Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 3 of 3 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 1 Article RESTORATION OF BRISTOL CATHEDRAL NAVE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Knights Templar.
The Gr . Treasurer then moved , and the G . Eegistrar seconded ) the following resolutious to carry out the report , which were carried unanimously . "That the Grand Priory in the dominion of Canada be hereby authorisod to retain the total sum levied on the Order within that jurisdiction for the Benevolent Fund for local purposes . " " That the Grand Prior in the dominion of Canada be hereby authorised to retain one-half of the general fees levied within that jurisdiction , for local purposes . " Tbe G , Master then nominated the following Knights , members
of the committee of Grand Conclave : —The Earl of Limerick , Grand Prior ; the Eev . E . Moore , Grand Prelate ; J . H . Law , Past Grand Chancellor ; and R . J . Spiers , Past Grand Captain . The Grand Conclave then re-elected Sir Knt . C . Goolden , Grand Treasurer , and elected the following Knights members of the committee of Grand Conclave : —Captain Layton , Sir John Sebright , Captain Lamert , W . F . Harrison , and W . Powell .
The G . Master appointed the following Knights to be his Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — Sir Knt . Lord Skelmersdale G . Senesehal . „ Earl of Limerick G . Prior . „ Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., M . P . G . Sub . Prior . „ Eev . E . Moore G . Prelate . „ H . C . Finch 1 st G . Captain .
„ Bentley Shaw 2 nd G . Captain . ,, Sir P . Colquhoun G . Chancellor . „ M . H . Shuttleworth G . Vice-Chancellor . „ C . Goolden G . Registrar . „ Joseph Lavender G . Treasurer . „ F . W . Harrison G . Chamberlain . „ Eev . George Eoss G . Hospitalier . Captain Lauierfc G . Dir . of Cers .
„ „ E . A . Jamieson Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . „ Stephen Smith G . Supt . of Works . „ Sir J . Sebright G . Constable . „ J . Tepper G . Provost . „ Eev . Spencer Stanhope G . Almoner . „ George Lambert G . Warden of Eegalia „ C . Fendelow 1 st G . Expert . J . Ashworth 2 nd G . Expert .
„ „ D . Thomas 1 st G . Standard Bearer . „ J . Woodcock 2 nd G . Standard Bearer . „ Eev . A . Bruce Eraser 3 rd G . Standard Bearer . ,, P . Laird 4 th G . Standard Bearer . „ Major General Doherty 1 st G . Aide-de-Camp . „ Eev . Charles J . Martyn 2 nd G . Aide-de-Camp . T . J . Cottle 1 st G . Capt . of Lines .
„ „ W . Horner 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines . „ W . K . Mabey 1 st G . Herald . „ Wilhelm Ganz G . Organist . „ Captain Shanks G . Sword Bearer . „ W . Tinkler G . M . ' s Banner Bearer .
The G . Almoner collected the alms and the Grand Conclave was then closed in ample form , and the Knights not members of the Order of Malta having withdrawn , A GRAND PRIORY ON MALTA was declared open . The minutes of the last Priory in December were read aud confirmed . The G . Chancellor read the report of the Committee as follows : —
"Most Eminent and S . G . M , the present strength of this Order has reached 556 . " Your Committee is happy to report that the returns have , in consequence of the strong remarks it was necessary to make at the Grand Conclave in December , come in more regularly . " In order to secure greater uniformity in the appliances necessary for the ivorking of this Order , your Committee has requested the G . Chancel lor to direct the issue of a set of
lithographed plans , patterns , and drawings of the different objects necessary , together with instructions for the setting out of a Grand Priory . These will shortly be ready , and can then be obtained on application to theG . Vice-Chancellor , on payment of the cost incurred in their preparation . Arrangements have also been made for printing the table cloths on linen , silk , or other
Knights Templar.
material , whereby much expense will be spared to private Priories . " The D . G . Master , at the special request of those members in tbe Provinces desirous of taking the degree of the Mediterranean Pass , and being admitted to the Order of Malta , held on the 6 th May a Priory under the banner of the Early Grand . Encampment , commonly called " The Faith and Fidelity , " at which several members were admitted
" By Order of the Committee of Grand Priory , " P . MAC C . DE COLQUHOUN , " G . Chancellor . " This report was received and adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Priory was closed in ample . form . The G . Master , assisted by the D . G . Master and his principal officer ! , presided at a banquet at the Freemasons' Tavern .
Masonic Festivities.
ANNUAL ASSEMBLY OP THE GLASGOW KILWINNING LODGE . ( No . 4 . ) The annual assembly and supper of this ancient and flourishing lodge took place on the 31 st ulfc ., afc Bro . Niinmo ' s , Tontine Hotel , Irongate . The proceedings commenced with dancing—fche large hall serving as an excellent ball-room— -which , was kept up mosfc spiritedly
from seven till ten p . m ., when the company , some seventy in number , about one half being ladies , adjourned fco one of tho adjoining rooms , and partook of supper , served up in a manner in every way highly creditable to Bro . Nimmo , the proprietor of fche hotel , and giving entire satisfaction fco all present . In the unavoidable absence of the R . W . M ., the chair
was very ably filled by Bro . J , Steel , Prov . G . J . W ., and J . D . of No , 4 The cloth having been drawn , and grace returned by Bro . "Wilson , fche usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and were all right heartily received and appropriately responded fco . A few select songs and recitations were agreeably interspersed between
thetoasts by volunteering brethren and friends . Dancing was then resumed , and kept up till fche morning was ; pretty far advanced , when the company dispersed , highly gratified with the entire success of the proceedings .
Restoration Of Bristol Cathedral Nave.
LAYING HIE FOUNDATION STONE BY THE R . W . PROV . G . M ., BRO . THE EARL or LIMERICK . The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of fche new nave which it is intended to build in connection with the present Cathedral , was performed on the 17 th ulfc ., and the old minster , which for centuries has remained in . its present incomplete state , is now iu a fair way of being
restored to a condition more worthy of the large and important ! city , of which ifc is the mother church . The work , ifc is estimated will cost £ 35 , 000 , of which £ 15 , 000 is already subscribed or promised . The whole nave will have a length of 117 ffc . from the : transept tower , and a width of about 80 ffc . Ifc will be furnished with north and south-western towers 130 ffe .
high , and have a northern and western frontage , and connected with it on the southern side -will be the oi-iginal cloisters , the architect having introduced an attractive arcading or arched corridor in this part of his plan . The nave will be built of Doulting stone ; and in harmony with tho walls of the old portions of fche structure , fche new walls will be five or six feet thick , with the fcriforium or passage running between fche windows in a similar manner to the design of the present building .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
The Gr . Treasurer then moved , and the G . Eegistrar seconded ) the following resolutious to carry out the report , which were carried unanimously . "That the Grand Priory in the dominion of Canada be hereby authorisod to retain the total sum levied on the Order within that jurisdiction for the Benevolent Fund for local purposes . " " That the Grand Prior in the dominion of Canada be hereby authorised to retain one-half of the general fees levied within that jurisdiction , for local purposes . " Tbe G , Master then nominated the following Knights , members
of the committee of Grand Conclave : —The Earl of Limerick , Grand Prior ; the Eev . E . Moore , Grand Prelate ; J . H . Law , Past Grand Chancellor ; and R . J . Spiers , Past Grand Captain . The Grand Conclave then re-elected Sir Knt . C . Goolden , Grand Treasurer , and elected the following Knights members of the committee of Grand Conclave : —Captain Layton , Sir John Sebright , Captain Lamert , W . F . Harrison , and W . Powell .
The G . Master appointed the following Knights to be his Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — Sir Knt . Lord Skelmersdale G . Senesehal . „ Earl of Limerick G . Prior . „ Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., M . P . G . Sub . Prior . „ Eev . E . Moore G . Prelate . „ H . C . Finch 1 st G . Captain .
„ Bentley Shaw 2 nd G . Captain . ,, Sir P . Colquhoun G . Chancellor . „ M . H . Shuttleworth G . Vice-Chancellor . „ C . Goolden G . Registrar . „ Joseph Lavender G . Treasurer . „ F . W . Harrison G . Chamberlain . „ Eev . George Eoss G . Hospitalier . Captain Lauierfc G . Dir . of Cers .
„ „ E . A . Jamieson Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . „ Stephen Smith G . Supt . of Works . „ Sir J . Sebright G . Constable . „ J . Tepper G . Provost . „ Eev . Spencer Stanhope G . Almoner . „ George Lambert G . Warden of Eegalia „ C . Fendelow 1 st G . Expert . J . Ashworth 2 nd G . Expert .
„ „ D . Thomas 1 st G . Standard Bearer . „ J . Woodcock 2 nd G . Standard Bearer . „ Eev . A . Bruce Eraser 3 rd G . Standard Bearer . ,, P . Laird 4 th G . Standard Bearer . „ Major General Doherty 1 st G . Aide-de-Camp . „ Eev . Charles J . Martyn 2 nd G . Aide-de-Camp . T . J . Cottle 1 st G . Capt . of Lines .
„ „ W . Horner 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines . „ W . K . Mabey 1 st G . Herald . „ Wilhelm Ganz G . Organist . „ Captain Shanks G . Sword Bearer . „ W . Tinkler G . M . ' s Banner Bearer .
The G . Almoner collected the alms and the Grand Conclave was then closed in ample form , and the Knights not members of the Order of Malta having withdrawn , A GRAND PRIORY ON MALTA was declared open . The minutes of the last Priory in December were read aud confirmed . The G . Chancellor read the report of the Committee as follows : —
"Most Eminent and S . G . M , the present strength of this Order has reached 556 . " Your Committee is happy to report that the returns have , in consequence of the strong remarks it was necessary to make at the Grand Conclave in December , come in more regularly . " In order to secure greater uniformity in the appliances necessary for the ivorking of this Order , your Committee has requested the G . Chancel lor to direct the issue of a set of
lithographed plans , patterns , and drawings of the different objects necessary , together with instructions for the setting out of a Grand Priory . These will shortly be ready , and can then be obtained on application to theG . Vice-Chancellor , on payment of the cost incurred in their preparation . Arrangements have also been made for printing the table cloths on linen , silk , or other
Knights Templar.
material , whereby much expense will be spared to private Priories . " The D . G . Master , at the special request of those members in tbe Provinces desirous of taking the degree of the Mediterranean Pass , and being admitted to the Order of Malta , held on the 6 th May a Priory under the banner of the Early Grand . Encampment , commonly called " The Faith and Fidelity , " at which several members were admitted
" By Order of the Committee of Grand Priory , " P . MAC C . DE COLQUHOUN , " G . Chancellor . " This report was received and adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Priory was closed in ample . form . The G . Master , assisted by the D . G . Master and his principal officer ! , presided at a banquet at the Freemasons' Tavern .
Masonic Festivities.
ANNUAL ASSEMBLY OP THE GLASGOW KILWINNING LODGE . ( No . 4 . ) The annual assembly and supper of this ancient and flourishing lodge took place on the 31 st ulfc ., afc Bro . Niinmo ' s , Tontine Hotel , Irongate . The proceedings commenced with dancing—fche large hall serving as an excellent ball-room— -which , was kept up mosfc spiritedly
from seven till ten p . m ., when the company , some seventy in number , about one half being ladies , adjourned fco one of tho adjoining rooms , and partook of supper , served up in a manner in every way highly creditable to Bro . Nimmo , the proprietor of fche hotel , and giving entire satisfaction fco all present . In the unavoidable absence of the R . W . M ., the chair
was very ably filled by Bro . J , Steel , Prov . G . J . W ., and J . D . of No , 4 The cloth having been drawn , and grace returned by Bro . "Wilson , fche usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and were all right heartily received and appropriately responded fco . A few select songs and recitations were agreeably interspersed between
thetoasts by volunteering brethren and friends . Dancing was then resumed , and kept up till fche morning was ; pretty far advanced , when the company dispersed , highly gratified with the entire success of the proceedings .
Restoration Of Bristol Cathedral Nave.
LAYING HIE FOUNDATION STONE BY THE R . W . PROV . G . M ., BRO . THE EARL or LIMERICK . The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of fche new nave which it is intended to build in connection with the present Cathedral , was performed on the 17 th ulfc ., and the old minster , which for centuries has remained in . its present incomplete state , is now iu a fair way of being
restored to a condition more worthy of the large and important ! city , of which ifc is the mother church . The work , ifc is estimated will cost £ 35 , 000 , of which £ 15 , 000 is already subscribed or promised . The whole nave will have a length of 117 ffc . from the : transept tower , and a width of about 80 ffc . Ifc will be furnished with north and south-western towers 130 ffe .
high , and have a northern and western frontage , and connected with it on the southern side -will be the oi-iginal cloisters , the architect having introduced an attractive arcading or arched corridor in this part of his plan . The nave will be built of Doulting stone ; and in harmony with tho walls of the old portions of fche structure , fche new walls will be five or six feet thick , with the fcriforium or passage running between fche windows in a similar manner to the design of the present building .