Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 3 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 3 of 4 →
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the evening some capital mnaio waa rendered by Bros . Davies , Hewardine , Downey , Griffin , aud the W . M ., who kindly gave , in Welsh , " The Land of my Fathers . "
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —The above Lodgo , composed of members of the musical aud theatrical professions , met on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , at 2 o ' clock . The W . M . Bro . Geo . Buckland opened the Lodge , supported by Bros .
E . Swanboroncrh S . W ., E . Willard J . W ., E . Stanton Jonea P . M . Sec , H . F . Cox S . D ., Meyer Lntz J . D ., F . Delevante D . C , J . Maclean I . G ., C . E . Tinnoy Org . P . M . ' a Bros . J . M . Chamberlain , Jas . Weaver , C . S . Jekyll , C . Coote , E . Terry , and Bros . Burgess , Schneider , Baker ,
Kent , & c . The minutea were road and confirmed . Ballota were taken for the admission of Messrs . Emil and Julian Girard . The result waa unanimous in their favour , and they were duly initiated into the Ordsr . Bro . E . H . W . Wright , having shown hia proficiency , was passed . Great credit is due to tho W . M . for his careful and irapreasive working . The same remark applies to all Officers . Bro .
Wright was elected a joining member . Three albums were tendered , to form a record of the Past Masters and members , the gift of Bro . B . Lemore . A brother was relieved from the Lodgo Funds with tho aura of £ 20 . Bro . E . Terry I . P . M . stated it was his intention to servo as Steward for the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls ; he hoped to have the co-operation and support of the Lodgo . All business being ended , Lodgo was closed . The Visitors wore Bros . E . Wright 179 , J . Howton 568 , Mat Robson 1609 , J . W . Elvin 538 , W . Murray 1201 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1807 . —This is what the brethren are pleased to term a " summer" Lodge , but tho most genial aspect about the meeting of Saturday last was the warm and fraternal reception given by the members to those who , despite the counteracting discomfort of wind and snow , ventured to the Alexandra Palace . It is not our province to descant here on the variableness of the English
climate , or to detail the wretchedness attending a journey when yon have to traverse tho atreeta up to your ankles in a mixture of half , melted snow and mud , but we may remark that it must havo been very gratifying to Bro . Webb , the Worshipful Master , to find that on such a day as was experienced he should be supported so well . This Lodge ia one of two of the same name consecrated tho same week in
1876 ; the other one being The Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1533 , which holds its meetings at Marlborough , and which forma one of tho ton Lodges of tho Province of Wilts . Tho first Worshipful Master of No . 1607 waa our respected brother John-Newton P . M . 174 ; ho was followed by Bro . Frederick Brown , and under tho rule of those energetic members of tho Craft , tho Lodgo has steadily progressed ,
and has made its mark as a staunch supporter of tho Charitable Institutions associated with tho Order . The brethren assembled at the Alexandra Palace at 3 . 15 , when tho following Officers supported Bro . Charles Henry Webb the VV . M .: —Bros . Charles J . Perceval S . W ., Beedell J . W ., E . G . Legge P . M . Treasurer , John Newton P . M . Secretary , Jones J . D ., Frederick Carr I . G ., Dr . Newham W . S ., Verry
Tyler . Visitors -. —Bros . Walter Rawley 174 Sec . 1805 , G . C . Pnlsford S . D . 1593 , Thomas Slaiter 804 , Albert Escott , W . D'Oyloy 1457 , and W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 . The members , in consequence of the decease of Bro . Wyatt tho J . W ., wore Masonio mourning , and at a later stage of the proceedings a vote of condolence waa passed , and a record of tho same ordered to bo sent to the relatives of our deceased brother .
After the formal opening the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The names of three gentlemen aa candidatea for initiation appeared on the agenda paper , and for the first of these—Mr . Charles John Perceval , a son of the Senior Warden—a dispensation had been granted by the Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Matter , the aspirant not having attained his twenty-first year . Thia gentleman had for
his Masonic sponsors his father and tho Worshipful Master . The other candidates were Mr . Charles Amiss Morgan , proposed by Bro . P . M . Brown and seconded by the W . M ., and Mr . Samuel Gittens , who came forward with the recommendation of the W . M . and had for a seconder Bro . Frederick Carr . The ballot waa unanimous in each case , and the candidates were severally introduced and received thoir
first glimpse of Masonic light . In the course of routine business Bro . P . M . Brown gave an account of his Stewardship at the recent Festival for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , when , by the liberality of tho members , he had been enabled to take up a list of between £ 144 and £ 145 , which amount gave him the privilege of atanding aa No , 5 from the highest sum realised on that occasion , and certainly
evinces that the members of this Lodge wore "loyal" in sustaining the claims of the Charities . Tho W . M ., referring to the election at Freemasons' Hall , for candidates for tho Girls' School , stated that he had received from tho Officials at Grand Lodgo three votes out of those placed at thoir disposal , and these he had appropriated in snp . port of the application of Mary Ann A . Wyatt , daughter of their
late respected J . W . After somo other matters had received consideration , Lodge waa closed . A most r & cherchi banquet was served by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , and tho good things were greatly enjoyed . On tha removal of the cloth the toast list was fully considered . The loyal toasts were honoured , and then Bro . P . M . Brown proposed tho health of tho W . M . He referred to the amount of energy Bro . Webb
had displayed in advancing tbe claims of the daughter of their late J . W ., and felt assured that at the future election ho would receive substantial support from tho members . He commented on tho zeal and peraeveranco ever manifested by the W . M . in his conduct of all business pertaining to his Lodge and the Craft at large , and concluded his remarks by trusting that Bro . Webb ' s year of office would close as
it had commenced , with a continuance of happiness and prosperity . The W . M . in reply remarked that Past Master Brown had truly stated he had latterly been very hard at work . Two years ago , when their late Bro . Wyatt , who was ono of his oldest and truest friends , had joined their Lodge , everything seemed to be prospering . Bro . Wyatt had a good wife , a comfortable home , and children ia whom his best
Royal Arch.
hopes were centred . However , illness came on , and within six months both ho and his wife had been called hence , leaving their children afc the mercy of the world . Bro . Webb then read a telegram ho had just received , whioh gave tho number of votes polled that day for the child ho asked thoir support for ; he also stated that knowing he would not bo able to carry hia case at this eleotion , he had lent a
considerable number of tho proxies ho had received , and made a strong appeal to all present to support tho case at the election next October ; he concluded by thanking those' present for the way they had received the mention of his namo . The next toast given was tho health of tha initiates , to which graceful replies were made . Each of the Visitors
acknowledged tho compliment tho W . M . paid them , and Bros . Brown , Newton and Leggo responded in their several capacities of I . P . M ., Secretary , and Treasurer . The Officers wore next complimented , and after Bro . Verry had givon tho closing toast , he recounted some inoi « dents attending the travels of thoso aerial viaitanta which the next mooting of thia auramor Lodgo may mako us better acquainted with .
Lodge Of Union , No . 414 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday the loth of April , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Charles Oades W . M ., Samuel Bradley S . W ., Charles Stephens J . W ., M . J . Withers Sec , J . A . Strachan P . M . Treas ,, F . Blackwell ( acting ) S . D ., F . Ferguaon J . D ., Rev . N . S . Garry Chaplain , S . Wheeler and D . H . Witherington Stewards , W . Hem .
mings Tyler . P . M . 'a Bros . E . Baker I . P . M ., A . M . Yetts , J . Morris , 0 . Smith , J . Long , J . Weightman , W . W . Moxhay , S . Slingsby Stall , wood . Members—Bros . Hart , Moffatt , Higgs , Field , Davis , McDowell , Hawkes , Butler , Bigga P . M . ( Hon . Member ) . Visitors—Bros . T . R » Vowles 1426 and 1101 , Hurley P . M . 1101 , T . Smith P . M . P . Z . Marylebone 1305 , W . P . Ivey P . M . and Sec . 1101 . Business—The Lod go
was opened in the first degree . The miuutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , tie Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . Davis and Field having given proof of their efficiency , were entrusted and retired . The Lodge was opened in the third degree . Bros . Davis aud Field wero raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was resumed in the second and first degrees .
Bro . Hayward was admitted and initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Antient Freemasonry . Bro . Weightman P . M . called tha attention of the Lodge to tho great want of reapeot ahown by the membera to departed worth by their non-attendance at the funeral of tho late Dr . R . T . Woodhouse P . D . G . M . of tho Province . Ho gave an epitome of the Masonio career of that venerable brother , who joined
the Lodgo in 1836 , was present at the laying of tho foundation stone of the church in the Reading Cemetery , was installed as W . M . of the Lodge in 1837—rescued the Lodge from obscurity , by reforms in various waya , by having it removed from a public-house to a com . paratively respectable homo in tho Ferbury , aud other services too nnmorons to mention . Bro . Moxhay P . M ., & o . perfectly coincided
with the remarks mado by Bro . Weightman , and passed a splendid eulogy on the venerable brother , which he gave from personal oxpe . rieuce . Tho VV . M . said he had consulted some of the P . M . ' s of tho Lodgo on the subject , and said that as the brethren were in mourning for tho late Treasurer , and the late venerable brother not being a
subscribing member , only honorary , he did not think it necessary to show a manifestation on the subject . A voto of two guineas to the Hungarian Grand Lodge of St . John , and two guineas to a brother of 1101 in distress followed . All business being ended , the Lodgo waa closed .
Wandsworth Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting—fcho closing one for the season—was held at tho Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , on Wednesday evening , Bro . VV . A . Morgan , the VV . M ., pre . siding . Bros . T . Arnison and W . Bell wero raised . Bro . A . M . Nowons was choson as the W . M . elect . It was resolved , after some discussion , to remove the Lodgo from its present quarters .
High Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 754 . —A meeting was held on Thursday tho 10 th inst ., at tho Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham . Present—Bros . S . Turqnand P . M . W . M ., S . J . Byng S . W ., 0 . K . Killick J . W ., J . H . Thompson I . P . M ., J . Garrod Sec , W . Binnio P . M . I . G . ; also Bros . Oxley , Everdell , Taverner , Peach , Rev . P . Kildnff , Powell , Slaiter , Wells , French , Clements , Mattocks , and others . Tho Lodge was opened in ancient form , and
the Fifteen Sections wero worked by the following : FIKST LECTURE — Broa . Peach , Everdell , Taverner , Clement , Killick , Killick ; SECOND LECTURE—Broa . Oxley , Powell , Garrod , Byng , Slaitor ; THIRD LECTURE —Broa . Clement , Everdell , Garrod . A cordial vote of thanks waa accorded to the W . M . for the able manner in which he had presided ; also to Bro . S . J . Byng , tho S . W ., and members who worked sections . Bro . French was elected a member , and the Lodgo was closed in dne form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —In spite of the holiday season and its counter attractions , tho members met on Tuesday evening last at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston . Bros . J . Lorkin W . M ., Christian S . W ., Forsa J . W ., Williams S . D ., Clark J . D ., Bigg I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wal . lington Preceptor ; also Bros . Collins , Webb , Giller , Weige , Smyth ,
Polak , Wyman , C . Lorkin , and others . Lodge was opened and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Carr answered the questions , the Lodgo was opened up , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed—Bro . Carr as candidate . Bro . Webb worked tho third section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo was
closed to the second degree . Bro . Webb worked tho first section of that lectnre , assisted by tho brethren . The Lodge waa closed to the first , and Bro . Webb worked the fourth section of tho lectnre in that degree , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . M . Christian was elected W . M . for next Tuesday evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
the evening some capital mnaio waa rendered by Bros . Davies , Hewardine , Downey , Griffin , aud the W . M ., who kindly gave , in Welsh , " The Land of my Fathers . "
Asaph Lodge , No . 1319 . —The above Lodgo , composed of members of the musical aud theatrical professions , met on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , at 2 o ' clock . The W . M . Bro . Geo . Buckland opened the Lodge , supported by Bros .
E . Swanboroncrh S . W ., E . Willard J . W ., E . Stanton Jonea P . M . Sec , H . F . Cox S . D ., Meyer Lntz J . D ., F . Delevante D . C , J . Maclean I . G ., C . E . Tinnoy Org . P . M . ' a Bros . J . M . Chamberlain , Jas . Weaver , C . S . Jekyll , C . Coote , E . Terry , and Bros . Burgess , Schneider , Baker ,
Kent , & c . The minutea were road and confirmed . Ballota were taken for the admission of Messrs . Emil and Julian Girard . The result waa unanimous in their favour , and they were duly initiated into the Ordsr . Bro . E . H . W . Wright , having shown hia proficiency , was passed . Great credit is due to tho W . M . for his careful and irapreasive working . The same remark applies to all Officers . Bro .
Wright was elected a joining member . Three albums were tendered , to form a record of the Past Masters and members , the gift of Bro . B . Lemore . A brother was relieved from the Lodgo Funds with tho aura of £ 20 . Bro . E . Terry I . P . M . stated it was his intention to servo as Steward for the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls ; he hoped to have the co-operation and support of the Lodgo . All business being ended , Lodgo was closed . The Visitors wore Bros . E . Wright 179 , J . Howton 568 , Mat Robson 1609 , J . W . Elvin 538 , W . Murray 1201 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1807 . —This is what the brethren are pleased to term a " summer" Lodge , but tho most genial aspect about the meeting of Saturday last was the warm and fraternal reception given by the members to those who , despite the counteracting discomfort of wind and snow , ventured to the Alexandra Palace . It is not our province to descant here on the variableness of the English
climate , or to detail the wretchedness attending a journey when yon have to traverse tho atreeta up to your ankles in a mixture of half , melted snow and mud , but we may remark that it must havo been very gratifying to Bro . Webb , the Worshipful Master , to find that on such a day as was experienced he should be supported so well . This Lodge ia one of two of the same name consecrated tho same week in
1876 ; the other one being The Lodge of Loyalty , No . 1533 , which holds its meetings at Marlborough , and which forma one of tho ton Lodges of tho Province of Wilts . Tho first Worshipful Master of No . 1607 waa our respected brother John-Newton P . M . 174 ; ho was followed by Bro . Frederick Brown , and under tho rule of those energetic members of tho Craft , tho Lodgo has steadily progressed ,
and has made its mark as a staunch supporter of tho Charitable Institutions associated with tho Order . The brethren assembled at the Alexandra Palace at 3 . 15 , when tho following Officers supported Bro . Charles Henry Webb the VV . M .: —Bros . Charles J . Perceval S . W ., Beedell J . W ., E . G . Legge P . M . Treasurer , John Newton P . M . Secretary , Jones J . D ., Frederick Carr I . G ., Dr . Newham W . S ., Verry
Tyler . Visitors -. —Bros . Walter Rawley 174 Sec . 1805 , G . C . Pnlsford S . D . 1593 , Thomas Slaiter 804 , Albert Escott , W . D'Oyloy 1457 , and W . W . Morgan Sec . 211 . The members , in consequence of the decease of Bro . Wyatt tho J . W ., wore Masonio mourning , and at a later stage of the proceedings a vote of condolence waa passed , and a record of tho same ordered to bo sent to the relatives of our deceased brother .
After the formal opening the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The names of three gentlemen aa candidatea for initiation appeared on the agenda paper , and for the first of these—Mr . Charles John Perceval , a son of the Senior Warden—a dispensation had been granted by the Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Matter , the aspirant not having attained his twenty-first year . Thia gentleman had for
his Masonic sponsors his father and tho Worshipful Master . The other candidates were Mr . Charles Amiss Morgan , proposed by Bro . P . M . Brown and seconded by the W . M ., and Mr . Samuel Gittens , who came forward with the recommendation of the W . M . and had for a seconder Bro . Frederick Carr . The ballot waa unanimous in each case , and the candidates were severally introduced and received thoir
first glimpse of Masonic light . In the course of routine business Bro . P . M . Brown gave an account of his Stewardship at the recent Festival for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , when , by the liberality of tho members , he had been enabled to take up a list of between £ 144 and £ 145 , which amount gave him the privilege of atanding aa No , 5 from the highest sum realised on that occasion , and certainly
evinces that the members of this Lodge wore "loyal" in sustaining the claims of the Charities . Tho W . M ., referring to the election at Freemasons' Hall , for candidates for tho Girls' School , stated that he had received from tho Officials at Grand Lodgo three votes out of those placed at thoir disposal , and these he had appropriated in snp . port of the application of Mary Ann A . Wyatt , daughter of their
late respected J . W . After somo other matters had received consideration , Lodge waa closed . A most r & cherchi banquet was served by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , and tho good things were greatly enjoyed . On tha removal of the cloth the toast list was fully considered . The loyal toasts were honoured , and then Bro . P . M . Brown proposed tho health of tho W . M . He referred to the amount of energy Bro . Webb
had displayed in advancing tbe claims of the daughter of their late J . W ., and felt assured that at the future election ho would receive substantial support from tho members . He commented on tho zeal and peraeveranco ever manifested by the W . M . in his conduct of all business pertaining to his Lodge and the Craft at large , and concluded his remarks by trusting that Bro . Webb ' s year of office would close as
it had commenced , with a continuance of happiness and prosperity . The W . M . in reply remarked that Past Master Brown had truly stated he had latterly been very hard at work . Two years ago , when their late Bro . Wyatt , who was ono of his oldest and truest friends , had joined their Lodge , everything seemed to be prospering . Bro . Wyatt had a good wife , a comfortable home , and children ia whom his best
Royal Arch.
hopes were centred . However , illness came on , and within six months both ho and his wife had been called hence , leaving their children afc the mercy of the world . Bro . Webb then read a telegram ho had just received , whioh gave tho number of votes polled that day for the child ho asked thoir support for ; he also stated that knowing he would not bo able to carry hia case at this eleotion , he had lent a
considerable number of tho proxies ho had received , and made a strong appeal to all present to support tho case at the election next October ; he concluded by thanking those' present for the way they had received the mention of his namo . The next toast given was tho health of tha initiates , to which graceful replies were made . Each of the Visitors
acknowledged tho compliment tho W . M . paid them , and Bros . Brown , Newton and Leggo responded in their several capacities of I . P . M ., Secretary , and Treasurer . The Officers wore next complimented , and after Bro . Verry had givon tho closing toast , he recounted some inoi « dents attending the travels of thoso aerial viaitanta which the next mooting of thia auramor Lodgo may mako us better acquainted with .
Lodge Of Union , No . 414 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday the loth of April , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Charles Oades W . M ., Samuel Bradley S . W ., Charles Stephens J . W ., M . J . Withers Sec , J . A . Strachan P . M . Treas ,, F . Blackwell ( acting ) S . D ., F . Ferguaon J . D ., Rev . N . S . Garry Chaplain , S . Wheeler and D . H . Witherington Stewards , W . Hem .
mings Tyler . P . M . 'a Bros . E . Baker I . P . M ., A . M . Yetts , J . Morris , 0 . Smith , J . Long , J . Weightman , W . W . Moxhay , S . Slingsby Stall , wood . Members—Bros . Hart , Moffatt , Higgs , Field , Davis , McDowell , Hawkes , Butler , Bigga P . M . ( Hon . Member ) . Visitors—Bros . T . R » Vowles 1426 and 1101 , Hurley P . M . 1101 , T . Smith P . M . P . Z . Marylebone 1305 , W . P . Ivey P . M . and Sec . 1101 . Business—The Lod go
was opened in the first degree . The miuutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed , tie Lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . Davis and Field having given proof of their efficiency , were entrusted and retired . The Lodge was opened in the third degree . Bros . Davis aud Field wero raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was resumed in the second and first degrees .
Bro . Hayward was admitted and initiated into the secrets and mysteries of Antient Freemasonry . Bro . Weightman P . M . called tha attention of the Lodge to tho great want of reapeot ahown by the membera to departed worth by their non-attendance at the funeral of tho late Dr . R . T . Woodhouse P . D . G . M . of tho Province . Ho gave an epitome of the Masonio career of that venerable brother , who joined
the Lodgo in 1836 , was present at the laying of tho foundation stone of the church in the Reading Cemetery , was installed as W . M . of the Lodge in 1837—rescued the Lodge from obscurity , by reforms in various waya , by having it removed from a public-house to a com . paratively respectable homo in tho Ferbury , aud other services too nnmorons to mention . Bro . Moxhay P . M ., & o . perfectly coincided
with the remarks mado by Bro . Weightman , and passed a splendid eulogy on the venerable brother , which he gave from personal oxpe . rieuce . Tho VV . M . said he had consulted some of the P . M . ' s of tho Lodgo on the subject , and said that as the brethren were in mourning for tho late Treasurer , and the late venerable brother not being a
subscribing member , only honorary , he did not think it necessary to show a manifestation on the subject . A voto of two guineas to the Hungarian Grand Lodge of St . John , and two guineas to a brother of 1101 in distress followed . All business being ended , the Lodgo waa closed .
Wandsworth Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting—fcho closing one for the season—was held at tho Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , on Wednesday evening , Bro . VV . A . Morgan , the VV . M ., pre . siding . Bros . T . Arnison and W . Bell wero raised . Bro . A . M . Nowons was choson as the W . M . elect . It was resolved , after some discussion , to remove the Lodgo from its present quarters .
High Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 754 . —A meeting was held on Thursday tho 10 th inst ., at tho Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham . Present—Bros . S . Turqnand P . M . W . M ., S . J . Byng S . W ., 0 . K . Killick J . W ., J . H . Thompson I . P . M ., J . Garrod Sec , W . Binnio P . M . I . G . ; also Bros . Oxley , Everdell , Taverner , Peach , Rev . P . Kildnff , Powell , Slaiter , Wells , French , Clements , Mattocks , and others . Tho Lodge was opened in ancient form , and
the Fifteen Sections wero worked by the following : FIKST LECTURE — Broa . Peach , Everdell , Taverner , Clement , Killick , Killick ; SECOND LECTURE—Broa . Oxley , Powell , Garrod , Byng , Slaitor ; THIRD LECTURE —Broa . Clement , Everdell , Garrod . A cordial vote of thanks waa accorded to the W . M . for the able manner in which he had presided ; also to Bro . S . J . Byng , tho S . W ., and members who worked sections . Bro . French was elected a member , and the Lodgo was closed in dne form .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —In spite of the holiday season and its counter attractions , tho members met on Tuesday evening last at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston . Bros . J . Lorkin W . M ., Christian S . W ., Forsa J . W ., Williams S . D ., Clark J . D ., Bigg I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wal . lington Preceptor ; also Bros . Collins , Webb , Giller , Weige , Smyth ,
Polak , Wyman , C . Lorkin , and others . Lodge was opened and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Carr answered the questions , the Lodgo was opened up , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed—Bro . Carr as candidate . Bro . Webb worked tho third section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodgo was
closed to the second degree . Bro . Webb worked tho first section of that lectnre , assisted by tho brethren . The Lodge waa closed to the first , and Bro . Webb worked the fourth section of tho lectnre in that degree , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . M . Christian was elected W . M . for next Tuesday evening .