Bro . T . Pryor , AA ' . M ., iu the chair , supported by about eight ov nine P . M ' s ., amongst Avhom Avere Bros . Brett , Carpenter , Thompson , and ^ J . Smith . Tlie business which consisted of one or tiro raisings , a passing and the initiation of Mr . Wild ivas gone tlirousrh in n creditable manner . The l ™ Tn-n n / Ym-wimh nln » tn , l
Bro . Tinnier , J . W ., to SU the office of Master for tbe ensuing year , ] iro =. Bradley and Daley , Jun ., Avere re-elected Tylers . Tbe usual banquet folhiAved , and in reference- to that AVC ' may say , that under the actiA-e superintendence of Bro . Smith , it gave great satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and a very pleasant evening AA'as spent . Amongst the visitors Avere Bros . Pope , Stevens , Laing , & a .
LODGE OF JOPPA ( NO . 188 ) . —This loclge met on Monday , tbe 7 th inst ., Bro . Van Diepeuheim , the W . M ., in the chair . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . J . Solomon was passed as a E . G ., unci Bro . Mark Parker raised to tlie sublime degree of M . M . This being the night for the election of a W . M . for tbe ensuing year , the choice of the brethren fell upon ljro .
Ralph , the S . w " Bro . li . W . Aaron ivas elected Treasurer , and Rro . Woodstock , Tyler . After the disposal of some other business the Incise ivas closed , and the brethren adjourned to a . slight repast . After the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts had been given , and in responding to ' the toast of the committee of the Benevolent Fund , Br 0 , B . W . Aaron stated that it ivas with great pleasure he had to inform the brethren that no application
for relief had been made during the last twelve months . The private fund connected ivith this prosperous lodge amounts to £ 900 The W . M . elect returned thanks in a very able manner for the toast of his health- Bro . Aaron , the Treas ., in returning- thanks for tbe honour of bis health being proposed , called tlie attention of the brethren to the centenary of the Joppa Loclge being nearly completed , and which was mentioned in tho
FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE December 5 tb . Other toasts having been proposed and aeknoAvledged tbe brethren separated after spending a most pleasant evening . The visitors Avere—Bros . Charles Andrews , No . 77 ; E . C . Blyth , J . W . 511 ; D . Durrani , W . M . 511 ; Ranse , 398 ; Stervin , & c . HORNSEY LODGE , ( NO . 890 ) . —A well attended , meeting of this lodge Avas held on the usual meeting night last month , at
Andertons' Hotel , Fleet-street ; Bro . Henry Webb , Treas ., in the chair of K . S ., supported by tbe folloiving officers , Bros . Parry S . W ., Smith , J . W ., Austin , Sec , Garner , S . D ., McPherson , J . D ., W . Radford , Tyler . The business was gone through i n a thoroughly efficient manner . MONTEFIORE LODGE ( No . 1 , 017 ) . —This new and rapidly increasing loclge met ou Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall . Rev . Bro . M . B . Lew . W . M ., in the chair . Bros .
Granich StaetHen , Charles Frank Evans , ancl Henri de Solla having satisfactorily answered the usual questions AVCTO duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ' s . This being the night for installation the ceremony Avas impressii'ely performed by Bro . S . V . Abrahams , P . M . The W . M . then invested his officers as folloAvs : —Bros . Pollitzer , S . W . ; P . D . Phillips , J . W . ; Braham . S . D . ; Blum , J . D . ; Rosenthal , LG . ; Ehrman , Dir . of Cers . t . JacobsTreas . E . P . AlbertP . M . Hon . Sec . ; Smith ,
; , ; , , Tyler . The brethren—thirty-five in number—sat doAvn to a sumptuous banquet provided by Bro . Gosden . Tlie W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in a very effective and eloquent manner . On the toast of the W . M . being given by Bro S . V . Abrahams , lie adverted to the excellent Avorking and presidency over the brethren dining his year of office , that the brethren Avere unanimous in re-electing him . The W . M . in
suitable terms returned thanks . The visitors were Bros . H . Harris , W . M . Tranquility ; Diepeuheim , W . M . 188 ; Foxall , P-M . Crystal Palace ; Kirke , P . M . 144 ; E . Lee , Lodge of Israel ; GodsoII , Caveac . The musical arrangements were under the able management of Bro . P . E . Van Noortlen . Miss Berry Greening and Miss Hemcrick both sang very charmingly , the latter being a pupil of Bro . P . E . VauNoorden and Bro . H . de Solla . A A'ery pleasant evening- was spent .
BERKS AND BUCKS . READING . —Grey Friars loclge , ( No . 1 , 101 ) . Presentation of Testimonial , to " Bro . W . Biggs , . PJIThe monthly meeting of this lodge was held in tbe Masonic Hull , on the 9 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . Alexander Beale , Prov . G . Reg ., presided . All the I ' . M . ' s and officers of the loclge u-cre presentas ivere also the following members of the Lodge or
, Union , 'WI ; as visitors , namely , Bros . J . W . HounsloAv , G . Hotly , P . M ., C . Smith . P . M ., and Blowers , S . W . and W . M . elect-After the usual business of tho evening AA-as transacted , Bro . W . Biggs , P . M ., treasurer , gave a most instructive lecture in tho first degree , illustrated by the tracing board , much to tbe gratification of all present . A communication , received from the Grand Lodge was rend by the W . M . notifing that Bro . Sir
, y Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., of Clewcv Park , Windsor , hud been appointed PI-OA- . G . Master of the Proi-ince of Berks and Ducks . Bro . Chancellor proposed that the sum of £ 10 10 s . be voted to the Benevolent Institution for aged Masons and their Widows , AA'hich Avns seconded by Bro . W . Biggs and carried item con . The W . M . then pi oceeded to present Bro . W . Biggs ivith a testimonial , and ( bserv-d that it Avas at all times a pit-using task
to clo honour to those ivhom we esteem , more particularly when that esteem Avas largely shared by others , but in proportion as the pleasure increased so did the diffidence one felt Avhen called upon , as he was , to be the exponent of the feelings of others . The members of that lodgo had unanimously and generously A'oted from their funds a sum for the purchase of tbe handsome piece of plate , he AVSS IIOAV about to present to Bro . Biggs . He ( the VV . M . ) ivas aware that there were many present Avho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MONJIO - UTHSHIRE . —A Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Masonic Hall , Great Bock-street , NeAvport , on Wednesday , 30 th inst ., at two p . m ., under the presidency of the R . W . the Prov- G . M ., Bro . John Etherington Welsh Rolls . The banquet takes place at the Westgate Hotel , at five o ' clock the same evening .
OUR Metropolitan readers are reminded that the ceremony of consecration ivill be worked by Bro . R . WcntAvorth Little , P . M . and P . Z . 975 , at half-past six o'clock , p . m ., on Tuesday next , tbe 22 nd inst ., at the Domatic Lodge of Instruction ( No . 177 ) , held at the Palmerston Arms , Palmeiston-street , WalAvorth-road Station—after which the ceremony of installation will be conducted by Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M . 177 and 1 , 158 .
ROYAL YORK LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE , ( No . 7 ) . —The brethren of thin ilist ' mguished Jod-jc met at the Freemasons' Hal } , OIA Wednesday , tiicSth inst ., under tbe gavel of tbe V . W . Bro . J . Hervey , G . See . and AV . M ., AVIIO Avas supported by members and visitors to the number of about twenty . TAA-O brethren Avere passed to the . second degree , after which the election of officers for the . ensiling year was held with tbe following result .
Bro . H . V . Crassweller , W . M ., E . Adlard , P . M . Treas ., and C . Speight , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat doAvn to a sumptuous repast served a la Jiusse under the persona ! supervision of Bro . C . Gosden the manager of the tavern . The W . M . ' s health Avas as usual received ivith enthusiasm , this being the third time Bro . Hervey has presided oA'er the lodge , and all tbe toasts were cordially received . Among the visitors , were Bros . H . Hollingivortb , P . M . 63 , R . W . Little , P . M . 975 , Wood , & c .
TEAIPLE LODGE , ( NO . 101 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., at tbe Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenbull-street , under the presidency of Bro . S . May , W . M . assisted by Bros . Tanner and Cox the Wardens . There Avas a goodly number of brethren present , and it being election ni ght , Bro . Tanner , S . W . AVUS unanimously elected W . M . Bro . Bond , P . M .. AA-as re-ehosen as Treasurer , and T . Vesper as Tyler . A
P . M . ' s jewel ivas awarded to our esteemed Bro . S . . May , for his efficient services in the chair . Alter the conclusion of the lodgo business tlie brethren adjourned to the banquet , AVIICII some happy speeches were made , and the toasts wore received- with much cordiality . Bro . Ii . W . Little , P . M . 975 , Ac , responded for the visitors and expressed his gratification at having Avitnessed the excellent Avorking of the Temple Lodge .
noirATic LODGE , ( NO . 177 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge ivas held on the 13 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Bro . T . Pryor , AA ' . M ., iu the chair , supported by about eight ov nine P . M ' s ., amongst Avhom Avere Bros . Brett , Carpenter , Thompson , and ^ J . Smith . Tlie business which consisted of one or tiro raisings , a passing and the initiation of Mr . Wild ivas gone tlirousrh in n creditable manner . The l ™ Tn-n n / Ym-wimh nln » tn , l
Bro . Tinnier , J . W ., to SU the office of Master for tbe ensuing year , ] iro =. Bradley and Daley , Jun ., Avere re-elected Tylers . Tbe usual banquet folhiAved , and in reference- to that AVC ' may say , that under the actiA-e superintendence of Bro . Smith , it gave great satisfaction . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed , and a very pleasant evening AA'as spent . Amongst the visitors Avere Bros . Pope , Stevens , Laing , & a .
LODGE OF JOPPA ( NO . 188 ) . —This loclge met on Monday , tbe 7 th inst ., Bro . Van Diepeuheim , the W . M ., in the chair . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , Bro . J . Solomon was passed as a E . G ., unci Bro . Mark Parker raised to tlie sublime degree of M . M . This being the night for the election of a W . M . for tbe ensuing year , the choice of the brethren fell upon ljro .
Ralph , the S . w " Bro . li . W . Aaron ivas elected Treasurer , and Rro . Woodstock , Tyler . After the disposal of some other business the Incise ivas closed , and the brethren adjourned to a . slight repast . After the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts had been given , and in responding to ' the toast of the committee of the Benevolent Fund , Br 0 , B . W . Aaron stated that it ivas with great pleasure he had to inform the brethren that no application
for relief had been made during the last twelve months . The private fund connected ivith this prosperous lodge amounts to £ 900 The W . M . elect returned thanks in a very able manner for the toast of his health- Bro . Aaron , the Treas ., in returning- thanks for tbe honour of bis health being proposed , called tlie attention of the brethren to the centenary of the Joppa Loclge being nearly completed , and which was mentioned in tho
FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE December 5 tb . Other toasts having been proposed and aeknoAvledged tbe brethren separated after spending a most pleasant evening . The visitors Avere—Bros . Charles Andrews , No . 77 ; E . C . Blyth , J . W . 511 ; D . Durrani , W . M . 511 ; Ranse , 398 ; Stervin , & c . HORNSEY LODGE , ( NO . 890 ) . —A well attended , meeting of this lodge Avas held on the usual meeting night last month , at
Andertons' Hotel , Fleet-street ; Bro . Henry Webb , Treas ., in the chair of K . S ., supported by tbe folloiving officers , Bros . Parry S . W ., Smith , J . W ., Austin , Sec , Garner , S . D ., McPherson , J . D ., W . Radford , Tyler . The business was gone through i n a thoroughly efficient manner . MONTEFIORE LODGE ( No . 1 , 017 ) . —This new and rapidly increasing loclge met ou Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall . Rev . Bro . M . B . Lew . W . M ., in the chair . Bros .
Granich StaetHen , Charles Frank Evans , ancl Henri de Solla having satisfactorily answered the usual questions AVCTO duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ' s . This being the night for installation the ceremony Avas impressii'ely performed by Bro . S . V . Abrahams , P . M . The W . M . then invested his officers as folloAvs : —Bros . Pollitzer , S . W . ; P . D . Phillips , J . W . ; Braham . S . D . ; Blum , J . D . ; Rosenthal , LG . ; Ehrman , Dir . of Cers . t . JacobsTreas . E . P . AlbertP . M . Hon . Sec . ; Smith ,
; , ; , , Tyler . The brethren—thirty-five in number—sat doAvn to a sumptuous banquet provided by Bro . Gosden . Tlie W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in a very effective and eloquent manner . On the toast of the W . M . being given by Bro S . V . Abrahams , lie adverted to the excellent Avorking and presidency over the brethren dining his year of office , that the brethren Avere unanimous in re-electing him . The W . M . in
suitable terms returned thanks . The visitors were Bros . H . Harris , W . M . Tranquility ; Diepeuheim , W . M . 188 ; Foxall , P-M . Crystal Palace ; Kirke , P . M . 144 ; E . Lee , Lodge of Israel ; GodsoII , Caveac . The musical arrangements were under the able management of Bro . P . E . Van Noortlen . Miss Berry Greening and Miss Hemcrick both sang very charmingly , the latter being a pupil of Bro . P . E . VauNoorden and Bro . H . de Solla . A A'ery pleasant evening- was spent .
BERKS AND BUCKS . READING . —Grey Friars loclge , ( No . 1 , 101 ) . Presentation of Testimonial , to " Bro . W . Biggs , . PJIThe monthly meeting of this lodge was held in tbe Masonic Hull , on the 9 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . Alexander Beale , Prov . G . Reg ., presided . All the I ' . M . ' s and officers of the loclge u-cre presentas ivere also the following members of the Lodge or
, Union , 'WI ; as visitors , namely , Bros . J . W . HounsloAv , G . Hotly , P . M ., C . Smith . P . M ., and Blowers , S . W . and W . M . elect-After the usual business of tho evening AA-as transacted , Bro . W . Biggs , P . M ., treasurer , gave a most instructive lecture in tho first degree , illustrated by the tracing board , much to tbe gratification of all present . A communication , received from the Grand Lodge was rend by the W . M . notifing that Bro . Sir
, y Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., of Clewcv Park , Windsor , hud been appointed PI-OA- . G . Master of the Proi-ince of Berks and Ducks . Bro . Chancellor proposed that the sum of £ 10 10 s . be voted to the Benevolent Institution for aged Masons and their Widows , AA'hich Avns seconded by Bro . W . Biggs and carried item con . The W . M . then pi oceeded to present Bro . W . Biggs ivith a testimonial , and ( bserv-d that it Avas at all times a pit-using task
to clo honour to those ivhom we esteem , more particularly when that esteem Avas largely shared by others , but in proportion as the pleasure increased so did the diffidence one felt Avhen called upon , as he was , to be the exponent of the feelings of others . The members of that lodgo had unanimously and generously A'oted from their funds a sum for the purchase of tbe handsome piece of plate , he AVSS IIOAV about to present to Bro . Biggs . He ( the VV . M . ) ivas aware that there were many present Avho