Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
G . Treas . ; T . S . Bayley , G . Registrar ; J . M . Hiffley , G . Sword Bearer ; John Brown , 1 st G . Standard Bearer ; John Lynn , 2 nd ditto ; J . N . Blake , G . Dir . of Cers . ; F . P . Holmes , G . Banner Bearer ; James Gregory , Janitor ; John Rogers , Assistant Janitor ; and several Past Officers ancl Representatives of chapters . The Provincial Grand Chapter was opened iu antient and solemn form .
The Minutes of the Provincial Grand Chapter held ou the 21 st diy of April , 1870 , were read ancl confirmed . Scribe E . reported the returns and dues from the several chapters in the Province . The Report was received and adopted . The Treasurer presented his account , shewing a balance in favour of the chapter of £ 18 lis . Sd ., which was also adopted . Ex . Comp . Jnnn AVayof Chapter of St . GeorgeNo . 112 was
, , , elected Grand Treasurer for the year ensuing . It was resolved that £ 1010 s . be given out of the funds of the chapter to the Fortescuc Annuity Fund , and that the amount be paid in the name of Comp . Rogers , G . Scribe E ., in acknowledgement of the pains taken by him in connection with that Institution . It was resolved that Ex . Comps . AA m . Cann , and E . Aitken Davies be appointed a committee to audit the Treasurer's
accounts for the ensiling year . Ex . Comp . Johu Harris gave , notice that at tho next meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter he should move as an additional bye-law : —'' That every chapter clo pay to the funds of the Provincial Grand Chapter 6 d . for every Contributing Member , to be devoted to the Fortescue Annuity Fund . " The following Officers were appointed for the year ensuing , The M . E . Comp . the Rev . John
Huyshe , G . J P . G . Supt . Ex . Comps . L . P . Metham H . Capt . Shanks J . " AV . G . Rogers S . I 5 . F . R . Tomes S . N . R . D . Gould P . S . " L . T > . AVestcott lstA . S . > ' T , W , Coffin . „ . „ 2 ndA . S .
" JolinAVny ... „ ,,,, ,, Treasurer , H . AV . Hooper G . Registrar . H . F . Smith G . Sword Bearer . " J . E . Curties 1 st G . Standard Bearer . " Beachey 2 nd G . Standard Bearer . Purse G . Dir . of Cers . " John Pridham G . Organist . " Thomas Dancl G . Manner Bearer . " James Gregory Janitor .
" John Rogers Assistant Janitor . The Provincial Grand Chapter was fhen closed in antient and solemn form . TOTNES . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting of this chapter was held tit the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , the 12 th instant . The Board of Installed Principals was opened at 12 . 30 . Present : Ex . Comps . Marks , Z . ; Dr . Hopkins ,
P . Z . as H . ; Geo . Heath , J . ; and Rev . AV . Bowden , and J . Heath , P . Z . On the admission of the companions , tbe chapter was formally opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Comp . Seale was admitted as a joining member on the proposition of Comp . J . Heath , seconded by Comp . Rev . R . Bowden . Some discussion took place as to tho time of holding the meetings , which resulted in a notice to alter the bye-laws . One candidate , already balloted for , was expected , but ho did not come . Rev . Comp . AVood was appointed Chap , lain . The business was concluded in about an hour ,
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . — Mslin Chapter ( No . 119 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday last , when Comp . Crahb , Z . of No . 50 , assisted by Comps . D . Gilchrist , Z . 73 , and J . 0 . Park , Z . 220 , duly installed the following companions : — 'Comps . George Thalon , Z . ; AV . J . Hogg , H . ; J . McGregor , J . ; 1 . Bobbie , P . Z . ; T . M . Thresher , E . ; R . Leadbetter , N . ; J . McMillan , Treas . ; J . McCanberay , First Soj . ; D . R . gray ,
Royal Arch.
Second Soj . ; J . A . Morton , Third Soj . ; J . Paterson , Janitor . Refreshment followed labour , and the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . GlASGOW . —St . Andrew ' s Chapter ( No . 69 ) . —This chanter met in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan Street , on Tuesday , the 10 ; h inst ., for the purpose of conferring the Excellent Degree , and exalting in the Royal Arch Bros . Craig , Firent , Z . ; M . Liad , H . ; and Thomas Mailing , J . Alsitors : —Bros . G . AA ' . Wheeler , J . 73 ; J . McCrew , 14 ; and J . Downs , 69 , E . C .
Mark Masonry.
DEA ONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 ) . —Tho ann-: al quarterly meeting was held in the evening of Thursday , the 12 th inst . Bros . A . B . Niner , AV . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , I . P . M . ; Rev . R . Bowden , S . AV . ; J . Heath , J . AV . ; Capt , AVesthead , S . D . ; Taylor , Org . ; and others were present . The lodge having been opened , the minutes ofthe last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . J . P . Lidstone and Seale were balloted for as candidates for
advancement , and the result was unanimous in their favour . They were then admitted , and duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master , by the AA . M . The explanation of the working tools , ancl the lecture , were given by Bro . Do . Hopkins , Past G . J . AV . The names of several other candidates were on tho circular , but they did not 'present themselves . The Rev . Bro . AA ' ood was proposed as a - future candidate for the degree . No other business offering , the lodge was closed at 8 p . m .
YORKSHIRE . CONSECRATION OE TRUTH LODGE , ( No . 137 ) , HUDDEESEIELD . Friday , the 13 th inst ., at three p . m ., was the time set apart for the above ceremony , and also for installing the AV . M . designate , and investiture of the officers . The consecration was performed by the R . W . Prov . G . M . M ., Bro . Thomas Perkinton , and twenty-two of his P . G . Officers
obeyed the summons to attend him on the occasion , namely : — Bros . AVordsworth , D . Prov . G . M . ; Matthews , P . G . S . AV . ; Allison , P . G . J . AA . ; Roberts , P . G . M . O . ; Firth , P . G . S . O . ; Hartley , P . G . J . O . ; Normauton , P . G . Treas . ; Burgess , P . G . Reg . ; Cooke , P . G . Sec ; Bennett , P . G . S . D . ; Schofield , P . G . J . D . ; Horsfall , P . G . I . of W . ; Armitage , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; AVilkinson , P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Holyrovd , P . G . Swd . B . ; Oakden . P . G . Std . li . ; AV'hitaker , Sykos , Lobley , and Crossby , P . G . S ., anci
Greenwood , Tyler . A Lodge of Mark Masters having been duly opuned , tho P . G . M . M . and his officers entered the room , and were saluted in due form . Bro . Higgins , the AV . M . designate , then explained the reasons why a petition tor a new lodge had been sent to the M . AA' . G . M . M . ; Bro . Cooke reacl tho warrant , and Bro . Roberts gave an oration upon Mark Masonry ; after which the
P . G . M . M . consecrated and dedicated the loelge in clue form . The next business was the installation of tho W . M . designate , which important ceremony was performed by Bro . AA ordsworth , D . P . G . M . and Bro . Higgins was duly placed in tho East . The bretliren who had withdrawn were then re-admitted , ancl joined in saluting the AA ' . M . in proper form ; after which the AA . M . invested some of his officers , the others remaining
over till next meeting . Bros , Japkson was , appointed S . AA . ; John Burgess , J . AV . iSJjwtoUj MA j Vf'l'i '" , !^"! ? -9 ; i nml T »;! 'S Burgess j . o . "
The ballot was then tnken for four candidates , three of whom presented themselves , and were advanced in a very creditable manner . The lodge was thon closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to supper , which being over , the usual loyal and Masonic toast were briefly given and responded to , as many of the brethreu had to leave by train . AVe are glad to hear tbe lodge bids fair to become one of the best worked lodges in the province of AVest Yorkshire ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
G . Treas . ; T . S . Bayley , G . Registrar ; J . M . Hiffley , G . Sword Bearer ; John Brown , 1 st G . Standard Bearer ; John Lynn , 2 nd ditto ; J . N . Blake , G . Dir . of Cers . ; F . P . Holmes , G . Banner Bearer ; James Gregory , Janitor ; John Rogers , Assistant Janitor ; and several Past Officers ancl Representatives of chapters . The Provincial Grand Chapter was opened iu antient and solemn form .
The Minutes of the Provincial Grand Chapter held ou the 21 st diy of April , 1870 , were read ancl confirmed . Scribe E . reported the returns and dues from the several chapters in the Province . The Report was received and adopted . The Treasurer presented his account , shewing a balance in favour of the chapter of £ 18 lis . Sd ., which was also adopted . Ex . Comp . Jnnn AVayof Chapter of St . GeorgeNo . 112 was
, , , elected Grand Treasurer for the year ensuing . It was resolved that £ 1010 s . be given out of the funds of the chapter to the Fortescuc Annuity Fund , and that the amount be paid in the name of Comp . Rogers , G . Scribe E ., in acknowledgement of the pains taken by him in connection with that Institution . It was resolved that Ex . Comps . AA m . Cann , and E . Aitken Davies be appointed a committee to audit the Treasurer's
accounts for the ensiling year . Ex . Comp . Johu Harris gave , notice that at tho next meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter he should move as an additional bye-law : —'' That every chapter clo pay to the funds of the Provincial Grand Chapter 6 d . for every Contributing Member , to be devoted to the Fortescue Annuity Fund . " The following Officers were appointed for the year ensuing , The M . E . Comp . the Rev . John
Huyshe , G . J P . G . Supt . Ex . Comps . L . P . Metham H . Capt . Shanks J . " AV . G . Rogers S . I 5 . F . R . Tomes S . N . R . D . Gould P . S . " L . T > . AVestcott lstA . S . > ' T , W , Coffin . „ . „ 2 ndA . S .
" JolinAVny ... „ ,,,, ,, Treasurer , H . AV . Hooper G . Registrar . H . F . Smith G . Sword Bearer . " J . E . Curties 1 st G . Standard Bearer . " Beachey 2 nd G . Standard Bearer . Purse G . Dir . of Cers . " John Pridham G . Organist . " Thomas Dancl G . Manner Bearer . " James Gregory Janitor .
" John Rogers Assistant Janitor . The Provincial Grand Chapter was fhen closed in antient and solemn form . TOTNES . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting of this chapter was held tit the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , the 12 th instant . The Board of Installed Principals was opened at 12 . 30 . Present : Ex . Comps . Marks , Z . ; Dr . Hopkins ,
P . Z . as H . ; Geo . Heath , J . ; and Rev . AV . Bowden , and J . Heath , P . Z . On the admission of the companions , tbe chapter was formally opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Comp . Seale was admitted as a joining member on the proposition of Comp . J . Heath , seconded by Comp . Rev . R . Bowden . Some discussion took place as to tho time of holding the meetings , which resulted in a notice to alter the bye-laws . One candidate , already balloted for , was expected , but ho did not come . Rev . Comp . AVood was appointed Chap , lain . The business was concluded in about an hour ,
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . — Mslin Chapter ( No . 119 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday last , when Comp . Crahb , Z . of No . 50 , assisted by Comps . D . Gilchrist , Z . 73 , and J . 0 . Park , Z . 220 , duly installed the following companions : — 'Comps . George Thalon , Z . ; AV . J . Hogg , H . ; J . McGregor , J . ; 1 . Bobbie , P . Z . ; T . M . Thresher , E . ; R . Leadbetter , N . ; J . McMillan , Treas . ; J . McCanberay , First Soj . ; D . R . gray ,
Royal Arch.
Second Soj . ; J . A . Morton , Third Soj . ; J . Paterson , Janitor . Refreshment followed labour , and the usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . GlASGOW . —St . Andrew ' s Chapter ( No . 69 ) . —This chanter met in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan Street , on Tuesday , the 10 ; h inst ., for the purpose of conferring the Excellent Degree , and exalting in the Royal Arch Bros . Craig , Firent , Z . ; M . Liad , H . ; and Thomas Mailing , J . Alsitors : —Bros . G . AA ' . Wheeler , J . 73 ; J . McCrew , 14 ; and J . Downs , 69 , E . C .
Mark Masonry.
DEA ONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 ) . —Tho ann-: al quarterly meeting was held in the evening of Thursday , the 12 th inst . Bros . A . B . Niner , AV . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , I . P . M . ; Rev . R . Bowden , S . AV . ; J . Heath , J . AV . ; Capt , AVesthead , S . D . ; Taylor , Org . ; and others were present . The lodge having been opened , the minutes ofthe last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . J . P . Lidstone and Seale were balloted for as candidates for
advancement , and the result was unanimous in their favour . They were then admitted , and duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master , by the AA . M . The explanation of the working tools , ancl the lecture , were given by Bro . Do . Hopkins , Past G . J . AV . The names of several other candidates were on tho circular , but they did not 'present themselves . The Rev . Bro . AA ' ood was proposed as a - future candidate for the degree . No other business offering , the lodge was closed at 8 p . m .
YORKSHIRE . CONSECRATION OE TRUTH LODGE , ( No . 137 ) , HUDDEESEIELD . Friday , the 13 th inst ., at three p . m ., was the time set apart for the above ceremony , and also for installing the AV . M . designate , and investiture of the officers . The consecration was performed by the R . W . Prov . G . M . M ., Bro . Thomas Perkinton , and twenty-two of his P . G . Officers
obeyed the summons to attend him on the occasion , namely : — Bros . AVordsworth , D . Prov . G . M . ; Matthews , P . G . S . AV . ; Allison , P . G . J . AA . ; Roberts , P . G . M . O . ; Firth , P . G . S . O . ; Hartley , P . G . J . O . ; Normauton , P . G . Treas . ; Burgess , P . G . Reg . ; Cooke , P . G . Sec ; Bennett , P . G . S . D . ; Schofield , P . G . J . D . ; Horsfall , P . G . I . of W . ; Armitage , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; AVilkinson , P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ; Holyrovd , P . G . Swd . B . ; Oakden . P . G . Std . li . ; AV'hitaker , Sykos , Lobley , and Crossby , P . G . S ., anci
Greenwood , Tyler . A Lodge of Mark Masters having been duly opuned , tho P . G . M . M . and his officers entered the room , and were saluted in due form . Bro . Higgins , the AV . M . designate , then explained the reasons why a petition tor a new lodge had been sent to the M . AA' . G . M . M . ; Bro . Cooke reacl tho warrant , and Bro . Roberts gave an oration upon Mark Masonry ; after which the
P . G . M . M . consecrated and dedicated the loelge in clue form . The next business was the installation of tho W . M . designate , which important ceremony was performed by Bro . AA ordsworth , D . P . G . M . and Bro . Higgins was duly placed in tho East . The bretliren who had withdrawn were then re-admitted , ancl joined in saluting the AA ' . M . in proper form ; after which the AA . M . invested some of his officers , the others remaining
over till next meeting . Bros , Japkson was , appointed S . AA . ; John Burgess , J . AV . iSJjwtoUj MA j Vf'l'i '" , !^"! ? -9 ; i nml T »;! 'S Burgess j . o . "
The ballot was then tnken for four candidates , three of whom presented themselves , and were advanced in a very creditable manner . The lodge was thon closed , ancl the brethren adjourned to supper , which being over , the usual loyal and Masonic toast were briefly given and responded to , as many of the brethreu had to leave by train . AVe are glad to hear tbe lodge bids fair to become one of the best worked lodges in the province of AVest Yorkshire ,