Article DALHOUSIE LODGE, No. 860 Page 1 of 1 Article DALHOUSIE LODGE, No. 860 Page 1 of 1 Article ST. JOHN OF WAPPING, No. 1306. Page 1 of 2 →
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Dalhousie Lodge, No. 860
THE annual meeting of the members of this Lodgo was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , when , in addition to the installation of the W . M . elect , thero was rather a heavy list of items on tho agenda paper . It was somewhat a matter for regret that , the date falling on the eve of Good Friday , ¦ when moat people were engaged in preparation for the Easter holidays ,
the attendance waa not so numerous as had beeu anticipated . However , tho fact must not bo overlooked that Masonry must ever be subservient to other pressing engagements ; and , seeing that the business of the week had all to bo crowded into three or four days , it could hardly havo beeu a matter of surprise that the muster did not come up to tho strength which the Officers and promoters of the
Lodge might have desired . The Locige was opened shortly after halfpast threo o ' clock , under the presidency of tho retiring W . M ., Bro . Thomas B . Dodson , and amongst thoso present wo observed : —P . M . 'a Bros . Bates , Underwood , L . F . Littell ( Secretary ) , Senical , Wallington and Dalwood ; Visitors , Bros . W . R . Blanks D . C . 188 , E . Weissmuller S . W . 195 , T . Cubitt P . G . P ., F . W . Farmer 25 ,
J . Driscoll P . M . 30 , J . W . Holt 1766 , T . Franklin W . M . elect 1662 , J . H . Dodson P . M . 55 , B . Taylor LG . 1624 , H . Prestage J . D . 1278 , G . Fein , S . Gribbell 217 , J . Hallet 907 , R . Vernon LG . 1441 , E . Harding 1524 , John Cartmel 41 , C . Blain 174 , P . Harnett 813 , E . Pierdon 948 , H . Lloyd P . M . 1278 , R . Smith 1278 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , Mammon 1589 . The minutea of the preceding meeting were read
and confirmed , and after the transaction of the ordinary business , Lodge waa advanced . Bro . Scott having sought after and proved "worthy of the privilege , was raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being performed in masterly manner by the retiring W . M . Subsequently Bro . Vale was passed , nnder the ablo direction of P . M . Bro . Dalwood , who acquitted himself to the entire
satisfaction of the brethren . The auditors' report , copies of which had been distributed amongst tho members , was taken aa read , and tho Treasurer ' s balance sheet showed that the Lodge was in a most flourishing and satisfactory financial condition . The ordinary business matters having been duly adjusted , Bro . George F . Weige , tho W . M . elect , was presented for installation , for which purpose a Board of
Installed Masters was at once formed , and on the re-admission of the brethren the newly-installed Master received the honours and hearty congratulations of the brethren assembled . The whole of the installation ceremony was sustained by the I . P . M ., Bro . Dodson , iu such a manner as to elicit the unbounded admiration of all present .
At tho conclusion of the ceremony , the newly-installed W . M . bestowed the collars for the ensuing year as follow : —Bros . T . B . Dodson I . P . M ., E . T . Worsley S . W ., W . G . Dickins J . W ., W . Wallington P . M . Treas ., L . F . Littell P . M . Sec , Smith S , D ., Boden J . D ., Barker I . G ., Seymour Smith Org ., Jones W . S ., and Marsh ( acting for Gilchrist ) Tyler . Each Officer on his investiture was admonished in suitable
and courteous manner as to the fulfilment of his respective duties during the year ; and , in addressing the acting Tyler , the W . M . took occasion to point out very properly the necessity of suppressing that levity which too frequently accompanies the introduction of candidates into Lodge . We heartily endorse the sentiments which foil from the lips of
the worthy W . M ., and feel assured that if his advice i . s followed out strictly during the ensuimr year , many of the initiates will run less danger than in some Lodges of forming erroneous impressions of the solemnity of the initiatory rite . At the close of Lodgo business the brethren sat down to a sumptuous batrjnet , nnder the genial presidency of VV . M . Bro . Weige , who was snppcrted by a strong
array of P . M . ' s , the Wardens of course doing tho honours of the vicechairs . In the course of the post-praudial proceedings , the Masonic toasts were most enthusiastically received , the W . M . paying a suitable tribute of loyalty and esteem to the Grand Officers , whose names were embodied in the earlier toasts . Bro . Cubitt P . G . P ., in responding , recounted the sterling qualities displayed by the Grand Officers ,
and stated that ho had tho honour of being acquainted with the D . G . M . in his own Province of Lancashire . Speaking of the Royal brethren the Duke of Connanght and Prince Leopold , he said they , with the rest of the Graud Officers , were always at their posts ancl ready to devote their best efforts to the furtherance of Masonry when any matters arose claiming their attention . Bro . Seymour Smith
having rendered , in his inimitable style , the song of " The Lord Mayor ' s Show , " which evoked the heartiest merriment and applause , I . P . M . Bro . Dodson proposed the health of the W . M . in eulogistic terms . He believed the whole of the brethren shared with him the pleasure he experienced at seeing their Brother Weige iu the principal chair of that Locige , and it was to himself individually
a source of especial felicitation , seeing that they had worked together step by step in Freemasonry , and for the success of this Locige . Tho toast having been received with a bumper , and the musical honours having subsided , the W . M . responded in a few happily-chosen sentences . He rose with mingled feelings to express his thanks to the
brethren for the confidence they had reposed in him , and the honour they had conferred npon him by raising him to tho exalted position he now ocenpied . At the hazard of being thought tedious , he would take this opportunity of expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the I . P . M . and other Officers and members who had rendered him such
efficient assistance iu the past—assistance ot which he should gladly avail himself in the discharge of his onerous duties during tho ensuing year . In turn he proposed the health of the I . P . M ., a task which he approached with unmixed pleasure . Bro . Dodson had set to himself the task of officiating as Installing Master ou this occasion , and they would all be prepared to accord to him the highest
credit for the excellent way in which ho had acquitted himself . He would take this opportunity of presenting the I . P . M ., iu tho name of the brethren , with a P . M . ' s jewel , to which he had entitled himsoll by assiduity and excellent services , aud which it was their unanimous hope he might long live to wear , in the course of his further Masonic progress . In acknowledging the compliment paid to him , tho I . P . M . gracefully returned thanks for the jewel which had been placed
Dalhousie Lodge, No. 860
upon hia breast , and also for tho cordial and kindly expressions with which the toast of his health had been received . With respect to the ceremony they had witnessed to-day , he assured them that , six weeks ago , ho had no intention of undertaking so onerous a task . Bnt many of hia friends urged him to make an effort to perfect himself in the acquirement of the ritual , telling him
it was only a duty ho owed to himself aa well aa to the Craft . He had , therefore , done hia utmost to carry out the ceremony efficiently , and if he had succeeded in giving satisfaction it was hia best reward Tho health of tho Past Masters waa next given , and the Visitors was responded to by Bro . Charles Blain and Bro . Driscoll , the latter
of whom gave some sound and wholesome advice , especially to young Masons . Several other toasts , including the Treasurer and Secretary and the Officers of the Lodge , wero duly honoured and resp **** ded to , and amidst an abundance of good singing , in whioh Bros . Seymour Smith , Farmer and others l-endered valuable assistance , the brethren contrived to pass a most harmonious evening .
St. John Of Wapping, No. 1306.
ST . JOHN OF WAPPING , No . 1306 .
THE annual meeting of thia Lodge waa held on the 9 th inst ., at Bro . T . Mortlock's , Gun Hotel , Wapping . There being much important business upon the agenda paper , the brethren were sum . moned for three o ' clock , and at about quarter-paat three Bro . Coleman W . M . opened the Lodge in due form . The minutea of the last Lodge meeting having been confirmed , Bro . P . M . Mortlock undertook tho W . M . 's duties , to examine and entrust Bro . T . B . Ryton for the
ceremony of passing * , later iu the evening he , in hia usual obliging manner , also passed Bro . J . Sommers , who had been unable to attend earlier , all of which work waa most ably rendered . Bro . W . Poore I . P . M . then occupied tho chair , and raised Bro . H . Parsona to the degree of M . M . Thia being satisfactorily performed , Bro . Poore proceeded to furnish the piece do resistance of the evening by installing
Bro . William Henry Hay ward , the W . M . elect , into the chair of K . S ., in which ceremony he waa most ably assisted by Bros . P . M . 's Dawson and Beck as the S . and J . Wardens respectively , and Bro . P . M . Mortlock as D . C . Upon the return of the brethren to the Lodge , the W . M . received tho homage duo to his exalted position , and the Inatalling Master delivered the impressive charges in a finished and
masterly stylo . Bro . W . M . Hayward appointed as his officers—Broa . C . Veal S . W ., T . Magrath J . W ., T . Wooding S . D ., J . Horsley J . D ., J . Carrociero I . G ., H . Harbert D . C , W . Bates W . S ., Bro . W . Hayward was re-elected Treasurer , and H . T . Hardy Secretary . Some formal business waa then disposed of , and the Lodge was closed , The brethren repaired to partake of an excellent banquet prepared
by tho worthy host , Bro . Mortlock , in a style which would compare favourably with many a West End establishment . The brethren having paid proper attention to the good cheer , after grace had been said , the W . M . introduced tho usual toasts , " Tbe Queen and Craft , " " H . lt . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., " and " The Grand Officers past and present . " This was done in brief but appropriate terms , and
all wero loyally and heartily received . Bro . Coleman I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., wishing him a prosperous year . The W . M . thanked the brethren for drinking his health , and Bro . Coleman for the kind manner iu which he had proposed it . He claimed the hearty co-operation of his officers and goodwill of tho members to support him in making it a succoFsful year . He was sure they all desired to
servo with credit to themselves and the Lodge . The toast of the P . M . a was given in appreciative terms—the W . M . recognising the eminent services of Bros . Poore , Beck , and Dawson , on that afternoon and on many previous occasions . He felt proud of their Installing Master , the onerous duties he had performed reflected great credit on the Lodge . Bro . VV . Poore in replying for the P . M . 's thanked the
brethren for tho honour done them by the hearty response to their health . They had at all times endeavoured to do all they could to further the Lodge and would continue to do so . For the part he had taken that day he would express his thanks to Bro . Coleman who had kindly allowed him to instal the W . M ., which duty afforded him much gratification and pleasure . The " Visitors , " the W . M . stated , was a
toast of toasts with the St . John of Wapping Lodge , nothing waa more pleasant to a Lodge than to be honoured by the presence of Visitors ; ho extended a hearty welcome to the brethren who were present . The toast was cordially received , and Bro . G . V . Henly , in response , thanked the VV . M . for the excellent reception they had received . He had had the honour of attending the consocra .
tion of the Lodge , and could not but notice the loss of many dear friends' faces . Ho was pleased to be there , and could not remember a more cordial reception on any former visit . Bro . Frost could reiterate the remarks of the previous speaker . He had also been gratified with the kindness shown , and especially struck with the excellent working of Bro . Poore . It waa evident from hia
labours in the Lodge that Bro . Poore had ahead to mark and a heart to love and work for the good of Freemasonry . Bros . Rendall and G . H . Stephens having also expressed their thanks , the W . M . toasted the Officers , which , he said , was a most important one . It was most essential to have good officers , for the Master might do his utmost and yet the work bo marred by inefficient officers , who must , iu
addition to their ability , bo punctual in their attendance to their duties . Bro . Veal would prove an aspiring and able S . W . Bro . Magrath had ability and time to devote to the attainment of his duties . Their Treasurer , Bro . Hayward , would look well to their funds , and would not complain if the brethren placed a deal of labour ou his shoulders as Treasurer . Bro . Hardy was a hard
working and excellent officer ; his past services alone justify their opinion . Bro . Wooding has always been regular in attendance to the Lodge , and we hope he will have plenty of work as S . D . Bro . ttorsley J . D . is an excellent worker . Bro . l . G . will do his duty well , and we all feel ho will in time , with tho other Officers , ascend to higher posts . In answer to the appeal , the toast was most heartily received . Bro . Veal S . W . said he felt very small indeed in the position
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dalhousie Lodge, No. 860
THE annual meeting of the members of this Lodgo was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , when , in addition to the installation of the W . M . elect , thero was rather a heavy list of items on tho agenda paper . It was somewhat a matter for regret that , the date falling on the eve of Good Friday , ¦ when moat people were engaged in preparation for the Easter holidays ,
the attendance waa not so numerous as had beeu anticipated . However , tho fact must not bo overlooked that Masonry must ever be subservient to other pressing engagements ; and , seeing that the business of the week had all to bo crowded into three or four days , it could hardly havo beeu a matter of surprise that the muster did not come up to tho strength which the Officers and promoters of the
Lodge might have desired . The Locige was opened shortly after halfpast threo o ' clock , under the presidency of tho retiring W . M ., Bro . Thomas B . Dodson , and amongst thoso present wo observed : —P . M . 'a Bros . Bates , Underwood , L . F . Littell ( Secretary ) , Senical , Wallington and Dalwood ; Visitors , Bros . W . R . Blanks D . C . 188 , E . Weissmuller S . W . 195 , T . Cubitt P . G . P ., F . W . Farmer 25 ,
J . Driscoll P . M . 30 , J . W . Holt 1766 , T . Franklin W . M . elect 1662 , J . H . Dodson P . M . 55 , B . Taylor LG . 1624 , H . Prestage J . D . 1278 , G . Fein , S . Gribbell 217 , J . Hallet 907 , R . Vernon LG . 1441 , E . Harding 1524 , John Cartmel 41 , C . Blain 174 , P . Harnett 813 , E . Pierdon 948 , H . Lloyd P . M . 1278 , R . Smith 1278 , W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 , Mammon 1589 . The minutea of the preceding meeting were read
and confirmed , and after the transaction of the ordinary business , Lodge waa advanced . Bro . Scott having sought after and proved "worthy of the privilege , was raised to the sublime degree , the ceremony being performed in masterly manner by the retiring W . M . Subsequently Bro . Vale was passed , nnder the ablo direction of P . M . Bro . Dalwood , who acquitted himself to the entire
satisfaction of the brethren . The auditors' report , copies of which had been distributed amongst tho members , was taken aa read , and tho Treasurer ' s balance sheet showed that the Lodge was in a most flourishing and satisfactory financial condition . The ordinary business matters having been duly adjusted , Bro . George F . Weige , tho W . M . elect , was presented for installation , for which purpose a Board of
Installed Masters was at once formed , and on the re-admission of the brethren the newly-installed Master received the honours and hearty congratulations of the brethren assembled . The whole of the installation ceremony was sustained by the I . P . M ., Bro . Dodson , iu such a manner as to elicit the unbounded admiration of all present .
At tho conclusion of the ceremony , the newly-installed W . M . bestowed the collars for the ensuing year as follow : —Bros . T . B . Dodson I . P . M ., E . T . Worsley S . W ., W . G . Dickins J . W ., W . Wallington P . M . Treas ., L . F . Littell P . M . Sec , Smith S , D ., Boden J . D ., Barker I . G ., Seymour Smith Org ., Jones W . S ., and Marsh ( acting for Gilchrist ) Tyler . Each Officer on his investiture was admonished in suitable
and courteous manner as to the fulfilment of his respective duties during the year ; and , in addressing the acting Tyler , the W . M . took occasion to point out very properly the necessity of suppressing that levity which too frequently accompanies the introduction of candidates into Lodge . We heartily endorse the sentiments which foil from the lips of
the worthy W . M ., and feel assured that if his advice i . s followed out strictly during the ensuimr year , many of the initiates will run less danger than in some Lodges of forming erroneous impressions of the solemnity of the initiatory rite . At the close of Lodgo business the brethren sat down to a sumptuous batrjnet , nnder the genial presidency of VV . M . Bro . Weige , who was snppcrted by a strong
array of P . M . ' s , the Wardens of course doing tho honours of the vicechairs . In the course of the post-praudial proceedings , the Masonic toasts were most enthusiastically received , the W . M . paying a suitable tribute of loyalty and esteem to the Grand Officers , whose names were embodied in the earlier toasts . Bro . Cubitt P . G . P ., in responding , recounted the sterling qualities displayed by the Grand Officers ,
and stated that ho had tho honour of being acquainted with the D . G . M . in his own Province of Lancashire . Speaking of the Royal brethren the Duke of Connanght and Prince Leopold , he said they , with the rest of the Graud Officers , were always at their posts ancl ready to devote their best efforts to the furtherance of Masonry when any matters arose claiming their attention . Bro . Seymour Smith
having rendered , in his inimitable style , the song of " The Lord Mayor ' s Show , " which evoked the heartiest merriment and applause , I . P . M . Bro . Dodson proposed the health of the W . M . in eulogistic terms . He believed the whole of the brethren shared with him the pleasure he experienced at seeing their Brother Weige iu the principal chair of that Locige , and it was to himself individually
a source of especial felicitation , seeing that they had worked together step by step in Freemasonry , and for the success of this Locige . Tho toast having been received with a bumper , and the musical honours having subsided , the W . M . responded in a few happily-chosen sentences . He rose with mingled feelings to express his thanks to the
brethren for the confidence they had reposed in him , and the honour they had conferred npon him by raising him to tho exalted position he now ocenpied . At the hazard of being thought tedious , he would take this opportunity of expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the I . P . M . and other Officers and members who had rendered him such
efficient assistance iu the past—assistance ot which he should gladly avail himself in the discharge of his onerous duties during tho ensuing year . In turn he proposed the health of the I . P . M ., a task which he approached with unmixed pleasure . Bro . Dodson had set to himself the task of officiating as Installing Master ou this occasion , and they would all be prepared to accord to him the highest
credit for the excellent way in which ho had acquitted himself . He would take this opportunity of presenting the I . P . M ., iu tho name of the brethren , with a P . M . ' s jewel , to which he had entitled himsoll by assiduity and excellent services , aud which it was their unanimous hope he might long live to wear , in the course of his further Masonic progress . In acknowledging the compliment paid to him , tho I . P . M . gracefully returned thanks for the jewel which had been placed
Dalhousie Lodge, No. 860
upon hia breast , and also for tho cordial and kindly expressions with which the toast of his health had been received . With respect to the ceremony they had witnessed to-day , he assured them that , six weeks ago , ho had no intention of undertaking so onerous a task . Bnt many of hia friends urged him to make an effort to perfect himself in the acquirement of the ritual , telling him
it was only a duty ho owed to himself aa well aa to the Craft . He had , therefore , done hia utmost to carry out the ceremony efficiently , and if he had succeeded in giving satisfaction it was hia best reward Tho health of tho Past Masters waa next given , and the Visitors was responded to by Bro . Charles Blain and Bro . Driscoll , the latter
of whom gave some sound and wholesome advice , especially to young Masons . Several other toasts , including the Treasurer and Secretary and the Officers of the Lodge , wero duly honoured and resp **** ded to , and amidst an abundance of good singing , in whioh Bros . Seymour Smith , Farmer and others l-endered valuable assistance , the brethren contrived to pass a most harmonious evening .
St. John Of Wapping, No. 1306.
ST . JOHN OF WAPPING , No . 1306 .
THE annual meeting of thia Lodge waa held on the 9 th inst ., at Bro . T . Mortlock's , Gun Hotel , Wapping . There being much important business upon the agenda paper , the brethren were sum . moned for three o ' clock , and at about quarter-paat three Bro . Coleman W . M . opened the Lodge in due form . The minutea of the last Lodge meeting having been confirmed , Bro . P . M . Mortlock undertook tho W . M . 's duties , to examine and entrust Bro . T . B . Ryton for the
ceremony of passing * , later iu the evening he , in hia usual obliging manner , also passed Bro . J . Sommers , who had been unable to attend earlier , all of which work waa most ably rendered . Bro . W . Poore I . P . M . then occupied tho chair , and raised Bro . H . Parsona to the degree of M . M . Thia being satisfactorily performed , Bro . Poore proceeded to furnish the piece do resistance of the evening by installing
Bro . William Henry Hay ward , the W . M . elect , into the chair of K . S ., in which ceremony he waa most ably assisted by Bros . P . M . 's Dawson and Beck as the S . and J . Wardens respectively , and Bro . P . M . Mortlock as D . C . Upon the return of the brethren to the Lodge , the W . M . received tho homage duo to his exalted position , and the Inatalling Master delivered the impressive charges in a finished and
masterly stylo . Bro . W . M . Hayward appointed as his officers—Broa . C . Veal S . W ., T . Magrath J . W ., T . Wooding S . D ., J . Horsley J . D ., J . Carrociero I . G ., H . Harbert D . C , W . Bates W . S ., Bro . W . Hayward was re-elected Treasurer , and H . T . Hardy Secretary . Some formal business waa then disposed of , and the Lodge was closed , The brethren repaired to partake of an excellent banquet prepared
by tho worthy host , Bro . Mortlock , in a style which would compare favourably with many a West End establishment . The brethren having paid proper attention to the good cheer , after grace had been said , the W . M . introduced tho usual toasts , " Tbe Queen and Craft , " " H . lt . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., " and " The Grand Officers past and present . " This was done in brief but appropriate terms , and
all wero loyally and heartily received . Bro . Coleman I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., wishing him a prosperous year . The W . M . thanked the brethren for drinking his health , and Bro . Coleman for the kind manner iu which he had proposed it . He claimed the hearty co-operation of his officers and goodwill of tho members to support him in making it a succoFsful year . He was sure they all desired to
servo with credit to themselves and the Lodge . The toast of the P . M . a was given in appreciative terms—the W . M . recognising the eminent services of Bros . Poore , Beck , and Dawson , on that afternoon and on many previous occasions . He felt proud of their Installing Master , the onerous duties he had performed reflected great credit on the Lodge . Bro . VV . Poore in replying for the P . M . 's thanked the
brethren for tho honour done them by the hearty response to their health . They had at all times endeavoured to do all they could to further the Lodge and would continue to do so . For the part he had taken that day he would express his thanks to Bro . Coleman who had kindly allowed him to instal the W . M ., which duty afforded him much gratification and pleasure . The " Visitors , " the W . M . stated , was a
toast of toasts with the St . John of Wapping Lodge , nothing waa more pleasant to a Lodge than to be honoured by the presence of Visitors ; ho extended a hearty welcome to the brethren who were present . The toast was cordially received , and Bro . G . V . Henly , in response , thanked the VV . M . for the excellent reception they had received . He had had the honour of attending the consocra .
tion of the Lodge , and could not but notice the loss of many dear friends' faces . Ho was pleased to be there , and could not remember a more cordial reception on any former visit . Bro . Frost could reiterate the remarks of the previous speaker . He had also been gratified with the kindness shown , and especially struck with the excellent working of Bro . Poore . It waa evident from hia
labours in the Lodge that Bro . Poore had ahead to mark and a heart to love and work for the good of Freemasonry . Bros . Rendall and G . H . Stephens having also expressed their thanks , the W . M . toasted the Officers , which , he said , was a most important one . It was most essential to have good officers , for the Master might do his utmost and yet the work bo marred by inefficient officers , who must , iu
addition to their ability , bo punctual in their attendance to their duties . Bro . Veal would prove an aspiring and able S . W . Bro . Magrath had ability and time to devote to the attainment of his duties . Their Treasurer , Bro . Hayward , would look well to their funds , and would not complain if the brethren placed a deal of labour ou his shoulders as Treasurer . Bro . Hardy was a hard
working and excellent officer ; his past services alone justify their opinion . Bro . Wooding has always been regular in attendance to the Lodge , and we hope he will have plenty of work as S . D . Bro . ttorsley J . D . is an excellent worker . Bro . l . G . will do his duty well , and we all feel ho will in time , with tho other Officers , ascend to higher posts . In answer to the appeal , the toast was most heartily received . Bro . Veal S . W . said he felt very small indeed in the position