Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBUC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o . THE LAEG-E HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING- UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUJSTDBED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for IONG or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . f twferte * JlwriOT <§] t | $ i tad ^ mitmthm MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Bamsden ' s Patent "Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H R . H . the Princess Louise . HTull Illustrated Price Lists post free on application , to No . 40 Great Marlboroxigh . Street . NOTE ADDRESS—a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO YBR So GBOYBE ; LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , TafrEMtf BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . -p «« HB PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ^ Jft " ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . IJK * S Tlio Advantages of si Trial , with tho Convenience of the O fW «« .. ««»¦] If Three Tcnrs' System at Cash Pi-ice , by Paying about a Quarter i &^ J IL T- ° » VJ- JJ ~^ . U . ° * ' tno V ! » l" * « Iown , the Balance by Easy Payments , from „ f ~~ aF" ° »^ ' , -4 fr 15 » per quarter . GEOVER & GROVEE , 157-9 Kinsrsland load KSTll 5 I > I « JIi ; i > 1830 .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . 0 . 0 . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent tor Algerian Cigars , ami Importer of , Havana and Continental Oigars . 301 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E . n ¦¦¦¦¦ I ¦ " ~ innw . n » iiMiiiir ! —W-T" — ¦ - .-: — -.:. ^ -r . —
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . O . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . I Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
NOTICE . FOOTBALL S ! FOOTBALL ! 1 TO HEADS OF COLLEGES , SCHOOLS , & e . A LL who rpqniro OUTFITS should send for /\_ one of . TOHN LTLLYWHI TE'S list of prices ( post free I . His tariff will lie found cheaper than that of any other houso in tho trade . Solo authorised publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION OP FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may be seen during tlio season at his Warehouse . ADDBESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREHOUSE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N . W . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in the trade .
TAMAR INDIEN . SPKCf . lIi C'AUTIOtf . OWING to tho marked success of this merUcInc , the only nacent medicinp universally pre-Rcribod by tho faculty , find tho acknowledged cure for constipation , hea- 'Iachf , bile , haemorrhoids , & c „ IMSE IMITATTONS , corttnininir dra-tic irritants , are behiff foisted on the public . Tho genuine preparation bears tho title "Tanmrlndicn , " and the signature E . UfULLOX , Colemnn-afc . London . E . C . Price 2- ( Jd per box . In a recent case , 1876 , O . Xo . 2 Zl , a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to his lozenges waa awarded , with costs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on luth Jnnuary 1877 , and all such piracies will be summarily proceeded against . N . B .- SP « 3 thit the outer \ vrnpi er ( directions ) aro printed in tho English language , and that each box bears tho Government . Id stamp .
Second Edition . Demy 8 vo , Price 2 s Gd . QYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENO INGS ; a tabulated analysis , by WILLIAM COOK , a member of thp Bristol and Ciiffon Chess I Association . Second Edition with additions and j emendations . LOSDOK : W . W . JIOBGAK , 67 BABSICAJT , E . C ,
LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , OFFERED FOB SALE , AT PRICES ANNEXED , AT THE OFFICE OF The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican . 48 The Musical Budget . 24 mc . frontispiece . Haddington 2 s 49 A Selection of Masonic Son « s , by Holden . 8 vo . Allegorical frontispiece . Dublin , 1819 8 s 6 d 50 Aporou general efc historiqne des prineipalas sectos Maconniques qui ont utu ropan . ilues dans tousles pays . Par Lovesque . 8 ro . Paris , 1321 12 s 51 Lo Vucle-Mectim Maconnique , pour le rit Ecossais ancien et aceoptiS . l 3 mo . 1823 2 s Gil 52 Esprit da dogme do la Prancho Maconnerio . By Rechellini do Schio . 8 vo . 11 sym . bolical plates . Brussels , 1825 21 a 53 Dictionuairo Macouniqno . By J . Qaantin . Threo allegorical folding plates . Pari * . 1825 7 s ea 54 Die Freymauerey im Fischbein-ro ke . ( Masonry in Petticoats . ) Remarkable frontispiece . 12 mo . Dio verrathene Froymaneroy . Symbolical frontispiece . 12 mo . 1775 . Together ... 10 .-, Gil 55 La Lire Maeonne ; o « fiecneil do Chansons do 3 EYancs-lIacons . Nesv edition . 12 mo . La Haye , 1775 9 s 56 Ernst and Falck . Gespriiche fiir Freimanrer , Ac . By Lcssing . ISrao . Wolfenbiittol , 1773 5 s Od 57 Tho Principles of Freemasom-y delineated . By Trovvnian . 12 mo . Engraved frontispiece . Exeter , 1777 12 s fid 58 VerthoMigunf * der Freyraaarer wider die Verluumdmigen zweener gsUtltchon , we ' . che deu oi'den Olt'entlicli auE der Kanzol ungcgriffen Habon . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1779 . 7 s ( til 59 Au memo Bmder . ISmo . Breslau , 1779 ts 60 Gescliiclito des schicksals dor Preymanrer zu Neapol . 18 mo . Two allgorical plates . Frankfurt , 1779 7 s fid 61 TJebur Jesniten , Freymaurerund Doutscho Rosenkrentzer . 12 mo . Leipsig , 1731 ... 8 s fid 62 Ueber deu zvveck des Freyrmtarer-ovdens . By Stiirck . 12 mo . Berlin , 1781 9 s 63 Fru ^ raente fiir und wider dio freymaurorei . 12 mo . Berlin , 1732 5 s Cd 64 Der compass der wcisen . 12 mo . Curious vignettes nnd symbolical folding plate . Berlin , 1732 15 a 65 Schutzsehril't fiir die Aechtheit der Roscukreutzer gesellscbaft . 12 mo . Leipsig , 1782 12 a ( id 66 Ganz neue entdeckungen von der freymiiueroy nnd dereu gehoimnisse . 18 mo . Leipsig , 1782 5 s ( id 67 De Conventn generali Latomovum . 8 vo . 1783 12 s fid 68 Abrego do l'Histoire de la Franche-Maconnerie . 18 mo . Londres , 1779 . .., 10 s 6 d 69 Der Freymaurer , eine moralische wocheuschrift . 8 vo . Fine allegorical title . Leipsig , 1738 21 s 70 L'Ordro des Francs-Macous trabi . Eight very curious plates . 18 mo . Amsterdam , 1715 21 s 71 LesFrancs-Macov . sEcrasds . 18 mo . Frontispiece and plates . Amsterdam , 1747 . 21 s 73 Pocket Companion and History of Freemasons . By J . Scott . 12 mo . With symbolical frontispiece . London , 1751 ... 21 s 74 Do . do . do . 2 nd edition with List of Lodges in England added , 1759 . 15 s 75 Do . do . do . 3 rd edition re vised . 17 G 1 15 s 76 Social Harmony . A collection of choice Masonic Songs . Engraved music . By Hale . < lto . London , 1763 10 s Od 77 The Freemasons' Pocket Companion , with the origin , & c , of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . 12 mo . Glasgow , 1705 Us 78 Kede ( in Versen ) so auf den zischw ne Preassen , Russlnnd , und gscoe 2 nsh . 3 ed losseen Friede win . ugui tit "G 2 . pt-J jhnr 84 Sermon and Ode on Masonry . By Bev . D . Tnmer . 12 mo . London , 1788 ... 5 s 85 Der Achte Illuminat . 12 mo . Frankfort , 1783 12 s 6 d 86 Der mystagog . By J . G . ilartmann . 8 vo . Osnabruc ' s , 1789 12 s 6 d 87 Offentliche erkliirung iiber seino geheime verbrudilng mit dem illuminatenorden . 8 vo . Berlin , 1788 9 s In ordering from these lists it is only necessary to give the number and date of the book required .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBUC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o . THE LAEG-E HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING- UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUJSTDBED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for IONG or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHUR ALLISON & CO . f twferte * JlwriOT <§] t | $ i tad ^ mitmthm MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Bamsden ' s Patent "Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H R . H . the Princess Louise . HTull Illustrated Price Lists post free on application , to No . 40 Great Marlboroxigh . Street . NOTE ADDRESS—a change having recently been made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO YBR So GBOYBE ; LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , TafrEMtf BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . -p «« HB PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ^ Jft " ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . IJK * S Tlio Advantages of si Trial , with tho Convenience of the O fW «« .. ««»¦] If Three Tcnrs' System at Cash Pi-ice , by Paying about a Quarter i &^ J IL T- ° » VJ- JJ ~^ . U . ° * ' tno V ! » l" * « Iown , the Balance by Easy Payments , from „ f ~~ aF" ° »^ ' , -4 fr 15 » per quarter . GEOVER & GROVEE , 157-9 Kinsrsland load KSTll 5 I > I « JIi ; i > 1830 .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . 0 . 0 . payable at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent tor Algerian Cigars , ami Importer of , Havana and Continental Oigars . 301 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E . n ¦¦¦¦¦ I ¦ " ~ innw . n » iiMiiiir ! —W-T" — ¦ - .-: — -.:. ^ -r . —
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . O . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . I Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
NOTICE . FOOTBALL S ! FOOTBALL ! 1 TO HEADS OF COLLEGES , SCHOOLS , & e . A LL who rpqniro OUTFITS should send for /\_ one of . TOHN LTLLYWHI TE'S list of prices ( post free I . His tariff will lie found cheaper than that of any other houso in tho trade . Solo authorised publisher of tho Rugby Union Football Laws . THE LARGEST EXHIBITION OP FOOTBALLS IN THE WORLD may be seen during tlio season at his Warehouse . ADDBESS : — JOHN LILLYWHITE , FOOTBALL WAREHOUSE , 10 Seymour Street , Euston Square , London , N . W . N . B . —No connexion with any other house in the trade .
TAMAR INDIEN . SPKCf . lIi C'AUTIOtf . OWING to tho marked success of this merUcInc , the only nacent medicinp universally pre-Rcribod by tho faculty , find tho acknowledged cure for constipation , hea- 'Iachf , bile , haemorrhoids , & c „ IMSE IMITATTONS , corttnininir dra-tic irritants , are behiff foisted on the public . Tho genuine preparation bears tho title "Tanmrlndicn , " and the signature E . UfULLOX , Colemnn-afc . London . E . C . Price 2- ( Jd per box . In a recent case , 1876 , O . Xo . 2 Zl , a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to his lozenges waa awarded , with costs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on luth Jnnuary 1877 , and all such piracies will be summarily proceeded against . N . B .- SP « 3 thit the outer \ vrnpi er ( directions ) aro printed in tho English language , and that each box bears tho Government . Id stamp .
Second Edition . Demy 8 vo , Price 2 s Gd . QYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENO INGS ; a tabulated analysis , by WILLIAM COOK , a member of thp Bristol and Ciiffon Chess I Association . Second Edition with additions and j emendations . LOSDOK : W . W . JIOBGAK , 67 BABSICAJT , E . C ,
LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , OFFERED FOB SALE , AT PRICES ANNEXED , AT THE OFFICE OF The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican . 48 The Musical Budget . 24 mc . frontispiece . Haddington 2 s 49 A Selection of Masonic Son « s , by Holden . 8 vo . Allegorical frontispiece . Dublin , 1819 8 s 6 d 50 Aporou general efc historiqne des prineipalas sectos Maconniques qui ont utu ropan . ilues dans tousles pays . Par Lovesque . 8 ro . Paris , 1321 12 s 51 Lo Vucle-Mectim Maconnique , pour le rit Ecossais ancien et aceoptiS . l 3 mo . 1823 2 s Gil 52 Esprit da dogme do la Prancho Maconnerio . By Rechellini do Schio . 8 vo . 11 sym . bolical plates . Brussels , 1825 21 a 53 Dictionuairo Macouniqno . By J . Qaantin . Threo allegorical folding plates . Pari * . 1825 7 s ea 54 Die Freymauerey im Fischbein-ro ke . ( Masonry in Petticoats . ) Remarkable frontispiece . 12 mo . Dio verrathene Froymaneroy . Symbolical frontispiece . 12 mo . 1775 . Together ... 10 .-, Gil 55 La Lire Maeonne ; o « fiecneil do Chansons do 3 EYancs-lIacons . Nesv edition . 12 mo . La Haye , 1775 9 s 56 Ernst and Falck . Gespriiche fiir Freimanrer , Ac . By Lcssing . ISrao . Wolfenbiittol , 1773 5 s Od 57 Tho Principles of Freemasom-y delineated . By Trovvnian . 12 mo . Engraved frontispiece . Exeter , 1777 12 s fid 58 VerthoMigunf * der Freyraaarer wider die Verluumdmigen zweener gsUtltchon , we ' . che deu oi'den Olt'entlicli auE der Kanzol ungcgriffen Habon . 12 mo . Frankfurt , 1779 . 7 s ( til 59 Au memo Bmder . ISmo . Breslau , 1779 ts 60 Gescliiclito des schicksals dor Preymanrer zu Neapol . 18 mo . Two allgorical plates . Frankfurt , 1779 7 s fid 61 TJebur Jesniten , Freymaurerund Doutscho Rosenkrentzer . 12 mo . Leipsig , 1731 ... 8 s fid 62 Ueber deu zvveck des Freyrmtarer-ovdens . By Stiirck . 12 mo . Berlin , 1781 9 s 63 Fru ^ raente fiir und wider dio freymaurorei . 12 mo . Berlin , 1732 5 s Cd 64 Der compass der wcisen . 12 mo . Curious vignettes nnd symbolical folding plate . Berlin , 1732 15 a 65 Schutzsehril't fiir die Aechtheit der Roscukreutzer gesellscbaft . 12 mo . Leipsig , 1782 12 a ( id 66 Ganz neue entdeckungen von der freymiiueroy nnd dereu gehoimnisse . 18 mo . Leipsig , 1782 5 s ( id 67 De Conventn generali Latomovum . 8 vo . 1783 12 s fid 68 Abrego do l'Histoire de la Franche-Maconnerie . 18 mo . Londres , 1779 . .., 10 s 6 d 69 Der Freymaurer , eine moralische wocheuschrift . 8 vo . Fine allegorical title . Leipsig , 1738 21 s 70 L'Ordro des Francs-Macous trabi . Eight very curious plates . 18 mo . Amsterdam , 1715 21 s 71 LesFrancs-Macov . sEcrasds . 18 mo . Frontispiece and plates . Amsterdam , 1747 . 21 s 73 Pocket Companion and History of Freemasons . By J . Scott . 12 mo . With symbolical frontispiece . London , 1751 ... 21 s 74 Do . do . do . 2 nd edition with List of Lodges in England added , 1759 . 15 s 75 Do . do . do . 3 rd edition re vised . 17 G 1 15 s 76 Social Harmony . A collection of choice Masonic Songs . Engraved music . By Hale . < lto . London , 1763 10 s Od 77 The Freemasons' Pocket Companion , with the origin , & c , of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . 12 mo . Glasgow , 1705 Us 78 Kede ( in Versen ) so auf den zischw ne Preassen , Russlnnd , und gscoe 2 nsh . 3 ed losseen Friede win . ugui tit "G 2 . pt-J jhnr 84 Sermon and Ode on Masonry . By Bev . D . Tnmer . 12 mo . London , 1788 ... 5 s 85 Der Achte Illuminat . 12 mo . Frankfort , 1783 12 s 6 d 86 Der mystagog . By J . G . ilartmann . 8 vo . Osnabruc ' s , 1789 12 s 6 d 87 Offentliche erkliirung iiber seino geheime verbrudilng mit dem illuminatenorden . 8 vo . Berlin , 1788 9 s In ordering from these lists it is only necessary to give the number and date of the book required .