Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Reports Of Meetings.
toasts , Bro . S . Cochrane P . G . Treas . and Bro . E . 0 . Bfulvey G . Purs . replying to the toast of the Graud Officers , and complimenting Bro . Lonsdale on the way in which he had performed the duties of Installing Master . Bro . Lonsdale next proposed the health of tho Worshipful Master , whom , he said , he introduced to the Lodge eleven years ago , with the result that Bro . Watts had chased him through the various Offices , losing only by a short head . Whatever office Bro . Watts had occupied he had filled with credit to himself , and now that he had arrived at the highest point ho was sure he
would acquit himself equally well , and to the entire satisfaction af the Brethren . Bro . Watts , in acknowledging the compliment , said he thought Bro . Lonsdale had spoken too highly of him ; nevertheless , that day had been a red-letter day in his life . He had thought the same on tho day he was initiated , but the present day surpassed the former . He had followed Bro . Lonsdale up the ladder . He had known him for fourteen years , and he had found him a good friend .
Without resuming his seat the W . M . proposed the health of the Initiate , which toast Bro . Barton responded to . Bro . Watts then proposed the Immediate Past Blaster , whom he credited with setting an example which any Worshipful Master should be proud to adopt for his guidance . On behalf of the Lodge he presented to Bro . Lonsdale a valuable Past Master ' s jewel .
Bro . Lonsdale , in thanking the Brethren , said that what he had done for the Lodge of Perseverance he had done witb the greatest sincerity , and to the best of his ability . He was pleased to think that he had been enabled , with the assistance of the Brethren , to take up £ 115 as Steward at the ninety-ninth anniversary of the Masonic Boys School , and it was the second highest sum the Lodge had ever sent . He trusted his successor would double the amount .
The toasts of the Visitors , the Past Blasters , the Treasurer and Secretary , and the Officers of the Lodge followed , the Tyler's toast winding up the evening , the success of which was contributed to by some good part and solo singing .
CONSTITUTIONAL LODGE , No . 55 . ON Tuesday , at seven o'clock sharp , a very good meeting took place at fche Apple Tree and Mitre , 30 Cursifcor Street , Chancery Lane , W . C . Bro . T . B . Eoberts W . Bl ., F . Eichardson S . W ., E . Edwards J . W ., C W . Mayo P . M . Preceptor , H . Ansell P . M . Treasurer , J . D . Galloway P . M . Sec , T . Bendall S . D ., C . Bobinson J . D ., J . Parker I . G ., A . W . Jeffreys , Long , Haines , Holbron , Hanneday , Greenman , J . Wynman , Thomas Payne , and several others .
The Preceptor Bro . C W . Mayo P . M ., with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . Afterwards the W . Bl . intimated to the Brethren his intention of rehearsing the second degree , for which Bro . Jeffreys offered himself as candidate and was entrusted . The
Lodge was advanced and the ceremony completed . The W . M . resumed the Lodge to tbe first degree , and Bro . Eichardson S . W . was elected W . M . for next Tuesday . It was proposed and seconded that fche annual dinner should take place on Saturday , 30 fch October , at the Holborn Bestaurant , and Bros . Haines , Jeffreys , Clayton and Edwards were elected Stewards .
The ballot was drawn for fche Masonic Benevolent Institution , whicb resulted in favour of Bros . Brock and Edwards . The Lodge meets every Tuesday at seven o ' clock , Bro . C . W . Mayo P . M . being the Preceptor . Brethren joining will receive all the attention they desire .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . ON Wednesday , at the Weavers Arms , London Wall , thero was a very good attendance of Brethren when Bro . W . Baker acted as W . M ., assisted by Bros . L . Burt S . W ., W . E . Knight J . W ., D . Harlow P . BI Preceptor . H . T . Bleadows P . BI . Sec , T . G . Bobeson S . D ., C . Butcher J . D ., C . C . Walsh I . G ., J . Boberts P . BL , J . Brown , G . Kinipple W . M . 65 , S . Spencer , H . Fair , G . Stevenson , J . Wynman , W . J . Dixon , A . H . Sergeant , W . Bush , H . Parkinson , W . Lloyd , W . H . Jenkins .
The W . Bl . opened the Lodge to the second degree , when Bro . J . Brown offered himself as candidate . He was examined and entrusted , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The W . M . closed the Lodge down in regular form . Bro . L . Burt , of the William Preston Lodge , No . 766 , and W . E . Bush , of the Prosperity Lodge , No . 65 wece elected members . Brother L . Burt was chosen W . Bl . for the first Wednesday in October , next Wednesday being Officers' night , and the following one the Preceptor's night .
SYMPATHY LODGE , No . 483 . ON the 13 th insfc ., at the Star Hotel , Gravesend , Bro . William Hawker ( W . M . of the Blether Lodge ) W . BL , John N . Willis S . W ., A . J . Walklin J . W ., Ernest Ingman Secretary , H . Forss P . M . Preceptor , B . J . Beamish P . BL , C . Hind P . BL , H . Andrews S . D ., J . Hewison J . D ., J . A . Axcell I . G ., C . P . Bowen , G . A . Pattison , and H . W . Webster .
The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree . The W . Bl . announced that the ceremony of installation would be rehearsed . Bro . Beamish having offered himself as the candidate complied with the usual obligations . The Lodge was opened in fche third degree , and the Brethren having retired , a Board of Installed Masters was formed and Bro . Beamish placed in the chair according to ancient rite . The Brethren
were re-admitted , when the customary proclamations were made and salutations were given in each degree . Bro . Forss then worked the first section of the first lecture , % vith the assistance of the Brethren . Auditors were appointed to examine the Lodge accounts , Bros . Hewison and Axcell being selected . The Lodge was then closed , after which the fifteenth draw for a Charity Life Subscribership from the Benevolent Fund took place , the draw proving in favour of thc Lodge .
WESTBOURNE LODGE , No . 733 . AN excellent meeting was held on Tuesday , at Bro . Barnes ' s , Oliver Arms , Westbourne Terrace North . Harrow Boad . Bro . Miller acted as W . M .,
Reports Of Meetings.
with Bros . Th . Mogford S . W ., Brown P . M . J . W ., H . Dehane P . M . Preceptor , B . J . Bogers P . M . Treas ., G . Blogford P . M . Sec , G . Weaver S . D ., Blann J . D ., Crow I . G ., Halston , Busby , Tucker , Thomas , Shield , Crookes , Knight P . BL , J . Wynman . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Shield candidate . The W . M . gave the charge of the degree . Lodgo was called off and on . Brother Shield was presented for tho second degree , was entrusted , and the ceremonv
was rehearsed . The W . M . kindly vacated the chair in favour of Bro . T . Mogford , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Miller being duly presented and obligated . The W . M . opened the Lodgo in the third degree and Bro . Miller resuming the chair invested his Officers . Bra . T . Mogford gave the threo addresses , the working generally beincr rehearsed in that creditable manner which does great honour to the Westbourne Lodge of Instruction .
Bro . T . Mogford W-M . of the Bloomsbury Bifles Lodge was unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting , and his perfect working being so well-known an exceptional attendance is expected . It was proposed by Bro . H . Dehane P . BL and seconded by Bro . B . J . Bogers P . M . that a hearty vote of thanks bo put on the minutes for the excellent manner Bro . Blogford worked the ceremony of installation , which he did for the first time . Bro . Mogford thanked the W . Bl . and Brethren in a suitable manner .
WHITTINGTON LODGE , No . 862 . THE usual weekly meeting was held at the Bed Lion , Poppins Court , Feet Street , on Wednesday , at 8 p . m ., when the following were present : —Bros . Kemp W . M ., Clarkson S . W ., Kobelt J . W ., Berry S . D ., Pate J . D ., Day I . G ., Pauncefort Preceptor , Tilt Secretary , Collins and Hartley . The Lodge was opened to the second degree , when Bro . Collins , who acted as a candidate to be raised to the third degree , was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the third degree and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , the W . Bl . giving the traditional history .
ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 1306 . ON Thursday a meeting was held at the Queen Victoria Tavern , Exmouth Street , Stepney , E ., when Bro . C . J . Holmes W . Bl . 1306 Secretary of the Lodge of Instruction acted as W . BL , with W . Harper S . W ., C . Dawe P . M . J . W ., T . A . Arter P . BI . Preceptor , B . Holland SD ., J . Beard J . D ., M . Goldner I . G ., Phillips Organist , J . Wynman .
The W . BL opened the Lodge to the third degree , and resumed to the first , when the ceremony of initiation was most impressively rehearsed , Bro . J . Beard candidate . The W . M . intimated his intention of rehearsing the second degree , for which Bro . Beard also offered himself as candidate and he
was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The W . Bl . informed the Brethren of his intention of rehearsing tbe third degree , when Bro . Beard once more kindly offered himself as candidate and was entrusted , the ceremony of raising being rehearsed .
The ceremonies were given in a most satisfactory manner , and the W . M . received a well earned compliment for their rehearsal . Bro . Dawe was elected W . M . for next meeting , when the Brethren may expect another Masonic treat . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Phillips for his valuable services as Organist , the music he dispensed proving an attractive addition to fche ceremonies .
The Lodge meets every Thursday , at 8 o ' clock , and Brethren wishing for instruction will find Bro . T . A . Arter P . BL an excellent Preceptor .
KENNINGTON LODGE , No . 1381 . ON Friday , 10 th inst ., a meeting was held at the Horns Assembly Booms , Kennington . There were present Bro . B . Cohen W . BL , B . Mitchell S . W ., J . S . Eidmans J . W ., J . O'Dea P . M . Preceptor , J . A . Cannon Secretary , M . W . Beid S . D ., VV . 0 . Benedict J . D ., 3 . Butt I . G ., G . Jameson Organist , J . Lewarne , H . Price P . M ., Eichardson P . BL , F . Blash , E . Kent , G . Mash , J . Wynman , W . G . Cannon P . M ., G . E . Cannon , W . T . Andrews , J . Jones , and Barry W . BL
The W . M . kindly vacated the chair in favour of Bro . J . Lewarne , who rehearsed the second degree , with Bro . Blash as candidate . The W . Bl . resumed the chair , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Kent being candidate . By desire of the W . M . Bro . George Blash gave the ancient charge of that degree as he had previously done in
the second . The Lodge was advanced to the third degree , when Bro . O'Dea Preceptor , with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . The W . M . resumed the Lodge in the first degree and Bro . F . Mash was elected a member , suitably responding to the compliment . Bro . E . Mitchell was chosen W . M . for next Friday .
HYDE PARK LODGE , No . 1425 . AT the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne Terrace , Bishops Eoad , Paddington , W ., on Monday , Bro . G . Weaver W . BL , J . Spinks jun . S . W ., W . Smith J . W ., H . Dehane Sec , W . H . Handover S . D ., H . Chubb J . D ., W . E . Jefferson I . G ., 0 . Biemann Stwd ., W . J . Stratton P . M . 753 acting Preceptor , G . D . Mogford P . M . 2362 , A . Collman , H . Campbell P . M . 734 , H . Crookes , A . J . Tapling .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Collman candidate . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Chubb , at the request of the W . M ., assumed the chair . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , and after the usual preliminaries the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Biemann candidate . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree .
A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Stratton , for acting as Preceptor , which compliment was acknowledged . Bro . Spinks was elected W . M . for next Lodge meeting , Officers to be in rotation . The four Boys and four Girls votes were then handed to Bro . Blogford , to assist the case of Jacobs at the next election . After hearty good wishes the Lodge was closed .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE , No . 1839 . A VEBY good meeting was held on Monday , at the Whittington Hotel , JC 1 _ Bloor Lane , Moorgate Street , when Bro . W . Wright took the chair as W . M ., and was most ably assisted by the following Officers : —0 . Heinekey S . W ., W . Sawyer J . W ., Walter Martin P . BI . A . G . Purs . Preceptor , 3 . Almond
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
toasts , Bro . S . Cochrane P . G . Treas . and Bro . E . 0 . Bfulvey G . Purs . replying to the toast of the Graud Officers , and complimenting Bro . Lonsdale on the way in which he had performed the duties of Installing Master . Bro . Lonsdale next proposed the health of tho Worshipful Master , whom , he said , he introduced to the Lodge eleven years ago , with the result that Bro . Watts had chased him through the various Offices , losing only by a short head . Whatever office Bro . Watts had occupied he had filled with credit to himself , and now that he had arrived at the highest point ho was sure he
would acquit himself equally well , and to the entire satisfaction af the Brethren . Bro . Watts , in acknowledging the compliment , said he thought Bro . Lonsdale had spoken too highly of him ; nevertheless , that day had been a red-letter day in his life . He had thought the same on tho day he was initiated , but the present day surpassed the former . He had followed Bro . Lonsdale up the ladder . He had known him for fourteen years , and he had found him a good friend .
Without resuming his seat the W . M . proposed the health of the Initiate , which toast Bro . Barton responded to . Bro . Watts then proposed the Immediate Past Blaster , whom he credited with setting an example which any Worshipful Master should be proud to adopt for his guidance . On behalf of the Lodge he presented to Bro . Lonsdale a valuable Past Master ' s jewel .
Bro . Lonsdale , in thanking the Brethren , said that what he had done for the Lodge of Perseverance he had done witb the greatest sincerity , and to the best of his ability . He was pleased to think that he had been enabled , with the assistance of the Brethren , to take up £ 115 as Steward at the ninety-ninth anniversary of the Masonic Boys School , and it was the second highest sum the Lodge had ever sent . He trusted his successor would double the amount .
The toasts of the Visitors , the Past Blasters , the Treasurer and Secretary , and the Officers of the Lodge followed , the Tyler's toast winding up the evening , the success of which was contributed to by some good part and solo singing .
CONSTITUTIONAL LODGE , No . 55 . ON Tuesday , at seven o'clock sharp , a very good meeting took place at fche Apple Tree and Mitre , 30 Cursifcor Street , Chancery Lane , W . C . Bro . T . B . Eoberts W . Bl ., F . Eichardson S . W ., E . Edwards J . W ., C W . Mayo P . M . Preceptor , H . Ansell P . M . Treasurer , J . D . Galloway P . M . Sec , T . Bendall S . D ., C . Bobinson J . D ., J . Parker I . G ., A . W . Jeffreys , Long , Haines , Holbron , Hanneday , Greenman , J . Wynman , Thomas Payne , and several others .
The Preceptor Bro . C W . Mayo P . M ., with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . Afterwards the W . Bl . intimated to the Brethren his intention of rehearsing the second degree , for which Bro . Jeffreys offered himself as candidate and was entrusted . The
Lodge was advanced and the ceremony completed . The W . M . resumed the Lodge to tbe first degree , and Bro . Eichardson S . W . was elected W . M . for next Tuesday . It was proposed and seconded that fche annual dinner should take place on Saturday , 30 fch October , at the Holborn Bestaurant , and Bros . Haines , Jeffreys , Clayton and Edwards were elected Stewards .
The ballot was drawn for fche Masonic Benevolent Institution , whicb resulted in favour of Bros . Brock and Edwards . The Lodge meets every Tuesday at seven o ' clock , Bro . C . W . Mayo P . M . being the Preceptor . Brethren joining will receive all the attention they desire .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . ON Wednesday , at the Weavers Arms , London Wall , thero was a very good attendance of Brethren when Bro . W . Baker acted as W . M ., assisted by Bros . L . Burt S . W ., W . E . Knight J . W ., D . Harlow P . BI Preceptor . H . T . Bleadows P . BI . Sec , T . G . Bobeson S . D ., C . Butcher J . D ., C . C . Walsh I . G ., J . Boberts P . BL , J . Brown , G . Kinipple W . M . 65 , S . Spencer , H . Fair , G . Stevenson , J . Wynman , W . J . Dixon , A . H . Sergeant , W . Bush , H . Parkinson , W . Lloyd , W . H . Jenkins .
The W . Bl . opened the Lodge to the second degree , when Bro . J . Brown offered himself as candidate . He was examined and entrusted , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The W . M . closed the Lodge down in regular form . Bro . L . Burt , of the William Preston Lodge , No . 766 , and W . E . Bush , of the Prosperity Lodge , No . 65 wece elected members . Brother L . Burt was chosen W . Bl . for the first Wednesday in October , next Wednesday being Officers' night , and the following one the Preceptor's night .
SYMPATHY LODGE , No . 483 . ON the 13 th insfc ., at the Star Hotel , Gravesend , Bro . William Hawker ( W . M . of the Blether Lodge ) W . BL , John N . Willis S . W ., A . J . Walklin J . W ., Ernest Ingman Secretary , H . Forss P . M . Preceptor , B . J . Beamish P . BL , C . Hind P . BL , H . Andrews S . D ., J . Hewison J . D ., J . A . Axcell I . G ., C . P . Bowen , G . A . Pattison , and H . W . Webster .
The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree . The W . Bl . announced that the ceremony of installation would be rehearsed . Bro . Beamish having offered himself as the candidate complied with the usual obligations . The Lodge was opened in fche third degree , and the Brethren having retired , a Board of Installed Masters was formed and Bro . Beamish placed in the chair according to ancient rite . The Brethren
were re-admitted , when the customary proclamations were made and salutations were given in each degree . Bro . Forss then worked the first section of the first lecture , % vith the assistance of the Brethren . Auditors were appointed to examine the Lodge accounts , Bros . Hewison and Axcell being selected . The Lodge was then closed , after which the fifteenth draw for a Charity Life Subscribership from the Benevolent Fund took place , the draw proving in favour of thc Lodge .
WESTBOURNE LODGE , No . 733 . AN excellent meeting was held on Tuesday , at Bro . Barnes ' s , Oliver Arms , Westbourne Terrace North . Harrow Boad . Bro . Miller acted as W . M .,
Reports Of Meetings.
with Bros . Th . Mogford S . W ., Brown P . M . J . W ., H . Dehane P . M . Preceptor , B . J . Bogers P . M . Treas ., G . Blogford P . M . Sec , G . Weaver S . D ., Blann J . D ., Crow I . G ., Halston , Busby , Tucker , Thomas , Shield , Crookes , Knight P . BL , J . Wynman . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Shield candidate . The W . M . gave the charge of the degree . Lodgo was called off and on . Brother Shield was presented for tho second degree , was entrusted , and the ceremonv
was rehearsed . The W . M . kindly vacated the chair in favour of Bro . T . Mogford , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Miller being duly presented and obligated . The W . M . opened the Lodgo in the third degree and Bro . Miller resuming the chair invested his Officers . Bra . T . Mogford gave the threo addresses , the working generally beincr rehearsed in that creditable manner which does great honour to the Westbourne Lodge of Instruction .
Bro . T . Mogford W-M . of the Bloomsbury Bifles Lodge was unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting , and his perfect working being so well-known an exceptional attendance is expected . It was proposed by Bro . H . Dehane P . BL and seconded by Bro . B . J . Bogers P . M . that a hearty vote of thanks bo put on the minutes for the excellent manner Bro . Blogford worked the ceremony of installation , which he did for the first time . Bro . Mogford thanked the W . Bl . and Brethren in a suitable manner .
WHITTINGTON LODGE , No . 862 . THE usual weekly meeting was held at the Bed Lion , Poppins Court , Feet Street , on Wednesday , at 8 p . m ., when the following were present : —Bros . Kemp W . M ., Clarkson S . W ., Kobelt J . W ., Berry S . D ., Pate J . D ., Day I . G ., Pauncefort Preceptor , Tilt Secretary , Collins and Hartley . The Lodge was opened to the second degree , when Bro . Collins , who acted as a candidate to be raised to the third degree , was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the third degree and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , the W . Bl . giving the traditional history .
ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 1306 . ON Thursday a meeting was held at the Queen Victoria Tavern , Exmouth Street , Stepney , E ., when Bro . C . J . Holmes W . Bl . 1306 Secretary of the Lodge of Instruction acted as W . BL , with W . Harper S . W ., C . Dawe P . M . J . W ., T . A . Arter P . BI . Preceptor , B . Holland SD ., J . Beard J . D ., M . Goldner I . G ., Phillips Organist , J . Wynman .
The W . BL opened the Lodge to the third degree , and resumed to the first , when the ceremony of initiation was most impressively rehearsed , Bro . J . Beard candidate . The W . M . intimated his intention of rehearsing the second degree , for which Bro . Beard also offered himself as candidate and he
was examined and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The W . Bl . informed the Brethren of his intention of rehearsing tbe third degree , when Bro . Beard once more kindly offered himself as candidate and was entrusted , the ceremony of raising being rehearsed .
The ceremonies were given in a most satisfactory manner , and the W . M . received a well earned compliment for their rehearsal . Bro . Dawe was elected W . M . for next meeting , when the Brethren may expect another Masonic treat . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Phillips for his valuable services as Organist , the music he dispensed proving an attractive addition to fche ceremonies .
The Lodge meets every Thursday , at 8 o ' clock , and Brethren wishing for instruction will find Bro . T . A . Arter P . BL an excellent Preceptor .
KENNINGTON LODGE , No . 1381 . ON Friday , 10 th inst ., a meeting was held at the Horns Assembly Booms , Kennington . There were present Bro . B . Cohen W . BL , B . Mitchell S . W ., J . S . Eidmans J . W ., J . O'Dea P . M . Preceptor , J . A . Cannon Secretary , M . W . Beid S . D ., VV . 0 . Benedict J . D ., 3 . Butt I . G ., G . Jameson Organist , J . Lewarne , H . Price P . M ., Eichardson P . BL , F . Blash , E . Kent , G . Mash , J . Wynman , W . G . Cannon P . M ., G . E . Cannon , W . T . Andrews , J . Jones , and Barry W . BL
The W . M . kindly vacated the chair in favour of Bro . J . Lewarne , who rehearsed the second degree , with Bro . Blash as candidate . The W . Bl . resumed the chair , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Kent being candidate . By desire of the W . M . Bro . George Blash gave the ancient charge of that degree as he had previously done in
the second . The Lodge was advanced to the third degree , when Bro . O'Dea Preceptor , with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . The W . M . resumed the Lodge in the first degree and Bro . F . Mash was elected a member , suitably responding to the compliment . Bro . E . Mitchell was chosen W . M . for next Friday .
HYDE PARK LODGE , No . 1425 . AT the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne Terrace , Bishops Eoad , Paddington , W ., on Monday , Bro . G . Weaver W . BL , J . Spinks jun . S . W ., W . Smith J . W ., H . Dehane Sec , W . H . Handover S . D ., H . Chubb J . D ., W . E . Jefferson I . G ., 0 . Biemann Stwd ., W . J . Stratton P . M . 753 acting Preceptor , G . D . Mogford P . M . 2362 , A . Collman , H . Campbell P . M . 734 , H . Crookes , A . J . Tapling .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Collman candidate . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Chubb , at the request of the W . M ., assumed the chair . The Lodge was opened in the third degree , and after the usual preliminaries the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Biemann candidate . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree .
A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Stratton , for acting as Preceptor , which compliment was acknowledged . Bro . Spinks was elected W . M . for next Lodge meeting , Officers to be in rotation . The four Boys and four Girls votes were then handed to Bro . Blogford , to assist the case of Jacobs at the next election . After hearty good wishes the Lodge was closed .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE , No . 1839 . A VEBY good meeting was held on Monday , at the Whittington Hotel , JC 1 _ Bloor Lane , Moorgate Street , when Bro . W . Wright took the chair as W . M ., and was most ably assisted by the following Officers : —0 . Heinekey S . W ., W . Sawyer J . W ., Walter Martin P . BI . A . G . Purs . Preceptor , 3 . Almond