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Grand Lodge For Victoria ( Australia).
MAEK MASONRY IN SYDNEY , N . S . W . , Amongst the various orders of Freemasonry , no branch has , in so short a period , advanced more rapidly than that of the Mark Lodge of Sydney under the English Constitution . In the latter order the mark degree is a comparatively recent revival of one of the most beautiful and most emblematical workings of the Order , but ivhich
waa discarded from the English Constitution under a misconception . It was re-introduced in England some few years ago , by Lord Leigh , and thus formed a separate Order , independent of the Grand Lodge of England . The present Grand Master is the Earl of Caernarvon . About five years ago , Bro . Frank Haes , of this city , visited England , and having there received the degree
of Mark Master , considered that the introduction of that Order in Sydney would be advantageous for the advancement of Ereemasonry in general ; he therefore obtained from Lord Leigh a warrant for the foundation of a lodge of Mark Masters , to be called the Sydney Lodge , No . 25 . With some difficulty , Bro . Haes managed to carry his designs into execution , Bro . Leworfchy , who was named
in the warrant , being appointed the first master of the lodge . He , however , shortly afterwards retired in favour of Bro . Haes , under whose care the lodge struggled into light . On the departure of Bro . Haes for England , the present Worshipful Master was appointed— -Bro . Moss Israel—whose management of the lodge was so satisfactory , and his working of the degrees so dignified , and
productive of results so valuable to the Order , by the attraction of a vast number of members , that at the expiration of his year of office he was unanimously reelected to fill the chair . The lodge now numbers oue hundred and thirty members . It having been considered advisable to take a special part in the joyous commemoration of the nuptials of their Eoyal Highnesses the
Prince and Princess of Wales , by presenting an address , his Excellency the Governor-in-Chief , appointed two o ' clock yesterday ( June 11 ) to receive the deputation . The brethren , numbering between thirty and forty , assembled at the Masonic Hall , and habited in their
aprons and regalia , proceeded to Government House , where they were introduced to his Excellency b y Bro . Lord John Taylour , aide-de-camp to the Governor , who wore his collar and jewel as senior deacon of the lodge . Bro . Israel , W . M ., addressed his Excellency in a few appropriate words , indicative of the proverbial loyalty of -Freemasonsand their love of virtuethe quality most
, , inherent in the Eoyal family of England , and Bro . H . " N . Montagu then read the following address : — " To their ltoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales . " May it please your Eoyal Bignesses , — "With the most profound respect , we , the Mark Master Masons of _ STew South Wales , forming the Lodge No . 25 , English Constitution , under the government of the Srand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of England and Wales , and the Colonies , and Possessions of the British Crown , presided over by the Earl of Caernarvon , & c , & c , Grand Master , have the honour to address your Eoyal Highnesses in congratulation of the auspicious occasion of your nuptials . "Your Eoyal Highnesses may rest assured that throughout Her Majesty's dominions , amongst the millions of hearts that have responded to the joyous announcementnone have felt a
, more unfeigned and vivid gratification at the happy event , nor amidst Her Majesty ' s subjects , will your Eoyal Highnesses find any more sincere in their aspirations and hopes , for your future happiness , with which that of the entire British nation is so thoroughly identified . " We have the honour to subscribe ourselves your Eoyal Highnesses most humble and most obedient servants ,
" M . ISRAEL , Worshipful Master . " A . COHEN , Senior Warden . ( L . S . ) "W . J . JENKINS , Junior Warden . " For the entire Lodge of 130 members . " Sydney , Xew South Wales , June 11 . " The W . M . then handed then handed the address to his Excellency , who , in reply , stated that he would take special care of it , and see that it should be directly forwarded to their Eoyal Highnesses . The deputation then retired . "—Sydney Empire , June 12 fch .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
IUE NAMES oi ? THE ANGELS . Jbsephus , in his " Wars of the Jews . " Book II ., c . viii ., in treating of tbe doctrines of the Essenes , says that , among other obligations , they were bound to preserve " the names of the angels ., ' Have they been preserved ? What were the names of the angels ? Is there any work containing a list of them and their attributes ?—P . M .
841-NUMBER 03 ? XODGES AND EOYAL ARCII CHATTERS . Can you inform the Craft if any change in the numbers of chapters is contemplated . Each chapter being attached to a particular lodge , and if not of the same name as the lodge , is certainly of the same number . As thenumber of the lodges are changed is is submitted that the number of each chapter should also be changed . —
E . E . X . MARKS OP MARK MASONS . If " Tessera " will patiently wait a short time he . may avail himself of a copy of several thousand marks , which have been collected by a very zealous Mark Master Mason , who has made them is study for someperiodand who is engaged in determining the mode of
, translating such marks for the benefit of the Craft in general . The copies will be lithographed , with such key to their solution as the collector may be advised to do .. The notice of publication will most likely appear in your columns . If " Tesseraa " be a Mark Master Mason let him pay Bro . H . G . Warren a visit , or appeal to the W . M . of his lodge , for a full answer to his question . —
E . E . X M 0 __ ARl ' s MJISONIC FUNERAL MUSIC . In the number for July of La Monde Maponniqiie , thereis the following paragraph : —• " Le public musical de Leipzig a ete charmd recemment par 1 ' execution de la musique funeraire Macconnique de Mozart , pour orchestre complet . C ' est un court adagiod ' une beaute admirable eb
, d ' un caractere extrememenfc curieux , Othou John en parle ainsi e : — ' Mozart n ' a rien eerit qui plaise davantage par la technique ot la parfaite harmonie des sons , et qui produise une impression plus profonde , par le sentiment serieux et la verite psychologique , que cet adagio .. C ' esfc 1 'expression musicale du recueillement viril qui , en face de la mort , cede a la dolour sans flechir devant elle .
Mozart , qui efcaifc Fraucma ^ on , a compose cet adagio en 1785 , a l ' occasiou de la mort des Freres Mecklembourg et Esterhazy . '" Can any musical brother inform me if the above music has been printed , and in what edition of Mozart ' s works it can be seen ?¦— MATTHEW COOKE .
A MASONIC CONGRESS . Would it not be for the benefit of Freemasonry iu general , if a congress of Masons were to meet for the purpose of assimilating the rites of various countries , and revising the whole Masonic system upon certain defined grounds?—A LOVER OP ORDER . —[ It would be well if such a Utopian could be carriedbut but it cannot . The
, same sorb of thing has been tried over and over again , and failed . The plan of one of these meetings was as follows : — ART , 1 . The Grand Lodges of aSTorth America do hereby form"A __? orth American Masonic Congress . " ART . 2 . This Congress shall consist of three representatives from each Grand Lodge in North America assenting hereto ;
representatives to be selected as each of the Grand Lodges may severally determine . ART . 3 . The officers shall be a President , and a Senior and . Junior "Vice Presidents , and Secretary , who shall be elected ab each session , and , except the Secretary , the official duties of each shall cease with the close of the session . . ART . 4 . There shall also be elected at each session three Permanent Committees each consisting of five members .
1 st . Committee of International Correspondence . 2 nd . Committee of Work , Symbolism and Philosophy . 3 rd . Committee of Jurisprudence , embracing Masonic History and Antiquities . The Chairman of the several Committees shall constitute ara
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge For Victoria ( Australia).
MAEK MASONRY IN SYDNEY , N . S . W . , Amongst the various orders of Freemasonry , no branch has , in so short a period , advanced more rapidly than that of the Mark Lodge of Sydney under the English Constitution . In the latter order the mark degree is a comparatively recent revival of one of the most beautiful and most emblematical workings of the Order , but ivhich
waa discarded from the English Constitution under a misconception . It was re-introduced in England some few years ago , by Lord Leigh , and thus formed a separate Order , independent of the Grand Lodge of England . The present Grand Master is the Earl of Caernarvon . About five years ago , Bro . Frank Haes , of this city , visited England , and having there received the degree
of Mark Master , considered that the introduction of that Order in Sydney would be advantageous for the advancement of Ereemasonry in general ; he therefore obtained from Lord Leigh a warrant for the foundation of a lodge of Mark Masters , to be called the Sydney Lodge , No . 25 . With some difficulty , Bro . Haes managed to carry his designs into execution , Bro . Leworfchy , who was named
in the warrant , being appointed the first master of the lodge . He , however , shortly afterwards retired in favour of Bro . Haes , under whose care the lodge struggled into light . On the departure of Bro . Haes for England , the present Worshipful Master was appointed— -Bro . Moss Israel—whose management of the lodge was so satisfactory , and his working of the degrees so dignified , and
productive of results so valuable to the Order , by the attraction of a vast number of members , that at the expiration of his year of office he was unanimously reelected to fill the chair . The lodge now numbers oue hundred and thirty members . It having been considered advisable to take a special part in the joyous commemoration of the nuptials of their Eoyal Highnesses the
Prince and Princess of Wales , by presenting an address , his Excellency the Governor-in-Chief , appointed two o ' clock yesterday ( June 11 ) to receive the deputation . The brethren , numbering between thirty and forty , assembled at the Masonic Hall , and habited in their
aprons and regalia , proceeded to Government House , where they were introduced to his Excellency b y Bro . Lord John Taylour , aide-de-camp to the Governor , who wore his collar and jewel as senior deacon of the lodge . Bro . Israel , W . M ., addressed his Excellency in a few appropriate words , indicative of the proverbial loyalty of -Freemasonsand their love of virtuethe quality most
, , inherent in the Eoyal family of England , and Bro . H . " N . Montagu then read the following address : — " To their ltoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales . " May it please your Eoyal Bignesses , — "With the most profound respect , we , the Mark Master Masons of _ STew South Wales , forming the Lodge No . 25 , English Constitution , under the government of the Srand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons of England and Wales , and the Colonies , and Possessions of the British Crown , presided over by the Earl of Caernarvon , & c , & c , Grand Master , have the honour to address your Eoyal Highnesses in congratulation of the auspicious occasion of your nuptials . "Your Eoyal Highnesses may rest assured that throughout Her Majesty's dominions , amongst the millions of hearts that have responded to the joyous announcementnone have felt a
, more unfeigned and vivid gratification at the happy event , nor amidst Her Majesty ' s subjects , will your Eoyal Highnesses find any more sincere in their aspirations and hopes , for your future happiness , with which that of the entire British nation is so thoroughly identified . " We have the honour to subscribe ourselves your Eoyal Highnesses most humble and most obedient servants ,
" M . ISRAEL , Worshipful Master . " A . COHEN , Senior Warden . ( L . S . ) "W . J . JENKINS , Junior Warden . " For the entire Lodge of 130 members . " Sydney , Xew South Wales , June 11 . " The W . M . then handed then handed the address to his Excellency , who , in reply , stated that he would take special care of it , and see that it should be directly forwarded to their Eoyal Highnesses . The deputation then retired . "—Sydney Empire , June 12 fch .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
IUE NAMES oi ? THE ANGELS . Jbsephus , in his " Wars of the Jews . " Book II ., c . viii ., in treating of tbe doctrines of the Essenes , says that , among other obligations , they were bound to preserve " the names of the angels ., ' Have they been preserved ? What were the names of the angels ? Is there any work containing a list of them and their attributes ?—P . M .
841-NUMBER 03 ? XODGES AND EOYAL ARCII CHATTERS . Can you inform the Craft if any change in the numbers of chapters is contemplated . Each chapter being attached to a particular lodge , and if not of the same name as the lodge , is certainly of the same number . As thenumber of the lodges are changed is is submitted that the number of each chapter should also be changed . —
E . E . X . MARKS OP MARK MASONS . If " Tessera " will patiently wait a short time he . may avail himself of a copy of several thousand marks , which have been collected by a very zealous Mark Master Mason , who has made them is study for someperiodand who is engaged in determining the mode of
, translating such marks for the benefit of the Craft in general . The copies will be lithographed , with such key to their solution as the collector may be advised to do .. The notice of publication will most likely appear in your columns . If " Tesseraa " be a Mark Master Mason let him pay Bro . H . G . Warren a visit , or appeal to the W . M . of his lodge , for a full answer to his question . —
E . E . X M 0 __ ARl ' s MJISONIC FUNERAL MUSIC . In the number for July of La Monde Maponniqiie , thereis the following paragraph : —• " Le public musical de Leipzig a ete charmd recemment par 1 ' execution de la musique funeraire Macconnique de Mozart , pour orchestre complet . C ' est un court adagiod ' une beaute admirable eb
, d ' un caractere extrememenfc curieux , Othou John en parle ainsi e : — ' Mozart n ' a rien eerit qui plaise davantage par la technique ot la parfaite harmonie des sons , et qui produise une impression plus profonde , par le sentiment serieux et la verite psychologique , que cet adagio .. C ' esfc 1 'expression musicale du recueillement viril qui , en face de la mort , cede a la dolour sans flechir devant elle .
Mozart , qui efcaifc Fraucma ^ on , a compose cet adagio en 1785 , a l ' occasiou de la mort des Freres Mecklembourg et Esterhazy . '" Can any musical brother inform me if the above music has been printed , and in what edition of Mozart ' s works it can be seen ?¦— MATTHEW COOKE .
A MASONIC CONGRESS . Would it not be for the benefit of Freemasonry iu general , if a congress of Masons were to meet for the purpose of assimilating the rites of various countries , and revising the whole Masonic system upon certain defined grounds?—A LOVER OP ORDER . —[ It would be well if such a Utopian could be carriedbut but it cannot . The
, same sorb of thing has been tried over and over again , and failed . The plan of one of these meetings was as follows : — ART , 1 . The Grand Lodges of aSTorth America do hereby form"A __? orth American Masonic Congress . " ART . 2 . This Congress shall consist of three representatives from each Grand Lodge in North America assenting hereto ;
representatives to be selected as each of the Grand Lodges may severally determine . ART . 3 . The officers shall be a President , and a Senior and . Junior "Vice Presidents , and Secretary , who shall be elected ab each session , and , except the Secretary , the official duties of each shall cease with the close of the session . . ART . 4 . There shall also be elected at each session three Permanent Committees each consisting of five members .
1 st . Committee of International Correspondence . 2 nd . Committee of Work , Symbolism and Philosophy . 3 rd . Committee of Jurisprudence , embracing Masonic History and Antiquities . The Chairman of the several Committees shall constitute ara