Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to stand a candidate for the eastern chair . Tho following names then Avent to the ballot : —Bros . AA ickhani , Rev . J . J . Farnham , Donaldson , and H . AV . AA alker . The result of the ballot was announced in favour of Bro . II . Wickham . The AV . M . said he was glad to see that the brethren had used their best discretion in electing Bro . H . Wickham ; it was patent thafc the interest of the lodge was the predominant feeling of the brethren ; tbey had indeed elected one who bad worked
bard for the good of Masonry , not only in this loclge , but in all the lodges in Bombay and elsewhere , f he brethren had , as a mark of their regard and esteem , elected Bro . AAlckham some years back an honorary member of this lodge , they had now elected him as their AV . M . ; he could only say in conclusion that Bro . Wickham Avas the right man in tbe right place . Bro . A . King , Treas ., then said that be Avas obliged for tbe reasons before statedto give up the office of Treasurer of the lod .
, ge He would avail himself of this opportunity to thank the Bro . Secretary and the members of the lodge for the help he at all times received from them . He had asked a brother who Avas at the head of a department to accept the office of Treasurer , he alluded to Bro . John Poyntz , AVIIO , he was sure , would give the brethren every satisfaction , but , in accordance with the constitutionshe would that the Treasurer be elected b
, propose y ballot ; any member of the lodge , if he were a Master Mason , would be eligible to bold office . The result of the ballot ivas announced in favour of Bro . Poyntz . Bro . J . W . Seager was then elected the Tyler of the lodge by acclamation . Tbe ballot was then taken for Bro . Duffy , as a re-joining member , and tbe result was announced favourable . The ballot was then taken for Mr . G . Smith , a candidate for
initiation , ancl the result was announced favourable . Mr . G . Smith being in attendance , ivas properly prepared and initiated into the secrets of our holy Order in clue ancl ancient form . Bros . F . Potter ancl John Fleming were then called before the pedestal and examined , ancl having satisfactorily acquitted themselves Avere passed out . The loclge was then opened in the second degree when Bros . Potter ancl Fleming were re-introduced properly prepared , and duly passed to tho second or fellow craft degree . The loclge was then lowered to the first degree . Bro . Prescott then read two letters ho had received
from Bro . Dr . T . Diver , AA . M . of the lodge , thanking the brethren for the great kindness he had ever received in Lodge Concord , also thanking the brethren for the letter of sympathy sent to him by their secretary previous to his departure from Bombay , and expressing a hope soon to be with the brethren , and Avishing the lodge every prosperity . Bro . Prescott then brought forward the case of Mrs . Joshua Stephens to whom the lodge had granted an allowance of 10 rupees per month , and
which allowance ceased this month . Bro . Prescott said the poor AvidoAV ivas almost helpless , and had four children to support , aud in a touching appeal asked the lodgo to extend the allowance to a further period of six months . Bro . A . King proposed and Bro . J . Lockley seconded , that the allowance be extended for a further period of six months ; the proposition Avas carried . Bro . Prescott then made an appeal for Bro . E . AVild , formerly of Lodge PerseA'erance , Bombay , ancl now in
London . The appeal having been read , Bro . A . King proposed and Bro . E . Parker seconded , that a donation of 100 rupees be given to Bro . E . AVild from tbe loclge funds . Tbe proposition having been put to tbe vote was unanimously carried . Bro . Prescott said he would add one word more ; he thanked tbe brethren for the generous gift , stating that Bro . It . B . Barton had given 100 rupees , ancl that Loclge Perseverance had also subscribed 100 rupees . Four gentlemen were then proposed
as candidates for initiation , and one brother as joining member . There being no other work before the loclge , it Avas closed in peace and harmony at half-past nine . An emergency meeting of Loclge Concord was held on AVednesday the 27 th December , 1865 . Present : Bros . Alfred King , P . G . AV ., as AV . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; J . Anderson , P . M . Lodge Hope ; II . AVickhum , AV . M . elect ; II . Avron , as S . AV . ; J . Thomas , as J . W . ; II . Prescott , Sec . ; E . Parker , as "
S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; J . Powell , as I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Members : Bros . AV . Stephen , J . AVeddle , AV . G . Rogers , J . Pallas , T . Ford , R . Dryhurst , H . E . Gabler , II . Freeman , J . Poyntz , S . Trenn , R . Farrow , AV . T . Lewis , J . M . Fleming , C . E . Burden , G . Giffert , Rev . D . AVilliamson , AV . Whitaker , T . Mills , Edward Parker , AV . C . Barnes , James Pearce , AV . G . King , W . D . Colliver , R , P . Brunton , A \ . H . Hoode , R . C . Shroff , F . AValker , John Duffy , & c . A isitors : Bros . J . Wil . liams , J . Burn . AV . Maidmoiit , H . L . Hanser , E . Du Boise , & c .
The lodge having been properly tyled , the notice convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last regular meeting , so far as related fco the AV . M . elect , were read and confirmed . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham then presented Bro . H . AVickbam , the W . M . elec ; , to the presiding AV . M . ( Bro . Alfred King , ) for installation , as the VV . M . of Loclge Concord , 757 , for the year 1866 . Bro . Alfred King having in a most able manner gone through the necessary preliminaries as required by the
ancient and established customs of the order , ancl the Secretary , Bro . H . Prescott , having read tbe customary interrogatories according to ancient usage , to which the AV . M . elect having signified his adhesion , Bro . Henry AVickbam Avas regularly and constitutionally installed AV . M . of Lodge Concord , 757 , in the presence of the undermentioned brethren , Avho constituted the Board of Installed Masters : —Bros . Alfred King , P . G . W .,
Installing Master ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; Jos . Anderson , P . M . The brethren ivho hacl previously boon passed out of the lodge were now re-admitted and the newly installed Master was duly proclaimed and saluted in tbe three degrees in the usual manner ; the loclge being lowered successively to the E . A . degree . Bro . H . Wickham , with great emotion , returned thanks to the Past Masters ancl the brethren for the honour they had conferred on him ; he stated he was indeed very
thankful to the brethren for the confidence they bad reposed in him ; he would indeed clo bis duty to tbe best of bis ability , but would ask the brethren to assist him in the performance of the loclge work ; he would ask tho officers whom be was about to appoint to bo regular and punctual ; be would beg of the brethren to work in loclge ivith-brotherly lovo and harmony , ancl to avoid all private quarrels ancl private piques ; above all ,
be Avould ask them to be just when ballotting for a candidate , ancl so to use their good sense ancl judgment ns Avould reflect credit and honour on Loclge Concord instead of a slur . The following brethren were then appointed office-bearers , and those present were invested with the jewel of office : —Bros . E . Parker , S . AV . ; T . Proud , J . AV . ; J . Poyntz , Treas . ; H . Prescott , Sec ; Freeman , S . D . ; W . Abraham , J . D . ; J . Thomas , Org . ; J . Powell , I . G . ; J . AA . Seager , Tyler . The W . M . then said he could not sit down without again thanking tbe brethren , ancl he would this time ask tbe brethren not to think
themselves slighted because they did not all bold offices in the loclge ; they knew well that Concord was a strong lodge , and therefore there were very many brethren competent to hold offices , bufc as there was a limit in nominating the officers , he hoped that the brethren would , as Masons , support him and those selected as his officers in the discharge of their duties ; he only hoped thafc brotherly love aud harmony would at all times pervade in . loclge ; he ivould avail himself of this opportunity of thanking
tho Past Masters of the loclge ; they had indeed worked ivell and supported the lodge in the absence of their most amiable WM . Bro . Diver ; he was sorry indeed that the distinguished brother was absent from the Loclge . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham said he was extremely obliged to the AA' . M . for the compliment paid him ; ho was glad to be afc bis post , ancl , as a past master of the lodge , would at all times support Loclge Concord ; but as there was a brother who had reall
y worked in the loclge , he would only return thanks foi himself . Bro . Alfred King then rose , and saicl he was sorry that at this moment Bro . Dr . Diver was absent , he could not do more than gladly officiate for that brother during his short absence ; he was obliged to Bro . AVickbam for the vote of thanks ; he hoped whenever his services were required to be at his post and do his duty . He hud , however , at this time to bring before the lodge
tbe services of a very deserving ancl worthy Mason , a brother of Lodge Concord , AVIIO hacl truly worked well and hard , ancl of him all coulcl say he had the good of the loclge at heart ; indeed there were few brethren AVIIO have worked so hard and with so much zeal . Bro . King would speak from bis own experience , for the brother he alluded to was the energetic Secretary ol the lodge , Bro . Henry Prescott , who had worked very hard with Bro . King , and the opinion of Bro . Diver was , that be would
not have known ivhat to do in ancl out of lodge if he bad nofc such a valuable Secretary as Bro . Prescott . The Secretary was indeed beloved by one and all in the lodge , and he hoped he was not wrong in stating be ivas a most popular man ; he was always at bis post , ancl this was his fourth year ; hacl he been in a higher post , or out of his office , be ( Bro . King ) would have proposed a substantial token to him , bufc for tbe present he ivould propose , as a slight mark of tbe brethren's esteem for Bro . Prescott ' s energy , zeal , ancl good qualities in the loclge , that a suitable jewel be presented to him out of tho lodge funds . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to stand a candidate for the eastern chair . Tho following names then Avent to the ballot : —Bros . AA ickhani , Rev . J . J . Farnham , Donaldson , and H . AV . AA alker . The result of the ballot was announced in favour of Bro . II . Wickham . The AV . M . said he was glad to see that the brethren had used their best discretion in electing Bro . H . Wickham ; it was patent thafc the interest of the lodge was the predominant feeling of the brethren ; tbey had indeed elected one who bad worked
bard for the good of Masonry , not only in this loclge , but in all the lodges in Bombay and elsewhere , f he brethren had , as a mark of their regard and esteem , elected Bro . AAlckham some years back an honorary member of this lodge , they had now elected him as their AV . M . ; he could only say in conclusion that Bro . Wickham Avas the right man in tbe right place . Bro . A . King , Treas ., then said that be Avas obliged for tbe reasons before statedto give up the office of Treasurer of the lod .
, ge He would avail himself of this opportunity to thank the Bro . Secretary and the members of the lodge for the help he at all times received from them . He had asked a brother who Avas at the head of a department to accept the office of Treasurer , he alluded to Bro . John Poyntz , AVIIO , he was sure , would give the brethren every satisfaction , but , in accordance with the constitutionshe would that the Treasurer be elected b
, propose y ballot ; any member of the lodge , if he were a Master Mason , would be eligible to bold office . The result of the ballot ivas announced in favour of Bro . Poyntz . Bro . J . W . Seager was then elected the Tyler of the lodge by acclamation . Tbe ballot was then taken for Bro . Duffy , as a re-joining member , and tbe result was announced favourable . The ballot was then taken for Mr . G . Smith , a candidate for
initiation , ancl the result was announced favourable . Mr . G . Smith being in attendance , ivas properly prepared and initiated into the secrets of our holy Order in clue ancl ancient form . Bros . F . Potter ancl John Fleming were then called before the pedestal and examined , ancl having satisfactorily acquitted themselves Avere passed out . The loclge was then opened in the second degree when Bros . Potter ancl Fleming were re-introduced properly prepared , and duly passed to tho second or fellow craft degree . The loclge was then lowered to the first degree . Bro . Prescott then read two letters ho had received
from Bro . Dr . T . Diver , AA . M . of the lodge , thanking the brethren for the great kindness he had ever received in Lodge Concord , also thanking the brethren for the letter of sympathy sent to him by their secretary previous to his departure from Bombay , and expressing a hope soon to be with the brethren , and Avishing the lodge every prosperity . Bro . Prescott then brought forward the case of Mrs . Joshua Stephens to whom the lodge had granted an allowance of 10 rupees per month , and
which allowance ceased this month . Bro . Prescott said the poor AvidoAV ivas almost helpless , and had four children to support , aud in a touching appeal asked the lodgo to extend the allowance to a further period of six months . Bro . A . King proposed and Bro . J . Lockley seconded , that the allowance be extended for a further period of six months ; the proposition Avas carried . Bro . Prescott then made an appeal for Bro . E . AVild , formerly of Lodge PerseA'erance , Bombay , ancl now in
London . The appeal having been read , Bro . A . King proposed and Bro . E . Parker seconded , that a donation of 100 rupees be given to Bro . E . AVild from tbe loclge funds . Tbe proposition having been put to tbe vote was unanimously carried . Bro . Prescott said he would add one word more ; he thanked tbe brethren for the generous gift , stating that Bro . It . B . Barton had given 100 rupees , ancl that Loclge Perseverance had also subscribed 100 rupees . Four gentlemen were then proposed
as candidates for initiation , and one brother as joining member . There being no other work before the loclge , it Avas closed in peace and harmony at half-past nine . An emergency meeting of Loclge Concord was held on AVednesday the 27 th December , 1865 . Present : Bros . Alfred King , P . G . AV ., as AV . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; J . Anderson , P . M . Lodge Hope ; II . AVickhum , AV . M . elect ; II . Avron , as S . AV . ; J . Thomas , as J . W . ; II . Prescott , Sec . ; E . Parker , as "
S . D . ; J . Lockley , J . D . ; J . Powell , as I . G . ; J . AV . Seager , Tyler . Members : Bros . AV . Stephen , J . AVeddle , AV . G . Rogers , J . Pallas , T . Ford , R . Dryhurst , H . E . Gabler , II . Freeman , J . Poyntz , S . Trenn , R . Farrow , AV . T . Lewis , J . M . Fleming , C . E . Burden , G . Giffert , Rev . D . AVilliamson , AV . Whitaker , T . Mills , Edward Parker , AV . C . Barnes , James Pearce , AV . G . King , W . D . Colliver , R , P . Brunton , A \ . H . Hoode , R . C . Shroff , F . AValker , John Duffy , & c . A isitors : Bros . J . Wil . liams , J . Burn . AV . Maidmoiit , H . L . Hanser , E . Du Boise , & c .
The lodge having been properly tyled , the notice convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last regular meeting , so far as related fco the AV . M . elect , were read and confirmed . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham then presented Bro . H . AVickbam , the W . M . elec ; , to the presiding AV . M . ( Bro . Alfred King , ) for installation , as the VV . M . of Loclge Concord , 757 , for the year 1866 . Bro . Alfred King having in a most able manner gone through the necessary preliminaries as required by the
ancient and established customs of the order , ancl the Secretary , Bro . H . Prescott , having read tbe customary interrogatories according to ancient usage , to which the AV . M . elect having signified his adhesion , Bro . Henry AVickbam Avas regularly and constitutionally installed AV . M . of Lodge Concord , 757 , in the presence of the undermentioned brethren , Avho constituted the Board of Installed Masters : —Bros . Alfred King , P . G . W .,
Installing Master ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; Jos . Anderson , P . M . The brethren ivho hacl previously boon passed out of the lodge were now re-admitted and the newly installed Master was duly proclaimed and saluted in tbe three degrees in the usual manner ; the loclge being lowered successively to the E . A . degree . Bro . H . Wickham , with great emotion , returned thanks to the Past Masters ancl the brethren for the honour they had conferred on him ; he stated he was indeed very
thankful to the brethren for the confidence they bad reposed in him ; he would indeed clo bis duty to tbe best of bis ability , but would ask the brethren to assist him in the performance of the loclge work ; he would ask tho officers whom be was about to appoint to bo regular and punctual ; be would beg of the brethren to work in loclge ivith-brotherly lovo and harmony , ancl to avoid all private quarrels ancl private piques ; above all ,
be Avould ask them to be just when ballotting for a candidate , ancl so to use their good sense ancl judgment ns Avould reflect credit and honour on Loclge Concord instead of a slur . The following brethren were then appointed office-bearers , and those present were invested with the jewel of office : —Bros . E . Parker , S . AV . ; T . Proud , J . AV . ; J . Poyntz , Treas . ; H . Prescott , Sec ; Freeman , S . D . ; W . Abraham , J . D . ; J . Thomas , Org . ; J . Powell , I . G . ; J . AA . Seager , Tyler . The W . M . then said he could not sit down without again thanking tbe brethren , ancl he would this time ask tbe brethren not to think
themselves slighted because they did not all bold offices in the loclge ; they knew well that Concord was a strong lodge , and therefore there were very many brethren competent to hold offices , bufc as there was a limit in nominating the officers , he hoped that the brethren would , as Masons , support him and those selected as his officers in the discharge of their duties ; he only hoped thafc brotherly love aud harmony would at all times pervade in . loclge ; he ivould avail himself of this opportunity of thanking
tho Past Masters of the loclge ; they had indeed worked ivell and supported the lodge in the absence of their most amiable WM . Bro . Diver ; he was sorry indeed that the distinguished brother was absent from the Loclge . Bro . Rev . J . J . Farnham said he was extremely obliged to the AA' . M . for the compliment paid him ; ho was glad to be afc bis post , ancl , as a past master of the lodge , would at all times support Loclge Concord ; but as there was a brother who had reall
y worked in the loclge , he would only return thanks foi himself . Bro . Alfred King then rose , and saicl he was sorry that at this moment Bro . Dr . Diver was absent , he could not do more than gladly officiate for that brother during his short absence ; he was obliged to Bro . AVickbam for the vote of thanks ; he hoped whenever his services were required to be at his post and do his duty . He hud , however , at this time to bring before the lodge
tbe services of a very deserving ancl worthy Mason , a brother of Lodge Concord , AVIIO hacl truly worked well and hard , ancl of him all coulcl say he had the good of the loclge at heart ; indeed there were few brethren AVIIO have worked so hard and with so much zeal . Bro . King would speak from bis own experience , for the brother he alluded to was the energetic Secretary ol the lodge , Bro . Henry Prescott , who had worked very hard with Bro . King , and the opinion of Bro . Diver was , that be would
not have known ivhat to do in ancl out of lodge if he bad nofc such a valuable Secretary as Bro . Prescott . The Secretary was indeed beloved by one and all in the lodge , and he hoped he was not wrong in stating be ivas a most popular man ; he was always at bis post , ancl this was his fourth year ; hacl he been in a higher post , or out of his office , be ( Bro . King ) would have proposed a substantial token to him , bufc for tbe present he ivould propose , as a slight mark of tbe brethren's esteem for Bro . Prescott ' s energy , zeal , ancl good qualities in the loclge , that a suitable jewel be presented to him out of tho lodge funds . The