Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Executive Committee to supervise and direct the correspondence and in connection with the Secretary , prepare reports ancl present business for the next meeting . The meetings of the Congress shall be called to order for organisation by the Secretary , or in his absence by the Chairman of Committees in the order named . ART . 5 . Meetings shall be held triennially on thePriday preceding the 2 nd Tuesday of Septemberand in such place as the
, Congress may from time to time determine . ART . 6 . The representatives of a majority of the Grand lodges associated shall be necessary to form a quorum . ART . 1 . The Congress may take cognizance of all cases Gt difference which may occur between two or more Grand Lodges . Provided the parties shall mutually submit the said difference to its decision . ART 8 . The Congress may consult and advise on questions of
Masonic Law and Jurisprudence to the end that a uniformity of law and usage may be accomplished , but it shall not assume the exercise of any power in the enforcement of its degrees , except such as may result from the mere force of opinion . ART . 9 . It shall be in order at any session of the Congres to provide for the reading of papers or essays , or the delivery of discourses upon Masonic subjects . ART . 10 . The incidental expenses of each Congress , necessary
to the transaction of its business shall be borne by the Grand Lodges parties thereto , being equally divided among them . ART . 11 . The ratification of these articles by five Grand Lodges shall be sufficient for the organization of the Congress . ART . 12 . No change in these articles shall be made without the consent of three fourths of the Grand Lodges parties thereto . ART . 13 . Any Grand Lodge may become a member of this Congress by adopting the Articles of Association . ART 14 Should any Grand Lodge desire to withdraw from
this Congress it can do so ; but it is expected , as a matter of Masonic courtesy , that it will adopt a resolution to that effect in open Grand Lodge , and give notice thereof to the Secretary of Congress . SU _?_? LEMENTART ARTICLE . When five Grand Lodges shall have ratified these Articles , pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 th , and shall have notified a Secretary to he hereafter elected , of such decisionhe shall thereupon issue a circular to the
, several Grand Lodges specified in Article 2 nd , inviting them to affiliate with this body , and to assemble in Congress at the city of Memphis , Tennessee , on the Friday preceding the 2 nd Tuesday of September , 1862 . In testimony whereof , we the delegates to this Congress have hereunto set our hands to the foregoing articles , at Chicago , in the State of Illinoisthis 14 th day of September 1859 subject
, , , to the ratification thereof by our respective Grand Lodges . All of which is respectfully submitted . A . T . C . PIERSON , ¦" A . G . MACKEY , PHILIP C . TUCKEB , j-Committee . JOHN L . LEWIS , JR ., CYRIL PEARL .
Bro . J . Q . A . Fellows then moved that the plan as read be adopted ,- when Bro . A . B . Thompson called for a vote by Grand Lodges which resulted as follows : Ayes—Arkansas , District of Columbia . Louisiana , Maine , Minnesota , New York , South Carolina , Vermont , Iowa . —Total , 9 . * Bro . G . M . Hillyer , of Miss ., stated that the plan , as amended , met his personal approbation . In deference , however , to the known wishes of Mississippiin opposition to a general Grand
, Lodge , or Central Confederation of Grand Lodges , he would refrain from voting ; but expressed the hope that the jurisdiction he represented would , upon reflection , agree to the proposed association . _ Nays—Bro . ST . D . Elwood of Illinois , voted No by instruction of his Grand Lodge , but would advocate the plan . Bro . Albert G . Mackeythen moved that the Convention now
, proceed to the election of a Secretary , as provided by " Supplementary Article , " which was adopted . Bro . Samuel G . Bisk , of Louisiana , being then nominated , was unanimously elected said Secretary . Bro . E . H . English , of Alabama , moved that four members be added to the Committee on Plan of Organisation , making a
Committee of nine , who shall be a Committee of Correspondence ; which was adopted . The Chair appointed the following brethren under the above motion , viz .: Giles M . Hillyer , of Mississippi ; E . H . English , of Arkansas ; John Fi-izzell , of Tennessee ; B . B . French , of District of Columbia . Bro . H . Buist , of South Carolina , offered the following resolution , which was adopted :
" TResolved , That the thanks of this convention be and are hereby tendered to its President for the able courteous , and dignified manner in which he has presided over its deliberations . " On motion , the Committee on Correspondence were allowed sufficient lime to prepare an address to the Grand Lodges of North America , to be appended to these proceedings . On motion of Bro . John L . Lewis , Jr ., the Committee on Correspondence was continuedand with the Secretary elect ,
, instructed and empowered to make arrangements , as provided for in Article 4 of tbe plan adopted , for the assembling of the Congress in 1862 , in case of its ratification . On motion of Bro . A . G . Mackey , the committee of Correspondence was , with the President , empowered to read and approve the minutes of this Convention , when prepared by the Secretaries .
On motion , it was ordered that five hundred copies of the proceedings of this Convention be printed immediately for distribution , and that the same be paid for by pro rata subscription of the members party thereto . On motion of Bro . P . C . Tucker , the Convention then adjourned sine die . FINLAY M . KING , President . ARNER B THOMPSON , T Plesdentg
. ; .. J . Q . A . FELLOWS , J BOB MORRIS , Secretary . SAMUEL G . RISK , ? . . , . . . S . A . M . WOOD , 5 Assistaat Secretaries . Address to ihe Most Worshipful Grand Masters and Grand-Lodges of Ancient , Free , and , Accepted Masons on the Coi _ - tinent of North America . FRATERNAL SALUTATIONS :
By the action of a Convention of Grand Lodges , begun and holden in the city of Chicago , Illinois , the 13 th day of September , 1859 , in response to a circular issued by the Grand Lodge of Maine , bearing date May , 1857 , it is made the duty , as it is the pleasure , of the undersigned , to address you and invite yuur early and earnest attention to the proceedings of the said Convention ; asking that you will , alter due consideration , take
such action thereon as , in your wisdom , the interests of your distinguished Grand Body , and the interests of Craft Masonry , seem to require . The proceedings of the Convention , which form a part of this Circular , so fully define the objects of the organisation as to leave little for this Committee to say by way of explanation . The Articles of the Association , in their most essential features , have been before the Grand Lodges of tbe country for nearly a year , in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota , by her M . W . Grand Master , in response to the Circular from
Maine . A careful comparison of those Articles with these now submitted for your consideration will show the truth of our assertion , that they have been subjected to a patient and searching review by five of our number , as well as the careful scrutiny of a very large Convention , representing nearly all the Grand Lodges of the United States , to which the largest liberty was allowed for criticism and amendment . We certify you that the Articles agreed uponane the course pursued in their
adop-, tion , give ample assurance of our desire to guard the rights , dignity , and authority of the several Gi-and Loilges , and to present the basis of an Association , " potent for good and impotent for evil , " on which they may safely unite in promoting the progress and prosperity of our ancient and cherished Fraternity . Nor need we devote much time or space to show that Craft
Masonry has need of such an organisation . In the face of all assertions to the contrary , we array the simple facts unfolded in . the history of efforts to secure this object , so fully presented in the proceedings of Minnesota , for 1858 . We may also appeal to the able circular put forth by the Convention which formed the basis of a National Confederation in the city of Washington , in Jan . 1855 . If we go back to the formation of our National Union , we find Pennsylvania nominating our distinguished brother , George Washington , as General Grand Master of Masons , and desiring
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Executive Committee to supervise and direct the correspondence and in connection with the Secretary , prepare reports ancl present business for the next meeting . The meetings of the Congress shall be called to order for organisation by the Secretary , or in his absence by the Chairman of Committees in the order named . ART . 5 . Meetings shall be held triennially on thePriday preceding the 2 nd Tuesday of Septemberand in such place as the
, Congress may from time to time determine . ART . 6 . The representatives of a majority of the Grand lodges associated shall be necessary to form a quorum . ART . 1 . The Congress may take cognizance of all cases Gt difference which may occur between two or more Grand Lodges . Provided the parties shall mutually submit the said difference to its decision . ART 8 . The Congress may consult and advise on questions of
Masonic Law and Jurisprudence to the end that a uniformity of law and usage may be accomplished , but it shall not assume the exercise of any power in the enforcement of its degrees , except such as may result from the mere force of opinion . ART . 9 . It shall be in order at any session of the Congres to provide for the reading of papers or essays , or the delivery of discourses upon Masonic subjects . ART . 10 . The incidental expenses of each Congress , necessary
to the transaction of its business shall be borne by the Grand Lodges parties thereto , being equally divided among them . ART . 11 . The ratification of these articles by five Grand Lodges shall be sufficient for the organization of the Congress . ART . 12 . No change in these articles shall be made without the consent of three fourths of the Grand Lodges parties thereto . ART . 13 . Any Grand Lodge may become a member of this Congress by adopting the Articles of Association . ART 14 Should any Grand Lodge desire to withdraw from
this Congress it can do so ; but it is expected , as a matter of Masonic courtesy , that it will adopt a resolution to that effect in open Grand Lodge , and give notice thereof to the Secretary of Congress . SU _?_? LEMENTART ARTICLE . When five Grand Lodges shall have ratified these Articles , pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 th , and shall have notified a Secretary to he hereafter elected , of such decisionhe shall thereupon issue a circular to the
, several Grand Lodges specified in Article 2 nd , inviting them to affiliate with this body , and to assemble in Congress at the city of Memphis , Tennessee , on the Friday preceding the 2 nd Tuesday of September , 1862 . In testimony whereof , we the delegates to this Congress have hereunto set our hands to the foregoing articles , at Chicago , in the State of Illinoisthis 14 th day of September 1859 subject
, , , to the ratification thereof by our respective Grand Lodges . All of which is respectfully submitted . A . T . C . PIERSON , ¦" A . G . MACKEY , PHILIP C . TUCKEB , j-Committee . JOHN L . LEWIS , JR ., CYRIL PEARL .
Bro . J . Q . A . Fellows then moved that the plan as read be adopted ,- when Bro . A . B . Thompson called for a vote by Grand Lodges which resulted as follows : Ayes—Arkansas , District of Columbia . Louisiana , Maine , Minnesota , New York , South Carolina , Vermont , Iowa . —Total , 9 . * Bro . G . M . Hillyer , of Miss ., stated that the plan , as amended , met his personal approbation . In deference , however , to the known wishes of Mississippiin opposition to a general Grand
, Lodge , or Central Confederation of Grand Lodges , he would refrain from voting ; but expressed the hope that the jurisdiction he represented would , upon reflection , agree to the proposed association . _ Nays—Bro . ST . D . Elwood of Illinois , voted No by instruction of his Grand Lodge , but would advocate the plan . Bro . Albert G . Mackeythen moved that the Convention now
, proceed to the election of a Secretary , as provided by " Supplementary Article , " which was adopted . Bro . Samuel G . Bisk , of Louisiana , being then nominated , was unanimously elected said Secretary . Bro . E . H . English , of Alabama , moved that four members be added to the Committee on Plan of Organisation , making a
Committee of nine , who shall be a Committee of Correspondence ; which was adopted . The Chair appointed the following brethren under the above motion , viz .: Giles M . Hillyer , of Mississippi ; E . H . English , of Arkansas ; John Fi-izzell , of Tennessee ; B . B . French , of District of Columbia . Bro . H . Buist , of South Carolina , offered the following resolution , which was adopted :
" TResolved , That the thanks of this convention be and are hereby tendered to its President for the able courteous , and dignified manner in which he has presided over its deliberations . " On motion , the Committee on Correspondence were allowed sufficient lime to prepare an address to the Grand Lodges of North America , to be appended to these proceedings . On motion of Bro . John L . Lewis , Jr ., the Committee on Correspondence was continuedand with the Secretary elect ,
, instructed and empowered to make arrangements , as provided for in Article 4 of tbe plan adopted , for the assembling of the Congress in 1862 , in case of its ratification . On motion of Bro . A . G . Mackey , the committee of Correspondence was , with the President , empowered to read and approve the minutes of this Convention , when prepared by the Secretaries .
On motion , it was ordered that five hundred copies of the proceedings of this Convention be printed immediately for distribution , and that the same be paid for by pro rata subscription of the members party thereto . On motion of Bro . P . C . Tucker , the Convention then adjourned sine die . FINLAY M . KING , President . ARNER B THOMPSON , T Plesdentg
. ; .. J . Q . A . FELLOWS , J BOB MORRIS , Secretary . SAMUEL G . RISK , ? . . , . . . S . A . M . WOOD , 5 Assistaat Secretaries . Address to ihe Most Worshipful Grand Masters and Grand-Lodges of Ancient , Free , and , Accepted Masons on the Coi _ - tinent of North America . FRATERNAL SALUTATIONS :
By the action of a Convention of Grand Lodges , begun and holden in the city of Chicago , Illinois , the 13 th day of September , 1859 , in response to a circular issued by the Grand Lodge of Maine , bearing date May , 1857 , it is made the duty , as it is the pleasure , of the undersigned , to address you and invite yuur early and earnest attention to the proceedings of the said Convention ; asking that you will , alter due consideration , take
such action thereon as , in your wisdom , the interests of your distinguished Grand Body , and the interests of Craft Masonry , seem to require . The proceedings of the Convention , which form a part of this Circular , so fully define the objects of the organisation as to leave little for this Committee to say by way of explanation . The Articles of the Association , in their most essential features , have been before the Grand Lodges of tbe country for nearly a year , in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota , by her M . W . Grand Master , in response to the Circular from
Maine . A careful comparison of those Articles with these now submitted for your consideration will show the truth of our assertion , that they have been subjected to a patient and searching review by five of our number , as well as the careful scrutiny of a very large Convention , representing nearly all the Grand Lodges of the United States , to which the largest liberty was allowed for criticism and amendment . We certify you that the Articles agreed uponane the course pursued in their
adop-, tion , give ample assurance of our desire to guard the rights , dignity , and authority of the several Gi-and Loilges , and to present the basis of an Association , " potent for good and impotent for evil , " on which they may safely unite in promoting the progress and prosperity of our ancient and cherished Fraternity . Nor need we devote much time or space to show that Craft
Masonry has need of such an organisation . In the face of all assertions to the contrary , we array the simple facts unfolded in . the history of efforts to secure this object , so fully presented in the proceedings of Minnesota , for 1858 . We may also appeal to the able circular put forth by the Convention which formed the basis of a National Confederation in the city of Washington , in Jan . 1855 . If we go back to the formation of our National Union , we find Pennsylvania nominating our distinguished brother , George Washington , as General Grand Master of Masons , and desiring