Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . " * * All communications to be addressed fco 19 , Salisbury-street , -Strand , London , W . C .
t ) N tbe occasion of the laying the foundation stone of the "Eoyal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties , on June 17 th , Grand Lodge will he opened in that town prior to the ceremony . THE Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys has enjoyed the honour of the Queen ' s patronage since 1852 . Her Majesty has
been graciously pleased to present an autograph copy of " Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands" to the library of the Institution .
THE ROTAI ATHEISTAK LODG-E ( NO . 19 ) met on Thursday , -the 14 th inst ., and , after the transaction of business , the "brethren dined at the Cannon-street Hotel . EGYPTIAN LODGE ( NO . 27 ) . —This vastly-increasing lodge "held a meeting on Thursday week , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , and was attended as usual by a large number of brethren . Bro . John Coutts , the indefatigable and talented W . M ., opened
io & geat qnarter-past 5 , upon which the usual formula respecting the previous meeting was gone through , and , having been Satisfactorily arranged , Bros . Cartletfc and Potter were duly prepared for the ceremony of raising , which was accordingly vouchsafed them . Tins was succeeded by the introduction of Uro . Donald MacEae , for fche purpose of receiving the second ¦ degree in the Order . This like tbe previous one
ceremony , , was admirably rendered by the W . M ., who , by his urbanity and strict attention to the duties appertaining to the onerous position ¦ of the chair , has justly entitled him to the suffrage of the lodge , and fully satisfied the members that they placed the right man in the right place when they re-elected Bro . Coutts a second time to preside over them . There was only one gentleman for ¦ initiation present ( Mr . William Little ) . This gentleman was
successfully balloted for , and received the initiation step to the mysteries of Freemasonry . The brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , provided by Bro . Clemow , and superintended b y Bro . Smith , the manager ; the arrangements being excellent . The W . M . gave the various toasts usual upon such
occasions , and , in proposing her Majesty the Queen , adverted to the late dastardly attempt upon the life of the Duke of Edinburgh in terms of indignation , and expressed his certain conviction , that the Queen had no greater sympathisers than Freemasons—than whom a move loyal body did not exist . Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., returned thanks for the G . Lodge of England , and remarked that he had been so long associated with the Egyptian Lodon installation nihtbut more so on
ge g , -this occasion as it afforded him the opportunity of expressing how grateful the brethren ought to he in having so excellent a Master , who had twice been elected W . M ., and had twice served as steward to the Masonic charities . It was to such brethren the Craft were greatly indebted for the support the various charities received . The visitors were Bros . J . Smith , P . G . P . ; Payne , No . 23 ; Gordon Hipburn , No . 3 ( Scotland ) . ' E . Harriss , 73 141
P . M ., No . ; Boas , No . ; F . A . Thompson , No . 49 ; and Bro . Montrie , P . M ., No . 11 . The last named brother aud Bro . Harriss returned thanks for the visitors . Bro . D . H . Jacobs in a very excellent and humourous speech , replied to the toast of the P . M's ., intimating his intention of becoming steward for the Girls' School , which intimation was received with acclamations . Bro Bern also replied to the same toast in a similar happy strain . During the evening some admirable singing amanated from Bros . Brewer , Jacobs , Ovenden , Dawson , Little , and lastly , though not least , H . M . Levy , P . M ., No . 188 .
BBITANNIC LODGE ( No . 33 ) . The annual meeting of this lodge for the installation of the Worshipful Master and the appointment of the officers of
this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen - street , on the 8 th instant . Lodge was called for four o ' clock punctually , and the W . M ., Bro . John Strapp , upon taking the chair afc that time , proceeded to open the lodge according to ancient custom and with prayer . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the following resolution , passed at a meeting of th lodge held on FridayMarch 13 th 1868 became operative : —
, , , " 1 . That , from the present time , the fee to be paid by the brethren becoming 'joining members' of the lodge be twentyfive guineas ; " and " 2 . That the attention of the brethren be called to the bye-law ( No . 16 ) of the lodge , the provisions of which it is proposed be , for the future , strictly complied with . " The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro .
F . A . Paget underwent the usual examination prior to his receiving the third degree . Bro . Paget then retired , and the lodge was opened in the third degree , and tbe candidate for being raised to the degree of M . M . having been properly prepared and announced , was admitted into tbe lodge , and underwent the ceremony of being raised to the sublime degree of a MM . and thereupon withdrew . The lodge was then
., resumed in the second degree , when Bro . William Smith , CM , P . M ., presented Bro . James Glegg , the S . W ., to the W . M . as the W . M . elect , for the purpose of being obligated according to ancient custom ; after the usual formalities had been gone through , and having pledged himself to the proper performance of the duties of W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened in the third degree and all the
brethren who were not entitled to remain having withdrawn , the ceremony of installation of the W . M . was then proceeded with by the board of Installed Masters , under the able presidency of Bro . J . Pierce , P . M ., who performed the ceremony in an admirable manner . The board having been dissolved the brethren were admitted in regular order of precedence and saluted ; and the new W . M .
then proceeded to appoint as his officers for the ensuing year the following brethren : —Bro . Shields as S . W . ; Bro . A . G . Church as J . W . ; Bro . Jas Glaisher as S . D . ; Bro . Magnus Ohren as J . D . ; & c . & c . These were regularly invested and installed
in their offices -, and the re-investing of the Treas ., Bro . Lewis Crombie , and the Sec , Bro . T . A . Chubb , having been effected Bro . Pierce delivered the usual addresses . The following were present : — Bros . Strapp , W . M . ; Glegg , S . W . ; Shields , J . W . ; Pesrce , P . M . ; W . Smith , CM , P . M . ; Crombio , Treas . ; Chubb , See . ; A . G . Church , S . D . ; Glaisher , J . D . ; Oliren , J . G , ; G . England , Sen ., M . C . ; Muriel ; Webb ; Eochussen ; Paget ; Mansell ; Finch ;
Paddon ; Norman ; Gale ; Alderman Hose ; Fergusson ; Snow ; Parker ; Chognoweth ; Pawley ; Saunders ; Horsley ; Turner ; Finley ; Hodge ; Palmer ; Craig ; Fairlie ; Clouston ; G . England , Jun . ; Young ; Dixon ; Strawbridge ; Spencer ; Beaman ; Wallis ; Banister ; Stent ; James ; Truscott ; Sparks ; Burke ; Voile ; Clarke ; Lewis . Visitors : —F . Walters , P . M ., 73 W . Dalziel 871 ; Dr . W . SmithISO ; H . EogersP . M .,
; , , , late lodge of Amity ; Lycee , 709 ; Hammerton , 255 ; Hallowes ( Mauritius ); Colhurn , Eoyal York , No . 7 ; Berry , P . M ., 179 ; C . Hallowes , 709 ; Gox , 19 ; Tafft , 55 ; Battye , P . M ., 142 ; Eobertson , G . M ., No . 7 ; Wallis , Star of Burmah Lodge ; Bate , 1 , 017 ; Payne , South Saxon Lodge ; Markley , 631 ; Jekylk , 87 ; Woodman , P . M ., 66 ; Braithwaite , P . M ., No . 4 ; Gielgud ; A . T . Lawler ; Carter ; and G . Fielding .
The several ceremonies having been completed , the usual inquiries were made by the W . M ., and several propositions of gentlemen for initiation anil joining the lodge , and for a joining brother to come iu under the new regulation as to the increased fee for a joining member , were then made ; and several resolutions under the business having been proposed , and a vote of 10 guineas from the Fund of Benevolence , and a vote of 5 guineas to the Masonic Life-boat Fund having been proposedthe
, business of the lodge was concluded . The lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet in the adjoining premises of the Freemasons' Tavern Company , where Bro . Gosden , the indefatigable manager of that establishment , so successfully caters for the gastronomic requirements of his patrons , and the engineers and other men ot science composing the Britannic
may be considered as excellent judges—indeed , there cannot be better judges of what is and what is not a good dinner ; and on this occasion , as on others since tbe establishment has been under Bro . Gosden's management , both members and visitors
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . " * * All communications to be addressed fco 19 , Salisbury-street , -Strand , London , W . C .
t ) N tbe occasion of the laying the foundation stone of the "Eoyal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties , on June 17 th , Grand Lodge will he opened in that town prior to the ceremony . THE Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys has enjoyed the honour of the Queen ' s patronage since 1852 . Her Majesty has
been graciously pleased to present an autograph copy of " Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands" to the library of the Institution .
THE ROTAI ATHEISTAK LODG-E ( NO . 19 ) met on Thursday , -the 14 th inst ., and , after the transaction of business , the "brethren dined at the Cannon-street Hotel . EGYPTIAN LODGE ( NO . 27 ) . —This vastly-increasing lodge "held a meeting on Thursday week , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , and was attended as usual by a large number of brethren . Bro . John Coutts , the indefatigable and talented W . M ., opened
io & geat qnarter-past 5 , upon which the usual formula respecting the previous meeting was gone through , and , having been Satisfactorily arranged , Bros . Cartletfc and Potter were duly prepared for the ceremony of raising , which was accordingly vouchsafed them . Tins was succeeded by the introduction of Uro . Donald MacEae , for fche purpose of receiving the second ¦ degree in the Order . This like tbe previous one
ceremony , , was admirably rendered by the W . M ., who , by his urbanity and strict attention to the duties appertaining to the onerous position ¦ of the chair , has justly entitled him to the suffrage of the lodge , and fully satisfied the members that they placed the right man in the right place when they re-elected Bro . Coutts a second time to preside over them . There was only one gentleman for ¦ initiation present ( Mr . William Little ) . This gentleman was
successfully balloted for , and received the initiation step to the mysteries of Freemasonry . The brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , provided by Bro . Clemow , and superintended b y Bro . Smith , the manager ; the arrangements being excellent . The W . M . gave the various toasts usual upon such
occasions , and , in proposing her Majesty the Queen , adverted to the late dastardly attempt upon the life of the Duke of Edinburgh in terms of indignation , and expressed his certain conviction , that the Queen had no greater sympathisers than Freemasons—than whom a move loyal body did not exist . Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., returned thanks for the G . Lodge of England , and remarked that he had been so long associated with the Egyptian Lodon installation nihtbut more so on
ge g , -this occasion as it afforded him the opportunity of expressing how grateful the brethren ought to he in having so excellent a Master , who had twice been elected W . M ., and had twice served as steward to the Masonic charities . It was to such brethren the Craft were greatly indebted for the support the various charities received . The visitors were Bros . J . Smith , P . G . P . ; Payne , No . 23 ; Gordon Hipburn , No . 3 ( Scotland ) . ' E . Harriss , 73 141
P . M ., No . ; Boas , No . ; F . A . Thompson , No . 49 ; and Bro . Montrie , P . M ., No . 11 . The last named brother aud Bro . Harriss returned thanks for the visitors . Bro . D . H . Jacobs in a very excellent and humourous speech , replied to the toast of the P . M's ., intimating his intention of becoming steward for the Girls' School , which intimation was received with acclamations . Bro Bern also replied to the same toast in a similar happy strain . During the evening some admirable singing amanated from Bros . Brewer , Jacobs , Ovenden , Dawson , Little , and lastly , though not least , H . M . Levy , P . M ., No . 188 .
BBITANNIC LODGE ( No . 33 ) . The annual meeting of this lodge for the installation of the Worshipful Master and the appointment of the officers of
this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen - street , on the 8 th instant . Lodge was called for four o ' clock punctually , and the W . M ., Bro . John Strapp , upon taking the chair afc that time , proceeded to open the lodge according to ancient custom and with prayer . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the following resolution , passed at a meeting of th lodge held on FridayMarch 13 th 1868 became operative : —
, , , " 1 . That , from the present time , the fee to be paid by the brethren becoming 'joining members' of the lodge be twentyfive guineas ; " and " 2 . That the attention of the brethren be called to the bye-law ( No . 16 ) of the lodge , the provisions of which it is proposed be , for the future , strictly complied with . " The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro .
F . A . Paget underwent the usual examination prior to his receiving the third degree . Bro . Paget then retired , and the lodge was opened in the third degree , and tbe candidate for being raised to the degree of M . M . having been properly prepared and announced , was admitted into tbe lodge , and underwent the ceremony of being raised to the sublime degree of a MM . and thereupon withdrew . The lodge was then
., resumed in the second degree , when Bro . William Smith , CM , P . M ., presented Bro . James Glegg , the S . W ., to the W . M . as the W . M . elect , for the purpose of being obligated according to ancient custom ; after the usual formalities had been gone through , and having pledged himself to the proper performance of the duties of W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened in the third degree and all the
brethren who were not entitled to remain having withdrawn , the ceremony of installation of the W . M . was then proceeded with by the board of Installed Masters , under the able presidency of Bro . J . Pierce , P . M ., who performed the ceremony in an admirable manner . The board having been dissolved the brethren were admitted in regular order of precedence and saluted ; and the new W . M .
then proceeded to appoint as his officers for the ensuing year the following brethren : —Bro . Shields as S . W . ; Bro . A . G . Church as J . W . ; Bro . Jas Glaisher as S . D . ; Bro . Magnus Ohren as J . D . ; & c . & c . These were regularly invested and installed
in their offices -, and the re-investing of the Treas ., Bro . Lewis Crombie , and the Sec , Bro . T . A . Chubb , having been effected Bro . Pierce delivered the usual addresses . The following were present : — Bros . Strapp , W . M . ; Glegg , S . W . ; Shields , J . W . ; Pesrce , P . M . ; W . Smith , CM , P . M . ; Crombio , Treas . ; Chubb , See . ; A . G . Church , S . D . ; Glaisher , J . D . ; Oliren , J . G , ; G . England , Sen ., M . C . ; Muriel ; Webb ; Eochussen ; Paget ; Mansell ; Finch ;
Paddon ; Norman ; Gale ; Alderman Hose ; Fergusson ; Snow ; Parker ; Chognoweth ; Pawley ; Saunders ; Horsley ; Turner ; Finley ; Hodge ; Palmer ; Craig ; Fairlie ; Clouston ; G . England , Jun . ; Young ; Dixon ; Strawbridge ; Spencer ; Beaman ; Wallis ; Banister ; Stent ; James ; Truscott ; Sparks ; Burke ; Voile ; Clarke ; Lewis . Visitors : —F . Walters , P . M ., 73 W . Dalziel 871 ; Dr . W . SmithISO ; H . EogersP . M .,
; , , , late lodge of Amity ; Lycee , 709 ; Hammerton , 255 ; Hallowes ( Mauritius ); Colhurn , Eoyal York , No . 7 ; Berry , P . M ., 179 ; C . Hallowes , 709 ; Gox , 19 ; Tafft , 55 ; Battye , P . M ., 142 ; Eobertson , G . M ., No . 7 ; Wallis , Star of Burmah Lodge ; Bate , 1 , 017 ; Payne , South Saxon Lodge ; Markley , 631 ; Jekylk , 87 ; Woodman , P . M ., 66 ; Braithwaite , P . M ., No . 4 ; Gielgud ; A . T . Lawler ; Carter ; and G . Fielding .
The several ceremonies having been completed , the usual inquiries were made by the W . M ., and several propositions of gentlemen for initiation anil joining the lodge , and for a joining brother to come iu under the new regulation as to the increased fee for a joining member , were then made ; and several resolutions under the business having been proposed , and a vote of 10 guineas from the Fund of Benevolence , and a vote of 5 guineas to the Masonic Life-boat Fund having been proposedthe
, business of the lodge was concluded . The lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet in the adjoining premises of the Freemasons' Tavern Company , where Bro . Gosden , the indefatigable manager of that establishment , so successfully caters for the gastronomic requirements of his patrons , and the engineers and other men ot science composing the Britannic
may be considered as excellent judges—indeed , there cannot be better judges of what is and what is not a good dinner ; and on this occasion , as on others since tbe establishment has been under Bro . Gosden's management , both members and visitors