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Installation Meeting Of The Albert Edward Lodge. No. 1557.
the brethren being re-adtrntted , the new W . M . was duly proclaimed and sainted . He then appointed nnd invested tho following brethren : —W . Fishbnrn I . P . M ., R *; v . G . Robinson S . W . and Chaplain , J . Catherall J . W ., J . Turner Treas ., J . Nicholson Sec . and Organist , E . Shield S . D ., J . Purvis J . D ., J . Johnson I . G ., F . Robinson nnd T . Pearson Stewards , N . Reweastlo Tyler . Hearty good wishes were
tendered to the W . M . by the representatives of the various Lodges who were present , and the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren then adjourned to the Town Hall , where covers were laid for one hundred , and close upon that nnmber sat down to dinner , which was provided by Bro . Pearson of the Bush Hotel . One end of the spacious hall was decorated , and bore the motto of the town , "
Welcome to the Heart of 0 England . Grace having been said , the usual Lnvnl and Masonic toasts wero submitted from the chair and responded to . In giving tho health of tho P . G . M ., Earl Percy , and Officers of the Grand Lodge , tho W . M . said : You all know that at the head of onr Province wo have a good working Mason—one who does not shirk his work . Yon all remember , only a few weeks ago ,
how he presided over ns at Alnwick , and also the sumptuous hanquet he sat us down to , and I trust he will long rule over us . We have this day amongst ns a large number of Provincial Grand Officers ; they have como from far and near , and this Lodge ought and does feel very prnnd to see them . He would conple with the toast the names of Bros . A . Roherfson Prov . Grand Senior Warden aud J .
Ridsdale P . G . Junior Warden , and would call on them both to reply . Bro . Robertson said , that when Earl Percy conferred on him tho post of S . W ., he had n ^ idea that it would entail such responsibility ; he assured them that , the P . G . Officers intended to do their duty . One thing they had made up their minds to do ; that was to make an official visit to every Lodge in the Province . He thanked them all
for the kind manner in which the toast had been drnnk , and ho was sure he was expressing the feeling of all when he said that it was a pleasure to be present to do hononr to the good Mason who had that day been installed . He concluded by aeain thanking them on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Ridsdale also responded . The W . M . then gave the Provincial
Grand Master of Durham and Officers of that Lodge , and expressed the pleasure he always felt in attending the Provincial Grand Lodge of that Province , presided over by the oldest Prov . Grand Master in England . Bro . J . E . Robson P . M . replied . Bro . E . D . Davis on rising said : We have had the pleasure of placing in the chair of K . S . this day , a brother who , from the first moment of his initiation till
now , has been a lover of the noble science ; his great ambition was to make Freemasonry in this town a thing to be respected . I believe you conld not have put a man in the chair who would do more justice to the Lodge thnn the one yon have selected , and I trust every prosperity will attend him and your Lodge . I , therefore , give yon his health , and call on you to drink it in full bumpers . —this was
done with cheers . The W . M ., who was enthusiastically greeted , thanked them all heartily for the way his name had been received , he did not quite believe he deserved all the kind things Bro . Davis had said of him ; he had always looked forward to the proud position in which he now stood , although at a time when he had little hope of attaining it . He was sure that although this Lodge
was young , it had had pood Masters , and during the past year a most effioient one ; he assured them he would try his best to do his duty in the high office they had placed him , and when tho time came , to hand to his successor the warrant in as unsullied a state as ho had received it . Before sitting down he would call on them to drink the health of the I . P . M . who by his work that day had satisfied the Visitors that ho
had made Freemasonry his most careful study . A deal of the success of the Lodge was mainly due to him . Bro . Fishburn said : He believed all who took office would try and succeed , and if he had done so he was thankful . He wonld do all in his power to render any assistance to the W . M , if he required it , and concluded by thanking them . Bro . Turnor , in giving tho toast of the
Installing Master , observed that it was tbo first time he had seen the ceremony , and had been mnch impressed by the way Bro . Davis had given it . They , the members of the Albert Edward Lodge , looked on him as their father , and he only hoped that he would not forget one of his children in this the Heart of 0 ' England , Hexham . Bro . Davis , who was received with loud cheers , said it would bo impossible for him
to convey to the brethren his thanks , or to answer in adequate terms to the toast so kindly proposed by Bro . Turner . It was hia desire to seeFreem sonry flourish on the face of the globe . He need not say in this Province of Northumberland how much he had worked for that object . Brethren , I cannot tell yon vny feeling of joy when at Alnwick only a short time ago I saw around me over 700 Masons
sitting down to a banquet where there was an abundance of wine , and every other good thing , which was only to he asked for , and to see the whole of that vast gathering rise , and quietly leave the grand old castle of the P . G . M ., aud like good Masons and gentlemen go to their homes . I say the result was magnificent j a thing to be proud of . Brethren , I cannot hope to address you for many years longer ,
but as long as I live Imy feeling will always be that of gratitude to the brethren for tho courtesy always accorded me . The Present and Past Officers was snbmittedby Bro . R . L . Armstrong W . M . 406 . In the course of his remarks he said he felt sure those appointed that day would do their duty . However talented a Master might be , he could do nothing without his Officers . The S . W . had received the
honour of being appointed Provincial Graud Chaplain ; he should conple his name and that of Bro . Robson with the toast . Both suitably replied The W . M . then gave the Visitors , and expressed his thanks to those who had come from long distances that day , and assured them he and his Lodge would never forgot the honour done them . He coupled with this toast the name of Bro . G . Thompson
P . P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Loflin , of the Mariner ' s Lodge , New York . In returning thanks , Bro . Thompson said they were all delighted with . the entertainment provided them , and that thoy had come as a mark of respect to the W . M . He again thanked them for the reception of the toast . During the evening tho W . M . received several congratulatory telegrams from brethren who were
Installation Meeting Of The Albert Edward Lodge. No. 1557.
unavoidably preventedfrom attending . The time had now come for the Visitors to leave , and as they loft the Hall , they wero loudly cheered . The W . M . went to the Station with thorn ; when again , they had saloon carriages attached for their convenience . Every oue folt highly pleased with tho day ' s proceedings .
Installation Meeting Of The Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
THE annual meeting for the installation of tho W . M . elect of ting Lodge took place on Monday , and was well attended , tho Lodge room being well filled by tho members and numerous visitors . At five p . m . the Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . T . B . Whytehead , Prov . Grand D . of C , the following officers beinsr in their places : —¦ Rros . T . Cooper P . P . G . D . C . I . P . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G .
Padel J . W ., G . Balmfnrd P . M . Treas .. J . Kay Secretary , T . Humphries Assistant Secretary , T . D . Smith asS . D ., J . T . Seller J . D ., G . Simpson M . C ., G . H . Simpson as Org ., M . Millinsrton I . G . Tho first business was a ballot for Bro . W . Lawton P . M . 236 P . P . G . R ., which was successfully taken , and the Lodge was then raised to tho second degree , and the W . M . olect , Bro J . S . Cumberland S . W ., was presented for
installation , tho coremony of which was performed by tho W . M ., tho working tools in the three degrees being given by Bros . T . Cooper P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., and P . H . Rowland P . M . The nowly-installed W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follow : — Bros . T . B . Whytehead I . P . M ., T . Cooper P . M . Lecture Master , G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O . Treas ., C . G . Padel S . W ., J . T . Seller J . W .,
Rov . R . P . T . Tennent Chap ., J . Kay Sec , T . Humphries Assist . Sec , M . Milington S . D ., T . D . Smith J . D ., G . Simpson M . C . A . T . B . Turner Assist . M . C ., J . Blenkin I . G ., G . H . Simpson Org ., P . Pearson Tyler , W . Hill aud G . H . Hebblethwaite Stewards . Tho W . M . was then elected to represent the Lodge on the Committee of Benevolence for the Province , after which he presented to tho Lodge , on behalf of Bro . J . T . Seller J . W ., a framed portrait of H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales G . M ., and on behalf of the Organist , a volume of Masonic music , both of which gifts were suitably acknowledged . The members and many of their Visitors afterwards partook of supper , and a toast list was gone through , interspersed with songs , & c , a very pleasant evening being spent . The annual Lodge banquet , has been fixed for the 25 th instant at the Queen's Hotel . Amongst the members and Visitors present , in addition to those already named , we noticed Bros . R . W . Hollon P . M . 236 P . G . D . Eng ., W . Walton P . M .
734 , C . Norman P . M . 123 Prov . S .. T . W ., C . Foster P . M . 1311 , J . W . Woodall P . M . 200 P . P . G . S . W ., T . B . Shaw Hellier W . M . 295 ( I . C . ) ,
W . H . Prince P . M . 298 , Sir James Meek P . M . 236 P . P . G . S . W ., W . Paley P . M . 837 , J . Todd VM . 236 Prov . G . Reg ., H . Eymer W . M . 1337 , W . Lawton P . M . 236 P . P . G . Reg ., W . Beanland P . M . 302 P . P . G . D ., F . M . Herring 837 , R . Ware 1611 , W . P . Husband 1611 , W . Lackenby lfill , J . Appleyard 1611 , W . J . Girling 1611 , J . E . Wilkinson 1611 , C . Blackstone 1611 , R . Walker 1611 , J . Hanley 295 ( I . C . ) , T . G .
Hodgson 236 , C . L . Foster 249 , J . Ward 236 Prov . Grand Pursuivant , W . N . Edwards 163 , W . T . Gowland 236 , M . S . Tynte 295 ( I . C . ) , M . Rooke 236 , J . B . Somerset 295 ( I . C . ) , W . Harris 295 ( I . C . ) , & c . Amongst the many letters aud telegrams of apologv received for non-attendance wero the following : — Bro 3 . Rev . C . E . Catnidgo Prov . G . Chaplain , T . W . Tew D . P . G . M .
( West Yorkshire ) , W . Valentine W . M . 236 , W . H . Brittain ( Sheffield ) , G . Wilkinson ( Scarborough ) , R . Huntley W . M . 250 , F . Summers P . P . G . Reg ., T . Marshall P . P . G . D . C , J . Philips ( Wigan ) , W . Reynolds P . M . 250 , G . Ayre W . M . Falcon Lodge , J . E . Bingham ( Sheffield ) , E . S . Marshall ( Darlington ) , B . Bronghton P . M . 302 , T . Sissons P . M . 442 , G . W . Byburn W . M . 1010 , H . Mitchell 387 , W . E . Franklin ( Newcastle ) , J ! C . Atkinson ( Bradford ) , T . Wilson ( Wigan ) , T . Cook
P . M . 1605 , Chas . Waistell P . M . Anchor Lodge , E . Crosby ( Hnnslet ) , R . Haywood ( Bolton ) , H . Maddiaon ( Darlington ) , J . R . Riley P . M . 3 S 7 , W . Turner W . M . 1545 , E . E . Harrison ( Hull ) , E . J . Crowe P . M . 279 , J . Atkinson W . M . 566 , Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett P . M . 123 P . P . G . S . W ., R . G . Smith P . P . G . D . C , H . Preston P . P . G . D ., Rev . W . C . Lukis P . G . Chaplain , Rev . H . Jones ( Osmotherly ) , C . J . Bannister P . G . S . B . Eng ., W . H . Marwood ( Whitbv ) , H . Voight ( Hull ) , S . B . Ellis ( Sheffield ) , R . Boggett ( Hull ) , Cheeseman ( Hull ) , & c .
Alnwick Lodge No . 1167 . —There was a large gathering of brethren present on the 6 th inst . at the installation of Bro . Adam Robertson , P . G . S . W ., who for the secord time has been elected Master of the Lodge . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bros . E . D . Davis , P . G . D . C , & c . The W . M . invested tho following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . Hall S . W .,
J . Biggs J . W ., Rev . G . S . Thomson Chaplain , G . Simpson I . P . M ., G . Reavell Secretary , J . Bowey Treasurer , A . Ingram S . D ., C . Percy J . D . and Organist , J . Ferguson I . G ., J . Mulvaney Tyler , H . H . Blair P . M . Director of Ceremonies , J . J . Howley and W . Robertson Stewards . There was a large attendance of brethren . The following Visitors
were also present : —Bros . Geo . Dean P . G . A . D . C 541 , W . M . Bell Hexham , W . H . Dunn , Geo . Smith , J . E . McPherson , J . Philips , and Benjamin Robertson , Newcastle ; Secetary G . Ewing Alnmouth , and R . McNamara Alnwick . At tho conclusion of the business of the Lodge the brethren sat down to a banquet at Mrs . Bell's , White Swan Inn .
Miss Louise Stanhope ( of the principal provincial theatres ) will appear at the morning performances to be given at the Olympic Theatre by Mr . Coleman during the season . Several new pieces will see the light on these occasions .
LYON'S— LKVY . —On the 13 th Novomber , at the residence of the Bride ' s brother . 24 Southampton Row , Holborn , W . C , SiJtioir Lross , of 7 Tavistock Place , Tavistock Square , to ROSE LETT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meeting Of The Albert Edward Lodge. No. 1557.
the brethren being re-adtrntted , the new W . M . was duly proclaimed and sainted . He then appointed nnd invested tho following brethren : —W . Fishbnrn I . P . M ., R *; v . G . Robinson S . W . and Chaplain , J . Catherall J . W ., J . Turner Treas ., J . Nicholson Sec . and Organist , E . Shield S . D ., J . Purvis J . D ., J . Johnson I . G ., F . Robinson nnd T . Pearson Stewards , N . Reweastlo Tyler . Hearty good wishes were
tendered to the W . M . by the representatives of the various Lodges who were present , and the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren then adjourned to the Town Hall , where covers were laid for one hundred , and close upon that nnmber sat down to dinner , which was provided by Bro . Pearson of the Bush Hotel . One end of the spacious hall was decorated , and bore the motto of the town , "
Welcome to the Heart of 0 England . Grace having been said , the usual Lnvnl and Masonic toasts wero submitted from the chair and responded to . In giving tho health of tho P . G . M ., Earl Percy , and Officers of the Grand Lodge , tho W . M . said : You all know that at the head of onr Province wo have a good working Mason—one who does not shirk his work . Yon all remember , only a few weeks ago ,
how he presided over ns at Alnwick , and also the sumptuous hanquet he sat us down to , and I trust he will long rule over us . We have this day amongst ns a large number of Provincial Grand Officers ; they have como from far and near , and this Lodge ought and does feel very prnnd to see them . He would conple with the toast the names of Bros . A . Roherfson Prov . Grand Senior Warden aud J .
Ridsdale P . G . Junior Warden , and would call on them both to reply . Bro . Robertson said , that when Earl Percy conferred on him tho post of S . W ., he had n ^ idea that it would entail such responsibility ; he assured them that , the P . G . Officers intended to do their duty . One thing they had made up their minds to do ; that was to make an official visit to every Lodge in the Province . He thanked them all
for the kind manner in which the toast had been drnnk , and ho was sure he was expressing the feeling of all when he said that it was a pleasure to be present to do hononr to the good Mason who had that day been installed . He concluded by aeain thanking them on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Prov . Grand Lodge . Bro . Ridsdale also responded . The W . M . then gave the Provincial
Grand Master of Durham and Officers of that Lodge , and expressed the pleasure he always felt in attending the Provincial Grand Lodge of that Province , presided over by the oldest Prov . Grand Master in England . Bro . J . E . Robson P . M . replied . Bro . E . D . Davis on rising said : We have had the pleasure of placing in the chair of K . S . this day , a brother who , from the first moment of his initiation till
now , has been a lover of the noble science ; his great ambition was to make Freemasonry in this town a thing to be respected . I believe you conld not have put a man in the chair who would do more justice to the Lodge thnn the one yon have selected , and I trust every prosperity will attend him and your Lodge . I , therefore , give yon his health , and call on you to drink it in full bumpers . —this was
done with cheers . The W . M ., who was enthusiastically greeted , thanked them all heartily for the way his name had been received , he did not quite believe he deserved all the kind things Bro . Davis had said of him ; he had always looked forward to the proud position in which he now stood , although at a time when he had little hope of attaining it . He was sure that although this Lodge
was young , it had had pood Masters , and during the past year a most effioient one ; he assured them he would try his best to do his duty in the high office they had placed him , and when tho time came , to hand to his successor the warrant in as unsullied a state as ho had received it . Before sitting down he would call on them to drink the health of the I . P . M . who by his work that day had satisfied the Visitors that ho
had made Freemasonry his most careful study . A deal of the success of the Lodge was mainly due to him . Bro . Fishburn said : He believed all who took office would try and succeed , and if he had done so he was thankful . He wonld do all in his power to render any assistance to the W . M , if he required it , and concluded by thanking them . Bro . Turnor , in giving tho toast of the
Installing Master , observed that it was tbo first time he had seen the ceremony , and had been mnch impressed by the way Bro . Davis had given it . They , the members of the Albert Edward Lodge , looked on him as their father , and he only hoped that he would not forget one of his children in this the Heart of 0 ' England , Hexham . Bro . Davis , who was received with loud cheers , said it would bo impossible for him
to convey to the brethren his thanks , or to answer in adequate terms to the toast so kindly proposed by Bro . Turner . It was hia desire to seeFreem sonry flourish on the face of the globe . He need not say in this Province of Northumberland how much he had worked for that object . Brethren , I cannot tell yon vny feeling of joy when at Alnwick only a short time ago I saw around me over 700 Masons
sitting down to a banquet where there was an abundance of wine , and every other good thing , which was only to he asked for , and to see the whole of that vast gathering rise , and quietly leave the grand old castle of the P . G . M ., aud like good Masons and gentlemen go to their homes . I say the result was magnificent j a thing to be proud of . Brethren , I cannot hope to address you for many years longer ,
but as long as I live Imy feeling will always be that of gratitude to the brethren for tho courtesy always accorded me . The Present and Past Officers was snbmittedby Bro . R . L . Armstrong W . M . 406 . In the course of his remarks he said he felt sure those appointed that day would do their duty . However talented a Master might be , he could do nothing without his Officers . The S . W . had received the
honour of being appointed Provincial Graud Chaplain ; he should conple his name and that of Bro . Robson with the toast . Both suitably replied The W . M . then gave the Visitors , and expressed his thanks to those who had come from long distances that day , and assured them he and his Lodge would never forgot the honour done them . He coupled with this toast the name of Bro . G . Thompson
P . P . G . S . W ., and Bro . Loflin , of the Mariner ' s Lodge , New York . In returning thanks , Bro . Thompson said they were all delighted with . the entertainment provided them , and that thoy had come as a mark of respect to the W . M . He again thanked them for the reception of the toast . During the evening tho W . M . received several congratulatory telegrams from brethren who were
Installation Meeting Of The Albert Edward Lodge. No. 1557.
unavoidably preventedfrom attending . The time had now come for the Visitors to leave , and as they loft the Hall , they wero loudly cheered . The W . M . went to the Station with thorn ; when again , they had saloon carriages attached for their convenience . Every oue folt highly pleased with tho day ' s proceedings .
Installation Meeting Of The Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
THE annual meeting for the installation of tho W . M . elect of ting Lodge took place on Monday , and was well attended , tho Lodge room being well filled by tho members and numerous visitors . At five p . m . the Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . T . B . Whytehead , Prov . Grand D . of C , the following officers beinsr in their places : —¦ Rros . T . Cooper P . P . G . D . C . I . P . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., C . G .
Padel J . W ., G . Balmfnrd P . M . Treas .. J . Kay Secretary , T . Humphries Assistant Secretary , T . D . Smith asS . D ., J . T . Seller J . D ., G . Simpson M . C ., G . H . Simpson as Org ., M . Millinsrton I . G . Tho first business was a ballot for Bro . W . Lawton P . M . 236 P . P . G . R ., which was successfully taken , and the Lodge was then raised to tho second degree , and the W . M . olect , Bro J . S . Cumberland S . W ., was presented for
installation , tho coremony of which was performed by tho W . M ., tho working tools in the three degrees being given by Bros . T . Cooper P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., and P . H . Rowland P . M . The nowly-installed W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers as follow : — Bros . T . B . Whytehead I . P . M ., T . Cooper P . M . Lecture Master , G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O . Treas ., C . G . Padel S . W ., J . T . Seller J . W .,
Rov . R . P . T . Tennent Chap ., J . Kay Sec , T . Humphries Assist . Sec , M . Milington S . D ., T . D . Smith J . D ., G . Simpson M . C . A . T . B . Turner Assist . M . C ., J . Blenkin I . G ., G . H . Simpson Org ., P . Pearson Tyler , W . Hill aud G . H . Hebblethwaite Stewards . Tho W . M . was then elected to represent the Lodge on the Committee of Benevolence for the Province , after which he presented to tho Lodge , on behalf of Bro . J . T . Seller J . W ., a framed portrait of H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales G . M ., and on behalf of the Organist , a volume of Masonic music , both of which gifts were suitably acknowledged . The members and many of their Visitors afterwards partook of supper , and a toast list was gone through , interspersed with songs , & c , a very pleasant evening being spent . The annual Lodge banquet , has been fixed for the 25 th instant at the Queen's Hotel . Amongst the members and Visitors present , in addition to those already named , we noticed Bros . R . W . Hollon P . M . 236 P . G . D . Eng ., W . Walton P . M .
734 , C . Norman P . M . 123 Prov . S .. T . W ., C . Foster P . M . 1311 , J . W . Woodall P . M . 200 P . P . G . S . W ., T . B . Shaw Hellier W . M . 295 ( I . C . ) ,
W . H . Prince P . M . 298 , Sir James Meek P . M . 236 P . P . G . S . W ., W . Paley P . M . 837 , J . Todd VM . 236 Prov . G . Reg ., H . Eymer W . M . 1337 , W . Lawton P . M . 236 P . P . G . Reg ., W . Beanland P . M . 302 P . P . G . D ., F . M . Herring 837 , R . Ware 1611 , W . P . Husband 1611 , W . Lackenby lfill , J . Appleyard 1611 , W . J . Girling 1611 , J . E . Wilkinson 1611 , C . Blackstone 1611 , R . Walker 1611 , J . Hanley 295 ( I . C . ) , T . G .
Hodgson 236 , C . L . Foster 249 , J . Ward 236 Prov . Grand Pursuivant , W . N . Edwards 163 , W . T . Gowland 236 , M . S . Tynte 295 ( I . C . ) , M . Rooke 236 , J . B . Somerset 295 ( I . C . ) , W . Harris 295 ( I . C . ) , & c . Amongst the many letters aud telegrams of apologv received for non-attendance wero the following : — Bro 3 . Rev . C . E . Catnidgo Prov . G . Chaplain , T . W . Tew D . P . G . M .
( West Yorkshire ) , W . Valentine W . M . 236 , W . H . Brittain ( Sheffield ) , G . Wilkinson ( Scarborough ) , R . Huntley W . M . 250 , F . Summers P . P . G . Reg ., T . Marshall P . P . G . D . C , J . Philips ( Wigan ) , W . Reynolds P . M . 250 , G . Ayre W . M . Falcon Lodge , J . E . Bingham ( Sheffield ) , E . S . Marshall ( Darlington ) , B . Bronghton P . M . 302 , T . Sissons P . M . 442 , G . W . Byburn W . M . 1010 , H . Mitchell 387 , W . E . Franklin ( Newcastle ) , J ! C . Atkinson ( Bradford ) , T . Wilson ( Wigan ) , T . Cook
P . M . 1605 , Chas . Waistell P . M . Anchor Lodge , E . Crosby ( Hnnslet ) , R . Haywood ( Bolton ) , H . Maddiaon ( Darlington ) , J . R . Riley P . M . 3 S 7 , W . Turner W . M . 1545 , E . E . Harrison ( Hull ) , E . J . Crowe P . M . 279 , J . Atkinson W . M . 566 , Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett P . M . 123 P . P . G . S . W ., R . G . Smith P . P . G . D . C , H . Preston P . P . G . D ., Rev . W . C . Lukis P . G . Chaplain , Rev . H . Jones ( Osmotherly ) , C . J . Bannister P . G . S . B . Eng ., W . H . Marwood ( Whitbv ) , H . Voight ( Hull ) , S . B . Ellis ( Sheffield ) , R . Boggett ( Hull ) , Cheeseman ( Hull ) , & c .
Alnwick Lodge No . 1167 . —There was a large gathering of brethren present on the 6 th inst . at the installation of Bro . Adam Robertson , P . G . S . W ., who for the secord time has been elected Master of the Lodge . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bros . E . D . Davis , P . G . D . C , & c . The W . M . invested tho following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . Hall S . W .,
J . Biggs J . W ., Rev . G . S . Thomson Chaplain , G . Simpson I . P . M ., G . Reavell Secretary , J . Bowey Treasurer , A . Ingram S . D ., C . Percy J . D . and Organist , J . Ferguson I . G ., J . Mulvaney Tyler , H . H . Blair P . M . Director of Ceremonies , J . J . Howley and W . Robertson Stewards . There was a large attendance of brethren . The following Visitors
were also present : —Bros . Geo . Dean P . G . A . D . C 541 , W . M . Bell Hexham , W . H . Dunn , Geo . Smith , J . E . McPherson , J . Philips , and Benjamin Robertson , Newcastle ; Secetary G . Ewing Alnmouth , and R . McNamara Alnwick . At tho conclusion of the business of the Lodge the brethren sat down to a banquet at Mrs . Bell's , White Swan Inn .
Miss Louise Stanhope ( of the principal provincial theatres ) will appear at the morning performances to be given at the Olympic Theatre by Mr . Coleman during the season . Several new pieces will see the light on these occasions .
LYON'S— LKVY . —On the 13 th Novomber , at the residence of the Bride ' s brother . 24 Southampton Row , Holborn , W . C , SiJtioir Lross , of 7 Tavistock Place , Tavistock Square , to ROSE LETT .