Article HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article 200 PER CENT. Page 1 of 1 Article MUSIC IN LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Holiday Arrangements.
for Holyhead and Ireland . On Saturday , 23 rd May , special trains will leave Euston at 1-25 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden and Coventry only , and from Willesden Junction at 2-57 p . m . for Bletchley , Wolverton , Ellsworth , Weeden , Welton , Rugby , principal stations on Trent Valley Line , and Stafford ; a special express train will also leave Euston Station for Birmingham at 425 p . m ., calling at Willesden and Coventry only . On Sunday , 24 th May , special trains will leave Euston at
8-55 and 10-10 a . m . for Watford , King ' s Langley , Boxmoor , Berkhamsted , Tring and Cheddington . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , the 12-0 noon and 4-0 p . m . trains from Euston will leave at 12-10 noon and 4-10 p . m . respectively ; the 4-30 p . m . train from Euston will not run . Passengers will be conveyed by the 5-0 p . m ., except those for Peterboro ' , Market Harboro ' , Melton Mowbray , Nottingham , and the . Great Northern Line , who on this date will travel by the 3-0 p . m . train from Euston . The
Dining Saloons between London and Liverpool , and London and Manchester will not run on Whit-Monday , 25 th May , but the Corridor Dining Car Trains between London and Edinburgh and Glasgow , and the Breakfast and Luncheon Cars on the up and down Irish Mails , will run as usual . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , numerous residential trains will not be run . The Company also announce that they will run excursions to and from
London , Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Leamington , Coventry , Walsall , Leicester , Macclesfield , Stoke , Stone , Liverpool , Manchester , Chester , North Wales , and the Cambrian Line , Shrewsbury , Hereford , Oswestry , Preston , Wigan , Blackpool , Morecambe , Carlisle , the English Lake District , & c . Excursions will also be run from London and other principal towns to Scotland and Ireland for the Whitsun Holiday week .
MIDLAND RAILWAY . CHEAP excursion trains will be run from London to Dublin , Cork , Killarney , & c , for sixteen days , via Liverpool , on Thursday , 21 st May , and via Morecambe , on Wednesday , 20 th May , returning 21 st , 23 rd , 26 th , 28 th , 30 th May , and 2 nd or 4 th June ; to Belfast , Londonderry , and Portrush for Giant's Causeway , via Barrow and via Liverpool , on Friday , 22 nd May , for 16 days ; to Londonderry , via Liverpool , on Saturday ,
23 rd May , to return within sixteen days as per bill of sailing ; to Leicester , Nottingham , Newark , Lincoln , Birmingham , Walsall , Wolverhampton , Burton , Derby , Manchester , Liverpool , Blackburn , Bolton , Oldham , Sheffield , Leeds , Bradford , Scarboro' , Newcastle , the Furness District , Carlisle , & c , & c , on Saturday , 23 rd May , returning the following Monday or Thursday ; to Carlisle , Castle Douglas , Dumfries , Helensburgh , Edinburgh , Greenock , Glasgow , & c , on Friday night , 22 nd May , returning the following Tuesday or Saturday , by which third class return tickets at a single ordinary fare for the
double journey will also be issued , available for returning on any day within sixteen days . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , to St . Albans , Harpenden , Luton , Bedford , and Birmingham , for one day ; and to Manchester for the races , on Thursday ( Midnight ) , 28 th May , returning Saturday , 30 th May . Tickets for these trains for starting from St . Pancras station can be obtained on the two previous days to the running of the Trains at the Company ' s City and West End Booking Offices . Cheap daily and week-end excursions to Southend-on-Sea , as announced in Time Tables and Bills .
Cheap excursion trams for five or eight days will also be run to London from Carlisle , Bradford , Leeds , Sheffield , Liverpool , Manchester , Blackburn , Burnley , Bolton , Bury , Rochdale , Oldham , Lincoln , Newark , Burton , Derby , Nottingham , Birmingham , Walsall , Wolverhampton , Leicester , & c , on Saturday , 23 rd ; and for six daj s on Monday , 25 th May . From Manchester , Stockport , Bradford , Leeds , Barnsley , Sheffield , & c , on Saturday , 23 rd May , for 3 , 5
or 8 days . Passengers will be booked by these trains at cheap fares to Brighton , Hastings , St . Leonards , Eastbourne , & c . ; and to Paris and other places on the continent , having the privilege of returning by any ordinary train within sixteen days . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , an excursion train to London for 1 or 2 days will be run from Bradford , Leeds , Barnsley , Sheffield , & c . ; and for 1 , 3 , or 6 days from Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Walsall , & c . ; and day trips from Burton , Derby , Nottingham , Leicester , Wellingboro ' , & c .
On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , certain booked trains will be discontinued , of which due notice will be given by special bills at the stations . To prevent inconvenience and crowding , the booking offices at St . Pancras and Moorgate Street stations will be open for the issue of tickets all day on Friday and Saturday , 22 nd and 23 rd May , and tickets to all principal stations on the Midland Railway will also be issued beforehand at any of the Company ' s offices . The tickets obtained at the offices will be available from St . Pancras station , and will be issued at the same fares as charged at that station , and dated to suit the convenience of Passengers .
200 Per Cent.
200 PER CENT .
THERE are many good mining investments going just now which , becanse they have not been brought out with a great deal of noise and much bold advertisement , are absolutely neglected by the general public . Take Sherlaw ' s Gold Mine for instance , one of the progeny of the Coolgardie Syndicate—which , by the way , has paid 200 per cent , in sixteen nmoths . Now Sherlaw ' s Gold Mine , which has an area of forty acres little more than a mile from Coolgardie town , and close to the prosperous Lady Loch mine , has been
thoroughly opened out in a minerlike manner ; the stamping battery is at work , and working well , and a lasting success is assured , yet the shares can be bought at 13 s 6 d to 14 s . Of course they are bound to go up , and that very shortly . Then again there is the Great Reef , also in the Coolgardie district , which assays 4 £ to 5 oz . of fine gold to the ton , and which will be in actual operation in two months time ; why do the shares stand at the ridiculously small price of lis 6 d to 12 s ? Those who are behind the scenes are buying up these shares quietly , and they are wise in their generation .
THE PRINCESS LOUISE opened the Cookery and Food Exhibition at the Imperial Institute this year , and on the opening day was presented by Messrs . John Hill and Son , of Ashton-under-Lyne , with an elaborately ornamented cake , as a souvenir of the Show . 'Ihe presentation took place when H . R . H . visited the firm ' s stand , and the gracious way in which the Princess accepted
the gift , and openly expiessed her admiration , must have been eminently gratifying to Messrs . John Bill and Son . The stand , with its Bride Cakes , Birthday , Golden Wedding , and other Cakes , was unquestionably a feature of th < j Inhibition . It stems that this is the luigettfiim ol Cake Manufacturers in the Kingdom , but quantity of production is evidently not its only aim , for we happen to know tbat the Princess Louise is an authority on the subject .
Music In Lodge.
MUSIC is said to be in harmony of Heaven . It has the power to arouse the fiery passions of man , aud quiets the fiercest storm of rage . Of late years much interest has centred in the niusical part of the programme of our Masonic bodies , and in the conferring of the several degrees . While we of the west have not taken the same interest in this matter that our Brethren in the east have shown , we have nevertheless awakened to this fact , that music in our halls and asylums during the conferring of degrees
is almost indispensable . It adds interest to the work , and makes it much more effective , and brings out a much better attendance to our Masonic meetings . The male quartette has already become one of the leading features in some of our western bodies , and no one can witness the work assisted by some good quartette , accompanied by an instrument , that they do not feel that there should be an earnest endeavour on the part of all members of our
fraternity to develop music as an aid to our Masonic work . It adds interest in and beautifies the ritual . It creates a lasting impression upon the candidate . It draws to our meetings many who would not otherwise be in attendance , and is one of the most interesting features in connection with our work . More of our Masonic bodies should wake to this fact , and there be but few that cannot find among their members a few good singers , who with a little training will do work in this respect .
All of our bodies should have a good instrument in their hall , not only for the purpose of using it during the conferring of the degrees , but to make use of at their social gathering , when the families of the members of our fraternity are invited to our halls and asylums . The social side of Masonry should be more cultivated than it has been in the past , and we trust the Brethren will awake to this fact .
An exchange has said : " Music is essential to the rendering of the work in an impressive manner . In the opening and closing ceremonies , and in the conferring of degrees , there is abundant opportunity for musical services that will deepen the influence intended to accompany these exercises . " The chant or hymn at the proper place in the ceremony may help to fasten the spoken words upon the mind or give significance to the symbolism that is presented . — " Canadian Craftsman . "
A People ' s edition is about to be issued of " Cassell ' s Illustrated Natura History" in weekly numbers , uniform with the popular edition of " Cassell's History of England" which is having so large a circulation . " Cassell ' s Natural History , " which was prepared under the editorship of Prof . Martin Duncan , and contains contributions by leading authorities , is a complete
Natural History , describing beasts , birds , fishes , reptiles and insects . It is furnished with about 2 , 000 illustrations , and the work is made interesting to the general reader by an ' abundance of entertaining anecdotes . The present edition will be issued at less than one-third the price at which the work has hitherto been obtainable .
Just Published , ISmo ., Wrappers , 1 / -, A SMALL and reliable pocket LEXICON of FREEMASONRY , would be of value to young Masons , giving full information on matters connected with the Ritual and Customs of the Order ; with this view it has been compiled and revised by W . J . Morris . I 2 mo ., blue cloth , red edges , 5 / - TEXT BOOK OF FREEMASONRY , complete handbook of Instruction to all workings in the various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry , & c , & c . Ditto , Ditto , on thin paper , in leather pocket style . REEVES AND TURNER , 5 Wellington Street , Strand , London . ¦
The Freemason ' s Chronicle . A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . — : o : — Published every Saturday , Price 3 d . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Fleet Works , Bulwer Road , New Barnet , on receipt of remittance for the amount . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) are—Twelve Months , post free ... ... £ 0 13 6 Postal Orders to be made payable to , W . W . MORGAN , at the New Barnet Office . Cheques crossed " London and South Western Bank . " Scale of Charges for Advertisements . Per Page ... ... ... ... £ 8 8 0 Back Page ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , ls per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , narrow column , 5 s per inch . News column Advertisements ls per line . Special terms for a series of insertions or special positions on application .
EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL * PRINTING IN GOOD STYLE AND AT REASONABLE PRICES . Fleet Steam Printing Works , BULWER ROAD , NEW BARNET . THE PROBLEM ART , a Treatise on how to Solve and how to Compose Chess Problems . By T . B . Rowland and F . F . Rowland . Second edition , price 2 s _ 6 d , post free from W . W . Morgan . NewBarnet .
BOOKBINDING in all its branches . Price list on application . Morgan , Fleet Works , Bulwer Road , New Barnet ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Holiday Arrangements.
for Holyhead and Ireland . On Saturday , 23 rd May , special trains will leave Euston at 1-25 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden and Coventry only , and from Willesden Junction at 2-57 p . m . for Bletchley , Wolverton , Ellsworth , Weeden , Welton , Rugby , principal stations on Trent Valley Line , and Stafford ; a special express train will also leave Euston Station for Birmingham at 425 p . m ., calling at Willesden and Coventry only . On Sunday , 24 th May , special trains will leave Euston at
8-55 and 10-10 a . m . for Watford , King ' s Langley , Boxmoor , Berkhamsted , Tring and Cheddington . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , the 12-0 noon and 4-0 p . m . trains from Euston will leave at 12-10 noon and 4-10 p . m . respectively ; the 4-30 p . m . train from Euston will not run . Passengers will be conveyed by the 5-0 p . m ., except those for Peterboro ' , Market Harboro ' , Melton Mowbray , Nottingham , and the . Great Northern Line , who on this date will travel by the 3-0 p . m . train from Euston . The
Dining Saloons between London and Liverpool , and London and Manchester will not run on Whit-Monday , 25 th May , but the Corridor Dining Car Trains between London and Edinburgh and Glasgow , and the Breakfast and Luncheon Cars on the up and down Irish Mails , will run as usual . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , numerous residential trains will not be run . The Company also announce that they will run excursions to and from
London , Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Leamington , Coventry , Walsall , Leicester , Macclesfield , Stoke , Stone , Liverpool , Manchester , Chester , North Wales , and the Cambrian Line , Shrewsbury , Hereford , Oswestry , Preston , Wigan , Blackpool , Morecambe , Carlisle , the English Lake District , & c . Excursions will also be run from London and other principal towns to Scotland and Ireland for the Whitsun Holiday week .
MIDLAND RAILWAY . CHEAP excursion trains will be run from London to Dublin , Cork , Killarney , & c , for sixteen days , via Liverpool , on Thursday , 21 st May , and via Morecambe , on Wednesday , 20 th May , returning 21 st , 23 rd , 26 th , 28 th , 30 th May , and 2 nd or 4 th June ; to Belfast , Londonderry , and Portrush for Giant's Causeway , via Barrow and via Liverpool , on Friday , 22 nd May , for 16 days ; to Londonderry , via Liverpool , on Saturday ,
23 rd May , to return within sixteen days as per bill of sailing ; to Leicester , Nottingham , Newark , Lincoln , Birmingham , Walsall , Wolverhampton , Burton , Derby , Manchester , Liverpool , Blackburn , Bolton , Oldham , Sheffield , Leeds , Bradford , Scarboro' , Newcastle , the Furness District , Carlisle , & c , & c , on Saturday , 23 rd May , returning the following Monday or Thursday ; to Carlisle , Castle Douglas , Dumfries , Helensburgh , Edinburgh , Greenock , Glasgow , & c , on Friday night , 22 nd May , returning the following Tuesday or Saturday , by which third class return tickets at a single ordinary fare for the
double journey will also be issued , available for returning on any day within sixteen days . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , to St . Albans , Harpenden , Luton , Bedford , and Birmingham , for one day ; and to Manchester for the races , on Thursday ( Midnight ) , 28 th May , returning Saturday , 30 th May . Tickets for these trains for starting from St . Pancras station can be obtained on the two previous days to the running of the Trains at the Company ' s City and West End Booking Offices . Cheap daily and week-end excursions to Southend-on-Sea , as announced in Time Tables and Bills .
Cheap excursion trams for five or eight days will also be run to London from Carlisle , Bradford , Leeds , Sheffield , Liverpool , Manchester , Blackburn , Burnley , Bolton , Bury , Rochdale , Oldham , Lincoln , Newark , Burton , Derby , Nottingham , Birmingham , Walsall , Wolverhampton , Leicester , & c , on Saturday , 23 rd ; and for six daj s on Monday , 25 th May . From Manchester , Stockport , Bradford , Leeds , Barnsley , Sheffield , & c , on Saturday , 23 rd May , for 3 , 5
or 8 days . Passengers will be booked by these trains at cheap fares to Brighton , Hastings , St . Leonards , Eastbourne , & c . ; and to Paris and other places on the continent , having the privilege of returning by any ordinary train within sixteen days . On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , an excursion train to London for 1 or 2 days will be run from Bradford , Leeds , Barnsley , Sheffield , & c . ; and for 1 , 3 , or 6 days from Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Walsall , & c . ; and day trips from Burton , Derby , Nottingham , Leicester , Wellingboro ' , & c .
On Whit-Monday , 25 th May , certain booked trains will be discontinued , of which due notice will be given by special bills at the stations . To prevent inconvenience and crowding , the booking offices at St . Pancras and Moorgate Street stations will be open for the issue of tickets all day on Friday and Saturday , 22 nd and 23 rd May , and tickets to all principal stations on the Midland Railway will also be issued beforehand at any of the Company ' s offices . The tickets obtained at the offices will be available from St . Pancras station , and will be issued at the same fares as charged at that station , and dated to suit the convenience of Passengers .
200 Per Cent.
200 PER CENT .
THERE are many good mining investments going just now which , becanse they have not been brought out with a great deal of noise and much bold advertisement , are absolutely neglected by the general public . Take Sherlaw ' s Gold Mine for instance , one of the progeny of the Coolgardie Syndicate—which , by the way , has paid 200 per cent , in sixteen nmoths . Now Sherlaw ' s Gold Mine , which has an area of forty acres little more than a mile from Coolgardie town , and close to the prosperous Lady Loch mine , has been
thoroughly opened out in a minerlike manner ; the stamping battery is at work , and working well , and a lasting success is assured , yet the shares can be bought at 13 s 6 d to 14 s . Of course they are bound to go up , and that very shortly . Then again there is the Great Reef , also in the Coolgardie district , which assays 4 £ to 5 oz . of fine gold to the ton , and which will be in actual operation in two months time ; why do the shares stand at the ridiculously small price of lis 6 d to 12 s ? Those who are behind the scenes are buying up these shares quietly , and they are wise in their generation .
THE PRINCESS LOUISE opened the Cookery and Food Exhibition at the Imperial Institute this year , and on the opening day was presented by Messrs . John Hill and Son , of Ashton-under-Lyne , with an elaborately ornamented cake , as a souvenir of the Show . 'Ihe presentation took place when H . R . H . visited the firm ' s stand , and the gracious way in which the Princess accepted
the gift , and openly expiessed her admiration , must have been eminently gratifying to Messrs . John Bill and Son . The stand , with its Bride Cakes , Birthday , Golden Wedding , and other Cakes , was unquestionably a feature of th < j Inhibition . It stems that this is the luigettfiim ol Cake Manufacturers in the Kingdom , but quantity of production is evidently not its only aim , for we happen to know tbat the Princess Louise is an authority on the subject .
Music In Lodge.
MUSIC is said to be in harmony of Heaven . It has the power to arouse the fiery passions of man , aud quiets the fiercest storm of rage . Of late years much interest has centred in the niusical part of the programme of our Masonic bodies , and in the conferring of the several degrees . While we of the west have not taken the same interest in this matter that our Brethren in the east have shown , we have nevertheless awakened to this fact , that music in our halls and asylums during the conferring of degrees
is almost indispensable . It adds interest to the work , and makes it much more effective , and brings out a much better attendance to our Masonic meetings . The male quartette has already become one of the leading features in some of our western bodies , and no one can witness the work assisted by some good quartette , accompanied by an instrument , that they do not feel that there should be an earnest endeavour on the part of all members of our
fraternity to develop music as an aid to our Masonic work . It adds interest in and beautifies the ritual . It creates a lasting impression upon the candidate . It draws to our meetings many who would not otherwise be in attendance , and is one of the most interesting features in connection with our work . More of our Masonic bodies should wake to this fact , and there be but few that cannot find among their members a few good singers , who with a little training will do work in this respect .
All of our bodies should have a good instrument in their hall , not only for the purpose of using it during the conferring of the degrees , but to make use of at their social gathering , when the families of the members of our fraternity are invited to our halls and asylums . The social side of Masonry should be more cultivated than it has been in the past , and we trust the Brethren will awake to this fact .
An exchange has said : " Music is essential to the rendering of the work in an impressive manner . In the opening and closing ceremonies , and in the conferring of degrees , there is abundant opportunity for musical services that will deepen the influence intended to accompany these exercises . " The chant or hymn at the proper place in the ceremony may help to fasten the spoken words upon the mind or give significance to the symbolism that is presented . — " Canadian Craftsman . "
A People ' s edition is about to be issued of " Cassell ' s Illustrated Natura History" in weekly numbers , uniform with the popular edition of " Cassell's History of England" which is having so large a circulation . " Cassell ' s Natural History , " which was prepared under the editorship of Prof . Martin Duncan , and contains contributions by leading authorities , is a complete
Natural History , describing beasts , birds , fishes , reptiles and insects . It is furnished with about 2 , 000 illustrations , and the work is made interesting to the general reader by an ' abundance of entertaining anecdotes . The present edition will be issued at less than one-third the price at which the work has hitherto been obtainable .
Just Published , ISmo ., Wrappers , 1 / -, A SMALL and reliable pocket LEXICON of FREEMASONRY , would be of value to young Masons , giving full information on matters connected with the Ritual and Customs of the Order ; with this view it has been compiled and revised by W . J . Morris . I 2 mo ., blue cloth , red edges , 5 / - TEXT BOOK OF FREEMASONRY , complete handbook of Instruction to all workings in the various Mysteries and Ceremonies of Craft Masonry , & c , & c . Ditto , Ditto , on thin paper , in leather pocket style . REEVES AND TURNER , 5 Wellington Street , Strand , London . ¦
The Freemason ' s Chronicle . A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . — : o : — Published every Saturday , Price 3 d . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Fleet Works , Bulwer Road , New Barnet , on receipt of remittance for the amount . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) are—Twelve Months , post free ... ... £ 0 13 6 Postal Orders to be made payable to , W . W . MORGAN , at the New Barnet Office . Cheques crossed " London and South Western Bank . " Scale of Charges for Advertisements . Per Page ... ... ... ... £ 8 8 0 Back Page ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , ls per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , narrow column , 5 s per inch . News column Advertisements ls per line . Special terms for a series of insertions or special positions on application .
EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL * PRINTING IN GOOD STYLE AND AT REASONABLE PRICES . Fleet Steam Printing Works , BULWER ROAD , NEW BARNET . THE PROBLEM ART , a Treatise on how to Solve and how to Compose Chess Problems . By T . B . Rowland and F . F . Rowland . Second edition , price 2 s _ 6 d , post free from W . W . Morgan . NewBarnet .
BOOKBINDING in all its branches . Price list on application . Morgan , Fleet Works , Bulwer Road , New Barnet ,