Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The members present were : Bros . F . Binckes , J . R . Sheen » Cox , Head , F . AValters , T . J . Sabine , H . Massey , ancl others . The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Two Candidates were added to the list . A vote ot thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . KENT LODGE ( NO . 13 ) . —The recrulnr meeting of this lodge
was held at the Guildhall Tavern , King Street , on Wednesday , the llth instant . Tbe following brethren were present : — Bros . JohnLenuett , AV . M . ; Barlow , S . W . ; W . P . Duket , J . AV . ; Martin , S . D . ; Giles , J . D . ; S . Sleeman , P . M . ; AVest , I . G . ; C . Sennett , P . M . ; Barnes , P . M , and Sec ; and Pinder . Bro . Anderson , of a Scotch Lodge , was present as a visitor . Messrs . Schnider and Goldenhurg were initiated by the W . M . in a very able manner . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in the usual manner .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 . )—This prosperous old Lodge resumed its meetings on the 17 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Bro . Meyer A . Loewenstark , AA . M ., assisted hy the following officers , opened the Lodge : — Bros . G . Free , S . AV . ; G . J . Grace , W . M . 1 , 198 , J . AV . ; A . L . Dussek , J . D . ; J . S . Gominc , I . G . ; J . Wilkins , D . C ; J . Butler , AV . S . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; F . H . Ebsworth ,
P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; and Thomas Sabine , P . M . Tho minutes of the last meeting in April were read and confirmed . Mv . Thomas Ship Hill was favourably balloted for , as a candidate for initiation , and being in attendance , was most ably and impressively admitted into tlie secrets of the Order hy the AV . M . The following brethren having signified their intention of representing the Lodge as Stewards for tlie various Ulasonic Institutions for the ensuing year were elected unanimously hy
the members , viz : — The AV . M ., Bro . Meyer A . Loewenstark , for the Aged Freemasons ; tlie S . AV ., Bro . George Free , for tlie Boys' School ; and the Treasurer , Bro . E . Harris , P . M ., for the Girls' School . Several notices of motion having heen given for the next meeting , tlie bretliren adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by the AA ' . M . in his usual happy manner . Several songs and recitations were given by the members and visitorsand the brethren adjourned shortlbefore midniht .
, y g The following members were also present : Bros . Chipperfield , Cooper , Graham , Whittaker , Lilley , Keeble , Gregory , Elliot , Ftirness , J . Crawley , J . F . Tirnins , H . Jacobs , S . Frankenberg , J . Wei , Ireton , Lenu , Mercer , H . Bagaley , H . Rayden , and J . Swaine . Visitors : —Bros . Walter , 87 ; Cruchley , 177 ; Dawson , J . AV . 211 ; Richmond , 890 ; Marcus D . Loewenstark . 1360 ; and Batehelor , 1178 .
UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 228 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met as usual at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , Clevkemvell , cm Tuesday the 10 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . Bisley , AV . M . The visitors present were Bros . A . Cacluce , P . M . 4-5 ; ancl F . AA'alters , P . M . 73 . The lodge was placed in mourning in respect to the memory of the late Bro . Vivian , P . M . A banquet closed tho proceedings .
BEMUAVE LODGE ( No . 749 ) . —On AVednesday , the llth ult ., the bretliren of this lodee held their regular meeting at Anderton's Hotel . Present : —Bros . AV . Hester , AA ' . M . ; AV . Parsons , S . AV . ; J . S . Homewood , J . W . ; I . G . Frond , P . M . i ' l-eas .,- II . Garrod , P . M ., Sec ; C . Scott , S . D . ; E . Harper , J . D . ; W . Ough , P . G . Purst ., P . M . ; and G . Pymm , P . M . Visitors present : —Bros . F . AA ' alters , P . M . 73 ; G . Palmer , W . M . 11 H . Muggerid PM 192 TTBarnett 95 J
; ge , .. ; . . , ; . Breckels , 1-14 ; ancl others . The business consisted of two initiations , one passing , and one raising . Bro . Parsons was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; and Bro . Frond was reelected Treasurer . A Past Muster ' s Jewel was votecl to Bro . Hester , W . M .
Craft Masonry.
INSTRUCTION . The return visit of the Doric Lodge of Instruction to the United Pilgrim's Lodge of Instruction is fixed for the evening of Friday , the 27 th inst ., at six o'clock precisely , when fifteen members of the former lodge will work the fifteen sections under the presidency of Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., P . Z ., 507 , 720 , 1239 , and the Honorary Preceptor of the " "United Pilgrims . "
The meeting will be held at the Duke of Edinburgh Tavern , Shepherds Lane , Brixton . AVe strongly recommend such of our readers as are interested in the spread of Masonic Instruction , to attend on tlie occasion , as they will have an opportunity for observing the great advantage that is to be derived from the interchange of visits which these lodges have originated . We are requested to notify that with a view to extend the usefulness of the Hnited Pilgrim ' s Lodge of Instruction , its members
have reduced the amount of introductory fees and subscriptions , and have made such other arrangements as will doubtless considerably increase their members and their ability to do good Masonic service in the South of London .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 579 . )—The first regular monthly meeting of the season took place ou Wednesday , the 4 th . inst ., at the Masonic Hall . A special interest attached to -the proceedings , from the fact that the son of the , tt ' . M ., who was a candidate for initiation , had only attained his majority
the day previous to tho meeting . There was a large attendance of members , both of this and the sister Lodge , 523 . Amongst those who were present were R . AV . Bro . AV . Kelly , R . AV . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . C . Stretton , AV . M . ; AV . AVearo L . A . Clarke , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Joseph Hamer , P . Prov . G \; G . Brown , P . Prov . G . R . ; E . J . Crow , S . AV ., P . G . C . ; Dr . Pearce , J . AV ., P . G . P . ; R . AA' . Widdowson , Sec . P . G . C ; J . AV . Smith , J . D . ; J . Halford , I . G . ; Rev . I . G . Packer , P . Prov . G . C . ; T . Thorp , E .
Gosling , McAllister , Langhain , ancl . many other brethren of the Lodge . Visitors : —Bros . J . H . Johnstone , P . M . 129 , P . Prov . G . J . D ., AVest of Cumberland ; John Cassidy , 148 ; H . E . Goodacre , P . M . 810 ; T . Barnard , Sec . 1 , 130 . A number of members of 523 , including Bros . Sculthorpe , AV . M . ; F . Goodyer , P . Prov . S . G . AA ' . ; W . B . Smith , P . G . Treas . ; Rev . J . Spittal , P . Prov . G . C ; G . Toller , jun ., P . G . Sec ; A . AV . Duff , P . Prov . G . D . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroit , S . AV ., P . G . C ; S . S . Partridge , Sec , P . G . R . ; C . Johnston , P . M . 419 , Org . ; Dr . Clifton , J . E . Hodges , Dr . Bolton , AV . Barfoot , ancl L . Turner . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and of two lodges of emergency having been
read ancl confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Clement Edwin Stretton , which proved unanimous in his favour , ancl lie being in attendance , was regularly initiated , the ceremony being performed by the R . AV . P . G . M ., assisted by Bro . Toller , P . G . Sec . Tlie charge was delivered by the AV . M ., the lecture on the tracing board was necessarily omitted , owing to the shortness of time at disposal . Bro . C . Johnson , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., Jersey , presided at the organ , and the various chants peculiar to the
degree , were introduced , and added greatly to the effect of the ceremony . A donation of a book to tlie hall library , hy Bro . Bithrey , was suitably acknowledged , after which the P . G . M ., as Chairman of the Hall Committee , drew attention to the recent alterations and improvements in the hall , ( whieh was noticed in our report of the meeting of the sister lodge , 523 ) ancl requested the assistance of the brethren to discharge the liabilities incurred . An appeal which whs afterwards liberally responded
to , about £ 50 being promised in the course-of tho evening , in addition to the £ 70 previously subscribed , having only about £ 100 more to be raised . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was entirely provided at the cost of the AV . M ., and to which every member of tha town Lodges had received an invitation . About 90 brethren sat clown , and rendered full justice to the very bountiful repast which was provided , after which the AV . M ., in his usual terse and happy style gave the several loyal and masonic toasts , all of which were most heartily responded to . The Rev . J . Spitta 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The members present were : Bros . F . Binckes , J . R . Sheen » Cox , Head , F . AValters , T . J . Sabine , H . Massey , ancl others . The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Two Candidates were added to the list . A vote ot thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . KENT LODGE ( NO . 13 ) . —The recrulnr meeting of this lodge
was held at the Guildhall Tavern , King Street , on Wednesday , the llth instant . Tbe following brethren were present : — Bros . JohnLenuett , AV . M . ; Barlow , S . W . ; W . P . Duket , J . AV . ; Martin , S . D . ; Giles , J . D . ; S . Sleeman , P . M . ; AVest , I . G . ; C . Sennett , P . M . ; Barnes , P . M , and Sec ; and Pinder . Bro . Anderson , of a Scotch Lodge , was present as a visitor . Messrs . Schnider and Goldenhurg were initiated by the W . M . in a very able manner . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in the usual manner .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 . )—This prosperous old Lodge resumed its meetings on the 17 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Bro . Meyer A . Loewenstark , AA . M ., assisted hy the following officers , opened the Lodge : — Bros . G . Free , S . AV . ; G . J . Grace , W . M . 1 , 198 , J . AV . ; A . L . Dussek , J . D . ; J . S . Gominc , I . G . ; J . Wilkins , D . C ; J . Butler , AV . S . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; D . Rose , P . M . ; F . H . Ebsworth ,
P . M . ; F . Walters , P . M . ; and Thomas Sabine , P . M . Tho minutes of the last meeting in April were read and confirmed . Mv . Thomas Ship Hill was favourably balloted for , as a candidate for initiation , and being in attendance , was most ably and impressively admitted into tlie secrets of the Order hy the AV . M . The following brethren having signified their intention of representing the Lodge as Stewards for tlie various Ulasonic Institutions for the ensuing year were elected unanimously hy
the members , viz : — The AV . M ., Bro . Meyer A . Loewenstark , for the Aged Freemasons ; tlie S . AV ., Bro . George Free , for tlie Boys' School ; and the Treasurer , Bro . E . Harris , P . M ., for the Girls' School . Several notices of motion having heen given for the next meeting , tlie bretliren adjourned to the banquet , which was presided over by the AA ' . M . in his usual happy manner . Several songs and recitations were given by the members and visitorsand the brethren adjourned shortlbefore midniht .
, y g The following members were also present : Bros . Chipperfield , Cooper , Graham , Whittaker , Lilley , Keeble , Gregory , Elliot , Ftirness , J . Crawley , J . F . Tirnins , H . Jacobs , S . Frankenberg , J . Wei , Ireton , Lenu , Mercer , H . Bagaley , H . Rayden , and J . Swaine . Visitors : —Bros . Walter , 87 ; Cruchley , 177 ; Dawson , J . AV . 211 ; Richmond , 890 ; Marcus D . Loewenstark . 1360 ; and Batehelor , 1178 .
UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 228 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met as usual at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , Clevkemvell , cm Tuesday the 10 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . Bisley , AV . M . The visitors present were Bros . A . Cacluce , P . M . 4-5 ; ancl F . AA'alters , P . M . 73 . The lodge was placed in mourning in respect to the memory of the late Bro . Vivian , P . M . A banquet closed tho proceedings .
BEMUAVE LODGE ( No . 749 ) . —On AVednesday , the llth ult ., the bretliren of this lodee held their regular meeting at Anderton's Hotel . Present : —Bros . AV . Hester , AA ' . M . ; AV . Parsons , S . AV . ; J . S . Homewood , J . W . ; I . G . Frond , P . M . i ' l-eas .,- II . Garrod , P . M ., Sec ; C . Scott , S . D . ; E . Harper , J . D . ; W . Ough , P . G . Purst ., P . M . ; and G . Pymm , P . M . Visitors present : —Bros . F . AA ' alters , P . M . 73 ; G . Palmer , W . M . 11 H . Muggerid PM 192 TTBarnett 95 J
; ge , .. ; . . , ; . Breckels , 1-14 ; ancl others . The business consisted of two initiations , one passing , and one raising . Bro . Parsons was elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; and Bro . Frond was reelected Treasurer . A Past Muster ' s Jewel was votecl to Bro . Hester , W . M .
Craft Masonry.
INSTRUCTION . The return visit of the Doric Lodge of Instruction to the United Pilgrim's Lodge of Instruction is fixed for the evening of Friday , the 27 th inst ., at six o'clock precisely , when fifteen members of the former lodge will work the fifteen sections under the presidency of Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., P . Z ., 507 , 720 , 1239 , and the Honorary Preceptor of the " "United Pilgrims . "
The meeting will be held at the Duke of Edinburgh Tavern , Shepherds Lane , Brixton . AVe strongly recommend such of our readers as are interested in the spread of Masonic Instruction , to attend on tlie occasion , as they will have an opportunity for observing the great advantage that is to be derived from the interchange of visits which these lodges have originated . We are requested to notify that with a view to extend the usefulness of the Hnited Pilgrim ' s Lodge of Instruction , its members
have reduced the amount of introductory fees and subscriptions , and have made such other arrangements as will doubtless considerably increase their members and their ability to do good Masonic service in the South of London .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 579 . )—The first regular monthly meeting of the season took place ou Wednesday , the 4 th . inst ., at the Masonic Hall . A special interest attached to -the proceedings , from the fact that the son of the , tt ' . M ., who was a candidate for initiation , had only attained his majority
the day previous to tho meeting . There was a large attendance of members , both of this and the sister Lodge , 523 . Amongst those who were present were R . AV . Bro . AV . Kelly , R . AV . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . C . Stretton , AV . M . ; AV . AVearo L . A . Clarke , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Joseph Hamer , P . Prov . G \; G . Brown , P . Prov . G . R . ; E . J . Crow , S . AV ., P . G . C . ; Dr . Pearce , J . AV ., P . G . P . ; R . AA' . Widdowson , Sec . P . G . C ; J . AV . Smith , J . D . ; J . Halford , I . G . ; Rev . I . G . Packer , P . Prov . G . C . ; T . Thorp , E .
Gosling , McAllister , Langhain , ancl . many other brethren of the Lodge . Visitors : —Bros . J . H . Johnstone , P . M . 129 , P . Prov . G . J . D ., AVest of Cumberland ; John Cassidy , 148 ; H . E . Goodacre , P . M . 810 ; T . Barnard , Sec . 1 , 130 . A number of members of 523 , including Bros . Sculthorpe , AV . M . ; F . Goodyer , P . Prov . S . G . AA ' . ; W . B . Smith , P . G . Treas . ; Rev . J . Spittal , P . Prov . G . C ; G . Toller , jun ., P . G . Sec ; A . AV . Duff , P . Prov . G . D . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroit , S . AV ., P . G . C ; S . S . Partridge , Sec , P . G . R . ; C . Johnston , P . M . 419 , Org . ; Dr . Clifton , J . E . Hodges , Dr . Bolton , AV . Barfoot , ancl L . Turner . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and of two lodges of emergency having been
read ancl confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Clement Edwin Stretton , which proved unanimous in his favour , ancl lie being in attendance , was regularly initiated , the ceremony being performed by the R . AV . P . G . M ., assisted by Bro . Toller , P . G . Sec . Tlie charge was delivered by the AV . M ., the lecture on the tracing board was necessarily omitted , owing to the shortness of time at disposal . Bro . C . Johnson , P . Prov . S . G . AA ., Jersey , presided at the organ , and the various chants peculiar to the
degree , were introduced , and added greatly to the effect of the ceremony . A donation of a book to tlie hall library , hy Bro . Bithrey , was suitably acknowledged , after which the P . G . M ., as Chairman of the Hall Committee , drew attention to the recent alterations and improvements in the hall , ( whieh was noticed in our report of the meeting of the sister lodge , 523 ) ancl requested the assistance of the brethren to discharge the liabilities incurred . An appeal which whs afterwards liberally responded
to , about £ 50 being promised in the course-of tho evening , in addition to the £ 70 previously subscribed , having only about £ 100 more to be raised . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was entirely provided at the cost of the AV . M ., and to which every member of tha town Lodges had received an invitation . About 90 brethren sat clown , and rendered full justice to the very bountiful repast which was provided , after which the AV . M ., in his usual terse and happy style gave the several loyal and masonic toasts , all of which were most heartily responded to . The Rev . J . Spitta 1