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Laying Of The Foundation-Stone Of The New Edinburgh Infirmary By Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales.
Lodge No . 8 , Journeyman , had their festive meeting in the Corn Exchange , at which upwards of 200 were present—Convener Field occupying the chair . The " Edinburgh Defensive Band , " No . 151 , dined together in the Rainbow Hotel , where also a large number were present .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . BELGRAVE LODGE , ( No . 749 ) . —This lodge held the first meeting of the present season on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bro . George Pymm , AV . M ., presided , and passed Bros . W . OkeyAV . J . Darkeand C . Chandlerinitiated
, , ; Messrs . T . Arno , A . F . Marchment , R . E . Booker , and AV . Burrell ; and raised Bro . Donovan . The brethren elected Bro . Hester , as AV . M . for next year ; Bro . Frond , Treas . ; and Bro . Daly , T . Bro . Bourne , I . P . M ., proposed , Bro . AA' . Ough , P . M ., seconded , and the lodge unamiously voted a P . M . jewel to Bro . Pymm , in recognition of his great services to the lodge during his of office . An excellent banquet was then partaken of
year by the brethren , and a most pleasant evening was spent . The P . il . ' s were represented by Bros . Ough , P . G . P . ; Nash , Bourne , Ranting , and Garrod ; and the officers of the lodge who were present were Bros . Hester , S . AV . ; Peter Parsons , J . AA' . ; Homeivood , S . D . ; Scott , J . D . ; aud Harper , I . G .
PECKHAM LODGE , ( NO . 879 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last , the 10 th inst ., at Bro . Scott ' s , the Maisemore Arms Tavern , Park Road , Peckham . The lodge was very numerously attended , ancl the meeting altogether showed a marked improvement compared with the last few years . The retiring AV . M ., Bro . Davis , being absent from town , tlie chair was assumed by a visiting brother , but one wellknown to the lod
ge , being preceptor in the Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Bro . D . Rose , P . M . 73 . The AV . M . elect , Bro . Arthur Gard , having been presented , Bro . Rose proceeded to instal him into his seat of office in a careful and correct manner . Bro . Rose is rapidly becoming a veteran in tbe installing art , and was loudly applauded at the completion of hisardums duty . No passings or raisings were performed this evening , but three gentlemen were initiated into " the order by the AA ' . M ., tho ceremony being gone through to the satisfaction of all present .
STRAWBERRY HILL LODGE , ( NO . 916 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on AVednesday , the 12 tii inst .. at the Grotto Hotel , Cross Deep , Twickenham , Bro . E . Hopwood , AA ' . M ., in the chair ; Bros . AA'hitley , S . AV . ; AV . Smeed , P . AI ., J . AA ' . ; J . M . Stedwell , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . Piatt , P . M ., Sec ; Reed , S . AV . ; AA ' aghorn , I . G ., and P . M ' s Melllwham , Smith , Faithfull ' & c . The lod was opened and the minutes confirmed
ge were . Bros . J . Parkins aud Thorn were passed to the second degree by the AA ' . M . in a very efficient manner . Bros . J . S . Sveasey AV . Seeking and Bro . Dear , were , by the courtesey of tbe AV . M ., raised to the third degree by Bro . \ A . Smeek , in his usual perfect and faultless manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a good and substantial dinner , provided by the worthy hostBro . Bendwho personallsuperintended it
, y , y , ancl g'ive great satisfaction to all present . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The AV . M . proposed the health of Bro . Col . F . Burdctt , Prov . G . M ., which was drunk with great enthusiasm . Bro . Melllwham proposing tlie toast of the AV . M ., passed a very high eticonium on that Brother not onl y for the able manner he had done the work of the lodge , but also for the great care he had evinced in
looking after its financial position . The AA ' . M . in reply -thanked tlie brethren for their kind expressions , and he said ho hoped to leave the chair with as great credit and satisfaction as his predecessors . Bro . H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 , returned thanks as a visitor . The AA ' . M . proposed the toast of the Past Masters , were severally respouded . The toast of the Officers of tbe lodge , and tlie other usual toasts were given , the Tyler ' s toast concluded a delightful evening . Excellent harmony was contributed by Bros . Smeed , Piatt , AA'hitley , AVaghorn , aud Parkins , amusical treat .
INSTRUCTION . ! 'D OJTATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —This lodge has , for the last three years , held its meetings at tho Palmerston Arms Tavern , near Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , and it was determined to celebrate that event by a banquet , which took place at the Lodge House on Tuesday evening , Oct . IS , and it was numerously attended . The lodge was established in 1842 , and some
of tho best working Masons in the Craft have received instruction iu it , as some of the most able brethren are in the habit of attending it , and the ability of its present Preceptor , Bro . John Thomas , is too well known to need any comment . It is also one of the best furnished lodges of instruction , for here the ceremonies are performed with all the care aud accessories of a regular lodge . Bro . A . Thompson , P . lf . of the Parent Lodge , P . M . and Treasurer of the Southern Star LodgeNo . 1158
, ,, and Hon . Secretary to tbe Lodge of Instruction , piesided ; and there were present : —Bros . Thomas ( Preceptor ); J . Child , E . Dodson , AV . M . of the Jubilee Lodge ; Abbott , AV . AVatt , Squires , Poore , Hodges , Beckett , T . White , J . Ash well , Sbaugbnessy , Ross , AVingham , ancl AVingham , jun . ( both of the Robert Burns Lodge ); H . J . Wright ( S . AV . of tha Royal Jubilee Lodge ); Dann ( Royal Jubilee ); J . Stevens ( AV . M . of
the Macdonald Lodge ); R . E . Clarke ( P . M . of the Southern Star Lodge ); Gluckstein , P . M . 52 , and of the Faith Lodge ; Cattemood , of the Constitutional Lodge ; Messenger and Larlhain , of the Macdonald Lodge ; Scard , Domatic Lodge , No . 177 ; M'Crae , of the Egyptian Lodge ; Bedolfe and Morrell , of the Panmure Lodge , No . 720 ; and several other brethren . The supper was provided by Bro . Marshall , and it gave the
most entire satisfaction . On the withdrawal of the cloth , the W . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft , " which was heartily responded to , followed by the National Anthem , the solo parts by Bros . Dodson and Stevens , Bro . AVingham , jun ., presiding at the pianoforte . The rest of the formal Masonic toasts were then given , and received with all due honours . The AV . M . said they had then arrived at what might be considered the toast of the evening , which was " Success to the
Domatic Lodge of Instruction , " and said it must be highly gratifying to the members of it to see the property it had attained during the three years they had met at that house since the resuscitation of the lodge in 1867 . Eor a great deal of the prosperity which had attended their labours , they were greatly indebted to those brethren who were at all times ready to assist in the performance of their ceremonies , but they were more especially indebted to those brethren who were almost
constant in their attendance to impart information and instruction to their younger brethren , and many who were at the present time enjoying honours in their own lodges , were not slow in acknowledging that they obtained them through the instruction they had received in the Domatic Lodge of Instruction . That was something to be proud of , and he ( the AV . M ) took that opportunity of impressing upon all young Masons , that if they wished to enjoy the honours of the Craft , they ought to
be frequent in their attendance at lodges of instruction , so as to qualify themselves for any duties they might hereafter be called upon to perform . It was a well known fact , that merit was the great qualification for promotion , and these brethren were tho first selected for posts of honour who were the most frequent in their attendance at lodges of instruction , where not only the ceremonies were taught , but their meaning was explained by those beautiful illustrations which were conveyed in their
lectures , which were rarely heard in a regular lodge . The Domatic Lodge of Instruction was now established on a firm basis , and as they were under deep obligations to their Precepior and other brethren , he gave " Success to the Domatic Lodge of Instruction , " coupling with the toast the names of Bros . John Thomas and Stevens . The toast was most cordially responded to . BroJThomasPreceptor of tho Lod returned thanks
. . , ge , , and expressed his willingness on every occasion of their meeting to give instruction , and his desire to impart all the knowledge he possessed to the younger brethren , so that when called to office , they might be able efficiently to perform their duties . Bro . James Stevens , AV . M . of the Macdonald Lodge , said ho was for a very brief period entrusted with the AA . M . ' s gavel , and the brethren would understand the use that he should make of it . He alluded to the resuscitation of the lodge , ancl said they
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laying Of The Foundation-Stone Of The New Edinburgh Infirmary By Bro. H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales.
Lodge No . 8 , Journeyman , had their festive meeting in the Corn Exchange , at which upwards of 200 were present—Convener Field occupying the chair . The " Edinburgh Defensive Band , " No . 151 , dined together in the Rainbow Hotel , where also a large number were present .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . BELGRAVE LODGE , ( No . 749 ) . —This lodge held the first meeting of the present season on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bro . George Pymm , AV . M ., presided , and passed Bros . W . OkeyAV . J . Darkeand C . Chandlerinitiated
, , ; Messrs . T . Arno , A . F . Marchment , R . E . Booker , and AV . Burrell ; and raised Bro . Donovan . The brethren elected Bro . Hester , as AV . M . for next year ; Bro . Frond , Treas . ; and Bro . Daly , T . Bro . Bourne , I . P . M ., proposed , Bro . AA' . Ough , P . M ., seconded , and the lodge unamiously voted a P . M . jewel to Bro . Pymm , in recognition of his great services to the lodge during his of office . An excellent banquet was then partaken of
year by the brethren , and a most pleasant evening was spent . The P . il . ' s were represented by Bros . Ough , P . G . P . ; Nash , Bourne , Ranting , and Garrod ; and the officers of the lodge who were present were Bros . Hester , S . AV . ; Peter Parsons , J . AA' . ; Homeivood , S . D . ; Scott , J . D . ; aud Harper , I . G .
PECKHAM LODGE , ( NO . 879 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last , the 10 th inst ., at Bro . Scott ' s , the Maisemore Arms Tavern , Park Road , Peckham . The lodge was very numerously attended , ancl the meeting altogether showed a marked improvement compared with the last few years . The retiring AV . M ., Bro . Davis , being absent from town , tlie chair was assumed by a visiting brother , but one wellknown to the lod
ge , being preceptor in the Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Bro . D . Rose , P . M . 73 . The AV . M . elect , Bro . Arthur Gard , having been presented , Bro . Rose proceeded to instal him into his seat of office in a careful and correct manner . Bro . Rose is rapidly becoming a veteran in tbe installing art , and was loudly applauded at the completion of hisardums duty . No passings or raisings were performed this evening , but three gentlemen were initiated into " the order by the AA ' . M ., tho ceremony being gone through to the satisfaction of all present .
STRAWBERRY HILL LODGE , ( NO . 916 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on AVednesday , the 12 tii inst .. at the Grotto Hotel , Cross Deep , Twickenham , Bro . E . Hopwood , AA ' . M ., in the chair ; Bros . AA'hitley , S . AV . ; AV . Smeed , P . AI ., J . AA ' . ; J . M . Stedwell , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . Piatt , P . M ., Sec ; Reed , S . AV . ; AA ' aghorn , I . G ., and P . M ' s Melllwham , Smith , Faithfull ' & c . The lod was opened and the minutes confirmed
ge were . Bros . J . Parkins aud Thorn were passed to the second degree by the AA ' . M . in a very efficient manner . Bros . J . S . Sveasey AV . Seeking and Bro . Dear , were , by the courtesey of tbe AV . M ., raised to the third degree by Bro . \ A . Smeek , in his usual perfect and faultless manner . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a good and substantial dinner , provided by the worthy hostBro . Bendwho personallsuperintended it
, y , y , ancl g'ive great satisfaction to all present . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The AV . M . proposed the health of Bro . Col . F . Burdctt , Prov . G . M ., which was drunk with great enthusiasm . Bro . Melllwham proposing tlie toast of the AV . M ., passed a very high eticonium on that Brother not onl y for the able manner he had done the work of the lodge , but also for the great care he had evinced in
looking after its financial position . The AA ' . M . in reply -thanked tlie brethren for their kind expressions , and he said ho hoped to leave the chair with as great credit and satisfaction as his predecessors . Bro . H . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 , returned thanks as a visitor . The AA ' . M . proposed the toast of the Past Masters , were severally respouded . The toast of the Officers of tbe lodge , and tlie other usual toasts were given , the Tyler ' s toast concluded a delightful evening . Excellent harmony was contributed by Bros . Smeed , Piatt , AA'hitley , AVaghorn , aud Parkins , amusical treat .
INSTRUCTION . ! 'D OJTATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —This lodge has , for the last three years , held its meetings at tho Palmerston Arms Tavern , near Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , and it was determined to celebrate that event by a banquet , which took place at the Lodge House on Tuesday evening , Oct . IS , and it was numerously attended . The lodge was established in 1842 , and some
of tho best working Masons in the Craft have received instruction iu it , as some of the most able brethren are in the habit of attending it , and the ability of its present Preceptor , Bro . John Thomas , is too well known to need any comment . It is also one of the best furnished lodges of instruction , for here the ceremonies are performed with all the care aud accessories of a regular lodge . Bro . A . Thompson , P . lf . of the Parent Lodge , P . M . and Treasurer of the Southern Star LodgeNo . 1158
, ,, and Hon . Secretary to tbe Lodge of Instruction , piesided ; and there were present : —Bros . Thomas ( Preceptor ); J . Child , E . Dodson , AV . M . of the Jubilee Lodge ; Abbott , AV . AVatt , Squires , Poore , Hodges , Beckett , T . White , J . Ash well , Sbaugbnessy , Ross , AVingham , ancl AVingham , jun . ( both of the Robert Burns Lodge ); H . J . Wright ( S . AV . of tha Royal Jubilee Lodge ); Dann ( Royal Jubilee ); J . Stevens ( AV . M . of
the Macdonald Lodge ); R . E . Clarke ( P . M . of the Southern Star Lodge ); Gluckstein , P . M . 52 , and of the Faith Lodge ; Cattemood , of the Constitutional Lodge ; Messenger and Larlhain , of the Macdonald Lodge ; Scard , Domatic Lodge , No . 177 ; M'Crae , of the Egyptian Lodge ; Bedolfe and Morrell , of the Panmure Lodge , No . 720 ; and several other brethren . The supper was provided by Bro . Marshall , and it gave the
most entire satisfaction . On the withdrawal of the cloth , the W . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft , " which was heartily responded to , followed by the National Anthem , the solo parts by Bros . Dodson and Stevens , Bro . AVingham , jun ., presiding at the pianoforte . The rest of the formal Masonic toasts were then given , and received with all due honours . The AV . M . said they had then arrived at what might be considered the toast of the evening , which was " Success to the
Domatic Lodge of Instruction , " and said it must be highly gratifying to the members of it to see the property it had attained during the three years they had met at that house since the resuscitation of the lodge in 1867 . Eor a great deal of the prosperity which had attended their labours , they were greatly indebted to those brethren who were at all times ready to assist in the performance of their ceremonies , but they were more especially indebted to those brethren who were almost
constant in their attendance to impart information and instruction to their younger brethren , and many who were at the present time enjoying honours in their own lodges , were not slow in acknowledging that they obtained them through the instruction they had received in the Domatic Lodge of Instruction . That was something to be proud of , and he ( the AV . M ) took that opportunity of impressing upon all young Masons , that if they wished to enjoy the honours of the Craft , they ought to
be frequent in their attendance at lodges of instruction , so as to qualify themselves for any duties they might hereafter be called upon to perform . It was a well known fact , that merit was the great qualification for promotion , and these brethren were tho first selected for posts of honour who were the most frequent in their attendance at lodges of instruction , where not only the ceremonies were taught , but their meaning was explained by those beautiful illustrations which were conveyed in their
lectures , which were rarely heard in a regular lodge . The Domatic Lodge of Instruction was now established on a firm basis , and as they were under deep obligations to their Precepior and other brethren , he gave " Success to the Domatic Lodge of Instruction , " coupling with the toast the names of Bros . John Thomas and Stevens . The toast was most cordially responded to . BroJThomasPreceptor of tho Lod returned thanks
. . , ge , , and expressed his willingness on every occasion of their meeting to give instruction , and his desire to impart all the knowledge he possessed to the younger brethren , so that when called to office , they might be able efficiently to perform their duties . Bro . James Stevens , AV . M . of the Macdonald Lodge , said ho was for a very brief period entrusted with the AA . M . ' s gavel , and the brethren would understand the use that he should make of it . He alluded to the resuscitation of the lodge , ancl said they