Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided . to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATUBDAY , 15 th JULY . 1612—West Middlesex , Institute , Ealing . _ E . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-stre < it , Regent-street , at S . MONDAY , 17 th JULY .
236—York , Masonic Hall , York . 331—Phoenix of Honour and Prudence , Public Roonvl , Truro . 35 f>—Peace and Harmony , Frpemasons' Hall , Southampton . 382—Eoyal Union , Chequer ' s Hotel , Uxbridgo . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland , llll—Mid Sussex , Assembly Rooms , Horsham . 1502—Israel , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool .
TUESDAY , 18 th JULY . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at i . 65—Constitutional , Wheatsheaf , Hand-court , W . C , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge Houso Hotel , Southwark . 860—Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 269 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . )
213—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 452—Frederick of Unity , Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 1006— Tregullow , Masomc Rooms , St . Day , Scorrier , Cornwall . 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Kirkdalo , Liverpool . 1470—Chiltern , Town Hall , Dunstable . R . A . 41—Royal Cumberland , Old Orchard-street , Bath .
WEDNESDAY , 10 th JULY . General Committee , Grand Chapter , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 6 . 103—Confidence , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenuo , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 212—Euphrates , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avonuo , E . C . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters' -rd ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 362-1—Duke of Connaught . Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction . )
121—Moimt Sinai , Public-buildings , Penzance . 137—Amity , Masonic Hall , Thames-street , Poole . 200—Old Globe , Private Rooms , Globe-street , Scarbdrougta . 691—Buckingham , George Hotel , Aylesbury . 069—Sun and Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington . 10-W—Sykes , Masonic Hall , Great Driffield . 1086—Walton , St . Lawrence Boys' School , Kirkdalo . llll—Joppa , Corn HaU , Fakcnham .
1161—Eliot , Private Rooms , St . Gormains , Cornwall . 1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton . 3353—Duke of Lancaster , Athennsum , Lancaster . 1-H 3—Snlcm , Town Hall , Dawlish , Devon . 1501—Wycombe , Town Hall , High Wycombe . loll—Alexandra , Masonic HaU , Hornsea . R . A . 539—Vernon , Dragon Hotel , High-street , Walsall . R . A . 1015—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrinchain . R . A . 1161—Eliot , Private Rooms , St , Gerwains , Cornwall .
THURSDAY , 20 th JULY . Honso Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-iq ., at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Lcadenhall-strcct , E . C . ( Instruction . ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Uegcnt-sireet , W . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , 152 Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . 1 -189—Marquess of Kipon , Albion , Albion-road , Dalston , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
56—Howard , High-street , Arundel . 313—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Rooms , Starkic-street , Preston . 118 t— Abbey , Masonic HaU , Battle , Sussex . 1332—Unity , Masonic Hall , Crcditon , Devon . E . A . 339—Regularity , Crown Hotel , King-street , PcnritU . R . A . 602—Jlarwood , Masonic Hall , Middlesborough . It . A . 013—Pattison , Lord Raglan Tavern , Raglan-rcad , Plumstoad .
FEIDAY , 21 st JULY . House Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 833—Doric , Earl Grey Tavern , Mile End-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Clapton , 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) Slff—Pficenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket .
SATUEDAY , 22 nd JULY . Audit Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall . 1203—Burdett , Mitre Hotel , Hamilton Court . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 .
WEST YORKSHIRE . MONDAY . R . A , 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . WEDNESDAY . 1019—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield . 13 J 1—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouse . R . A , 258— Amphibious , Frcemasona ' a HaU , lieckmomhrike .
THURSDAY . COt )—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Salcm-strect , Bradford . 1012—Excelsior , Mnsonic Hall , Great-, George-street , Leeds . R . A . 275—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , South-parade , Kuddersfield . FlillUY .
1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Lecili . R . A . 01—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax . R . A . 621—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield . R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . SATURDAY . R , A , 308—Affability , Station House , Bottoms , Eastwood
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY . 421—Borough , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead . TUESDAY . 1127—Percy , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Ncwcastle-on-Tyno .
WEDNESDAY . 1334—Norman , Freemasons' HaU , Old Elvot , Durham . 1389—Fenwick , Masonic Hall , Park-terraco , Sunderland . R . A . 210—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , South Shields . M . M . 135—Hotspur , Freemasons' Hall , Market-place , Alnwick .
THURSDAY . 531—St . Helen ' s , Masonic Hall , Regent ' s-sqnare , Hartlepool . 010—Philanthropy , Freemasons' Hall , WeUmgton-road , Stockton-on-Tees . FlUDAY . 511—De Loraino , Freemasons' Hall , Crainger-street-west , Newcastlo-on-Tyno .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY . —44-St . Luke , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY— 36—St . David , Ship Hotel , East Register-street . „ 405—Riflo , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—160—Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , 62 Nicolson-street . THURSDAY—48—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall . „ 226—Portobello , Royal Hotel , Bath-streefc . „ R . A . 152—Perseverance , Lodge Room , 86 Constitution-street . FRIDAY—R . A . 83—St . Andrew , Freemasons' HaU .
IRELAND . MONDAY—795—Private Rooms , Church-street , Cootehill , County Cavan . WEDNESDAY—161—Excelsior , Bishop-street , Tuam . THURSDAY—129—Industry , Dundoran , Donegal . GLASGOW AND THE WEST OF SCOTLAND .
This being Tourist Season , for the benefit of onr travelling brethren , we now give all the Masonic Gatherings in the West . All the meetings are at 8 p . m ., unless otherwise expressed . MONDAY—332—Union , 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . TUESDAY—34—Aberdeen , Music Hall , Union-street , Aberdeen . WEDNESDAY—117—St . Mary , School Room , Douglas-street , Partick , Glasgow . „ 552—Kidalton , Port Ellen , Reading Rooms , Islay .
„ 571—Dramatic , 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , at 3 p . m . ,, R . A . 150—Shettlestono , Freemasons' Hall , Shottlestone , 3 p . m . THURSDAY—131—St . Johnstone , Moncreif Arms Hotel , Perth , FRIDAY—12—Greenock Kilwinning , Town Hall , Greenock . ,, 31—St . Mary Coltness , Scott's Hotel , Wishaw .
„ 306—St . Thomas , 30 Wellgate-street , Larkhall . „ 321—St . Andrew , Public Hall , Alexandria . „ 471—St . John , Stane Inn , Shotts . ,, 496—St . Munn , Ardnadam , Dunoon . „ 551—Clydesdale , Royal Hotel , Larkhall . ,, R . A . 109—Sir William Wallace , Cross Keys Inn , Johnstons . SATURDAY—305—St . John Woodhall , Freemasons" Hall , Holytown .
Notices Of Meetings.
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 795 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., at the Raymead Hotel , Maidenhead . Bros . J . H . Sadler W . M ., Pinto Leite J . W ., H . H . Hodges P . M . P . P . G . S . W . Berks and Backs , Secretary , 0 . Gammon P . M . Treasurer , H . C . Sharp J . D ., J . Bell W . S ., A . Preston , J . Baker , A . Lndovic , & c . After tho Lodge had been formally opened and tho minutes confirmed ,
three brethren were elected joining members , and one candidate was proposed for initiation . The Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The toasts included that of the W . M ., P . M . ' s , Wardens , Officers , and Visitors . Tho latter were Bros . A . J . Boddington , of St . Paul's Lodge , Birmingham , and Ward , of Leicester . After the Tyler's toast , the brethren returned to town in a saloon carriage , which had been specially provided .
Acacia Lodge , No . 1314 . —The installation meeting of this flourishing Lodgo was held on Tuesday , 11 th inst ., afc the Bell Hotel , Bromley , where a numerous assemblage of tho brethren and visitors were present . W . Seaman W . M ., E . Coste P . M . S . W ., J . Wyer J . W ., Williams P . M . Treas ., A . Avery P . P . G . E . Kent P . M . Sec . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Knott , Manger , Wells , & c . The report of the audit committee
was read , it showed tho flourishing state of the funds , and had a balance iu hand for the Benevolent Fnnd attached to tho Lodge of £ 1 G 15 s . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . T . Kelsey , who was duly initiated into the Order by the W . M . Bro . E . Costo P . M . No . 9 , S . W . and W . M ., elect was then presented to the Lodgo and a Board of Installed Masters was formed , Bro . A . Avery , P . M . P . P . G . It .
Kent , then installed him in a perfect and impressive manner . Bro . Kipps presided at the harmonium . Tho newly installed W . M . was then saluted . He invested tho following as his officers : —W . Seaman I . P . M ., J . WyerS . W ., Lovetfc J . W ., J . R . Williams P . M . Treas ., A . Avery P . M . P . P . G . R . Kent Sec , Chubb S . D ., Carrington J . D ., Farmer I . G ., Harvey B . C ., W . Kipps Org . and Bavin Tyler . Tho
W . M . addressed a few appropriate remarks , that fully impressed his officers with the duties incumbent on them . Bro . W . Seaman I . P . M . proposed , and Bro . Knott P . M . seconded , that a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . A . Avory P . M ., and recorded on the minutes , for tho Masonic treat they had experienced in the perfect and
impressive manner he had performed the ceremony of installation . The W . M . added a few remarks , expressive of his own gralification at the excellent rendering of tho ceremony . The vote was carried unanimously . Bro . Alfred Avery then proposed that a vote of thanks be forwarded to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , for their liberality ia presenting this Lodge with the sums of SO
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided . to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATUBDAY , 15 th JULY . 1612—West Middlesex , Institute , Ealing . _ E . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-stre < it , Regent-street , at S . MONDAY , 17 th JULY .
236—York , Masonic Hall , York . 331—Phoenix of Honour and Prudence , Public Roonvl , Truro . 35 f>—Peace and Harmony , Frpemasons' Hall , Southampton . 382—Eoyal Union , Chequer ' s Hotel , Uxbridgo . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland , llll—Mid Sussex , Assembly Rooms , Horsham . 1502—Israel , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool .
TUESDAY , 18 th JULY . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at i . 65—Constitutional , Wheatsheaf , Hand-court , W . C , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge Houso Hotel , Southwark . 860—Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 269 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . )
213—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 452—Frederick of Unity , Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 1006— Tregullow , Masomc Rooms , St . Day , Scorrier , Cornwall . 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Kirkdalo , Liverpool . 1470—Chiltern , Town Hall , Dunstable . R . A . 41—Royal Cumberland , Old Orchard-street , Bath .
WEDNESDAY , 10 th JULY . General Committee , Grand Chapter , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 6 . 103—Confidence , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenuo , at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 212—Euphrates , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avonuo , E . C . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1288—Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters' -rd ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 362-1—Duke of Connaught . Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) R . A . 177—Domatic , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction . )
121—Moimt Sinai , Public-buildings , Penzance . 137—Amity , Masonic Hall , Thames-street , Poole . 200—Old Globe , Private Rooms , Globe-street , Scarbdrougta . 691—Buckingham , George Hotel , Aylesbury . 069—Sun and Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington . 10-W—Sykes , Masonic Hall , Great Driffield . 1086—Walton , St . Lawrence Boys' School , Kirkdalo . llll—Joppa , Corn HaU , Fakcnham .
1161—Eliot , Private Rooms , St . Gormains , Cornwall . 1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton . 3353—Duke of Lancaster , Athennsum , Lancaster . 1-H 3—Snlcm , Town Hall , Dawlish , Devon . 1501—Wycombe , Town Hall , High Wycombe . loll—Alexandra , Masonic HaU , Hornsea . R . A . 539—Vernon , Dragon Hotel , High-street , Walsall . R . A . 1015—Stamford , Town Hall , Altrinchain . R . A . 1161—Eliot , Private Rooms , St , Gerwains , Cornwall .
THURSDAY , 20 th JULY . Honso Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-iq ., at 7 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Lcadenhall-strcct , E . C . ( Instruction . ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Uegcnt-sireet , W . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1260—Hervey , 152 Fulham-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . 1 -189—Marquess of Kipon , Albion , Albion-road , Dalston , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
56—Howard , High-street , Arundel . 313—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Rooms , Starkic-street , Preston . 118 t— Abbey , Masonic HaU , Battle , Sussex . 1332—Unity , Masonic Hall , Crcditon , Devon . E . A . 339—Regularity , Crown Hotel , King-street , PcnritU . R . A . 602—Jlarwood , Masonic Hall , Middlesborough . It . A . 013—Pattison , Lord Raglan Tavern , Raglan-rcad , Plumstoad .
FEIDAY , 21 st JULY . House Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 833—Doric , Earl Grey Tavern , Mile End-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Clapton , 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) Slff—Pficenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket .
SATUEDAY , 22 nd JULY . Audit Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall . 1203—Burdett , Mitre Hotel , Hamilton Court . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 .
WEST YORKSHIRE . MONDAY . R . A , 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . WEDNESDAY . 1019—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield . 13 J 1—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouse . R . A , 258— Amphibious , Frcemasona ' a HaU , lieckmomhrike .
THURSDAY . COt )—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Salcm-strect , Bradford . 1012—Excelsior , Mnsonic Hall , Great-, George-street , Leeds . R . A . 275—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , South-parade , Kuddersfield . FlillUY .
1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Lecili . R . A . 01—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax . R . A . 621—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield . R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . SATURDAY . R , A , 308—Affability , Station House , Bottoms , Eastwood
DURHAM AND NORTHUMBERLAND . MONDAY . 421—Borough , Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead . TUESDAY . 1127—Percy , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Ncwcastle-on-Tyno .
WEDNESDAY . 1334—Norman , Freemasons' HaU , Old Elvot , Durham . 1389—Fenwick , Masonic Hall , Park-terraco , Sunderland . R . A . 210—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-street , South Shields . M . M . 135—Hotspur , Freemasons' Hall , Market-place , Alnwick .
THURSDAY . 531—St . Helen ' s , Masonic Hall , Regent ' s-sqnare , Hartlepool . 010—Philanthropy , Freemasons' Hall , WeUmgton-road , Stockton-on-Tees . FlUDAY . 511—De Loraino , Freemasons' Hall , Crainger-street-west , Newcastlo-on-Tyno .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY . —44-St . Luke , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY— 36—St . David , Ship Hotel , East Register-street . „ 405—Riflo , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—160—Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , 62 Nicolson-street . THURSDAY—48—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall . „ 226—Portobello , Royal Hotel , Bath-streefc . „ R . A . 152—Perseverance , Lodge Room , 86 Constitution-street . FRIDAY—R . A . 83—St . Andrew , Freemasons' HaU .
IRELAND . MONDAY—795—Private Rooms , Church-street , Cootehill , County Cavan . WEDNESDAY—161—Excelsior , Bishop-street , Tuam . THURSDAY—129—Industry , Dundoran , Donegal . GLASGOW AND THE WEST OF SCOTLAND .
This being Tourist Season , for the benefit of onr travelling brethren , we now give all the Masonic Gatherings in the West . All the meetings are at 8 p . m ., unless otherwise expressed . MONDAY—332—Union , 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . TUESDAY—34—Aberdeen , Music Hall , Union-street , Aberdeen . WEDNESDAY—117—St . Mary , School Room , Douglas-street , Partick , Glasgow . „ 552—Kidalton , Port Ellen , Reading Rooms , Islay .
„ 571—Dramatic , 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , at 3 p . m . ,, R . A . 150—Shettlestono , Freemasons' Hall , Shottlestone , 3 p . m . THURSDAY—131—St . Johnstone , Moncreif Arms Hotel , Perth , FRIDAY—12—Greenock Kilwinning , Town Hall , Greenock . ,, 31—St . Mary Coltness , Scott's Hotel , Wishaw .
„ 306—St . Thomas , 30 Wellgate-street , Larkhall . „ 321—St . Andrew , Public Hall , Alexandria . „ 471—St . John , Stane Inn , Shotts . ,, 496—St . Munn , Ardnadam , Dunoon . „ 551—Clydesdale , Royal Hotel , Larkhall . ,, R . A . 109—Sir William Wallace , Cross Keys Inn , Johnstons . SATURDAY—305—St . John Woodhall , Freemasons" Hall , Holytown .
Notices Of Meetings.
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 795 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., at the Raymead Hotel , Maidenhead . Bros . J . H . Sadler W . M ., Pinto Leite J . W ., H . H . Hodges P . M . P . P . G . S . W . Berks and Backs , Secretary , 0 . Gammon P . M . Treasurer , H . C . Sharp J . D ., J . Bell W . S ., A . Preston , J . Baker , A . Lndovic , & c . After tho Lodge had been formally opened and tho minutes confirmed ,
three brethren were elected joining members , and one candidate was proposed for initiation . The Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The toasts included that of the W . M ., P . M . ' s , Wardens , Officers , and Visitors . Tho latter were Bros . A . J . Boddington , of St . Paul's Lodge , Birmingham , and Ward , of Leicester . After the Tyler's toast , the brethren returned to town in a saloon carriage , which had been specially provided .
Acacia Lodge , No . 1314 . —The installation meeting of this flourishing Lodgo was held on Tuesday , 11 th inst ., afc the Bell Hotel , Bromley , where a numerous assemblage of tho brethren and visitors were present . W . Seaman W . M ., E . Coste P . M . S . W ., J . Wyer J . W ., Williams P . M . Treas ., A . Avery P . P . G . E . Kent P . M . Sec . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Knott , Manger , Wells , & c . The report of the audit committee
was read , it showed tho flourishing state of the funds , and had a balance iu hand for the Benevolent Fnnd attached to tho Lodge of £ 1 G 15 s . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . T . Kelsey , who was duly initiated into the Order by the W . M . Bro . E . Costo P . M . No . 9 , S . W . and W . M ., elect was then presented to the Lodgo and a Board of Installed Masters was formed , Bro . A . Avery , P . M . P . P . G . It .
Kent , then installed him in a perfect and impressive manner . Bro . Kipps presided at the harmonium . Tho newly installed W . M . was then saluted . He invested tho following as his officers : —W . Seaman I . P . M ., J . WyerS . W ., Lovetfc J . W ., J . R . Williams P . M . Treas ., A . Avery P . M . P . P . G . R . Kent Sec , Chubb S . D ., Carrington J . D ., Farmer I . G ., Harvey B . C ., W . Kipps Org . and Bavin Tyler . Tho
W . M . addressed a few appropriate remarks , that fully impressed his officers with the duties incumbent on them . Bro . W . Seaman I . P . M . proposed , and Bro . Knott P . M . seconded , that a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . A . Avory P . M ., and recorded on the minutes , for tho Masonic treat they had experienced in the perfect and
impressive manner he had performed the ceremony of installation . The W . M . added a few remarks , expressive of his own gralification at the excellent rendering of tho ceremony . The vote was carried unanimously . Bro . Alfred Avery then proposed that a vote of thanks be forwarded to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , for their liberality ia presenting this Lodge with the sums of SO