Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
* thev had spent in the Cosmopolitan Lodge . After the Visitors had replied seriatim , the health of the P . M . ' s was given by the W . M . and this toast was doly honoured and responded to . Each congratulated the Lodgo in having Bro . Lamarque as W . M . The Masonic Charities was next given , and was followed by tho Officers . The Tyler was then summoned , and he bronght the evening ' s duties to a close . Some capital songs were given dnring the evening .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , TTo . 1044— A meeting was held at tho Spread Easrle Hotel . Waudsworrh . or . Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., Bro . J . Frost being the W . M . Th « rp wero also present—Bros . J . Featherstnno S . W ., A . B . Walker J . W ., J . J . Holland S . D ., F . Reed J . D ., W . J . Huntley I . G-..
J . G . Carter P . M ., A . Mason , P . V . Denham , W . A . Blackmore No . 14 P 5 , and A . A . Denham Secretary . Tho three decrees were well worked , Bro . Blackmoro being the candidate in each . At the conelnsion of the business , Bro . Blackmore was nnanimonslv elocted a member . Bro . Feathersfcone will bo the W . M . for next meeting .
Lewis Chapter , No . 1185 . —A meeting was held on Saturday , 9 th November , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood-groen . Present Comps . Captain A . Dnrrant M . E . Z ., G . Newman H ., G . J . Row Soribe E ., Berrie J ., C . B . Grnbham Scribe N ., H . T . Thompson Principal Sqjonrner . Visitors—Companions Atkins , Postans , and others . Bro . Goddard , of the Lewis Lodge , was exalted . The ceremony throughout
was workpd most efficiently by the various Officers , and each did his work , which is savin" a good deal , considering the Chapter has onlv been two years in existence . The Chapter was adjourned till second Saturday in February . A capital banquet was served , where the nana toasts were proposed . Tho M . E . Z . alluded to it being the birthdav of H . R . H . the Princo of Wales . The health of the new exaltee was
proposed by the M . E . Z ., nnd Comp . Gnddard expressed tho great pleasure ft gave him in bein admitted to tho R . A . degree . Comv . Row I . P . Z . proposed the health of the M . E . Z ., and spoke in high terms of the manner in which he had performed the ceremony , and of the great interest he took in everything appertaining to the
prosperity of the Chapter . Comp . Dnrrant , in reply , expressed his pleasure at the kind reception accorded him ; it would bo a greater incentive to promote the welfare of tho Chapter and the happiness of tho Companions . The other toasts were dnly given and ablv responded to , the Visitors speaking warmly of tho admirable working of the Chapter .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227— Held at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Thursday , the 7 th inst . Present—Bros . Gieseke W . M ., Peacock S . W ., Abrahams J . W ., Fcnner Preceptor , Townshend Sec , Moss S . D ., Hine J . D ., Bolton I . G . ; also Bro . A . W . Smith and others . All preliminaries having beon observed ,
the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Peacock , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bokonactingns candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the second and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Gieseke was duly elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodge was closed , and adjourned .
St . Eleth Lodge No . 1488 . —This flourishing and well conducted Lodge held its installation meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at its Lodge Room , Castlo Hotel , Alnwick , N . Wales . The Lodge was duly opened by the W . M . Bro . the Rev . Henry Lloyd , at 1 p . m ., for the purpose of initiating a candidate , Mr . W . F . Jones , surgeon , which ceremony was performed in an able manner by the
W . M . ; Bro . J . Treweek S . W . presented the working tools , and Bro . the Eev . J . Smith delivered the charge . The following Officers were present , viz . —Bros . B . Rooso I . P . M ., C . S . Dyer J . W ., E . M . Jones Treas ., T . Prichard Sec , O . Rowlands S . D ., Wm . Jones J . D ., J . Hughes acting as I . G ., and 0 . Roberts Tyler . The ceremony of initiation being concluded , the Lodge was " called oft" from labour to
refreshment . The Lodge having been " called on at half-past two , the brethren reassembled for the event of the day , when a deputation , consisting of Bros . Roose I . P . M . and Peters P . P . G . S . W . was sent out to receive two very distinguished brethren , Bro . W . Bnlkeley Hughes , M . P ., U . W . D . P . G . M . of the Province , and Bro . Captain Hunter P . G . M . of East Aberdeenshire , and P . G . S . W . of Greece , who upon their
entratice into the Lodge were dnly saluted in accordance with the honours of their exalted position . The gavel was presented to the R . W . D . P . G . M ., who , after a few complimentary remarks to the W . M . returned it to him . The Lodge then opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of installing the W . M . elect Bro . Jame 3 Troweek was commenced , the Installing Master being Brother the Rev . H .
Lloyd , tho retiring W . M . Bro . Rouse presenting tho Master elect . All below the rank of M . M . having been asked to retire , tho Lodgi was opened in tho third degree , after which brethren who were no * Installed Masters were asked to withdraw , when the Board of Installer Masters was opened . Bro . J . Peters P . P . G . S . W . acting as S . W . and Bro . Br . Evans P . M . 1113 as J . W . The board of Installed
Masterswas closed , and Bro . J . Treweek having been formally inducted into the chair , the brethren were called in , and at the request of the Installing Master saluted the new W . M . in clue form . Before the Lodge was finally closed Bro . J . Smith read a note from Bro . Mereiei 606 , offering to preseut to the Lodge the painting of any distinguished
brother whom the brethren might select . This kind offer was glarllj accepted , and the unanimous and sincere thanks of the Lodge wen accorded to Bro . Mercier , and ordered to be placed on the minute > It was resolved to form a committee to select tho fortunate brother who is to be thus honoured . After hearty congratulation from the representatives of various Lodges who were present , the Lodge wa »
closed in due form . Tho brethren now adjourned to the banquet , which was served in excellent style by tho host , Bro . John Hughes . After grace was said by H . Llovd I . P . M . tho usual Loyal and Mn ^ onio toasts wero given from the chair , and duly honoured ; tho W . M . in responding to the toast of his health expressed a hope to be abb to keep np the efficiency of the Lodge ; and those who know the true
Masonic heart of Bro . Treweek have every confidence that they will see his hope realised . Tho last train leaving at 7 . 30 p . m . necessitated the departure of many brethren who had come from a distance . It < honld have beon stated that the address to the Wardens was delivered by Bro . Peters , and the concluding address by Bro . Dr . Evans , in a most impressive manner . The new nPRoeri invested nn the occasion
were Bros . H . Lloyd I . P . M ., J . Smith S . W ., W . Jones J . W ., 0 . Rowlands S . D ., W . Jones J . D ., T . Lloyd Evans I . G ., E . M . Jones Treas ., James Hughes Sec , T . Jones S . S ., John Jonos J . S ., Rev . H . Lloyd Chaplain . Rev . J . Smith Org ., and 0 . Roberts Tyler . The Visitors present wero the following ; viz . —Bros . W . Bnlknley Hughes , M . P .. R . W . D . P . G . M . N . Wales and Salop , Captain Hunter P . G . M . East Aberdeenshire and P . G . S . W . of Greece , John Peters P . P . G . S . W . N . Wales and Salop
and P . M . 597 , T . LI . Kyffin P . P . G . Chaplain P . M . 1113 , J . Sidney Boucher P . G . Chaplain P . M . 60 S , Dr . Evans P . M . 1113 , Dr . Evan Williams P . M . 1113 , T . H . Warrington W . M . 1113 . John Ellis P . M . 597 . D . Wynne Williams W . M . 384 , E . W . Thomas P . M . 384 , T . Pritchard W . M . eleot 1113 , G . J . Hughe 3 S . W . 1113 , Herbert Ellis Independent Lodgo , Chester , 721 , W . JameR J . D . 597 , Boucher jun . J . D . 606 , W . E . Thomas , J . R . Brown , John Hughes , and F . Bloom , all of 384 , E . E . Haghes St . Tndno , Mercier 60 S , & o .
Metropolitan Chapter , No . 1507 . —A convocation was held at tho Metropolitan Club , Ktng ' s-cross , on Thursday , 7 th November . Present—E . Comps . J . Willing jun . M . E . Z ., J . R . Stacey H ., W . J . Ferguson J ., T . A . Adams I . P . Z . ; Conps . W . M . Stiles Scribe E . C . W . Hudson N ., J . D-iaglass P . S , H . Stiles 1 st Asst . S ., Barnes Janitor , and Comps . W . Cook , S . B = iaf . tio , T . C .
Edmonds , T . J . Clam , & c ; Visitor—Comp . J . J . Michael , High Cross Chapter 829 . The Chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of previous convocation read aud confirmed . A ballot was taken for Comp . W . Cook , United Strength Chapter 223 , for joining , and for Bro . T . J . Hyland , J . D . Royal Savoy Lodge 17 tt , and Bro . R . Tuck , Metropolitan - Lodge 1507 , for exaltation , which was unanimous .
Bros . Hyland and Cook vvere introduced , and regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . Three brethren wera proposed and seconded for exaltation nt next convocation , and tho Chapter closed in ancient form and adjourned . Business over , the Compg . sat down to an excellent banqnet , served in Bro . Cos ' s best style . Tho usual Loyal and complimentary toa 3 ts wero given , and elicited some gracef ul replies .
Unity Lodge , No . 1637 , West Drayton . —The installa . tion meeting of this Lodge was hold on Saturday , the 9 th inst ., at the De Burg Hotel . Tho Lodgo was opened by Bro . Varley W . M ., and a ballot taken for Bro . Geo . Penn W . M . of tho Earl of Carnarvon IJodgp , which proved unanimous in his favonr . Bro . Wm . Stephens P . M . 1365 and 1489 , the W . M . elect , was theu dnly installed into the
chair of K . S . by Bro . Geo . Penn , in a most impressive manner , although this was the first time that he ( Bro . Ponn ) had attempted tho ceremony . The W . M . received the usual salute 3 and congratulations of the brethren , and proceded to invest his Officers for the year aa follow : — Bro . Varley I . P . M ., Davis P . M . 382 S . W ., Wm . Grist J . W ., E . C . Woodward P . M . Treasurer , Wm . Coombes P . Prov . G . S . B . Middlesex Sec , Cooper sen . and jun . Deacons , Atkins I . G ., Slyman
D . C ., Penn Steward , Dutton Tyler . Before closing the Lodge the VV . M . intimated his intention to represent the Lodgo as Stowml at . the forthcoming Festival for Aged Masons . At the banquet the W . M . presided , and proposed the usual Loyal and Craft toasts . Bro . Murlis P . M . 1489 responded for the Visitors , and Bro . Penn for the Masonic Charities . All the Officers seem well np in their work , and we have no donbt a most prosperous year will ensue .
Ancient Carthage Lodge , No . 1717 , at Tunis , North Africa , —A meeting was held on 4 th November . Present . — Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., J . H . Stephens S . W ., Dr . A . Perini J . W ., M . Lumbroso Secretary , A . Blanch Treasurer , G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D ., V . C . Clement D . C ., Dr . Cassanello and A . Bokobsa Stewards , M . Le Gallais I . G
EI . Haylock Tyler ; Past Master Bro . Siera , of Leghorn . Visitors—Bros . Captain R . Sanderson No . 1244 , Captain Dabner No . 949 , Darmon , Sulema , and nearly forty members . The Lodge luly opened , Si Furhat Ben Beschid , who was elocted at tho l ast regular meeting , was dnly initiated into the mysteries of \ ncient Freemasonry . The candidate is a younger brother of
General Mubammed Ben Si Rescind , who was initiated in this Lodge last month , and who is a cousin of the reigning sovereign of , funis . The ceremony was performed in the Arabic language . vith the able assistance of tbe interpreter , Bro . Souillcr , whose ¦ services were rewarded with a hearty vote of thanks from the assembled brethren .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction . —Held at he Penbury Tavern , Amhurst-road , on Monday , 11 th November , it 7 . 30 o ' clock . Present—Bros . McMillan W . M ., Cox S . W ., L . loubro J . W ., P . M . McPhersou S . D ., Spnrgeon J . D ., P . M . Wright f . G ., P . M . Lee Preceptor , Slaiter Hon . Secretary ; also Bros . > fcDowall , P . M . Hobbs , P . M . Onsvrorth , Cracknell , G . Ferrar , ¦ V . Ferrar , Baddeley , A . R . Olley , Blunt , C . Lorkin , and other brethren . Lodge was opened in duo form , and after the preliminary
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
* thev had spent in the Cosmopolitan Lodge . After the Visitors had replied seriatim , the health of the P . M . ' s was given by the W . M . and this toast was doly honoured and responded to . Each congratulated the Lodgo in having Bro . Lamarque as W . M . The Masonic Charities was next given , and was followed by tho Officers . The Tyler was then summoned , and he bronght the evening ' s duties to a close . Some capital songs were given dnring the evening .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , TTo . 1044— A meeting was held at tho Spread Easrle Hotel . Waudsworrh . or . Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., Bro . J . Frost being the W . M . Th « rp wero also present—Bros . J . Featherstnno S . W ., A . B . Walker J . W ., J . J . Holland S . D ., F . Reed J . D ., W . J . Huntley I . G-..
J . G . Carter P . M ., A . Mason , P . V . Denham , W . A . Blackmore No . 14 P 5 , and A . A . Denham Secretary . Tho three decrees were well worked , Bro . Blackmoro being the candidate in each . At the conelnsion of the business , Bro . Blackmore was nnanimonslv elocted a member . Bro . Feathersfcone will bo the W . M . for next meeting .
Lewis Chapter , No . 1185 . —A meeting was held on Saturday , 9 th November , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood-groen . Present Comps . Captain A . Dnrrant M . E . Z ., G . Newman H ., G . J . Row Soribe E ., Berrie J ., C . B . Grnbham Scribe N ., H . T . Thompson Principal Sqjonrner . Visitors—Companions Atkins , Postans , and others . Bro . Goddard , of the Lewis Lodge , was exalted . The ceremony throughout
was workpd most efficiently by the various Officers , and each did his work , which is savin" a good deal , considering the Chapter has onlv been two years in existence . The Chapter was adjourned till second Saturday in February . A capital banquet was served , where the nana toasts were proposed . Tho M . E . Z . alluded to it being the birthdav of H . R . H . the Princo of Wales . The health of the new exaltee was
proposed by the M . E . Z ., nnd Comp . Gnddard expressed tho great pleasure ft gave him in bein admitted to tho R . A . degree . Comv . Row I . P . Z . proposed the health of the M . E . Z ., and spoke in high terms of the manner in which he had performed the ceremony , and of the great interest he took in everything appertaining to the
prosperity of the Chapter . Comp . Dnrrant , in reply , expressed his pleasure at the kind reception accorded him ; it would bo a greater incentive to promote the welfare of tho Chapter and the happiness of tho Companions . The other toasts were dnly given and ablv responded to , the Visitors speaking warmly of tho admirable working of the Chapter .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227— Held at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Thursday , the 7 th inst . Present—Bros . Gieseke W . M ., Peacock S . W ., Abrahams J . W ., Fcnner Preceptor , Townshend Sec , Moss S . D ., Hine J . D ., Bolton I . G . ; also Bro . A . W . Smith and others . All preliminaries having beon observed ,
the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Peacock , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bokonactingns candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the second and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Gieseke was duly elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Lodge was closed , and adjourned .
St . Eleth Lodge No . 1488 . —This flourishing and well conducted Lodge held its installation meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at its Lodge Room , Castlo Hotel , Alnwick , N . Wales . The Lodge was duly opened by the W . M . Bro . the Rev . Henry Lloyd , at 1 p . m ., for the purpose of initiating a candidate , Mr . W . F . Jones , surgeon , which ceremony was performed in an able manner by the
W . M . ; Bro . J . Treweek S . W . presented the working tools , and Bro . the Eev . J . Smith delivered the charge . The following Officers were present , viz . —Bros . B . Rooso I . P . M ., C . S . Dyer J . W ., E . M . Jones Treas ., T . Prichard Sec , O . Rowlands S . D ., Wm . Jones J . D ., J . Hughes acting as I . G ., and 0 . Roberts Tyler . The ceremony of initiation being concluded , the Lodge was " called oft" from labour to
refreshment . The Lodge having been " called on at half-past two , the brethren reassembled for the event of the day , when a deputation , consisting of Bros . Roose I . P . M . and Peters P . P . G . S . W . was sent out to receive two very distinguished brethren , Bro . W . Bnlkeley Hughes , M . P ., U . W . D . P . G . M . of the Province , and Bro . Captain Hunter P . G . M . of East Aberdeenshire , and P . G . S . W . of Greece , who upon their
entratice into the Lodge were dnly saluted in accordance with the honours of their exalted position . The gavel was presented to the R . W . D . P . G . M ., who , after a few complimentary remarks to the W . M . returned it to him . The Lodge then opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of installing the W . M . elect Bro . Jame 3 Troweek was commenced , the Installing Master being Brother the Rev . H .
Lloyd , tho retiring W . M . Bro . Rouse presenting tho Master elect . All below the rank of M . M . having been asked to retire , tho Lodgi was opened in tho third degree , after which brethren who were no * Installed Masters were asked to withdraw , when the Board of Installer Masters was opened . Bro . J . Peters P . P . G . S . W . acting as S . W . and Bro . Br . Evans P . M . 1113 as J . W . The board of Installed
Masterswas closed , and Bro . J . Treweek having been formally inducted into the chair , the brethren were called in , and at the request of the Installing Master saluted the new W . M . in clue form . Before the Lodge was finally closed Bro . J . Smith read a note from Bro . Mereiei 606 , offering to preseut to the Lodge the painting of any distinguished
brother whom the brethren might select . This kind offer was glarllj accepted , and the unanimous and sincere thanks of the Lodge wen accorded to Bro . Mercier , and ordered to be placed on the minute > It was resolved to form a committee to select tho fortunate brother who is to be thus honoured . After hearty congratulation from the representatives of various Lodges who were present , the Lodge wa »
closed in due form . Tho brethren now adjourned to the banquet , which was served in excellent style by tho host , Bro . John Hughes . After grace was said by H . Llovd I . P . M . tho usual Loyal and Mn ^ onio toasts wero given from the chair , and duly honoured ; tho W . M . in responding to the toast of his health expressed a hope to be abb to keep np the efficiency of the Lodge ; and those who know the true
Masonic heart of Bro . Treweek have every confidence that they will see his hope realised . Tho last train leaving at 7 . 30 p . m . necessitated the departure of many brethren who had come from a distance . It < honld have beon stated that the address to the Wardens was delivered by Bro . Peters , and the concluding address by Bro . Dr . Evans , in a most impressive manner . The new nPRoeri invested nn the occasion
were Bros . H . Lloyd I . P . M ., J . Smith S . W ., W . Jones J . W ., 0 . Rowlands S . D ., W . Jones J . D ., T . Lloyd Evans I . G ., E . M . Jones Treas ., James Hughes Sec , T . Jones S . S ., John Jonos J . S ., Rev . H . Lloyd Chaplain . Rev . J . Smith Org ., and 0 . Roberts Tyler . The Visitors present wero the following ; viz . —Bros . W . Bnlknley Hughes , M . P .. R . W . D . P . G . M . N . Wales and Salop , Captain Hunter P . G . M . East Aberdeenshire and P . G . S . W . of Greece , John Peters P . P . G . S . W . N . Wales and Salop
and P . M . 597 , T . LI . Kyffin P . P . G . Chaplain P . M . 1113 , J . Sidney Boucher P . G . Chaplain P . M . 60 S , Dr . Evans P . M . 1113 , Dr . Evan Williams P . M . 1113 , T . H . Warrington W . M . 1113 . John Ellis P . M . 597 . D . Wynne Williams W . M . 384 , E . W . Thomas P . M . 384 , T . Pritchard W . M . eleot 1113 , G . J . Hughe 3 S . W . 1113 , Herbert Ellis Independent Lodgo , Chester , 721 , W . JameR J . D . 597 , Boucher jun . J . D . 606 , W . E . Thomas , J . R . Brown , John Hughes , and F . Bloom , all of 384 , E . E . Haghes St . Tndno , Mercier 60 S , & o .
Metropolitan Chapter , No . 1507 . —A convocation was held at tho Metropolitan Club , Ktng ' s-cross , on Thursday , 7 th November . Present—E . Comps . J . Willing jun . M . E . Z ., J . R . Stacey H ., W . J . Ferguson J ., T . A . Adams I . P . Z . ; Conps . W . M . Stiles Scribe E . C . W . Hudson N ., J . D-iaglass P . S , H . Stiles 1 st Asst . S ., Barnes Janitor , and Comps . W . Cook , S . B = iaf . tio , T . C .
Edmonds , T . J . Clam , & c ; Visitor—Comp . J . J . Michael , High Cross Chapter 829 . The Chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of previous convocation read aud confirmed . A ballot was taken for Comp . W . Cook , United Strength Chapter 223 , for joining , and for Bro . T . J . Hyland , J . D . Royal Savoy Lodge 17 tt , and Bro . R . Tuck , Metropolitan - Lodge 1507 , for exaltation , which was unanimous .
Bros . Hyland and Cook vvere introduced , and regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . Three brethren wera proposed and seconded for exaltation nt next convocation , and tho Chapter closed in ancient form and adjourned . Business over , the Compg . sat down to an excellent banqnet , served in Bro . Cos ' s best style . Tho usual Loyal and complimentary toa 3 ts wero given , and elicited some gracef ul replies .
Unity Lodge , No . 1637 , West Drayton . —The installa . tion meeting of this Lodge was hold on Saturday , the 9 th inst ., at the De Burg Hotel . Tho Lodgo was opened by Bro . Varley W . M ., and a ballot taken for Bro . Geo . Penn W . M . of tho Earl of Carnarvon IJodgp , which proved unanimous in his favonr . Bro . Wm . Stephens P . M . 1365 and 1489 , the W . M . elect , was theu dnly installed into the
chair of K . S . by Bro . Geo . Penn , in a most impressive manner , although this was the first time that he ( Bro . Ponn ) had attempted tho ceremony . The W . M . received the usual salute 3 and congratulations of the brethren , and proceded to invest his Officers for the year aa follow : — Bro . Varley I . P . M ., Davis P . M . 382 S . W ., Wm . Grist J . W ., E . C . Woodward P . M . Treasurer , Wm . Coombes P . Prov . G . S . B . Middlesex Sec , Cooper sen . and jun . Deacons , Atkins I . G ., Slyman
D . C ., Penn Steward , Dutton Tyler . Before closing the Lodge the VV . M . intimated his intention to represent the Lodgo as Stowml at . the forthcoming Festival for Aged Masons . At the banquet the W . M . presided , and proposed the usual Loyal and Craft toasts . Bro . Murlis P . M . 1489 responded for the Visitors , and Bro . Penn for the Masonic Charities . All the Officers seem well np in their work , and we have no donbt a most prosperous year will ensue .
Ancient Carthage Lodge , No . 1717 , at Tunis , North Africa , —A meeting was held on 4 th November . Present . — Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., J . H . Stephens S . W ., Dr . A . Perini J . W ., M . Lumbroso Secretary , A . Blanch Treasurer , G . Pentecost S . D ., P . M . Paleologo J . D ., V . C . Clement D . C ., Dr . Cassanello and A . Bokobsa Stewards , M . Le Gallais I . G
EI . Haylock Tyler ; Past Master Bro . Siera , of Leghorn . Visitors—Bros . Captain R . Sanderson No . 1244 , Captain Dabner No . 949 , Darmon , Sulema , and nearly forty members . The Lodge luly opened , Si Furhat Ben Beschid , who was elocted at tho l ast regular meeting , was dnly initiated into the mysteries of \ ncient Freemasonry . The candidate is a younger brother of
General Mubammed Ben Si Rescind , who was initiated in this Lodge last month , and who is a cousin of the reigning sovereign of , funis . The ceremony was performed in the Arabic language . vith the able assistance of tbe interpreter , Bro . Souillcr , whose ¦ services were rewarded with a hearty vote of thanks from the assembled brethren .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction . —Held at he Penbury Tavern , Amhurst-road , on Monday , 11 th November , it 7 . 30 o ' clock . Present—Bros . McMillan W . M ., Cox S . W ., L . loubro J . W ., P . M . McPhersou S . D ., Spnrgeon J . D ., P . M . Wright f . G ., P . M . Lee Preceptor , Slaiter Hon . Secretary ; also Bros . > fcDowall , P . M . Hobbs , P . M . Onsvrorth , Cracknell , G . Ferrar , ¦ V . Ferrar , Baddeley , A . R . Olley , Blunt , C . Lorkin , and other brethren . Lodge was opened in duo form , and after the preliminary