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Supreme Council 33° Of England, Wales, And British Colonies.
Correspondence , Sir Michael Costa Grand Captain of Guards . Colonel Alexander William Adair Sov . Grand Inspector-General . General Johu Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., Sov . Grand Inspector-General . 111 . Bro . the Hon . Dr . Robert Hamilton , Supernumerary
Member , residing in the West Indies . All official letters ahould be addressed to the Grand Secretary . General , No . 33 Golden-square , W ., at which address all information concerning the Ancient and Accepted Rite can be obtained . SHADWELL H . CLERKE , 33 ° , Grand Secretary-General , H . E . 6 th November 1878 .
H.R.H. Prince Leopold And Knight Templary.
BY special dispensation granted by tho Great Prior of England , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , au emergency meeting of the Cceur do Lion Preceptory of the Province of Oxford was held on Monday afternoon , the 11 th inst ., at 33 Golden-square , London , for the purpose of installing H . R . H . Princo Leopold , K . G ., into the Preceptor ' s chair of this distinguished Preceptory . At a few minutes after four o ' clock His Royal Highness , accompanied by the Eminent
Preceptor Sir Knight tho Rev Thos Cochrane , Grand Prelate of the Order , was received by the Sir Knights assembled under an Arch of Steel . The eminent Preceptor , having Sir Knight Hyde Pullen Past G . Superintendent of Works as Constable , Sir Knight F . Richardson as Marshal , Sir Knight tho Rev . JohnRobbins , D . D ., Grand Almoneraud Chaplain as Chaplain , and Sir Knight Colonel Somerville Burney
Past Grand Commander of Essex as Captain of Guards , then proceeded to open the Preceptory in due form . The special dispensation issued by the Great Prior of England for holding an emergency meeting of the Ccenr de Lion Preceptory for the Installation of His Royal Highness in London instead of at Oxford was then handed by the Great Sub-Prior to the E . P ., and by
him handed to the Grand Chancellor of the Order , by whom it was read in full . It having been announced that the Very High and Eminent the Great Prior of Ireland , His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , K . G ., was without , awaiting admittance , a deputation of the Great Officers of the Order was appointed to conduct His Royal Highness into tho Preceptory , where he was
received with all honours under an Arch of Steel , and took his seat at the immediate right of the Eminent Preceptor , who had the Great Snb-Prior of England Sir Knight Colonel Shadwell Clerke on his left . H . R . H . the Great Prior of Ireland having been sainted in duo form , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with . His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , K . G ., the E . P . elect
was presented to the E . P . by the Very Eminent Prior of Suffolk and Cambridge ( Captain N . G . Philips ) , the senior Provincial Prior present . The ceremony of installation was very ably and impressively rendered by the Eminent Preceptor Sir Knight the Rev . Thos . Cochrane . His Royal Highness , after having been duly
proclaimed and saluted , briefly expressed his acknowledgments to the members of the Coaur do Lion Preceptory for the honour they had done him in placing him in that high and responsible position , which he would endeavour to fill as ably as it had been b y his predecessor . His Royal Highness then appointed his Officers as follow : —
Sir Knight the Rev . T . Cochrane , Pro P . „ Colonel the Hon . W . E . Sackville West , Constable . „ Reginald Bird ( D . P . G . M . Oxford ) , Marshal . , ! Walter Thompson , P . P ., Treasurer . „ the Rev . G . M . Brcck Arnold , Chaplain . „ J . E . C . Bodley , Registrar .
„ Fentham Hedges , Sub-Martial . „ J . Sanders , Chamberlain . „ John Potts , Director of Ceremonies , j , Joseph lleade , Captain of Guards . „ E . S . Lucas , Almoner .
„ It . Usher , Staudard Bearer . „ W . W . Harrison , P . O ., Organist . „ James Cavan , Aide de Camp . „ Tornlin , 1 st Herald . „ Horatio Symonds , 2 nd Herald . ° r £ * £ r } E"M ™ - Hi 3 Royal Highness then received congratulations from H . R . H . the Great Prior of Ireland , and from the very Eminent Provincial Priors present , and it was somewhat remarkable that "hearty good wishes " came from such remote Provinces as " Sonth Africa , " "British Burmah , " " Bengal , " as well as from tho home Provinces of " Suffolk and Cambridge , " "Essex , " "Dorset , " " Kent , " " Sussex" & c . & c .
, Amongst tho distinguished Sir Knights present we noticed the following Very Eminent Priors : —Capiain N . G . Philips , Suffolk and Cambridge ; Colonel Shadwell Clerke , Sussex ; J . M . P . Montague , Dorsetshire ; C . W . Hoskina Giddy , South Africa ; the followiup Very Eminent Past Provincial Priors : —Colonel Somerville Bnrnej Essex ; General H . Clark , Kent ; H . D . Sandeman , Bengal : Colone
Duncan , British Burmah ; and tho following present and past National and Great Officers of the Order : —Sir Kni ghts A . Staveh Hdl , Q . C ., M . P ., Graud Chancellor ; C . G ., oIden , K . C . T ., Graud Treas . . Raymond Thrupp , Grand Reg . ; tho Rev . John llobbms , D . D ., Gram Almoner and Chaplain ; Hyde Pullen , Past G . Supt . of Works :
Colonel Francis Bnrdctt , P . P . England and Irelaud ; the Rev . Canoi Harford , P . P . ; F . Richardson , P . P . ; John Potts , Joseph Readi Lotn ( Organist ) , & c , & c . All business being endnd , the Preceptor * was closed in ample form by the Illustrious and Eminent Pieceptoi and their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Princu
H.R.H. Prince Leopold And Knight Templary.
Leopold , accompanied by tho Great Officers of the Order , then retired under the Arch of Steel . Great praise is dno to the Great Sub-Prior ( Colonel Shadwell Clerke ) and the other " authorities " at Golden-square , for the admirable manner iu which all the arrangements were carried out , which tended so materially not
only to the perfect success of tho meeting , but also to the comfort of those who were privileged to bo present on this occasion , whioh will long be remembered by them in general , and the members of the Coaur do Lion Preceptory in particular , as a red-letter day in the annals of Knight Templary .
Installation Meetings, &C.
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . — The members of this Lodge met on Wednesday last , at the Masonic Hall , Reading , for the annual installation of W . M . and appointment of Officers . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Arthur Welch Prov . G . Reg . Berks and Bucks , supported by his Wardens , Bros . W . G . Flanagan aud J . Early Danks . The other Officers present were Bros . C . R . Honey
Chaplaiu , J . T . Strausom Treas ., W . Ferguson S . D ., E . J . Blackwell J . D ., T . Newman D . C ., H . R . Dowsett I . G ., and J . H . Hawkes Steward . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . W . G . Flanagan was duly presented for installation , and the ceremony was carried out in his favour by Bro . P . M . Moxbay . The new W . M . then appointed tho following brethren as Officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . J . E . Danks S . W ., W . Ferguson J . W ., J . T . Strausom Treas .,
E . J . Blackwell S . D ., R . Dowsett J . D ., C . R . Honey I . G ., T . Newman D . C ., J . H . Hawkea Steward . The Installing Master gave the usual addresses , and thus completed the ceremony of installation . Previous to closing the Lodge , the W . M . had great pleasure in presenting , in the name of the members , a jewel to the retiring P . M ., as a proof of the esteem of the brethren , and as a token of the satisfaction they had experienced during the lime that ho had ruled over them . Bro . Welch returned hia sincere thanks for the
handsome present made him . It would not only remind him of the term of his Mastership , bnt would call to his mind the uniform kindness he had ever received from the members of the Lodge . He regretted that his year cf office had not been more eventful . He considered the principal aim of a W . M . should be to bring the work of a Lodge up to a standard that would be a credit to ' the brethren ; he thought
he could look back on the working of the Grey Friars Lodge , and say it was at least np to the average . Another important matter which should engross the attention of a Master was Charity . He considered it very difficult to make a rule as to what proportion of the receipts of a Lodge should be devoted to charity , still it could but be admitted that many Lodges fall woefully short in this part of their duty . He
had seen certain balance-sheets referred to in one of the Masouio newspapers , which he con id but characterise as most objectionable ones . In the case of his own Lodge , he was gratified in being able to state that duriug the past year 40 per cent , of their receipts had been spent in charity . He hoped the Grey Friars' Lodgo would Jong be in a position to continue such support to the Institutions of the Order .
Both these elements—good-workiug and charity—were most essential to a Lodge , but he considered they would be of very Jittle use without good feeling . Throughout his year of office he had not heard one brother ever express himself in any thing but a Masonic manuer , aud it was to the perfect unanimity of the brethren that he attributed their success . He should ever look back with
gratitude for the great kindness he had received . The names of three brethren having been handed in as candidates for joining . The W . M . proposed that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Moxhay for the services he had reudered to the Lodge in installing the new Master . Bro . Moxhay briefly thanked the members . lb gave him great pleasure to be present . It brought the memory of
past kindnesses vividly before him , and shewed the kind sentiments with which the brethren wero actuated towards him . He was only too happy to be able to be among them , and assist in the working at any time his help would bfl of sorvice . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren ad * journed to tho Upper Ship Hotel to banquet . Among
those who sat down were the following visitors : —Bros . R . Bradley Prov . G . Sec , W . Knight 141 , J . Wilson P . M . 209 , J . M . Dormor I . G * 340 , A . M . Yetts P . M ., E . 'Baker W . M ., S . Bradley J . W ., T . J . Ferguson Prov . G . S . I . G ., S . Wheeler jun . D . C ., and C . G . Butler of 414 } G . M . Knight W . M ., Stephen Knight J . W ., W . Cordrey and S . Tegg of 574 , E . L . Shepherd W . M . 945 Prov . G . S . B ., R . C . Mount W . M .
1 , 328 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1 , 385 , F . Williams 1399 , & o . At the conclusion of the banquet , the health of the Queeu having been given and heartily responded to , the W . M . gave that of H . R . H .. the Prince of Wales . By his kind and genial manner he has won the esteem and regard of all with whom he has come into contact . We , as Maaona , should especially honour him trom tho fact of his considering tuepust
ot Graud Master of our Order as worthy of his occupancy . Bro . Kuight W . M . 574 had great pleasure iu assumiug tho gavel for the purpose of proposing the Prov . U . Master and the Grand Officers of . he Province past aud prusout . It w . is quite unnecessary for hirn to . nake any comments iu introducing this toast . The energy , zeal aud uihusiusm of tLo Prov . G . M . « as so well known that tie felt ,
aUdii . ioual praise from him was but superfluous . Ue was gratified iu itiug able to call upon Bro . Bradley tho Prov . G . Sec . to respond to the toast . That bi other tendered his sincere thanks on behaif of Sir . 'auiel Uooch and tne past and present Officers of Prov . G . Lodge . Ho elt that nothing but very important business would have kept their
i'rov . G . Master away from them that ni ght . Since h « ( Bro . Bradley ) iad the pleasure of addressing them last year , considerable progress ¦ ad beeu made by the-Lodges ot their Province . Daring the past iew days a new Lodge bad been added to iho list , and ha was oou . vmqed that by this addition the Province would not lose an ? of its
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Council 33° Of England, Wales, And British Colonies.
Correspondence , Sir Michael Costa Grand Captain of Guards . Colonel Alexander William Adair Sov . Grand Inspector-General . General Johu Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., Sov . Grand Inspector-General . 111 . Bro . the Hon . Dr . Robert Hamilton , Supernumerary
Member , residing in the West Indies . All official letters ahould be addressed to the Grand Secretary . General , No . 33 Golden-square , W ., at which address all information concerning the Ancient and Accepted Rite can be obtained . SHADWELL H . CLERKE , 33 ° , Grand Secretary-General , H . E . 6 th November 1878 .
H.R.H. Prince Leopold And Knight Templary.
BY special dispensation granted by tho Great Prior of England , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , au emergency meeting of the Cceur do Lion Preceptory of the Province of Oxford was held on Monday afternoon , the 11 th inst ., at 33 Golden-square , London , for the purpose of installing H . R . H . Princo Leopold , K . G ., into the Preceptor ' s chair of this distinguished Preceptory . At a few minutes after four o ' clock His Royal Highness , accompanied by the Eminent
Preceptor Sir Knight tho Rev Thos Cochrane , Grand Prelate of the Order , was received by the Sir Knights assembled under an Arch of Steel . The eminent Preceptor , having Sir Knight Hyde Pullen Past G . Superintendent of Works as Constable , Sir Knight F . Richardson as Marshal , Sir Knight tho Rev . JohnRobbins , D . D ., Grand Almoneraud Chaplain as Chaplain , and Sir Knight Colonel Somerville Burney
Past Grand Commander of Essex as Captain of Guards , then proceeded to open the Preceptory in due form . The special dispensation issued by the Great Prior of England for holding an emergency meeting of the Ccenr de Lion Preceptory for the Installation of His Royal Highness in London instead of at Oxford was then handed by the Great Sub-Prior to the E . P ., and by
him handed to the Grand Chancellor of the Order , by whom it was read in full . It having been announced that the Very High and Eminent the Great Prior of Ireland , His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught , K . G ., was without , awaiting admittance , a deputation of the Great Officers of the Order was appointed to conduct His Royal Highness into tho Preceptory , where he was
received with all honours under an Arch of Steel , and took his seat at the immediate right of the Eminent Preceptor , who had the Great Snb-Prior of England Sir Knight Colonel Shadwell Clerke on his left . H . R . H . the Great Prior of Ireland having been sainted in duo form , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with . His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , K . G ., the E . P . elect
was presented to the E . P . by the Very Eminent Prior of Suffolk and Cambridge ( Captain N . G . Philips ) , the senior Provincial Prior present . The ceremony of installation was very ably and impressively rendered by the Eminent Preceptor Sir Knight the Rev . Thos . Cochrane . His Royal Highness , after having been duly
proclaimed and saluted , briefly expressed his acknowledgments to the members of the Coaur do Lion Preceptory for the honour they had done him in placing him in that high and responsible position , which he would endeavour to fill as ably as it had been b y his predecessor . His Royal Highness then appointed his Officers as follow : —
Sir Knight the Rev . T . Cochrane , Pro P . „ Colonel the Hon . W . E . Sackville West , Constable . „ Reginald Bird ( D . P . G . M . Oxford ) , Marshal . , ! Walter Thompson , P . P ., Treasurer . „ the Rev . G . M . Brcck Arnold , Chaplain . „ J . E . C . Bodley , Registrar .
„ Fentham Hedges , Sub-Martial . „ J . Sanders , Chamberlain . „ John Potts , Director of Ceremonies , j , Joseph lleade , Captain of Guards . „ E . S . Lucas , Almoner .
„ It . Usher , Staudard Bearer . „ W . W . Harrison , P . O ., Organist . „ James Cavan , Aide de Camp . „ Tornlin , 1 st Herald . „ Horatio Symonds , 2 nd Herald . ° r £ * £ r } E"M ™ - Hi 3 Royal Highness then received congratulations from H . R . H . the Great Prior of Ireland , and from the very Eminent Provincial Priors present , and it was somewhat remarkable that "hearty good wishes " came from such remote Provinces as " Sonth Africa , " "British Burmah , " " Bengal , " as well as from tho home Provinces of " Suffolk and Cambridge , " "Essex , " "Dorset , " " Kent , " " Sussex" & c . & c .
, Amongst tho distinguished Sir Knights present we noticed the following Very Eminent Priors : —Capiain N . G . Philips , Suffolk and Cambridge ; Colonel Shadwell Clerke , Sussex ; J . M . P . Montague , Dorsetshire ; C . W . Hoskina Giddy , South Africa ; the followiup Very Eminent Past Provincial Priors : —Colonel Somerville Bnrnej Essex ; General H . Clark , Kent ; H . D . Sandeman , Bengal : Colone
Duncan , British Burmah ; and tho following present and past National and Great Officers of the Order : —Sir Kni ghts A . Staveh Hdl , Q . C ., M . P ., Graud Chancellor ; C . G ., oIden , K . C . T ., Graud Treas . . Raymond Thrupp , Grand Reg . ; tho Rev . John llobbms , D . D ., Gram Almoner and Chaplain ; Hyde Pullen , Past G . Supt . of Works :
Colonel Francis Bnrdctt , P . P . England and Irelaud ; the Rev . Canoi Harford , P . P . ; F . Richardson , P . P . ; John Potts , Joseph Readi Lotn ( Organist ) , & c , & c . All business being endnd , the Preceptor * was closed in ample form by the Illustrious and Eminent Pieceptoi and their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Connaught and Princu
H.R.H. Prince Leopold And Knight Templary.
Leopold , accompanied by tho Great Officers of the Order , then retired under the Arch of Steel . Great praise is dno to the Great Sub-Prior ( Colonel Shadwell Clerke ) and the other " authorities " at Golden-square , for the admirable manner iu which all the arrangements were carried out , which tended so materially not
only to the perfect success of tho meeting , but also to the comfort of those who were privileged to bo present on this occasion , whioh will long be remembered by them in general , and the members of the Coaur do Lion Preceptory in particular , as a red-letter day in the annals of Knight Templary .
Installation Meetings, &C.
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . — The members of this Lodge met on Wednesday last , at the Masonic Hall , Reading , for the annual installation of W . M . and appointment of Officers . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Arthur Welch Prov . G . Reg . Berks and Bucks , supported by his Wardens , Bros . W . G . Flanagan aud J . Early Danks . The other Officers present were Bros . C . R . Honey
Chaplaiu , J . T . Strausom Treas ., W . Ferguson S . D ., E . J . Blackwell J . D ., T . Newman D . C ., H . R . Dowsett I . G ., and J . H . Hawkes Steward . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . W . G . Flanagan was duly presented for installation , and the ceremony was carried out in his favour by Bro . P . M . Moxbay . The new W . M . then appointed tho following brethren as Officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . J . E . Danks S . W ., W . Ferguson J . W ., J . T . Strausom Treas .,
E . J . Blackwell S . D ., R . Dowsett J . D ., C . R . Honey I . G ., T . Newman D . C ., J . H . Hawkea Steward . The Installing Master gave the usual addresses , and thus completed the ceremony of installation . Previous to closing the Lodge , the W . M . had great pleasure in presenting , in the name of the members , a jewel to the retiring P . M ., as a proof of the esteem of the brethren , and as a token of the satisfaction they had experienced during the lime that ho had ruled over them . Bro . Welch returned hia sincere thanks for the
handsome present made him . It would not only remind him of the term of his Mastership , bnt would call to his mind the uniform kindness he had ever received from the members of the Lodge . He regretted that his year cf office had not been more eventful . He considered the principal aim of a W . M . should be to bring the work of a Lodge up to a standard that would be a credit to ' the brethren ; he thought
he could look back on the working of the Grey Friars Lodge , and say it was at least np to the average . Another important matter which should engross the attention of a Master was Charity . He considered it very difficult to make a rule as to what proportion of the receipts of a Lodge should be devoted to charity , still it could but be admitted that many Lodges fall woefully short in this part of their duty . He
had seen certain balance-sheets referred to in one of the Masouio newspapers , which he con id but characterise as most objectionable ones . In the case of his own Lodge , he was gratified in being able to state that duriug the past year 40 per cent , of their receipts had been spent in charity . He hoped the Grey Friars' Lodgo would Jong be in a position to continue such support to the Institutions of the Order .
Both these elements—good-workiug and charity—were most essential to a Lodge , but he considered they would be of very Jittle use without good feeling . Throughout his year of office he had not heard one brother ever express himself in any thing but a Masonic manuer , aud it was to the perfect unanimity of the brethren that he attributed their success . He should ever look back with
gratitude for the great kindness he had received . The names of three brethren having been handed in as candidates for joining . The W . M . proposed that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Moxhay for the services he had reudered to the Lodge in installing the new Master . Bro . Moxhay briefly thanked the members . lb gave him great pleasure to be present . It brought the memory of
past kindnesses vividly before him , and shewed the kind sentiments with which the brethren wero actuated towards him . He was only too happy to be able to be among them , and assist in the working at any time his help would bfl of sorvice . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren ad * journed to tho Upper Ship Hotel to banquet . Among
those who sat down were the following visitors : —Bros . R . Bradley Prov . G . Sec , W . Knight 141 , J . Wilson P . M . 209 , J . M . Dormor I . G * 340 , A . M . Yetts P . M ., E . 'Baker W . M ., S . Bradley J . W ., T . J . Ferguson Prov . G . S . I . G ., S . Wheeler jun . D . C ., and C . G . Butler of 414 } G . M . Knight W . M ., Stephen Knight J . W ., W . Cordrey and S . Tegg of 574 , E . L . Shepherd W . M . 945 Prov . G . S . B ., R . C . Mount W . M .
1 , 328 , W . W . Morgan jun . 1 , 385 , F . Williams 1399 , & o . At the conclusion of the banquet , the health of the Queeu having been given and heartily responded to , the W . M . gave that of H . R . H .. the Prince of Wales . By his kind and genial manner he has won the esteem and regard of all with whom he has come into contact . We , as Maaona , should especially honour him trom tho fact of his considering tuepust
ot Graud Master of our Order as worthy of his occupancy . Bro . Kuight W . M . 574 had great pleasure iu assumiug tho gavel for the purpose of proposing the Prov . U . Master and the Grand Officers of . he Province past aud prusout . It w . is quite unnecessary for hirn to . nake any comments iu introducing this toast . The energy , zeal aud uihusiusm of tLo Prov . G . M . « as so well known that tie felt ,
aUdii . ioual praise from him was but superfluous . Ue was gratified iu itiug able to call upon Bro . Bradley tho Prov . G . Sec . to respond to the toast . That bi other tendered his sincere thanks on behaif of Sir . 'auiel Uooch and tne past and present Officers of Prov . G . Lodge . Ho elt that nothing but very important business would have kept their
i'rov . G . Master away from them that ni ght . Since h « ( Bro . Bradley ) iad the pleasure of addressing them last year , considerable progress ¦ ad beeu made by the-Lodges ot their Province . Daring the past iew days a new Lodge bad been added to iho list , and ha was oou . vmqed that by this addition the Province would not lose an ? of its