Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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having opened the Lodgo , the minute , of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The AY . M ., Bro . C . Fryer then addressed some observations to the brethren , thanking them for their courtesy and kindness during his year of office . He regretted that his avocations had prevented him paying so much attention to his duties as he could have desired . He added , that he was much indebted to the P . Ms , and also his officers , for the admirable manner in which they had assisted him . Bro . Fryer then
resigned the chair in favour of Bro . T . T . Evans , P . M ., 120 , who had kindly consented to instal the AA . M . elect Bro . AA . A . Scott , and it is scarcely necessary for us to add that the ceremony was performed in a most admirable manner—in fact , wc have no hesitation in saying that Bro . Evans has few equals in Masonic work in the AVest of England . On the completion of the ceremony , the AVorshipful Master , Bro . AY . A .. Scott , proceeded to appoint his officers , and conferred tbe respective collars ( accompanied with suitable addresses ) tho following brethren
on : —AV . Knell , S . AA ' . ; A . AA ' alkley , J . AA . ; J . Broad , Treasurer ( by election ) - J . P . C . Hatton , Secretary ; T . Pickford , S . D . ; T . Fisher , J . D . ; D . Parsley , I . G . ; H . Lane , Director of Ceremonies . The brethren severally returned thanks for the honour conferred in appointing them to office , and pledged themselves to a strict performance of their respective duties to the utmost of their ability . The newly installed AV . M . then invited the brethren to partake of a cup of good fellowship with him ,
and were accordingly called off by his command ; during refreshment the usual toasts were given . Bro . T . T . Evans was also duly proposed and honoured , and he was warmly thanked by tho brethren for his very eminent services that day . Bro . Evans responded in a speech marked with genuine Freemasonry and deep feeling . The toast of the visitors was responded to by Bro . Hart , of the Lodge of Faith , No . 105 , who expressed his great delight at what he hail seen of Freemasonry in Bristol . The Lodge was then resumed , and after the transacting of some routine business , was closed in harmony , after a most agreeable aud delightful evening ' s enjoyment .
HAMPSHIRE . ALDERSHOT . —Panmure Lodge ( No . 1025 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , 12 th June , for the usual monthly business , at Bro . Tilbury ' s , Royal Hotel , Bros . R . C . AVood , AY . M . ; Stony , S . AV . ; Howard , J . AY . ; Rowley , Sec ; Downer , S . D . ; Buckland , J . D . ; Gulston , I . G . The Lodge was . opened in the first degree , and the ceremony of initiating Mr . Christopher Dobby and Mr . Baynes Reed , also the explanation of the tracing board of the first degreewere worked bthe AV . M . in his usual impressive
man-, y ner . Bro . E . Cooke , No . 4 , Kentucky , U . S ., honoured the Lodge with his presence , and expressed to the AA . M . the gratification he felt at the reception he met with from the brethren of the Lodge . There were also present as visitors , Bros . Granger , No . 204 , Scotland ; Breeders , No . 201 ; Pickles , No . 110 ; Hibden , No . 290 ; and Thompson , No . 227 .
LANCASHIRE , EAST . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BLACKBURN . THE annual meeting for the province of Lancashire , East , was held in the Town Hall , Blackburn , on Thursday , June 7 th . The brethren began to arrive by the trains about nine o ' clock , and their appearance attracted a large concourse of spectators in front of the Town Hall . At an early hour the union jack was floating from the tower of the
Parish Church and at the Town Hall . During the day the bells of St . Mary ' s Church rang several merry peals , and tbe morning being fine the brethren mustered to the number of about two hundred , including representatives from nearly all the Loclges in the province . The Craft Lodge was opened to the third degree at half-past ten , in the reception room , which was chastely decorated for the occasion by Bro . John Bell , AV . M ., No . 432 , assisted by Bros . Richard Eaves , P . AI ., No . 33 G , as S . AV . ; Charles Tiplady , J . AY ., No . 432 , as J . AV . ; Benjamin
Sandford , I . G ., No . 432 , as I . G . ; Josh . Pearson , P . AI . and Tyler , No . 432 , us Tyler ; and shortly after the Provincial Grand Master and the rest of the Provincial Officers entered , and were received in clue form by the brethren , Bro . Jolm Aspinivall , Prov . G-rand Organist , presiding at the organ , and took their places as follows , viz .: Bros . Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . ; Albert Hudson Royds , D . Prov . G . AI . ; Lawrence Newall , Prov . J . G . AV , as Prov . S . G . AV . ; Thomas Clough , P . Prov . G . Reg ., as P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . P . Nicholson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; AA m . Romaine
Callender , Jun ., Prov . G . Treas . ; T . F . Pollitt , Prov . G . Reg . ; John Timnah , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thomas Parker , Prov . J . G . D . ; T . G . Gibbons , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Reuben Mitchell , Prov . G . S . B . ; John Aspinivall , Prov . G . Org . ; AVm . Roberts , Prov . G . Purs . ; AVm . Dawson , Prov . G . Tyler ; Thomas Dawson , R . Yates , J . Fitzuowton , J . Mitchell , aud R . Woodward , Prov . G . Stewards ; and F . Jolly , Prov . G . Standard Bearer . The other Provincial Officers near the Provincial Grand Alaster were Bros . AVm . Hutchinson , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Richard Cope , Prov . G . S . B .,
Cheshire ; and J . Bannister , Prov . S . G . D ., Durham . The Provincial Lodge having , after a blessing invoked by the Prov . G . Chaplain , been opened in due form , the minutes of the last quarterly meeting , held at Littleborough on the 1 st Alarch last , were read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Treasurer then read an abstract of the accounts for the past year , as audited , showing a balance in the hands of the Prov . G . Treasurer of . € ' -101 G . s \ C > d ., ivhich were passed . Bro . SiiEwiEun , P . M ., No . 330 , proposed , and Brother A ^ AW . EY , P . AL , No . 44 , seconded , that the Prov . G . Treasurer , Prov . G . Reg ., and Bro . Chadwick , AV . AI ., No . 177 , be a committee to consider the Prov . bylaws , and to report to the nest quarterly meeting thereon ,
Bro . POLLITT , Prov . G . Reg ., who was appointed by the Prov . Grancl Master , along with Bro . Tuimah , Prov . G . Sec , as a deputation to go to London to watch the election of annuitants to the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution , read a most elaborate report , from ivhich it appeared that this province had been successful in electing one female and three male candidates , and on the motion of Bro . L . NEWALL , Prov . J . G-AA ., seconded by Bro . CHARLES TIPLADY , J . AV ., 432 , a vote of thanks was most enthusiastically accorded to Bro . Pollitt for the success
which had crowned his most indefatigable exertions in the cause of our Masonic charity , as also for tho attention ho has bestowed in the performance of his duties as Prov . G . Reg ., and his regular attendance at the meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge . Three petitions were then read from necessitous brethren , aud the sum of £ 10 granted to each . Bro . L . NEWALL , Prov . J . G . AA ., moved , and Bro . THOMAS CLOUGH , P . Prov . G . R . secondedthe reappointment of Bro . AVilliam Romaine
, , Callender , junr ., . as Prov . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year , which was carried unanimously . Bro . CUAUI . ES Tii'LADY , J . AA ., No . 432 , moved , and Bro . R . R ADCLIFFE , P . M ., No . 434 , seconded , the reappointment of Bro . AVilliam Dawson as Prov . G . Tyler for the ensuing year , which was carried unanimously . Several notices of motions were handed to the Prov . G . Sec . to be
brought forward at the next Provincial meeting . The PROV . GRAND MAS-TUB then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , as follows , viz . : —Bros . Albert Hudson Royds , D . Prov . G . AI . ; Lawrence Newall , Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . Greenwood , Prov . J . G . AA . ; the Rev . J . Phillips , Prov . G . Chaplain ; AVilliam Romaine Callender , jun ., Prov . G . Tros . ; J . F . Pollitt , Prov . G . Registrar ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . ; Edward AVood Morley , Prov . S . G . D . ; A . II . Varley , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . G . Gibbon , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ;
Johu Aspinivall , Prov . G . Organist ; William Roberts , Prov . G . Purst . ; AVm . Dawson , Prov . G . Tyler ; Ralph Fish , J . D . Bolton , AV . T . Townley , John Baldwin , AVm . Clayton , and Benj . Ellston , Prov . G . Stewards ; and Bro . F . Jolly , Prov . G . Standard Bearer . The appointments of Prov . J . G . D ., and Prov . G . Sword Bearer , were deferred . Each officer on being invested was saluted in due form , and a special vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . for the assistance rendered to Bro . Pollittat the late election of annuitants in
, London , as also for his efficient services as Prov . G . Sec . for many years . It was moved , seconded , and unanimously carried , that the salary of Director of Ceremonies be continued to Bro . Pitt , for his long and valued services as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . THE PROV . GRAND AIASTER then fixeel the next Provincial Quarterly Aleeting , to be held at Denton , on Thursday , 6 th September . The business being ended , Bro . ALBERT HUDSON ROYDS , D . P . G . M ., rose and said—Right AVorshipful Grand Alaster , I am desired by the
brethren of this province to inform you , that it is their unanimous wish to have a full-length portrait of you , painted in oil , and to ask your consent to sit to the artist who may be selected for that purpose . The PROV . GRAND MASTER , who was much affected , gave his consent , and the selection of the artist was left to the D . Prov . G . AI . After a blessing invoked by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form , when the Prov . Graud'Master and the Grand Officers retired . The Craft Lodge was then closed to the second , and subsequently to the first degree , when the brethren were called from labour to
refreshment by the J . AV ., and having left the Lodge-room , they wore marshalled in procession by the Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , according to the precedence of the Lodges . At half-past two o ' clock , the procession , headed by AAHiiteley's celebrated brass band , under the leadership of Air . George Ellis ( which during the forenoon had played , in a masterly style , a selection of music iu the vestibule of the Town Hall ) , walked to the parish church ( which was kindly granted by the Vicar , the Rev . Archdeacon Rushton , for the
occasion ) , when a most eloquent sermon was preached by the Prov . Grand Chaplain ( Bro . the Rev . J . Phillips , of New Church , ) from the 1 st chapter of Genesis , 3 rd verse , " And God said let there bo light , and there was light . " After which a collection was made amounting to £ 18 IS * . Od . to be divided equally between the East Lancashire Afasonic Benevolent and Annuity Fund , and the Endowment Fund of the Blackburn Infirmary . The service and were read in a most impressive mannerthe
prayers , former by Bro . the Rev . AA m . Shaw , curate to the Prov . G . Chaplain , and the latter by Bro . the Rev . P . Nicholson , P . Prov . G . Chaplain . The choral part ofthe service was under the direction of Bro . Aspinivall , Prov . G . Org ., and was admirably performed . The brethren then returned to the Town Hall , where the banquet was held in the spacious assembly room , when upwards of one hundred and eighty sat down to dinner , presided over by Bro . Stephen Blair , Prov . his Provincial Officers
Grand Alaster , supported on the right and left by . During dinner tho band discoursed some excellent music . The orchestra was filled by an assemblage of ladies , elegantly attired , who were regaled with dessert and champagne . After dinner "Non Nobis Domine" was sung by the choir , which was composed of the following celebrated singers , viz .: — Airs . Brooke , Aliss Hulme , Alessrs . AVrigley , AValker , Wroe , Edmuiiclson , Aloxon , and Ilinehcliffe , Bro . John Aspinivall , Prov . G . Organist , presiding at the pianoforte . The PJ . OV , GIUND MASTER gave " The Queen , " which was most
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having opened the Lodgo , the minute , of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The AY . M ., Bro . C . Fryer then addressed some observations to the brethren , thanking them for their courtesy and kindness during his year of office . He regretted that his avocations had prevented him paying so much attention to his duties as he could have desired . He added , that he was much indebted to the P . Ms , and also his officers , for the admirable manner in which they had assisted him . Bro . Fryer then
resigned the chair in favour of Bro . T . T . Evans , P . M ., 120 , who had kindly consented to instal the AA . M . elect Bro . AA . A . Scott , and it is scarcely necessary for us to add that the ceremony was performed in a most admirable manner—in fact , wc have no hesitation in saying that Bro . Evans has few equals in Masonic work in the AVest of England . On the completion of the ceremony , the AVorshipful Master , Bro . AY . A .. Scott , proceeded to appoint his officers , and conferred tbe respective collars ( accompanied with suitable addresses ) tho following brethren
on : —AV . Knell , S . AA ' . ; A . AA ' alkley , J . AA . ; J . Broad , Treasurer ( by election ) - J . P . C . Hatton , Secretary ; T . Pickford , S . D . ; T . Fisher , J . D . ; D . Parsley , I . G . ; H . Lane , Director of Ceremonies . The brethren severally returned thanks for the honour conferred in appointing them to office , and pledged themselves to a strict performance of their respective duties to the utmost of their ability . The newly installed AV . M . then invited the brethren to partake of a cup of good fellowship with him ,
and were accordingly called off by his command ; during refreshment the usual toasts were given . Bro . T . T . Evans was also duly proposed and honoured , and he was warmly thanked by tho brethren for his very eminent services that day . Bro . Evans responded in a speech marked with genuine Freemasonry and deep feeling . The toast of the visitors was responded to by Bro . Hart , of the Lodge of Faith , No . 105 , who expressed his great delight at what he hail seen of Freemasonry in Bristol . The Lodge was then resumed , and after the transacting of some routine business , was closed in harmony , after a most agreeable aud delightful evening ' s enjoyment .
HAMPSHIRE . ALDERSHOT . —Panmure Lodge ( No . 1025 ) . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , 12 th June , for the usual monthly business , at Bro . Tilbury ' s , Royal Hotel , Bros . R . C . AVood , AY . M . ; Stony , S . AV . ; Howard , J . AY . ; Rowley , Sec ; Downer , S . D . ; Buckland , J . D . ; Gulston , I . G . The Lodge was . opened in the first degree , and the ceremony of initiating Mr . Christopher Dobby and Mr . Baynes Reed , also the explanation of the tracing board of the first degreewere worked bthe AV . M . in his usual impressive
man-, y ner . Bro . E . Cooke , No . 4 , Kentucky , U . S ., honoured the Lodge with his presence , and expressed to the AA . M . the gratification he felt at the reception he met with from the brethren of the Lodge . There were also present as visitors , Bros . Granger , No . 204 , Scotland ; Breeders , No . 201 ; Pickles , No . 110 ; Hibden , No . 290 ; and Thompson , No . 227 .
LANCASHIRE , EAST . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BLACKBURN . THE annual meeting for the province of Lancashire , East , was held in the Town Hall , Blackburn , on Thursday , June 7 th . The brethren began to arrive by the trains about nine o ' clock , and their appearance attracted a large concourse of spectators in front of the Town Hall . At an early hour the union jack was floating from the tower of the
Parish Church and at the Town Hall . During the day the bells of St . Mary ' s Church rang several merry peals , and tbe morning being fine the brethren mustered to the number of about two hundred , including representatives from nearly all the Loclges in the province . The Craft Lodge was opened to the third degree at half-past ten , in the reception room , which was chastely decorated for the occasion by Bro . John Bell , AV . M ., No . 432 , assisted by Bros . Richard Eaves , P . AI ., No . 33 G , as S . AV . ; Charles Tiplady , J . AY ., No . 432 , as J . AV . ; Benjamin
Sandford , I . G ., No . 432 , as I . G . ; Josh . Pearson , P . AI . and Tyler , No . 432 , us Tyler ; and shortly after the Provincial Grand Master and the rest of the Provincial Officers entered , and were received in clue form by the brethren , Bro . Jolm Aspinivall , Prov . G-rand Organist , presiding at the organ , and took their places as follows , viz .: Bros . Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . ; Albert Hudson Royds , D . Prov . G . AI . ; Lawrence Newall , Prov . J . G . AV , as Prov . S . G . AV . ; Thomas Clough , P . Prov . G . Reg ., as P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . P . Nicholson , Prov . G . Chaplain ; AA m . Romaine
Callender , Jun ., Prov . G . Treas . ; T . F . Pollitt , Prov . G . Reg . ; John Timnah , Prov . G . Sec . ; Thomas Parker , Prov . J . G . D . ; T . G . Gibbons , Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Reuben Mitchell , Prov . G . S . B . ; John Aspinivall , Prov . G . Org . ; AVm . Roberts , Prov . G . Purs . ; AVm . Dawson , Prov . G . Tyler ; Thomas Dawson , R . Yates , J . Fitzuowton , J . Mitchell , aud R . Woodward , Prov . G . Stewards ; and F . Jolly , Prov . G . Standard Bearer . The other Provincial Officers near the Provincial Grand Alaster were Bros . AVm . Hutchinson , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Richard Cope , Prov . G . S . B .,
Cheshire ; and J . Bannister , Prov . S . G . D ., Durham . The Provincial Lodge having , after a blessing invoked by the Prov . G . Chaplain , been opened in due form , the minutes of the last quarterly meeting , held at Littleborough on the 1 st Alarch last , were read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Treasurer then read an abstract of the accounts for the past year , as audited , showing a balance in the hands of the Prov . G . Treasurer of . € ' -101 G . s \ C > d ., ivhich were passed . Bro . SiiEwiEun , P . M ., No . 330 , proposed , and Brother A ^ AW . EY , P . AL , No . 44 , seconded , that the Prov . G . Treasurer , Prov . G . Reg ., and Bro . Chadwick , AV . AI ., No . 177 , be a committee to consider the Prov . bylaws , and to report to the nest quarterly meeting thereon ,
Bro . POLLITT , Prov . G . Reg ., who was appointed by the Prov . Grancl Master , along with Bro . Tuimah , Prov . G . Sec , as a deputation to go to London to watch the election of annuitants to the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution , read a most elaborate report , from ivhich it appeared that this province had been successful in electing one female and three male candidates , and on the motion of Bro . L . NEWALL , Prov . J . G-AA ., seconded by Bro . CHARLES TIPLADY , J . AV ., 432 , a vote of thanks was most enthusiastically accorded to Bro . Pollitt for the success
which had crowned his most indefatigable exertions in the cause of our Masonic charity , as also for tho attention ho has bestowed in the performance of his duties as Prov . G . Reg ., and his regular attendance at the meetings of Provincial Grand Lodge . Three petitions were then read from necessitous brethren , aud the sum of £ 10 granted to each . Bro . L . NEWALL , Prov . J . G . AA ., moved , and Bro . THOMAS CLOUGH , P . Prov . G . R . secondedthe reappointment of Bro . AVilliam Romaine
, , Callender , junr ., . as Prov . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year , which was carried unanimously . Bro . CUAUI . ES Tii'LADY , J . AA ., No . 432 , moved , and Bro . R . R ADCLIFFE , P . M ., No . 434 , seconded , the reappointment of Bro . AVilliam Dawson as Prov . G . Tyler for the ensuing year , which was carried unanimously . Several notices of motions were handed to the Prov . G . Sec . to be
brought forward at the next Provincial meeting . The PROV . GRAND MAS-TUB then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , as follows , viz . : —Bros . Albert Hudson Royds , D . Prov . G . AI . ; Lawrence Newall , Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . Greenwood , Prov . J . G . AA . ; the Rev . J . Phillips , Prov . G . Chaplain ; AVilliam Romaine Callender , jun ., Prov . G . Tros . ; J . F . Pollitt , Prov . G . Registrar ; John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . ; Edward AVood Morley , Prov . S . G . D . ; A . II . Varley , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; J . G . Gibbon , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ;
Johu Aspinivall , Prov . G . Organist ; William Roberts , Prov . G . Purst . ; AVm . Dawson , Prov . G . Tyler ; Ralph Fish , J . D . Bolton , AV . T . Townley , John Baldwin , AVm . Clayton , and Benj . Ellston , Prov . G . Stewards ; and Bro . F . Jolly , Prov . G . Standard Bearer . The appointments of Prov . J . G . D ., and Prov . G . Sword Bearer , were deferred . Each officer on being invested was saluted in due form , and a special vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . for the assistance rendered to Bro . Pollittat the late election of annuitants in
, London , as also for his efficient services as Prov . G . Sec . for many years . It was moved , seconded , and unanimously carried , that the salary of Director of Ceremonies be continued to Bro . Pitt , for his long and valued services as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . THE PROV . GRAND AIASTER then fixeel the next Provincial Quarterly Aleeting , to be held at Denton , on Thursday , 6 th September . The business being ended , Bro . ALBERT HUDSON ROYDS , D . P . G . M ., rose and said—Right AVorshipful Grand Alaster , I am desired by the
brethren of this province to inform you , that it is their unanimous wish to have a full-length portrait of you , painted in oil , and to ask your consent to sit to the artist who may be selected for that purpose . The PROV . GRAND MASTER , who was much affected , gave his consent , and the selection of the artist was left to the D . Prov . G . AI . After a blessing invoked by the Prov . Grand Chaplain , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form , when the Prov . Graud'Master and the Grand Officers retired . The Craft Lodge was then closed to the second , and subsequently to the first degree , when the brethren were called from labour to
refreshment by the J . AV ., and having left the Lodge-room , they wore marshalled in procession by the Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , according to the precedence of the Lodges . At half-past two o ' clock , the procession , headed by AAHiiteley's celebrated brass band , under the leadership of Air . George Ellis ( which during the forenoon had played , in a masterly style , a selection of music iu the vestibule of the Town Hall ) , walked to the parish church ( which was kindly granted by the Vicar , the Rev . Archdeacon Rushton , for the
occasion ) , when a most eloquent sermon was preached by the Prov . Grand Chaplain ( Bro . the Rev . J . Phillips , of New Church , ) from the 1 st chapter of Genesis , 3 rd verse , " And God said let there bo light , and there was light . " After which a collection was made amounting to £ 18 IS * . Od . to be divided equally between the East Lancashire Afasonic Benevolent and Annuity Fund , and the Endowment Fund of the Blackburn Infirmary . The service and were read in a most impressive mannerthe
prayers , former by Bro . the Rev . AA m . Shaw , curate to the Prov . G . Chaplain , and the latter by Bro . the Rev . P . Nicholson , P . Prov . G . Chaplain . The choral part ofthe service was under the direction of Bro . Aspinivall , Prov . G . Org ., and was admirably performed . The brethren then returned to the Town Hall , where the banquet was held in the spacious assembly room , when upwards of one hundred and eighty sat down to dinner , presided over by Bro . Stephen Blair , Prov . his Provincial Officers
Grand Alaster , supported on the right and left by . During dinner tho band discoursed some excellent music . The orchestra was filled by an assemblage of ladies , elegantly attired , who were regaled with dessert and champagne . After dinner "Non Nobis Domine" was sung by the choir , which was composed of the following celebrated singers , viz .: — Airs . Brooke , Aliss Hulme , Alessrs . AVrigley , AValker , Wroe , Edmuiiclson , Aloxon , and Ilinehcliffe , Bro . John Aspinivall , Prov . G . Organist , presiding at the pianoforte . The PJ . OV , GIUND MASTER gave " The Queen , " which was most