Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
business , Bro . G . Ferrar answered the questions leading to the degree of Fellow Craft , was entrusted and duly passed . Bro . Preceptor Leo worked tho first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . W . Ferrar , of the Liberty of Havering Lodge , No . 1437 , was elected a member . Bro . Cox
was elected W . M . for the ensuing two weeks . A committee was then appointed to revise the Bye-Laws of the Lodge , to meet after the usual bnsiness on Monday next . All Masniic business being ended , the Lodge was closed with prayer , and adjourned to Monday , 18 th November , at 7 . 30 o ' olock .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426— This well-known and deservedly popular Lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the City Terminns Hotel , Cannon-street , appropriately enough on tho day when "The Great City ' s" new Lord Mavor was formally installed into his office , and presided at the grand banquet given on the occasion in The Great Ci'v's Guildhall . Tho Lodge was opened
hv Bro . Jnmps Freeman W . M ., supported by G . W . Blaekie S . W ., W . H . Catehpolo J . W ., E . Moody P . M . Secretary , T . Hamev S . D ., C . Tnvlor J . D ., W . H . Hook D . of C , It . Hooker and F . C . Keeble Stewards , W . Kibble I . G ., W . Steednmn P . M . Tyler . Past Master Bro . Jeihn Seex . Visitors—Bros . Frank Erier St . John ' s 3 J , T . West 1641 , G . H . Palmer 63 , J . Smi'h jun . Industry , G . Smith
sen . Industry , C . J . Perceval S . W . Loyalty , Baker 1708 , Richards Sir Hugh Myddelton , Webber Royal Albert , A . Wing W . M . 45 , W . W . Morgan 211 ., & c , & c . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the ballot was brought into request in favour of Mr . Gen . Gwyn Parker ; tho result was satisfactory , and that gentlpman wa = i introduced , a 'd tho W . M . performed the ceremony in his hi half
greatly to the instruction and approval of the brethren . After tho discussion of several matters in reference to promoting the welfare of the Craft . Lodge was closed , and the brothren sat down to banquet . On the removal of tho cloth , tho W . Master gavo the accustomed Loyal and Masonic toasts— " The Queen and tho Crnft , " " His Roval Highness the Prince of W .-iles M . W . Grand Master , " & e ., & G . Bro
Seex then rose and proposed , in highly eulogistic terms , the health of the W . M ., and in doing so ho remarked that it was mnst gratifying to tf'ose on whom from time to time hnd devolved the duty of proposing this health to know that tho toast was ono that always commended itself to the members . The present occupant of tho chair was eminently qualified for his position , and he ( P . m . Seex ) trusted he would
enjoy health nnd strength , not only to fulfil tho dnties of his presont office , bnt likewise to remain for many years to come an honoured member of tbe Lodge . Due honour having been paid to tho tonst , the W . M . acknowledged in grateful terms tho kindly manner in which his health' had beon proposed and received . He admitted that he was fnlly sensible of the difficulties
under which he laboured . Ho eou'd invariably say a good word for others , but ho found himself at sea entirely when ho was called to speak for himself . Ho was well assured ho had the hearty good wishes of the members generally , and he was gratified at the largo attendance . The health of the initiate , Bro . Parker , followed , and the W . M . said that , having known
Bro . Parker for many years , ho was confident his admission into tho Lodge would prove serviceable to the Craft , and he both hoped and trusted ho wonld in timo become an experienced officer . Bro . Parker thanked tho W . M . and brethren for the kindly greeting they hnd extended towards him on this his first appenrance in a Masonic Lodge . He was glad to have already met several with whom he was personally
acquainted , and should do all in his power to attain that position in the Craft which he felt must be an object of just ambition fn every oue in the position ho then held . The health of the Visitors followed , tho terms in which it was proposed being most cordial , and the manner in which it , was responded to by Bros . Wing mid Perceval
equally fo . The toasts of tho Trcasip-er and Secretary , and of tho Officers , were theti in due order honoured and appropriately acknowledged , and shortly afterwards a most agreeable evening was brought to a close in a very satisfactory manner . The intervals between tho toasts were devoted to singing , and this greatly enhanced tho pleasure of the meeting .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . — At the Old Rodney ' s Head , No . 12 Old-street , on Monday , the 11 th inst . Bros . Symons W . M ., Halle S . W ., W . Rowley J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Wing S . D ., Stock J . D ., J . Smith I . G . ; also Bros . J . Millington , Halford , Pearcy , Hallani sen ., A . Rowley , Bigg , Willson , Trewinnard , Hallnin jun ., Gyer , and others . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed in an able manner , Bro . Bigg candidate . Tho
sections of the second lecture were worked . Bro . Bigg of the mother Lodge was elected a member . Bro . nallo was appointed W . M . for ensuing week . A vote of thanks was cordially awarded the W . M . for the very efficient manner he bad filled the chair of K . S . The Fifteen Sections will be worked on tho last Monday in tbe present month , when it is hoped a strong muster of " strou ^ men " will assemble .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , November 12 th , at the Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , Holborn . Present : —Bros . Miroy W . M ., Tate S . W ., Bramham J . W ., Dickens Sec , J . H . TJodson S . D ., Tranter J . D ., SanclersI . G ., Bingemann P . M . Prec , T . B . Dodson , Abell , Brown , Gilruth , Cornu , Scott , Watts , and others . The Lodgo was opened in dno form , and the minutes of preceding meeting read and confirmed ,
Bro . Baker , a candidate for the second degree answered the questious , and was passed . The first section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Tate , second by Bro . Brown , third by Bro . Bingemann , fourth by Bro . Watts . Bro . Tato was unanimously elected W . M . for custiiiiriweek . The Installation ceremony will be rehearsed b y Bro . T . J . Maidwell , W . M . of the Egyptian Lodge , ou Tuesday , 26 th November . Lodge will be opened at 7 . Brethren are invited to attend .
j Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was summoned for last Tuesday , 12 th inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . In tho absence of the W . M . ( Bro . C . W . Fox ) the chair was taken by Bro . Wm . Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesex , the senior Past Master anel Socretary of the Lodge , supported by Bros . D . B . Raw P . M . formerly Treasurer of the Lodge as T . P . M ., J . C .
Jessett S . W ., T . W . Ockendon J . W ., E . Hopwood Treasurer , T . C . Walls S . W . 1381 S . D ., Grnndon J . D ., Hiscox I . G . There were also present—Bros . Past Master Hurst ; Day , Tozer , T . C . Murphy , Ac , & c . ; and visitor Bro . MoNaught ( Scotch Constitution ) . A ba'lot being taken and declared unanimous for the admission of Mr . Prime , that gentleman was duly and regularly initiated into the
mysteries of the Craft . A passing was also on the agenda , but the candidate was not present . Further business having been transacted , the Lodgo was closed and tho brethron adjourned to supper , ably snpplied by Bro . Murphy , tho host . After tho usual Loyal and Masonio toasts had been honoured , the W . M . proposed the health of the initiate . Bro . Prime , in responding , expressed his gratification
on being enrolled a member of our ancient fraternity . He proceeded to say that during recent continental travels , being overtaken by sickness , he had experienced great kindness at tbe hands of a j comparative stranger , whom in course of time he found , on enquiry , \ to be a Mason . A friendship sprang np between them , rnd ultimately he solicited his newly fonnd friend to grant him an introduction to
Masonry , nnd ho rejoiced that his object had that day been accomplished . His preconceived notions in favour of Freemasonry had , been exalted by the beantiful ceremony he had lately heard and I witnessed , and he felt that another oxistence had dawned upon him , on tho threshold of which he was nevw standing . The response , which was listened to throughout with rapt attention , evoked
; considerable applanso at its conclusion , and we may add occasions : are very rare when an initiate delivers his maiden speech with such eloquence , and can command appropriate language to convey the I first impressions formed ou a man ' s mind when admitted to the benefit I of Masonic light . Bro . McNaught having responded to the visitor ' s I toast , the proceedings terminated . Tho next meeting will be held on I Thursday next , 21 st inst .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This j Lodge held its nsnal meeting on Wednesday , tho 13 th of November , ! at the Railway Tavern , Fenchnrch-street , E . C . Present — Bros , S . J . Tnrqnand P . M . 1556 W . M ., T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 S . W ., C . H . Webb W . M . 1 G 07 J . W ., J . K . Pitt Sec , E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , Walkor S . D ., Holland I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bloomfield , Hill , Hogg , Musto ,
Lovy , Posener , Lee . Visitors—Bros . M . Ayres 95 , E . T . Worsley 8 ( 10 , W . J . Smith 860 , Geo . Johnson 860 , J . Roberts 65 , Saml . Levy Hiram 70 ( New Orleans ) , F . Ware 1178 , Patmore 228 . Tho Fifteen Sections were worked , to the gratification of tho brethren generally . Bros . P . M . Lovy , Worsley , Smith , Dixon , Spencer , Ware ,
Roberts , Slaiter , aud Patmore S . D . 228 were elected members of this Lodgo of Instruction . Tho usual votes were passed to the W . M . and workers , and able responses wero made . The proceedings through , out wero conducted admirably , and ns a result a most instructive evoning was passed . Bro . Biddlo was elected W . M . for next Wednesday .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —The regular meeting was held on Saturday , 9 th November . Bros . Bedwell W . M ., H . Hall S . W ., Mullord J . W ., J . Lorkin S . D ., Fenner J . D ., Gilbam I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Halford Treasurer , Killick Sec , and about thirty members .
The Lodgo having bei-n duly opened , and miDntes confirmed , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed ; tho sections of second lecture were also worked . Bros . J . P . Parkes 1538 , and E . M . Adams 1685 , were elected members . Bro . H . Hall will preside this ( Saturday ) evoninc .
King Henry VIII . Lodge No . 1757—This new Lodge for tho province of Herts was consecrated on Monday evoning , at the Town Hall , Hemol Hempstead , by Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Herts . Tho Lodge is appointed to meet on the Thursdays nearest the full moon in tho months of January , April , July , and October . When the Lodge had been consecrated the Rev . W . Oswell Thompson ,
Vicar of Hemel Hempstead , Prov . G . Chap , was installed as Wor . Master of the Lodge , by Bro . nalsey . Tbe consecration and installation had the advantage of a beautiful musical accompanime nt by a choir of professional brethren . The ceremonies were witnessed by a large number of Freemasons , among whom were many of the Grand Officers of the Province of Herts .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England , npiIE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from * - tho Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for 13 s Gel , this will inclnclo postage for 12 months . Intending Subscribers should forward thoir full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and Count y . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHKOJ * ICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every clas 3 . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births . Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trado Announcements , & c single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a , Series of insertions ore application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
business , Bro . G . Ferrar answered the questions leading to the degree of Fellow Craft , was entrusted and duly passed . Bro . Preceptor Leo worked tho first , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . W . Ferrar , of the Liberty of Havering Lodge , No . 1437 , was elected a member . Bro . Cox
was elected W . M . for the ensuing two weeks . A committee was then appointed to revise the Bye-Laws of the Lodge , to meet after the usual bnsiness on Monday next . All Masniic business being ended , the Lodge was closed with prayer , and adjourned to Monday , 18 th November , at 7 . 30 o ' olock .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426— This well-known and deservedly popular Lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the City Terminns Hotel , Cannon-street , appropriately enough on tho day when "The Great City ' s" new Lord Mavor was formally installed into his office , and presided at the grand banquet given on the occasion in The Great Ci'v's Guildhall . Tho Lodge was opened
hv Bro . Jnmps Freeman W . M ., supported by G . W . Blaekie S . W ., W . H . Catehpolo J . W ., E . Moody P . M . Secretary , T . Hamev S . D ., C . Tnvlor J . D ., W . H . Hook D . of C , It . Hooker and F . C . Keeble Stewards , W . Kibble I . G ., W . Steednmn P . M . Tyler . Past Master Bro . Jeihn Seex . Visitors—Bros . Frank Erier St . John ' s 3 J , T . West 1641 , G . H . Palmer 63 , J . Smi'h jun . Industry , G . Smith
sen . Industry , C . J . Perceval S . W . Loyalty , Baker 1708 , Richards Sir Hugh Myddelton , Webber Royal Albert , A . Wing W . M . 45 , W . W . Morgan 211 ., & c , & c . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the ballot was brought into request in favour of Mr . Gen . Gwyn Parker ; tho result was satisfactory , and that gentlpman wa = i introduced , a 'd tho W . M . performed the ceremony in his hi half
greatly to the instruction and approval of the brethren . After tho discussion of several matters in reference to promoting the welfare of the Craft . Lodge was closed , and the brothren sat down to banquet . On the removal of tho cloth , tho W . Master gavo the accustomed Loyal and Masonic toasts— " The Queen and tho Crnft , " " His Roval Highness the Prince of W .-iles M . W . Grand Master , " & e ., & G . Bro
Seex then rose and proposed , in highly eulogistic terms , the health of the W . M ., and in doing so ho remarked that it was mnst gratifying to tf'ose on whom from time to time hnd devolved the duty of proposing this health to know that tho toast was ono that always commended itself to the members . The present occupant of tho chair was eminently qualified for his position , and he ( P . m . Seex ) trusted he would
enjoy health nnd strength , not only to fulfil tho dnties of his presont office , bnt likewise to remain for many years to come an honoured member of tbe Lodge . Due honour having been paid to tho tonst , the W . M . acknowledged in grateful terms tho kindly manner in which his health' had beon proposed and received . He admitted that he was fnlly sensible of the difficulties
under which he laboured . Ho eou'd invariably say a good word for others , but ho found himself at sea entirely when ho was called to speak for himself . Ho was well assured ho had the hearty good wishes of the members generally , and he was gratified at the largo attendance . The health of the initiate , Bro . Parker , followed , and the W . M . said that , having known
Bro . Parker for many years , ho was confident his admission into tho Lodge would prove serviceable to the Craft , and he both hoped and trusted ho wonld in timo become an experienced officer . Bro . Parker thanked tho W . M . and brethren for the kindly greeting they hnd extended towards him on this his first appenrance in a Masonic Lodge . He was glad to have already met several with whom he was personally
acquainted , and should do all in his power to attain that position in the Craft which he felt must be an object of just ambition fn every oue in the position ho then held . The health of the Visitors followed , tho terms in which it was proposed being most cordial , and the manner in which it , was responded to by Bros . Wing mid Perceval
equally fo . The toasts of tho Trcasip-er and Secretary , and of tho Officers , were theti in due order honoured and appropriately acknowledged , and shortly afterwards a most agreeable evening was brought to a close in a very satisfactory manner . The intervals between tho toasts were devoted to singing , and this greatly enhanced tho pleasure of the meeting .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . — At the Old Rodney ' s Head , No . 12 Old-street , on Monday , the 11 th inst . Bros . Symons W . M ., Halle S . W ., W . Rowley J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Wing S . D ., Stock J . D ., J . Smith I . G . ; also Bros . J . Millington , Halford , Pearcy , Hallani sen ., A . Rowley , Bigg , Willson , Trewinnard , Hallnin jun ., Gyer , and others . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed in an able manner , Bro . Bigg candidate . Tho
sections of the second lecture were worked . Bro . Bigg of the mother Lodge was elected a member . Bro . nallo was appointed W . M . for ensuing week . A vote of thanks was cordially awarded the W . M . for the very efficient manner he bad filled the chair of K . S . The Fifteen Sections will be worked on tho last Monday in tbe present month , when it is hoped a strong muster of " strou ^ men " will assemble .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , November 12 th , at the Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , Holborn . Present : —Bros . Miroy W . M ., Tate S . W ., Bramham J . W ., Dickens Sec , J . H . TJodson S . D ., Tranter J . D ., SanclersI . G ., Bingemann P . M . Prec , T . B . Dodson , Abell , Brown , Gilruth , Cornu , Scott , Watts , and others . The Lodgo was opened in dno form , and the minutes of preceding meeting read and confirmed ,
Bro . Baker , a candidate for the second degree answered the questious , and was passed . The first section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Tate , second by Bro . Brown , third by Bro . Bingemann , fourth by Bro . Watts . Bro . Tato was unanimously elected W . M . for custiiiiriweek . The Installation ceremony will be rehearsed b y Bro . T . J . Maidwell , W . M . of the Egyptian Lodge , ou Tuesday , 26 th November . Lodge will be opened at 7 . Brethren are invited to attend .
j Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was summoned for last Tuesday , 12 th inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Hampton . In tho absence of the W . M . ( Bro . C . W . Fox ) the chair was taken by Bro . Wm . Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesex , the senior Past Master anel Socretary of the Lodge , supported by Bros . D . B . Raw P . M . formerly Treasurer of the Lodge as T . P . M ., J . C .
Jessett S . W ., T . W . Ockendon J . W ., E . Hopwood Treasurer , T . C . Walls S . W . 1381 S . D ., Grnndon J . D ., Hiscox I . G . There were also present—Bros . Past Master Hurst ; Day , Tozer , T . C . Murphy , Ac , & c . ; and visitor Bro . MoNaught ( Scotch Constitution ) . A ba'lot being taken and declared unanimous for the admission of Mr . Prime , that gentleman was duly and regularly initiated into the
mysteries of the Craft . A passing was also on the agenda , but the candidate was not present . Further business having been transacted , the Lodgo was closed and tho brethron adjourned to supper , ably snpplied by Bro . Murphy , tho host . After tho usual Loyal and Masonio toasts had been honoured , the W . M . proposed the health of the initiate . Bro . Prime , in responding , expressed his gratification
on being enrolled a member of our ancient fraternity . He proceeded to say that during recent continental travels , being overtaken by sickness , he had experienced great kindness at tbe hands of a j comparative stranger , whom in course of time he found , on enquiry , \ to be a Mason . A friendship sprang np between them , rnd ultimately he solicited his newly fonnd friend to grant him an introduction to
Masonry , nnd ho rejoiced that his object had that day been accomplished . His preconceived notions in favour of Freemasonry had , been exalted by the beantiful ceremony he had lately heard and I witnessed , and he felt that another oxistence had dawned upon him , on tho threshold of which he was nevw standing . The response , which was listened to throughout with rapt attention , evoked
; considerable applanso at its conclusion , and we may add occasions : are very rare when an initiate delivers his maiden speech with such eloquence , and can command appropriate language to convey the I first impressions formed ou a man ' s mind when admitted to the benefit I of Masonic light . Bro . McNaught having responded to the visitor ' s I toast , the proceedings terminated . Tho next meeting will be held on I Thursday next , 21 st inst .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — This j Lodge held its nsnal meeting on Wednesday , tho 13 th of November , ! at the Railway Tavern , Fenchnrch-street , E . C . Present — Bros , S . J . Tnrqnand P . M . 1556 W . M ., T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 S . W ., C . H . Webb W . M . 1 G 07 J . W ., J . K . Pitt Sec , E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , Walkor S . D ., Holland I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bloomfield , Hill , Hogg , Musto ,
Lovy , Posener , Lee . Visitors—Bros . M . Ayres 95 , E . T . Worsley 8 ( 10 , W . J . Smith 860 , Geo . Johnson 860 , J . Roberts 65 , Saml . Levy Hiram 70 ( New Orleans ) , F . Ware 1178 , Patmore 228 . Tho Fifteen Sections were worked , to the gratification of tho brethren generally . Bros . P . M . Lovy , Worsley , Smith , Dixon , Spencer , Ware ,
Roberts , Slaiter , aud Patmore S . D . 228 were elected members of this Lodgo of Instruction . Tho usual votes were passed to the W . M . and workers , and able responses wero made . The proceedings through , out wero conducted admirably , and ns a result a most instructive evoning was passed . Bro . Biddlo was elected W . M . for next Wednesday .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —The regular meeting was held on Saturday , 9 th November . Bros . Bedwell W . M ., H . Hall S . W ., Mullord J . W ., J . Lorkin S . D ., Fenner J . D ., Gilbam I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Halford Treasurer , Killick Sec , and about thirty members .
The Lodgo having bei-n duly opened , and miDntes confirmed , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed ; tho sections of second lecture were also worked . Bros . J . P . Parkes 1538 , and E . M . Adams 1685 , were elected members . Bro . H . Hall will preside this ( Saturday ) evoninc .
King Henry VIII . Lodge No . 1757—This new Lodge for tho province of Herts was consecrated on Monday evoning , at the Town Hall , Hemol Hempstead , by Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Herts . Tho Lodge is appointed to meet on the Thursdays nearest the full moon in tho months of January , April , July , and October . When the Lodge had been consecrated the Rev . W . Oswell Thompson ,
Vicar of Hemel Hempstead , Prov . G . Chap , was installed as Wor . Master of the Lodge , by Bro . nalsey . Tbe consecration and installation had the advantage of a beautiful musical accompanime nt by a choir of professional brethren . The ceremonies were witnessed by a large number of Freemasons , among whom were many of the Grand Officers of the Province of Herts .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England , npiIE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from * - tho Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for 13 s Gel , this will inclnclo postage for 12 months . Intending Subscribers should forward thoir full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and Count y . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHKOJ * ICLE an exceptionall y good medium for Advertisements of every clas 3 . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births . Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trado Announcements , & c single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a , Series of insertions ore application .