Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL Masonic Benevolent Institution FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . OFFICE—4 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Grand Patron and President : His Royal Highness THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . — : o : — AT the Annual General Meeting of this Institution , held at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on Friday , 15 th May 1896 , W . Bro . HENRY SMITH , Vice-Patron , P . Q . D . PiP . D . Q . M . West Yorks ., in the Chair , After the general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to the ELECTION of 24 MALE ANNUITANTS from an approved list of 60 Candidates , and 19 FEMALE ANNUITANTS from an approved list of 53 Candidates , when the following were declared duly elected : — MALES . No . Name Votes . No . Name Votes . 1 Bro . Joseph Pearson ... 4650 14 Bro . Thomas Brewster 3949 ' 2 Bro . Stanley Eobinson 4592 15 Bro . Joseph H . Jewell 3934 3 Bro . Arthur Geo . Eead 4488 16 Bro . Samuel Wright ... 3884 4 Bro . Eobert Paul Morrison 4455 A 17 Bro . Jacob Lazarus ... 3817 5 Bro . David Legg ... 4282 A 18 Bro . Wm . H . Hawkins 3816 6 Bro . Chas . Burmeister 4214 A 19 Bro . James Johnson ... 3764 7 Bro . Thomas Pethers 4208 A 20 Bro . Geo . H . Clements 3743 8 Bro . John Oliver ... 4197 A 21 Bro . Edward Ulyat ... 3733 9 Bro . Silvanus W . James 4187 22 Bro . Jos . Cattley ( Deferred ) 3731 10 Bro . Geo . Hy . Powell 4121 23 Bro . H . M . Molyneux ( Dell Bro . James Long ... 4109 ferred ) ... 3719 12 Bro . John Swain ... 4013 24 Bro . Geo . Whitley ( De-13 Bro . James Ingram ... 4006 ferred ) ... 3515 WIDOWS . No . Name Votes . No . Name Votes 1 Mrs . M . H . Eadcliffe ... 6097 11 Mrs . M . E . Sandford ... 4992 2 Mrs . Margaret Smaile 6062 12 Mrs . H . L . Coates ... 4932 3 Mrs . Mary A . Murlis ... 5991 A 13 Mrs . E . A . Sutton ... 4812 4 Mrs . Mary Shaw ... 5763 A 14 Mrs . E . Berry ... 4641 5 Mrs . Harriet Hogg ... 5636 A 15 Mrs . A . S . Hodgetts ... 4614 6 Mrs . Eliza Corrick ... 5527 A 16 Mrs . Elizabeth Sykes 4557 7 Mrs . Mary P . Clark ... 5311 17 Mrs . E . J . Massa ( Deferred ) 4485 8 Mrs . Margaret A . Day 5287 18 Mrs . P . E . C . Gosby ( De-9 Mrs . Elizabeth Bonner 5041 ferred ) ... 1518 10 Mrs . H . B . Yates ... 5019 19 Mrs . M . A . Fuhr ( Deferred ) 1281 The votes of the unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to the next election . Those marked A are elected to fill vacancies occasioned by death since the voting papers were issued . The three lowest on the Poll ( both Male and Female ) will be placed on the list of annuitants as vacancies occur . By order , JAMES TEEEY , Vice-Patron and Secretary . 15 th May 1896 .
The next Anniversary Festival will be held on the 24 th February 1897 , under the most distinguished presidency of H . B . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearne , K . G ., & c , M . W . Past Grand Master , E . W . Provincial Grand Master for Sussex . The services of Brethren and of Ladies to act as Stewards on this important occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
SEYD'S HOTEL , 39 FINSBURY SQUARE , E . C . HOST CENTRAL POSITION IN LONDON . SPLENDID ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGES . Lodge Room , Tyler ' s Room , & c , on One Floor , conveniently arranged . THE BANQUET ROOM WILL SEAT Upwards of 150 GUESTS . LARGE HALL and other Rooms for Meetings , Smokers , Concerts , & c . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , & c , served in liberal style . Eed and Breakfast from 4 s 6 d , no extras . Choice stock of Wines , Spirits , & c . Established 1852 . Bro . HENRY GRUNE , Proprietor .
CAFE NATIONAL , 43 GREAT WINDMILL STREET , SHAFTESBURY AVENUE . NEAR THE LYBIC AND PAVILION THEATBES . V . QUINTO , Proprietor . Recherche ls . 6 d . Lunch from 1 p . m . till 3 p . m . Soup , Fish , Entree or Joint , Vegetables and Cheese . Parisian 2 s . 6 d . Dinner from 6 till 9 p . m . Hors d'CEuvres , Soup , Fish , Entree , Vegetables , Koast and Salad , Sweets , Savoury , Cheese and Dessert . CIGAES OE THE BEST BBANDS . SUPPEBS AFTEE THE THEATBES . Special attention is paid to the Cuisine , and to the selection of Wines . Private Dining Rooms for Large and Small Parties .
FURNITUBE wanted ( second-hand ) for Boyal Arch Chapter . —Address , " Furniture , " care of "Freemason's Chronicle , " New Barnet .
Weaver ' s Depository . PERSONAL ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ W ^ FR ° M 1 / s lllR PER HOUR ' 8 Carlton Terrace , Harrow Ed ., W .
Bro . JOHN THOflAS SHAPCOTT , Proprietor OT the NEW RED LION , 181 HARROW ROAD , W ., Has excellent accommodation for Lodges of Instruction .
PHOTO & BAPHY . HOCKETT & WHITE , Photographic Printers , POTTBES EOAD , NEW BAENET . NEGATIVES sent to us by Parcels Post , securely packed , receive prompt attention , and Prints in SILVBB , Pr / ATisroTyp-s , P . O . P ., giving best obtainable results , forwarded without delay . We are also pleased to answer inquiries , and give information and advice , for which our large experience fully qualifies us . Price Lists on application .
a ^^^^ S ^^ a \ £ E 3 SS ^ Z 23 ttwv 5 & j * Vi gAv . v ^ . ri ^ vwtid SATUBDAY , 16 TH MAY [ 1896 .
Bro . George Mellor P . G . D . has tendered his resignation of the Deputy Grand Mastership of East Lancashire , on account of ill-health .
A new Masonic Hall was opened at the Great Eastern Hotel , Harwich , on Tuesday , the Earl of Warwick Prov . G . M . performing the ceremony .
Bro . W . J . Hughan gave an interesting lecture at Gateshead on the 7 th inst ., his subject being " The old Lodges of Great Britain and Ireland . "
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire was held ou Wednesday , at Manchester . The Provincial Grand Master Gol . Le Gendre N . Starkie officiated .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire was held at Hanley , on Wednesday , 13 th inst ., under the presidency of the Earl of Dartmouth Prov . G . M .
We regret to see the announcement of the death of Dr . W . Salmon , the aged Brother whose centenary was referred to some
six years since , and whose long association with the Graft and the medical profession has entitled him to the distinction of being their " oldest member " for many years back .
We are compelled to hold over a number of interesting items , by reason of the great pressure on our space this week , but hope to clear off the arrears in our next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL Masonic Benevolent Institution FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . OFFICE—4 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Grand Patron and President : His Royal Highness THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . — : o : — AT the Annual General Meeting of this Institution , held at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on Friday , 15 th May 1896 , W . Bro . HENRY SMITH , Vice-Patron , P . Q . D . PiP . D . Q . M . West Yorks ., in the Chair , After the general business was disposed of , the Governors and Subscribers proceeded to the ELECTION of 24 MALE ANNUITANTS from an approved list of 60 Candidates , and 19 FEMALE ANNUITANTS from an approved list of 53 Candidates , when the following were declared duly elected : — MALES . No . Name Votes . No . Name Votes . 1 Bro . Joseph Pearson ... 4650 14 Bro . Thomas Brewster 3949 ' 2 Bro . Stanley Eobinson 4592 15 Bro . Joseph H . Jewell 3934 3 Bro . Arthur Geo . Eead 4488 16 Bro . Samuel Wright ... 3884 4 Bro . Eobert Paul Morrison 4455 A 17 Bro . Jacob Lazarus ... 3817 5 Bro . David Legg ... 4282 A 18 Bro . Wm . H . Hawkins 3816 6 Bro . Chas . Burmeister 4214 A 19 Bro . James Johnson ... 3764 7 Bro . Thomas Pethers 4208 A 20 Bro . Geo . H . Clements 3743 8 Bro . John Oliver ... 4197 A 21 Bro . Edward Ulyat ... 3733 9 Bro . Silvanus W . James 4187 22 Bro . Jos . Cattley ( Deferred ) 3731 10 Bro . Geo . Hy . Powell 4121 23 Bro . H . M . Molyneux ( Dell Bro . James Long ... 4109 ferred ) ... 3719 12 Bro . John Swain ... 4013 24 Bro . Geo . Whitley ( De-13 Bro . James Ingram ... 4006 ferred ) ... 3515 WIDOWS . No . Name Votes . No . Name Votes 1 Mrs . M . H . Eadcliffe ... 6097 11 Mrs . M . E . Sandford ... 4992 2 Mrs . Margaret Smaile 6062 12 Mrs . H . L . Coates ... 4932 3 Mrs . Mary A . Murlis ... 5991 A 13 Mrs . E . A . Sutton ... 4812 4 Mrs . Mary Shaw ... 5763 A 14 Mrs . E . Berry ... 4641 5 Mrs . Harriet Hogg ... 5636 A 15 Mrs . A . S . Hodgetts ... 4614 6 Mrs . Eliza Corrick ... 5527 A 16 Mrs . Elizabeth Sykes 4557 7 Mrs . Mary P . Clark ... 5311 17 Mrs . E . J . Massa ( Deferred ) 4485 8 Mrs . Margaret A . Day 5287 18 Mrs . P . E . C . Gosby ( De-9 Mrs . Elizabeth Bonner 5041 ferred ) ... 1518 10 Mrs . H . B . Yates ... 5019 19 Mrs . M . A . Fuhr ( Deferred ) 1281 The votes of the unsuccessful candidates will be carried forward to the next election . Those marked A are elected to fill vacancies occasioned by death since the voting papers were issued . The three lowest on the Poll ( both Male and Female ) will be placed on the list of annuitants as vacancies occur . By order , JAMES TEEEY , Vice-Patron and Secretary . 15 th May 1896 .
The next Anniversary Festival will be held on the 24 th February 1897 , under the most distinguished presidency of H . B . H . the Duke of Connaught and Strathearne , K . G ., & c , M . W . Past Grand Master , E . W . Provincial Grand Master for Sussex . The services of Brethren and of Ladies to act as Stewards on this important occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
SEYD'S HOTEL , 39 FINSBURY SQUARE , E . C . HOST CENTRAL POSITION IN LONDON . SPLENDID ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGES . Lodge Room , Tyler ' s Room , & c , on One Floor , conveniently arranged . THE BANQUET ROOM WILL SEAT Upwards of 150 GUESTS . LARGE HALL and other Rooms for Meetings , Smokers , Concerts , & c . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , & c , served in liberal style . Eed and Breakfast from 4 s 6 d , no extras . Choice stock of Wines , Spirits , & c . Established 1852 . Bro . HENRY GRUNE , Proprietor .
CAFE NATIONAL , 43 GREAT WINDMILL STREET , SHAFTESBURY AVENUE . NEAR THE LYBIC AND PAVILION THEATBES . V . QUINTO , Proprietor . Recherche ls . 6 d . Lunch from 1 p . m . till 3 p . m . Soup , Fish , Entree or Joint , Vegetables and Cheese . Parisian 2 s . 6 d . Dinner from 6 till 9 p . m . Hors d'CEuvres , Soup , Fish , Entree , Vegetables , Koast and Salad , Sweets , Savoury , Cheese and Dessert . CIGAES OE THE BEST BBANDS . SUPPEBS AFTEE THE THEATBES . Special attention is paid to the Cuisine , and to the selection of Wines . Private Dining Rooms for Large and Small Parties .
FURNITUBE wanted ( second-hand ) for Boyal Arch Chapter . —Address , " Furniture , " care of "Freemason's Chronicle , " New Barnet .
Weaver ' s Depository . PERSONAL ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ W ^ FR ° M 1 / s lllR PER HOUR ' 8 Carlton Terrace , Harrow Ed ., W .
Bro . JOHN THOflAS SHAPCOTT , Proprietor OT the NEW RED LION , 181 HARROW ROAD , W ., Has excellent accommodation for Lodges of Instruction .
PHOTO & BAPHY . HOCKETT & WHITE , Photographic Printers , POTTBES EOAD , NEW BAENET . NEGATIVES sent to us by Parcels Post , securely packed , receive prompt attention , and Prints in SILVBB , Pr / ATisroTyp-s , P . O . P ., giving best obtainable results , forwarded without delay . We are also pleased to answer inquiries , and give information and advice , for which our large experience fully qualifies us . Price Lists on application .
a ^^^^ S ^^ a \ £ E 3 SS ^ Z 23 ttwv 5 & j * Vi gAv . v ^ . ri ^ vwtid SATUBDAY , 16 TH MAY [ 1896 .
Bro . George Mellor P . G . D . has tendered his resignation of the Deputy Grand Mastership of East Lancashire , on account of ill-health .
A new Masonic Hall was opened at the Great Eastern Hotel , Harwich , on Tuesday , the Earl of Warwick Prov . G . M . performing the ceremony .
Bro . W . J . Hughan gave an interesting lecture at Gateshead on the 7 th inst ., his subject being " The old Lodges of Great Britain and Ireland . "
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire was held ou Wednesday , at Manchester . The Provincial Grand Master Gol . Le Gendre N . Starkie officiated .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire was held at Hanley , on Wednesday , 13 th inst ., under the presidency of the Earl of Dartmouth Prov . G . M .
We regret to see the announcement of the death of Dr . W . Salmon , the aged Brother whose centenary was referred to some
six years since , and whose long association with the Graft and the medical profession has entitled him to the distinction of being their " oldest member " for many years back .
We are compelled to hold over a number of interesting items , by reason of the great pressure on our space this week , but hope to clear off the arrears in our next .