Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 4 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
3 ATUEDAY , 16 th NOVEMBER . IDS—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Scmthgate-roa >\ , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 13 & 1—Earl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Mnre-strect , Hackney . 162-1—Eccleston , Grosvenor Ctub , Ebury-square , Fimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Recent-street , \ V . at 8 . 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
MONDAY , 18 th NOVEMBER . 45—Strong Man , 01 ( 1 Roilney's Head , 12 Otd-st .. near Goswell-rd ., at 8 . 0 . ( In . ) 174—Sincerity , Bailway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 180—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , \ V ., at S . ( Instruction . ) 185—Tranquillity , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , B . C . 186—Industry , Hell Tavern , Carter-lane , Doctor's-commons , at 0 . 30 . ( Instruct . ) 618—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
70-1—Camden , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham . 1306—St . John of Wapping , Gun Hotel , High-st ., Wapping , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1425—Hyde Park , Tho Wcstbounie , Craven-rd ., Paddmgton , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1489—Marquess of Kipon , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( In . ) 1623—West Smithfield , New Market Hotel , King-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . )
77—Freedom , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend . 236—York , Masonic Hall , York . 331—Phrenix of Honour and Prudence , Public Rooms , Truro . 359—Peaco and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton . 382—Royal Union , Belmont Hall , Uxbridge . 421—Borough , Half Moon Hotel , Gateshead . 466— Merit , George Hotel , Stamford Baron , Northampton . 622—St . Cuthbcrga , Masonic Hall , Wimborno .
725—Stonelcigh , King's Arms Hotel , Keuilworth . 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 931—Merit , Derby Hotel , Whitofield . 985—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Holbeach . 1030— Egcrton , George Hotel , Wellington Road , Heaton Norris , near Stockport . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland . 1141—Mid Sussex , Assembly Rooms , Horsham .
1170—St . George , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 1199—Agricufture , Honey Hall , Congresbury . 1203—Corinthian , Royal Hotet , Dover . 1449—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 p , m . ( Instruction . ) 1502—Israel , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . R . A , 32—Jerusalem , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool . R . A . 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield .
TUESDAY , 19 th NOVEMBER . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 30—United Mariners . Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . G . 65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-bldgs ., HolUorn , at 7 . ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , KG ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hotel , SoutLiwark . 95—Eastern Star , Ship ana Turtle , Leadenhall-street , E . C . 141—Faith , 2 Westminster-chambers , Victoria-street , S . VV ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 177—Domutw , survey Masonic Hall , CamberwelJ , at 7 . M . ( Instruction . ) 194—St . Paul ' s . City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G .
664—Y . arborough , Green Dragon , Stepuey . ( Instruction . ) 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , S „ . John's Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 8 U 0—Duluousie , aisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1420—Earl Spencer , Swan Hot . i , Battersea Old Briitgu , S . W . 1446—Mount Lugcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., at a . ( instruction . ) 1471—Islington , Tliree Bucks , 23 Gresha . u-street , E . U ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , . North Woolwicn , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1607 —Metropolitan , 269 i'union ville-roau . ( Instruction . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Grown and Woolpack , St . John ' s-street-rd . at 8 . ( In . ) R . A . 933—Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C .
117—Wynstay , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 213 — Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , . Norwich . 241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at U . 30 . ( instruction . ) 248—True Love and Unity , freemasons' Hall , Brixham , Devon . 3 * 1—St . David , Masonic Rooms , Bangor . 414--Union , Masonic Hall , Reading . 667—Alliance , Masonic Half , jLiverpool . B 60—Bute , Masonic Had , 9 Working-street , Cardiff .
10 U 6 -Treguilow , Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Seorrier , Cornwall . 1052—Cullender , Freemasons' Had , Manchester . 10 o 9—De Sheriand , Fountain Hotel , Sheerness . 1 U 3—Angiesea , null Hotel , Liangehn . 1276—Warren , Stanley Arms Hotul , tieacombe , Cheshire . 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
1427—Percy , Masonic Hail , Maple-street , Newcastle . 14 / 0—Clultern , lown Hall , Dunstable . 1473—Bootie , 116 Berry-streot , Bootle , at 6 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1634—Concord , George Hotel , Prestwich . 1670—Prince Arthur , 110 North Hill-street , Liverpool . 1761—fileanor Cross , Masonic Had , Abington-streot , Northampton .
WEDNESDAY , 20 th NOVEMBER . General CoaruitteoG . Lodgo and Lodgo of Bone voleuco , Freemasons'Hall , at 6 . Grand Stewards' Lodge , freemason ' s Hall . 171—Sincerity , Guiiuuall Tavern , Greshain-strcet , E . C . 190—Oa , < , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1 U 3—Commence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 . ( Infraction . ) 2 ol—Joruan , Devousnire Arms , Devonshire-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 228—United Streugtii , Hope andAncbor , Crowudale-rd ., Caiude i-tjivn at - ( . ( In . ) 633—La Toloiuuce , Horse aiia urooni , vvinsley-stre ^ t , VV ., a . 7 . ii > . ( lusv . i
7 al—jjercnaut j > avy , onvur laveru , BurUeLt-ruail , K . at 7 . 3 U . ( Instruction . ) 813—JSDW ooncord , Jolly i'urmors , ftoutngate-ruad , N . « t 8 . ( lnoti uction . ) so . ;—Wmtlington , i \ eu ijion , i' ppui o-cuurt , Fieet-struet , at a . ( insu'ucuou . J lido—Lewis , rving s Aruib Hotel , W ' ooU u / een , at i . ( instruction . ; llUd—LiUiui , 'in ,, 'i ' uiee iirrclta , eii'csiniui-screei , at a . 3 ti . ( instruction . ) liia—iiurUuti Coultn , ouuiiuu and Ball , Bulhual ii reen-roitd , ato . JU . ( Inst . ) 1288—Fiiiauui-y PnriLjFiushuo J k . i'av ., oeveu 6 isiers' -ru ., atci . u . ( instruction .,
150/—Metropolitan , Aiidcrton ' s lijlsl , i ieot-stivet , E . C . iMk—DUKO ol Connan ^ nt , llaveliicl :, iuiiuii Ku . tu , Dayton , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . / 1 & 03—mike ot bounaii ^ rht , F . iunce A runs , lveiiniuglou Park , at a . ( instruction . ; lti / 3—juiug .-ou , x . ouuuJ -Masonic . jiib , 101 Qu en Victoria sweet , E . G . l # w—Eicuor , Angel iuj ; ei , lvJinciiton , at a . ( Instruction . ) R . A . in—lAmuitic , Ouion iave , _ , Aiv-otvtsut , i « . gcn . t-st ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction tv . A . utio—vlauton , w uite Hart Is . vein , Clayton , at 7 . 3 o . ( Instruction . !
20—Koyul Kent of Antiquity , ami Hotel , Chatham . 1-i— . uouut oinai , Flluiiu-UUilUiug » , renisance . 1-i-j—ot . lieoi-jje , Tratalgar l'uveru . G . eeuwiun . lio—u . ast . sicu . ii ., .. uaauini ; nail , J jhn-. itreet , Ilyde , I . W . ziAi—uiu uiOuo , Private ivuoins , Gl 3 L . o-street , ouarboro' '"• 2 tl—at . Joan , ejoiuuieicial Hotel , ' .. 'own itau Square , jlntton . 3 JO—St . < fuua , F'reeuiasons' iia . i , Llm-ton-s ^ uare , aahoril , J * U :-Zi < suaud , 66 Argyia . strettt , ifir 4 « uhBacl ,
Diary For The Week.
5 S 1—Faith , Drover ' s Inn , Openshaw . 501—Buckingham , Georgo Hotel , Aylesbury . 593—Ootteswolil , King ' s Head Hotel , Cireucoster . 5 !) I— Dowushire , Miisonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 633— Ynrhorough , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . ( i 73—S -. John , Afisonic Hail , Liverpool , at S . ( Instruction . ) 68 . 1—Isca , Freem ; isous' Hall , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire . 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
874—Holmes ale , Sussex Hotel , Tunbridgc Wells . 8 S 9—Dobie , Grirfin Hotel , Kingston-on-Thames . 969—Sun and Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington . 972—St . Augustino , Masonic Hall , Canterbury . ( Instruction . ) 101 !)—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hull , Zetland-street , Wakefield . 1040—Syko , Masonic Hall , Driffield , YorKS . 10 . % "—Walton , bkelmorsdalo Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . 1129 -St . Chad's , Roebuck Hotel , Rochdale .
HOl—Do Grey aud Ripon , Corporation Hotel , Tipping-st ., Ardwick , near Man . 1161— Eliot , Private Rooms , St . Germains , Cornwall . 1206—Cintmo Ports , Boll Hotel , Sandwich . 13 'I—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouso . 1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton . 1353—Duke of Lancaster , Athenanim , Lancaster .
1356—Do Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill-street , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1413—Salem , Town Hall , Daivlish , Devon . 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , Hull . 1631—Starkie , Railway Hotel , Ramsbottom . R . A . 220-Harmony , Wellington Hotel , Garston , Lancashire . R . A . 258—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Ueckmondwike . R . A . 387—Moravian , Masonic Hall , Shipley .
lli!>—Temperance , White Swan , High-street , Deptford . 181—Universal , Freemasons' Hall , \ V . G . 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 720—Panmure Gen . L . of Inst ., Antelopo Tavern , Lorn-road . Brixton , at 8 . 733—Westbourne , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , N . W . 813—New Concord , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . 1139—South Norwood , Public Hall , Soutb Norwood .
THURSDAY , 21 st NOVEMBER . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-sticet , Fitzroy-sq ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 23—Globe , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 63—St Mar , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , Collego-street , Lambeth , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1227—Upton , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , E . G ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutt * , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . 1287—Great Northern , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1319—Friars , Cues hire Gheoso , Crutched Friars , E . C , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1126—The Groat City , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , E . C . at 6 . 30 . ( Instruction 5 1677—Crusaders , Old Jerusalorn Tavern , St . John ' s-gate , Clerkenwoll , at 9 . ( In ) R . A . 753—Prince Fredorick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( Inst ) M . M . —Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 30 . ( Inst )
42—Relief , Albion Hotel , Haymarket-streefc , Bury , Lane . 56—Howard , High-street , Arundel . 203—Ancient Union , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 268—Union , Queen s Arms Inn , George-street . Ashton-nndor-Lyno 3-13—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Kooms , Starkie-stroet , Preston 345—Perseverance , Old Bull Hotel , Church-street , Blackburn . 3 U 7—Probity and Freedom , Red Lion Inn , SmaUbridge . 623—Johu o * Gaunt , Freemasons' Hull , Haltord-sireet , Leicester
600—Harmony , ire ^ masons'Hall , Salem-street , Bradio-d 663— v > iitshire of Fidelity , Town Hall , Devizes . lOil—Richmond , Crown Hotel , Blackiriars-street , Salford . lu-12—Excelsior , Masonic Hail , Great George-street , Leeds 1182—Duko ol Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 flnstrnctirin 1 12 U 9-Pembroke , West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool 1327—King Harold , Britannia Hotel , Watt-ham New Town
1332—Unity , Masonic Hall , Crediton , Dovon . 1432—Fitzalan , Wynnstay Arms , Oswestry . 1612—Hemming , Lion Hotel , Hampton . 1 D 12— Weot . vlnialesex . Feathers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction > R . A . 201—Caledonian , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester tt . A . 275—Perseverance , Masonic HaU , aouth-parade , Huduershetd ' R . A . 283—Wisdom , Swun Inn , Market-place , Haslingden R . A . ial-l—Seurbro , Scaroro HaU , Ualedonia-road , Batley
FRIDAY , 22 nrl NOVEMBER . House Committee , Buys' School , at 4 . liuiuiation Lodgo ol improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 2 o—KoUort Burns , Union Tavern , Air-soreet , W ., at a . ( Insti'D' 6 u 7— United 1 'ilgruno , surrey Masonic Hall , Camoerwell . at 7 if ctl 0 a -l 669—Fitzroy , Head Quarters , Hon . Artil ery Company , City- ' J - ( Instruction . ) 7 UU—Wuluiiu i'reston , Deatuers Tavern , Up . George-st ., &* > -oac '> " •^ Ui-i—Raaolagh , Bell aud . Anchor , Hammersmith . rnail . l ' ir -gwaru-rd . ( Inst . )
9 U 2—Burgoyue , Rod Cap , Cum . ien Town , at 8 . ( Instruo' . " ' uctlon- ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapel-road , at 8 . ( ' jl 0 Q -l . 1066—Metropolitan , 1-ortugal Hotel , 15 » Fleet-street , E l - ustI'uetion . ) Has—Befgrave , Jermyu-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruct ? , L , { ttt 7 * ( -Instruction . ) izuo—Hervey , Punuu s Tavern , Uli Fieei-street , E . G . on ' ' 1288—Fmsbury Park Master Masons' Lodge of Ins' ' Lv ° a > ( Instruction . ) lZJd—rtoyui ataudurd , Alwyuo Castle , St . Paul ' s " bmabury Park Tavern , at 8 . W 65—Clapton , w hno Hart , Lower GUpton , at 7 ; , ' ^ auoubury , at 8 . ( In . ) Unstruetiuu
lb 42—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gouluorue ' ^ . ) R . A . 79-Pythugoreau , Portland Hotel , Lyr , ' ' - Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) < 0 _ . , , „ _ , ^ „ „ ¦ 'dou-street , Greenwich , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 48—Industry , 34 Denmark-street , Gatev . , .... , 780—lloyal Al . rea , Star ana Gaaer , V ^ > afc 7 - ™ - „ ( Instruction . ) 1393—Hauier , Masonic Hall , Laverpoo ) '" ' aria &> - ' -30 ( Instruction . ) 1712—St . Jonu , rreeuiasons'Huii , G : L .. R . A . 152-Virtuo , Freemasons' Hr -wpger-st ., ^ owoastIe . K . T . 20-P . oyal Kent , Masumo V , ' , ' V P ; dtrcefc ' Munchester . * - Mt > Mapie-streut , Newcastle .
SATURD AYj 23 rd NOVEMBER . iuKSot ^ iuuu e . u , iptei o , m ,.- . ^ . V " ' * ! n S : ? l ( 1 ' , * T ° ' - Instruction . ) * -ULtion , uuum , Aii-ou-eel , Uo ^ ent-stieet , W ., ut 8 ^^ J ^^ ^^^^ ^ y ^ - a » 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) . . Aiiar - ' l tel ii'tei , OU-eenhiiue . ¦ """¦ " J '» atatiun House Uutot , uottums , Stansheid .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction .-AD J 3 I-O . Maidweii ' s , leruuioo iiivoi n , Licaaiiuunu-stieo , ou xs ^ i ^ ove . noor . Bros , lirowu tf . Jl ., Alaiuwuu b . W ., Moss J . W ., Uulianils a . U ., tiobo . ts i . G ., Jaoiel , dto . lho Lougo was oUeUoti iu tfuo lorn . Tnu uiiuutos of . ¦ a previous luuctiug were lOdJ auef coutiruietl . The ct-reinouy oi '
a . oiuy was rchoa . dt .-tJ , U . o . L » amel cauelidu , tu . Tuo Lodge was ulusod OAUIU mo imra and socoud de c rees . Jiro . li . uwn , W . At . of tho rusjjuiity Luu ^ ti , was eitctud to Uu tho cnair at the auuuaf supper a luosau ,, lath rNoveniUer , tiro . 1 . 1 . M . Llauiei vice . Bro . Alaiaweli ¦'" HwmjtusotiioiiMitttiJivtiyu Ummuuuy ou TuyacUy , gfjtU . Movoruber ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
3 ATUEDAY , 16 th NOVEMBER . IDS—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Scmthgate-roa >\ , N ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 13 & 1—Earl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Mnre-strect , Hackney . 162-1—Eccleston , Grosvenor Ctub , Ebury-square , Fimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Recent-street , \ V . at 8 . 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . )
MONDAY , 18 th NOVEMBER . 45—Strong Man , 01 ( 1 Roilney's Head , 12 Otd-st .. near Goswell-rd ., at 8 . 0 . ( In . ) 174—Sincerity , Bailway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 180—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , \ V ., at S . ( Instruction . ) 185—Tranquillity , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , B . C . 186—Industry , Hell Tavern , Carter-lane , Doctor's-commons , at 0 . 30 . ( Instruct . ) 618—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
70-1—Camden , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham . 1306—St . John of Wapping , Gun Hotel , High-st ., Wapping , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1425—Hyde Park , Tho Wcstbounie , Craven-rd ., Paddmgton , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1489—Marquess of Kipon , Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hackney , at 7 . 30 . ( In . ) 1623—West Smithfield , New Market Hotel , King-st ., Snow-hill , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , corner of Burdett-road . ( Inst . )
77—Freedom , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend . 236—York , Masonic Hall , York . 331—Phrenix of Honour and Prudence , Public Rooms , Truro . 359—Peaco and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton . 382—Royal Union , Belmont Hall , Uxbridge . 421—Borough , Half Moon Hotel , Gateshead . 466— Merit , George Hotel , Stamford Baron , Northampton . 622—St . Cuthbcrga , Masonic Hall , Wimborno .
725—Stonelcigh , King's Arms Hotel , Keuilworth . 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 931—Merit , Derby Hotel , Whitofield . 985—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Holbeach . 1030— Egcrton , George Hotel , Wellington Road , Heaton Norris , near Stockport . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland . 1141—Mid Sussex , Assembly Rooms , Horsham .
1170—St . George , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 1199—Agricufture , Honey Hall , Congresbury . 1203—Corinthian , Royal Hotet , Dover . 1449—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 p , m . ( Instruction . ) 1502—Israel , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . R . A , 32—Jerusalem , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool . R . A . 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield .
TUESDAY , 19 th NOVEMBER . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 30—United Mariners . Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . G . 65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-bldgs ., HolUorn , at 7 . ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , KG ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hotel , SoutLiwark . 95—Eastern Star , Ship ana Turtle , Leadenhall-street , E . C . 141—Faith , 2 Westminster-chambers , Victoria-street , S . VV ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 177—Domutw , survey Masonic Hall , CamberwelJ , at 7 . M . ( Instruction . ) 194—St . Paul ' s . City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G .
664—Y . arborough , Green Dragon , Stepuey . ( Instruction . ) 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , S „ . John's Wood , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 8 U 0—Duluousie , aisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1420—Earl Spencer , Swan Hot . i , Battersea Old Briitgu , S . W . 1446—Mount Lugcumbe , 19 Jermyn-street , S . W ., at a . ( instruction . ) 1471—Islington , Tliree Bucks , 23 Gresha . u-street , E . U ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1472—Henley , Three Crowns , . North Woolwicn , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1607 —Metropolitan , 269 i'union ville-roau . ( Instruction . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Grown and Woolpack , St . John ' s-street-rd . at 8 . ( In . ) R . A . 933—Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C .
117—Wynstay , Raven Hotel , Shrewsbury , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 213 — Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , . Norwich . 241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at U . 30 . ( instruction . ) 248—True Love and Unity , freemasons' Hall , Brixham , Devon . 3 * 1—St . David , Masonic Rooms , Bangor . 414--Union , Masonic Hall , Reading . 667—Alliance , Masonic Half , jLiverpool . B 60—Bute , Masonic Had , 9 Working-street , Cardiff .
10 U 6 -Treguilow , Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Seorrier , Cornwall . 1052—Cullender , Freemasons' Had , Manchester . 10 o 9—De Sheriand , Fountain Hotel , Sheerness . 1 U 3—Angiesea , null Hotel , Liangehn . 1276—Warren , Stanley Arms Hotul , tieacombe , Cheshire . 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
1427—Percy , Masonic Hail , Maple-street , Newcastle . 14 / 0—Clultern , lown Hall , Dunstable . 1473—Bootie , 116 Berry-streot , Bootle , at 6 . 0 . ( Instruction . ) 1634—Concord , George Hotel , Prestwich . 1670—Prince Arthur , 110 North Hill-street , Liverpool . 1761—fileanor Cross , Masonic Had , Abington-streot , Northampton .
WEDNESDAY , 20 th NOVEMBER . General CoaruitteoG . Lodgo and Lodgo of Bone voleuco , Freemasons'Hall , at 6 . Grand Stewards' Lodge , freemason ' s Hall . 171—Sincerity , Guiiuuall Tavern , Greshain-strcet , E . C . 190—Oa , < , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1 U 3—Commence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 . ( Infraction . ) 2 ol—Joruan , Devousnire Arms , Devonshire-street , W ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 228—United Streugtii , Hope andAncbor , Crowudale-rd ., Caiude i-tjivn at - ( . ( In . ) 633—La Toloiuuce , Horse aiia urooni , vvinsley-stre ^ t , VV ., a . 7 . ii > . ( lusv . i
7 al—jjercnaut j > avy , onvur laveru , BurUeLt-ruail , K . at 7 . 3 U . ( Instruction . ) 813—JSDW ooncord , Jolly i'urmors , ftoutngate-ruad , N . « t 8 . ( lnoti uction . ) so . ;—Wmtlington , i \ eu ijion , i' ppui o-cuurt , Fieet-struet , at a . ( insu'ucuou . J lido—Lewis , rving s Aruib Hotel , W ' ooU u / een , at i . ( instruction . ; llUd—LiUiui , 'in ,, 'i ' uiee iirrclta , eii'csiniui-screei , at a . 3 ti . ( instruction . ) liia—iiurUuti Coultn , ouuiiuu and Ball , Bulhual ii reen-roitd , ato . JU . ( Inst . ) 1288—Fiiiauui-y PnriLjFiushuo J k . i'av ., oeveu 6 isiers' -ru ., atci . u . ( instruction .,
150/—Metropolitan , Aiidcrton ' s lijlsl , i ieot-stivet , E . C . iMk—DUKO ol Connan ^ nt , llaveliicl :, iuiiuii Ku . tu , Dayton , at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction . / 1 & 03—mike ot bounaii ^ rht , F . iunce A runs , lveiiniuglou Park , at a . ( instruction . ; lti / 3—juiug .-ou , x . ouuuJ -Masonic . jiib , 101 Qu en Victoria sweet , E . G . l # w—Eicuor , Angel iuj ; ei , lvJinciiton , at a . ( Instruction . ) R . A . in—lAmuitic , Ouion iave , _ , Aiv-otvtsut , i « . gcn . t-st ., at 8 . 0 . ( Instruction tv . A . utio—vlauton , w uite Hart Is . vein , Clayton , at 7 . 3 o . ( Instruction . !
20—Koyul Kent of Antiquity , ami Hotel , Chatham . 1-i— . uouut oinai , Flluiiu-UUilUiug » , renisance . 1-i-j—ot . lieoi-jje , Tratalgar l'uveru . G . eeuwiun . lio—u . ast . sicu . ii ., .. uaauini ; nail , J jhn-. itreet , Ilyde , I . W . ziAi—uiu uiOuo , Private ivuoins , Gl 3 L . o-street , ouarboro' '"• 2 tl—at . Joan , ejoiuuieicial Hotel , ' .. 'own itau Square , jlntton . 3 JO—St . < fuua , F'reeuiasons' iia . i , Llm-ton-s ^ uare , aahoril , J * U :-Zi < suaud , 66 Argyia . strettt , ifir 4 « uhBacl ,
Diary For The Week.
5 S 1—Faith , Drover ' s Inn , Openshaw . 501—Buckingham , Georgo Hotel , Aylesbury . 593—Ootteswolil , King ' s Head Hotel , Cireucoster . 5 !) I— Dowushire , Miisonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 633— Ynrhorough , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . ( i 73—S -. John , Afisonic Hail , Liverpool , at S . ( Instruction . ) 68 . 1—Isca , Freem ; isous' Hall , Dock-street , Newport , Monmouthshire . 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
874—Holmes ale , Sussex Hotel , Tunbridgc Wells . 8 S 9—Dobie , Grirfin Hotel , Kingston-on-Thames . 969—Sun and Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington . 972—St . Augustino , Masonic Hall , Canterbury . ( Instruction . ) 101 !)—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hull , Zetland-street , Wakefield . 1040—Syko , Masonic Hall , Driffield , YorKS . 10 . % "—Walton , bkelmorsdalo Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . 1129 -St . Chad's , Roebuck Hotel , Rochdale .
HOl—Do Grey aud Ripon , Corporation Hotel , Tipping-st ., Ardwick , near Man . 1161— Eliot , Private Rooms , St . Germains , Cornwall . 1206—Cintmo Ports , Boll Hotel , Sandwich . 13 'I—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouso . 1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton . 1353—Duke of Lancaster , Athenanim , Lancaster .
1356—Do Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill-street , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1413—Salem , Town Hall , Daivlish , Devon . 1511—Alexandra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea , Hull . 1631—Starkie , Railway Hotel , Ramsbottom . R . A . 220-Harmony , Wellington Hotel , Garston , Lancashire . R . A . 258—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Ueckmondwike . R . A . 387—Moravian , Masonic Hall , Shipley .
lli!>—Temperance , White Swan , High-street , Deptford . 181—Universal , Freemasons' Hall , \ V . G . 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) 720—Panmure Gen . L . of Inst ., Antelopo Tavern , Lorn-road . Brixton , at 8 . 733—Westbourne , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , N . W . 813—New Concord , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . 1139—South Norwood , Public Hall , Soutb Norwood .
THURSDAY , 21 st NOVEMBER . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-sticet , Fitzroy-sq ., at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 23—Globe , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 63—St Mar , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , Collego-street , Lambeth , at 8 . ( Instruction . )
1227—Upton , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , E . G ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—Burdett Coutt * , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . 1287—Great Northern , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 1319—Friars , Cues hire Gheoso , Crutched Friars , E . C , at 7 . ( Instruction . ) 1126—The Groat City , Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , E . C . at 6 . 30 . ( Instruction 5 1677—Crusaders , Old Jerusalorn Tavern , St . John ' s-gate , Clerkenwoll , at 9 . ( In ) R . A . 753—Prince Fredorick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( Inst ) M . M . —Duke of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-road , Dalston , at 8 . 30 . ( Inst )
42—Relief , Albion Hotel , Haymarket-streefc , Bury , Lane . 56—Howard , High-street , Arundel . 203—Ancient Union , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 268—Union , Queen s Arms Inn , George-street . Ashton-nndor-Lyno 3-13—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Kooms , Starkie-stroet , Preston 345—Perseverance , Old Bull Hotel , Church-street , Blackburn . 3 U 7—Probity and Freedom , Red Lion Inn , SmaUbridge . 623—Johu o * Gaunt , Freemasons' Hull , Haltord-sireet , Leicester
600—Harmony , ire ^ masons'Hall , Salem-street , Bradio-d 663— v > iitshire of Fidelity , Town Hall , Devizes . lOil—Richmond , Crown Hotel , Blackiriars-street , Salford . lu-12—Excelsior , Masonic Hail , Great George-street , Leeds 1182—Duko ol Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 flnstrnctirin 1 12 U 9-Pembroke , West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Liverpool 1327—King Harold , Britannia Hotel , Watt-ham New Town
1332—Unity , Masonic Hall , Crediton , Dovon . 1432—Fitzalan , Wynnstay Arms , Oswestry . 1612—Hemming , Lion Hotel , Hampton . 1 D 12— Weot . vlnialesex . Feathers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction > R . A . 201—Caledonian , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester tt . A . 275—Perseverance , Masonic HaU , aouth-parade , Huduershetd ' R . A . 283—Wisdom , Swun Inn , Market-place , Haslingden R . A . ial-l—Seurbro , Scaroro HaU , Ualedonia-road , Batley
FRIDAY , 22 nrl NOVEMBER . House Committee , Buys' School , at 4 . liuiuiation Lodgo ol improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 2 o—KoUort Burns , Union Tavern , Air-soreet , W ., at a . ( Insti'D' 6 u 7— United 1 'ilgruno , surrey Masonic Hall , Camoerwell . at 7 if ctl 0 a -l 669—Fitzroy , Head Quarters , Hon . Artil ery Company , City- ' J - ( Instruction . ) 7 UU—Wuluiiu i'reston , Deatuers Tavern , Up . George-st ., &* > -oac '> " •^ Ui-i—Raaolagh , Bell aud . Anchor , Hammersmith . rnail . l ' ir -gwaru-rd . ( Inst . )
9 U 2—Burgoyue , Rod Cap , Cum . ien Town , at 8 . ( Instruo' . " ' uctlon- ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapel-road , at 8 . ( ' jl 0 Q -l . 1066—Metropolitan , 1-ortugal Hotel , 15 » Fleet-street , E l - ustI'uetion . ) Has—Befgrave , Jermyu-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruct ? , L , { ttt 7 * ( -Instruction . ) izuo—Hervey , Punuu s Tavern , Uli Fieei-street , E . G . on ' ' 1288—Fmsbury Park Master Masons' Lodge of Ins' ' Lv ° a > ( Instruction . ) lZJd—rtoyui ataudurd , Alwyuo Castle , St . Paul ' s " bmabury Park Tavern , at 8 . W 65—Clapton , w hno Hart , Lower GUpton , at 7 ; , ' ^ auoubury , at 8 . ( In . ) Unstruetiuu
lb 42—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gouluorue ' ^ . ) R . A . 79-Pythugoreau , Portland Hotel , Lyr , ' ' - Kensington , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst . ) < 0 _ . , , „ _ , ^ „ „ ¦ 'dou-street , Greenwich , at 8 . ( Inst . ) 48—Industry , 34 Denmark-street , Gatev . , .... , 780—lloyal Al . rea , Star ana Gaaer , V ^ > afc 7 - ™ - „ ( Instruction . ) 1393—Hauier , Masonic Hall , Laverpoo ) '" ' aria &> - ' -30 ( Instruction . ) 1712—St . Jonu , rreeuiasons'Huii , G : L .. R . A . 152-Virtuo , Freemasons' Hr -wpger-st ., ^ owoastIe . K . T . 20-P . oyal Kent , Masumo V , ' , ' V P ; dtrcefc ' Munchester . * - Mt > Mapie-streut , Newcastle .
SATURD AYj 23 rd NOVEMBER . iuKSot ^ iuuu e . u , iptei o , m ,.- . ^ . V " ' * ! n S : ? l ( 1 ' , * T ° ' - Instruction . ) * -ULtion , uuum , Aii-ou-eel , Uo ^ ent-stieet , W ., ut 8 ^^ J ^^ ^^^^ ^ y ^ - a » 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) . . Aiiar - ' l tel ii'tei , OU-eenhiiue . ¦ """¦ " J '» atatiun House Uutot , uottums , Stansheid .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction .-AD J 3 I-O . Maidweii ' s , leruuioo iiivoi n , Licaaiiuunu-stieo , ou xs ^ i ^ ove . noor . Bros , lirowu tf . Jl ., Alaiuwuu b . W ., Moss J . W ., Uulianils a . U ., tiobo . ts i . G ., Jaoiel , dto . lho Lougo was oUeUoti iu tfuo lorn . Tnu uiiuutos of . ¦ a previous luuctiug were lOdJ auef coutiruietl . The ct-reinouy oi '
a . oiuy was rchoa . dt .-tJ , U . o . L » amel cauelidu , tu . Tuo Lodge was ulusod OAUIU mo imra and socoud de c rees . Jiro . li . uwn , W . At . of tho rusjjuiity Luu ^ ti , was eitctud to Uu tho cnair at the auuuaf supper a luosau ,, lath rNoveniUer , tiro . 1 . 1 . M . Llauiei vice . Bro . Alaiaweli ¦'" HwmjtusotiioiiMitttiJivtiyu Ummuuuy ou TuyacUy , gfjtU . Movoruber ,