Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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culties had to he overcome by the petitioners before tbe M . W . Grand Master granted the warrant ; but thanks tothe exertions aud perseverance of some of his officers , especially Bro . Pendlebury , S . AV ., all obstacles had heen removed , anil he considered that tho lodge was greatly indebted to those brethren . The AA . M . then again thanked the brethren , and resumed his seat . The next toast iven was that of "The Visitors "
g , coupled with the name of Bro . Buss , P . M . 27 and Secretary pro tern ., during the ceremonies of fche evening . This having been honoured , Bro . Buss rose to reply , and was greeted by the brethren with those manifestations of respect which the presence of our worthy brother seldom fails to evoke . Bro . Buss said , —W . M . and brethren , I feel highly flattered by the kind reception you have given my name in conjunction with those of
the visitors , and I take it as a very high compliment on the part of your Worshipful Master to be selected to return thanks on the present occasion for so many distinguished visitors . I can assure the brethren all that I am greatly interested in the welfare of the Aletoria Lodge , having the pleasure of the acquaintance of several of its members , ancl I feel certain from the manner in which the principal and other officers began their
work in the lodge this evening , that a bright and happy future is in prospect for the Victoria Lodge . Bro . Buss concluded by wishing the members every success and prosperity . The toast of the officers followed , and Bro . Pendlebury , S . A \ ., responded ,
assuring the W . M . that the exertions he had so flatteringly alluded to should still he given not only by himself as S . W ., but by every subordinate officer of the lodge—nothing should he wanting on his ( Bro . Pendlebury ' s ) part to promote the welfare of the lodge , and he had every confidence that it would yet become , if not one of the very best , at least one of the happiest lodges in the Craffc . Bro . Pendlebury resumed his seat amidst applause . Bro . TurnerJ . AA . responded very effectivelfor the
, , y other officers . The Tyler's toast then brought tho proceedings to an end . AA ' e cannot refrain from recording the extreme decorum observed by , the brethren both in lodge and at the banquet , and the greatest possible praise is due to Bro . Muggeridge , Bros . Cox and Buss , and also to Bro . Saqui , who superintended the musical arrangements , for the manner in which they carried out their respective duties—in fact , to sum up in one word ,
everything was " perfect . " Several brethren sang very capitally during the banquet—the W . M . especially distinguishing himself in that respect . Besides those brethren already enumerated , there were present Bros . George Roberts , 554 ; D . M . Evans , 173 ; T . White , 22 ; H . B . Clarke , 933 ; R . , T . Chillingsworth , 17-1 ; Capt . T . Porter , 822 ; A . G . M . AVyatt , 87 ; T . Elinor , 55 ; K . Smyth , 55 ; T . J . Barnes , 933 ; J . G . Stevens , 551 ; J . L , Roberts , 174 ; A . Taylor , 22 ; T . J . Lawrence , 22 ; W . H . Thompson , 235 ; H . Solomons , 733 ; I . Burnett , 25 ; J . Bobbins , 90 ; AV . Steechnan , 714 ; and II . Crasweller , 7 .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( Xo . 531 ) . —A meeting of this lodge for the purpose of instruction was held in the Masonic Hall on Thursday , April 20 th , when there was a fair attendance of the brethren , including Bros . J . J . Armstrong , T . Forbes , H . Sale , A . Nathan , Stonier Leigh , J . Mowbray , J . Parker , & c .
A'isifcors : —Bros . J . Cleefc , Old Globe Lodge and Edmund Hartley , Prudence Lodge . The lodge was opened in form by Bro . Leigh . The brethren were then exercised in the first and second degrees , and iii the opening and closing of tho three degrees , Bro . Nathan presiding as AV . M . AAlien the lodge was closed down to the first , Bro . Leigh gave the lecture
on the tracing board of that degree , to which the brethren present listened with great attention . The lodge was then closed and the brethren retired fco spend a short time in the social and agreeable manner that invariably characterises those " Whose mystic meetings ever prove The feast of charity and love . " Several expressed their pleasure at being present afc this tho
first lodge of instruction held in connection with the Sfc . Helen ' s Lodge for some years , and trusted that so valuable a means of acquiring Masonic knowledge would not be allowed to fall again into disuse .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AVARRINGTOK . —Lodge of Lights ( Xo . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at fche Masonic Rooms , Sankey-streofc , on Monday evening last . The W . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., was supported by Bros . H . B . AA'hite , P . M ., S . AV . ; AV . Smith , J . W . ; John Bowes , I . P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; R . G . Stringer , P . M . ; James Houghton , P . M . ; Rev . J , N . Porter ,
G . Blaekhursfc , AV . AVoods , Dr . Spinks , Dr . Pennington , R . Gibbon , James Hepherd , John Brown , John Pierpoint , AV . A hern , J . Robinson . & c . Tho lodge was opened in solemn form according to ancient custom , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . AAllliain Richardson having been approved at the March meeting was now present for initiation . The chair was assumed by Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., and the candidate introduced and initiated
by him , Bro . H . B . AAliite , P . M ., acting as Deacon . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . John Brown , being a candidate for promotion , gave proof of his proficiency , was entrusted , anil retired . Bro . H . B . AVhite , P . M ., now assumed the chair , and the candidate having been admitted was by him raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., Bro . Bowes , P . M ., acting as Deacon . The lodge was then closed . in the second and third degrees . Mr . James Johnson was proposed as an additional serving brother . After some routine business had been transacted the lodge was closed in harmony at half-past nine .
SOUTH AVALES . ABERAVON ' . —Assam Lodge ( Xo . 833 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the Ofch inst ., when there was a good attendance of members . Three candidates were passed fco the second degree by the W . M ., Bro . H . L . Prichard , and two candidates afterwards raised to the sublime degree bBro . E . J . MorrisP . M . Tho Rev . David Thomas
y , , vicar of Margam , and Rev . E . Phillips , curate of Taibach , were proposed as candidates for Freemasonry . Bro . E . J . Morris announced that he had succeeded in collecting £ 200 , as : first Steward from the province to the Boys' School , and expressed his conviction thafc their candidate for election would be successful . The brethren adjourned , after closing of the lodge , to the AValnut Tree Hotel to supper , when a pleasant evening
was spent . On Thursday , the 20 th inst ., a lodge of instruction was held at the lodge room . Bco . E . J . Morris presided , and worked the first lecture , assisted as follows : —1 st section , by Bro . W . E . Chalincier , M . C . ; 2 nd section , by Bro . David Longdon , S . AV . ; 3 rd section , by Bro . J . Jones , jun ., Sec . ; 4 fch section , by Bro . M . Tennant , S . D . ; Sth section , by Bro . J . D . Daniel , J . D . ; Gth section , by Bro . R . Phillips ; 7 th section , by the Secretary of Xo . 237 .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCA - RBOitOTSGH . —Old Qlobe Lodge ( No . 200 . )—This lodge was opened in due form on AVednesday evening , the 19 fch inst . Present : —Bros . AV . B . Stewart , W . M . ; William Bean , P . M . ; James P . Spurr , P . M . ; 11 . C . Martin ( Hon . Sec . ) , P . M . ; Henry A . Williamson , S . W . ; J . Haigreiives , J . W . ; H . Peacock , S . D . ; R . II . PeacockJ . D . ; D . AshI . G-. ; James Saunders ,
, , Tyler , and many others . The lodge-room and buildings were undergoing repairs , and the lodge was well tyled against cowans , and eavesdroppers . The lodge having been duly opened in the three degrees , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , Bro . Emanuel Varey was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then reduced to the first degree . when'Mv . J . Raperhaving been balloted forwas dulinitiated
, , y into the mysteries of the Order , after which Bro . Raper was right well charged of his duties as a Freemason by Bro . AAlUiamson , S . AV ., who delivered his address in a very able and satisfactory manner , and every brother pro < ent seemed to listen to him patiently . One gentleman was proposed a candidate for admittance into the ancient and honourable Order . Some alterations in the by-laws of the lodge as recommended by a
committee for that purpose were passed . Bro . Bean in an able address to the brethren alluded to the sudden death of Bro . Charles Robertson , M . D ., a pasb officer of the lodge , which took place last Monday morning , and the brethren expressed their regret and sympathy towards his widow and family . The lodgewas then closed at nine o ' clock with solemn prayer .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
culties had to he overcome by the petitioners before tbe M . W . Grand Master granted the warrant ; but thanks tothe exertions aud perseverance of some of his officers , especially Bro . Pendlebury , S . AV ., all obstacles had heen removed , anil he considered that tho lodge was greatly indebted to those brethren . The AA . M . then again thanked the brethren , and resumed his seat . The next toast iven was that of "The Visitors "
g , coupled with the name of Bro . Buss , P . M . 27 and Secretary pro tern ., during the ceremonies of fche evening . This having been honoured , Bro . Buss rose to reply , and was greeted by the brethren with those manifestations of respect which the presence of our worthy brother seldom fails to evoke . Bro . Buss said , —W . M . and brethren , I feel highly flattered by the kind reception you have given my name in conjunction with those of
the visitors , and I take it as a very high compliment on the part of your Worshipful Master to be selected to return thanks on the present occasion for so many distinguished visitors . I can assure the brethren all that I am greatly interested in the welfare of the Aletoria Lodge , having the pleasure of the acquaintance of several of its members , ancl I feel certain from the manner in which the principal and other officers began their
work in the lodge this evening , that a bright and happy future is in prospect for the Victoria Lodge . Bro . Buss concluded by wishing the members every success and prosperity . The toast of the officers followed , and Bro . Pendlebury , S . A \ ., responded ,
assuring the W . M . that the exertions he had so flatteringly alluded to should still he given not only by himself as S . W ., but by every subordinate officer of the lodge—nothing should he wanting on his ( Bro . Pendlebury ' s ) part to promote the welfare of the lodge , and he had every confidence that it would yet become , if not one of the very best , at least one of the happiest lodges in the Craffc . Bro . Pendlebury resumed his seat amidst applause . Bro . TurnerJ . AA . responded very effectivelfor the
, , y other officers . The Tyler's toast then brought tho proceedings to an end . AA ' e cannot refrain from recording the extreme decorum observed by , the brethren both in lodge and at the banquet , and the greatest possible praise is due to Bro . Muggeridge , Bros . Cox and Buss , and also to Bro . Saqui , who superintended the musical arrangements , for the manner in which they carried out their respective duties—in fact , to sum up in one word ,
everything was " perfect . " Several brethren sang very capitally during the banquet—the W . M . especially distinguishing himself in that respect . Besides those brethren already enumerated , there were present Bros . George Roberts , 554 ; D . M . Evans , 173 ; T . White , 22 ; H . B . Clarke , 933 ; R . , T . Chillingsworth , 17-1 ; Capt . T . Porter , 822 ; A . G . M . AVyatt , 87 ; T . Elinor , 55 ; K . Smyth , 55 ; T . J . Barnes , 933 ; J . G . Stevens , 551 ; J . L , Roberts , 174 ; A . Taylor , 22 ; T . J . Lawrence , 22 ; W . H . Thompson , 235 ; H . Solomons , 733 ; I . Burnett , 25 ; J . Bobbins , 90 ; AV . Steechnan , 714 ; and II . Crasweller , 7 .
DURHAM . HARTLEPOOL . —St . Helen ' s Lodge ( Xo . 531 ) . —A meeting of this lodge for the purpose of instruction was held in the Masonic Hall on Thursday , April 20 th , when there was a fair attendance of the brethren , including Bros . J . J . Armstrong , T . Forbes , H . Sale , A . Nathan , Stonier Leigh , J . Mowbray , J . Parker , & c .
A'isifcors : —Bros . J . Cleefc , Old Globe Lodge and Edmund Hartley , Prudence Lodge . The lodge was opened in form by Bro . Leigh . The brethren were then exercised in the first and second degrees , and iii the opening and closing of tho three degrees , Bro . Nathan presiding as AV . M . AAlien the lodge was closed down to the first , Bro . Leigh gave the lecture
on the tracing board of that degree , to which the brethren present listened with great attention . The lodge was then closed and the brethren retired fco spend a short time in the social and agreeable manner that invariably characterises those " Whose mystic meetings ever prove The feast of charity and love . " Several expressed their pleasure at being present afc this tho
first lodge of instruction held in connection with the Sfc . Helen ' s Lodge for some years , and trusted that so valuable a means of acquiring Masonic knowledge would not be allowed to fall again into disuse .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AVARRINGTOK . —Lodge of Lights ( Xo . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place at fche Masonic Rooms , Sankey-streofc , on Monday evening last . The W . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., was supported by Bros . H . B . AA'hite , P . M ., S . AV . ; AV . Smith , J . W . ; John Bowes , I . P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; R . G . Stringer , P . M . ; James Houghton , P . M . ; Rev . J , N . Porter ,
G . Blaekhursfc , AV . AVoods , Dr . Spinks , Dr . Pennington , R . Gibbon , James Hepherd , John Brown , John Pierpoint , AV . A hern , J . Robinson . & c . Tho lodge was opened in solemn form according to ancient custom , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . AAllliain Richardson having been approved at the March meeting was now present for initiation . The chair was assumed by Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., and the candidate introduced and initiated
by him , Bro . H . B . AAliite , P . M ., acting as Deacon . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . John Brown , being a candidate for promotion , gave proof of his proficiency , was entrusted , anil retired . Bro . H . B . AVhite , P . M ., now assumed the chair , and the candidate having been admitted was by him raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., Bro . Bowes , P . M ., acting as Deacon . The lodge was then closed . in the second and third degrees . Mr . James Johnson was proposed as an additional serving brother . After some routine business had been transacted the lodge was closed in harmony at half-past nine .
SOUTH AVALES . ABERAVON ' . —Assam Lodge ( Xo . 833 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the Ofch inst ., when there was a good attendance of members . Three candidates were passed fco the second degree by the W . M ., Bro . H . L . Prichard , and two candidates afterwards raised to the sublime degree bBro . E . J . MorrisP . M . Tho Rev . David Thomas
y , , vicar of Margam , and Rev . E . Phillips , curate of Taibach , were proposed as candidates for Freemasonry . Bro . E . J . Morris announced that he had succeeded in collecting £ 200 , as : first Steward from the province to the Boys' School , and expressed his conviction thafc their candidate for election would be successful . The brethren adjourned , after closing of the lodge , to the AValnut Tree Hotel to supper , when a pleasant evening
was spent . On Thursday , the 20 th inst ., a lodge of instruction was held at the lodge room . Bco . E . J . Morris presided , and worked the first lecture , assisted as follows : —1 st section , by Bro . W . E . Chalincier , M . C . ; 2 nd section , by Bro . David Longdon , S . AV . ; 3 rd section , by Bro . J . Jones , jun ., Sec . ; 4 fch section , by Bro . M . Tennant , S . D . ; Sth section , by Bro . J . D . Daniel , J . D . ; Gth section , by Bro . R . Phillips ; 7 th section , by the Secretary of Xo . 237 .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCA - RBOitOTSGH . —Old Qlobe Lodge ( No . 200 . )—This lodge was opened in due form on AVednesday evening , the 19 fch inst . Present : —Bros . AV . B . Stewart , W . M . ; William Bean , P . M . ; James P . Spurr , P . M . ; 11 . C . Martin ( Hon . Sec . ) , P . M . ; Henry A . Williamson , S . W . ; J . Haigreiives , J . W . ; H . Peacock , S . D . ; R . II . PeacockJ . D . ; D . AshI . G-. ; James Saunders ,
, , Tyler , and many others . The lodge-room and buildings were undergoing repairs , and the lodge was well tyled against cowans , and eavesdroppers . The lodge having been duly opened in the three degrees , and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , Bro . Emanuel Varey was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then reduced to the first degree . when'Mv . J . Raperhaving been balloted forwas dulinitiated
, , y into the mysteries of the Order , after which Bro . Raper was right well charged of his duties as a Freemason by Bro . AAlUiamson , S . AV ., who delivered his address in a very able and satisfactory manner , and every brother pro < ent seemed to listen to him patiently . One gentleman was proposed a candidate for admittance into the ancient and honourable Order . Some alterations in the by-laws of the lodge as recommended by a
committee for that purpose were passed . Bro . Bean in an able address to the brethren alluded to the sudden death of Bro . Charles Robertson , M . D ., a pasb officer of the lodge , which took place last Monday morning , and the brethren expressed their regret and sympathy towards his widow and family . The lodgewas then closed at nine o ' clock with solemn prayer .