Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Meetings.
ALBERT EDWARD LODGE , No . 1780 . A MEETING of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Southampton , when there were present Bros . J . Burrow W . M ., C . Alexander I . P . M ., Past Masters W . Berry , G . Heathcote , H . Hussy , E . Warren , C Farmer , J . G . Jordan ; R . Prowse S . W ., E . W . Drysdale J . W ., T . Holmes Sec , R . W . Denniss S . D ., A . Curtis I . G ., W . R . Ives and G . J . Rowe Stewards , W . J . Groundsell Org . ; also Bros . Fowles , Parnell , Sinopysky , Ford , & c , to the number of sixty .
Among the visitors were Bros . A . F . Blaimey P . P . G . D . Devon , A . Wilkins , H . R . Hall , W . A . Rickman . The minutes of the previous Lodgo session were read and adopted . A ballot was taken for Messrs . Peters , Parker , Terry , and Reed . The ballot being in their favour , the first three were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry in a very able manner by the W . M .
Brother Harding was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by Brother Berry P . M . The W . M . then , on behalf of the Lodge , presented Bro . Alexander I . P . M . with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , wishing him long and continued health to wear it in the interest of Masonry . Bro . Griffin then , on behalf of the initiates of the year , presented Bro . Alexander with a Past Master's apron .
Bro . Alexander briefly thanked the Lodge and initiates for their kind marks of esteem . Several gentlemen were then proposed for initiation , and the Lodge was closed , the Brethren adjourning to the banqueting room , where a very p leasant evening was spent .
LONGSIGHT LODGE , No . 2464 . I ^ HE regular meeting was held at the Club House , Longsight , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., Bro . W . Gadd W . M . According to the summons , the principal business was that of passing Bro . Henry Shepherd , which ceremony was performed by the W . M . ; assisted by Bro . Hy . Sheard J . W ., the latter presenting and explaining the working tools . It may be mentioned that preceding the ceremony of passing , was an admirable rendering of the Historical Charge of the first degree , this also by the J . W .
Mention was made of the Masonic Service promoted by the Lodge in aid of the district nurse fund , to be held at St . John's Church , Longsight , on the forthcoming Sunday afternoon . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at an early hour .
THE MANCHESTER LODGE , No . 2554 . THE regular meeting of this young , but already popular Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the Sth inst . In the absence of Bro . W . B . Akerman W . M . through illness , the principal chair was occupied by Bro . C . H . Arnold I . P . M . After the reading and confirmation of minutes , the name of Bro . Alfred Jepson , Ashton Lodge , No . 1140 , was submitted to the ballot as a joining member , the same being successful .
During the evening , the absence of the W . M . was referred to , the Secretary being instructed to convey to Bro . Akerman the sincere regret of the Brethren that his illness had caused his absention from their meeting , together with their warmest sympathy with him in his misfortune . It was also decided to forward a similar message of condolence to Bro . James Bent P . M ., who had unfortunately met with an accident .
The election of Officers afterwards took place , with the result that Bro . Thos . Plumpton S . W . was unanimously chosen as W . M .-elect , Bro . A . C . K . Smith Secretary as Treasurer , Bro . Wm . A . Boyer Treas . as Charity Representative , and Bros . Plumpton and F . J . Burt as Auditors of the first year's accounts ,
Whilst the Brethren were at the festive board , a telegram , despatched by the W . M ., was received by Bro . Plumpton congratulating him upon having been elected as his successor in the chair of K . S . The proceedings were enlivened by songs , recitations , & c , contributed by Bros . S . D . Ward , J . A . Thompson , F . J . Burt , Edwd . Roberts P . M ., J . A . Orrell W . M . 645 . and S . H . Stubbs I . G . 2363 .
PRINCE OF WALES CHAPTER , No . 1098 . A MEETING was held at the Masonic Hall , Tredegar , on Thursday , 30 th ult ., when a large number of members were present . At the close of the usual proceedings a presentation was made to Companion J . H . Taylor P . Z . P . P . G . N , of a valuable tea and coffee service in recognition of his past services to the Chapter . The presentation was made by Comp . G . A . Brown P . Z ., who referred in very eulogistic terms to the valuable services rendered by Bro . Taylor to Freemasonry in Tredegar , more particularly in the Royal Arch degree .
Companion Taylor , in a few well chosen words , feelingly thanked the Brethren for their handsome present , and stated that what he most prized was the kindly feeling that had always existed , and which he trusted always Would exist , between himself and the Brethren of Tredegar .
We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative to report Lodge or other proceedings .
FARMHOUSE AND COUNTRY LODGINGS . MESSRS . Walter Hill and Co . have prepared for the Great Northern and North-Eastern Railway Companies a neat guide , containing particulars of farmhouse and country lodgings to be obtained during the holiday season in Hertfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Norfolk , Lincolnshire , Derbyshire , Nottinghamshire , Yorkshire , Durham , Westmoreland , Cumberland , Northumberland , & c . The book , which contains capital illustrations
of places of interest on tho Great Northern and North-Eastern Railways , will be issued on Monday next , aud may be obtained free upon application to the Superintendent of the Line , Great Northern Railway , King ' s Cross ; Superintendent of the Line , North-Eastern Railway , York ; th ' e Station Masters at any of the Companies' Stations ; Town Offices , or Ticket Agencies .
Holiday Arrangements.
GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . THIS Company announce that on the night of Friday , 22 nd May , a cheap excursion will leave London ( Woolwich Arsenal , Woolwich Dockyard , Victoria ( L . G . & D . ) , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King's Cross , & c ) , for Newcastle , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow and Helensburgh , returning on Tuesday , 26 th , or Saturday , 30 th May . Tickets at a single fare for the double journey will also be issued by this excursion to places named , available for return by one fixed train on any day within sixteen days , including days of issue and return .
On same date cheap three or six days excursions will also be run to Cambridge , Huntingdon , Peterboro ' , Wisbech , Lynn , Cromer , Norwich , Yarmouth , Lincoln , Boston , Grimsby , Leicester , Nottingham , Derby , Burton , Tutbury , Stoke , Newark , Sheffield , Barnsley , Huddersfield , Manchester , Stockport , Warrington , Liverpool , Wakefield , Leeds , Bradford , Keighley , Halifax , Hull , York , Scarboro ' , Harrogate , Whitby , Bridlington , Darlington , Richmond , Middlesboro ' , Hartlepool , Durham , Newcastle , & c . Returning 25 th or 28 th May .
And for one , three or four days , to Skegness , Sutton-on-Sea and Mablethorpe . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , cheap day excursions will be run from Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , King ' s Cross , Finsbury Park , & c , to St . Albans , Hertford , Wheathampstead , Harpenden , Luton , *" Dunstable , Hitchin , Royston , and Cambridge . Also from Moorgate , King ' s Cross , Holloway , Finsbury Park , & c , to Skegness , Sutton-on-Sea , and Mablethorpe . Returning same day only .
Manchester Races . —On Thursday night , 28 th May , a fast excursion for two days will be run from Moorgate , King's Cross ( G . N . ) , & c , to Manchester , at a fare of 10 s ( 3 rd class ) . To prevent inconvenience from crowding at the Company ' s principal terminal station , King ' s Cross , tickets , dated in advance , will be issued at King ' s Cross ( G . N . R . ) , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate ; Aidersgate , Farringdon , and Finsbury Park stations , and at the ticket offices of the Company throughout London .
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . THIS Company announce excursions on Thursday , 21 st May , to Cork and Killarney , and on Friday , 22 nd May , to Belfast , Armagh , Larne , Giant's Causeway , Cardiff , Newport , Swansea , New Milford , Waterford , and other stations in South Wales and Ireland . A fast excursion train for the West of England will leave Paddington at 7- 55 a . m . on Saturday , 23 rd May , reaching
Exeter m 5 "; hours and Plymouth in 7 J hours , and excursions will also be run to Bath , Bristol , Dorchester , Weymouth , Worcester , Malvern , Hereford , Newport , Cardiff , Swansea , Oxford , Leamington , Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Shrewsbury , Chester , Liverpool , Manchester , Aberystwith , Barmouth , Llandudno , & c . Return tickets at 24 / 6 will also be issued to Guernsey and Jersey .
On Whit-Sunday a cheap train will run to Swindon , Cirencester , Stroud , & c , leaving Paddington at 8-35 a . m . At midnight on Sunday an Excursion for 1 or 4 days will leave Paddington for Oxford , Birmingham , Wolverhampton , & c . On Bank Holiday cheap trains will be run to Reading , Bath , Bristol , & c , and on Whit-Tuesday an express half-day excursion will be run to Oxford , Leamington , and Stratford-on-Avon .
Excursions will be run to London from most of the principal stations , and cross country trips have also been arranged . Cheap tickets are issued daily from London and many suburban stations to Staines , Windsor , Taplow , Maidenhead , Burnham Beeches , Henley , Goring , Wallingford , and other riverside resorts . These tickets can be obtained throughout the Whitsuntide holidays , and in fact during the whole of the summer months . The train service to and from the riverside stations has also been considerably improved .
( iTo meet the expected additional traffic by the ordinary trains on Saturday , 23 rd May , the Company will run in duplicate the 3-0 , 5-45 and 90 p . m . trains from London to the West of England , and the 12-0 noon and 9-15 p . m . trains to Weymouth , Hereford and South Wales . The first portion
of the 9-0 p . m . train will leave Paddington at 8 * 55 p . m ., but the first parts of the other trains will leave at the advertised times , and the second a few minutes afterwards , the long distance passengers being as far as possible taken in the first portion , but with a few exceptions both trains will stop at the advertised stations to take up and set down passengers .
Ordinary and excursion tickets are issued at the Company ' s City and West End Offices , viz .: —193 and 407 Oxford Street , 181 Tottenham Court Road , W ., 23 New Oxford Street , Gloucester Mansions , Cambridge Circus , Shaftesbury Avenue , W . C ; "The Piazza , " Covent Garden , 269 Strand , 26 Regent Street , S . W ., 29 Charing Cross , 17 Brompton Road , 4 Holborn
Circus , Nags Head Yard , 137 Borough High Street , S . E ., Minories ( opposite Goodman's Yard ) , 5 Arthur Street East , London Bridge , E . G ., 82 Queen Victoria Street , 67 Gresham Street , 4 Cheapside , and at the L . B . & S . C . R . Company's Excursion Office ( under Grand Hotel ) , Trafalgar Square . Tickets can also be obtained at Victoria ( L . C & D . Railway ) Kensington ( Addison Road ) , Uxbridge Road , Hammersmith , and other stations .
The booking offices at the Paddington station will be open all day on 20 th , 21 st , 22 nd aud 23 rd May , so that passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destination on the Great Western Railway can do so at their convenience . Ordinary tickets will bo dated to suit the requirements of passengers .
LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY r | 1 HIS Company announce that the ticket offices at Euston , Broad Street , JL Kensington , and Willesden Junction will be open throughout the day , from Monday , 18 th May , to Whit-Monday , 25 th May , inclusive , so that Passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destination on the London and North Western Railway can do so at any time of the day prior to the starting of the Trains .
Tickets , dated to suit the convenience of Passengers , can be obtained at any time ( Sundays and Bank Holidays excepted ) at the Town Receiving Offices of the Company , which are spread over all parts of the metropolis . On Thursday , 21 st May , a special express will leave Euston at 1-25 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden and Coventry only . On Friday , 22 nd May , special trains will leave Euston Station at 1-25 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden and Coventry only , and at 6-25 p . m .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
ALBERT EDWARD LODGE , No . 1780 . A MEETING of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Southampton , when there were present Bros . J . Burrow W . M ., C . Alexander I . P . M ., Past Masters W . Berry , G . Heathcote , H . Hussy , E . Warren , C Farmer , J . G . Jordan ; R . Prowse S . W ., E . W . Drysdale J . W ., T . Holmes Sec , R . W . Denniss S . D ., A . Curtis I . G ., W . R . Ives and G . J . Rowe Stewards , W . J . Groundsell Org . ; also Bros . Fowles , Parnell , Sinopysky , Ford , & c , to the number of sixty .
Among the visitors were Bros . A . F . Blaimey P . P . G . D . Devon , A . Wilkins , H . R . Hall , W . A . Rickman . The minutes of the previous Lodgo session were read and adopted . A ballot was taken for Messrs . Peters , Parker , Terry , and Reed . The ballot being in their favour , the first three were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry in a very able manner by the W . M .
Brother Harding was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by Brother Berry P . M . The W . M . then , on behalf of the Lodge , presented Bro . Alexander I . P . M . with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , wishing him long and continued health to wear it in the interest of Masonry . Bro . Griffin then , on behalf of the initiates of the year , presented Bro . Alexander with a Past Master's apron .
Bro . Alexander briefly thanked the Lodge and initiates for their kind marks of esteem . Several gentlemen were then proposed for initiation , and the Lodge was closed , the Brethren adjourning to the banqueting room , where a very p leasant evening was spent .
LONGSIGHT LODGE , No . 2464 . I ^ HE regular meeting was held at the Club House , Longsight , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., Bro . W . Gadd W . M . According to the summons , the principal business was that of passing Bro . Henry Shepherd , which ceremony was performed by the W . M . ; assisted by Bro . Hy . Sheard J . W ., the latter presenting and explaining the working tools . It may be mentioned that preceding the ceremony of passing , was an admirable rendering of the Historical Charge of the first degree , this also by the J . W .
Mention was made of the Masonic Service promoted by the Lodge in aid of the district nurse fund , to be held at St . John's Church , Longsight , on the forthcoming Sunday afternoon . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at an early hour .
THE MANCHESTER LODGE , No . 2554 . THE regular meeting of this young , but already popular Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Manchester , on Friday , the Sth inst . In the absence of Bro . W . B . Akerman W . M . through illness , the principal chair was occupied by Bro . C . H . Arnold I . P . M . After the reading and confirmation of minutes , the name of Bro . Alfred Jepson , Ashton Lodge , No . 1140 , was submitted to the ballot as a joining member , the same being successful .
During the evening , the absence of the W . M . was referred to , the Secretary being instructed to convey to Bro . Akerman the sincere regret of the Brethren that his illness had caused his absention from their meeting , together with their warmest sympathy with him in his misfortune . It was also decided to forward a similar message of condolence to Bro . James Bent P . M ., who had unfortunately met with an accident .
The election of Officers afterwards took place , with the result that Bro . Thos . Plumpton S . W . was unanimously chosen as W . M .-elect , Bro . A . C . K . Smith Secretary as Treasurer , Bro . Wm . A . Boyer Treas . as Charity Representative , and Bros . Plumpton and F . J . Burt as Auditors of the first year's accounts ,
Whilst the Brethren were at the festive board , a telegram , despatched by the W . M ., was received by Bro . Plumpton congratulating him upon having been elected as his successor in the chair of K . S . The proceedings were enlivened by songs , recitations , & c , contributed by Bros . S . D . Ward , J . A . Thompson , F . J . Burt , Edwd . Roberts P . M ., J . A . Orrell W . M . 645 . and S . H . Stubbs I . G . 2363 .
PRINCE OF WALES CHAPTER , No . 1098 . A MEETING was held at the Masonic Hall , Tredegar , on Thursday , 30 th ult ., when a large number of members were present . At the close of the usual proceedings a presentation was made to Companion J . H . Taylor P . Z . P . P . G . N , of a valuable tea and coffee service in recognition of his past services to the Chapter . The presentation was made by Comp . G . A . Brown P . Z ., who referred in very eulogistic terms to the valuable services rendered by Bro . Taylor to Freemasonry in Tredegar , more particularly in the Royal Arch degree .
Companion Taylor , in a few well chosen words , feelingly thanked the Brethren for their handsome present , and stated that what he most prized was the kindly feeling that had always existed , and which he trusted always Would exist , between himself and the Brethren of Tredegar .
We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative to report Lodge or other proceedings .
FARMHOUSE AND COUNTRY LODGINGS . MESSRS . Walter Hill and Co . have prepared for the Great Northern and North-Eastern Railway Companies a neat guide , containing particulars of farmhouse and country lodgings to be obtained during the holiday season in Hertfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Norfolk , Lincolnshire , Derbyshire , Nottinghamshire , Yorkshire , Durham , Westmoreland , Cumberland , Northumberland , & c . The book , which contains capital illustrations
of places of interest on tho Great Northern and North-Eastern Railways , will be issued on Monday next , aud may be obtained free upon application to the Superintendent of the Line , Great Northern Railway , King ' s Cross ; Superintendent of the Line , North-Eastern Railway , York ; th ' e Station Masters at any of the Companies' Stations ; Town Offices , or Ticket Agencies .
Holiday Arrangements.
GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . THIS Company announce that on the night of Friday , 22 nd May , a cheap excursion will leave London ( Woolwich Arsenal , Woolwich Dockyard , Victoria ( L . G . & D . ) , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King's Cross , & c ) , for Newcastle , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow and Helensburgh , returning on Tuesday , 26 th , or Saturday , 30 th May . Tickets at a single fare for the double journey will also be issued by this excursion to places named , available for return by one fixed train on any day within sixteen days , including days of issue and return .
On same date cheap three or six days excursions will also be run to Cambridge , Huntingdon , Peterboro ' , Wisbech , Lynn , Cromer , Norwich , Yarmouth , Lincoln , Boston , Grimsby , Leicester , Nottingham , Derby , Burton , Tutbury , Stoke , Newark , Sheffield , Barnsley , Huddersfield , Manchester , Stockport , Warrington , Liverpool , Wakefield , Leeds , Bradford , Keighley , Halifax , Hull , York , Scarboro ' , Harrogate , Whitby , Bridlington , Darlington , Richmond , Middlesboro ' , Hartlepool , Durham , Newcastle , & c . Returning 25 th or 28 th May .
And for one , three or four days , to Skegness , Sutton-on-Sea and Mablethorpe . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , cheap day excursions will be run from Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , King ' s Cross , Finsbury Park , & c , to St . Albans , Hertford , Wheathampstead , Harpenden , Luton , *" Dunstable , Hitchin , Royston , and Cambridge . Also from Moorgate , King ' s Cross , Holloway , Finsbury Park , & c , to Skegness , Sutton-on-Sea , and Mablethorpe . Returning same day only .
Manchester Races . —On Thursday night , 28 th May , a fast excursion for two days will be run from Moorgate , King's Cross ( G . N . ) , & c , to Manchester , at a fare of 10 s ( 3 rd class ) . To prevent inconvenience from crowding at the Company ' s principal terminal station , King ' s Cross , tickets , dated in advance , will be issued at King ' s Cross ( G . N . R . ) , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate ; Aidersgate , Farringdon , and Finsbury Park stations , and at the ticket offices of the Company throughout London .
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . THIS Company announce excursions on Thursday , 21 st May , to Cork and Killarney , and on Friday , 22 nd May , to Belfast , Armagh , Larne , Giant's Causeway , Cardiff , Newport , Swansea , New Milford , Waterford , and other stations in South Wales and Ireland . A fast excursion train for the West of England will leave Paddington at 7- 55 a . m . on Saturday , 23 rd May , reaching
Exeter m 5 "; hours and Plymouth in 7 J hours , and excursions will also be run to Bath , Bristol , Dorchester , Weymouth , Worcester , Malvern , Hereford , Newport , Cardiff , Swansea , Oxford , Leamington , Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Shrewsbury , Chester , Liverpool , Manchester , Aberystwith , Barmouth , Llandudno , & c . Return tickets at 24 / 6 will also be issued to Guernsey and Jersey .
On Whit-Sunday a cheap train will run to Swindon , Cirencester , Stroud , & c , leaving Paddington at 8-35 a . m . At midnight on Sunday an Excursion for 1 or 4 days will leave Paddington for Oxford , Birmingham , Wolverhampton , & c . On Bank Holiday cheap trains will be run to Reading , Bath , Bristol , & c , and on Whit-Tuesday an express half-day excursion will be run to Oxford , Leamington , and Stratford-on-Avon .
Excursions will be run to London from most of the principal stations , and cross country trips have also been arranged . Cheap tickets are issued daily from London and many suburban stations to Staines , Windsor , Taplow , Maidenhead , Burnham Beeches , Henley , Goring , Wallingford , and other riverside resorts . These tickets can be obtained throughout the Whitsuntide holidays , and in fact during the whole of the summer months . The train service to and from the riverside stations has also been considerably improved .
( iTo meet the expected additional traffic by the ordinary trains on Saturday , 23 rd May , the Company will run in duplicate the 3-0 , 5-45 and 90 p . m . trains from London to the West of England , and the 12-0 noon and 9-15 p . m . trains to Weymouth , Hereford and South Wales . The first portion
of the 9-0 p . m . train will leave Paddington at 8 * 55 p . m ., but the first parts of the other trains will leave at the advertised times , and the second a few minutes afterwards , the long distance passengers being as far as possible taken in the first portion , but with a few exceptions both trains will stop at the advertised stations to take up and set down passengers .
Ordinary and excursion tickets are issued at the Company ' s City and West End Offices , viz .: —193 and 407 Oxford Street , 181 Tottenham Court Road , W ., 23 New Oxford Street , Gloucester Mansions , Cambridge Circus , Shaftesbury Avenue , W . C ; "The Piazza , " Covent Garden , 269 Strand , 26 Regent Street , S . W ., 29 Charing Cross , 17 Brompton Road , 4 Holborn
Circus , Nags Head Yard , 137 Borough High Street , S . E ., Minories ( opposite Goodman's Yard ) , 5 Arthur Street East , London Bridge , E . G ., 82 Queen Victoria Street , 67 Gresham Street , 4 Cheapside , and at the L . B . & S . C . R . Company's Excursion Office ( under Grand Hotel ) , Trafalgar Square . Tickets can also be obtained at Victoria ( L . C & D . Railway ) Kensington ( Addison Road ) , Uxbridge Road , Hammersmith , and other stations .
The booking offices at the Paddington station will be open all day on 20 th , 21 st , 22 nd aud 23 rd May , so that passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destination on the Great Western Railway can do so at their convenience . Ordinary tickets will bo dated to suit the requirements of passengers .
LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY r | 1 HIS Company announce that the ticket offices at Euston , Broad Street , JL Kensington , and Willesden Junction will be open throughout the day , from Monday , 18 th May , to Whit-Monday , 25 th May , inclusive , so that Passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destination on the London and North Western Railway can do so at any time of the day prior to the starting of the Trains .
Tickets , dated to suit the convenience of Passengers , can be obtained at any time ( Sundays and Bank Holidays excepted ) at the Town Receiving Offices of the Company , which are spread over all parts of the metropolis . On Thursday , 21 st May , a special express will leave Euston at 1-25 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden and Coventry only . On Friday , 22 nd May , special trains will leave Euston Station at 1-25 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden and Coventry only , and at 6-25 p . m .