Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article DEVONSHIRE. Page 1 of 2 Article DEVONSHIRE. Page 1 of 2 →
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pronounced the dinner excellent and the service admirable . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the enjoyment was considerably added to by the excellence of the musieal arrangements of Bro . Lawler , assisted by Bros . Fielding and Carter . THE MIDDLESEX LODGE ( NO . 143 ) held their usual meeting on Friday , the 15 th instant , at the Albion Hotel , for the
transaction of business , & e . The usual banquet followed . THE CAVEAC LODGE ( NO . 176 ) met on the 9 th inst ., at Eadley's Hotel . PERFECT ASH - LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —This lodee was held on . Thursday , 14 th inst ., at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey ; Bro . J . Donkin , W . M ., presided . He raised Bros . G . Free , J . J . Morse , to tbe third degree ; G .
Bansom , J . A . Asetell , to the second ; and initiated Mr . P . Fry , Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas ., aiding in the third only by giving the traditional history and the third tracing board . The ivork was beautifully rendered . There were present Bros . F . H . Elsworth . S . W ., J . W . Avery , P . M . ; J . W . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; H . Bartlett , J . D . ; D . Eose , J . G . ; J . W . Dudley , W . S . ; Fudge ; Hainisworth and many others . Visitors : —Bros . Bass , Solomon , Marshall , & c .
BERKS AND BUCKS . "WOLVEEXON . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 840 . )—The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 16 th inst .
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Booms , Quaystreet , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst ., Bro . William James Hughan , W . M ., in the chair . The work comprised the three degrees , and we seldom remember it being more efficiently
performed than under tbe coiulnctorship of Bro . Hughan , and his efficient staff of officers . The musical arrangements were firstclass , and according to tbe form kindly sent the W . M . by Bro . Dr . Henry Hopkins , P . Prov . S . G . W ., of Warwickshire . Bro . Thomas Chirgwin , P . Prov . J . G . W ., delivered the historical and traditional lectures in tbe third degree in a most impressive manner . Two candidates were proposed for initiation , and one brother as a joining member . We should state that Bro . HughanW . M .
, , presents a copy of the Book of Constitutions to every newl y initiate admitted into the lodge during his mastership . He has also established a Lodge of Instruction in connection with the Craft Lodge , which meets every fourth Thursday , of which he is the Preceptor , and we are glad to state that both it and the mother lodge are prosperous and united .
DARTMOUTH . —JTauleg Lodge ( No . 797 ) . —The chief meeting of the year was held on Monday , May 11 th , at the Masonic Eooms . The lodge was summoned for noon , but it was nearly one before it was opened in the three degrees in succession by Bro . Newman , M . D ., P . M ., in the absence of Bro . Farley , W . M ., from whom a letter of explanation was read . The acting W . M . was supported on his right by the Eev . Bro . Pope , D . D .,
chaplain , and on his left by Bro . Mortimore , the Mayor of Dartmouth , acting as I . P . M . Several of the officers were also absent , one of them being the Secretary , whose place was kindly supplied by Bro . Lidstone , P . M . Among the visitors were Bro . Bastin , P . M ., from Exmouth , Bro . Glanfield P . M ., from Torquay , Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., from Totnes . The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and after some discussion , confirmed . The Past Masters , Bros . Mortimore and
Lidstone were some time ago elected honorary members of the lodge , and therefore gave up their position as subscribers , but it having been ascertained that they thus incurred a loss of privileges , an announcement that they would resume the payment of dues was received with acclamation by the members present . The circular of summons contained notice of the ceremony of tbe second degree , but it appearing that the candidate was not present , the acting W . M . stated that the instjalla-
tion of the new W . M . would be proceeded with . The lodge was resumed in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . W . G . H . Ellis was presented as the W . M . elect , receiving the introductory address from Bro . Dr . Newman , who then requested Bro . Dr . Hopkins to perform the ceremony . He took the chair and continued the proceedings in the usual form . Iu due course the lodge was resumed in the third degreeand the brethren who had not
, passed the chair retired . A board of eight Installed Masters was formed , in whose presence Bro . Ellis was placed in the chair of K . S . with the accustomed rights . On the return of the brethren separately in the three degrees , the proper processions , salutation , and proclamations took place , at the close of which the W . M . appointed and invested his officers . Bro . Dr . Hopkins concluded the ceremony by giving the impressive charges to tbe
W . M ., the wardens , and the members of the lodge . Several matters of business were then transacted . Bro . Dr . Hopkins read a printed prospectus of the book markers which he gets up for the benefit of the Masonic charities , when it was determined to purchase one of the sets for the lodge Bible , and several of the members also took some . The lodge was closed afc about half-past two , and the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel to partake of the annual banquet under the presidency of the Mayor of Dartmouth .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel on Wednesday , I 3 th inst . Bro . J . Newman , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by Bros . Eustace , S . W . ; Eix , J . W ., G . H . Bay , S . D . ; Shaw , J . D . ; Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex , Sec . and Treas . ; Calthorpe , J . G . ; & c . The lodge
was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the . minutes of the last three meetings were read and confirmed . The Sec . read a letter from Bro . Mann , Prov . G . Sec , acknowledging the receict of £ 3 Os . 8 d . Prov . G . Lodge dues ; also a letter from the Sec . of the Eegimental Lodge of the 5 th ( Princess Charlotte of Wales ) Dragoon Guards , No . 570 Irish Constitution , conveying a vote of thanks to the brethren of the United Lodge for their
kindness in giving No . 570 the use of their lodge room during the stay of the 5 th D . Gds . in Colchester . The W . M . opened the lodge in the second and third degrees , and put round the questions appertaining to each degree as he closed down , for the information of the junior brethren . Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a pleasant hour in " love and harmony . "
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) . —The last monthly meeting of this lodge , before the summer recess , took place at the Freemason ' s Hall , ou Wednesdaj-, the 5 th instant , at which the attendance was very limited , owing chiefly to the annual concert of the Amateur Harmonic Society , ot which many of the brethren are memberstaking place on the same evening
, . The W . M . Bro . W . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., presided , the other brethren present being W . Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; G . Tollar , ( J . W ., No . 523 ) , as S . W . ; Stadley , J . W ; Stretton , Sec ; Bithrey ( No . 523 ) , as S . D . ; S . S . Partridge as I . G . ; F . J . Baines ; E . J . Crow , a visiting brother from Liverpool ; and C . Bainbridge , Tyler . Letters were received from several of the officers apologising for their absence on the occasion .
The lodge having been opened up to the second degree , Bro . Crow passed a satisfactory examination as F . C , and having retired , the lodge was opened in the third degree , and he was raised thereto . The lodge having been closed iu the several degrees , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of Bro . Weare , P . M .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON- . —Yarborough Lodge ( No . 811 . )—A lodge of emergency was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Saturday , the 16 th inst . Mr . George Dudell , of Queen's Park , being a candidate for initiation , was balloted for and duly accepted . Bros . Hobson and Morse , were raised , and R . W . Bro . Richard Bolton , Master of the Lodge Perseverance 351 ( G . L . of Scot ) , Prov . G . M . of Western India , was elected as joining member . Some other business having been disposed of the lodge was closed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
pronounced the dinner excellent and the service admirable . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the enjoyment was considerably added to by the excellence of the musieal arrangements of Bro . Lawler , assisted by Bros . Fielding and Carter . THE MIDDLESEX LODGE ( NO . 143 ) held their usual meeting on Friday , the 15 th instant , at the Albion Hotel , for the
transaction of business , & e . The usual banquet followed . THE CAVEAC LODGE ( NO . 176 ) met on the 9 th inst ., at Eadley's Hotel . PERFECT ASH - LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —This lodee was held on . Thursday , 14 th inst ., at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey ; Bro . J . Donkin , W . M ., presided . He raised Bros . G . Free , J . J . Morse , to tbe third degree ; G .
Bansom , J . A . Asetell , to the second ; and initiated Mr . P . Fry , Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas ., aiding in the third only by giving the traditional history and the third tracing board . The ivork was beautifully rendered . There were present Bros . F . H . Elsworth . S . W ., J . W . Avery , P . M . ; J . W . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; H . Bartlett , J . D . ; D . Eose , J . G . ; J . W . Dudley , W . S . ; Fudge ; Hainisworth and many others . Visitors : —Bros . Bass , Solomon , Marshall , & c .
BERKS AND BUCKS . "WOLVEEXON . —Scientific Lodge ( No . 840 . )—The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 16 th inst .
CORNWALL . TRURO . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Booms , Quaystreet , on Tuesday evening , the 12 th inst ., Bro . William James Hughan , W . M ., in the chair . The work comprised the three degrees , and we seldom remember it being more efficiently
performed than under tbe coiulnctorship of Bro . Hughan , and his efficient staff of officers . The musical arrangements were firstclass , and according to tbe form kindly sent the W . M . by Bro . Dr . Henry Hopkins , P . Prov . S . G . W ., of Warwickshire . Bro . Thomas Chirgwin , P . Prov . J . G . W ., delivered the historical and traditional lectures in tbe third degree in a most impressive manner . Two candidates were proposed for initiation , and one brother as a joining member . We should state that Bro . HughanW . M .
, , presents a copy of the Book of Constitutions to every newl y initiate admitted into the lodge during his mastership . He has also established a Lodge of Instruction in connection with the Craft Lodge , which meets every fourth Thursday , of which he is the Preceptor , and we are glad to state that both it and the mother lodge are prosperous and united .
DARTMOUTH . —JTauleg Lodge ( No . 797 ) . —The chief meeting of the year was held on Monday , May 11 th , at the Masonic Eooms . The lodge was summoned for noon , but it was nearly one before it was opened in the three degrees in succession by Bro . Newman , M . D ., P . M ., in the absence of Bro . Farley , W . M ., from whom a letter of explanation was read . The acting W . M . was supported on his right by the Eev . Bro . Pope , D . D .,
chaplain , and on his left by Bro . Mortimore , the Mayor of Dartmouth , acting as I . P . M . Several of the officers were also absent , one of them being the Secretary , whose place was kindly supplied by Bro . Lidstone , P . M . Among the visitors were Bro . Bastin , P . M ., from Exmouth , Bro . Glanfield P . M ., from Torquay , Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., from Totnes . The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and after some discussion , confirmed . The Past Masters , Bros . Mortimore and
Lidstone were some time ago elected honorary members of the lodge , and therefore gave up their position as subscribers , but it having been ascertained that they thus incurred a loss of privileges , an announcement that they would resume the payment of dues was received with acclamation by the members present . The circular of summons contained notice of the ceremony of tbe second degree , but it appearing that the candidate was not present , the acting W . M . stated that the instjalla-
tion of the new W . M . would be proceeded with . The lodge was resumed in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . W . G . H . Ellis was presented as the W . M . elect , receiving the introductory address from Bro . Dr . Newman , who then requested Bro . Dr . Hopkins to perform the ceremony . He took the chair and continued the proceedings in the usual form . Iu due course the lodge was resumed in the third degreeand the brethren who had not
, passed the chair retired . A board of eight Installed Masters was formed , in whose presence Bro . Ellis was placed in the chair of K . S . with the accustomed rights . On the return of the brethren separately in the three degrees , the proper processions , salutation , and proclamations took place , at the close of which the W . M . appointed and invested his officers . Bro . Dr . Hopkins concluded the ceremony by giving the impressive charges to tbe
W . M ., the wardens , and the members of the lodge . Several matters of business were then transacted . Bro . Dr . Hopkins read a printed prospectus of the book markers which he gets up for the benefit of the Masonic charities , when it was determined to purchase one of the sets for the lodge Bible , and several of the members also took some . The lodge was closed afc about half-past two , and the brethren adjourned to the Castle Hotel to partake of the annual banquet under the presidency of the Mayor of Dartmouth .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel on Wednesday , I 3 th inst . Bro . J . Newman , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by Bros . Eustace , S . W . ; Eix , J . W ., G . H . Bay , S . D . ; Shaw , J . D . ; Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex , Sec . and Treas . ; Calthorpe , J . G . ; & c . The lodge
was opened in due form in the first degree , the summons convening the meeting was read , and the . minutes of the last three meetings were read and confirmed . The Sec . read a letter from Bro . Mann , Prov . G . Sec , acknowledging the receict of £ 3 Os . 8 d . Prov . G . Lodge dues ; also a letter from the Sec . of the Eegimental Lodge of the 5 th ( Princess Charlotte of Wales ) Dragoon Guards , No . 570 Irish Constitution , conveying a vote of thanks to the brethren of the United Lodge for their
kindness in giving No . 570 the use of their lodge room during the stay of the 5 th D . Gds . in Colchester . The W . M . opened the lodge in the second and third degrees , and put round the questions appertaining to each degree as he closed down , for the information of the junior brethren . Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a pleasant hour in " love and harmony . "
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —St John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) . —The last monthly meeting of this lodge , before the summer recess , took place at the Freemason ' s Hall , ou Wednesdaj-, the 5 th instant , at which the attendance was very limited , owing chiefly to the annual concert of the Amateur Harmonic Society , ot which many of the brethren are memberstaking place on the same evening
, . The W . M . Bro . W . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., presided , the other brethren present being W . Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; G . Tollar , ( J . W ., No . 523 ) , as S . W . ; Stadley , J . W ; Stretton , Sec ; Bithrey ( No . 523 ) , as S . D . ; S . S . Partridge as I . G . ; F . J . Baines ; E . J . Crow , a visiting brother from Liverpool ; and C . Bainbridge , Tyler . Letters were received from several of the officers apologising for their absence on the occasion .
The lodge having been opened up to the second degree , Bro . Crow passed a satisfactory examination as F . C , and having retired , the lodge was opened in the third degree , and he was raised thereto . The lodge having been closed iu the several degrees , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of Bro . Weare , P . M .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON- . —Yarborough Lodge ( No . 811 . )—A lodge of emergency was held at the Old Ship Hotel , on Saturday , the 16 th inst . Mr . George Dudell , of Queen's Park , being a candidate for initiation , was balloted for and duly accepted . Bros . Hobson and Morse , were raised , and R . W . Bro . Richard Bolton , Master of the Lodge Perseverance 351 ( G . L . of Scot ) , Prov . G . M . of Western India , was elected as joining member . Some other business having been disposed of the lodge was closed .