Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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bretliren of the Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 245 ) to present to Bro . M . Crawford , P . M ., a very handsome P . M . 's jewel , as a slight token ofthe very high estimation in which be is held by the brethren of the lodge , for the very able and efficient manner in which ho presided over them . The W . M . then invested Mm by placing the jewel on his left breast , where he hoped Bro . Crawford would ever wear it , and remember the good feeling and unanimity with which it was presented , and at the same time , when that
jewel was being looked upon by the junior brethren of the lodge , it would stimulate them to qualify themselves for the high and important office he had so recently relinquished . He concluded by proposing health and every happiness this world could bestow upon their immediate P . M ., Bro . Mathew Crawford , which was drunk with all the honours . Bro . M . Crawford , iu a modest and becoming speech , returned his sincere and unqualh lied thanks for the very handsome and substantial token of
their esteem ancl respect , and trusted that he might never be found unworthy to wear the very handsome jewel they had that clay caused to be placed on his breast ; and when he looked upon that jewel it would remind him of his duty as a man and a Freemason , and stimulate him to prepare for his admission into that Grand Lodge above where the world ' s great Architect lives and reigns for ever . P . M . 's Bros . Ellis , Bromley , Young , and Colborne returned thanks for the P . M . 's and Officers of the
Lodge . Bros . Fryer ( No . 368 ) , Lidelell ( No . 1026 ) , and Crane ( No . 310 ) returned thanks for the visitors . The newly initiated brethren , Bros . Clarke , M'Douald , and Alderdice , severally returned thanks for their healths being proposed and favourably received , which brought one of the happiest evenings to a close . The lodge was then called to labour , communications read , propositions receiveci , anel closed in due form . WAEEINGTON . —Lodge of Lihts ( No . 173 ) . —The regular
g monthly meeting of this loelge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , on Monday evening last ; present , Bros . H . B . White , W . M . ; Capt . John Knight , S . W . ; John Bowes , J . W . and See . ; Charles Pettitt , S . D . ( S . W . 151 ); Joseph Maxiiekl , P . M . as J . D . ; AV . Woods , I . G . ; George Haddock , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , and other brethren . Tlie loelge was opened in solemn form in the first degree , and the minutes of the last
meeting having been read , they were declared to be correctly recorded . Bro . Blaeklmrst having given satisfactory evidence of his proficiency in the Craft degree , was entrusted with a test of merit , and raised as a Master Mason in a most solemn and impressive manner by the W . M ., the working tools being explained and the charge delivered by Bro . Bowes . The W . M . proposed , and Bro . Maxfield seconded , a gentleman as a fit and proper person to be made a Mason . Other items of business having been transacted , the lodge was finally closed , and the brethren separated at 9 o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The following is the Report of the Committee of General Purposes , to be presented to Grand Chapter on the Sth of May : — "To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England , "The Committee of Genera ! X ^ ttrposes beg to report that they
have examined the accounts from the 21 st January to the 15 th April , 1863 , which they find to be as follows : — " Balance , 21 st January , 1 SG 3 £ 216 17 4 Subsequent receipts 204 19 6 £ 421 16 10 Disbursements 124 10 4
Leaving a balance of ... £ 297 6 6 win balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . "The Committee have also to report that , since the last meeting of Grand Chapter—when the consideration of a petition for a chapter to be attached to the Oriental Lod at
ge Constantinople was deferred—they have received further communications having reference to this subject , which they beg to submit to the consideration of Grand Chapter . " The Committee have received a petition from Comps . Raphael Joshua Joseph ,-is % ., Charles , Aikin Fairbidge as H .,
Royal Arch.
Henry A . Ebden as J ., and eleven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Joppa Lodge , No . 1106 , Cape Town , Cape of Good Hope , South Africa , to be called the Joppa Chapter , to meet at Cape Town , Capo of Good Hope , on the first Monday in the months of February , May , August , and November in each year . "This petition is 'regular in form and signed by four registered Royal Arch Masons , but it is not accompanied with the
formal sanction of the lodge , which has been written for ; the Committee , therefore , recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted , subject to the formal sanction of the lodge being received . " The Committee have also received a petition from Comps . Thomas Martin Wilkin as Z-, John Hart , jun ., as H ., Henry John Mason as J ., and ten others , for a chapter io be attached to the Philanthropic Loclg-j ( No . 124 ) , King's Lynn , in
thecounty of Norfolk , to ba called the Philanthropic Chapter , to meet at the Duke's Head Hotel , King ' s Lynn , on the second Thursday in the months of January , April , July , and October in each year . " This petition is in all respects regular , and the Committee therefore recommend that the prayer thereof be granted . " The Committee have further to report that a return , accompanied with the fees due to Grand Chapter thereon , has been received from the Chapter of the Rock , No . 325 , Trichinopoly , which chapter was erased by order of the Grand Chapter , iu
August , 1801 , for having neglected to make any return for several years , or to take any notice of the summonses and peremptory summonses issued calling for returns ; the last exaltation reported having taken place in March , 1853 . No information is given in the return to show by whose authority the chapter was reopened , and amongst the names now returnedthere is only one of a previously registered member . " The Committee have to report that a letter has been
received from the Grand Scribe E ., of the Grand Chapter of Scotland , notifying that certain companions wdio had been suspended by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , and formed themselves into what they termed ' A General Grand Royal Arch Chapter , for Scotland and the Colonies , ' and had commenced issuing charters and working the Royal Arch degrees , and further notifying the expulsion of such companions 1
from the Order of Royal Arch Freemasons , and requesting that : publicity may be given to such act of expulsion , in order that other chapters may not through ignorance admit into there meetings any of the expelled companions or others exalted in the chapters organised under their auspices ; and the Committee have finally to report that a letter has been received purportingto be signed by the thirteen companions named in the said letter of the Grand Scribe , announcing that they have created
themselves into a General Grand Royal Arch Chapter for Scotland and the Colonies . " ( Signed ) " R . W . JENNINGS , I ' resident . "Freemasons' Hal ! , London , April 16 , 1863 . "
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . MANCHESTER . —Jerusalem or Early Grand Encampment of Lancashire . —A meeting of this encampment was held on tbe 15 th inst ., at the Masonic rooms . Present : —Sir Knts . John Yarker , Jun ., P . G . V . C . C , E . C . ; Benjamin St . John B . Joule ,. 90 ° , P . G . O . L ., Prelate ; Capt . Henry Anthony Bennet , 30 ° , P . E . CP . 1 st G . S . B . and P . P . G . H . L . as 1 st C . Capt . Charles
, , ; Ellis , P . E . C , P . G . H . C , as Reg . ; J . L . Hine , P . E . C , P . H . L ., Treas . ; J . B . Hide , P . E . C . and P . Prov . G . 1 st . Capt ., Bengal , as C . of L . Visiting Sir Knts ., Rev . S . N . Porter , J . L . Bold , P . E . C , J . Roby . Letters were read from Sir Knts . Leather , J . Smith , and Bolderson , who being in London at the meeting of the Supreme Conncil were unable to attend . The deputy appointed by the Lodge of Lights ( No . 173 ) , Warrington , having
delivered the old 1786 York warrant of this encampment , it was proposed and unanimously resolved , that a vote of thanks to W . Bro , H . B . White and the Lodgo of Lights bo entered on the minutes , and that as a mark of respect to that lodge , their deputy , Bro . S . N . Norton , be made an honorary member . The history of this document , as ascertained by Bro . White from the old papers of his lodge , is shortly as follows : —This encampment and the Lodge ; of St . John " ( Nos . " 322 and 17 S 6 ) , met
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
bretliren of the Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 245 ) to present to Bro . M . Crawford , P . M ., a very handsome P . M . 's jewel , as a slight token ofthe very high estimation in which be is held by the brethren of the lodge , for the very able and efficient manner in which ho presided over them . The W . M . then invested Mm by placing the jewel on his left breast , where he hoped Bro . Crawford would ever wear it , and remember the good feeling and unanimity with which it was presented , and at the same time , when that
jewel was being looked upon by the junior brethren of the lodge , it would stimulate them to qualify themselves for the high and important office he had so recently relinquished . He concluded by proposing health and every happiness this world could bestow upon their immediate P . M ., Bro . Mathew Crawford , which was drunk with all the honours . Bro . M . Crawford , iu a modest and becoming speech , returned his sincere and unqualh lied thanks for the very handsome and substantial token of
their esteem ancl respect , and trusted that he might never be found unworthy to wear the very handsome jewel they had that clay caused to be placed on his breast ; and when he looked upon that jewel it would remind him of his duty as a man and a Freemason , and stimulate him to prepare for his admission into that Grand Lodge above where the world ' s great Architect lives and reigns for ever . P . M . 's Bros . Ellis , Bromley , Young , and Colborne returned thanks for the P . M . 's and Officers of the
Lodge . Bros . Fryer ( No . 368 ) , Lidelell ( No . 1026 ) , and Crane ( No . 310 ) returned thanks for the visitors . The newly initiated brethren , Bros . Clarke , M'Douald , and Alderdice , severally returned thanks for their healths being proposed and favourably received , which brought one of the happiest evenings to a close . The lodge was then called to labour , communications read , propositions receiveci , anel closed in due form . WAEEINGTON . —Lodge of Lihts ( No . 173 ) . —The regular
g monthly meeting of this loelge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , on Monday evening last ; present , Bros . H . B . White , W . M . ; Capt . John Knight , S . W . ; John Bowes , J . W . and See . ; Charles Pettitt , S . D . ( S . W . 151 ); Joseph Maxiiekl , P . M . as J . D . ; AV . Woods , I . G . ; George Haddock , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , and other brethren . Tlie loelge was opened in solemn form in the first degree , and the minutes of the last
meeting having been read , they were declared to be correctly recorded . Bro . Blaeklmrst having given satisfactory evidence of his proficiency in the Craft degree , was entrusted with a test of merit , and raised as a Master Mason in a most solemn and impressive manner by the W . M ., the working tools being explained and the charge delivered by Bro . Bowes . The W . M . proposed , and Bro . Maxfield seconded , a gentleman as a fit and proper person to be made a Mason . Other items of business having been transacted , the lodge was finally closed , and the brethren separated at 9 o ' clock .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The following is the Report of the Committee of General Purposes , to be presented to Grand Chapter on the Sth of May : — "To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England , "The Committee of Genera ! X ^ ttrposes beg to report that they
have examined the accounts from the 21 st January to the 15 th April , 1863 , which they find to be as follows : — " Balance , 21 st January , 1 SG 3 £ 216 17 4 Subsequent receipts 204 19 6 £ 421 16 10 Disbursements 124 10 4
Leaving a balance of ... £ 297 6 6 win balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . "The Committee have also to report that , since the last meeting of Grand Chapter—when the consideration of a petition for a chapter to be attached to the Oriental Lod at
ge Constantinople was deferred—they have received further communications having reference to this subject , which they beg to submit to the consideration of Grand Chapter . " The Committee have received a petition from Comps . Raphael Joshua Joseph ,-is % ., Charles , Aikin Fairbidge as H .,
Royal Arch.
Henry A . Ebden as J ., and eleven others , for a chapter to be attached to the Joppa Lodge , No . 1106 , Cape Town , Cape of Good Hope , South Africa , to be called the Joppa Chapter , to meet at Cape Town , Capo of Good Hope , on the first Monday in the months of February , May , August , and November in each year . "This petition is 'regular in form and signed by four registered Royal Arch Masons , but it is not accompanied with the
formal sanction of the lodge , which has been written for ; the Committee , therefore , recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be granted , subject to the formal sanction of the lodge being received . " The Committee have also received a petition from Comps . Thomas Martin Wilkin as Z-, John Hart , jun ., as H ., Henry John Mason as J ., and ten others , for a chapter io be attached to the Philanthropic Loclg-j ( No . 124 ) , King's Lynn , in
thecounty of Norfolk , to ba called the Philanthropic Chapter , to meet at the Duke's Head Hotel , King ' s Lynn , on the second Thursday in the months of January , April , July , and October in each year . " This petition is in all respects regular , and the Committee therefore recommend that the prayer thereof be granted . " The Committee have further to report that a return , accompanied with the fees due to Grand Chapter thereon , has been received from the Chapter of the Rock , No . 325 , Trichinopoly , which chapter was erased by order of the Grand Chapter , iu
August , 1801 , for having neglected to make any return for several years , or to take any notice of the summonses and peremptory summonses issued calling for returns ; the last exaltation reported having taken place in March , 1853 . No information is given in the return to show by whose authority the chapter was reopened , and amongst the names now returnedthere is only one of a previously registered member . " The Committee have to report that a letter has been
received from the Grand Scribe E ., of the Grand Chapter of Scotland , notifying that certain companions wdio had been suspended by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , and formed themselves into what they termed ' A General Grand Royal Arch Chapter , for Scotland and the Colonies , ' and had commenced issuing charters and working the Royal Arch degrees , and further notifying the expulsion of such companions 1
from the Order of Royal Arch Freemasons , and requesting that : publicity may be given to such act of expulsion , in order that other chapters may not through ignorance admit into there meetings any of the expelled companions or others exalted in the chapters organised under their auspices ; and the Committee have finally to report that a letter has been received purportingto be signed by the thirteen companions named in the said letter of the Grand Scribe , announcing that they have created
themselves into a General Grand Royal Arch Chapter for Scotland and the Colonies . " ( Signed ) " R . W . JENNINGS , I ' resident . "Freemasons' Hal ! , London , April 16 , 1863 . "
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . MANCHESTER . —Jerusalem or Early Grand Encampment of Lancashire . —A meeting of this encampment was held on tbe 15 th inst ., at the Masonic rooms . Present : —Sir Knts . John Yarker , Jun ., P . G . V . C . C , E . C . ; Benjamin St . John B . Joule ,. 90 ° , P . G . O . L ., Prelate ; Capt . Henry Anthony Bennet , 30 ° , P . E . CP . 1 st G . S . B . and P . P . G . H . L . as 1 st C . Capt . Charles
, , ; Ellis , P . E . C , P . G . H . C , as Reg . ; J . L . Hine , P . E . C , P . H . L ., Treas . ; J . B . Hide , P . E . C . and P . Prov . G . 1 st . Capt ., Bengal , as C . of L . Visiting Sir Knts ., Rev . S . N . Porter , J . L . Bold , P . E . C , J . Roby . Letters were read from Sir Knts . Leather , J . Smith , and Bolderson , who being in London at the meeting of the Supreme Conncil were unable to attend . The deputy appointed by the Lodge of Lights ( No . 173 ) , Warrington , having
delivered the old 1786 York warrant of this encampment , it was proposed and unanimously resolved , that a vote of thanks to W . Bro , H . B . White and the Lodgo of Lights bo entered on the minutes , and that as a mark of respect to that lodge , their deputy , Bro . S . N . Norton , be made an honorary member . The history of this document , as ascertained by Bro . White from the old papers of his lodge , is shortly as follows : —This encampment and the Lodge ; of St . John " ( Nos . " 322 and 17 S 6 ) , met