Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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.Lodge of Finsbury ( No . 861 , late 1163 ) . —The brethren of this young and happy lodge ( held at Bro . Samuel Wickens ' , Prince of Wales , Banner-street , St . Luke's , Bro . James Bond , W . M . ) had their summer banquet on Tuesday , Aug . 11 , at Bro . Beningfield ' s , Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , Herts . They were accompanied by their wives and sweethearts , and a more delightful day could not have been . The time of meeting was ten o'clocka . m . at the Great Eastern
StationBishopsgate-, , , street , aud mustering between 30 and 40 by the time the train was about to leave . Tho officials of the Great Eastern Company very kindly and courteously conducted the brethren to two carriages which they had reserved for the party , for which tbey were very thankiul , and as some of the ladies had not met before tbe day ' s enjoyment began by a pleasant introduction , so that by the time they reached Broxbourne all were pleased
and happy with each other . On arriving at the Crown Hotel , Bro . Beningfield ( in bis kind and gentlemanly manner ) escorted the Indies and brethren to his beautiful garden and grounds , where a delightful treat awaited them . A more lovely show of flowers of every kind could not be found , and second only to Kew , or the Crystal Palace Gardens , his show of holyhocks and dahlias , for which he is famous , were in full bloom . In fact , the garden and grounds were in first-rate order , and great credit is due to Bro . Bennington for his good taste and attention . Tbe party amused themselves for an hour or two at
different games , such as bowls , quoits , Aunt Sally , and boating , & c , until three p . m ., when the bell rang for dinner . Forty-one sat down , sixteen ladies and twenty-five gentlemen . The hall was well furnished with the good things of this life , everything was put on in good order , and not the least confusion ensued . After doing ample justice , and a blessing being asked of the G . A . O . T . U ., the W . M . wished that the brethren and ladies would leave the bauaueting-room for half-an-hourwhile the dessert
, was being placed on the table , which was Ei-eely indulged in on their return . The usual toasts were given and responded to . Bros . Tutill , Locke , Bond , and a lady visitor ( Miss Harriet Eeles ) enhanced the pleasure of the party by some excellent harmony . In the evening , the different games were resorted to until eight o ' clock , when the bell was rung for tea . The ladies , after enjoying this delightful and refreshing beverage , got themselves
ready for the nine o ' clock train , to return to London , which arrived at the Bishopsgate Station at the early hour of ten o ' clock . All matters passed off happily , and a more harmonious party could not have met . The ladies were so delighted with their day ' s excursion some of them said they should have a very favourable opinion of the brotherhood and Freemasonry in future , seeing the brotherly love that existed among them , and wished for another such a treat next year . There is great credit due to the W . M . for the manner in which the party was got up , and to Bros . Cope and Excell for their good management as Stewards .
DOKSBT . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge for this province was holden at Wimhorne , on Thursday , 13 th inst ., the Lodge of St . Cuthberga , Wimborne ( No . 622 , late 1009 ) , having invited its attendance at their convenient new . room . Present—Bros . Jos . Gundry , Prov . G . M . ; Theobald Thos . PearceD . Prov . G . M . ; C . R . RoweProv . G . S . W .
, , J . H . Boyt , Prov . G . J . W . ; H . W . Coombs , Prov . G . Sec . ; B . J . Kenedge , Prov . G . S . D . ; G . I . Gregory , Prov . G . J . D . ; Geo . Nehe , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Maunders , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . Sydenham , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; H . Herbert , Prov . G . Org . ; J . Dundee , Prov . G . Tyler , with many Past Provincial Grand Officers , the Masters , Past Musters , and Wardens of the lodges of Amity Poole ; All SoulsWeymouthUnitWareham
, ; y , ; Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester ; Friendship and Sincerity , Shaftesbury ; St . Cuthberga , Wimborne ; Montagu , Lynn Regis ; and St . Mary ' s , Bridport , with many visiting brethren . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge duly read and
confirmed , a communication was read from Bro . Crichnay , of Weymouth , informing the Provincial Grand Lodge that Bro . John Mowlan , of Swanage , had recently erected a building there for the purposes of a public institute for the town and neighbourhood ; and that , actuated hy a high regard for Masonry , and with a view to aid its establishing itself at Swanage , should any opportunity offer , he had inserted a clause in the deed of gift , reserving a right to Freemasons to use the edifice of this
for the purposes of the Order . A record provision was ordered to oe made , and the thanks of the Provincial Grand Lodge were voted to Bro . Mowlan . The Provincial Grand Master then addressed the lodge , commenting in feeling terms on the early and sudden deaths of Bros . W . Parr , F . Carsons , and B . Fox , and announcing tbe resignation of Bro . Pearce , D . Prov . G . M ., from an opinion that brother held that the office should not be engrossed by one brother for a long series of
years . After the transaction of the business of the province , the Provincial Grand Lodge attended divine service at the Minster Church , where a sermon was preached by the Kev . G . Thompson , the text being taken from the 2 ud Corinthians , 5 th chap . 1 st verse . On the lodge being resumed , the officers were called on to resign their collars , and the following appointments were made : — ,,
Bro . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu , ) ^ rT P . Prov . G . S . \ V ., P . M . ofLodgel 009 j xlor- U-JU-„ Henry Edwards , P . M . 1009 ... Prov . G . S . W . ,. Richard Hoskins , P . M . 160 ... Prov . G . J . W . „ George Thompson , P . M . 605 ... Prov . G . Chap . „ George James Andrews , 605 ... Prov . G . Reg . Thomas CoombsP . M . 605 ... Prov . G . Sec
„ , , „ G . Knight Stanton , S . W . 605 ... Prov . G . S . D . „ J ' . Pearks Gundry , S . W . 1009 ... Prov . G . J . D . „ It . Howard Shout , P . M . 605 ... Prov . G . Sup . of Works , „ Joseph Maunders , P . M . 199 ... Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ T . H . G . Windham , S . W . 963 ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ James Tauswell , 694 Prov . G . S . B .
„ H . Troughear Stogg , 199 . ..... Prov . G . Org . „ James Jesty , 199 Prov . G . Purst . „ John Thomas Ensor , 605 "" ) „ George Henry Davis , 605 ... ) „ William Chick 605 I Prov . G . Stewards . „ Samuel Davis , 199 f „ John Baunton , 199 ] Alfred Ellis 905 J
_ , , , „ James Reynolds 905 > ^ G . st . Bearers . „ James fapicer , 542 ) „ John Lovelace , 605 Prov . G . Tyler . Bro . Wm . Hamer , of Lodge 696 , was unanimously re-elected . Prov . G . Treasurer ; and after passing the usual votes of thanks , the Provincial Grand Lodge was c losed at 4 p . m . The brethren afterwards dined together at the Crown Hotel , Bro . S . E . Drux , Prov . J . G . W . having contributed a haunch of venisonand the
, , Prov . G . M . and Bro . A . Guest having provided a handsome dessert . Bro . Ward , of the Lodge of St . Cuthberga ( No . 622 ) , Wimhorne , a confectioner , sent a splendid cake , in the form of a Masonic temple , denorated with a miniature banner of each lodge in the province .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) MAKCm-SlER . — Blair Lodge ( No . S 15 , late 1116 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Raglan Hotel , Emden-street , on Friday , 13 th inst ., Bro . Dr . Peatson , W . M ., in the chair , there was also present Bros . J . Eltoft , S . W . ; J . Stephens , J . W . ; J . Bradley , P . M . and W . M . 152 ; J . L . Hine , P . M . ; M . Robinson , Sec ; J . Brumal ] , Treas . ; W- Ashton ,
S . D . ; S . Cheetham , Dr . Hill , and several other brethren , with about ten visitors . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the ballot was taken for the election of W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , and declared to be in favour of Bro . Joseph Eltoft , S . W . Bro . Cheetham was elected Treasurer ; Bros . Bradley and Cochrane , Auditors ; and Bro . Fogg , Tyler . The lodge was then closed . At the refreshment hoard Bro . J . L . HineP . M . proposed " The
, Health of the Visitors , " which was ably responded to by Bro . H . T . Baldwin , P . M . 246 , and Bro . Mountain , 246 , and others . Bro . Cheetham proposed " The Health of Bro . Bradley , P . M ., " expressing the great pleasure the : lodge felt in having bim again amongst them , after such a severe illness , he not having been in lodge since September last ; and also stating that the toast was proposed not for Bro . Bradley's well-known services in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
.Lodge of Finsbury ( No . 861 , late 1163 ) . —The brethren of this young and happy lodge ( held at Bro . Samuel Wickens ' , Prince of Wales , Banner-street , St . Luke's , Bro . James Bond , W . M . ) had their summer banquet on Tuesday , Aug . 11 , at Bro . Beningfield ' s , Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , Herts . They were accompanied by their wives and sweethearts , and a more delightful day could not have been . The time of meeting was ten o'clocka . m . at the Great Eastern
StationBishopsgate-, , , street , aud mustering between 30 and 40 by the time the train was about to leave . Tho officials of the Great Eastern Company very kindly and courteously conducted the brethren to two carriages which they had reserved for the party , for which tbey were very thankiul , and as some of the ladies had not met before tbe day ' s enjoyment began by a pleasant introduction , so that by the time they reached Broxbourne all were pleased
and happy with each other . On arriving at the Crown Hotel , Bro . Beningfield ( in bis kind and gentlemanly manner ) escorted the Indies and brethren to his beautiful garden and grounds , where a delightful treat awaited them . A more lovely show of flowers of every kind could not be found , and second only to Kew , or the Crystal Palace Gardens , his show of holyhocks and dahlias , for which he is famous , were in full bloom . In fact , the garden and grounds were in first-rate order , and great credit is due to Bro . Bennington for his good taste and attention . Tbe party amused themselves for an hour or two at
different games , such as bowls , quoits , Aunt Sally , and boating , & c , until three p . m ., when the bell rang for dinner . Forty-one sat down , sixteen ladies and twenty-five gentlemen . The hall was well furnished with the good things of this life , everything was put on in good order , and not the least confusion ensued . After doing ample justice , and a blessing being asked of the G . A . O . T . U ., the W . M . wished that the brethren and ladies would leave the bauaueting-room for half-an-hourwhile the dessert
, was being placed on the table , which was Ei-eely indulged in on their return . The usual toasts were given and responded to . Bros . Tutill , Locke , Bond , and a lady visitor ( Miss Harriet Eeles ) enhanced the pleasure of the party by some excellent harmony . In the evening , the different games were resorted to until eight o ' clock , when the bell was rung for tea . The ladies , after enjoying this delightful and refreshing beverage , got themselves
ready for the nine o ' clock train , to return to London , which arrived at the Bishopsgate Station at the early hour of ten o ' clock . All matters passed off happily , and a more harmonious party could not have met . The ladies were so delighted with their day ' s excursion some of them said they should have a very favourable opinion of the brotherhood and Freemasonry in future , seeing the brotherly love that existed among them , and wished for another such a treat next year . There is great credit due to the W . M . for the manner in which the party was got up , and to Bros . Cope and Excell for their good management as Stewards .
DOKSBT . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge for this province was holden at Wimhorne , on Thursday , 13 th inst ., the Lodge of St . Cuthberga , Wimborne ( No . 622 , late 1009 ) , having invited its attendance at their convenient new . room . Present—Bros . Jos . Gundry , Prov . G . M . ; Theobald Thos . PearceD . Prov . G . M . ; C . R . RoweProv . G . S . W .
, , J . H . Boyt , Prov . G . J . W . ; H . W . Coombs , Prov . G . Sec . ; B . J . Kenedge , Prov . G . S . D . ; G . I . Gregory , Prov . G . J . D . ; Geo . Nehe , Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Maunders , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . Sydenham , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; H . Herbert , Prov . G . Org . ; J . Dundee , Prov . G . Tyler , with many Past Provincial Grand Officers , the Masters , Past Musters , and Wardens of the lodges of Amity Poole ; All SoulsWeymouthUnitWareham
, ; y , ; Faith and Unanimity , Dorchester ; Friendship and Sincerity , Shaftesbury ; St . Cuthberga , Wimborne ; Montagu , Lynn Regis ; and St . Mary ' s , Bridport , with many visiting brethren . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge duly read and
confirmed , a communication was read from Bro . Crichnay , of Weymouth , informing the Provincial Grand Lodge that Bro . John Mowlan , of Swanage , had recently erected a building there for the purposes of a public institute for the town and neighbourhood ; and that , actuated hy a high regard for Masonry , and with a view to aid its establishing itself at Swanage , should any opportunity offer , he had inserted a clause in the deed of gift , reserving a right to Freemasons to use the edifice of this
for the purposes of the Order . A record provision was ordered to oe made , and the thanks of the Provincial Grand Lodge were voted to Bro . Mowlan . The Provincial Grand Master then addressed the lodge , commenting in feeling terms on the early and sudden deaths of Bros . W . Parr , F . Carsons , and B . Fox , and announcing tbe resignation of Bro . Pearce , D . Prov . G . M ., from an opinion that brother held that the office should not be engrossed by one brother for a long series of
years . After the transaction of the business of the province , the Provincial Grand Lodge attended divine service at the Minster Church , where a sermon was preached by the Kev . G . Thompson , the text being taken from the 2 ud Corinthians , 5 th chap . 1 st verse . On the lodge being resumed , the officers were called on to resign their collars , and the following appointments were made : — ,,
Bro . J . Montagu Pulteney Montagu , ) ^ rT P . Prov . G . S . \ V ., P . M . ofLodgel 009 j xlor- U-JU-„ Henry Edwards , P . M . 1009 ... Prov . G . S . W . ,. Richard Hoskins , P . M . 160 ... Prov . G . J . W . „ George Thompson , P . M . 605 ... Prov . G . Chap . „ George James Andrews , 605 ... Prov . G . Reg . Thomas CoombsP . M . 605 ... Prov . G . Sec
„ , , „ G . Knight Stanton , S . W . 605 ... Prov . G . S . D . „ J ' . Pearks Gundry , S . W . 1009 ... Prov . G . J . D . „ It . Howard Shout , P . M . 605 ... Prov . G . Sup . of Works , „ Joseph Maunders , P . M . 199 ... Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . „ T . H . G . Windham , S . W . 963 ... Prov . G . A . D . C . „ James Tauswell , 694 Prov . G . S . B .
„ H . Troughear Stogg , 199 . ..... Prov . G . Org . „ James Jesty , 199 Prov . G . Purst . „ John Thomas Ensor , 605 "" ) „ George Henry Davis , 605 ... ) „ William Chick 605 I Prov . G . Stewards . „ Samuel Davis , 199 f „ John Baunton , 199 ] Alfred Ellis 905 J
_ , , , „ James Reynolds 905 > ^ G . st . Bearers . „ James fapicer , 542 ) „ John Lovelace , 605 Prov . G . Tyler . Bro . Wm . Hamer , of Lodge 696 , was unanimously re-elected . Prov . G . Treasurer ; and after passing the usual votes of thanks , the Provincial Grand Lodge was c losed at 4 p . m . The brethren afterwards dined together at the Crown Hotel , Bro . S . E . Drux , Prov . J . G . W . having contributed a haunch of venisonand the
, , Prov . G . M . and Bro . A . Guest having provided a handsome dessert . Bro . Ward , of the Lodge of St . Cuthberga ( No . 622 ) , Wimhorne , a confectioner , sent a splendid cake , in the form of a Masonic temple , denorated with a miniature banner of each lodge in the province .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) MAKCm-SlER . — Blair Lodge ( No . S 15 , late 1116 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Raglan Hotel , Emden-street , on Friday , 13 th inst ., Bro . Dr . Peatson , W . M ., in the chair , there was also present Bros . J . Eltoft , S . W . ; J . Stephens , J . W . ; J . Bradley , P . M . and W . M . 152 ; J . L . Hine , P . M . ; M . Robinson , Sec ; J . Brumal ] , Treas . ; W- Ashton ,
S . D . ; S . Cheetham , Dr . Hill , and several other brethren , with about ten visitors . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed , the ballot was taken for the election of W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , and declared to be in favour of Bro . Joseph Eltoft , S . W . Bro . Cheetham was elected Treasurer ; Bros . Bradley and Cochrane , Auditors ; and Bro . Fogg , Tyler . The lodge was then closed . At the refreshment hoard Bro . J . L . HineP . M . proposed " The
, Health of the Visitors , " which was ably responded to by Bro . H . T . Baldwin , P . M . 246 , and Bro . Mountain , 246 , and others . Bro . Cheetham proposed " The Health of Bro . Bradley , P . M ., " expressing the great pleasure the : lodge felt in having bim again amongst them , after such a severe illness , he not having been in lodge since September last ; and also stating that the toast was proposed not for Bro . Bradley's well-known services in