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Festival Of The Girls School.-List Of Stewards And Amounts.
BEDFORDSHIRE . 803 H G Welchman 31 10 0
BERKSHIRE . 414 W J Maurice 45 13 6 414 ( Ch ) Chas Slaughter 21 0 0 574 Joseph Howard 35 0 0 771 Chas Fredk Dean 10 10 0 1101 Wm Ferguson 30 0 0 1887 Geo D Leslie , R . A . 15 0 0 2460 C 0 Burgess 73 10 0
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE , 591 Hy H Sherwin 21 0 0 840 Rev . W L Harnett 15 8 0 1410 Thos Taylor , J . P . 29 8 0 1501 BR Wright 36 15 0 2244 Thos Tandy Coles 31 10 0 2244 AS E Hipwell — Unatt . A H Bevan 52 10 0
AJames Stephens — AMrs . James Stephens — CAMBRIDGESHIRE . Province & 441 S H Sharman 36 15 0 859 Wm Briggs , M . A ., LL . B . 10 10 0 Unatt . John Briggs
CHESHIRE . 287 James Alfred Cookson 68 5 0 287 iWm Lancaster — 321 Harry Nash 53 11 0 321 AWm Nash
—477 Alex Saunders 10 10 0 477 Jno Howson Smith 10 10 0 758 Thos Kirkham 10 10 0 1045 Dr . W Agar Renshaw 10 10 0 1276 Frederick Edward Sharpe 21 0 0 2433 John Armstrong 10 10 0
DEVONSHIRE . Prov . F B Westlake 88 4 0
DORSETSHIRE . Lo . & Ch . 137 Alex Clarke Chapin 12 12 0 DURHAM .
Prov . G L Woolley 210 0 0 531 ARichard Jack — ESSEX .
1000 FJCumine 80 0 0 1312 ThosMalyn 26 5 0 1343 F W Felling 64 1 0 1457 Joseph Tanner 17 17 0 1734 Percy E Beard 116 11 0
1799 A R Chamberlayne 26 5 0 2005 J E Johnson 315 0 0 2006 Fredk Clark 45 0 0 2342 J H Salter 10 10 0 Lo . & Ch . 2374 James Speller 262 10 0
Festival Of The Girls School.-List Of Stewards And Amounts.
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . 82 Edward Leighton Baylis 43 1 0 493 Thos Bobins 10 10 0 702 H I Brewer 36 15 0 761 Major-Gen . W J Vizard 47 5 0 839 WBWood 21 0 0 Unatt . B V Vassar-Smith 10 10 0
HANTS AND JSLE OF WIGHT . 309 Master FH Buck 42 0 0 394 Wru Bates 35 0 0 694 Rev . Dr . H B Cooper Smith ( see also Oxon . Lodge 478 ) 70 17 0 1331 Geo H Atkinson 1428 & 2068 Wm Miller 31 10 0 1776 Edward Nayler 42 0 0
HERTFORDSHIRE . 403 James Parley 41 12 6 404 Geo E Lake 10 10 0 449 James Shilcoek 16 0 0 2086 BEE Lander 13 12 6 2323 B Loveland Loveland ( see also House Committee ) 31 10 0 2331 Samuel Wright 21 0 0 2372 Dr . Wm Pennyfather Warren 22 1 0 2518 C E Keyser " 115 10 0
KENT . 483 Capt . Arthur Bonaldson 50 0 0 1464 Wm Russell 42 0 0 1915 Edmund Geo Walthew 37 0 0 2200 Thos Potter 15 15 0 2530 Edward Layton 45 0 0 Unatt . Miss Bowe 5 5 0 Mrs . J Williams 5 5 0
LANCASHIRE ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . Prov . Col . Le Gendre N Starkie PGM 225 15 0 152 E Froggatt 10 10 0 348 AJohn Kenyon — 633 S Searle 52 10 0 1504 Geo Grant , M . D . 10 10 0 2529 B Thompson ") 2529 Wm Forrest I , , „ 2529 Thos Longworth f ° " ** lu ° 2529 Arthur Longworth J
LANCASHIRE ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . 1070 Max Isaac 12 12 0 1403 Thos Wilde Bice 10 10 0 Unatt . Capt . 0 H Garnett 11 11 0
LINCOLNSHIRE . The Bight Hon . The Earl of Yarborough PGM , Chairman of the day ( included below )—£ 52 10 0 Prov . Gd Ch Wm Harling Sissons , J . P ., G Supt Prov . & Lo . 792 Frank Barrett Prov . Bennett Beeson 297 John L Bayner 362 Ajames Bayner
Festival Of The Girls School.-List Of Stewards And Amounts.
362 AChas James 426 J J Bainey 469 Chas E Bonner 712 W H Smith 792 ChasMaddison 792 Wm Hill 792 Arthur R Watson 792 Thos Campbell Moss 792 AWilson Goodwin 792 Joseph Reddish 792 Frank Hazelgrove 792 Henry Barker sen . 792 AG W Goddard one TKr TT n
ooo > V ii uuuu 838 Henry Shepherd 985 John B Clarke 1232 J Watson Burdwood 1282 Frank CHett 1294 C A Guy 1294 AJaok Sutcliffe 1294 AAnderson Bates 1294 AThos Mountain 1304 Bev . J Graham , M . A . 1386 Wm Mortimer 1447 F D Davy 14 R 9 Thos Staniforth
1482 AHy L Burtenshaw 1482 AWm Burtenshaw 1482 John Barratt 1482 ABobert N Brunyer 1482 Bev . Geo Smith Tyack 1482 John Constable ( see also Lo 2259 West Yorks ) 1600 H Walker 1893 AE Croft 2078 Bev . E Milford Weigall 2351 N 0 Cockburn 2351 AH E Cousans Unatt . AEev . H F Oliver Total from the Province 1 , 500 0 0
MIDDLESEX . 788 Wm Dawson 13 13 0 1237 Geo Chas H Jennings 1309 Eichard Chas Bead 10 10 0 1512 J Wells Clarke 30 0 0 2536 AB Fox-Warner — NORFOLK . 52 B Wentworth White 36 15 0 100 Walter Diver 68 5 0
NORTHS AND HUNTS . The Et . Hon . the Earl of Euston PGM 26 5 0 NORTHUMBERLAND . 393 Alex Darling 10 10 0 393 Eobt Marshall 42 0 0
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . Prov . & Lo . 1794 Thos J Hayter 127 16 0 Prov . A H Bonser 103 1 0 2412 Walter Binns ( see also Lo . 1648 West Yorks ) Unatt . A J G Martin —
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Grand Patron—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President— H . R . H . THE PRINCE OE WALES , KG ., M . W . G . M . a . *™ ,, i ~ , « m » -n THE ET - H 0 N - THB EARL OP LATHOM , M . W . PRO G . M . rations \ fx-offlaay— j THE ET _ H 0 N THB BAEL AMHERST , R . W . DEP . G . M . Treasurer— CHARLES E . KEYSER , ESQ ., J . P ., P . G . DEACON , PATRON OF INSTITUTION . Bankers—LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK , LIMITED ( BLOOMSBDRY BRANCH ) , 214 HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . 2206 Boys have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 179 8 . 378 Boys are now being Educated , Clothed and Maintained . Permanent Annual Income £ 1 , 750 only . The 98 th Anniversary Festival will be held at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on 24 th June 18 9 6 , under the distinguished Presidency of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire , K . G . ™ f ^ VZ ^ R . W . Prov . G . M . Derbyshire , Vice-Patron of the Institution . The services of Brethren as Stewards ( representing Lodges or Provinces ) , and Ladies , are earnestly requested , and will be gratefully acknowledged . Special train arrangements are being made , and the Festival will take the form of a Garden Party , as in 18 95 . Full Particulars on application to the Secretary— -J . MORRISON McLEOD , P . G . S . B ., Vice-Patron , 6 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Festival Of The Girls School.-List Of Stewards And Amounts.
BEDFORDSHIRE . 803 H G Welchman 31 10 0
BERKSHIRE . 414 W J Maurice 45 13 6 414 ( Ch ) Chas Slaughter 21 0 0 574 Joseph Howard 35 0 0 771 Chas Fredk Dean 10 10 0 1101 Wm Ferguson 30 0 0 1887 Geo D Leslie , R . A . 15 0 0 2460 C 0 Burgess 73 10 0
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE , 591 Hy H Sherwin 21 0 0 840 Rev . W L Harnett 15 8 0 1410 Thos Taylor , J . P . 29 8 0 1501 BR Wright 36 15 0 2244 Thos Tandy Coles 31 10 0 2244 AS E Hipwell — Unatt . A H Bevan 52 10 0
AJames Stephens — AMrs . James Stephens — CAMBRIDGESHIRE . Province & 441 S H Sharman 36 15 0 859 Wm Briggs , M . A ., LL . B . 10 10 0 Unatt . John Briggs
CHESHIRE . 287 James Alfred Cookson 68 5 0 287 iWm Lancaster — 321 Harry Nash 53 11 0 321 AWm Nash
—477 Alex Saunders 10 10 0 477 Jno Howson Smith 10 10 0 758 Thos Kirkham 10 10 0 1045 Dr . W Agar Renshaw 10 10 0 1276 Frederick Edward Sharpe 21 0 0 2433 John Armstrong 10 10 0
DEVONSHIRE . Prov . F B Westlake 88 4 0
DORSETSHIRE . Lo . & Ch . 137 Alex Clarke Chapin 12 12 0 DURHAM .
Prov . G L Woolley 210 0 0 531 ARichard Jack — ESSEX .
1000 FJCumine 80 0 0 1312 ThosMalyn 26 5 0 1343 F W Felling 64 1 0 1457 Joseph Tanner 17 17 0 1734 Percy E Beard 116 11 0
1799 A R Chamberlayne 26 5 0 2005 J E Johnson 315 0 0 2006 Fredk Clark 45 0 0 2342 J H Salter 10 10 0 Lo . & Ch . 2374 James Speller 262 10 0
Festival Of The Girls School.-List Of Stewards And Amounts.
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . 82 Edward Leighton Baylis 43 1 0 493 Thos Bobins 10 10 0 702 H I Brewer 36 15 0 761 Major-Gen . W J Vizard 47 5 0 839 WBWood 21 0 0 Unatt . B V Vassar-Smith 10 10 0
HANTS AND JSLE OF WIGHT . 309 Master FH Buck 42 0 0 394 Wru Bates 35 0 0 694 Rev . Dr . H B Cooper Smith ( see also Oxon . Lodge 478 ) 70 17 0 1331 Geo H Atkinson 1428 & 2068 Wm Miller 31 10 0 1776 Edward Nayler 42 0 0
HERTFORDSHIRE . 403 James Parley 41 12 6 404 Geo E Lake 10 10 0 449 James Shilcoek 16 0 0 2086 BEE Lander 13 12 6 2323 B Loveland Loveland ( see also House Committee ) 31 10 0 2331 Samuel Wright 21 0 0 2372 Dr . Wm Pennyfather Warren 22 1 0 2518 C E Keyser " 115 10 0
KENT . 483 Capt . Arthur Bonaldson 50 0 0 1464 Wm Russell 42 0 0 1915 Edmund Geo Walthew 37 0 0 2200 Thos Potter 15 15 0 2530 Edward Layton 45 0 0 Unatt . Miss Bowe 5 5 0 Mrs . J Williams 5 5 0
LANCASHIRE ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . Prov . Col . Le Gendre N Starkie PGM 225 15 0 152 E Froggatt 10 10 0 348 AJohn Kenyon — 633 S Searle 52 10 0 1504 Geo Grant , M . D . 10 10 0 2529 B Thompson ") 2529 Wm Forrest I , , „ 2529 Thos Longworth f ° " ** lu ° 2529 Arthur Longworth J
LANCASHIRE ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . 1070 Max Isaac 12 12 0 1403 Thos Wilde Bice 10 10 0 Unatt . Capt . 0 H Garnett 11 11 0
LINCOLNSHIRE . The Bight Hon . The Earl of Yarborough PGM , Chairman of the day ( included below )—£ 52 10 0 Prov . Gd Ch Wm Harling Sissons , J . P ., G Supt Prov . & Lo . 792 Frank Barrett Prov . Bennett Beeson 297 John L Bayner 362 Ajames Bayner
Festival Of The Girls School.-List Of Stewards And Amounts.
362 AChas James 426 J J Bainey 469 Chas E Bonner 712 W H Smith 792 ChasMaddison 792 Wm Hill 792 Arthur R Watson 792 Thos Campbell Moss 792 AWilson Goodwin 792 Joseph Reddish 792 Frank Hazelgrove 792 Henry Barker sen . 792 AG W Goddard one TKr TT n
ooo > V ii uuuu 838 Henry Shepherd 985 John B Clarke 1232 J Watson Burdwood 1282 Frank CHett 1294 C A Guy 1294 AJaok Sutcliffe 1294 AAnderson Bates 1294 AThos Mountain 1304 Bev . J Graham , M . A . 1386 Wm Mortimer 1447 F D Davy 14 R 9 Thos Staniforth
1482 AHy L Burtenshaw 1482 AWm Burtenshaw 1482 John Barratt 1482 ABobert N Brunyer 1482 Bev . Geo Smith Tyack 1482 John Constable ( see also Lo 2259 West Yorks ) 1600 H Walker 1893 AE Croft 2078 Bev . E Milford Weigall 2351 N 0 Cockburn 2351 AH E Cousans Unatt . AEev . H F Oliver Total from the Province 1 , 500 0 0
MIDDLESEX . 788 Wm Dawson 13 13 0 1237 Geo Chas H Jennings 1309 Eichard Chas Bead 10 10 0 1512 J Wells Clarke 30 0 0 2536 AB Fox-Warner — NORFOLK . 52 B Wentworth White 36 15 0 100 Walter Diver 68 5 0
NORTHS AND HUNTS . The Et . Hon . the Earl of Euston PGM 26 5 0 NORTHUMBERLAND . 393 Alex Darling 10 10 0 393 Eobt Marshall 42 0 0
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . Prov . & Lo . 1794 Thos J Hayter 127 16 0 Prov . A H Bonser 103 1 0 2412 Walter Binns ( see also Lo . 1648 West Yorks ) Unatt . A J G Martin —
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Grand Patron—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President— H . R . H . THE PRINCE OE WALES , KG ., M . W . G . M . a . *™ ,, i ~ , « m » -n THE ET - H 0 N - THB EARL OP LATHOM , M . W . PRO G . M . rations \ fx-offlaay— j THE ET _ H 0 N THB BAEL AMHERST , R . W . DEP . G . M . Treasurer— CHARLES E . KEYSER , ESQ ., J . P ., P . G . DEACON , PATRON OF INSTITUTION . Bankers—LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK , LIMITED ( BLOOMSBDRY BRANCH ) , 214 HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . 2206 Boys have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 179 8 . 378 Boys are now being Educated , Clothed and Maintained . Permanent Annual Income £ 1 , 750 only . The 98 th Anniversary Festival will be held at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on 24 th June 18 9 6 , under the distinguished Presidency of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire , K . G . ™ f ^ VZ ^ R . W . Prov . G . M . Derbyshire , Vice-Patron of the Institution . The services of Brethren as Stewards ( representing Lodges or Provinces ) , and Ladies , are earnestly requested , and will be gratefully acknowledged . Special train arrangements are being made , and the Festival will take the form of a Garden Party , as in 18 95 . Full Particulars on application to the Secretary— -J . MORRISON McLEOD , P . G . S . B ., Vice-Patron , 6 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C .