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St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 211 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgatc-street , EC . Present—Bros . Alfred Green W . M ., AVred Withers S . W ., William Eadcliff . J . W ., W . W . Morgan Sec , Dr . Waters S . D ., Usher Back J . D ., W . E Young I . G ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . J . Lavers , T . H . Lavers , Parsons , Drysdalo ; Visitors—Bros . It . Best 3 , George Kin ^
P . M . 172 , W . W . brown W . M . 214 , Prov . G . Organist Esses , Charles Best 907 , Robert Chamberlaiu W . M . 1122 ; and a fair attendance oi members of the Lodge . The Lodge was formally opened , and the miuutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Tho ballot was then taken for Mr . Alexander Henry Hitch as a candidate for initiation , and the result was unanimous . Bro . Henry Martin was examined
as to his proficiency , and entrusted . Lodge was then advanced , and the ceremony of passing was ably performed by the W . M . Lodge was closed down , the candidate for our mysteries was introduced , aud Bro . Green initiated him , performing this , as he had the previous ceremony , in au eminently satisfactory way . The Officers also wore most painstaking in order to make tho proceedings as impressive
as possible . After routine business the Lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of a capital banquet , which was served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Jennings . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the Loyal toasts , which received full honour . In proposing the health of the Pro G . M ., the D . G . M . and tho rest of the Grand Officers , the W . M . remarked that the P . G . M . had
iendered vei'y great service to the Craft ; whatever he did bad a tendency to advance the interests of the Order . Bro . P . M . T . H . Lavers proposed the health of the W . M . He would call on the brethren to drink the toast most heaitily . Bro . Green had now filled the chair of the St . Michael ' s Lodge for nearly two years , and it might truthfully be said that he had almost resuscitated the Lodge .
He ( Bro . Lavers ) trusted that Bro . Green would remain with them many , many years , and continue his career of usefulness . The W . M ., in acknowledging tho compliment paid him , remarked that if he had accomplished anything at all , it had been done from a love of duty aud from a sincere regard for the Craft . He had been stimulated by the kind assistance he had received from his Officers and the Past
Masters of the Lodge , and he hoped a bright future was before them . He sincerely thanked them one and all for their kindness . The toast of the P . M . 's was the next given by the W . M . Bro . T . H . Lavers said : If oue thing more than another was gratifying to a parent , it was to know that his children were doing well . His year of
Mastership had been a very fruitful one , and he was prond to know his offspring in the Craft were all prospering . He was especially gratified in having been the means of introducing so worthy a Mason as the present W . M ., whom he had initiated . Brother Drysdafe thanked the members for tho honour he had received at their
hands ; be assured them ho fully appreciated the kindness they had specially exhibited at the last meeting . Bro . John Lavers and Bro . Parsons also acknowledged the compliment that had been paid them . The health of tbe Initiate was the next toast the W . M . introduced . Bro . Hitch was a personal friend ; from what he had seen that night , he ( the W . M . ) was assured Bro . Hitch would come to the next
meeting with a firm resolve to make himself more thoroughly conversant with our mysteries . After the E . A . Song , which was given With bis accustomed vigour by Bro . P . M . Speight , the initiate briefly replied . The W . M . assured the Visitors it was the wish of the members that they should be accorded a hearty welcome ; if the business of the Lodge had appeared somewhat of a heavy character .
he trusted it had been lightened by the pleasure they had endeavoured to throw into the proceedings at the festive board . He would ask the members heariily to drink to tbe health of the Visitors . Bro . G . King P . M . replied . He was pleased at the admirable way in which tbe proceedings of tbe evening had been conducted . Amongst the Officers he recognised one or two of his buys , and be
Was gratified to see the skill with which they performed their duties . Bros . Brown and Chamberlain also bore testimony to the pleasant evening they had spent ; Bro . Chamberlaiu remaining that he be . longed to a far distant Lodge , but the members were ever ready to extend the right hand of fellowship to their brethren of tbe Craft .
The several Officers then next eame in for their meed of praise , and after dae acknowledgments had been offered , tbe Tyler was summoned . During the evening the brethren vied oue with the other to promote harmony , and valuable assistance was afforded by the brilliant accompaniment of Bro . Brown .
Brixton Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 234 . —Saturday , the 9 th instant , the gi'eat day of the year in the City , was an important one in South Loudon with the Ma-onic fraternity . Hitherto there has been no Lodge of Mark Masters in the neighbourhood of Brixton or Camberwell ; but , in rt spouse to a petition addressed to the Grand Mark Master , Lord Skelmersdale , a warrant was granted
for the Brixton Mark Lodge , No . 231 , to meet at the Surrey Mastmic Hall . Bros . T . Poena , C . P . McKay aud U . Lovegrovo were named as principal Offers . The ceremony of consecration took place 01 . Satuiduv , and was performed by I lie Grand Mark Seen-tary , V . W . Bro . F . Binckes , in the pre .-ence of U . VV . Bro . Cul . Francis Burden , Provincial Urand Maik Master Middlesex and Surrey , and a oninbei of distil Linshi'd Mark Masons—Bros . Levatidi-r , Dewar , Brighten ,
Lubois , Shiickletoii , Stevens , I ' nlmati , Larlham , & c . I he following vvrro appointed Officers of the new Lodge : —Bios . T . Pooro P . G . J . G P . M . W . M ., C . P . McKay ( W . M . 1 M ) S . W ., H . Lovegrovo ( S . W . 17 / 7 ) J . W ., G . Ciaik ( J . W . 1777 ) M . O ., J . Curtis S . O ., W . H . Barbe . J . O ., rJ . Bfildwui Sec , Dr . IVarce S . D ., Potter Tyler . Ac the elusr of the ceremonies the brethren adjourned to a banquet provideby the proprietors of tbe . Masonic liall , when the usual Loyal am . Musonic toasts were duly honoured .
Perseverance Lodge , No . 455 . —A meeting was held m Monday , the 11 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hah , Kettering , Sorlhaam .
Present—Bros . Wm . Hanger W . M " ., John Henry Hale S . W ., Edward Hale J . W ., Benjamin Genner Sec ., W . Hitchuian Treas ., W . Stanley « . D ., W . B . Parke J . D ., R . Harrowdfne Steward , J . Marlow I . G ., T . Haines Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Mark , Coles , W . Chapman and W . Hitchman . The minutes of last meetinir were vead and confirmed .
Bro . J . Hensnn was passed to the rank of F . C . by Bro . John H . Hale , S . W . and W . M . elect of the Wentworth Lodge , No . 737 . The Lodge bi-ing closed down , a P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M . Bro . W . Hitchman , by the W . M ., as a mark of respect from the Lodge lor the efficient way in which he had performed his duties during his year of office . Bro . Hitchman returned thanks in a very appropriate manner .
Koyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . — On 8 th inst ., at tho Star and Gartor , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . Goss I . P . M . 780 W . M ., Blasby S . W ., Gunner J . W ., Costelow S . D ., Kyezor J . D ., Pearson I . G ., Eoe P . M . Prec , Tucker Treasurer , Skinner , Talbot , & o . Lodge was regularly opened . Bro . Skinner answered the questions leading ro 2 nd degree , but was
not enstrusted . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Kyezor having kindly consented to act as candidate , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of raising . Lodge was then closed down , Bro . Skinner re-admitted , and the W . M . delivered the addresses which form part of the Installation ceremony . Bro . Tucker announced that the brethren of another Lodge of Instruction to which several members of this Lodgo belong had instituted a Benevolent Fund ,
and invited the co-operation of all present in forwarding tbe matter . This may , we hope , lead to the establishment of a similar Fund in this Lodyo of Instruction . Tho S . W . was elected W . M . for next meeting , and Lodgo was duly closed and adjourned till 15 th November , at 7 . 30 . The Secretary has to request that tho brethren will reply to the circular invitation to the Annual Banquet , as he desires to make tho meeting a snecoss , in connection with the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Roe .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its meeting on Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bro . Wardell W . M ., Gilham S . W ., Polak J . W ., Brasted S . D ., Forss J . D ., Bonner I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treasurer , P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Bros . McClean , Smyth , C . Lorkin , Carr , & c . The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . worked tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . McClean as candidate . Bro .
McClean answered the questions and the Lodge was opened in the second degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment . On resuming , Bro . C . Lorkin worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was then closed . The Fifteen Sections will bo worked on Tuesday evening next . Bro . Gillham , will preside on Tuesday , the 26 th inst .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No 862 . — At the weekly meeting of this Lodge , held on Wednesday , 13 tb , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-conrt , Fleet-street . Bros . Abell W . M ., Tate S . W ., Brown J . W ., Welsford S . D ., Hallam J . D ., Vizzard I . G ., Long P . M . Preceptor , and others . After the confirmation of
the minutes , Bro . Drury offered himself as a candidate for passing , aud the Lodge being opened in the second degree the ceremony was ably performed by the W . M . The lecture of this degree was then worked by the brethren . Bro . Tate was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when the ceremony of raising will be rehearsed .
Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 . —A meeting was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on I 2 th November . Bros . G . W . Taylor W . M ., A . Lamarque S . W ., L . Stean Sec , J . F . Van Baalte J . D ., W . Pitt D . C ., S . J \ Curko I . G ., Gullick Tyler ; P . M . ' s T . W . Jones , A . F . Rowley , Lovell , Keays ; also Bros . W . Rowley , H . Van Eaalte , J . Field , G . Pott , G . Ridding , M . E . Goldstein , R . Prince , Mullett , & c . Visitors
Bros . W . J . Hunter W . M . Crusaders 1677 , A . Thermaus P . M . Eaith 141 , A . W . Fenner S . D . 1227 and 1693 . Lodge being opened the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Stean now took the chair , and Bro . Lemarqne was preseuted to him to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . After the obligation Lodge wa 3 advanced , and a Board of Iustalled Masters formed . Bro . Stean performed the
ceremony , and , considering his advanced age , the work was done in a very impressive manner . On the read mission of the brethren below the degree of Iustalled Masters , the ceremony was completed , the addresses being given in a manner which elicited the approval of all . The following brethren were then in-ested as Officers of the Lodge ! or the ensuing year : — Bros . Abbott S . W ., J . F . Van ltanlto J . W .,
F . Junes Treas ., L . Stean Sec , W . Rowley S . D ., S . J . Cooke J . D ., V . Pitt I . G ., alter which Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served by tLe manager of the hotel in his nsuiil satisfactory style , and to which the brethren did ample justice . Grace having been said , the- usual Loyal and Masonic toa-tts veic given and responded to ; the i . P . M . proposed the W . M . ' s
• lealth , wishing him a happy aud prosperous year of office . The vV . M . in returning thanks assured the members he would exert him-> flf to the utmost to promote the welfare of tbe Lodge . He then , imposed the health of the I . P . M . , and presented him with E ¦ * . M . ' s jewel ; he Imped the worthy b other would live many yi'ars to
. roar it . Bro . I . P . M . thanked the W . M ., brethren , and his Officers ; i ' . ir the able assistance he had received from them during his year o- ' th ' cf ; also for the haneisume jewel they had presented to him ; he vould always strive to uphold tbe dignity of the Lodge . Ttie health f the Visitors was next given , in a very happy speech . 'Ihe W . AI crested they would depart witbpieasarablereuoiiectioas 0 * taeoraaiPA
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 211 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgatc-street , EC . Present—Bros . Alfred Green W . M ., AVred Withers S . W ., William Eadcliff . J . W ., W . W . Morgan Sec , Dr . Waters S . D ., Usher Back J . D ., W . E Young I . G ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . J . Lavers , T . H . Lavers , Parsons , Drysdalo ; Visitors—Bros . It . Best 3 , George Kin ^
P . M . 172 , W . W . brown W . M . 214 , Prov . G . Organist Esses , Charles Best 907 , Robert Chamberlaiu W . M . 1122 ; and a fair attendance oi members of the Lodge . The Lodge was formally opened , and the miuutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Tho ballot was then taken for Mr . Alexander Henry Hitch as a candidate for initiation , and the result was unanimous . Bro . Henry Martin was examined
as to his proficiency , and entrusted . Lodge was then advanced , and the ceremony of passing was ably performed by the W . M . Lodge was closed down , the candidate for our mysteries was introduced , aud Bro . Green initiated him , performing this , as he had the previous ceremony , in au eminently satisfactory way . The Officers also wore most painstaking in order to make tho proceedings as impressive
as possible . After routine business the Lodge was closed , and the brethren partook of a capital banquet , which was served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Jennings . On the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the Loyal toasts , which received full honour . In proposing the health of the Pro G . M ., the D . G . M . and tho rest of the Grand Officers , the W . M . remarked that the P . G . M . had
iendered vei'y great service to the Craft ; whatever he did bad a tendency to advance the interests of the Order . Bro . P . M . T . H . Lavers proposed the health of the W . M . He would call on the brethren to drink the toast most heaitily . Bro . Green had now filled the chair of the St . Michael ' s Lodge for nearly two years , and it might truthfully be said that he had almost resuscitated the Lodge .
He ( Bro . Lavers ) trusted that Bro . Green would remain with them many , many years , and continue his career of usefulness . The W . M ., in acknowledging tho compliment paid him , remarked that if he had accomplished anything at all , it had been done from a love of duty aud from a sincere regard for the Craft . He had been stimulated by the kind assistance he had received from his Officers and the Past
Masters of the Lodge , and he hoped a bright future was before them . He sincerely thanked them one and all for their kindness . The toast of the P . M . 's was the next given by the W . M . Bro . T . H . Lavers said : If oue thing more than another was gratifying to a parent , it was to know that his children were doing well . His year of
Mastership had been a very fruitful one , and he was prond to know his offspring in the Craft were all prospering . He was especially gratified in having been the means of introducing so worthy a Mason as the present W . M ., whom he had initiated . Brother Drysdafe thanked the members for tho honour he had received at their
hands ; be assured them ho fully appreciated the kindness they had specially exhibited at the last meeting . Bro . John Lavers and Bro . Parsons also acknowledged the compliment that had been paid them . The health of tbe Initiate was the next toast the W . M . introduced . Bro . Hitch was a personal friend ; from what he had seen that night , he ( the W . M . ) was assured Bro . Hitch would come to the next
meeting with a firm resolve to make himself more thoroughly conversant with our mysteries . After the E . A . Song , which was given With bis accustomed vigour by Bro . P . M . Speight , the initiate briefly replied . The W . M . assured the Visitors it was the wish of the members that they should be accorded a hearty welcome ; if the business of the Lodge had appeared somewhat of a heavy character .
he trusted it had been lightened by the pleasure they had endeavoured to throw into the proceedings at the festive board . He would ask the members heariily to drink to tbe health of the Visitors . Bro . G . King P . M . replied . He was pleased at the admirable way in which tbe proceedings of tbe evening had been conducted . Amongst the Officers he recognised one or two of his buys , and be
Was gratified to see the skill with which they performed their duties . Bros . Brown and Chamberlain also bore testimony to the pleasant evening they had spent ; Bro . Chamberlaiu remaining that he be . longed to a far distant Lodge , but the members were ever ready to extend the right hand of fellowship to their brethren of tbe Craft .
The several Officers then next eame in for their meed of praise , and after dae acknowledgments had been offered , tbe Tyler was summoned . During the evening the brethren vied oue with the other to promote harmony , and valuable assistance was afforded by the brilliant accompaniment of Bro . Brown .
Brixton Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 234 . —Saturday , the 9 th instant , the gi'eat day of the year in the City , was an important one in South Loudon with the Ma-onic fraternity . Hitherto there has been no Lodge of Mark Masters in the neighbourhood of Brixton or Camberwell ; but , in rt spouse to a petition addressed to the Grand Mark Master , Lord Skelmersdale , a warrant was granted
for the Brixton Mark Lodge , No . 231 , to meet at the Surrey Mastmic Hall . Bros . T . Poena , C . P . McKay aud U . Lovegrovo were named as principal Offers . The ceremony of consecration took place 01 . Satuiduv , and was performed by I lie Grand Mark Seen-tary , V . W . Bro . F . Binckes , in the pre .-ence of U . VV . Bro . Cul . Francis Burden , Provincial Urand Maik Master Middlesex and Surrey , and a oninbei of distil Linshi'd Mark Masons—Bros . Levatidi-r , Dewar , Brighten ,
Lubois , Shiickletoii , Stevens , I ' nlmati , Larlham , & c . I he following vvrro appointed Officers of the new Lodge : —Bios . T . Pooro P . G . J . G P . M . W . M ., C . P . McKay ( W . M . 1 M ) S . W ., H . Lovegrovo ( S . W . 17 / 7 ) J . W ., G . Ciaik ( J . W . 1777 ) M . O ., J . Curtis S . O ., W . H . Barbe . J . O ., rJ . Bfildwui Sec , Dr . IVarce S . D ., Potter Tyler . Ac the elusr of the ceremonies the brethren adjourned to a banquet provideby the proprietors of tbe . Masonic liall , when the usual Loyal am . Musonic toasts were duly honoured .
Perseverance Lodge , No . 455 . —A meeting was held m Monday , the 11 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hah , Kettering , Sorlhaam .
Present—Bros . Wm . Hanger W . M " ., John Henry Hale S . W ., Edward Hale J . W ., Benjamin Genner Sec ., W . Hitchuian Treas ., W . Stanley « . D ., W . B . Parke J . D ., R . Harrowdfne Steward , J . Marlow I . G ., T . Haines Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Mark , Coles , W . Chapman and W . Hitchman . The minutes of last meetinir were vead and confirmed .
Bro . J . Hensnn was passed to the rank of F . C . by Bro . John H . Hale , S . W . and W . M . elect of the Wentworth Lodge , No . 737 . The Lodge bi-ing closed down , a P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M . Bro . W . Hitchman , by the W . M ., as a mark of respect from the Lodge lor the efficient way in which he had performed his duties during his year of office . Bro . Hitchman returned thanks in a very appropriate manner .
Koyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . — On 8 th inst ., at tho Star and Gartor , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . Goss I . P . M . 780 W . M ., Blasby S . W ., Gunner J . W ., Costelow S . D ., Kyezor J . D ., Pearson I . G ., Eoe P . M . Prec , Tucker Treasurer , Skinner , Talbot , & o . Lodge was regularly opened . Bro . Skinner answered the questions leading ro 2 nd degree , but was
not enstrusted . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Kyezor having kindly consented to act as candidate , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of raising . Lodge was then closed down , Bro . Skinner re-admitted , and the W . M . delivered the addresses which form part of the Installation ceremony . Bro . Tucker announced that the brethren of another Lodge of Instruction to which several members of this Lodgo belong had instituted a Benevolent Fund ,
and invited the co-operation of all present in forwarding tbe matter . This may , we hope , lead to the establishment of a similar Fund in this Lodyo of Instruction . Tho S . W . was elected W . M . for next meeting , and Lodgo was duly closed and adjourned till 15 th November , at 7 . 30 . The Secretary has to request that tho brethren will reply to the circular invitation to the Annual Banquet , as he desires to make tho meeting a snecoss , in connection with the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . Roe .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its meeting on Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bro . Wardell W . M ., Gilham S . W ., Polak J . W ., Brasted S . D ., Forss J . D ., Bonner I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treasurer , P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Bros . McClean , Smyth , C . Lorkin , Carr , & c . The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . worked tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . McClean as candidate . Bro .
McClean answered the questions and the Lodge was opened in the second degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment . On resuming , Bro . C . Lorkin worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was then closed . The Fifteen Sections will bo worked on Tuesday evening next . Bro . Gillham , will preside on Tuesday , the 26 th inst .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No 862 . — At the weekly meeting of this Lodge , held on Wednesday , 13 tb , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-conrt , Fleet-street . Bros . Abell W . M ., Tate S . W ., Brown J . W ., Welsford S . D ., Hallam J . D ., Vizzard I . G ., Long P . M . Preceptor , and others . After the confirmation of
the minutes , Bro . Drury offered himself as a candidate for passing , aud the Lodge being opened in the second degree the ceremony was ably performed by the W . M . The lecture of this degree was then worked by the brethren . Bro . Tate was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when the ceremony of raising will be rehearsed .
Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 . —A meeting was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on I 2 th November . Bros . G . W . Taylor W . M ., A . Lamarque S . W ., L . Stean Sec , J . F . Van Baalte J . D ., W . Pitt D . C ., S . J \ Curko I . G ., Gullick Tyler ; P . M . ' s T . W . Jones , A . F . Rowley , Lovell , Keays ; also Bros . W . Rowley , H . Van Eaalte , J . Field , G . Pott , G . Ridding , M . E . Goldstein , R . Prince , Mullett , & c . Visitors
Bros . W . J . Hunter W . M . Crusaders 1677 , A . Thermaus P . M . Eaith 141 , A . W . Fenner S . D . 1227 and 1693 . Lodge being opened the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Stean now took the chair , and Bro . Lemarqne was preseuted to him to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . After the obligation Lodge wa 3 advanced , and a Board of Iustalled Masters formed . Bro . Stean performed the
ceremony , and , considering his advanced age , the work was done in a very impressive manner . On the read mission of the brethren below the degree of Iustalled Masters , the ceremony was completed , the addresses being given in a manner which elicited the approval of all . The following brethren were then in-ested as Officers of the Lodge ! or the ensuing year : — Bros . Abbott S . W ., J . F . Van ltanlto J . W .,
F . Junes Treas ., L . Stean Sec , W . Rowley S . D ., S . J . Cooke J . D ., V . Pitt I . G ., alter which Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served by tLe manager of the hotel in his nsuiil satisfactory style , and to which the brethren did ample justice . Grace having been said , the- usual Loyal and Masonic toa-tts veic given and responded to ; the i . P . M . proposed the W . M . ' s
• lealth , wishing him a happy aud prosperous year of office . The vV . M . in returning thanks assured the members he would exert him-> flf to the utmost to promote the welfare of tbe Lodge . He then , imposed the health of the I . P . M . , and presented him with E ¦ * . M . ' s jewel ; he Imped the worthy b other would live many yi'ars to
. roar it . Bro . I . P . M . thanked the W . M ., brethren , and his Officers ; i ' . ir the able assistance he had received from them during his year o- ' th ' cf ; also for the haneisume jewel they had presented to him ; he vould always strive to uphold tbe dignity of the Lodge . Ttie health f the Visitors was next given , in a very happy speech . 'Ihe W . AI crested they would depart witbpieasarablereuoiiectioas 0 * taeoraaiPA