Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Knights Templar.
failing source of happiness to your Majesty , and of public usefulness and honour to his country . " ( Signed ) WILLIAM STUART , G . Master . " The minutes of the Grand Conclave of last December were then commenced to be read , when Sir Knt . Lambert moved that a certain portion of them be not read . The Deputy Grand
Master observed that if such a course were pursued , it would enable any Grand Chancellor who should be so disposed , to place on record any matter he might please , to the prejudice of any member of Grand Conclave , and which might not come to light for years afterwards . That many Knights were not present at the last Grand Conclave , and had no other means of knowing
what had taken place but by the minutes , and that no one could say the minutes were correctly entered up if they did not hear them read . Sir Knt . Lord Eliot thought the course pursued was most imprudent , the only effect would be that the whole of that discussion , would have to be inserted in fche minutes of the present meeting , and a painful subject again brought forward
¦ wh ich ifc was in the interest of the parties themselves should be buried in oblivion . Sir Knt . Lambert withdrew his motion , and after a protest from Sir Knt . Binekes , the minutes were read and confirmed .
The Grand Chancellor then read the report as follows : — " Most eminent and Supreme Grand Master : —Your Committee has the honour to report that six new encampments , viz ., the De Tabley , in Cheshire ; the Ccour de Lion , in Montreal ; the Prince of Peace , in Lancashire ; the Star of the East , at Singapore ; the Sussex , in the Dominion of Canada ; and the Southern Cross , at Cape Town , have received warrants
since May , 1867 , the last mentioned encampment , however , was reported in December last , and promises from the high social position of its Members and judicious selection of its Officers to assume a place inferior to none , but superior to most on the roll , and forms a contrast to those which have unfortunately shown a too great desire to increase their ranks , at fche expense of their standing . The total number of eneampments under your banner now amounts to 112 .
The number of Knights now on the roll according to the returns amounts to 1891 , to which about 200 may be added for foreign stations , from which the returns have nofc yet arrived . The former figures can be relied on , the Grand Vice Chancellor having , after considerable time and labour , extending over two years , at last succeeded iu compiling a synoptical register of the Orderin addition to the usual index of
encampmentsar-, , ranged alphabetically , by which the name and address of every Companion of tbe Order can be readily found , and to which all subsequent creations can be added as they accrue . A new form of printed receipts has been issued by the Grand Vice-Chancellor to the Registrars of encampments , on receiving the certificate of the election and installation of Commander 1-and the appointment of First and Second Captainswhereban
, y additional record of these officers for easy reference is obtained . So many applications have been made for certificates of having served the office of Eminent Commander , that your Committee has recommended the issue of a certificate to that effect , which your Grand Chancellor has prepared , and for which your Committee is of opinion a fee of one guinea should be paid to the funds of Grand Conclave .
" " 5 . 0 U have been pleased to constitute South Australia a province , and to appoint Sir Knight James Penn Boucant , P . E . C ., to preside over it as your representative . " Since the Grand Conclave of May last important correspondence has taken place between the Grand Chancellor and the Prov . G . Commander of Canada . Consequent on the political change of last year , by which most of the states of British North America were formed into a Confederation under the
style aud title of the Dominion of Canada , the Craft has thrown off its allegiance to the United Grand Lodgo of England and Wales , and established an independent Grand Lodge . " A tendency in the same direction on the part of the Orders of the Temple and Hospital was averted by the timely and reasonable concessions authorized by yourself . The severance from the parent stock would have been received with regret here ; while it would certainly have diminished tho dignity of the Order on the other side of the Atlantic .
" Your Committee congratulates the Order in the Dominion of Canada , on its election to remain true to its old allegiance . " In accordance with the wish of the Order in British North America the Prov . G . Master for Canada , Colonel W . J . Bury Maoleod Moore , will assume , with your authority , the style and title of G . Prior of the Dominion of Canada , enhanced beyond his expectation by his Insignia of Office being
transmitted to him as a present from yourself . " In addition to this you have been pleased to confer P .. Grank on the following most distinguished Knts ., recommended by the G . Prior of Canada as worthy of that honour : —Sir Knts . James Davis Macdonnell , P . G . Chancellor and Prov . Sub-Prior ; Samuel Deadman Fowler , P . Prov . G . Chancellor , to be P . G . Sub-Priors of England ; and James Hill Rowan , and William Simpsonof the Hugh de Payens encampment , to be
, P . G . Captains of England . " You have also adopted the suggestion of the G . Prior of Canada to appoint a representative in the United States , and have , on the recommendation of that officer , selected Sir Knt . Dr . Alfred Creigh , LL . D ., for that distinction . " Your Committee also recommends that the application of the G . Prior of the Dominion of Canada , that the G . Priory be permitted to retain , for local purposes , half the general fees
and so much of the benevolent fund as is collected within his jurisdiction , be granted , "Formal motions will be presented to you for carrying out these arrangements . " The commissions appointed under the third article of the convention with Scotland , for settling the details of that arrangement , have not yet commenced their labours , on account of the pendency of the negotiation with Ireland . "The Deputy Grand Master , whom the Duke of Leinster as
Grand Master , has appointed his plenipotentiary for the purpose of negotiating a convention on behalf of the Irish branch of the Order , has been as yet unable to spare time from his official duties as Judge of the High Court of Admiralty for this matter ; and as time and trouble would be ultimately saved by the three sets of Commissioners meeting in common conference , no delay , will , in fact , occur by this question being deferred till a season when all official men are more at leisure .
" The short experience of the six months which have elapsed since the improved administrative system was authorized by Grand Conclave , has so far proved satisfactory . The Prov . G . Commanders' now assume powers and authority which give a practical reality to their office , on which greater dignity and importance is conferred , more regularity and simplicity introduced into the government of the united Orders , and much trouble will also be saved at head-quartersand control
ren-, dered more easy and efficient . " Your Committee thinks it due to Sir Knt . Woof , to express its obligations to that gentleman for his useful heraldic researches in connexion with the Uuited Orders , and his report on this subject , when completed , will form a valuable document for reference , and the instruction of encampments . " Your Committee regrets to have to report the resignation of his seat in the Committee by Sir Knt . Meymott , who has placed
his office as G . Dir . of Cer . at your disposal , both of which expire to-day . The activity of this officer , and the interest he has taken in the Order is too well known to need comment . The Committee , therefore , while deploring the loss of his knowledge and experience , begs to express its sense of the services he has rendered . "The Grand Treasurer ' s accounts show a balance in favour of the General Fund of £ 1 G 4 13 s . 2 d ., and of the Benevolent Fnnd of £ 92 2 s .
" By Order of the Committee of Grand Conclave , P . MAC C . DE COLQUIIOUJT , G . Chancellor . " Sir Knt . Meymott wished , with reference to paragraph 2 of the report to ask the G . Chancellor whether it was true that tho register there mentioned was completed—whether all the returns had been sent in . Tho G . Chancellor explained that
only about six were iu arrear , and that the threat of suspension of those encampments who neglected to make their returns had brought in a great number . It was then moved by tho D . G . Mastor , and seconded by Bro . the Earl of Limerick , and carried nem . eon , that the report be received and adopted , and entered on the minutes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
failing source of happiness to your Majesty , and of public usefulness and honour to his country . " ( Signed ) WILLIAM STUART , G . Master . " The minutes of the Grand Conclave of last December were then commenced to be read , when Sir Knt . Lambert moved that a certain portion of them be not read . The Deputy Grand
Master observed that if such a course were pursued , it would enable any Grand Chancellor who should be so disposed , to place on record any matter he might please , to the prejudice of any member of Grand Conclave , and which might not come to light for years afterwards . That many Knights were not present at the last Grand Conclave , and had no other means of knowing
what had taken place but by the minutes , and that no one could say the minutes were correctly entered up if they did not hear them read . Sir Knt . Lord Eliot thought the course pursued was most imprudent , the only effect would be that the whole of that discussion , would have to be inserted in fche minutes of the present meeting , and a painful subject again brought forward
¦ wh ich ifc was in the interest of the parties themselves should be buried in oblivion . Sir Knt . Lambert withdrew his motion , and after a protest from Sir Knt . Binekes , the minutes were read and confirmed .
The Grand Chancellor then read the report as follows : — " Most eminent and Supreme Grand Master : —Your Committee has the honour to report that six new encampments , viz ., the De Tabley , in Cheshire ; the Ccour de Lion , in Montreal ; the Prince of Peace , in Lancashire ; the Star of the East , at Singapore ; the Sussex , in the Dominion of Canada ; and the Southern Cross , at Cape Town , have received warrants
since May , 1867 , the last mentioned encampment , however , was reported in December last , and promises from the high social position of its Members and judicious selection of its Officers to assume a place inferior to none , but superior to most on the roll , and forms a contrast to those which have unfortunately shown a too great desire to increase their ranks , at fche expense of their standing . The total number of eneampments under your banner now amounts to 112 .
The number of Knights now on the roll according to the returns amounts to 1891 , to which about 200 may be added for foreign stations , from which the returns have nofc yet arrived . The former figures can be relied on , the Grand Vice Chancellor having , after considerable time and labour , extending over two years , at last succeeded iu compiling a synoptical register of the Orderin addition to the usual index of
encampmentsar-, , ranged alphabetically , by which the name and address of every Companion of tbe Order can be readily found , and to which all subsequent creations can be added as they accrue . A new form of printed receipts has been issued by the Grand Vice-Chancellor to the Registrars of encampments , on receiving the certificate of the election and installation of Commander 1-and the appointment of First and Second Captainswhereban
, y additional record of these officers for easy reference is obtained . So many applications have been made for certificates of having served the office of Eminent Commander , that your Committee has recommended the issue of a certificate to that effect , which your Grand Chancellor has prepared , and for which your Committee is of opinion a fee of one guinea should be paid to the funds of Grand Conclave .
" " 5 . 0 U have been pleased to constitute South Australia a province , and to appoint Sir Knight James Penn Boucant , P . E . C ., to preside over it as your representative . " Since the Grand Conclave of May last important correspondence has taken place between the Grand Chancellor and the Prov . G . Commander of Canada . Consequent on the political change of last year , by which most of the states of British North America were formed into a Confederation under the
style aud title of the Dominion of Canada , the Craft has thrown off its allegiance to the United Grand Lodgo of England and Wales , and established an independent Grand Lodge . " A tendency in the same direction on the part of the Orders of the Temple and Hospital was averted by the timely and reasonable concessions authorized by yourself . The severance from the parent stock would have been received with regret here ; while it would certainly have diminished tho dignity of the Order on the other side of the Atlantic .
" Your Committee congratulates the Order in the Dominion of Canada , on its election to remain true to its old allegiance . " In accordance with the wish of the Order in British North America the Prov . G . Master for Canada , Colonel W . J . Bury Maoleod Moore , will assume , with your authority , the style and title of G . Prior of the Dominion of Canada , enhanced beyond his expectation by his Insignia of Office being
transmitted to him as a present from yourself . " In addition to this you have been pleased to confer P .. Grank on the following most distinguished Knts ., recommended by the G . Prior of Canada as worthy of that honour : —Sir Knts . James Davis Macdonnell , P . G . Chancellor and Prov . Sub-Prior ; Samuel Deadman Fowler , P . Prov . G . Chancellor , to be P . G . Sub-Priors of England ; and James Hill Rowan , and William Simpsonof the Hugh de Payens encampment , to be
, P . G . Captains of England . " You have also adopted the suggestion of the G . Prior of Canada to appoint a representative in the United States , and have , on the recommendation of that officer , selected Sir Knt . Dr . Alfred Creigh , LL . D ., for that distinction . " Your Committee also recommends that the application of the G . Prior of the Dominion of Canada , that the G . Priory be permitted to retain , for local purposes , half the general fees
and so much of the benevolent fund as is collected within his jurisdiction , be granted , "Formal motions will be presented to you for carrying out these arrangements . " The commissions appointed under the third article of the convention with Scotland , for settling the details of that arrangement , have not yet commenced their labours , on account of the pendency of the negotiation with Ireland . "The Deputy Grand Master , whom the Duke of Leinster as
Grand Master , has appointed his plenipotentiary for the purpose of negotiating a convention on behalf of the Irish branch of the Order , has been as yet unable to spare time from his official duties as Judge of the High Court of Admiralty for this matter ; and as time and trouble would be ultimately saved by the three sets of Commissioners meeting in common conference , no delay , will , in fact , occur by this question being deferred till a season when all official men are more at leisure .
" The short experience of the six months which have elapsed since the improved administrative system was authorized by Grand Conclave , has so far proved satisfactory . The Prov . G . Commanders' now assume powers and authority which give a practical reality to their office , on which greater dignity and importance is conferred , more regularity and simplicity introduced into the government of the united Orders , and much trouble will also be saved at head-quartersand control
ren-, dered more easy and efficient . " Your Committee thinks it due to Sir Knt . Woof , to express its obligations to that gentleman for his useful heraldic researches in connexion with the Uuited Orders , and his report on this subject , when completed , will form a valuable document for reference , and the instruction of encampments . " Your Committee regrets to have to report the resignation of his seat in the Committee by Sir Knt . Meymott , who has placed
his office as G . Dir . of Cer . at your disposal , both of which expire to-day . The activity of this officer , and the interest he has taken in the Order is too well known to need comment . The Committee , therefore , while deploring the loss of his knowledge and experience , begs to express its sense of the services he has rendered . "The Grand Treasurer ' s accounts show a balance in favour of the General Fund of £ 1 G 4 13 s . 2 d ., and of the Benevolent Fnnd of £ 92 2 s .
" By Order of the Committee of Grand Conclave , P . MAC C . DE COLQUIIOUJT , G . Chancellor . " Sir Knt . Meymott wished , with reference to paragraph 2 of the report to ask the G . Chancellor whether it was true that tho register there mentioned was completed—whether all the returns had been sent in . Tho G . Chancellor explained that
only about six were iu arrear , and that the threat of suspension of those encampments who neglected to make their returns had brought in a great number . It was then moved by tho D . G . Mastor , and seconded by Bro . the Earl of Limerick , and carried nem . eon , that the report be received and adopted , and entered on the minutes .