Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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and Dr . Haycroft replying for the " Bishop , Clergy , and Minis " ters of all denominations , " the " Health of the AV . M . " and afterwards that of the " Initiate , " both ably paoposed by the P . G . M ., were naturally received with the greatest enthusiasm , the E . A . winning golden opinions by the aptness and modesty of his remarks . Altogether a most pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by songs from Bros . AtwooclDeanHuntand others
, , , , until at length the well-known trial toast sung by Bro . Crow , assisted by " the whole strength of the company , " warned all of the necessity for retiring . It should be mentioned that the beautiful appearance of the hall was greatly enhanced by numerous plants and flowers which were kindly lent for the occasion by Bro . Charlesworth .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) PKOVTNCIATj GliAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge for the North and East Ridings o Yorkshire was held by special appoimiient , in the Victoria Rooms , Bridlington Quay , under tlie auspices of the Londesborough Lodge , 734 , on Wednesday , October 4 th ., 1 S 71 . Bro . J . P . Hell , M . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , as
Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Maste' -, occupied the Throne , ancl there was a largo attendance of Provincial Grand Officers , Brethren of the Province , and Alsitors . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in form and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . Secretary reacl the minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge held at Richmond , on Sept . 23 rd , 1870 , which were confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary reacl the Report of the Board of
Benevolence , showing that the Board had that day voted £ 10 to Bro . H . Mitchell , of the St . Germain ' s Lodge . It was recommended that the support of the Province be given , and the votes of the hrethren he solicited ou behalf of Agnes Mary AVray , aged 8 years , of Burton Stather , whose late father was a Member of two Lodges in this Province , a candidate for tlie Masonic Girls' School . The Prov . Grand Treasurer's account
showed a balance of £ 134 9 s . lid . in favour of the Fund of Benevolence . The Report of the Board of Benevolence was then adopted and confirmed . The AA . Prov . Grand Treasurer then read his annual Financial Report , which , having been audited by the \ Y . Masters of the Humber and Lennox Lodges and found correct , was unanimously adopted
. Tho AA . Prov . Grand Treasurer , in accordance with notice given , moved "That One Guinea be annually subscribed by tlie Prov . Grand Lodge to the Palestine Exploration Fund , "—which was seconded by AV . Bro . Other , P . Prov . G . D . C , and carried unanimously . Tlie various Lodges in tlie Province , all of which were representedthen communicated . The returns showed a total of
, 1 , 345 Subscribing Members . The Acting R . W . Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , ( with the exception of the Prov . Grand Treasurer , who was unanimously reelected by the Prov . Grand Lodge ) : —
Bro . S . H . Arrnitnge , M . D ., 1 , 24-8 ... Prov . G . S . AV . „ H . Onslow Picrcv , 1 , 040 Prov . G . J . AV . „ Rev . H . V . Palmer , M . A ., 236 ... Prov . G . Chaplain . „ Richard Welch Hollon , 236 Prov . G . Treasurer „ Charles James Todd , 1010 Prov . G . Registrar . „ Michael Charles Peck , 1040 Prov . G . Secretin y . ,, Harrison Groves , 124-1 Prov . G . S . D . John N . Schcrlhig 250 Prov . G . J . D .
„ , ,, AAllliam Tesseyman , 57 Prov . G . Sup . of AVks . „ Andrew Farmer . 602 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . S . AValton , M . D ., 1337 Prov . G . Sword Br . „ Charles AVillman , 602 Prov . G . Organist . „ John AVard , 236 Prov . G . Purst . „ AVilliam Johnson , 57 Prov . G . Tyler . The Acting R . W . Prov . Grand Master reacl a portbn of a
letter which he had received from tiie R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , in which his Lordship expressed his regret at not being able to be present at the meeting , on account of his late severe accident .
Bro , C . Todd , AV . M . 1010 , then in accordance with notice moved "That the expenses incurred by Bro . AValker , P . M ., in representing this Province , at tho special Charity Committee in May last , and such further expense as he may incur at the adjourned meeting in October next , be paid by this Provincial Grand Lodge , " —which was seconded by Bro . Tesseyman , P . M . 57 . After some discussion , however , the motion was withdrawn . Tde Acting R . AA . Prov . Grand Master then delivered a most
instructive and interesting address , being a resume of the condition of Masonry , both at home and abroad . In the course of his remarks , which were listened to with great attention , he dwelt upon the great prosperity of the order , and exhorted the brethren to be very careful , not only in their lodges , but outside , to sustain the high character of the craft , and to be especially careful respecting the admission of candidates . He congratulated the province on the continued harmony which existed
amongst the various lodges , no case of complaint having been preferred during tho past year . Middlesburough not having been visited by the Provincial Grand Lodge since 1860 , he should , with the concurrence of the R . AV . AV . Provincial Grand Master appoint the next meeting to be held there under the auspices of the North York Lodge , The Provincial Grand lod was then closed in foiuiwith
ge , Tain prayer he Banquet , at which the Acting R . AV . Provincial Grand Master presided , was helcl the same evening at the Britannia Hotel , when a large number of bretliren attended . Due honour to the Craft was observed , and true masonic feeling prevailed .
GLASGOW .--Clyde Loige No . 408 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , the 6 th inst ., in the absence of the R . AV . M . AV . Downie , S . W ., presided , and AA' . Robinson , J . AA ., occupied the chair of iSAA' ., the Treasurer acting as J . AV . Bro . James AA'alhice , P . G . S . D ., then in a very impressive manner , initiated Mr . Carl Smiky into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Some dissatisfaction was expressed at the unexlained absence of the RWMand all the Past Masters
p ..., . Visitors : —Bros . G . AA . AVheelcr , S . M . 73 ; R . Slugb , 73 ; F . Find , and J . lAlcLacbhin , 243 . GLASGOW . —Thistle and Pose Lodge ( No . 73 . )—Tho usual meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 17 th inst , the AA . M . Bro . G . McDonald presiding , assisted by Bros . T . Stuart , P . M . ; G . AV . AA'heeler , S . M . ; W . Walter , S . AV . ; AA .
Donaldson , J . AV . ; J . Short Auipleford , Sec ; R . Meren , T . ; R . McKav , C : A . McLead , S . D . ; and R . McKay , I . G . Visitors : J . Singleton , P . M . 178 , and Z . of 87 ; AA . Berwick , S . AV . 419 . The business was the passing of Bro . AV . AVilley , which ceremony Bro . McDonald performed in his usual correct style . The Auditing Committee brought up the report , ami , after considerable discussion and explanation from the Ex-Treasurer , it was unanimously adopted . The R . AV . M . called attention to the
approaching Festival in aid of the Benevolent Fund of the Provincial Grand Lodge . An emergency meeting was held ou Thursday , for tho purpose of passing and raising Captain John Kelly , who wes about to sail from this port , and there was a good attendance of brethren and officers to suppart Bro . McDonald in performing the work of that degree .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . PnOVINCIAT , GliAND CnAPTEH . A Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , ou Tuesday , the 26 th ult .. Present : —The M . E . Comps . the Rev . J . Huyshe , G . J P . G . Supt . ; and Ex . Comps . L . P . Metham as H . ; R . H . Rue ,, J . ; AA . G . Rogers , S . E . ; Samuel Jones , S . N . ; J . B . Gover , P . S . ; J . Austin , lit A . S , ; T . Pearse , 2 nd A . S . ; John Harris
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and Dr . Haycroft replying for the " Bishop , Clergy , and Minis " ters of all denominations , " the " Health of the AV . M . " and afterwards that of the " Initiate , " both ably paoposed by the P . G . M ., were naturally received with the greatest enthusiasm , the E . A . winning golden opinions by the aptness and modesty of his remarks . Altogether a most pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by songs from Bros . AtwooclDeanHuntand others
, , , , until at length the well-known trial toast sung by Bro . Crow , assisted by " the whole strength of the company , " warned all of the necessity for retiring . It should be mentioned that the beautiful appearance of the hall was greatly enhanced by numerous plants and flowers which were kindly lent for the occasion by Bro . Charlesworth .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) PKOVTNCIATj GliAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge for the North and East Ridings o Yorkshire was held by special appoimiient , in the Victoria Rooms , Bridlington Quay , under tlie auspices of the Londesborough Lodge , 734 , on Wednesday , October 4 th ., 1 S 71 . Bro . J . P . Hell , M . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , as
Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Maste' -, occupied the Throne , ancl there was a largo attendance of Provincial Grand Officers , Brethren of the Province , and Alsitors . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in form and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . Secretary reacl the minutes of the Prov . Grand Lodge held at Richmond , on Sept . 23 rd , 1870 , which were confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary reacl the Report of the Board of
Benevolence , showing that the Board had that day voted £ 10 to Bro . H . Mitchell , of the St . Germain ' s Lodge . It was recommended that the support of the Province be given , and the votes of the hrethren he solicited ou behalf of Agnes Mary AVray , aged 8 years , of Burton Stather , whose late father was a Member of two Lodges in this Province , a candidate for tlie Masonic Girls' School . The Prov . Grand Treasurer's account
showed a balance of £ 134 9 s . lid . in favour of the Fund of Benevolence . The Report of the Board of Benevolence was then adopted and confirmed . The AA . Prov . Grand Treasurer then read his annual Financial Report , which , having been audited by the \ Y . Masters of the Humber and Lennox Lodges and found correct , was unanimously adopted
. Tho AA . Prov . Grand Treasurer , in accordance with notice given , moved "That One Guinea be annually subscribed by tlie Prov . Grand Lodge to the Palestine Exploration Fund , "—which was seconded by AV . Bro . Other , P . Prov . G . D . C , and carried unanimously . Tlie various Lodges in tlie Province , all of which were representedthen communicated . The returns showed a total of
, 1 , 345 Subscribing Members . The Acting R . W . Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , ( with the exception of the Prov . Grand Treasurer , who was unanimously reelected by the Prov . Grand Lodge ) : —
Bro . S . H . Arrnitnge , M . D ., 1 , 24-8 ... Prov . G . S . AV . „ H . Onslow Picrcv , 1 , 040 Prov . G . J . AV . „ Rev . H . V . Palmer , M . A ., 236 ... Prov . G . Chaplain . „ Richard Welch Hollon , 236 Prov . G . Treasurer „ Charles James Todd , 1010 Prov . G . Registrar . „ Michael Charles Peck , 1040 Prov . G . Secretin y . ,, Harrison Groves , 124-1 Prov . G . S . D . John N . Schcrlhig 250 Prov . G . J . D .
„ , ,, AAllliam Tesseyman , 57 Prov . G . Sup . of AVks . „ Andrew Farmer . 602 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . S . AValton , M . D ., 1337 Prov . G . Sword Br . „ Charles AVillman , 602 Prov . G . Organist . „ John AVard , 236 Prov . G . Purst . „ AVilliam Johnson , 57 Prov . G . Tyler . The Acting R . W . Prov . Grand Master reacl a portbn of a
letter which he had received from tiie R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , in which his Lordship expressed his regret at not being able to be present at the meeting , on account of his late severe accident .
Bro , C . Todd , AV . M . 1010 , then in accordance with notice moved "That the expenses incurred by Bro . AValker , P . M ., in representing this Province , at tho special Charity Committee in May last , and such further expense as he may incur at the adjourned meeting in October next , be paid by this Provincial Grand Lodge , " —which was seconded by Bro . Tesseyman , P . M . 57 . After some discussion , however , the motion was withdrawn . Tde Acting R . AA . Prov . Grand Master then delivered a most
instructive and interesting address , being a resume of the condition of Masonry , both at home and abroad . In the course of his remarks , which were listened to with great attention , he dwelt upon the great prosperity of the order , and exhorted the brethren to be very careful , not only in their lodges , but outside , to sustain the high character of the craft , and to be especially careful respecting the admission of candidates . He congratulated the province on the continued harmony which existed
amongst the various lodges , no case of complaint having been preferred during tho past year . Middlesburough not having been visited by the Provincial Grand Lodge since 1860 , he should , with the concurrence of the R . AV . AV . Provincial Grand Master appoint the next meeting to be held there under the auspices of the North York Lodge , The Provincial Grand lod was then closed in foiuiwith
ge , Tain prayer he Banquet , at which the Acting R . AV . Provincial Grand Master presided , was helcl the same evening at the Britannia Hotel , when a large number of bretliren attended . Due honour to the Craft was observed , and true masonic feeling prevailed .
GLASGOW .--Clyde Loige No . 408 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , the 6 th inst ., in the absence of the R . AV . M . AV . Downie , S . W ., presided , and AA' . Robinson , J . AA ., occupied the chair of iSAA' ., the Treasurer acting as J . AV . Bro . James AA'alhice , P . G . S . D ., then in a very impressive manner , initiated Mr . Carl Smiky into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Some dissatisfaction was expressed at the unexlained absence of the RWMand all the Past Masters
p ..., . Visitors : —Bros . G . AA . AVheelcr , S . M . 73 ; R . Slugb , 73 ; F . Find , and J . lAlcLacbhin , 243 . GLASGOW . —Thistle and Pose Lodge ( No . 73 . )—Tho usual meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 17 th inst , the AA . M . Bro . G . McDonald presiding , assisted by Bros . T . Stuart , P . M . ; G . AV . AA'heeler , S . M . ; W . Walter , S . AV . ; AA .
Donaldson , J . AV . ; J . Short Auipleford , Sec ; R . Meren , T . ; R . McKav , C : A . McLead , S . D . ; and R . McKay , I . G . Visitors : J . Singleton , P . M . 178 , and Z . of 87 ; AA . Berwick , S . AV . 419 . The business was the passing of Bro . AV . AVilley , which ceremony Bro . McDonald performed in his usual correct style . The Auditing Committee brought up the report , ami , after considerable discussion and explanation from the Ex-Treasurer , it was unanimously adopted . The R . AV . M . called attention to the
approaching Festival in aid of the Benevolent Fund of the Provincial Grand Lodge . An emergency meeting was held ou Thursday , for tho purpose of passing and raising Captain John Kelly , who wes about to sail from this port , and there was a good attendance of brethren and officers to suppart Bro . McDonald in performing the work of that degree .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . PnOVINCIAT , GliAND CnAPTEH . A Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , ou Tuesday , the 26 th ult .. Present : —The M . E . Comps . the Rev . J . Huyshe , G . J P . G . Supt . ; and Ex . Comps . L . P . Metham as H . ; R . H . Rue ,, J . ; AA . G . Rogers , S . E . ; Samuel Jones , S . N . ; J . B . Gover , P . S . ; J . Austin , lit A . S , ; T . Pearse , 2 nd A . S . ; John Harris