Article NATURE AND SCIENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY. Page 1 of 1 Article WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY. Page 1 of 1
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Nature And Science.
his departure from Piramses in search of his absconded servants . " I started from the royal palace the ninth day of the third month of summer , towards tho evening . 1 arrived at the bulwark of Sulcot on the 10 th day of the same month . There I was informed they had deliberated
to pass toAvards the south side . The twelfth day I arrived at Khetam . There I Avas informed that the fugitives had crossed the country of the Avail , to tho north of Migdol . . . . Here we have the exact description of the march of the Hebrews , ( imitated by this scribe and his absconded servants ) .
Both the Hebrew ancl the scribe reached Sukot the day after their departure from Ramses ; as they stopped at Etham the third day , so did he afc Khetam , Avhere tho
desert commences ; as the fugitives turned to the north , towards Migdol , and towards 'the Avail' Gerrhon , so did the HebreAvs . " The truth is simple , " says Brugsch Bey , " and needs no further demonstration : " he nevertheless continues
to identify other stations of the route , ancl to adduce corroborative details of philology ancl topography of a most interesting nature , of Avhich the folloAving may be here given . The Egyptians are said to have overtaken the Israelites
encamping by the sea , beside Pi-hahiroth , before Baalzephon ( Exodus xiv . 9 ) . Kldrot is tho ancient name answering to the gulfs in the lake of seaAveed , near the place Gerrhon ( the wall ) . The Biblical word Pihahiroth literally designates "the entrance to the bogs . " The
name Baal-zejmon is found on one of the British Museum papyri , written Baali-zapouna , or the Egyptian God Amon , " master of the northern counbries , of the marshes , of Khirot "—i . e . of the gulfs of the marsh y lagoons . This deity was afterwards called by the Greeks Zeus Kasius .
This explains the Semibic Egypbian name of the region where his temple was . It is Hazi or Huzion , " the land of the asylum , " and the sanctuary of the God actually stood at the extreme Egyptian frontier on the eastern side . The
narrow tongue of land extended from the point of entrance to the Kiroth , or gulfs , on the west , to the sanctuary of Baal-zephon on the east , in face of the great catastrophe occurred .
Where There's A Will There's A Way.
A MAN is none the Avorse for an occasional new suit of clothes , and an old proverb redressed often brings home to us an old truth with overAvhelming force . The proverb we have selected as the text of our present remarks is very ancient . With a new application , hoAvever , ib will serve admirably our present purpose . It is a duty Ave OAVC
to the Craft , and one which AVC delight in fulfilling ; to the best of our ability to bring prominently under the notice of our readers any special attempt to promote the interests of one or other of our Charitable Institutions . The Boys ' School has just had , for the second year in succession , a
most satisfactory Festival . Again have Ave had to record a list of donations amounting up to close on £ 13 , 000 . In quite another than the ordinary sense , " one good turn deserves another , " and as two Boards of SteAvards have invariably done the School so excellent a turn as to
furnish such munificent contributions towards its funds , it is only just , afc all events only natural , that a third Board of Stewards should make an effort to outdo the exploits of their predecessors . Already preparations are being made for the Boys' Festival of 1877 . Indeed , we are violating
no secresy in saying that even before this year ' s Festival was held Bro . Binckes ' s list of Stewards for 1877 numbered some twenty or thirty brethren , and among them must be mentioned the name of Bro . Constable , who has resolved to throw the whole of his amazing energy into the
somewhat thankless task of collecting funds , but this time for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . His first effort was on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the result was a list of £ 349 . Last year he exerted himself in the service of the Girls' School , ancl the amount of his
contribution was £ 420 . Next year he will act for the Boys ' , and a little bird has whispered to us that he means gathering together no less at all events than a round
thousand . Such a result will be simply magnificent , and if he achieves it will redound infinitel y to our brother ' s credit . Nor know we any one who is more likely to succeed in such an enterprise . "Where there ' s a will there ' s a Avay . "
Where There's A Will There's A Way.
Bro . Constable has formed his resolution , and we have every confidence he will fulfil it . With him to plan and to execute are not separated by any impassable gulf . At starting he takes a good look at the goal he will have to
reach , and having taking in at a glance all tho obstacles he is likely to encounter by the Avay , he braces up his loins and sets out manfully , determined to succeed . How he succeeds is worth a moment ' s consideration .
When he first entered the lists as a champion in the holy cause of Charity , Bro . Constable saw that one of the chief difficulties which a Steward had to put up Avith was to include in his list the contributions of the many who could afford to bestow the very smallest donations ,
amounting to one or perhaps a few shillings only . Ib occurred to our worthy Brother that many a good Mason would contribute his mite if a means Avore invented by which he could help the cause of charity , and yet not be thrown into the shade by the larger contributions of tho
wealthy . Accordingly , he devised his system of shilling tickets , each ticket giving the holder a chance of Avinning a Life Governorship of ten guineas or pounds , according as they Avere issued , for the Girls ancl Boys and Benevolent Institutions . The first attempt was highly successful . Bro .
Constable had prepared and printed two thousand tickets , and these brought him the handsome sum of £ 100 , being the amount of ten Life Govenorships to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , ancl that , boo , in addition to close on £ 250 collected in the ordinary manner from the members
of his Lodge and his friends in Masonry . Last year , Bro . Constable repeated his scheme , with even greater success , for the Girls' School , the amount he obtained by his tickets being £ 189 , the value of eighteen Life Governorships , the total of his collection from all sources being
£ 420 . Next year he will try his hand a third time , for " Our Boys . " He will issue a still larger number of tickets than previously , and he is confident thab if a knowledge of his scheme is Aviclely circulated thus early the harvest ; ho will reap from this source Avill be very largely in excess of his former results . We havo said that Bro . Constable is
invariably in earnest in everything he undertakes . Ho makes up his mind to carry all before him , ancl his enthusiastic impetuosity generally takes him through successfully . If all goes Avell , and Ave are alive next July , AVO trust ifc Avill be our good fortune bo record the result of a
third and supreme effort on the part of our estemed Brother , and that " Our Boys " Avill benefit by his exertions bo the full extent of his hopes . He means a four-figure list in 1877 , and Avhen a man means Avinning ho is said to be already half-way on the road to success .
The Annual Benevolent Fund Fesbival of the Mark Master Masons Avill bo held on Wednesday next , afc the Alexandra Park banquetting hall . As one of the objects of the Festival is to assist the fund established for the relief of Mark Masons , their widows and children , Ave hope it Avill be numerously attended , ancl a largo amount in donations raised .
At a Quarterly General Court of tho Royal Masonic Institution for'Boys , held on Monday last , ib Avas decided to elect eleven boys—from a list of fifty-eight—at the quarterly meeting to be held on the 16 th October next .
The Secretary stated he expected several amounts in addition to those announced at the Festival . A vote of thanks to the Chairman , Bro . J . M . Clabon , P . G . D ., terminated the proceedings .
The Prince and Princess of Wales have signified their intention of visibing the Crystal Palace on Wednesday the 19 th insb ., when bheir Royal Highnesses Avill be accompanied by the King and Queen of Greece .
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., has been pleased to appoint the R . W . Lord Suffield , of Gnnston Park , to bo Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk . The installation will take place in October next .
His Majesty Francis Joseph , Emperor of Austria , has been pleased to confer on our worthy Bro . S . Pollitzer , P . M . 1017 , P . Z . 188 , 583 ( Vane Chapter ) , the honour of tho Golden Cross of Merit , with " the CroAvn , " in recognition of his services in the interest of Austrian industry .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Nature And Science.
his departure from Piramses in search of his absconded servants . " I started from the royal palace the ninth day of the third month of summer , towards tho evening . 1 arrived at the bulwark of Sulcot on the 10 th day of the same month . There I was informed they had deliberated
to pass toAvards the south side . The twelfth day I arrived at Khetam . There I Avas informed that the fugitives had crossed the country of the Avail , to tho north of Migdol . . . . Here we have the exact description of the march of the Hebrews , ( imitated by this scribe and his absconded servants ) .
Both the Hebrew ancl the scribe reached Sukot the day after their departure from Ramses ; as they stopped at Etham the third day , so did he afc Khetam , Avhere tho
desert commences ; as the fugitives turned to the north , towards Migdol , and towards 'the Avail' Gerrhon , so did the HebreAvs . " The truth is simple , " says Brugsch Bey , " and needs no further demonstration : " he nevertheless continues
to identify other stations of the route , ancl to adduce corroborative details of philology ancl topography of a most interesting nature , of Avhich the folloAving may be here given . The Egyptians are said to have overtaken the Israelites
encamping by the sea , beside Pi-hahiroth , before Baalzephon ( Exodus xiv . 9 ) . Kldrot is tho ancient name answering to the gulfs in the lake of seaAveed , near the place Gerrhon ( the wall ) . The Biblical word Pihahiroth literally designates "the entrance to the bogs . " The
name Baal-zejmon is found on one of the British Museum papyri , written Baali-zapouna , or the Egyptian God Amon , " master of the northern counbries , of the marshes , of Khirot "—i . e . of the gulfs of the marsh y lagoons . This deity was afterwards called by the Greeks Zeus Kasius .
This explains the Semibic Egypbian name of the region where his temple was . It is Hazi or Huzion , " the land of the asylum , " and the sanctuary of the God actually stood at the extreme Egyptian frontier on the eastern side . The
narrow tongue of land extended from the point of entrance to the Kiroth , or gulfs , on the west , to the sanctuary of Baal-zephon on the east , in face of the great catastrophe occurred .
Where There's A Will There's A Way.
A MAN is none the Avorse for an occasional new suit of clothes , and an old proverb redressed often brings home to us an old truth with overAvhelming force . The proverb we have selected as the text of our present remarks is very ancient . With a new application , hoAvever , ib will serve admirably our present purpose . It is a duty Ave OAVC
to the Craft , and one which AVC delight in fulfilling ; to the best of our ability to bring prominently under the notice of our readers any special attempt to promote the interests of one or other of our Charitable Institutions . The Boys ' School has just had , for the second year in succession , a
most satisfactory Festival . Again have Ave had to record a list of donations amounting up to close on £ 13 , 000 . In quite another than the ordinary sense , " one good turn deserves another , " and as two Boards of SteAvards have invariably done the School so excellent a turn as to
furnish such munificent contributions towards its funds , it is only just , afc all events only natural , that a third Board of Stewards should make an effort to outdo the exploits of their predecessors . Already preparations are being made for the Boys' Festival of 1877 . Indeed , we are violating
no secresy in saying that even before this year ' s Festival was held Bro . Binckes ' s list of Stewards for 1877 numbered some twenty or thirty brethren , and among them must be mentioned the name of Bro . Constable , who has resolved to throw the whole of his amazing energy into the
somewhat thankless task of collecting funds , but this time for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . His first effort was on behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and the result was a list of £ 349 . Last year he exerted himself in the service of the Girls' School , ancl the amount of his
contribution was £ 420 . Next year he will act for the Boys ' , and a little bird has whispered to us that he means gathering together no less at all events than a round
thousand . Such a result will be simply magnificent , and if he achieves it will redound infinitel y to our brother ' s credit . Nor know we any one who is more likely to succeed in such an enterprise . "Where there ' s a will there ' s a Avay . "
Where There's A Will There's A Way.
Bro . Constable has formed his resolution , and we have every confidence he will fulfil it . With him to plan and to execute are not separated by any impassable gulf . At starting he takes a good look at the goal he will have to
reach , and having taking in at a glance all tho obstacles he is likely to encounter by the Avay , he braces up his loins and sets out manfully , determined to succeed . How he succeeds is worth a moment ' s consideration .
When he first entered the lists as a champion in the holy cause of Charity , Bro . Constable saw that one of the chief difficulties which a Steward had to put up Avith was to include in his list the contributions of the many who could afford to bestow the very smallest donations ,
amounting to one or perhaps a few shillings only . Ib occurred to our worthy Brother that many a good Mason would contribute his mite if a means Avore invented by which he could help the cause of charity , and yet not be thrown into the shade by the larger contributions of tho
wealthy . Accordingly , he devised his system of shilling tickets , each ticket giving the holder a chance of Avinning a Life Governorship of ten guineas or pounds , according as they Avere issued , for the Girls ancl Boys and Benevolent Institutions . The first attempt was highly successful . Bro .
Constable had prepared and printed two thousand tickets , and these brought him the handsome sum of £ 100 , being the amount of ten Life Govenorships to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , ancl that , boo , in addition to close on £ 250 collected in the ordinary manner from the members
of his Lodge and his friends in Masonry . Last year , Bro . Constable repeated his scheme , with even greater success , for the Girls' School , the amount he obtained by his tickets being £ 189 , the value of eighteen Life Governorships , the total of his collection from all sources being
£ 420 . Next year he will try his hand a third time , for " Our Boys . " He will issue a still larger number of tickets than previously , and he is confident thab if a knowledge of his scheme is Aviclely circulated thus early the harvest ; ho will reap from this source Avill be very largely in excess of his former results . We havo said that Bro . Constable is
invariably in earnest in everything he undertakes . Ho makes up his mind to carry all before him , ancl his enthusiastic impetuosity generally takes him through successfully . If all goes Avell , and Ave are alive next July , AVO trust ifc Avill be our good fortune bo record the result of a
third and supreme effort on the part of our estemed Brother , and that " Our Boys " Avill benefit by his exertions bo the full extent of his hopes . He means a four-figure list in 1877 , and Avhen a man means Avinning ho is said to be already half-way on the road to success .
The Annual Benevolent Fund Fesbival of the Mark Master Masons Avill bo held on Wednesday next , afc the Alexandra Park banquetting hall . As one of the objects of the Festival is to assist the fund established for the relief of Mark Masons , their widows and children , Ave hope it Avill be numerously attended , ancl a largo amount in donations raised .
At a Quarterly General Court of tho Royal Masonic Institution for'Boys , held on Monday last , ib Avas decided to elect eleven boys—from a list of fifty-eight—at the quarterly meeting to be held on the 16 th October next .
The Secretary stated he expected several amounts in addition to those announced at the Festival . A vote of thanks to the Chairman , Bro . J . M . Clabon , P . G . D ., terminated the proceedings .
The Prince and Princess of Wales have signified their intention of visibing the Crystal Palace on Wednesday the 19 th insb ., when bheir Royal Highnesses Avill be accompanied by the King and Queen of Greece .
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., has been pleased to appoint the R . W . Lord Suffield , of Gnnston Park , to bo Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk . The installation will take place in October next .
His Majesty Francis Joseph , Emperor of Austria , has been pleased to confer on our worthy Bro . S . Pollitzer , P . M . 1017 , P . Z . 188 , 583 ( Vane Chapter ) , the honour of tho Golden Cross of Merit , with " the CroAvn , " in recognition of his services in the interest of Austrian industry .