Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
politan district . Sir Richard uses other arguments to show th superiority of the metropolitan force , and ends by au appeal for amalgamation . A . n inquest has been held on the bodies of a man , who leaped into the Regent ' s Canal , and his wife , whom lie previously murdered . It appeared that there were three children living at home with their parents , but that the whole family were in great distress , and had recently applied for
parish relief , which was afforded them . The jury took the charitable view of the- unhappy man ' s conduct , and ascribed the murder and the suicide to his insanity . The examination of Mr . Alfred Styles , the ex-Garibaldiau , charged with endeavouring to form an English -brigade for the service of the Polish national government , has been concluded at the Bow-street
police court . The defendant , who was prosecuted by the agents of the Russian government , was committed for trial . An inquest has been held on the body of the omnibus conductor who was run over on Holboni-hill by another omnibus , which was racing with the one he had in charge . A good deal of evidence was given , and some witnesses stated that the deceased ,
whose horse was foremost , called to the driver to pull across the road so as to stop the advancing omnibus while he went to take up a passenger . Other witnesses gave their opinion that the driver of the hindmost omnibus must have seen the deceased in the road , and might have pulled up before striking him . After a long consultation the jury were discharged as they ivere
nearly equally divided on the question whether their verdict should be manslaughter against tbe driver or accidental death _ An adjourned inquest has been held ou the body of George Harris , who it was alleged had died partially through the refusal of the authorities of Bethnal Green Workhouse to admit bim when in a dying state . The jury r decided that the death was natural , but they give their opinion that persons in a dying
state should be admitted immediately on application to a workhouse . Asingularly horrible disclosure has been made at Wolverhampton . A young man and woman lived together in a house in one of the low districts of that town . About a month ago , the woman went away , leaving a message with one of the neighbours for any person who might call at the house . She never returned , and the house , which had remained locked up
from the time of her disappearance , was entered by some of the neighbours , when tbe dead body of the woman ' s supposed husband was found lying on a mattress in one of the rooms . The body bore several marks of violence , and there can he little or no doubt that the deceased was murdered about the time the woman left the town . There is considerable reason for believing
that the supposed murderess has committed suicide , and that her body remained undiscovered for nearly a fornight under circumstances almost similar to those relating to the finding of her victim . At the South Lancashire assizes , yesterday , a seaman , named Benjamin Thomas , was found guilty , and sentenced to death , for the murder of a lodging-house keeper , named
Rowlands , at Liverpool . The prisioner conducted himself in the dock with fearful violence , and it required the strength of several police officers to keep him under restraint . The recent disaster on the Great Eastern Railway , near Lynn , has been investigated before another Coroner's Jury . The verdict in this second inquest was given on Thursday night , and the
• Company finds itself once more censured for neglecting to fence the line properly . At tlie first inquest tbe Government Inspector was blamed for ' ' passing " the line in September last ; but this stigma is removed by the verdict of Thursday night , which declares that Captain Tyler was perfectly justified in certifying that the usual condition had been complied with . Another Liverpool murderer was sentenced to death at the South Lancashire assizes , on Wednesday . The victim was a hard-working
woman , named Hughes , and the prisoner , her husband , —a drunken quarrelsome fellow , —had ill-treated her because she would not find him money to spend in drink . —At the same assizes , in the Civil Court , Mr . Justice Mellor tried an action brought by a Manchester merchant against against the Alliance Marine Insurance Company , for £ 1200 , on an insurance effected
after the loss of a cargo , but before that loss was known to the plaintiff . The Assurance Company pleaded that the insurance was frjudently effected ; but the jury gave a verdict in favour of the plaintiff . An attempt was made to burn down the church of St . Peter's , in the market town of Godalming on Sunday night last . The attempt fortunately did not succeed ,
but it was sound next morning that a quantity of partiallyburnt paperhanging was lying about in the aisles , and tbat several of the doors of the pews were sorely scorched . Suspicion fell on a man named Hackman , mainly on the gronnd that the paperhanging which covered his room in the town , and which was stripped off in several pieces , corresponded in pattern
to the unburnt fragments that were lying ., ' about iu the church . Hackman was in consequence apprehended , and , after being examined hy the magistrates , was remanded . A man named Rinaldi was indicted at the Central Criminal Court on
Wednesday on the charge of attempting to forge Austrian notes . As this was done by means of photography his counsel set up the ingenious defence that forgery by means of photography was not contemplated , and therefore not prohibited by the statute . The judge reserved the point , and as the prisoner was found guilty on the facts , sentence was deferred . The two condemned men , Holden and Eldridge , were executed at
Maidstone on Thursday at noon . News has been received at Lloyd's ! of the total destruction by fire of the British ship Caribou , Cameron master , on her voyage from Liverpool to Bombay . The second officer had gone below to get some spirits of turpentine , and as be was holding a light in one band and the vessel containing the spirits of turpentine in the other , the
ship gave a lurch , which threw him off his balance . The spirits came in contact with the light , and the ship was soon in a blaze , which all the efforts of the crew were unable to extinguish They took to their boats , and were finally landed at St . Vincent ' s , Cape de Verde Islands . FOREIQN IHTELLIGENCE . —It has been officially announced in Paris that the Emperor Napoleon has revoked General Forey ' s confiscation of the property of the Mexicans who have borne
arms against the French , and likewise the prohibition to export specie and bullion from Mexico . The announcement added that as , notwithstanding the great improvement in . Mexican affairs " there are still some armed bands in existence who find sources of support from certain custom-houses , " the French Admiral will , after the 25 th inst ., blockade tbe Mexican coast from Campeachy to a point ten leagues south of Matamoras .
The Memorial Diplomatique announces in the most positive manner that the Archduke Maximilian " accepts , with the consent of his august brother the Emperor of Austria , the crown of the new Mexican empire . " The New York journals publish a statement to the effect that Comonfort and Dablado have accepted the new order of things imposed upon their country
hy the force of the French arms , while Juarez , still holding firmly out , had sent agents to Washington to solicit assistance from the Federal government . According to St . Petersburg advices , transmitted by way of Berlin , the French and English notes in reply to Prince Gortebakoff ' s despatch , are " of a paeifi c nature . " They express regret at the Russian refusal to
agree to the " six points" and a European conference , but declare the willingness of the French and English cabinets to await the measures which the Russian government may adopt , " in the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
politan district . Sir Richard uses other arguments to show th superiority of the metropolitan force , and ends by au appeal for amalgamation . A . n inquest has been held on the bodies of a man , who leaped into the Regent ' s Canal , and his wife , whom lie previously murdered . It appeared that there were three children living at home with their parents , but that the whole family were in great distress , and had recently applied for
parish relief , which was afforded them . The jury took the charitable view of the- unhappy man ' s conduct , and ascribed the murder and the suicide to his insanity . The examination of Mr . Alfred Styles , the ex-Garibaldiau , charged with endeavouring to form an English -brigade for the service of the Polish national government , has been concluded at the Bow-street
police court . The defendant , who was prosecuted by the agents of the Russian government , was committed for trial . An inquest has been held on the body of the omnibus conductor who was run over on Holboni-hill by another omnibus , which was racing with the one he had in charge . A good deal of evidence was given , and some witnesses stated that the deceased ,
whose horse was foremost , called to the driver to pull across the road so as to stop the advancing omnibus while he went to take up a passenger . Other witnesses gave their opinion that the driver of the hindmost omnibus must have seen the deceased in the road , and might have pulled up before striking him . After a long consultation the jury were discharged as they ivere
nearly equally divided on the question whether their verdict should be manslaughter against tbe driver or accidental death _ An adjourned inquest has been held ou the body of George Harris , who it was alleged had died partially through the refusal of the authorities of Bethnal Green Workhouse to admit bim when in a dying state . The jury r decided that the death was natural , but they give their opinion that persons in a dying
state should be admitted immediately on application to a workhouse . Asingularly horrible disclosure has been made at Wolverhampton . A young man and woman lived together in a house in one of the low districts of that town . About a month ago , the woman went away , leaving a message with one of the neighbours for any person who might call at the house . She never returned , and the house , which had remained locked up
from the time of her disappearance , was entered by some of the neighbours , when tbe dead body of the woman ' s supposed husband was found lying on a mattress in one of the rooms . The body bore several marks of violence , and there can he little or no doubt that the deceased was murdered about the time the woman left the town . There is considerable reason for believing
that the supposed murderess has committed suicide , and that her body remained undiscovered for nearly a fornight under circumstances almost similar to those relating to the finding of her victim . At the South Lancashire assizes , yesterday , a seaman , named Benjamin Thomas , was found guilty , and sentenced to death , for the murder of a lodging-house keeper , named
Rowlands , at Liverpool . The prisioner conducted himself in the dock with fearful violence , and it required the strength of several police officers to keep him under restraint . The recent disaster on the Great Eastern Railway , near Lynn , has been investigated before another Coroner's Jury . The verdict in this second inquest was given on Thursday night , and the
• Company finds itself once more censured for neglecting to fence the line properly . At tlie first inquest tbe Government Inspector was blamed for ' ' passing " the line in September last ; but this stigma is removed by the verdict of Thursday night , which declares that Captain Tyler was perfectly justified in certifying that the usual condition had been complied with . Another Liverpool murderer was sentenced to death at the South Lancashire assizes , on Wednesday . The victim was a hard-working
woman , named Hughes , and the prisoner , her husband , —a drunken quarrelsome fellow , —had ill-treated her because she would not find him money to spend in drink . —At the same assizes , in the Civil Court , Mr . Justice Mellor tried an action brought by a Manchester merchant against against the Alliance Marine Insurance Company , for £ 1200 , on an insurance effected
after the loss of a cargo , but before that loss was known to the plaintiff . The Assurance Company pleaded that the insurance was frjudently effected ; but the jury gave a verdict in favour of the plaintiff . An attempt was made to burn down the church of St . Peter's , in the market town of Godalming on Sunday night last . The attempt fortunately did not succeed ,
but it was sound next morning that a quantity of partiallyburnt paperhanging was lying about in the aisles , and tbat several of the doors of the pews were sorely scorched . Suspicion fell on a man named Hackman , mainly on the gronnd that the paperhanging which covered his room in the town , and which was stripped off in several pieces , corresponded in pattern
to the unburnt fragments that were lying ., ' about iu the church . Hackman was in consequence apprehended , and , after being examined hy the magistrates , was remanded . A man named Rinaldi was indicted at the Central Criminal Court on
Wednesday on the charge of attempting to forge Austrian notes . As this was done by means of photography his counsel set up the ingenious defence that forgery by means of photography was not contemplated , and therefore not prohibited by the statute . The judge reserved the point , and as the prisoner was found guilty on the facts , sentence was deferred . The two condemned men , Holden and Eldridge , were executed at
Maidstone on Thursday at noon . News has been received at Lloyd's ! of the total destruction by fire of the British ship Caribou , Cameron master , on her voyage from Liverpool to Bombay . The second officer had gone below to get some spirits of turpentine , and as be was holding a light in one band and the vessel containing the spirits of turpentine in the other , the
ship gave a lurch , which threw him off his balance . The spirits came in contact with the light , and the ship was soon in a blaze , which all the efforts of the crew were unable to extinguish They took to their boats , and were finally landed at St . Vincent ' s , Cape de Verde Islands . FOREIQN IHTELLIGENCE . —It has been officially announced in Paris that the Emperor Napoleon has revoked General Forey ' s confiscation of the property of the Mexicans who have borne
arms against the French , and likewise the prohibition to export specie and bullion from Mexico . The announcement added that as , notwithstanding the great improvement in . Mexican affairs " there are still some armed bands in existence who find sources of support from certain custom-houses , " the French Admiral will , after the 25 th inst ., blockade tbe Mexican coast from Campeachy to a point ten leagues south of Matamoras .
The Memorial Diplomatique announces in the most positive manner that the Archduke Maximilian " accepts , with the consent of his august brother the Emperor of Austria , the crown of the new Mexican empire . " The New York journals publish a statement to the effect that Comonfort and Dablado have accepted the new order of things imposed upon their country
hy the force of the French arms , while Juarez , still holding firmly out , had sent agents to Washington to solicit assistance from the Federal government . According to St . Petersburg advices , transmitted by way of Berlin , the French and English notes in reply to Prince Gortebakoff ' s despatch , are " of a paeifi c nature . " They express regret at the Russian refusal to
agree to the " six points" and a European conference , but declare the willingness of the French and English cabinets to await the measures which the Russian government may adopt , " in the