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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC ' MIMOK . $ * All communications to he addressed to the EDITOB , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA . C .
The Right Hon . Earl of Talbot and Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , will preside at tlie Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , iu March , 1872 . The regular quarterly meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of
AVest Yorkshire , was held in tbe Mechanics' Institute , Bingley , on AVednesday , October ISth , 1871 , at 12 . 30 p . m ., under the banner of the Scientific Lodge , No . 439 , the Marquis of Ripon , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master of AVest Yorkshire , having found it necessary to change the day of meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge to October ISth .
The half-yearly meeting of Prov . G . Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be held on Wednesday , November 1 st , 1871 , at Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield , The Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham will be held in tho Borough Hall , Stockton , ou Tuesday , 21 th October , at half-past
past two o'clock . The Rand Committee will meet in the Borouh Hall at twelve o ' clock . Dinner will he served in the banqueting room of the Masonic Hall at Ave o ' clock .
The METiioroilTAK MAUK LODGE OF IUSTOUCTIOX ( the only one of tlie Degree in London ) , resumed its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and meets every Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at tlie Lyceum Tavern , No . 36-4 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . O . will preside as AV . M . Meyer A . Loewenstark , P . M . 86 , AV . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon . Sec .
Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold their meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , C ; ty . WEST REST MASOXIC CIIAHITABLE INSTITUTION . —A number of brethren in the Greenwich district have started an
Association under this name , the object of which is to enable any member of the Craft to gain , by easy subscriptions , a Life Governship or Life Subseribersliip in one of tho Masonic Charities . The Association has arisen in connection with the Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( No . 75 ) .
Brother Richard Spencer informs us the reprint of the 1722 , 1723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . C ' o . ^ P . G . Chaplain , & c , illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces hy the Woodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Masonic Dep 6 t , 26 , Grent Queen Street , W . C .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Tlie regular monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was helcl at the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall , on AA'ednesday , 18 th inst . The Chair of W . M . was occupied by Bro . Jo'lraa Nrmn , Senior Vice-President ; that of S . AV . by Bro . J . Brett ,
Junior Vice-President ; and that of J . AV . by Bro . John Savage , There were also present , Bros . F . Walters , Joseph Smith , J . Cottebrune , W . Smith , C . U ., R . Sheen , Samuel May , J . Gale , J . Coutts , Major Finney , K . Cooke , Stevens , and others . The lodge was opened precisely at six o ' clock . The laws regulating the Lodge of Benevolence were read by
Bro . J . Hcrvey , Grand Secretary . Eleven cases recommended for relief at last meeting , in sums amounting to £ 255 , were confirmed . Fifteen new applications for relief were considered ; and grants and recommendations were made as follows : —
£ s . d . A Brother of Peckham Lodge , ( No . 879 ) , Loudon 20 0 0 A Brother of Royal Naval Lodge ( No . 59 ) , London 30 0 0 Tlie Widow of a Brother of Faith Lodge , Raclcliii ' e Bridge , Lancashire 20 0 0 A brother of Friendly Lodge ( No . 239 ) , Jamaica IS 0 0
A I > vother of'Vitruvian Lodgo ( No . 87 ) , London 13 Q 0 A Brother of AVellington Lodge ( No . 548 ) , Deptford 30 0 0 A Brother of AVellington Lodge ( No . 548 ) , Deptford 10 0 0 A Brother of St . David's Lodge . ( No . 384 ) , Bangor 5 0 0 The AA idow of a Brother of Inhabitants Lodge ( No . 153 ) , Gibraltar 10 0 0
The AVidow of a Brother of Brunswick Lodge ( No . 159 ) , East Stonehouse , Devon 10 0 0 The Child of a Brother of Leigh Lodge , London 10 0 0 Four cases were deferred . Their being no further business , the Lodge of Benevolence was closed at an early hour .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Tho Committee of this Institution met at the Freemasons ' Hall on Wednesday , the llth inst . There were present : —Bros . J . Hcrvey , Grand Secretary , in the chair ; J . Smith , J . Brett , Pultenoy Scott , AV . Farnfield , W . H . Farnfield , F . AValters , N . Wiiigfiekl , E . Cottebrune , J . R . Sheen , and R . Spencer .
The Minutes ofthe last meeting were reacl ancl confirmed . No additional candidates were added to the list . The death of one female annuitant was announced . A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the meeting .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Committee of this Institution held their regular meeting on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., at tlie Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Browse in the chair .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC ' MIMOK . $ * All communications to he addressed to the EDITOB , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA . C .
The Right Hon . Earl of Talbot and Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , will preside at tlie Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , iu March , 1872 . The regular quarterly meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of
AVest Yorkshire , was held in tbe Mechanics' Institute , Bingley , on AVednesday , October ISth , 1871 , at 12 . 30 p . m ., under the banner of the Scientific Lodge , No . 439 , the Marquis of Ripon , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master of AVest Yorkshire , having found it necessary to change the day of meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge to October ISth .
The half-yearly meeting of Prov . G . Chapter , of West Yorkshire , will be held on Wednesday , November 1 st , 1871 , at Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfield , The Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham will be held in tho Borough Hall , Stockton , ou Tuesday , 21 th October , at half-past
past two o'clock . The Rand Committee will meet in the Borouh Hall at twelve o ' clock . Dinner will he served in the banqueting room of the Masonic Hall at Ave o ' clock .
The METiioroilTAK MAUK LODGE OF IUSTOUCTIOX ( the only one of tlie Degree in London ) , resumed its meetings on Monday , October 2 nd , and meets every Monday , at half-past Seven o ' clock p . m .. at tlie Lyceum Tavern , No . 36-4 , Strand . Bro . Thos . Meggy , P . G . M . O . will preside as AV . M . Meyer A . Loewenstark , P . M . 86 , AV . M . elect , 22 , P . G . Steward , Hon . Sec .
Neptune Lodge , 22 , and Mount Sinai Chapter , 22 , having removed from Radley ' s Hotel , will , in future , hold their meetings at the Guildhall Tavern , C ; ty . WEST REST MASOXIC CIIAHITABLE INSTITUTION . —A number of brethren in the Greenwich district have started an
Association under this name , the object of which is to enable any member of the Craft to gain , by easy subscriptions , a Life Governship or Life Subseribersliip in one of tho Masonic Charities . The Association has arisen in connection with the Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( No . 75 ) .
Brother Richard Spencer informs us the reprint of the 1722 , 1723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . C ' o . ^ P . G . Chaplain , & c , illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces hy the Woodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Masonic Dep 6 t , 26 , Grent Queen Street , W . C .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Tlie regular monthly meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was helcl at the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall , on AA'ednesday , 18 th inst . The Chair of W . M . was occupied by Bro . Jo'lraa Nrmn , Senior Vice-President ; that of S . AV . by Bro . J . Brett ,
Junior Vice-President ; and that of J . AV . by Bro . John Savage , There were also present , Bros . F . Walters , Joseph Smith , J . Cottebrune , W . Smith , C . U ., R . Sheen , Samuel May , J . Gale , J . Coutts , Major Finney , K . Cooke , Stevens , and others . The lodge was opened precisely at six o ' clock . The laws regulating the Lodge of Benevolence were read by
Bro . J . Hcrvey , Grand Secretary . Eleven cases recommended for relief at last meeting , in sums amounting to £ 255 , were confirmed . Fifteen new applications for relief were considered ; and grants and recommendations were made as follows : —
£ s . d . A Brother of Peckham Lodge , ( No . 879 ) , Loudon 20 0 0 A Brother of Royal Naval Lodge ( No . 59 ) , London 30 0 0 Tlie Widow of a Brother of Faith Lodge , Raclcliii ' e Bridge , Lancashire 20 0 0 A brother of Friendly Lodge ( No . 239 ) , Jamaica IS 0 0
A I > vother of'Vitruvian Lodgo ( No . 87 ) , London 13 Q 0 A Brother of AVellington Lodge ( No . 548 ) , Deptford 30 0 0 A Brother of AVellington Lodge ( No . 548 ) , Deptford 10 0 0 A Brother of St . David's Lodge . ( No . 384 ) , Bangor 5 0 0 The AA idow of a Brother of Inhabitants Lodge ( No . 153 ) , Gibraltar 10 0 0
The AVidow of a Brother of Brunswick Lodge ( No . 159 ) , East Stonehouse , Devon 10 0 0 The Child of a Brother of Leigh Lodge , London 10 0 0 Four cases were deferred . Their being no further business , the Lodge of Benevolence was closed at an early hour .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Tho Committee of this Institution met at the Freemasons ' Hall on Wednesday , the llth inst . There were present : —Bros . J . Hcrvey , Grand Secretary , in the chair ; J . Smith , J . Brett , Pultenoy Scott , AV . Farnfield , W . H . Farnfield , F . AValters , N . Wiiigfiekl , E . Cottebrune , J . R . Sheen , and R . Spencer .
The Minutes ofthe last meeting were reacl ancl confirmed . No additional candidates were added to the list . The death of one female annuitant was announced . A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the meeting .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Committee of this Institution held their regular meeting on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., at tlie Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Browse in the chair .